Tender For Purchase Of Sports Equipment And Dress Etc. Of Sports Department, Kumaun University Nainital , Sports Equipment And Dress Etc. , Rate Offootball Kit (T-Shirt And Shorts) With University Name And Number , Rate Ofhockey Kit (T-Shirt And Shorts) With University Name And Number , Rate Ofbasketball Kit (Dress) With University Name And Number , Rate Ofvolleyball Kit (T-Shirt And Shorts) With University Name And Number , Rate Ofathletics Kit (Dress) With University Name And Number , Rate Ofcricket Kit (Sweater, Trousers, T-Shirt) With University Name And Number , Rate Ofbadminton Kit (T-Shirt And Shorts) With University Name And Number , Rate Offootball , Rate Ofboxing Kitwith University Name And Number , Rate Ofsepak Takraw Kit (T-Shirt And Short) With University Name And Number , Rate Ofdrop Row Ball (T-Shirt And Shorts) With University Name And Number , Rate Oftable Tennis (T-Shirt And Shorts) With University Name And Number , Rate Oflawntennis (T-Shirt And Shorts) With University Name And Number , Rate Oftrekking And Fitness (T-Shirt And Shorts) With University Name And Number , Rate Ofyoga Kit (T-Shirt, Shorts, Tights Fits) With University Name And Number , Rate Oftaekwondo (Kit) With University Name And Number , Rate Ofkarate (Kit) With University Name And Number , Rate Ofmini Golf (Kit)(T-Shirt And Shorts) With University Name And Number , Rate Ofchess Kit (T-Shirt And Shorts) With University Name And Number , Rate Ofkabaddi Kit With University Name And Number , Rate Ofhandball Kit (T-Shirt And Shorts) With University Name And Number , Rate Ofkho-Kho (T-Shirt And Shorts)(Kit) With University Name And Number , Rate Ofwoodball Kit ((T-Shirt And Shorts) With University Name And Number , Rate Offootball Stockings With University Name And Number , Rate Offootball (Shin Pads) , Rate Offootball Goalkeeper Knee Cap , Rate Offootball Goalkeeper Gloves , Rate Ofhockey Ball (Match) , Rate Ofhockey Stockings , Rate Ofcricket Batsman Pads , Rate Ofwicket Keeping Pads , Rate Ofabdominal Guard , Rate Ofcricket Bat (Match) , Rate Ofcricket Bat (Practice) , Rate Ofbasketball (Match) , Rate Ofbasketball (Practice) , Rate Ofbasketball Net , Rate Ofbadminton Shuttlecocks (Plastic) , Rate Ofbadminton Shuttlecocks Feather (Match) , Rate Ofhandball (Man) , Rate Ofhandball (Women) , Rate Ofvolleyball Net , Rate Oftowel , Rate Oftable Tennis Ball (Match) , Rate Oftable Tennis Net , Rate Ofsepak Takraw Ball , Rate Ofdrop Row Ball , Rate Oflawn Tennis Ball , Rate Ofcrepe Bandage , Rate Ofshocks , Rate Ofmini Golf Stick (Putter) , Rate Ofmini Golf Ball , Rate Ofwoodball Complete Equipment Set , Rate Ofsepak Takraw (Net) , Rate Ofcricket Ball (Match) , Rate Ofcricket Ball (Practice) , Rate Ofcricket Batting Gloves , Rate Ofkeeping Gloves , Rate Ofcricket Kitbag (Big) , Rate Ofbatting Gloves Inner , Rate Ofbadminton Rackets (Match) , Rate Ofbadminton Rackets (Practice) , Rate Ofvolleyball (Match) , Rate Oftable Tennis Racket (Match) , Rate Ofcross –Country Kit , Rate Ofjudo Kit , Rate Ofqwan Ki Do Kit , Rate Ofwet.Lif./ Power Lifting/ Best Phy.Kit