Surgical And Consumables Items For The Department Of Ctvs Assam Medical College Hospital Dibrugarh Procurement Surgical And Consumables Item , Consumables For Ctvs , Oxygenator (Medtronics) , Custom Pack (Amch Model) , Cardioplegia System (Amch Model) , Arterial Filter (Adult) , Aortic Root Cannula With Vent (Medtronic). Serial No-20012 , Aortic Root Cannula With Vent (Medtronic). Serial No-20014 , L.V Vent Cath 12016(Medtronic) , L.V Vent Cath 12220(Medtronic) , Venous Canula Size 24(Medtronic) Sl No-66124 , Venous Canula Size 26(Medtronic) Sl No-66126 , Venous Canula Size 28(Medtronic) Sl No-66128 , Venous Canula Size 30 (Medtronic) ) Sl No-66130 , Venous Canula Size 32( Medtronic) Sl No-66132 , Arterial Canula Size 16(Medtronic) 76020 , Arterial Canula Size 18( Medtronic) 76018 , Arterial Canula Size 20 ( Medtronic)76020 , Arterial Canula Size 22 (Medtronic)76022 , Cardiac Sump Size /Ref.No (Medtronic) , Dlp Single Stagevenous Cannulae With Right Angle Metal Tip Size-16 (Serial Nos- 69316) , Dlp Single Stagevenous Cannulae With Right Angle Metal Tip. Size-18 (Serial Nos- 69318) , Dlp Single Stagevenous Cannulae With Right Angle Metal Tip. Size- 20. Serial No.- 69320 , Dlp Single Stagevenous Cannulae With Right Angle Metal Tip. Size- 22. Serial No.- 69322 , Dlp Single Stagevenous Cannulae With Right Angle Metal Tip. Size- 24. Serial No.- 69324 , Two Stage Venous Cannulae 32/40 Sl-91240 , Two Stage Venous Cannulae 34/46 , Sl. No-91246 , Two Stage Venous Cannulae 36/51 , Sl No- 91251 , Cardipoplegia Solution(Plegiocard) , Pvc Tubing (1/4 Inch) Each 5Meters , Pvc Tubing (3/8 Inch) Each 5Meters , Pvc Tubing (1/2 Inch) Each 5Meters , Coronary Floppy Ostial Canulae Size 15 Sl-30315 , Coronary Floppy Ostial Canulae Size 17 Sl-30317 , Dlp Coronary Ostial Canulae (Basket Tip) Size 12- 45&90Degree(Sl. No.30012) , Dlp Coronary Ostial Canulae (Basket Tip) Size 14 - 45&90Degree( Sl. No.30014) , Coronary Floppy Ostial Canulae Size 19 Sl-30319 , Connector ½ X ½Inch , Connector ½ X3/8 X3/8 Inch , Connector ¼ X 3/8 X 3/8 Leur Lock , Connector ¼ X ¼ X 3/8 , Connector ¼ X1/4 X3/8 With Leur Lock , Connector ½ X ½ Leur Lock , Connector ¼ Leur Lock , Connector ¼ X1/4 Leur Lock , Connector ¼ X ¼ , Connector 3/8 S.T With Luer Lock , Oxygenator Holder (Medtronic) , Hemo Filter/Tubing Set (Adult/Ped) , Shunt 1.25Mm/1.50Mm/1.75Mm/2.0Mm , Vsd Petch 15.2 X 15.2 , Carbomedics Standard Vlave (Mitral) Prosthetic Heart Valve ,Size / Meril , Carbomedics Standard Valve ( Artoc) Prosthetic Heart Vavle ,Size / Meril , P.M Kit Double Dom Amch Model , Tegadram 1626 , Micropore 1 , Transpore 1 , Three Way Cannula(Bl Valve) , Bureta , Abdominal Sponge 20X20 Type 17 With Radio Line , Abdominal Sponge 30X30 Type 17 With Radio Line , Powder Free Gloves 6,6.5,7,7.5,8 , Radio Opaque Gauze , Surgical Blade ,Size 22,11,15 , Savlon 1000 Ml , Ethibond Excel 2-0 26Mm R/B 100Cm /Ticron 2-0 ,25Mm W6552/325651 , Ethibond Excel 4-0 17Mm Tic 90Cm/Ticron 4-0,16 Mm W6935/316031 , Ethibond Excel 3-0 17Mm Tic 90Cm/Ticron 3-0, 16Mm W6935/288041 , Ethibond Excel 2-0 White 25Mm Pledget 90 Cm/Ticron 2-0,25Mm Pleget Pnw 687A/295351 , Ethibond Excel 2-0 Green 25Mm Pledget 90 Cm/ Ticron 2-0,25 Mm Pleget Pnw687/333651 , Ethibond Excel 2-0 White 17Mm 90Cm Tircon 2-0,16Mm Nw617a/288051 , Ethibond Excel 2-0 Green 17Mm 90Cm Tircon 2-0,16Mm Nw617/319151 , Ethibond Excel 2-0 White 17Mm Pledget 90Cm/Ticron 2-0,16Mm .Pledge Pnw617a/280851 , Ethibond Excel 2-0 Green 17Mm Pledget 90Cm /Ticron 2-0,16 Mm Pledget Pnw 617/319151 , Ethibond Excel 2-0,Pledgetw10b55 , Esterlus 2-0, 26Mm. Ls10b72 , Prolene 4-0 20Mm Rb 90Cm/ Prolus 4-0 ,26Mm Rb , Prolene 5-0 17.5Mm Rb 90Cm/Prolus 5-0 ,16Mm Double Arm Rb , Pacing Wire (Lotus) , Vicryl 1/Polysorb 1-0 Nw23546/Cl914 , Vicryl 1/ Polysorb 1 Nw2347 , Vicrly Rapide 2-0/ Polysrb 2-0 Nw2317 , Vicrlyl Rapide 2-0/Caprosyn 2-0 W9933 , Vicryl Rapide 3-0/ Caprosyn 3-0 W9932/Sc5780g , Umbilical Tap W276 , Bone Wax W810 , Ethisteel Rb Mnw9495 , / Sternal Wire Blunt Tip – Number 5 And 6 , Sutupak 0 , Sutupak 1 , Sutupak 2-0 , Surgicel2x3 , Fibrillar1x2 , Mersilk 1 Cutting Nw5062 , Mersilk 2-0 R/B Nw 5331 , Mersilk 3-0 R/B Nw 5085 , Mersilk 1-0 / R/B Nw 5332 , Mersilk 2-0 Cutting Nw5036 , Mersilk 3-0 Cutting Nw5028 , Ptfe Felt Size 15.2 Cmx 15.2 , Skin Stepler (Coviden) , Urometer Plus , Atransparent Blub With Asepto , S.S Sanare With Snugger Set , Uro Cath 10 Fg , Yankaur(Suction) Set Ct , Premium Cap , Hiv Kit Large (Romsns) , Disposable Foot Wear , Cardio Thoracic Drape , D800 Half Gown Sterile , Microshield 747 500Ml , Microshield 555 500Ml , Microshield 636 500Ml , Microshiled 555 (500Ml) , Microshiled 727 (500Ml) , Handrub 100 Ml , Micrishiled 747 (500Ml) , Agbel , Opthalmic Knief Size(All) , Crepe Bandage 15Cm , Giglysaw , Opsite Large , Sterile Full Gown 90Gsm , Comprezon Cl2-Ag S/M/L/Xl , Romo Chek 50 , Savlon 100Ml , Betadine 100Ml Solution , Ointment , Pleural Drainage System 500Ml , Intercostal Tube 28Fg,32Fg , Intercostl Tube Angled ,St 28Fg , Elastic Adhesive Bandage 10Cm , Dispo Gurd(Mask) , R.L. Glass Bottle , Disposable Syrenge 50Ml , Foleys Cath Size 14/16 , Extension Line 10Cm,20Cm(Malexfemale) , Ext. Line With 3 Way Stop Cock 200 Cm , (Male To Female ) Pmo Line 200Cm , Male To Female ) Pmo Line 100Cm , (Male To Male ) Pmo Line 100Cm , (Male To Male ) Pmo Line 200Cm , Paed. Drip Set , 4L Cvc (Anty Microbial Coated)/Cvp Catheter 7 Fr Tripple Lumen , Arterial Line Catheter 18G,20G , Venofundin 6% , Inj. Protamine Sulphate 500Mg , Inj. Aminocaproic Acid 20 Ml , Inj. Heparin Sodium 25000 Iu , Inj. Vecurofix 10Mg , P.M Kit Single Dom Amch Model , R.L 1000 Ml , N.S 1000 Ml , Inj. Dexmedetomidime , Inj. Etomidate , Vasopressin Inj. Ip , Inj. Sterial Noradrenaline Concentrate , Inj. Midazolom 10Ml , Inj. Magnesium Sulphate 2 Ml , Inj. Thiopentone 500 Mg , Inj. Nitroglycerin 25Mg , Inj. Paracetamol 100Ml , Inj. Tranexamic Acid 5Ml , Inj. Sodium Biocorbonate 10Ml , Inj. Calcium Gluconate , Inj. Potassium Chloride , Inj. Adrenaline Bitratrate 1Mg , Inj. Peperacillin & Tazobactam 4.5G , Inj. Adenosine 6Mg , Sevoflurane 250Ml , Inj. Meropenum 1Gm/500Mg , Atropine Inj , Glycopyrrolate Inj , Loxicard 2% , Fentanyle Inj , Propofol Inj , Rocuranium Inj , Dopamine Inj , Sodium Nitroproside Inj , Amiadarone Inj , Phenylephrine Inj , Mephentermine Inj , Esmolol Inj , Labetalol Inj , Isoline Inj , Methyleprednisolone Inj , Metroprolol Inj , Adrenaline 1Mg/Ml , Sodium Bicarbonate 20 Ml , Calcium Gluconate 10 Ml , Imipenem & Cilastation 500Mg , Tranexacure , Ticothem 400 Mg , Duolin Respules , Vitamin B12 Injection , Heparin 25000 Iu & 5000Iu , Paracetamol 100Ml , Cefozen Fourt 105 Gm , Merothem 5000 Mg/1 G , Corodorone , Inj. Dobutamine 5Ml , Ticuthem 400Mg , Meropenam Inj.1Gm , Chloroxidine 100 Ml , Scorbix 1.5 Inj , Lasix Inj. , Plasmalyte Solution , Cannul 16G , Manitol 100Ml , E.Tube (Sacett) Size(6.5,7,7.5,8,8.5,9) , Micropore 1 , Flexi Musk , Discofix , Mesbro , Ecg Led , Bartroclot , Lubic Jeely , U. Ket , Fusion Veltilator Circute Adult/Ped , Suction Cath 12/14 , Oxy Set Adult/Ped , B.T.Set , Respirometer , Hme Filter , Insulin Syringe 1Ml , Leader Cath Arterial , Sternum Saw Blade (Stryker System 6) , Temporary Pace Maker(Pulse Generator) [Resuable] , Pace Maker Cable , Act Cartige Medtronics , Abg Cartige , Chest Binder S/M/L/Xl , Aeromist , Line Holder/Organizer , Sternum Saw Battery (Stryker System 6)