
Tender For For Various Electricity Line Work And Other Associated Works In Deposit Scheme Running Contract In The Jurisdiction Of Edsd Dhaulana Of Edd Pilkhuwa Under Edc Hapur - Carriage Of All Petty Material Of Estimate, From Electricity Store Center, Ha, hapur-Uttar Pradesh

Paschimanchal Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited has published Tender For For Various Electricity Line Work And Other Associated Works In Deposit Scheme Running Contract In The Jurisdiction Of Edsd Dhaulana Of Edd Pilkhuwa Under Edc Hapur - Carriage Of All Petty Material Of Estimate, From Electricity Store Center, Ha. Submission Date for this Tender is 06-03-2025. Transmission Line Tenders in hapur Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For For Various Electricity Line Work And Other Associated Works In Deposit Scheme Running Contract In The Jurisdiction Of Edsd Dhaulana Of Edd Pilkhuwa Under Edc Hapur - Carriage Of All Petty Material Of Estimate, From Electricity Store Center, Ha
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh

Tender Documents

Tender Details

Tender For For Various Electricity Line Work And Other Associated Works In Deposit Scheme Running Contract In The Jurisdiction Of Edsd Dhaulana Of Edd Pilkhuwa Under Edc Hapur - Carriage of all petty material of estimate, from Electricity store center, Hapur to 33/11KV Sub-Station/site of work with loading and unloading at both ends on Kachha Packka road, as per direction of site incharge. 3 Carriage of ST Pole 11 mtrs. Long from Electricity store center, Hapur/J.E. Store to site of work with loading and unloading at both ends on Kachha Packka road, as per direction of site incharge. 4 Carriage of PCC Pole 8.5 mtrs. Long from Electricity store center, Hapur/J.E. Store to site of work with loading and unloading at both ends on Kachha Packka road, as per direction of site incharge. 5 Carriage of 10KVA to 400KVA from Electricity store center, Hapur to site of work with loading and unloading at both ends on Kachha Packka road, as per direction of site incharge. 6 Carriage of 11KV CT/PT Unit from Electricity store center, Hapur to site of work with loading and unloading at both ends on Kachha Packka road, as per direction of site incharge. 7 Carriage of Metering Cubical Set Complete, from Electricity store center, Hapur to site of work with loading and unloading at both ends on Kachha Packka road, as per direction of site incharge. 8 Erection & Fixing of PCC Pole 8.5 mtr. longin 11 KV line after digging of suitable pits including fixing of requisite all accessories as per RESPO Drawing/Norms by providing F-Bracket and holding Clamps made of M.S. Flat of size 50x6 mm with proper size nuts and bolts., as per direction of site incharge. 9 Erection & Fixing of PCC Pole 8.5 mtr. longin LT. line after digging of suitable pits including fixing of requisite accessories as per RESPO Drawing/Norms by providing L.T. Pin Clamps, M.S. Flat of size 50x6 & Schacle Insulator of size 75x90mm, with proper size nuts and bolts,as per direction of site incharge. 10 Erection & Fixing of STP Pole 11 mtr. longin 11 KV line after digging of suitable pits including fixing of requisite all accessories as per RESPO Drawing/Norms by providing F-Bracket and holding Clamps made of M.S. Flat of size 50x6 mm with proper size nuts and bolts., as per direction of site incharge. 11 Erection of double pole structure with all accessories on ST Pole 11 mtr. long, fabrication and fixing of M.S. Top & Dropper Channel, M.S. T/F Angle, E-Bracket, 11 KV Pin insulator with Pin,Disc Insulator with Disc fitting etc., as per RESPO Drawing/Norms by providing all clamps made of M.S. Flat of size 50x6 mm with proper size nuts and bolts, and jumpering etc work, as per direction of site incharge. 12 Erection of double pole structure with all accessories on PCC Pole 8.5 mtr. long, fabrication and fixing of M.S. Top & Dropper Channel, M.S. T/F Angle, E-Bracket, 11 KV Pin insulator with Pin,Disc Insulator with Disc fitting etc., as per RESPO Drawing/Norms by providing all clamps made of M.S. Flat of size 50x6 mm with proper size nuts and bolts, and jumpering etc work, as per direction of site incharge. 13 Safely installing the New 10 to 400KVA transformer with the help of crane/manual labour at LT Sub-Station Double Pole/Plinth, as per direction of site incharge. 14 Safely installing the 33 KV & 11KV CT/PT Unit with the help of crane/manual labour at Sub-Station Double Pole/Plinth, as per direction of site incharge. 15 Laying of 140/160mm O/D PN-4PE-80 PN-4 grade UV stabilized HDPE pipe as per IS of 6meter, for laying of undergroundCable as per RESPO/Norms, including cost of above HDPE pipe, as per direction of site incharge. 16 Laying of11 KV and 33KV XLPE Cable undergound(Double Circuit) into HDPE Pipe, spare cable shall be left in the loop shape at both ends as per RESPO/Norms, as per direction of site incharge. 17 Digging of earth and refling with road restoration pucca charge as per RESPO/Drawing Norms. (The Firm will be fully responsible for this work and taking necessary permission), as per direction of site incharge 18 Digging of earth and refling with road restoration Kaccha/footpath charge as per RESPO/Drawing Norms. (The Firm will be fully responsible for this work and taking necessary permission), as per direction of site incharge 19 Laying of 11KV ABC of various capacity and completion work properly,as per RESPO/Norms and as per direction of site incharge. 20 Laying of 11KV XLPE Cable 3x35-3x70+3x120-3x185sqmm over-head and completion work properly, as per RESPO/Norms, and as per direction of site incharge. 21 Laying of LT ABC of various capacity and completion work properly,as per RESPO/Norms, and as per direction of site incharge. 22 Fixing of Distribution Box on pole by provding 02 Nos. D/B Clamps & proper size nut & bolts, as per direction of site incharge. 23 Providing and fixing of Suspension Clamp with Eye Hook as per RESPO/Norms and as per direction of site incharge. 24 Providing and fixing of Dead End Clamp with Eye Hook, as per RESPO/Norms and as per direction of site incharge. 25 Making and filling of 33 KV or 11 KV Cable Jointing Kit, Indoor/outdoor type, after duly plumbing and taping of suitable XLPE Cable, providing, fixing and crimping of proper size good quality lugs, including cost of lugs and tape etc., as per RESPO Norms, and as per direction of site incharge. 26 Installation of 33 KV or 11 KV Metering Cubical Complete work as per RESPO Norms, and as per direction of site incharge. 27 Fabrication & Fixing of T-Channel on pole by providing Holding Clamps, F-Clamps & Proper size nuts & bolts, as per RESPO/Norms and as per direction of site incharge. 28 Grouting & fixing of stay rods (20x1800)mm including all work of excavation, cement concrete in size (0.60x0.60x0.30)m in ratio 1:4:8 cement, sand, 40mm brick ballast as per drg. Including back filling, proper ramming etc and fixing tightening & nozzling of stay wire with stay rod with the poles of required tension as per drawing as per RESPO Drawing/Norms by providing all grouting material and stay clamp made of M.S. Flat of size 50x6mm with proper size bolts & nuts & loops, as per direction of site incharge. 29 Earthing of supports with MS earth Rod of (20x2500)mm long including excavation of pit and driving M.S. Rod 3.0 M apart from support and 0.5m below the ground level and connection below the earth electrodes with the help of G.I. wire & earthing lugs as per RESPO Drawing/Norms by providing proper size nuts & bolts, as per direction of site incharge. 30 Grouting of ST/PCC supports in CC 1:4:8 (Cement, sand & 40mm brick ballast) Grouting will be done in the block of size (450x450)mm x1/6th of full length of the support, up to ground level, 300mm plinth above the ground level with CC 1:3:6 (Cement, core sand and Stone grit) with mufting as per drawing, work includes back filling & proper ramming by providing all required grouting materials, as per direction of site incharge. 31 Wrapping of barbed wire on ST/PCC poles as anti-climbing device for a length of 0.9mtrs. Wire pitch/gap 13mm and fixing upper and lower end keeping lower end at a hieght of 2.75 mtr from the ground complete, including providing & fixing of lower end & upper end clamps made of M.S. Flat 40X5mm complete with nuts & bolts and all other required material and T&P., as per direction of site incharge. 32 Providing & Fabrication of Guarding Angle X Arm & other requisites material for guarding by drawing 02Nos G.I Wire and making loop at suitable distance as per RESPO drawing/Norms by providing holding clamps, 02Nos. Eye bolts made of M.S. round size 12mm dia-100mm long & Cross Arm clamps made of M.S. Flat of size 50X6mm and bolts as per norms of RESPO Lucknow, and as per direction of site incharge. 33 Laying , Stringing and final sagging of ACSR Weasel Conductor, as per RESPO/Drawing Norms and as per direction of site incharge. 34 Laying , Stringing and final sagging of ACSR Rabbit Conductor, as per RESPO/Drawing Norms and as per direction of site incharge. 35 Laying , Stringing and final sagging of ACSR Dog Conductor, as per RESPO/Drawing Norms and as per direction of site incharge. 36 Providing & Fixing of G.I. pipe 6dia Class-B over 11KV 3X70 and 3x120Sq.mm XLPE cable before mounting the cable at double pole. The work includes fitting of clamps, sealing of top and bottom of pipe and one end of pipe is to be burried under earth about 500mm earch including mounting and clamping the cable on double pole structure and making connection with overhead line at both ends, as per direction of site incharge. 37 Construction of T/F plinth suitable for 250 & 400 KVA T/F (size of2 x 2 x 1.5 mt.) as per drawing, cc work in foundation in ratio 1:4:8 (Cement, Sand & Brick ballast). Ist class brick work in side walls cc ratio of 1:4 (cement & fine sand). 12mm thick plaster in ratio 1:4 (cement & fine sand). The RCC work on top of plinth in ratio 1:2:4 after duly filling of brick ballast inside the plinth & ramming the same, including cost of all material & labour, as per direction of site incharge. 38 Erection & Fixing of 11KV. Fuse set on STP/PCC Pole, by providing all required fixing materials with necessary M.S.Angle/Channel as per RESPO/Norms and as per direction of site incharge.(Only Fuse Set will be provided by Department). 39 Erection & Fixing of 11KV. TPMO set on STP/PCC Pole, by providing all required fixing materials and necessary M.S. Angle/Channel as per RESPO/Norms and as per direction of site incharge.(11 KV TPMO Set will be provided by Department). 40 Construction of safety fencing (MS) for Transformer 11/0.4 KV Sub Station, With supply of material required for MS fencing (50X50X3 MM) M.S. wire mesh construction utilizing vertical post duly grouted/fitted in ground/on floor. Horizontal angle/T-iron to be fitted on vertical posts. Pickets (if required) fitted to rail and gate to facilitate entry and exit. The vertical Posts/Horizontal post shall be made of M.S. angle 75x75x6mm. Such post shall be kept preferably at distance of 800-1000 MM. and shall be grounded with CC ratio 1:4:8. The length of vertical post shall be sufficient to take care of fencing as requirement at site, and as per direction of site incharge. 41 Providing & Fixing of Danger Board, including fixing of all accessories by providing all required materials (like suitable clamps, nuts & bolts etc.) as per RESPO/Drawing Norms and as per direction of site incharge. 42 Providing & Fixing of Number Plate alongwith all required accessories (like suitable clamps, nuts & bolts etc.) as per RESPO/Drawing Norms and as per direction of site incharge. 43 Safely dismantling work properly and carriage of old & used STP/PCC from site of work to Electricity store center, Hapur with loading and unloading at both ends on Kachha Packka road, as per direction of site incharge. 44 Safely dismantling/removal and carriage of old & used ACSR Conductor from site of work to Electricity store center, Hapur with loading and unloading at both ends on Kachha Packka road, as per direction of site incharge. 45 Saftly dismantling work properly and carriage of old & used 25/63KVA T/F from site of work to Electricity store center, Hapur with loading and unloading at both ends on Kachha Packka road, as per direction of site incharge. 46 Earthing of neutral & body of T/F By Boring and lowering of G.I. Pipe size 32 mm dia… into the ground up to water level 120 fit. With the lower end of solid copper cone approx. 225mm long and 750 gm. in weight shall be provided and screwed in pipe as well as bringing out a continuous copper wire 6 SWG from the cone up to the ground surface where it will be bolted to the M.S. earth strip for T/F neutral connection, the earth strip will be welded to the G.I. pipe and neutral earthing support, as per direction of site incharge. (All the material & labour, T&P will be provided by the Contractor). 47 Providing and installation of maintenance free multifaceted proactive and corrosion free chemical earthing electrod size 80mm x 3000mm complete with 50KG backfill compound with all required accessories for Body/neutral earthing of Transformers, including cost of M.S. earth strip for connection the earth strip will be welded to the earthing and neutral support, as per RESPO/Norms and as per direction of site incharge. 48 Jumpering and line energisation work properly as per RESPO/Norms and as per direction of site incharge.

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 3540 /-
INR 20000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 20 Lakhs /-


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