
Tender For Surgical And Consumables Items For The Department Of Ctvs Assam Medical College Hospital Dibrugarh, dibrugarh-Assam

Health And Family Welfare Department has published Tender For Surgical And Consumables Items For The Department Of Ctvs Assam Medical College Hospital Dibrugarh. Submission Date for this Tender is 18-03-2025. Surgical Instrument Tenders in dibrugarh Assam. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Surgical And Consumables Items For The Department Of Ctvs Assam Medical College Hospital Dibrugarh
Open Tender

Tender Documents

Tender Details

Surgical And Consumables Items For The Department Of Ctvs Assam Medical College Hospital Dibrugarh Procurement Surgical And Consumables Item , Consumables For Ctvs , Oxygenator (Medtronics) , Custom Pack (Amch Model) , Cardioplegia System (Amch Model) , Arterial Filter (Adult) , Aortic Root Cannula With Vent (Medtronic). Serial No-20012 , Aortic Root Cannula With Vent (Medtronic). Serial No-20014 , L.V Vent Cath 12016(Medtronic) , L.V Vent Cath 12220(Medtronic) , Venous Canula Size 24(Medtronic) Sl No-66124 , Venous Canula Size 26(Medtronic) Sl No-66126 , Venous Canula Size 28(Medtronic) Sl No-66128 , Venous Canula Size 30 (Medtronic) ) Sl No-66130 , Venous Canula Size 32( Medtronic) Sl No-66132 , Arterial Canula Size 16(Medtronic) 76020 , Arterial Canula Size 18( Medtronic) 76018 , Arterial Canula Size 20 ( Medtronic)76020 , Arterial Canula Size 22 (Medtronic)76022 , Cardiac Sump Size /Ref.No (Medtronic) , Dlp Single Stagevenous Cannulae With Right Angle Metal Tip Size-16 (Serial Nos- 69316) , Dlp Single Stagevenous Cannulae With Right Angle Metal Tip. Size-18 (Serial Nos- 69318) , Dlp Single Stagevenous Cannulae With Right Angle Metal Tip. Size- 20. Serial No.- 69320 , Dlp Single Stagevenous Cannulae With Right Angle Metal Tip. Size- 22. Serial No.- 69322 , Dlp Single Stagevenous Cannulae With Right Angle Metal Tip. Size- 24. Serial No.- 69324 , Two Stage Venous Cannulae 32/40 Sl-91240 , Two Stage Venous Cannulae 34/46 , Sl. No-91246 , Two Stage Venous Cannulae 36/51 , Sl No- 91251 , Cardipoplegia Solution(Plegiocard) , Pvc Tubing (1/4 Inch) Each 5Meters , Pvc Tubing (3/8 Inch) Each 5Meters , Pvc Tubing (1/2 Inch) Each 5Meters , Coronary Floppy Ostial Canulae Size 15 Sl-30315 , Coronary Floppy Ostial Canulae Size 17 Sl-30317 , Dlp Coronary Ostial Canulae (Basket Tip) Size 12- 45&90Degree(Sl. No.30012) , Dlp Coronary Ostial Canulae (Basket Tip) Size 14 - 45&90Degree( Sl. No.30014) , Coronary Floppy Ostial Canulae Size 19 Sl-30319 , Connector ½ X ½Inch , Connector ½ X3/8 X3/8 Inch , Connector ¼ X 3/8 X 3/8 Leur Lock , Connector ¼ X ¼ X 3/8 , Connector ¼ X1/4 X3/8 With Leur Lock , Connector ½ X ½ Leur Lock , Connector ¼ Leur Lock , Connector ¼ X1/4 Leur Lock , Connector ¼ X ¼ , Connector 3/8 S.T With Luer Lock , Oxygenator Holder (Medtronic) , Hemo Filter/Tubing Set (Adult/Ped) , Shunt 1.25Mm/1.50Mm/1.75Mm/2.0Mm , Vsd Petch 15.2 X 15.2 , Carbomedics Standard Vlave (Mitral) Prosthetic Heart Valve ,Size / Meril , Carbomedics Standard Valve ( Artoc) Prosthetic Heart Vavle ,Size / Meril , P.M Kit Double Dom Amch Model , Tegadram 1626 , Micropore 1 , Transpore 1 , Three Way Cannula(Bl Valve) , Bureta , Abdominal Sponge 20X20 Type 17 With Radio Line , Abdominal Sponge 30X30 Type 17 With Radio Line , Powder Free Gloves 6,6.5,7,7.5,8 , Radio Opaque Gauze , Surgical Blade ,Size 22,11,15 , Savlon 1000 Ml , Ethibond Excel 2-0 26Mm R/B 100Cm /Ticron 2-0 ,25Mm W6552/325651 , Ethibond Excel 4-0 17Mm Tic 90Cm/Ticron 4-0,16 Mm W6935/316031 , Ethibond Excel 3-0 17Mm Tic 90Cm/Ticron 3-0, 16Mm W6935/288041 , Ethibond Excel 2-0 White 25Mm Pledget 90 Cm/Ticron 2-0,25Mm Pleget Pnw 687A/295351 , Ethibond Excel 2-0 Green 25Mm Pledget 90 Cm/ Ticron 2-0,25 Mm Pleget Pnw687/333651 , Ethibond Excel 2-0 White 17Mm 90Cm Tircon 2-0,16Mm Nw617a/288051 , Ethibond Excel 2-0 Green 17Mm 90Cm Tircon 2-0,16Mm Nw617/319151 , Ethibond Excel 2-0 White 17Mm Pledget 90Cm/Ticron 2-0,16Mm .Pledge Pnw617a/280851 , Ethibond Excel 2-0 Green 17Mm Pledget 90Cm /Ticron 2-0,16 Mm Pledget Pnw 617/319151 , Ethibond Excel 2-0,Pledgetw10b55 , Esterlus 2-0, 26Mm. Ls10b72 , Prolene 4-0 20Mm Rb 90Cm/ Prolus 4-0 ,26Mm Rb , Prolene 5-0 17.5Mm Rb 90Cm/Prolus 5-0 ,16Mm Double Arm Rb , Pacing Wire (Lotus) , Vicryl 1/Polysorb 1-0 Nw23546/Cl914 , Vicryl 1/ Polysorb 1 Nw2347 , Vicrly Rapide 2-0/ Polysrb 2-0 Nw2317 , Vicrlyl Rapide 2-0/Caprosyn 2-0 W9933 , Vicryl Rapide 3-0/ Caprosyn 3-0 W9932/Sc5780g , Umbilical Tap W276 , Bone Wax W810 , Ethisteel Rb Mnw9495 , / Sternal Wire Blunt Tip – Number 5 And 6 , Sutupak 0 , Sutupak 1 , Sutupak 2-0 , Surgicel2x3 , Fibrillar1x2 , Mersilk 1 Cutting Nw5062 , Mersilk 2-0 R/B Nw 5331 , Mersilk 3-0 R/B Nw 5085 , Mersilk 1-0 / R/B Nw 5332 , Mersilk 2-0 Cutting Nw5036 , Mersilk 3-0 Cutting Nw5028 , Ptfe Felt Size 15.2 Cmx 15.2 , Skin Stepler (Coviden) , Urometer Plus , Atransparent Blub With Asepto , S.S Sanare With Snugger Set , Uro Cath 10 Fg , Yankaur(Suction) Set Ct , Premium Cap , Hiv Kit Large (Romsns) , Disposable Foot Wear , Cardio Thoracic Drape , D800 Half Gown Sterile , Microshield 747 500Ml , Microshield 555 500Ml , Microshield 636 500Ml , Microshiled 555 (500Ml) , Microshiled 727 (500Ml) , Handrub 100 Ml , Micrishiled 747 (500Ml) , Agbel , Opthalmic Knief Size(All) , Crepe Bandage 15Cm , Giglysaw , Opsite Large , Sterile Full Gown 90Gsm , Comprezon Cl2-Ag S/M/L/Xl , Romo Chek 50 , Savlon 100Ml , Betadine 100Ml Solution , Ointment , Pleural Drainage System 500Ml , Intercostal Tube 28Fg,32Fg , Intercostl Tube Angled ,St 28Fg , Elastic Adhesive Bandage 10Cm , Dispo Gurd(Mask) , R.L. Glass Bottle , Disposable Syrenge 50Ml , Foleys Cath Size 14/16 , Extension Line 10Cm,20Cm(Malexfemale) , Ext. Line With 3 Way Stop Cock 200 Cm , (Male To Female ) Pmo Line 200Cm , Male To Female ) Pmo Line 100Cm , (Male To Male ) Pmo Line 100Cm , (Male To Male ) Pmo Line 200Cm , Paed. Drip Set , 4L Cvc (Anty Microbial Coated)/Cvp Catheter 7 Fr Tripple Lumen , Arterial Line Catheter 18G,20G , Venofundin 6% , Inj. Protamine Sulphate 500Mg , Inj. Aminocaproic Acid 20 Ml , Inj. Heparin Sodium 25000 Iu , Inj. Vecurofix 10Mg , P.M Kit Single Dom Amch Model , R.L 1000 Ml , N.S 1000 Ml , Inj. Dexmedetomidime , Inj. Etomidate , Vasopressin Inj. Ip , Inj. Sterial Noradrenaline Concentrate , Inj. Midazolom 10Ml , Inj. Magnesium Sulphate 2 Ml , Inj. Thiopentone 500 Mg , Inj. Nitroglycerin 25Mg , Inj. Paracetamol 100Ml , Inj. Tranexamic Acid 5Ml , Inj. Sodium Biocorbonate 10Ml , Inj. Calcium Gluconate , Inj. Potassium Chloride , Inj. Adrenaline Bitratrate 1Mg , Inj. Peperacillin & Tazobactam 4.5G , Inj. Adenosine 6Mg , Sevoflurane 250Ml , Inj. Meropenum 1Gm/500Mg , Atropine Inj , Glycopyrrolate Inj , Loxicard 2% , Fentanyle Inj , Propofol Inj , Rocuranium Inj , Dopamine Inj , Sodium Nitroproside Inj , Amiadarone Inj , Phenylephrine Inj , Mephentermine Inj , Esmolol Inj , Labetalol Inj , Isoline Inj , Methyleprednisolone Inj , Metroprolol Inj , Adrenaline 1Mg/Ml , Sodium Bicarbonate 20 Ml , Calcium Gluconate 10 Ml , Imipenem & Cilastation 500Mg , Tranexacure , Ticothem 400 Mg , Duolin Respules , Vitamin B12 Injection , Heparin 25000 Iu & 5000Iu , Paracetamol 100Ml , Cefozen Fourt 105 Gm , Merothem 5000 Mg/1 G , Corodorone , Inj. Dobutamine 5Ml , Ticuthem 400Mg , Meropenam Inj.1Gm , Chloroxidine 100 Ml , Scorbix 1.5 Inj , Lasix Inj. , Plasmalyte Solution , Cannul 16G , Manitol 100Ml , E.Tube (Sacett) Size(6.5,7,7.5,8,8.5,9) , Micropore 1 , Flexi Musk , Discofix , Mesbro , Ecg Led , Bartroclot , Lubic Jeely , U. Ket , Fusion Veltilator Circute Adult/Ped , Suction Cath 12/14 , Oxy Set Adult/Ped , B.T.Set , Respirometer , Hme Filter , Insulin Syringe 1Ml , Leader Cath Arterial , Sternum Saw Blade (Stryker System 6) , Temporary Pace Maker(Pulse Generator) [Resuable] , Pace Maker Cable , Act Cartige Medtronics , Abg Cartige , Chest Binder S/M/L/Xl , Aeromist , Line Holder/Organizer , Sternum Saw Battery (Stryker System 6)

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 1000 /-
INR 50000.0 /-
Tender Value
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