
Tender For Providing And Fixing Open Jim Upkaran At Alkeshwari Mandir Alkapuri And Vijay Nagar Garden (Pani Ki Tanki) In Ward No.10 Dewas - Double Chest Press Product Area :-1372Mm X762mm X 2134Mm Safe Playarea:- 1828Mm X 1220Mm• Double Chest Presser Equi, dewas-Madhya Pradesh

Municipal Corporation has published Tender For Providing And Fixing Open Jim Upkaran At Alkeshwari Mandir Alkapuri And Vijay Nagar Garden (Pani Ki Tanki) In Ward No.10 Dewas - Double Chest Press Product Area :-1372Mm X762mm X 2134Mm Safe Playarea:- 1828Mm X 1220Mm• Double Chest Presser Equi. Submission Date for this Tender is 13-03-2025. Gym Equipment Tenders in dewas Madhya Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Providing And Fixing Open Jim Upkaran At Alkeshwari Mandir Alkapuri And Vijay Nagar Garden (Pani Ki Tanki) In Ward No.10 Dewas - Double Chest Press Product Area :-1372Mm X762mm X 2134Mm Safe Playarea:- 1828Mm X 1220Mm• Double Chest Presser Equi
Open Tender
Madhya Pradesh

Tender Documents

Tender Details

Providing And Fixing Open Jim Upkaran At Alkeshwari Mandir Alkapuri And Vijay Nagar Garden (Pani Ki Tanki) In Ward No.10 Dewas - Double Chest Press PRODUCT AREA :-1372mm x762mm x 2134mm SAFE PLAYAREA:- 1828mm x 1220mm• Double Chest Presser equipmentmade up of 4inch “B” class GI pipe;Prime Stand duly bend, Foundationcenter pipe.• The handle frame is made of 42mmOD G.I. pipe.• The remaining frame is made of32mm OD G.I. pipe.• Seating frame support of dimension250 x 150 x 5mm iswelded for supporting the pedal seat.• MS Seat of size 380mm x 300mm x5mm is used forsupporting the foot.• ϕ 60mm seamless pipe bushes.• Permanent lubricated Ball bearings6205zz/6205-2rs.• Foundation plate of dia ϕ225mm and10mm thicknessis welded at bottom.• All welded joint are of good quality.• High quality rubber grip are also usedfor firm handling.• High tensile steel with galvanized nut& bolts to beused.• The Circlips to be used are of 25mm.• Allen Bolts are also used to tightenthe closing cap.• Closing cap of HDPE / PPCP Plastic isused.• The powder coating done with Purepolyester powderwith 60 to 70 micron thickness. 3 Leg Press Double - PRODUCT AREA :-1676mm x610mm x 1524mm SAFE PLAYAREA:- 2286mm x 1220mm• Leg Press equipment made up of4inch “B” class GIpipe; Prime Stand duly bend,9506 13800038000Foundation center pipe.• The remaining frame is made of42mm OD G.I. pipe.• MS Seat of size 380mm x 300mm x5mm is used.• ϕ 60mm seamless pipe bushes.• Permanent lubricated Ball bearings6205zz/6205-2rs.• Foundation plate of dia ϕ225mm and10mm thicknessis welded at bottom.• All welded joint are of good quality.• High quality rubber grip are also usedfor firm handling.• High tensile steel with galvanized nut& bolts to beused.• The Circlips to be used are of 25mm.• Allen Bolts are also used to tightenthe closing cap.• Closing cap of HDPE / PPCP Plastic isused.• The powder coating done with Purepolyester powderwith 60 to 70 micron thickness. 4 Shoulder Press / Double Chest Cum -PRODUCT AREA :-1372mm x762mm x 2134mm SAFE PLAYAREA:- 1828mm x 1220mm• Double Chest Presser equipmentmade up of 4inch “B” class GI pipe;Prime Stand duly bend, Foundationcenter pipe.• The handle frame is made of 42mmOD G.I. pipe.• The remaining frame is made of32mm OD G.I. pipe.• Seating frame support of dimension250 x 150 x 5mm iswelded for supporting the pedal seat.• MS Seat of size 380mm x 300mm x5mm is used forsupporting the foot.• ϕ 60mm seamless pipe bushes.• Permanent lubricated Ball bearings9506 14500045`0006205zz/6205-2rs.• Foundation plate of dia ϕ225mm and10mm thicknessis welded at bottom.• All welded joint are of good quality.• High quality rubber grip are also usedfor firm handling.• High tensile steel with galvanized nut& bolts to beused.• The Circlips to be used are of 25mm.• Allen Bolts are also used to tightenthe closing cap.• Closing cap of HDPE / PPCP Plastic isused.• The powder coating done with Purepolyester powderwith 60 to 70 micron thickness.Seating Puller 5 Sky Walker / Straight Trainer/Crosstrainer -PRODUCT AREA :-L x W x H1778mm x 610mm x 1828mmSAFE PLAY AREA:- 2134mm x 915mm• Straight Trainer/Sky Walkerequipment made up of 4inch “B”class GI pipe; Prime Stand dulybend, Foundation center pipe.• The pedal frame is made of 3 x 1rectangular G.I.pipe.• The handle frame is made of 32mmOD G.I. pipe.• Footrest frame support of dimension250 x 100 x 2mmis welded for supporting the Aluminiumfootrest.• Aluminium Footrest of size 300mm x150mm x 5mm isused for supporting the foot.• ϕ 60mm seamless pipe bushes.• Permanent lubricated Ball bearings6205zz/6205-2rs.• Foundation plate of dia ϕ225mm and10mm thicknessis welded at bottom.• All welded joint are of good quality.• High tensile steel with galvanized nut& bolts to beused.• The Circlips to be used are of 25mm.• Allen Bolts are also used to tighten9506 14000040000the closing cap.• Closing cap of HDPE / PPCP Plastic isused.• High quality rubber grip are also usedfor firm handling. 6 Double Air Walker - PRODUCT AREA :-2130mm x785mm x 1390mm SAFE PLAYAREA:- 2590mm x 1024mm• Double Air Walker equipmentmade up of 4inch “B” class GI pipe;Prime Stand duly bend, Foundationcenter pipe.• The pedal frame is made of 42mm ODG.I. pipe.• The handle frame is made of 32mmOD G.I. pipe.• Footrest frame support of dimension250 x 100 x 2mmis welded for supporting the Aluminiumfootrest.• Aluminium Footrest of size 300mm x150mm x 5mm isused for supporting the foot.• ϕ 60mm seamless pipe bushes.• Permanent lubricated Ball bearings6205zz/6205-2rs.• Foundation plate of dia ϕ175mm and10 mm thicknessis welded at bottom.• All welded joint are of good quality.• High tensile steel with galvanized nut& bolts to beused.• The Circlips to be used are of 25mm.• Allen Bolts are also used to tightenthe closing cap.• Closing cap of HDPE / PPCP Plastic isused.• The powder coating done with Purepolyester powderwith 60 to 70 micron thickness. 7 Taichi Spinner / Double WheelShoulder Builder -PRODUCT AREA :-1220mm x762mm x 1676mm SAFE PLAYAREA:- 1828mm x 1220mm• Double Wheel Shoulder Builderequipment made up of 3inch“B” classGI pipe; Prime Stand duly bend,Foundation center pipe.• The wheel frame is made of 42mmOD G.I. pipe and thesupporting is made of 32mm OD G.I.pipe.• ϕ 60mm seamless pipe bushes.• Permanent lubricated Ball bearings6205zz/6205-2rs.• Foundation plate of dia ϕ175mm and10mm thicknessis welded at bottom.• All welded joint are of good quality.• High tensile steel with galvanized nut& bolts to beused.• The Circlips to be used are of 25mm.• Allen Bolts are also used to tightenthe closing cap.• Closing cap of HDPE / PPCP Plastic isused.• The powder coating done 8 Triple Standing Twister - PRODUCT AREA :-1460mm x1460mm x 1370mm SAFE PLAYAREA:- 1828mm x 1828mm• Standing Twister equipment made upof 3inch “B” classGI pipe; Prime Stand duly, Foundationcenter pipe.• The handle frame is made of 32mmOD G.I. pipe.• The leg frame is made of 42mm ODG.I. pipe.• Round Plate of dia ϕ300mm and10mm thickness isjoined for standing and twisting.• ϕ 60mm seamless pipe bushes.• Permanent lubricated Ball bearings6205zz/6205-2rs.• Foundation plate of dia ϕ175mm and10mm thicknessis welded at bottom.• All welded joint are of good quality.• High tensile steel with galvanized nut& bolts to beused.The Circlips to be used are of 25mm.• Allen Bolts are also used to tightenthe closing cap.• Closing cap of HDPE / PPCP Plastic isused.• The powder coating 9 ABB Trainer / Single Sit Up Board -PRODUCT AREA :-1524mm x762mm x 1220mm SAFE PLAYAREA:- 2134mm x 1220mm• Sit Up Board equipment made up of42mm OD “B”class GI pipe; Prime Stand duly bend.• The remaining frame is made of32mm OD G.I. pipe.• The resting frame is made of 50mm x10mm MS Flat.• All welded joint are of good quality.• High tensile steel with galvanized nut& bolts to beused.• The powder coating done with Purepolyester powderwith 60 to 70 micron thickness. 10 Cycle equipment - PRODUCT AREA: 915mm x610mm x 1220mmSAFE PLAY AREA:- 1524mm x1220mm• Cycle equipment made upof 3inch B class Gl pipe;Prime Stand dulv bend.Foundation center pine• The remaining frame ismade of 42mm OD G.I. pipe.• MS Seat of size 380mm x300mm x 5mm is used forseating arrangement.• c bUmm seamless pipebushes.• Permanent lubricated Ballbearings 6205zz/6205-2rs.• Foundation plate of dia∞200mm and 8mmthicknessIs welded at bottom.All welded joint are orgood quality.• High Quality rubber gripare also used for tirmhanding• High tensile steel withgalvanized nut & bolts to belused• The circlips to be used areof 2mm.• Allen Bolts are also used totienten the closine can• Closing cap of HDPE PPCPPlastic is used.• The powder coating donewith Pure polyester powderwith 60 to 70 micronthickness. 11 Rower equipment- PRODUCT AREA: 915mm x610mm x 1220mmSAFE PLAY AREA:- 1524mm x1220mm• rower equipment made upof 3inch B class Gl pipe;Prime Stand dulv bend.Foundation center pine• The remaining frame ismade of 42mm OD G.I. pipe.• MS Seat of size 380mm x300mm x 5mm is used forseating arrangement.• c bUmm seamless pipebushes.• Permanent lubricated Ballbearings 6205zz/6205-2rs.• Foundation plate of dia∞200mm and 8mmthicknessIs welded at bottom.• All welded joint are orgood quality.• High Quality rubber gripare also used for tirmhanding• High tensile steel withgalvanized nut & bolts to belusedThe circlips to be used areof 2mm.• Allen Bolts are also used totienten the closine can• Closing cap of HDPE PPCPPlastic is used.• The powder coating donewith Pure polyester powderwith 60 to 70 micronthickness. 12 CROSS TRAINER- PRODUCT AREA :-L x W x H1220mmx 762mmx 1524mmSAFE PLAY AREA:- 1828mm x1220mm• Cross Trainer equipmentmade up of 3inch “A” class MSpipe; Prime Stand duly bend,Foundation center pipe.• The pedal frame is made of40 x 40mm square MS pipe.• The handle frame is made of32mm OD MS pipe.• Footrest frame support ofdimension 250 x 100 x 2mm iswelded for supporting theAluminium footrest.•Aluminium Footrest of size300mm x 150mm x 5mm isused for supporting the foot.• ϕ 60mm seamless pipebushes.• Permanent lubricated Ballbearings 6205zz/6205-2rs.• Foundation plate of diaϕ175mm and 10 mm thicknessis welded at bottom.• All welded joint are of goodquality.• High tensile steel withgalvanized nut & bolts to beused.• The Circlips to be used are of25mm.• Allen Bolts are also used totighten the closing cap.• Closing cap of HDPE / PPCPPlastic is used.• High quality rubber grip arealso used for firm handling.• The powder coating donewith Pure polyesterpowder with 60 to 70micron thickness. 13 SURF BOARD -PRODUCT AREA :-L x W x H915mm x 762mm x 1372mmSAFE PLAY AREA:- 1524mm x1220mm• Surf Board equipment madeup of 4inch “A” class MS pipe;Prime Stand duly bend,Foundation center pipe.• The pedal frame is made of42mm OD MS. pipe.• The handle frame is made of32mm OD MS. pipe.• Footrest frame support ofdimension 250 x 150 x 5mm iswelded for supporting the seat.• MS seat of size 380mm x300mm x 5mm is used forsupporting the foot pipe.• ϕ 60mm seamless pipebushes.• Permanent lubricated Ballbearings 6205zz/6205-2rs.• Foundation plate of diaϕ225mm and 10 mm thicknessis welded at bottom.• All welded joint are of goodquality.• High tensile steel withgalvanized nut & bolts to beused.• The Circlips to be used are of25mm.• Allen Bolts are also used totighten the closing cap.Closing cap of HDPE / PPCPPlastic is used.• The powder coating donewith Pure polyesterpowder with 60 to 70micron thickness.

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