
Tender For Providing Services As Per National Safety Councils Safety Audit Recommendation At Maharashtra Filmstage And Culture Development Corporation Limited, Goregoan East, Mumbai 400065., mumbai-Maharashtra

Maharashtra Film Stage And Cultural Development Corporation Limited has published Tender For Providing Services As Per National Safety Councils Safety Audit Recommendation At Maharashtra Filmstage And Culture Development Corporation Limited, Goregoan East, Mumbai 400065.. Submission Date for this Tender is 11-03-2025. Safety Consultancy Service Tenders in mumbai Maharashtra. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

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Tender For Providing Services As Per National Safety Councils Safety Audit Recommendation At Maharashtra Filmstage And Culture Development Corporation Limited, Goregoan East, Mumbai 400065.
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Tender Details

Providing Services As Per National Safety Councils Safety Audit Recommendation At Maharashtra Filmstage And Culture Development Corporation Limited, Goregoan East, Mumbai 400065.- 1 Supplying and erecting PVC trunking (PVC casing-n-capping)ofsize25 mm with accessorieson wall/ceiling as per specification No: WG-MA/CON. 2 Supplying and erectingHMS PVC conduit FRLS grade 25 mm dia. with necessary accessories in wall/floor with chiselling appropriately as per specification No: WG-MA/CC. 3 Supplying and erecting mains with 2x4 sq.mm FRLSH copper PVC insulated wire laid in provided conduit/trunking/inside pole/Bus bars or any other places. as per specification No: WG-MA/BW 4 Supplying and erecting mains with 3x4 sq.mm FRLSH copper PVC insulated wire laid in provided conduit/trunking/inside pole/Bus bars or any other places as per specification No: WG-MA/BW 5 Supplying and erecting mains with 1x2.5 sq.mm FRLSH copper PVC insulated wire laid in provided conduit/trunking/inside pole/Bus bars or any other places. as per specification No: WG-MA/BW 6 Supplying and erecting mains with 2x1.5 sq.mm FRLSHcopperPVC insulated wire laid in provided conduit/trunking/inside pole/Bus bars or any other places as per specification No: WG-MA/BW 7 Supplying and erecting mains with 1x1.5 sq.mm FRLSHcopperPVC insulated wire laid in provided conduit/trunking/inside pole/Bus bars or any other places as per specification No: WG-MA/BW 8 Supplying and erecting mains with 2x2.5 sq.mmFRLSH copper PVC insulated wire laid in provided conduit/trunking/inside pole/Bus bars or any other places. as per specification No: WG-MA/BW 9 Point wiring for light/bell/exhaust fan in 20 mm FRLS grade HMS PVCconduit with 1.5 sq.mm (2+1E) FRLSH grade copper wire, modular type switch, earthingand required accessories as per specification No: WG-PW/SW. 10 Point wiring for independent plug in 20 mm FRLS grade HMS PVC conduit with 1.5 sq.mm(2+1E ) FRLSH grade copper wire, modular type switch,earthing and required accessories as per specification No: WG-PW/SW 11 Supplyingand erecting single pole and neutral distributionboard (SPNDB), with 2 ways for incoming and 6 ways (6 poles) for outgoing SP MCBs, with door, 1.2mm thickness surface / flush mounted, IP 43 Protection on iron / GI frame as per specification no. SW-SWR/MCBDB 12 Supplying, erecting & marking SPMCB 6A to 32A, C-series with rated short -circuit breaking capacity (Icn) 10kA in provided distribution board as perspecification no. SW-SWR/MCB 13 Supplying, erecting & marking DPMCB 6A to 32A, C-series with rated short -circuit breaking capacity (Icn) 10kA in provided distribution board as perspecification no. SW-SWR/MCB 14 Supplying & erecting decorative pre-wired box type fitting/batten suitable for 4 feet, T8 LED tube light (excluding tube light). 15 Supplying and erecting fresh air cum exhaust fan of light duty 250 V A.C. 50 cycles 300mm. 1400 RPM rust proof body & blades, wire mesh, duly erected, complete. 16 Supplying and erectingmodular type switch 16Aduly erected on provided plate and box with wiring connections complete. 17 Supplying and erectingmodular type 3 pin 6 / 16Amultisocket with safety shutter,duly erected on provided plate and box with wiring connections complete. 18 Supplying and erecting PVC Surface modular switch box with double mounting plate for 3module duly erected. 19 Supplying, erecting & terminatingFR XLPE insulated, galvanised steel formed wire armoured (strip) cable 1100 V, 3½ core25 sq. mm. aluminium conductor completeerected with glands & lugs, on wall/ trusses/pole or laid in provided trench/ pipeas per specification no. CB-LT/AL 20 Supplying, erecting & terminatingFR XLPE insulated, galvanised steel formed wire armoured (strip) cable 1100 V, 3½core240sq. mm. aluminium conductor completeerected with glands & lugs, on wall/ trusses/pole or laid in provided trench/ pipeas per specification no. CB-LT/AL 21 Supplying, erecting & terminatingFR XLPE insulated, galvanised steel formed wire armoured (strip) cable 1100 V, 3½ core300 sq. mm. aluminiumconductor completeerected with glands & lugs, on wall/ trusses/pole or laid in provided trench/ pipeas per specification no. CB-LT/AL 22 Supplying & laying (including excavation) reinforced cement concrete pipe of IS 458:2003 NP-2 class of 150 mm internal diameter in proper line, level and slope including providing and fixing collars in cement mortar 1:2 and curing etc. complete. 23 Supplying and laying (including excavation of suitable width & depth up to 90 cm) 146 mmoutside dia. double wall corrugatedpipes (DWC) ofHDPE for enclosing cable below ground/road surface, to required depth complete. 24 Providing & erecting hot dipped galvanised ladder type cable tray manufactured from 16 SWG (1.6 mm thick) GI sheet of 150 mm width & 100 mm height comprising all required standard accessories. 25 Providing & erecting hot dipped galvanised ladder type cable traymanufactured from 16 SWG (1.6 mm thick) GI sheet of 300 mm width & 100 mm height comprising all required standard accessories. 26 Providing & erecting hot dipped galvanised ladder type cable traymanufactured from 16 SWG (1.6 mm thick) GI sheet of 400 mm width & 100 mm height comprising all required standard accessories. 27 Providing earthing with galvanized iron earth plate size 60 x 60 x 0.6 cm complete with all materials, testing & recording the results asper specification no. EA-EP 28 Supplying and erecting GI strip of required size used for earthing on wall and/or any other purpose with necessary GI clampsfixed on wall painted with bituminous paint in an approved manner with joints required. As per specification no EA-EP. 29 Supplying, installation, testing and commissioning ofmain fire pump(MFP / EP) suitable for water discharge of 4450 to 5000 LPM at 140 to 160m head driven by electric motor 415 volts, 3 phase 50 Hz, AC supply of 150kW or of suitable kW capacity for manual/automatic operation and consisting of following :(a) Horizontal type, single stage, centrifugal/split casing pump of cast iron body & bronze impeller with stainless steel shaft(SS410 grade), mechanical seal conforming to IS 1520.(b) Squirrel cage induction motor, TEFC, synchronous speed 3000 RPM, suitable for operation with IP 55 protection for enclosure, horizontal foot mounted type with Class-F insulation, conforming to IS-325.(c) M.S. fabricated common base plate, coupling, coupling guard, foundation bolts etc. as required.(d) Erected on provided suitable size cement concretefoundation duly plastered with anti vibration pads with perfect aligning, properlevellingcomplete pump set with accessories duly painted with two coats of synthetic enamel paint of fire red colour over a coat of primer (ISC code 536 as per IS 2932 of 2003) complete, asper specification no. FF-MFP/SSC/EP 30 Supplying, installation, testing and commissioning of jockey fire pump (JP)suitable for water discharge of 450 to 500 LPM at 140 to 160m head driven by electric motor415 volts, 3 phase 50 Hz, AC supply of 20 kW or of suitable kW capacity for manual/automatic operation and consisting of following :(a) Horizontal/vertical type, multi stage, centrifugal casing pump of cast iron body & bronze impeller with stainless steel shaft (SS410 grade), mechanical seal conforming to IS 1520.(b) Squirrel cage induction motor, TEFC, synchronous speed 3000 RPM, suitable for operation with IP 55 protection for enclosure, horizontal foot mounted type with Class-F insulation, conforming to IS-325.(c) M.S. fabricated common base plate, coupling, coupling guard, foundation bolts etc. as required.(d) Erected on provided suitable size cement concretefoundation duly plastered with anti vibration pads with perfect aligning, properlevelling complete pump set with accessories duly painted with two coats of synthetic enamel paint of fire red colour over a coat of primer (ISC code 536 as per IS 2932 of 2003) complete, asper specification no. FF-MFP/JP 31 Supplying, installation, testing and commissioning of main fire pump (MFP/DP) suitable for water discharge of 4450 to 5000 LPM at 140 to 160 m head driven by 200HP or suitable HP capacity diesel engine at required working speed suitable for automatic operation and consisting of following :(a) Horizontal type, single stage, centrifugal casing pump of cast iron body & bronze impeller with stainless steel shaft(SS410 grade), mechanical seal conforming to IS 1520.(b) Water cooled with radiator, diesel engine conforming to relevant IS standard complete with auto starting mechanism, 12/24 volts DC electric starting equipment with battery of required AH capacity with necessary charger suitable to work on 230v, 50Hz AC supply, diesel tank of minimum 150ltr capacity with first filling of diesel up to 100% level with necessary piping with valves up to engine , exhaust pipe extended up to 10 m outside pump house duly insulated with 50 mm thick glass wool with 1.0 mm thick aluminium sheet cladding, residential silencer, instruments and protection as per standard specification, stop solenoid for auto stop in the event of fault with audio indications etc. as required.(c) M.S. fabricated common base plate, coupling, coupling guard, foundation bolts etc. as required.(d) Erected on provided suitable size cement concretefoundation duly plastered with anti vibration pads with perfect aligning, properlevelling complete pump set with engine assembly and accessories duly painted with two coats of synthetic enamel paint of fire red colour over a coat of primer (ISC code 536 as per IS 2932 of 2003) complete, as per specification no. FF-MFP/SSC/DP. 32 Supplying, erecting, testing & commissioning offire pump control panel (FCP) of cubical construction, floor mounted type, fabricated from minimum 2 mm thick CRCA sheet, compartmentalised with hinged lockable doors, with enclosure protection class IP54, duly powder coated or painted with accessories duly painted with two coats of synthetic enamel paint of fire red colour over a coat of primer (ISC code 536 as per IS 2932 of 2003), cable alley, interconnection with suitable size solid copper busbar strip of adequate size for all power connections having switchgears and accessories, mountings and internal wiring with adequate size copper conductor cable, earth terminals, numbering etc. complete in all respect, suitable for satisfactory operation of main fire pump and jockey (pressurisation) pumps with necessary accessories, wiring & cabling along with allied accessorieswith following incoming and outgoings, suitable for automatic & manual operation on 415V, 3 phase, 50Hz ac supply as per specifications. 33 Supplying anderecting100 mm dia Cast Iron end line strainer of Y-type flanged end pattern, PN16 pressure rating, SSscreen, end connection with Flanged / Screwed / Socket Weld / Butt Weld End etc with standard OAR (open area Ratio) forpositive suction complete asper specification no. FF-VL/ELS 34 Supplying anderecting250 mm dia Cast Iron end line strainer of Y-type flanged end pattern, PN16 pressure rating, screen of SS end connection with Flanged / Screwed / Socket Weld / Butt Weld End etc with standard OAR (open area Ratio) forpositive suction complete asper specification no. FF-VL/ELS 35 Supplyinganderecting100mm dia.castiron double flange sluicevalvecomplete with PN16 pressure rating, asper specification no. FF-VL/SV 36 Supplyinganderecting150mm dia.castiron double flange sluicevalvecomplete with PN16 pressure rating, asper specification no. FF-VL/SV 37 Supplyinganderecting200mm dia.castiron double flange sluicevalvecomplete with PN16 pressure rating, asper specification no. FF-VL/SV 38 Supplying and erecting 50 mm dia. cast iron double flange butterfly valve of size complete with PN16 pressure rating, asper specification no. FF-VL/BFV 39 Supplying & erecting cast iron double flange butterfly valve of size 75/80 mm dia. complete asper specification no. FF-VL/BFV 40 Supplying & erecting cast iron double flange butterfly valve of size 100 mm dia. complete asper specification no. FF-VL/BFV 41 Supplying & erecting cast iron double flange butterfly valve of size 150 mm dia. complete asper specification no. FF-VL/BFV 42 Supplying & erecting cast iron double flange butterfly valve of size 200 mm dia. complete asper specification no. FF-VL/BFV 43 Supplying & erecting cast iron double flange Gate valve of size 250 mm dia. complete asper specification. 44 Supplying and erecting cast iron double flange ball type NRV of size 75mm/80 mm dia complete asper specification no. FF-VL/NRV 45 Supplying and erecting cast iron double flange ball type NRV of size 150 mm dia complete asper specification no. FF-VL/NRV 46 Supplying and erecting cast iron double flange ball type NRV of size 200 mm dia complete asper specification no. FF-VL/NRV 47 Supplying&erectinggunmetal gatevalveof size20 mmdia complete asper specification no. FF-VL/GV 48 Supplying&erectinggunmetal gatevalveof size25 mmdia complete asper specification no. FF-VL/GV 49 Supply, Instalation, testing of zinc aluminite fire water storage tank having capacity 1000 KL having structre aboce ground which gives positive suction to fire Pumps. The tank shall include all civil work including site prepartion , excavation , PCC which can load of tank including of 100% water. 50 Supplying and erecting 150 mm dia fire brigade header suitable for supplying water in fire tank complete asper specification no. FF-FA/FBC 51 Supplying and erecting fire brigade header ( Siamese connection ) of 150 mm dia, for supplying water in fire tank complete asper specification no. FF-FA/FMC 52 Supplying and installing air vessel of 300 mm dia 1.5min heightM.S.tank installedinsidepump house / on terrace complete asper specification no. FF-FFA/ACT 53 Supplying anderecting20/25mm dia gun metal air release cock, with necessary G.I.coupling to be fitted on top of air vessel or on wet riser complete asper specification no. FF-FFA/ARV. 54 Supplying and erecting 100 mm dia. pressure gauge , 0-300 PSI or 0-14 kg per cm square fitted with 12/15 mm dia. pad cock valve, erected with provided G.I. pipe, elbow etc. complete asper specification no. FF-FFA/PG 55 Supplying and erecting12/15 mm dia pressureswitchwith provided isolationvalve,G.I. nipple, elbow, etc complete asper specification no. FF-FFA/PS 56 Supplying, Installing, Testing & commisioning of water Jet Monitor 63 mm diawith provided isolationvalve,G.I. nipple, elbow, etc complete asper specification. 57 Making cement concrete foundation in 1:2:4 cement concrete with foundation bolts and nuts complete ( cost of wooden box is included) for pumps 58 Supplyinganderectingiron, sheet metal work consisting of CRCAsheets, varioussectionsofiron,plates, chequeredplates,rods,bars,MSpipes,etc. forpanel board or any other purpose with bending, cutting, drilling and welding completeerectedatthepositionwith necessarymaterialsdulypaintedwith one coat of red oxide and two coats of enamelpaint to match the switchgears or as per directions by the authority. 59 Supplying anderectinggun metal single outlet hydrantvalve fitted with necessary accessories complete asper specification no. FF-VL/HV 60 Supplying fire fighting reinforced rubber lined (R.R.L.) hose pipe, 63mm dia, 15m inlength, fitted with necessary accessories complete asper specification no. FF-FFA/RRL 61 Supplying & erecting stainless steel branch pipe 63 mm dia fitted with 20 mm dia detachable hexagonal nozzlecomplete as per specifications no. FF-FFA/NZ 62 Supplying and erecting brass orifice plate having 6 mm. thickness, 140 mm outer diawith required diameter of inner hole at every single outlet hydrant valve as per specification no. FF-FFA/OP. 63 Supplying and erecting M.S./CRCA cabinetfor housingFloorHydrant valve,hosepipe,hosereeland branch pipe(size 1000 x 736 x 736mm.)madefrom16SWG sheetandangle iron 25 x 25 x 4 mm. having front doors with viewingglass(8x6) andlocking arrangement with necessary fixing material such as rubber bidding etc. duly painted in post box red colour( Code 538 of IS 5) 64 Supplying and erectingG.I. pipe‘C’ class ERW25 mm dia with necessary fittings complete asper specification no. FF-PP 65 Supplying and erectingG.I. pipe‘C’ class ERW50 mm dia with necessary fittings complete asper specification no. FF-PP 66 Supplying and erectingG.I. pipe‘C’ class ERW75/80 mm dia with necessary fittings complete asper specification no. FF-PP 67 Supplying and erectingG.I. pipe‘C’ class ERW100 mm dia with necessary fittings complete asper specification no. FF-PP 68 Supplying and erectingG.I. pipe‘C’ class ERW150 mm dia with necessary fittings complete asper specification no. FF-PP 69 Supplying and erectingG.I. pipe‘C’ class ERW200 mm dia with necessary fittings complete asper specification no. FF-PP 70 Providing coating of bitumen paint &4mm thick wrapping for underground 150 mm ring main of fire fighting system. 71 Providing coating of bitumen paint &4mm thick wrapping for underground 200 mm ring main of fire fighting system. 72 Supplying and erectingG.I. pipe‘C’ class ERW250 mm dia with necessary fittings complete asper specification no. FF-PP 73 Supplying and erectingG.I. pipe‘C’ class ERW300 mm dia with necessary fittings complete asper specification no. FF-PP 74 Making cement concretefoundationin 1:3:6 cement concrete,(20 to 25) mm. stone metal duly plastered with necessary curing forcomplete. (pole muffing or any other purpose). 75 Excavating hard Rock or bituminous road by chiselling for preparing pit for pole / stay/earth plate / for laying cable/ pipe & clearing the site by removing debris & making the site as required complete. 76 Supplying and erecting mains with 3x2.5 sq.mm FRLSH copper PVC insulated wire laid in provided conduit/trunking/inside pole/Bus bars or any other places as per specification No: WG-MA/BW 77 Supplying and erectingmodular type switch 6A / 10A duly erected on provided plate and box with wiring connections complete. 78 Supplying and erectingmodular type 3 pin 6 / 16Amultisocket with safety shutter,duly erected on provided plate and box with wiring connections complete. 79 Supplying, erecting& terminatingFR XLPE insulated, galvanised steel formed wire armoured (strip) cable 1100 V, 4 core4sq. mm. copperconductor completeerected with glands & lugs, on wall/ trusses/ pole or laid in provided trench/ pipeas per specification no. CB-LT/CU. 80 Supplying and erecting 75/80 mm dia. cast iron double flange butterfly valve of size complete with PN16 pressure rating, asper specification no. FF-VL/BFV 81 Supplying & erecting cast iron double flange butterfly valve of size 100 mm dia. complete asper specification no. FF-VL/BFV 82 Supplying and erecting cast iron double flange ball type NRV of size 100 mm dia complete asper specification no. FF-VL/NRV 83 Supplying&erectinggunmetal gatevalveof size25 mmdia complete asper specification no. FF-VL/GV 84 Supplying and installing wall mounting swinging hose reel drum fitted with 19 mm dia. 30m long high pressure polypropylene (Polyhose)along with necessary accessories complete asper specification no. FF-FFA/HV 85 Supplying, installing, testing and commissioning of micro processor based intelligent addressable main fire alarm panel, central processing unit with the 1 loop capacity and capable of supporting not less than 250 devices and detectors per loop, with on-board LCD alphanumeric backlit display suitable for minimum 80 characters, operating at 230 V 50 Hz - AC with inbuilt Battery Backup of aminimum 24 hours in normal condition and 30 minutes in alarm condition, The panel shall have suitable provision for network connectivity & compatible for third party integration(Open Protocol to communicate) via a MODBUS/BACNET interface etc. conforming to IS 15908:2021, IS 2189: 2008, NFPA-72, EN 54 / VdS/FM & UL 864(10th edition) with 3 years replacement warranty and inclusive of lifetime software license validity, as per specification no FF-AFAS/CP 86 Supplying, installing, testing and commissioning ofrepeater panel with suitable battery backup of a minimum of 24 hours in normal condition and 30 min in alarm condition, 80 backlit alphanumeric LCD display with inbuilt buzzer to indicate fault/fire alarm, manual control keys for silence/mute and to reset the FACP from the repeater station. Panel size shall not more than175 x 275 x 65 mm conforming to EN 54 or UL approvedwith 3 years equipment replacement warranty FF-AFAS/RP 87 Supplying, installing, testing and commissioning of addressable optical smoke detector, single/twin LED’s with 360 degree view, suitable for low voltage 15 to 32 V DC two wires supply, in-built locking mechanism to check the removal and pilferage of the detector, in built isolation mode, start up current 300µA and alarm condition current shall be maximum 6.5 mA, operating temperature 0°C to 50°C, humidity 0-95% RH, IP 41, conforming to IS 2189: 2008, 11360_1985_Reff2020 EN 54 or UL Approvedwith 3 years equipment replacement warrantyFF-AFAS/SD 88 Supplying, installing, testing and commissioning of addressablemanual call points ( break glass type/pull station type), made of addressable break glass plastic square in shape surface/flush mounted with Break Glassmassage embedded on the glass, complete erected with mounting base and required accessories conforming to EN 54 or UL listedwith 3 years equipment replacement warrantyFF-AFAS/MCP. 89 Supplying, installing, testing and commissioning of addressable fire control/relay module complete as required, with 3 years equipment replacement warrantyconforming to IS 5051Part 2 (Sec 1 to 3) : 1982 reed relays,EN 54 or UL Listed FF-AFAS/CRM 90 Supplying, installing, testing and commissioning of addressable fire monitor module complete as required. EN 54 or UL Listedwith 3 years equipment replacement warranty conforming toIS 5051Part 2 (Sec 1 to 3) : 1982 Reed relays FF-AFAS/MM 91 Supplying, installing, testing and commissioning of addressable fire isolator module complete as required.EN 54 /FM or UL Listedwith 3 years equipment replacement warranty conforming toIS 5051Part 2 (Sec 1 to 3) : 1982 Reed relaysFF-AFAS/ISM 92 Supplying, installing, testing and commissioning of addressable horn cum strobe sound/ hooter, output frequency 500 to 1000 Hz with dB as per Chart given in IS 15908:2021, with flashing at 1 Hz over the strobe’s entire operating voltage rangeEN 54, conforming to IS 2189: 2008, IS 15908:2021 standards with 3 years equipment replacement warranty FF-AFAS/SSH. 93 Supplying, installing, testingand commissioning FR, XLPE armouredcable 2 core1.5 sq.mm. copper conductorcomplete erected on wall/ ceiling complete asper specification no. CB-LT/CU 94 Supplying, erecting,testing and commissioning 120 W amplifiersuitable to operate on 230VoltsA.C. / 12VoltsD.C. supply complete asper specification no. FF-PA/AFR 95 Supplying,erecting, testing and commissioning 15 to 30 Watts soundcolumn or ceiling mounted complete asper specification no. FF-PA/SOC 96 Supplying, Installing, Testing & Commissioning of Microprocessor based system 6 zone controller complete with capacity upto 16 Zone designed as per tender specifications for Zone wise Announcement can connect upto 2 call station upto 255 messages to be stored with 12 input points for trigger points for EVAC compliment IFC 60489. Routers with 3 EMG inputs contacts and 6 volume contacts shall have a superviosry features dual tone controls for speech & music processor with relays for activating pre recorded fire alarm messages it shall be rack mountable. 97 Supplying,erecting, testing and commissioning stand mounted/handheld type wired microphone having 2 mV/Pa sensitivity, impedance level limit 300 ohms and 50 - 16000 Hz suitable to operate in -10 deg C to +55 deg C with min. 7 metreshielded cable and 3 Pin Professional XLR Connector, stereo jack complete asper specification no.FF-PA/MIC 98 Supplying,erecting, testing and commissioningrust free microphone floor stand of chrome plating/powder coating or S.S. material , 500 mm to 1500 mmheight and sturdy mechanism ensuring trouble free movement complete. 99 Supplying,erecting, testing and commissioning of 2 core shielded cable complete asper specification no.FF-PA/MCC 100 Carrying out core cutting of size 3 to 5 dia x 15 length in the C.C./rock/stone wall with the help of specialized core cutting machine in proper manner and finishing the site as original. 101 Supplying, erecting, testing and commissioning of quartzoid bulb sprinkler, 15 mm (½) dia. NBCM Body chrome finished, k115 rating with deflector disc of conventional construction complete as per specification no. FF-SPR. 102 Supplying and erecting fire resistant mortar (20 kg) with fire resistance class S90 as per National Electrical Code (NEC) SP30-2011 suitable to seal the openings of all kinds of cables, pipes and cable support system in steel, aluminium and plastic profiles ( except hollow core conductors). The residual openings shall be closed with filler, as per specification no FF-FRM. 103 Making trench in Hard murum/Tar roadhaving 0.75 m depth and minimum0.3mtr width as per IS for laying provided cables up tovoltage level1.1Kv cable complete as per specification No. CW-EXN-CTR 104 Supplying & erecting Carbon Dioxide (CO2) fire extinguisher of 4.5 kg. capacity cartridge type conform to IS 2878 /15683 complete erected with necessary clamp made from 50 x 6 mm. M. S. flat with nut & bolts routed in wall complete. 105 Supplying and erecting 4 kg clean agent gas Nitrogen pressurised controllable dicharge mechanism, pressure guage, Discharge hose and nozzle epoxy polyster powder coated as per IS 15683 ISI mark fireextinguisheroperating temperature (-)20 to (+) 55 C kg capacity suitable for A,B,C class of FIRE complete. 106 Supplying and erecting DCP Type 25 kg capacity trolley Mounted with controllable dicharge mechanism, pressure guage, Discharge hose and nozzle epoxy polyster powder coated as per IS 15683 ISI mark fire extinguisher operating temperature (-)20 to (+) 55 C kg capacity suitable for A,B,C class of FIRE complete. 107 Supplying and erecting of fire Exit & Eire Exinguisher signlge Indicating the floor-numtber in words & syslem(Fire Exiinguisher & Accessories ) 108 Carrying out core cutting of size 3 to 5 dia x 15 length in the C.C./rock/stone wall with the help of specialized core cutting machine in proper manner and finishing the site as original. 109 Supplying and installing wall mounting swinging hose reel drum fitted with 19 mm dia. 30m long high pressure polypropylene (Polyhose)along with necessary accessories complete asper specification no. FF-FFA/HV 110 Supplying and erectingG.I. pipe‘C’ class ERW300 mm dia with necessary fittings complete asper specification no. FF-PP 111 Supplying, installation, testing and commissioning of micro processor based intelligent addressable main fire alarm panel, central processing unit with the 4 loop capacity and capable of supportingupto 250 devices and detectorsper loop,with on-board LCD display with min 16 lines of text,operating at 230 V 50 HZ - AC with inbuilt Battery Backup of a minimum 24 hours in normal condition and 30 min in alarm condition, suitable provision for network connectivity, interfacing with third party equipment via a MODBUS/ OPC/ L-ONinterface etc. conforming to IS 15908:2021, ,IS 2189: 2008, EN 54 & VDS / FM/UL864 (10th edition)with 3 years replacement warranty FF-AFAS/CP. 112 Supplying, installing, testing and commissioning of intelligent addressable thermal/heat detector with rate of rise cum fixed temperature thermistor complete with base as required, suitable for temperature variations from -20°C to 38°C for fixed-heat and rate-of-rise type detectors and 0°C to 66°C for high heat type detectors, in built isolation mode, suitable for offices/ceiling cable trenches/less ventilation areas etc. with 3 years equipment replacement warrantyIS : 2175 - 1988 reaffirmed 2000,IS 15908:2021 standards FF-AFAS/SD. 113 Supplying, installing, testing & commissioning analogue type 1+1basic twin instrument telephone set without display complete 114 Supplying, installing, testingand commissioning FR, XLPE armouredcable 8 core1.5 sq.mm. copper conductorcomplete erected on wall/ ceiling complete asper specification no.CB-LT/CU 115 Supplying, Installing, Testing & Commissioning of Announcement Console/Call Station shall be designed for 6 Zone Call Station with Expansion Keypads of At least 2 Additional Zones and Capable of Integration with at least 8 such keypads should be selected. 116 Supplying and fixing 42 U floormount server rack (Dimension-DxWxH – 800x1000x2070 mm) as per specification No. WG-NAS/RAK 117 Supplying , Installation , Testing And Commissioning of Hinged Metal fire door 120 min fire rated un insulated single 50mm THK Honey Comb Infill single double RBT 143 x 57mm frame Straight with anchor fast erness frame 1.0 & shutter 0.9 mm powder coated to ral shade SFP SS Ball bearing 4 x 3 x 3mm hionghed for steel doors ingersoll rand briton 121, NCE. SES Door closer size 3 with standard ARM , sprayed silver finish SFP SS sashlock with 70mm back set and 24 mmfor end , SS lever handle 22x 125 mm on rose , Euro profile cylinder 70 mm with both side key 29 SS strike plate Escutchenos schott pyran fire rated clear Glass 6mm thick 240 x 340 33 Hinged Metal Fire Door 120 min fire Rated. 118 Supplying and erecting Gas Suppression system (Novec 1230-FK1230 Gas Suppression system with CCOE cylinder one no.32 liter capacity with filled Gas, Electrical, Manual, Nozzle and Gas Release panel with Smoke detector.

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