
Tender For Consultancy Services For Preparation Of Dpr For Stp At Mil Stn Yol, Kangra-Himachal Pradesh

Military Engineer Services has published Tender For Consultancy Services For Preparation Of Dpr For Stp At Mil Stn Yol. Submission Date for this Tender is 15-03-2025. Consultancy Service Tenders in Kangra Himachal Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Consultancy Services For Preparation Of Dpr For Stp At Mil Stn Yol
Open Tender
Himachal Pradesh

Tender Documents

Tender Details

Consultancy Services For Preparation Of Dpr For Stp At Mil Stn Yol; 1 Consultancy services for preparation and submission of Detailed Project Report (DPR) for Provn of Sewage Treatment Plantof suitable capacity , technology & locations at various pockets of Yol Military Station and affilated infrastructure like sewage network, design of STP and recycling network as per latest policy on designing, clearance and vetting of the scheme issued vide HQ E-in-Cs branch letter No 86440/Policy/22//E4 (U3) dated 21 Sep 2022 and CPHEEO manual complete all as specified including following brief scope of work as elaborated under serial No 1.01 to 1.03 here-in-after:-(i) Detailed topographical survey of area (Approx 899 Acre) overlocations as directed by GE/Engineer in charge. Topography map to show/superimpose the existing ground features like buildings, roads, Nallahas, complete existing sewage network and other similar permanent features over the different locations/areas of Yol Military station for the areas as shown in the layout plan (available at the office of GE (KH) Yol including preparation of contour layout plan to show/superimposed contours @ 0.5 mtr interval. Contours should be linked to nearest Survey of India permanent bench marks.(ii) Preparation of most economical and efficient sewage network, system including hydraulic design and calculations for quantity of sewage, storm runoff, automatic flushing tanks (AFT) (if required), manholes etc as required to complete the project including supply of requisite data and documents as required vide consultancy agreement.(iii) Preparation of architectural and structural drawings and design of pumping station including lift wells, sump wells, automaticflushing tanks(AFT) (if required), manhole etc as required to complete the work.(iv) Hydraulic design and electromechanical design of proposed STP and pumping station of capacity as per ground data and guidelines circulated by E-in-Cs Branch as mentioned item No 1 and preparation of general arrangement drawingsalong with structural drawings and redistribution of treated sewage. The effluent quality of STP at outlet point should comply with the limits prescribed by State Pollution Control Board for arboriculture purpose and use in flushing tanks. 2 (v) Preparation and submission of Detailed Project Report (DPR) and detailed estimates of all structures (buildings, STP, electric & mechanical parts) and sewage network including lift wells, sump wells, automatic flushing tank (AFT), (if required), manholes etc as required to complete the project based on the SSR-2020 (Rates)/ prevailing market rate/ derived rate as the case may be.(vi) The scheme shall be designed by the consultant and submitted for scrutiny and final approval by the E-in-Cs Branch.(vii) In any case, the effluent shall not be discharged into natural streams/Nallah/Canal/Natural Water bodies as per State Pollution Control Board (SPCB).(viii) Vetting of Scheme from Govt Engineering College like IIT/ NIT and E4 (Utility) of E-in-C s Branch New Delhi. 3 Common Notes for All items:-(i) The design and technology proposed for STP shall comply the norms of treated effluent parameters within the limits prescribed by State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) for arboriculture purpose and use in flushing tanks. (ii) All components and entire scheme shall be designed as per CPHEEO (Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering Organisation) actual and/or relevant standards of latest edition as applicable and actual ground data shall be collected by the consultant on ground and/or from MES and/or other departments as the case may be.(iii) All misc structures like retaining walls, cross over structures, vents etc shall be planned and designed as per site requirements.(iv) All structures shall be designed for seismic Zone –V as per IS-1893 and grade of concrete shall not be less than M-30 with exposure conditions as per IS-456. (v) Soft copy of Hydraulic Design calculations for each sewer line and structure shall be submitted on the MS excel format along with Six sets of hard copies.(vi) Structural design/output/calculations shall be submitted in PDF format along with soft copy of input files on the STAAD format/MS Excel sheet as applicable. 4 Common Notes for All items (Contd...):-(vii)Consultants are advised to visit site before quoting the rates and all the above mentioned aspects are deemed to be included in the quoted rates for the said Job. No claim what so ever shall be entertained at the belated stage on this account. The area falls under GE (KH) Yol.(viii) No lodging, boarding and transportation shall be provided by the department to visit the site during execution of main project as well as while performing the consultancy work and at the time of preparation of tender by the department for the main project which will be based on the DPR provided by the consultant under this contract.(ix) Consultant shall visit the site at least once in a quarter and total not less than 5 visits as decided by the GE during execution of work and provide technical assistance for implementation of design and drawings in execution and give suggestion/revision to drgs/design if required in, due to any reasons. (ix) The Consultant shall also be required to visit office of Chief Engineer Pathankot Zone and Engineer-in-Chiefs Branch New Delhi for clearance andprovide necessary clarifications when ever required during preparation and finalizing the tender/contract for the main project by the Department and assistance required during the execution of the work. The consultant quoted rates in the BOQ shall be inclusive of all such expenses to be borne by the consultant.(x) The consultant for non compliance of any of the contractual obligations to the best satisfaction of the Nodal Officer as stipulated in these notesabove shall be penalized as per relevant clause/paras of the contract.(xi) The Consultant is also required to visit HP State pollution Control Board and obtain consent to establish and consent to operate of Sewage Treatment Plant vide E-in-Cs branch letter No 86440/Misc/Policy/E4 (U3) dt 01 Jun 2018.

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 500 /-
INR 48440.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 24.22 Lakhs /-


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