
Tender For Renovation Of Eklavya Bhava, Silvassa, D.N.H, silvassa-Dadra And Nagar Haveli

Public Works Department has published Tender For Renovation Of Eklavya Bhava, Silvassa, D.N.H. Submission Date for this Tender is 05-03-2025. Excavation Work Tenders in silvassa Dadra And Nagar Haveli. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Renovation Of Eklavya Bhava, Silvassa, D.N.H
Open Tender
Dadra And Nagar Haveli

Tender Documents

Tender Details

Renovation Of Eklavya Bhava, Silvassa, D.N.H-- 1 EXCAVATION upto 1.50 Metre for foundation such as footing, pedestals, walls, drains, columns, ramps, plinth beams, cable trenches in dense or Hard soil MECHANICALLY but other than hard rock including shoring, strutting, sorting out and stacking useful material, dewatering where required, cutting vegetation up to 1.5m ht if required and disposing off the excavated stuff upto all lead and lift.Note- All types of soil that can be removed by JCB/ Poclain bucket shall be classified under this item. 2 EXCAVATION 1.50 to 3.00 Metre for foundation such as footing, pedestals, walls, drains, columns, ramps, plinth beams, cable trenches in Hard Murrum MECHANICALLY but other than hard rock including shoring, strutting, sorting out and stacking useful material, dewatering where required, and disposing off the excavated stuff upto all lead and lift. 3 EXCAVATION 1.50 to 3.00 Metre for foundation such as footing, pedestals, walls, drains, columns, ramps, plinth beams, cable trenches in Soft rock not requiring blasting but other than hard rock including shoring, strutting, sorting out and stacking useful material, dewatering where required, and disposing off the excavated stuff upto all lead and lift 4 FILLING with selected & approved available excavated earth (excluding rock) in excavated pits, trenches, in plinth, sub-base for of roads,drains, manhole, sumps, or where required with approved locally available materials including spreading in layers not exceeding 200mm, watering, ramming, compacting mechanically using 2 ton compactor etc, complete.Measurements for net volume of space occupied by filling.If desired by the engineer-in-charge the contractor shall at his own expense carry out modified proctor compaction test to determine the maximum dry density.The criteria for acceptance of filling shall be compacting to 95% modifiedProctor density with use of mechanical roller/rammer etc complete as directed and instructed by Engineer-in-charge. Volume of material filled to be measured for payment. 5 FILLING with selected & approved Murrum material brought by Contractor from outside clients premises, including Identification ofBorrow pits and including Royalty charges & or duties as per requirement oflocal authority, in foundations, excavated pits, trenches, in plinth, sub-base for of roads,drains, manhole, sumps, or where required with approved locally available materials including spreading in layers not exceeding 200mm, watering, ramming, compacting mechanically using 2 ton compactor etc, complete.Measurements for net volume of space occupied by filling.If desired by the engineer-in-charge the contractor shall at his own expense carry out modified proctor compaction test to determine the maximum dry density.The criteria for acceptance of filling shall becompacting to 95% modifiedProctor density with use of mechanical roller/rammer etc complete as directed and instructed by Engineer-in-charge. Volume of material filled to be measured for payment. 6 Providing and laying RUBBLE SOLING wherever required in foundation and plinth including hand packing fillings interstices with chips and sand.Watering and compacting to consolidated thickness, etc complete as directed by engineer-in-charge 7 Providing material and labour for laying PLINTH PROTECTION including excavation of 30 cm depth and Filling with dry bricks bats of 20 cm thick and top layers C.C. 1:2:4 ( 1 cement 2 coarse sand: 4 graded stone aggregate 20m nominal size)50mm thk finished in proper grade and slop etc. completeas directed by engineer-in-charge 8 Carring out plinth treatment to post construction / existing structure by spraying chemical solution for termite control treatmentincluding labour and material consistment with I.S.I specification.Using Chlordene and Chiorpurfiles 20 EC. As Per 6131_paret-II Consentration Weight one percent is recommended i.e one litre 20 EC chemical emulsion with 19 liter give 1 % concrentration inclusive of one litre chemical emulsion appication at the rate of 5 Litre chemical / Sqm of surface is recommended as per I.S. treated Plinth area of structureto be measured for payment as directed by engineer-in-charge 9 Providing and laying PLAIN CEMENT CONCRETE 1:2:4 (1- Cement : 2- Coarse sand : 4- gradedstone aggregates 20 mm nominal size) in foundations and superstructure including, machine mixing, leveling compacting, curing and formwork if any, scaffolding, stagingetc. complete as directed and instructed by Engineer-in-Charge. Volume of PCC laid to be measured for payment. 10 Providing material and labour for laying machine mixed/machine batched/RMC controlled cement concrete M.250 using graded black trap stone aggregates of maximum 20mm nominal (down graded) size including fine aggregate confirming to IS 383 with minimum cement content as per IS456 (without flyash) for durability shall be followed as per approved design mix & latest IS456 for reinforced cement conrete work for all elements,all floors,all heights/depths, any lead and lift including cost of formwork with sheathing steel , scaffolding, staging, vibrating, compacting, finishing andcuring complete but excluding cost of reinforcement for reinforced concrete work in Foundations,footings, Baseof columnsandMass concrete, as directions of Engineer in charge Complete.Preliminary cubes to be prepared on award of work and to be tested to meet the specified requirement for M25 mix, design mix to be approved by the Engineer-in-charge/Architect. Concrete placing shall be done with utmost care, the free drop height shall not exceed 1.5m, and concrete shall be vibrated with immersion type vibrators having frequency not less than 7000 vibrations per second in methodical method so as all points of structures are covered. Free concrete surface shall be covered with Hessian cloth and kept wet. 11 Providing material and labour for laying machine mixed/machine batched/RMC controlled cement concrete M.250 using graded black trap stone aggregates of maximum 20mm nominal (down graded) size including fine aggregate confirming to IS 383 with minimum cement content as per IS456 (without flyash) for durability shall be followed as per approved design mix & latest IS456 for reinforced cement conrete work for all elements,all floors,all heights/depths, any lead and lift including cost of formwork with sheathing steel , scaffolding, staging, vibrating, compacting, finishing andcuring complete but excluding cost of reinforcement for reinforced concrete work in Columns, Pillars posts and struts etc complete as directed by Engineer-incharge.Preliminary cubes to be prepared on award of work and to be tested to meet the specified requirement for M25 mix, design mix to be approved by the Engineer-in-charge/Architect. Concrete placing shall be done with utmost care, the free drop height shall not exceed 1.5m, and concrete shall be vibrated with immersion type vibrators having frequency not less than 7000 vibrations per second in methodical method so as all points of structures are covered. Free concrete surface shall be covered with Hessian cloth and kept wet. 12 Providing material and labour for laying machine mixed/machine batched/RMC controlled cement concrete M.250 using graded black trap stone aggregates of maximum 20mm nominal (down graded) size including fine aggregate confirming to IS 383 with minimum cement content as per IS456 (without flyash) for durability shall be followed as per approved design mix & latest IS456 for reinforced cement conrete work for all elements,all floors,all heights/depths, any lead and lift including cost of formwork with sheathing steel , scaffolding, staging, vibrating, compacting, finishing andcuring complete but excluding cost of reinforcement for reinforced concrete work in Lintels,Beams,Girders and Cantilever etc complete as directed by Engineer-incharge.Preliminary cubes to be prepared on award of work and to be tested to meet the specified requirement for M25 mix, design mix to be approved by the Engineer-in-charge/Architect. Concrete placing shall be done with utmost care, the free drop height shall not exceed 1.5m, and concrete shall be vibrated with immersion type vibrators having frequency not less than 7000 vibrations per second in methodical method so as all points of structures are covered. Free concrete surface shall be covered with Hessian cloth and kept wet. 13 Providing material and labour for laying machine mixed/machine batched/RMC controlled cement concrete M.250 using graded black trap stone aggregates of maximum 20mm nominal (down graded) size including fine aggregate confirming to IS 383 with minimum cement content as per IS456 (without flyash) for durability shall be followed as per approved design mix & latest IS456 for reinforced cement conrete work for all elements,all floors,all heights/depths, any lead and lift including cost of formwork with sheathing steel , scaffolding, staging, vibrating, compacting, finishing andcuring complete but excluding cost of reinforcement for reinforced concrete work in Slabs, landing, shelves and Cantilever etc complete as directed by Engineer-incharge.Preliminary cubes to be prepared on award of work and to be tested to meet the specified requirement for M25 mix, design mix to be approved by the Engineer-in-charge/Architect. Concrete placing shall be done with utmost care, the free drop height shall not exceed 1.5m, and concrete shall be vibrated with immersion type vibrators having frequency not less than 7000 vibrations per second in methodical method so as all points of structures are covered. Free concrete surface shall be covered with Hessian cloth and kept wet. 14 Providing material and labour for laying machine mixed/machine batched/RMC controlled cement concrete M.250 using graded black trap stone aggregates of maximum 20mm nominal (down graded) size including fine aggregate confirming to IS 383 with minimum cement content as per IS456 (without flyash) for durability shall be followed as per approved design mix & latest IS456 for reinforced cement conrete work for all elements,all floors,all heights/depths, any lead and lift including cost of formwork with sheathing steel , scaffolding, staging, vibrating, compacting, finishing andcuring complete but excluding cost of reinforcement for reinforced concrete work in WALLS from top foundation level to all levelsetc complete as directed by Engineer-incharge.Preliminary cubes to be prepared on award of work and to be tested to meet the specified requirement for M25 mix, design mix to be approved by the Engineer-in-charge/Architect. Concrete placing shall be done with utmost care, the free drop height shall not exceed 1.5m, and concrete shall be vibrated with immersion type vibrators having frequency not less than 7000 vibrations per second in methodical method so as all points of structures are covered. Free concrete surface shall be covered with Hessian cloth and kept wet. 15 Providing material and labour for laying machine mixed/machine batched/RMC controlled cement concrete M.250 using graded black trap stone aggregates of maximum 20mm nominal (down graded) size including fine aggregate confirming to IS 383 with minimum cement content as per IS456 (without flyash) for durability shall be followed as per approved design mix & latest IS456 for reinforced cement conrete work for all elements,all floors,all heights/depths, any lead and lift including cost of formwork with sheathing steel , scaffolding, staging, vibrating, compacting, finishing andcuring complete but excluding cost of reinforcement for reinforced concrete work in Staircases complete as directed by engineer-incharge.Preliminary cubes to be prepared on award of work and to be tested to meet the specified requirement for M25 mix, design mix to be approved by the Engineer-in-charge/Architect. Concrete placing shall be done with utmost care, the free drop height shall not exceed 1.5m, and concrete shall be vibrated with immersion type vibrators having frequency not less than 7000 vibrations per second in methodical method so as all points of structures are covered. Free concrete surface shall be covered with Hessian cloth and kept wet. 16 Providing, laying and fixing in position REINFORCEMENT High yield deformed bars/TMT/CRS FE500/FE500D/FE550 forR.C.C. works at all levels including cutting, bending and binding with 16 gauge M.S. annealed wire, providing cover blocks of C.M. 1:2 Embedded with binding wire etc. complete. The reinforcement detailing to IS 456 or, if specified by engineer, shallconformto IS: 13920 (Ductile detailing of R. C. Structures),bars as per IS 1786 the rate shall be inclusive of executing such detailing. Laps to be measured shall be as shown in drawing and for reinforcement length longer than available in market. Chairs, pinsand laps other than that specified shall not on be measured and paid for. No extra to be paid for height, rate remains same at all levels, complete as per drawings, specification, direction ofengineer-incharge. Make: TATA, SAIL, JSW or as approved by chief engineer. 17 Providing material and labor for Structural steel work (Confirming to IS 4923-1997) riveted, bolted or welded in builtup for all type sections, in framed work, including cutting, hoisting, fixing in position and applying a priming coat &two coat applying synthetic enamel paint of approved steel primer all complete as per the structural designs and as directions of chief Engineer- in -Charge Complete. 18 Providing fixing in position approved profile, G.I., Silicon modified polyester precoated roofing / claddingsheets of 550 MPA, 0.55mm thk (TCT)total coated thickness, having 120 gms/ M2 of Zinc coating on both faces together, 40 micron silicon modified pure polyester on top and 20 micron silicon modified pure polyester coat on bottom) with G.I. PVC coated self tapping fasteners with PVC cap in matching colour & EPDM washer, cutting drilling, sealing of bolts holes and joints with sealants of approved make sealants tape,and filling of gaps open to atmosphere with PU foam to suit the profile of sheet,Design Preparing shop drawings,etc. complete. Profile of the sheetshall be pre approved by the engineer in charge/Architect. Fixing to bedone using HEX headed self tapping screws with PVC caps & EPDM washer on crest side, laps to be stitched as per manufacturers specifications.as directions of Engineer in Charge Complete.In Roofs,Cladding. 19 Providing Material & Labour for Rebaring in Existing Column, Beam and Slab including all dia. Of bars 8mm to 32mm as per drawing and specification as directions of Chief Engineer in charge Complete. Make Hilti or Fischer or its equivalent as approved by Engineer-in-Charge Complete. 20 Brick work using common burnt clay building bricks including scaffolding, raking of joints, curing using first class bricks having min. comp. Strength 35 kg/cm2 of approved manufacturer in foundation and plinth in Cement Mortar 1:6 (1- Cement : 6 -fine sand)(B)ConventionalAll bricks and shallbe soaked in waterfor at least 24 hours before use.bricks used for masonry work shall be as available locally, but approvedbefore start of work. volume of masonry to be measured for payment. 21 Providing & fixing LIGHT WEIGHT MASONRY BLOCKS of- Sand Based Autoclaved Aerated Concrete blocks (AAC Blocks) Using Epoxy based jointing adhesiveof approved make, upto all floor level/all heights, masonry walls in jointing mortar, complete as per Technical specification, density of blocks shall not exceed 700 kg/cum, using bonding material supplied by the manufacturer as per their instructions, including necessary scaffolding for fixing, in line & level. Volumne of blocks erected to be measured for payment. R.C.C. coping of size-wall thickness x 100mmht. at 0.91m intervals shall be provided including reinforced with 2 Numbers 6mm diameter horizontalbars and6mm diameterat 200 c/cties. R.C work not to be measured separately but included in rate.other specifications as directions of Engineer in Charge Complete 22 Providing & fixing 150mm or less thick LIGHT WEIGHT MASONRY BLOCKS Using Epoxy based jointing adhesiveof- Sand Based Autoclaved Aerated Concrete blocks (AAC Blocks) of approved make, upto all floor level/all heights, masonry walls in jointing mortar, complete as per Technical specification, density of blocks shall not exceed 700 kg/cum, using bonding material supplied by the manufacturer as per their instructions, including necessary scaffolding for fixing, in line & level. Area of blocks erected to be measured for payment. For wall thickness up to 150mm, R.C.C. coping of size-wall thickness x 100mmht. at 0.91m intervals shall be provided including reinforced with 2 Numbers 6mm diameter horizontalbars and6mm diameterat 200 c/cties. R.C work not to be measured separately but included in rate.Using Epoxy based jointing adhesive & other specifications as directions of Engineer in Charge Complete 23 Providing and laying 10mm thick in single coat CEMENT PLASTER in (i)Cement mortar 1:3 (1-cement:3-sand) at all height/all floors to internal surfaces of all elements, walls, R.C.C. work, Ceiling,[backing coat at places where glazed or ceramic tiles are to be fixed etc]. including hacking of concrete surfaces, racking of joints, scaffolding, curing etc. complete. Final finished surface shall be little rough , so as it has proper bonding to paint putty.The surfaces to be plastered to be hacked immediately on de-shuttering. The Brick/ RCC surface to be plastered to be cured sufficiently before start of plaster. Initial bare surface area to be Plastered shall be measured for payment unless noted otherwise, etc as directions of Engineer in charge Complete. 24 Providing and laying 20mm thick SANDFACED CEMENT PLASTER of required grain finishing upto all height/all floors includinggrooves,pattas etc. in two coats having the the base coat of not less than 12 mm thickness in CM 1:3 (1-cement : 3-sand) & finished coat 8 mm thk, in CM 1:1 (1-cement : 1-sand) to external surfaces of concrete & masonry including hacking of concrete surfaces, racking of joints, scaffolding, curing etc. complete. Rate shall include addition of “Impermo” water proofing compound or equivalent, providing, adding & mixingoffine fibrillated 100% virgin polypropylene fibers in cement mortar to formhomogeneous mixture @125 gms per a bag of cement in both the coats of plaster, 12mm long fibers shall be used in first coat & 6mm long fibers shall be used in second finished coat. providing drip mould 40mm wide and 12mm thick in cement mortar 1:3 on soffit of chajjas, canopies, gutters. The surfaces to be plastered to be hacked immediately on de-shuttering. The Brick/ RCC surface to be plastered to be cured sufficiently before start of plaster. Initial bare surface area to be Plastered shall be measured for payment unless noted otherwise, etc as directions of Engineer in charge Complete. 25 Providing material and labor for applying Two coats of gypsum including providing grooves at all the edges of windows/Doors with neat finish on new/existing wall surface to give an even shade including thoroughly brushing the surface free from mortar dropping and other foreign matter and sand papered smooth.make the surface uniform and levelled and must be without any undulation asdirected by engineer in charge complete.Make: Diamond gypsum or as approved by chief engineer. 26 Providing material & labour for Internal Wall painting (two coats) with Premium Emulsion of approved brand and manufacture including primer coat on undecorated wall surface to give an even shade including throughly brushing the surface free from mortar droppings and other foreign matter and sand papered smooth. asdirected by engineer in charge complete. emulsion that must offer protection against different varieties of bacteria and fungus.The product shall be independently tested and approved for properties like resistance to bacterial and fungal species, crack tolerance and flame spread resistance.The coating shall contribute to satisfying the following credit(s): Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) under LEED® 2009 Environmental Quality (EQ) and Materials and Resources (MR) under LEED® v4This product shall have a VOC limit not more than 24 g/lit.The product can be like Asian apcolite emulsion or Jotun Paints or approved equivalents.Two Coats of above paint should be applied using conventional Roller / Airless spray at the site after application and drying of applied Putty-Primer. Formeasurement of painting items the area painted shall be considered without any multiplication factor for different kinds of surfaces painted. Rate shall be quoted accordingly. All painting items final finish shall be as per manufacturersspecification as per acceptance of Engineerin charge /Architect. No extra payment shall be made for extra/over coat if required.The rate shall be inclusive of providing bamboo scaffoldingMake: Jotun,Asian Paints, Berger Paints, Dulux Paints or as approved by chief engineer. 27 Providing material & labour for two coat of primer and two coats of TEXTURE PAINT, ANTIFUNGAL PAINT, water proof, dust proof Paint on Exterior Surfaces at all heights of surfaces. One component waterborne 100% pure acrylic emulsion that offers protection against concrete carbonation with an R Value of min 600m and an equivalent concrete layer thickness value of min 150cm. Paint should have crack bridging property of min 1.85 mm with Solar Reflective index of min 110 and IR reflectance property. The product shall have a Volume Solids of minimum 35%The product shall be independently tested and approved for properties alike Carbon Dioxide Diffusion resistance, resistance to chloride diffusion, crack bridging and liquid water/ vapour transmission as well as SRI properties. The product can be like Jotashield WaterXtreme Topcoat of Jotun Paints or approved equivalents.Two Coats of above paint should be applied using a conventional Roller / Airless spray at the site after application and curing of applied Primer.including cleaning, preparing the surface, applying primer - scraping by sandpaper, scaffolding etc. including - (a) All surface preparation, suitable number of base coats required, primers and suitable finishing to the complete satisfaction of the Engineer in Charge, (b) Scaffolding and all leads and lifts,(c) Proper curing in between the two subsequent coats, (d) Touch ups to the paint after the scaffolding is removed, (e) All measurements for paints to be as per IS-1200. f) Minimum Guarantee of TenYears Waterproofing and Paint performance for all external paints by manufacturer .Formeasurement of painting items the area painted shall be considered without any multiplication factor for different kinds of surfaces painted. Rate shall be quoted accordingly. All painting items final finish shall be as per manufacturersspecification as per acceptance of Engineerin charge /Architect. No extra payment shall be made for extra/over coat if required.Make - Asian Paint Ultima Allura Torino, Jotun Jotashield Tex Fine or as approved by chief engineer. 28 Providing and fixing premium quality metal ROLLING SHUTTERS hand gear operated with ball bearings made out of 18 gauge cold-rolled galvanized steel 75 wide rolled sheet with 12mm lap, concave corrugation, complete with one piece construction, pressed rolled steel 150 mmguides channel, brackets, all fittings, fixtures,door suspension shafts, with tested springs locking arrangement, including 20 gauge top hood cover and 2.5 mm thick bottom rail,M.S Shutter shall bepainted with two coats of Synthetic enamel paint of approved make and tint over one coat of red oxide primer, (measurement shall be for clear size of opening) etc as directions of Engineer in charge Complete. 29 Providing and fixing Glass doors and partitions framing with technical specifications:Material-framing/supports made out of any type of aluminium sections of approved make having minimum 50 micron pure polyester powder coating of approved shade, texture & colour of approved make for all floors, all levels, all heights, all shapes, all sizes including cutting, bending, crimping, fabricating in best workmanship manner etc as per the drawing, specification and as directed by Architect or Engineer-in-Charge. Configuration-Double Panel Door: Both panels to be operable, and each door swings open in opposite directions. Hinges and Hardware-Hinges: concealed and must be strong enough to support the weight of the doors.-Handles: lever/knob-style handles/other as per drawingwith integrated locking mechanisms.-Locks: Multi-point locking systems, including deadbolts keyed locks.-Threshold: The bottom frame of the door with a weatherproof threshold to provides a seal to prevent draftWhile quoting, Glass shall not be considered. Glass to be paid seprately in the revelent tender item. All other specification as per the direction of engineer-in-charge or Architect. 30 ALUMINIUM WORKS-Doors and Windows workProviding material and labour for fixing in position frames, shutter for any type of aluminium work for any type of door, window, partition, made out of any type of aluminium sections of approved make having minimum 50 micron pure polyester powder coating of approved shade, texture & colour of approved make for all floors, all levels, all heights, all shapes, all sizes including cutting, bending, crimping, fabricating in best workmanship manner etc as per the drawing, specification and as directed by Architect or Engineer-in-Charge. Contractor shall prepare shop drawing based on concept drawing and get approved from the consultants before procurement of material. All loose material shall be approved. Mockup of one/two window shall be executed as per approved shop drawing with all hardware. Work shall carried out as per the approved shop drawings, approved mock-up and approved sample. Actual weight of installed Aluminium sections (for using fabrication without considering any wastage) shall only be measured and shall be considered for the payment. Glazing shall be paid as seperate item. Contractor shall provide guarantee for stability, water tightness etc for 12 months after defects liability period. Rate shall be inclusive of providing aluminium sections, cutting, fabrication, errection and fixing to the best workmanship manner, including1) Sheet metal screws and casted solid aluminum corner cleats fixed with external byttins with a spring for rapid and secure joint assembly for casement and sliding shutter and frame;2) Glazing clips for receiving infill panel; 3) Best quality wool pile where ever shutter touches the frame and compatible microwave cured EPDM rubber; 4) Dash Anchor fasteners of HILTI HRDUGT or equivalent for fixing the frame assembly to the RCC or masonry surfaces. Minimum 1 anchor fastener shall be used for every 600 mm length of section for stability of frame. 5) 10mm GI tie rod for connecting vertical stile at top and bottom for aluminum door shutter and 4mm thick solid aluminium corner cleat of full thickness of sectionfor connecting style and horizontal rails; 6) providing and fixing packing (rough ground) in full periphery/ at every 600mm c/c with average 6 mm thick PVC spacer/ compact sheet of width (equal to section width less 30mm for backer rod and sealant); 7) Filling the gap between wall and frame on both sides (outside and inside) with polyethylene baker rod of avg. 10 mm thickness of approved make and color and then sealing the remaining gap with neutral grade G/M (Glazed & Metal) weather silicon sealant of approved make and color. 8) Termite treated seasoned teak wood as infill material to installe hardware in door shutter and frame as and when required, etc as per directions of Engineer in charge Complete. Make:- Jindal or equivalent as approved by Engineer-in-charge 31 Providing & Fixing Louvers and Fins (made out of Aluminium Section)Providing, fixing, designing aluminium fixed louver of any type of louver section of approved make having minimum 50 micron polyster powder coating on all the surfaces of approved shade, texture & make as per manufacturers specifications. Contractor shall submit the shop drawing for louver/ fins based on concept design/ drawing and as per elevation. Aluminium louver section shall be fixed on aluminium framing/ carrier/ panel/ GI clip and necessary sub structure with required fastners, hardware as per approved shop drawing etc complete for all floor, all height including scaffolding as directed by engineer in charge.Louver, framing and sub structure shall be in proper line, level and plumb. Necessary MS work shall be paid in relevant tender item. 32 Providing material and labour for fixing 6mm thick Compact Sheet of any size, any shape, any color (single side, double side coloured), any texture of approved make and as per approved sample(approved by architect). Compact sheet shall be fixed in aluminium frame and shutter work with necessary cutting of sheet, provision of groove, filling of groove (both side) as per drawing & specifications including providing and fixing EPDM quality rubber/ silicon sealant/ adhesive tape/ screwing on the periphery of the sheet as per the required thickness etc. complete at all floors/ all levels/ all heights as per the drawing & directed by Engineer in charge. Cut edges of the compact sheet shall be provided with masking tape. Actual installed quantity shall be measured and paid. 33 Providing material and labour for fixing factory made and pressed laminated 35mm thick flush door shutter of specificied thickness made of ISI marked non decorative type flush door shutters confirming to IS- 2202 (Part 1), core of plywood& to be fixed with aluminium frame/wooden frame. faceveneers(IS 710 Grade) onbothfacesof shutters having 1 mm thick decorative type laminates of approved make, shade, finishonbothfacesofshutterfixedwithphenol formaldehyde synthetic resin type adhesive conforming to IS 848 including providing and fixing external lipping with 2nd class teak wood battens, exposed (37mm x 12mm)/ concealed (35mm x 12mm) on all edges of door shutter as requiredwith 2 coats of synthetic enamel painting including 1 coat of wood primer & lapi/ lacquer polishing with primer to all exposed side of lipping, all as per approved drawing, for all floor, all level all height etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. Measurement including lipping shall be considered for payment. Necessary hardware like hinges, pivot, handle, tower bolts, locks etc shall be separately measured and paid in the relevant tender items. Cost of laminates shall be paid in relevant tender item. 34 Providing material and labour for fixing 1 mm thick Laminate sheet of any size, any shape, any color, any texture of approved make and as per approved sample(approved by architect) on Non decorative flush door, panelling work, fixed partition, any ply surface etc with necessary nails, screws, adhesives as per drawings and as per approved sample. The rate shall be for all heights, all floors, all places etc complete as directed by engineer in charge.Actual laid area shall be measured and paid without considering any westage. Laminates and ply shall be factory pressed. 35 Providing material and labour for fixing 6mm thick Clear Normal Glass as per approved sample of any size, any shape and specified thickness in frame and shutter work with necessary cutting of glass as per drawing & specifications including providing and fixing EPDM quality rubber/ silicon sealant/ structural sealant and 3M tape on the periphery of the glass as per the required thickness etc. complete at all floors/ all levels/ all heights as per the directions of Engineer in charge. Actual installed quantity shall be measured and paid. 36 Providing material and labour for fixing 6mm thick Clear Toughen Glass as per approved sample of any size, any shape and specified thickness in frame and shutter work with necessary cutting of glass as per drawing & specifications including providing and fixing EPDM quality rubber/ silicon sealant/ structural sealant and 3M tape on the periphery of the glass as per the required thickness etc. complete at all floors/ all levels/ all heights as per the directions of Engineer in charge. Actual installed quantity shall be measured and paid. 37 Notes for Hardware : Supplying and fixing heavy quality fixtures and fittings for doors, windows, ventilators, partition wall, cabinets with necessaryscrews, nails, machine pins etc at all floor/ all levels/ all heights complete. Sample shall be approved by Architect before execution. As per description, SS hardware shall be of 304 grade or 316 grade as per item description and as per approved sample. The fixture & fastenings shall be provided as under :Providing material and labour for fixing single/ double action hydraulic floor spring with SS cover plate & adjustable concealed casted top pivot (two piece) and bottom strap of approved make for wooden/ aluminium doors of specifiedcapacitywith minimum one year guarantee. Rate shall be inclusive of cutting of floor neatly, grouting the floor spring & cleaning/ polishing the floor & maintaining in good working condition until defect liability period. In case of Aluminium shutter bottom arm of floor spring & top pivot shall be firmly fixed in the aluminium members using required size of teak wood by making rabbet in the wood. The Floor Spring shall conform to EN 1154. a) Hold open having for shutter width upto 1200mm with standard spindle and cover plate. Closing force complying with EN 1154 2-4 38 Providing & Fixing heavy qualitySS 304 heavy pivot top & bottom (pair) of approved make with SS screwsect complete as directed by engineer in charge. Make Dormakaba or as approved by Engineer in Charge 39 Providing material and labour for fixing hydraulic rack and pinion door closer with standard arm (Silver finish) with screws to pivoted/ hinged door of approved make for specified door width with minimum one year guarantee. All adjustment screws face fixed. Rate shall be inclusive of fixing with using the template as per manufacturer’s specification & maintain in good working condition until defect liability period. The door closer shall conform to EN 1154 standard.a) with standard/ hold open arm with two independent closing valves and latching speed adjustable by arm without mounting back plate, Closing force complying with EN 1154 2 - 4 for up to 700 mm door shutter width Make Dormakaba or as approved by Engineer in Charge. 40 Providing material and labour for fixing SS 316 grade butt hinge of average 100 x 75 x 3 mm - with ball bearing of approved make as per approved sample with necessary screws etc. complete for all floor all height all level as directed by Engineer in Charge.Make Dormakaba or as approved by Engineer in Charge. 41 Providing material and labour for fixing set of dead lock of approved make with 50mm backseat, 20mm square for end with 72 mm centers including strike plate in satin stainless steel finish as per DIN 18251-1, grade 2 and prepared for euro profile cylinder (EPC) including strike plate and EPC length 60/70 mm standard Euro profile Pin Cylinder/ Half pin cylinder with both side key/ one side key one side knob operation with one pair of SS 316 grade Escutcheons (key hole plate) for wooden/ aluminium/ metal doors with necessary SS Phillips head screws etc complete for all floor, all level, all height as per approved sample and as directed by engineer in charge. The lock shall be with 3 keys.Make Dormakaba or as approved by Engineer in Charge. 42 Providing material and labour for fixing SS 304 satin finished set of narrow style dead lock of approved make with 25mm /35 mm set back necessary euro profile pin cylindrical lock 60/ 70 mm for Key and or knob operation and one pair of SS 316 grade Escutcheons (key hole plate) for aluminium door with necessary SS Phillips head screws etc complete for all floor, all level, all height as per approved sample and as directed by engineer in charge. The lock shall be with 3 keys.Make Dormakaba or as approved by Engineer in Charge. 43 Providing material and labour for fixingMortise lock of approved make having 72mm centre to centre, 55mm Backset 20mm Square forend and 60/ 70mm standard Europrofile Pin Cylinder with both side key /one side key - one side knob operation and SS 316 grade hollow tubular pipe pair of Mortise handle of 22mm dia 150mm long with a pair of SS 304 Escutcheons (key hole plate) for wooden /aluminium/ metal doors with necessary ss phillips head screws etc complete for all floor, all height, all level as per approved sample as directed by engineern in charge. The lock shall be with 3 keys.Make Dormakaba or as approved by Engineer in Charge. 44 Providing material and labour for fixing Mortise shaft dead bolt of approvedmake with key (Alen Key lock), sleeve with 57mm backset and 25mm square forend in stainless steel satin finish etc complete for all floor, all height, all level as per approved sample and as directed by engineerin charge. 45 Providing material and labour for fixing Zinc material indicator bolt of approved make for toilet door with Thumb Turn inside & Emergency Release & Indicator Outside with necessary screws etc complete for all floor, all height, Make Dormakaba or as approved by Engineer in Charge. 46 Providing material and labour for fixing SS 316 grade push-pull pair of handle of size 200 mm long x 19mm dia made out of satin (brush) finish hollow pipe of 1.5mm thick having offset type (C or D shape)/ H-shape/ D-shape of approved makewith necessary screws etc. complete forwooden doors/ aluminium doors/ metal doors for all heights, all floors and all level as per approved sample and as directed by Engineer-in-charge. Rate shall be The length of handle should be perfect center to center as below specified.Make Dormakaba or as approved by Engineer in Charge. 47 Providing material and labour for fixing SS 316 grade handles 150mm long D shape hollow tube handle of approved make with both end bracket with necessary screws etc. complete for all floor, all height, all level as per Make Dormakaba or as approved by Engineer in Charge. 48 Providing material and labour for fixing of SS 304 grade brush finish 450mm height Tower bolt (barrel type with minimum rod size shall be 10mm) of approved make in wooden doors/ aluminium doors/ metal doors with necessary screws etc. complete for all floor, all height, all level as per Make Dormakaba or as approved by Engineer in Charge.. 49 Providing material and labour for fixing of SS 304 grade satin finish lever action Flush tower bolt with 19mm projecting bolt (extended rod of 600mm length) aluminum casted of approved make for double shutters aluminum door, with necessary screws etc. complete for all floor, all height, all level as per Make Dormakaba or as approved by Engineer in Charge. 50 Providing and Fixing SS 304 Grade Satin Finish 1.8 mm Thickness Aldrops of 16 mm dia x 250 mm including 3 nos. fixing Bracket and 1 no. locking bracket of approved make with necessary MS nickle Plating Boltsetc. complete for all floor, all height, Make Dormakaba or as approved by Engineer in Charge. 51 Providing and Fixing SS 304 Grade Satin Finish 1.8 mm Thickness Tadi of 12mm dia x 200mm including 3 nos.fixing Bracket of approved make with necessary screws, pins, bolts etc. complete for all floor, all height, Make Dormakaba or as approved by Engineer in Charge.. 52 Providing material and labour for fixing SS 304 brush finish solid Door Stopper with magnet, fixed type, wall mounted (square/ round) of approved make with necessary screws etc. complete for all floor, all height,Make Dormakaba or as approved by Engineer in Charge. 53 Providing material and labour for fixing SS 304 grade brush finish solid Door bufer with pvc base, wall mounted (square/ round) of approved make with necessary screws etc.Make Dormakaba or as approved by Engineer in Charge. 54 Providing material & labor for laying 48 x 72 Vitrified 10 mm thick tile flooring over 20 mm (average) base of cement mortar 1:4 ( 1 cement: 4 coarse sand) on new surface or fixing on existing flooring by adhesive material including cost of dismantling of existing flooring and spacer of required size to be provide while fixing the tile. Tiles joint grooves to be filled with 8mm wide epoxy of approved shade/colour including finished with flush pointing & cleaning the surface etc. complete.Make: Nitco, Simpolo, Kajaria, johnson, Rak or as approved by chief engineer. 55 Providing material & labour for laying Vitrified tiles 10 mm thick , in required size for Skirting upto 100mm on 10mm thick cement plaster 1:3 (1-cement : 3-coarse sand) and jointed with white cement slurry including finised with flush pointing & cleaning the surface etc. complete. For SkirtingMake: Nitco, Simpolo, Kajaria,johnson, Rak or as approved by chief engineer. 56 Providing material & labor for laying Anti-Skid Vitrified 10 mm thick tile flooring over 20 mm (average) base of cement mortar 1:4 ( 1 cement: 4 coarse sand) on new surface or fixing on existing flooring by adhesive material including cost of dismantling of existing flooring and spacer of required size to be provide while fixing the tile. Tiles joint grooves to be filled with epoxy. including finished with flush pointing & cleaning the surface etc. complete. Tile sample must get prior approval of architect or by engineer-in-chargeMake: Nitco, Simpolo, Kajaria, johnson, Rak or equivalent 57 Providing and laying VITRIFIED TILES 8mm thick, in dado, vertical surfce, etc make of first quality at all locations and levels in cement mortar bedding 12mm thick ( 1:3 mix ) or back coat plaster of required thickness with neat cement float backing filling the joints with white cement with pigment of matching colour of the tiles , cleaning, washing with dilute acid etc. complete.The tiles shall be soaked in water for at least 10 hours prior to fixing.The tile before fixing shall be properly approved from architect or engineer-in-charge.The tiles shall be fixed in such a manner that no edges of the tile shall be seen at the corners.The workmanship shall be to the satisfaction of the Architect or engineer-in-charge. Make: Nitco, Simpolo, Kajaria or as approved by chief engineer. 58 Providing material & labour for Fixing 15 mm thickFull body heavy duty vetrified tiles, premoulded and prepolished machine cut forplatforms, vanity counters, door window, sills, jambs, soffits facias and similar locations of required size, approved shade, colour and texture laid over 20 mm thick base cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand), joints treated with white cement, mixed with matching pigment, epoxy touch ups, including rubbing, curing, moulding on all exposed edges and polishing to edge to give high gloss finish etc. complete. at all levels. Make: Somany Duragres granit series or equivalent as approved by engineeri-in-charge or Architect 59 Providing material & labour for Granite stone slab with table rubbed, edges rounded and polished, of size 75x50 cm deep and 1.8 cm thick, fixed in urinal partitions by cutting a chase of appropriate width with chase cutter and embedding the stone in the chase with epoxy grout or with cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 6 mm nominal size) as per direction of Engineer-in-charge and finished smooth. Granite Stone of approved shade. FOR URINAL PARTITIONS 60 Providing material and labour for making Black Granite stone Counter Dish wash/Hand Wash/Pantry/Wash Basin of 0.60mt wide with vertical & Horizontal Support of granite stone and having bottom slab of 25mm to 30mm thick kadappa stone fixing with cement motar 1:4 (1 Cement :4fine sand) and neat cement slurry as per requirement including cutting the granite stone for fixing any shape of wash basin of any size in line & level. All exposed Edges of granite should be moulded including all accessories etc. as directed by Enginner in Charge. 61 Providing material and labour for applying Chemical Waterproof Coating PU One Coat epoxy primer and Three coat polyrethane coating including preparation of surface as required for terraces and Toilets as per manufacturers specification and as approved by the engineer-incharge with a guarantee of 10 years. Complete. Make:- MYK Arment, Pidilite, Sika or as approved by chief engineer. 62 Providing material, Labour and equipments for Providing and laying integral Cement based water proofing treatment including preparation of surface as required for treatment of roofs, balconies, terraces etc. consisting of following operations : a) Applying a slurry coat of neat cement using 2.75 kg/sqm of cement admixed with water proofing compound conforming to IS 2645 and approved by Engineer in charge over the RCC Slab including adjoining walls upto 300 mm height including cleaning the surface before treatment. b) Laying brick bats with mortar using broken bricks / brick bats 25mm to 115mm size with 50% of cement mortar 1:5 (1 cement : 5 coarse sand) admixed with water proofing compound conforming to IS : 2645 and approved by Engineer in charge over 20mm thick layer of cement mortar of mix 1:5 ( 1 cement :5 coarse sand) admixed with water proofing compound conforming to IS : 2645 and approved by Engineer in charge to required slope and treating similarly the adjoining walls upto 300 mm height including rounding of junction of walls and slabs. c) After two days of proper curing applying a second coat of cement slurry using 2.75 kg / sqm of cement admixed with water proofing compound conforming to IS : 2645 and approved by Engineer in charge.d) Finishing the surface with 20mm thick jointless cement mortar of mix 1:4 ( 1 cement : 4 coarse sand) admixed with water proofing compound conforming to IS : 2645 and approved by Engineer in charge including laying glass fibre cloth of approved quality in top layer of plaster and finally finishing the surface with trowel with neat cement slurry and making pattern of 300 x 300 mm square 3 mm deep.e) The whole terrace so finished shall be flooded with water for a minimum period of two weeks for curing and for final test.All above operations to be done in order and as directedand specified by the Engineer in charge : Including Khurra & Gola work with average thickness of 120mm and minimum thickness at Khurra as 65 mm etc. complete as directed by Chief Engineer in charge. 63 Providing and fixing in position Stainless steel Railing with glass for staircases as per architectural drawings, The railing is made of stainless steel AISI 304 with a polished finish. Glass: The glass used for the railing should be toughened glass with a thickness of 8 mm. The glass will frosted as approved by architect.The height of the railing is 36 inches (914mm).Baluster spacing: The spacing should meet safety standards.Handrail: It should be at least 1.5 inches (38mm) in diameter made of stainless steel materials.Anchors: The railing is anchored to the floor or the side of the staircase using stainless steel anchors etc as directed by Enginner on Charge. 64 Providing and fixing Balcony/Passage glass railing with stainless steel frame as per the architectural drawing,Glass Type:The glass used for the railing should be toughened glass with a thickness of 10 mm. The glass will frosted or clear as approved by architect.The height of the railing is 42 inchesRailing System TypeFramed Glass Railings:-The railing is made of stainless steel AISI 304 with a polished finishPost System:-Stainless Steel Posts: Used to support glass panels- The spacing should meet safety standards.Handrail: It should be at least 1.5 inches (38mm) in diameter made of stainless steel materials.Anchors: The railing is anchored to the floor or the side using stainless steel anchor All other specifictaions as directed by Enginner on Charge or Architect 65 Providing material and labour for fixing suspended FALSE CEILING -made out of 12.0 mm (apprx.) thick Gypsum Plaster Boards of gyproc or equivalent made G.I standard section framework. -The G.I. Section frame work shall be tied to the roof and walls with the anchor fastener screws/bolts of appropriate size recommended by the manufacturer . -The boards shall be fixed to the frame work with the screws and the joints shall be flushed and finished with requisite jointing compounds paper tapes etc.-the ceiling will have 300mm wide plywood band will finish in1mm thick laminate having Burma teak texture as shown in drawing.-The surface shall be finished evenly by applying putty, sand papering, applying primer & paint of approve make and type evenly complete with designer ceiling with part ply + laminate as shown in drawing -making all necessary provision and cut outs for all electrical boards, wiring, HVAC , plumbing etc. fittings, fixtures and cleanliness as per detailed design and drawing or as directed by engineer in charge. -height of false celling will be approx. 3000mm from Floor finish level,-Price shall include any ledge, grove, offset, edging in sq.mt. only. -Length X breath of false ceiling will measured for payment. as directed by Engineer-In-Charge etc. complete. 66 Providing and fixing UPVC fins for cladding or as part of building façade systems in approved colur & specifications for UPVC fins with dimensions of 50mm x 50mm:1 Material - Type: Unplasticized Polyvinyl Chloride (UPVC) - Density: Typically ranges between 1.3–1.45 g/cm³ - UV Stability: Must be UV stabilized for outdoor use to prevent degradation under sunlight2. Dimensions - Width: 50mm - Height: 50mm - Thickness: 3mm - SPACING : 50mm between two fins - Length: As per architectural details 3. Physical Properties - Tensile Strength: Generally around 40–55 MPa - Impact Resistance: High impact resistance - Flexural Strength: 60–80 MPa4. Installation with the necessary framing work shall be part of scope of work. - Fixing:on ms framing with appropriate UPVC-compatible fixings such as screws, bolts, etc. 6Kg/Sqm MS framing shall be considered for quoting. All other techincal details as directed by engineer-in-charge 67 Providing material and labor for fixing acrylic lettering with led backlight FOR EKLAVYA BHAVAN (Size: 1800mm x 900mm- 2 Nos.)-3D LASER CUT letters flushed- Letters be fix inRCC beam/slab with propare clamp and anchor fastener.- Provision to accomodate led profile light installation to be provided in each letter LED Light - 3smd module-Making all necessary provision of material and electric wring etc fittings, fixtures and cleanliness as per detailed design and drawing or as directed by engineer in charge.LEDBack lit:-The workmanship shall be of high standards and engineeringAll other specification as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge or Architect. 68 Providing and fixing 600mm x 450mm bevelled edge Mirrror of superior glass mounted on 6mm thick A.C. sheet or plywood sheet and fixing to wooden pluge with C.P. brass screws and washers. 69 Providing material and supply Toilet Dustbin having specifications: Materials:- - Body: High-density polyethylene (HDPE)- Lid: Plastic with a foot pedal for hands-free operation Dimensions: - Height: 60 cm - Diameter/Base Width: 40 cm- Capacity: 15 literDesign Features:- Shape: Round or rectangular design to fit in various bathroom spaces.- Color Options: Neutral tones (white, gray, black) or customizable finishe. FootPedal:-Durable plastic and other specification as directed by engineer-in-charge. 70 Demolition including stacking of serviceable materilas and disposal of unserviceable materials with all lead and lift.(i) R.C.C. work 71 Demolition of Brick work and stone masonry including stacking of serviceable materilas and disposal of unserviceable materials with all lead and lift.(ii) In Cement Mortar. 72 Removing and scraping of old deteriorated plaster of any thickness fromm wall / R.C.C member including stacking of serviceable material and disposal of unserviceable from site of work with all lead and lift 73 Dismentling doors, windows, ventilators etc. (wood or steel) Rolling shutters including chowkhats architraves, holdfasts and other attachment etc. complete and stacking them within all lead and lift.(ii) Exceeding 3 Sq.M. in area. 74 Dismentalingtiled or stone floors laid in mortar including stacking of serviceable materilas and disposal of unserviceable materials with all lead and lift. 75 Dismantling santtary fittings like wash basin . W.C. pan Indian and European type, flushing tank etc. including stacking the materials with all lead and lift. 76 Providing and fixing to wall ceiling and floor 6.0 Kg. F/Cm2 working pressure poluthene pipes of the following outside Dia. Low densidy, complete with special falnge compression type fittings, wall clipsetc. including making good the wall ceiling and floor.(A) 20mm 77 Providing and fixing to wall ceiling and floor 6.0 Kg. F/Cm2 working pressure poluthene pipes of the following outside Dia. Low densidy, complete with special falnge compression type fittings, wall clipsetc. including making good the wall ceiling and floor.(B) 25mm 78 Providing and fixing to wall ceiling and floor 10.0 Kg. F/Cm2 working pressure poluthene pipes of the following outside Dia. Low densidy, complete with special falnge compression type fittings, wall clipsetc. including making good the wall ceiling and floor.(C) 32mm 79 Providing and fixing to wall ceiling and floor 10.0 Kg. F/Cm2 working pressure poluthene pipes of the following outside Dia. Low densidy, complete with special falnge compression type fittings, wall clipsetc. including making good the wall ceiling and floor.(D) 40mm 80 Providing and fixing to wall ceiling and floor 10.0 Kg. F/Cm2 working pressure poluthene pipes of the following outside Dia. Low densidy, complete with special falnge compression type fittings, wall clipsetc. including making good the wall ceiling and floor.(E) 50mm 81 Providing and fixing in position cowel went to pipes.(B) 75mm dia. 82 Providing and fixing in position cowel went to pipes.(C) 100mm dia 83 Providing and fixing screw down bib taps of following size.(B) Brass chromium plated screws down Bib Tap.genuine Jaquar company brand or approved equivalent brand, fixing in pipeline and testing the same… etc., complete., as directed by Egineer-In-Charge (i) 15mm dia. 84 Providing and fixing Gun metal check or non-returnfullway wheel valve.(A) 15mm dia. 85 Providing and fixing Gun metal check or non-returnfullway wheel valve.(B) 20mm dia. 86 Providing and fixing Gun metal check or non-returnfullway wheel valve.(C) 25mm dia. 87 Providing and fixing Gun metal check or non-return fullway wheel valve.(D) 32mm dia. 88 Providing and fixing Gun metal check or non-returnfullway wheel valve.(E) 40mm dia. 89 Providing and fixing ball cock of approved. quality asdirected.(B) Abonite (ii) 50mm dia. 90 Providing and fixing G.I. Rain water spout of 50mm dia. and 30cm. length. 91 Providing and fixing concealed center point to wall ceiling & floor CPVC (SDR 13.5) PIPE having National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) seal for potable water of following dia. nominal bore tube fittings and clamps including making good the wall, ceiling and floor etc. complete.[A] 15 mm. 92 Providing and fixing concealed center point to wall ceiling & floor CPVC (SDR 13.5) PIPE having National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) seal for potable water of following dia. nominal bore tube fittings and clamps including making good the wall, ceiling and floor etc. complete. [B] 20 mm. 93 Providing laying and jointing in true line and level 15mm dia. U.P.V.C. Pipe ( SCH- 40) for cold water including fittings as approved by Engineer In Charge. Pipe shall be fixed on the wall with the help of clamp at every two metre C/C or shall be concealed as directed including necessary fittings etc. including testing of pipe and joints and fixing the same with adhesive solvent, including cost of all materials. 94 Providing laying and jointing in true line and level 25mm dia. U.P.V.C. Pipe ( SCH- 40) for cold water including fittings as approved by Engineer In Charge. Pipe shall be fixed on the wall with the help of clamp at every two metre C/C or shall be concealed as directed including necessary fittings etc. including testing of pipe and joints and fixing the same with adhesive solvent, including cost of all materials. 95 Providing laying and jointing in true line and level 32mm dia. U.P.V.C. Pipe ( SCH- 40) for cold water including fittings as approved by Engineer In Charge. Pipe shall be fixed on the wall with the help of clamp at every two metre C/C or shall be concealed as directed including necessary fittings etc. including testing of pipe and joints and fixing the same with adhesive solvent, including cost of all materials. 96 Providing laying and jointing in true line and level 40mm dia. U.P.V.C. Pipe ( SCH- 40) for cold water including fittings as approved by Engineer In Charge. Pipe shall be fixed on the wall with the help of clamp at every two metre C/C or shall be concealed as directed including necessary fittings etc. including testing of pipe and joints and fixing the same with adhesive solvent, including cost of all materials. 97 Providing laying and jointing in true line and level 50mm dia. U.P.V.C. Pipe ( SCH- 40) for cold water including fittings as approved by Engineer In Charge. Pipe shall be fixed on the wall with the help of clamp at every two metre C/C or shall be concealed as directed including necessary fittings etc. including testing of pipe and joints and fixing the same with adhesive solvent, including cost of all materials. 98 Providing, laying and jointing in true line and level 160 diametre U.P.V.C (Type B) conforming to IS 13592-1992 with one end plain and other end socketed with rubber ring, & fittings conforming to ISI 14735-1999 of approved make for drainage system pipe line, pipe shall be jointed with each other with rubber lubricant, pipe shall be fixed on wall using of PVC clamp of the size 160 mm diametre x 210 mm length x 196 mm heigh at every 2000 mm center to center or shall be concealed in walls as directed including necessary fittings such as bends, shoes etc. including testing of pipes and joints and jointed with adhesive solvent cement including cost of all materials. 99 Providing, laying and jointing in true line and level 110 diametre U.P.V.C (Type B) conforming to IS 13592-1992 with one end plain and other end socketed with rubber ring, & fittings conforming to ISI 14735-1999 of approved make for drainage system pipe line, pipe shall be jointed with each other with rubber lubricant, pipe shall be fixed on wall using of PVC clamp of the size 110 mm diametre x 149 mm length x 145 mm heigh at every 2000 mm center to center or shall be concealed in walls as directed including necessary fittings such as bends, shoes etc. including testing of pipes and joints and jointed with adhesive solvent cement including cost of all materials. 100 Providing and fixing PVC SWR Nahni trap IS 14735 for drain - 100 mm diameter with jali of the following nominal diameter of self cleansing design with C.I scread down or hinged grating including the cost of cutting and making good the walls. 101 Providing erecting and fixing double coated ISI water tank of required capacity each with all necessary fittings and connection etc. complete on terrace 102 Providing and fixing S.W. gully trap with C.I. grating brick masonry chamber and water tight C.I. cover with frame of 300mm x 300mm size (inside) with standard weight.(i) Square mouth traps. (A) 100mm x 100mm size P type. 103 Providing laying (to level or slopes) and jointing reinforced concrete Light duty non-pressure pipes I.S. class NP2 of the following internal diameter with collars and butt ends prepared for collar joints including testing of joints complete.(B) 150mm 104 Providing laying (to level or slopes) and jointing reinforced concrete Light duty non-pressure pipes I.S. class NP2 of the following internal diameter with collars and butt ends prepared for collar joints including testing of joints complete.(C) 250mm 105 Constructing Manhole with R.C.C. top slab in 1:2:4 mix (1- cement :2-coarse sand : 4-graded stone aggregate 20mmnominal size) foundation concrete 1:3:6 mix (1-cement : 3- coarse sand :6-Brick bats 40 + 50mm size) inside plastering 15mm thick with Cement Mortar 1:3 (1- Cement : 3-coarse sand) finished with a floating coat of neat cement and making channels in cement concrete 1:2:4 mix (1 Cement :2-Coarse sand :4-stone aggregate 20mm nominal size) finished smooth complete including curing and festing (i) Inside size 900mm x 1200mm and 1.5M. deep including C.I. cover with frame size 560mm diameter total weight of cover and frame to be not less than 128 kgs. (Wt. of cover 64 Kg. and Wt. of frame 64 Kg.)(A) With 230mm thick walls of brick msonry using brick having crushing strength not less than 35Kg. / Sq.cm. in Cement Mortar 1:5 (1- Cement: 5-Coarse sand) (1) A type depth 0.90 Metre for 150mm diameter sewer. 106 (I) Extra rate for constructing B.B. masonry for every additional depth of 0.1M. or Part thereof over item No.24.27 (I) for depth from 0.9M to 1.5M. 107 Constructing Manhole with R.C.C. top slab in 1:2:4 mix (1- cement :2-coarse sand : 4-graded stone aggregate 20mmnominal size) foundation concrete 1:3:6 mix (1-cement : 3- coarse sand :6-Brick bats 40 + 50mm size) inside plastering 15mm thick with Cement Mortar 1:3 (1- Cement : 3-coarse sand) finished with a floating coat of neat cement and making channels in cement concrete 1:2:4 mix (1 Cement :2-Coarse sand :4-stone aggregate 20mm nominal size) finished smooth complete including curing and festing (i) Inside size 900mm x 1200mm and 1.5M. deep including C.I. cover with frame size 560mm diameter total weight of cover and frame to be not less than 128 kgs. (Wt. of cover 64 Kg. and Wt. of frame 64 Kg.)(A) With 230mm thick walls of brick msonry using brick having crushing strength not less than 35Kg. / Sq.cm. in Cement Mortar 1:5 (1- Cement: 5-Coarse sand) (2) B type depth 1.50 Metre for 150mm diameter sewer. 108 (II) Extra rate for constructing B.B. masonry for everyadditional depth of 0.1M. GR Part thereof over item No.24.27 (I) for depth from 1.50M. to 2.25M. 109 Providing and fixing cast iron steps of size 500mm x150mm x 22.5mm and painting with two coats of Anti corrosive paint etc. complete. 110 Constructing brick masonry chamber for underground C.I. Inspection chamber and bends with bricks having crushing strength not less than 35Kg/Cm2 in C.M. 1:5 C.I. cover with frame (Light duty) 455mm x 610mm intenal dimensions total weight of cover with frame to be not less than 38Kg. (Wt. of cover 23 Kg.) and Wt. of frame 15Kg. ) (R.C.C. top slabe with 1:2:4 mix (1 cement :2- coarse sand :4-graded stone aggregate 20mm size) foundation concrete 1:5:10 inside plaster 15mm thick with cement mortar 1:3 finished smooth with a floating coat of neat cement on walls and bed concrete etc. complete.(i) Inside dimensions 455mmx 610mm and 450mm deep for single pipe line. 111 Extra over items 24.44 for every additional depth of 0.1M. of part thereof beyond 450mm depth for Brick masonry chamber.(i) for 455mm x 610mm size. 112 Constructing brick masonry chamber for underground C.I. Inspection chamber and bends with bricks havingcrushing strength not less than 35Kg/Cm2 in C.M. 1:5 C.I. cover with frame (Light duty) 455mm x 610mm intenal dimensions total weight of cover with frame to be not less than 38Kg. (Wt. of cover 23 Kg.) and Wt. of frame 15Kg. ) (R.C.C. top slabe with 1:2:4 mix (1-cement :2- coarse sand :4-graded stone aggregate 20mm size) foundation concrete 1:5:10 inside plaster 15mm thick with cement mortar 1:3 finished smooth with a floating coat of neat cement on walls and bed concrete etc. complete.(ii) Inside dimensions 500mm x 700 mm and 450mm deep for pipe line with one or two inlets. 113 Extra over items 24.44 for every additional depth of0.1M. of part thereof beyond 450mm depth for Brickmasonry chamber.(ii) for 500mm x 700mm size. 114 Constructing brick masonry chamber for underground C.I. Inspection chamber and bends with bricks having crushing strength not less than 35Kg/ Cm2 in C.M. 1:5 C.I. cover with frame (Light duty) 455mm x 610mm intenal dimensions total weight of cover with frame to be not less than 38Kg. (Wt. of cover 23 Kg.) and Wt. of frame 15Kg. ) (R.C.C. top slabe with 1:2:4 mix (1 cement :2- coarse sand :4-graded stone aggregate 20mm size) foundation concrete 1:5:10 inside plaster 15mm thick with cement mortar 1:3 finished smooth with a floating coat of neat cement on walls and bed concrete etc. complete.(iii) Inside dimensions 600mm x 850 mm and 450mm deep for pipe lines with three or more inlets. 115 Extra over items 24.44 for every additional depth of 0.1M. of part thereof beyond 450mm depth for Brick masonry chamber.(iii) for 600mm x 850mm size. 116 Providing and fixing on platform stainless steel Sink glossy ASIS 304 grade x 1mm thick with over all size 610x460mm & bowl size 560x410x200mm & SS Pillar cock with extention bodylike JAQUAR FUS-CHR-29021Nincluding fixing the sink in platform & making good the same including the cost of PVC waste pipe of 32mm dia. and PVC waste coupline etc complete as directed by EIC. 117 Providing and fixing Two way BIB cock with wall flangeof genuine Jaquar ompany brand, inwith model no FUS-CHR29041, water tap brand or approved ISI brand quality,fixing in pieline and testing the same… etc., complete., as directed by EIC 118 Providing and fixingwash down water closet European type WC pan (Wall Hung) like JAQUAR CNS-WHT-961SPP- SIZE 365x545x360MM and P trap distance 23.5 cms with integral P trap including jointing the trap with soil pipe in cement mortar 1:1 (1 cement : 1 find sand) including providing and fixing of 1)Health Faucet hand shower heavy duty with SS braided hose 1.2 MT long pipe to water closet - JAQUAR ALD-CHR-573 with Single Piece Slim Concealed Cistern Body with Installations Kit & “S-Type” drain pipe connection set for Wall Hung WC (without Flush Control Plate) - JCS-WHT-2400S with Control Plate Opal - JCP-CHR-152415,Toilet roll holder -Jaquar -ACN -1151N etc,complete. Make and model as approved by engineer in charge. 119 Providing and fixing Wash Basin vitreous china table topwash basin size 560mm x 450 mm in white colour. Like JAQUAR CNS-WHT-903 SIZZE OF 425x340x175MM with single hole for pillar tape with CP or MS brackets painted white including cutting holes and making good the same including (1) Providing and fixing SS waste couplingof 32 mm dia size half theread with 80mm height like jaquar -ALD - CHR-705for wash basin with rubber plug (2) Providing and fixing SS bottle trap with internal partition of 32mm size with 250mm &190mm long wall flange connection pipes and wall flange likejaquar ALD-769 L250X190 of approved quality with necessary fitting for wash basin (3) Providing and fixing SS Pillar cock with extention bodylike JAQUAR FUS-CHR-29021N with necessary fittings etc. complete (4) Providing and fixing SS finish Angular Stop Cock quarter turnlike Jaquar code FUS-29053 with necessary fittings (5) Providing and fixing SS finish soap dispenser with metallic bottle like Jaquar code-ACN-CHR-1135N,Towel ring -jaquar-CAN-1121BN etc. complete. Make and model as approved by engineer in charge. 120 Providing and fixing Urinal of approved quality including connection with trap and with integral longitudinal flush pipe.(A) Squating plate pattern white earthenware size of urinal370mm x 315x 620 mm.of jaquar make code no URS -WHT-132530including (1) Providing and fixing SS finish waste couplingof 32 mm dia size half theread with 80mm height like jauar -ALD - 709 for wash basin with rubber plug (2) Providing and fixing SS finish bottle trap with internal partition of 32mm size with 250mm &190mm long wall flange connection pipes and wall flange like jaquar ALD-769 of approved quality with necessary fitting for wash basin (3) SS finish flush valve of auto closing system like jaquar PRS-073 of approved quality and connection with waste pipe trap etc. complete 121 Providing laying and jointing in true line and level 20mm dia. U.P.V.C. Pipe ( SCH- 40) for cold water including fittings as approved by Engineer In Charge. Pipe shall be fixed on the wall with the help of clamp at every two metre C/C or shall be concealed as directed including necessary fittings etc. including testing of pipe and joints and fixing the same with adhesive solvent, including cost of all materials. 122 Providing and fixing PVC SWR pipes IS 13592 for Drain - 75 mmdia 123 Providing and fixing PVC SWR P- Trap IS 14735 for Drain -110x110 124 Providing and fixing Gun metal check or non-return fullway wheel valve. (A) 50mm dia. 125 Providing laying and jointing PVC SWR pipes IS 13592 for Drain - 50 mmdia its accessories. 126 Providing and fixing to the inlet mouth of rain water pipe cast iron grating 15 cm diameter and weighing not less than 440 grams. 127 Providing and fixing SS finish Angular Stop cock for wash basin like Jaquar code FUS-29053 128 Providing laying and jointing in true line and level 65mm dia. U.P.V.C. Pipe ( SCH- 40) for cold water including fittings as approved by Engineer In Charge. Pipe shall be fixed on the wall with the help of clamp at every two metre C/C or shall be concealed as directed including necessary fittings etc. including testing of pipe and joints and fixing the same with adhesive solvent, including cost of all materials. 129 Providing and fixing Gun metal check or non-return fullway wheel valve. (A) 65mm dia. 130 Point wiring for Light / Bell with2-1.5 sq.mm& earth wire of 1.5 sq.mm (Green) both are of ISI marked 1.1 KV grade FRLS PVC insulated multi strand copper wires up to 10 mtr length , in below type of pipe erectedwith 6A Modular type switch / bell push & accessories and earth continuityof following type, erected on PVC / Metallic/Wooden box, single mounting base framecovered with textured/metallic/white front plate modules erected on /in wall / ceiling as per pipe erected, with necessary Lamp holder/ceiling rose / H.D.Connector as directed.(f) with medium class Rigid PVC pipe and accessories erected concealed inwall/ceiling complete cat III 131 PointwiringforTissino/Modularsecondarylight point with 2-1.5 sq.mm & earth wire of 1.5 sq.mm (green) both are of ISI marked 1.1 KV grade FRLS PVCinsulatedmultistrandcopperwires,inbelow typeof pipetobeerected completewithearth continuityandnecessaryconnectionwithprimary lightwithaccessorieserectedon Metal/ PVC/ wooden box covered with 3 mm thick PC(Polycarbonate) / Acrylic sheetfor open / concealedwiring.withnecessaryLampholder/ ceiling rose / H.D.Connector as directed.Note:- Maximum up to 6 mtrs length, excess will be considered asMains for Secondary Point.(f) with medium class Rigid PVC pipe and accessories erected concealed inwall/ceiling complete cat III 132 Point wiring for FAN with 2-1.5 sq.mm& earth wire of1.5sq.mm(Green)bothareof.ISImarked1.1 KV GradeFRLS PVC insulated multi strand copper wiresupto10mtrlength,inbelowtypeofpipe erectedwith 6A Modular type switch and hum free EME steptypeelectronicfanregulator mounted and accessorieswithearthcontinuityoffollowing type erected on PVC / Metallic/Wooden box, single mountingbaseframecoveredwith textured/metallic/white frontplate modules erected on/inwall/ceilingasperpipeerected.with necessary ceiling rose / H.D.Connector as directed.(f) with medium class Rigid PVC pipe and accessories erected concealed inwall/ceiling complete cat III 133 Point wiring for Two Way Controlled Light Point with 2-1.5 sq.mm& earth wire of 1.5 sq.mm (green) both are of .ISI marked 1.1 KV grade FRLS PVC insulated multi strand copper wires erected in below type of pipe with 6A Modular type switches and following type of accessories erected on PVC / Metallic/Wooden box, single mounting base frame covered with textured / metallic/white front plate modules erected on / in wall / ceiling as per pipe erected. with necessary batten/angle holder or ceiling rose or H.D.Connector as directed.(f) with medium class Rigid PVC pipe and accessories erected concealed inwall/ceiling complete 134 Point wiring for Individual Plug with& earth wire of 1.5 sq.mm (Green) both are of ISI marked 1.1 KV grade FRLS PVC insulated multi strand copper wires up to 10 mtr length, in below type of pipe erectedcomplete with Modular type switch & 5 pin Plugerected on PVC / Metallic/Wooden box covered with appropriate front plate modules erected on / in wall / ceiling as per pipe erected with following type of accessories [II]For16APlugand16ampswitch with2-2.5 sq.mm Cu. Wire from mcb db board.(f) with medium class Rigid PVC pipe and accessories erected concealed inwall/ceiling complete cat III 135 Point wiring for Individual Plug with& earth wire of1.5sq.mm(Green)bothareofISImarked1.1 KV gradeFRLSPVCinsulatedmultistrandcopper wiresupto10mtrlength,inbelowtypeofpipe erectedcomplete with Modular type switch & 5 pin Plugerected on PVC / Metallic/Wooden box coveredwithappropriatefrontplatemodules erected on / in wall / ceiling as per pipe erected with following type of accessories. [I] For 6A Plug and 6 a switchwith 2-1.5 sq.mm Cu. Wire from nearby switchboard/mcb db board (f) with medium class Rigid PVC pipe and accessories erected concealed inwall/ceiling complete 136 Point wiring for on board Looped Plug with 6A Modular type switch & 5 pin socket erected on PVC / Metallic/Wooden box, single mounting base frame covered with textured / metallic/whitefront plate modules erectedon/ in wall / ceiling with following type accessories Cat. III 137 Providing& erecting Switchboard for Computer or electricapparatusconsistingof followingmodular typeaccessories mounted withPVC/Metallic concealed/open box with single mounting base framecoveredwithtextured/metallic/whitefront plate,moduleserectedwithnecessaryconnections as directed1 no. 6A/16A universal plug-switchcombined. 3 nos. 6A Switch3 nos. 6A 5 pin PlugFor Modular Type Accessories Cat. III 138 Providing following type of Modular Type AccessoriesmountedwithPVC/metallic/Wooden box, single mounting base frame covered with textured / metallic/white front plate , modules erected withnecessaryconnectionsaspersite situation directed by Engineer In charge.(8)ComputerRJ-45 socketCat.III 139 Supplying & erecting approved make LAN cable of following size in existing pipe as per direction [D] CAT - 6 e 140 Supplying & erecting approved 24 port gigabyte unmanaged switch. 141 Supplying & erecting access point with POE. 142 Supply,Installation,Testing and Commissioning of Table mount Modular Multi-connection Cable Manager Should have an easy openable retractable lid which disappears with a single tap of a button. 143 SITC of Patch Panel Cat 6 UTP Keystone Type- 24 Port-Fully Loaded(Including Five year free maintenance with guarantee) 144 SITC of CAT6 UTP 24AWG PATCH CORD:1M,Plug 30U Snag less [Approved by Competent Authority i.e. not Below the rank of Executive Engineer ] 145 SITC of CAT6 UTP 24AWG PATCH CORD:2M,Plug 30U Snag less[Approved by Competent Authority i.e. not Below the rank of Executive Engineer ] 146 Providing & Erecting Netwrok rack with following capacity with Necessary cooling fan,Cable manager,6A PDU,equipment rack with necessary mounting accessories.(A) 9 U 147 Providing following type of Modular Type AccessoriesmountedwithPVC/metallic/Wooden box, single mounting base frame covered with textured / metallic/white front plate , modules erected withnecessaryconnectionsaspersite situation directed by Engineer In charge.(3) Two Pin/RJ-11 Telephone Socket[A] For One Gang Cat.III 148 Supplying&erectingapprovedmakeTelephone CableelectrolyticcopperconductorPEinsulation twistedintwopairs,&wrappedwithFRLSPVC tape&sheathedwithFRLSPVCorHFFRouter Jacket suitable for telephone wiring & confirming to C-DOT erected in existing pipe. of following size of conductors&nos.ofpairs.Withnecessary connections.[A] Conductor Size 0.5 mm(a) Unarmoured (2)Two Pairs 149 Providing & erecting main Distribution (MDF) indoortype,backmountedframeasperDoTstandard approved with krone strips(a) Suitable for 10 pair 150 Providing & erecting main Distribution (MDF) indoortype,backmountedframeasperDoTstandard approved with krone strips(b) Suitable for 20 pair 151 SITC of Digital / PCM / TDM EPABX System having SMT design, system with flexible universal slots. Inbuilt Auto attendant facility, Minimum 15 Nos. conference, Analog extension line, Calling GSM, E&M line, PRI / EI & VOIP program me through Analog telephone digital key from Ethernet, public address cord, shall have unrestricted simultaneous dialing facility,QSIG protocol on PRI, 95 / STD / ISD / Local-Locking, Class of Service, Quick Dial-Single Digit dialing of any two external number, Once only ring device, Chairman / Secretary - Do not disturb Facility, Power Down Mode, Hot Line, Hot Outward Dialing, Day Night Mode, Auto Call Back, Barge-in, Call Pick Up & Call Transfer, Call transfer while Ringing with Voice Guide System, (DISA), Caller ID (CLI), CLI Base ECF, CLI Base routing Internet Ready Port, External Music Port, Call Budgeting, Call Most Calculation (ASMDR), DID Direct Inverse Dialing, External Music Input, Fax Homing, Global Directory Printing with following capacities [[Approved by Competent Authority i.e. not Below the rank of Executive Engineer ][A] No of Extension 16, No of Junctions 6, 8 Port IP Resource in-built, 4 Port Web base Video Conferencing, No of expandable ports : 48, Operators Console - 01 Compatible : ISDN 152 providing and erecting Mains with ISI marked, 1.5KVgradeelectrolytemultistranded,annealed copper conductor with heat resistant PVC insulated conformstoIS694,IEC-227erectedinexisting pipe offollowing size (Specifically for control panel, relays, power switchgears, motor starters & control wiring)withrequiredsizeofcopperlugs,nutsand bolts if required.(f)One wire 10.00 sq. mm 153 providing and erecting Mains with ISI marked, 1.5KVgradeelectrolytemultistranded,annealed copper conductor with heat resistant PVC insulated conformstoIS694,IEC-227erectedinexisting pipe offollowing size (Specifically for control panel, relays, power switchgears, motor starters & control wiring)withrequiredsizeofcopperlugs,nutsand bolts if required.(g)One wire 16.00 sq. mm 154 providing and erecting Mains with ISI marked, 1.5KVgradeelectrolytemultistranded,annealed copper conductor with heat resistant PVC insulated conformstoIS694,IEC-227erectedinexisting pipe offollowing size (Specifically for control panel, relays, power switchgears, motor starters & control wiring)withrequiredsizeofcopperlugs,nutsand bolts if required.(h)One wire 25.00 sq. mm 155 providing and erecting Mains with ISI marked, 1.5KVgradeelectrolytemultistranded,annealed copper conductor with heat resistant PVC insulated conformstoIS694,IEC-227erectedinexisting pipe offollowing size (Specifically for control panel, relays, power switchgears, motor starters & control wiring)withrequiredsizeofcopperlugs,nutsand bolts if required.(i)One wire 35.00 sq. mm 156 ProvidinganderectingMainswith1.1KVgrade FRLSPVCinsulatedISImarkedstrandedCopper conductor wire in following typeof pipetobe erectedconcealedin/flushedonwall/ceiling,with1.5 sq. mm copper conductor FRLS PVC insulated stranded wire of green colour for earth continuity offollowing size. (A) With medium class Rigid PVC pipe and accessories (a) 2 wire 1.5 sq. mm 157 ProvidinganderectingMainswith1.1KVgrade FRLSPVCinsulatedISImarkedstrandedCopper conductor wire in following typeof pipetobe erectedconcealedin/flushedonwall/ceiling,with1.5 sq. mm copper conductor FRLS PVC insulated stranded wire of green colour for earth continuity offollowing size. (A) With medium class Rigid PVC pipe and accessories(b) 2 wire 2.5 sq. mm 158 providing and erecting Mains with 1.1 KV grade FRLS PVC insulated ISI marked stranded Copper conductor wire in following type of pipe to be erected in / on wall / ceiling with 2.5 sq. mm copper conductor FRLS PVC insulated stranded wire of green colour for earth continuity of following size(A) With medium class Rigid PVC pipe and accessories (a) 2 wire 4 sq. mm 159 providing and erecting Mains with 1.1 KV grade FRLS PVC insulated ISI marked stranded Copper conductor wire in following type of pipe to be erected in / on wall / ceiling with 2.5 sq. mm copper conductor FRLS PVC insulated stranded wire of green colour for earth continuity of following size(A) With medium class Rigid PVC pipe and accessories (c) 2 wire 10 sq. mm (use earth wire of 4 sq.mm ) 160 providing and erecting Mains with 1.1 KV grade FRLS PVC insulated ISI marked stranded Copper conductor wire in following type of pipe to be erected in / on wall / ceiling with 2.5 sq. mm copper conductor FRLS PVC insulated stranded wire of green colour for earth continuity of following size(A) With medium class Rigid PVC pipe and accessories (g) 4 wire 4 sq. mm 161 Providing and erecting ISI mark Medium class RIGID PVC PIPES of following size complete to be erected on/in wall or ceilingerected with necessary PVCfittings&Junctionboxesfixedwithadhesive solution&Clampswithfollowingdiaofpipes,inapproved manner as directed (b) 25 mm 162 Providing & erecting PVC Corrugated Flexible Conduit with required nos. of coupling, PVC bushes, Check-nuts etc. complete of followingsizes.(2) 25 mm 163 Providing and erecting Sheet Steel powder coated MCB distribution board - flush / surface mountedfittedwithbusbar,neutrallink,earth barandDINrail,ConformstoIS8623-1&3, IEC 61439-1 & 3 without MCB to house appropriate nos. ofMCBs.(The DBsshould be usedofsamecompanyofMCBtobeused) suitable for(A) single phase incoming and horizontal single phase outgoing(b) sheet steel double door (IP-43) (ii)6 way 164 Providing and erecting Sheet Steel powder coated MCB distribution board - flush / surface mountedfittedwithbusbar,neutrallink,earth barandDINrail,ConformstoIS8623-1&3, IEC 61439-1 & 3 without MCB to house appropriate nos. ofMCBs.(The DBsshould be usedofsamecompanyofMCBtobeused) suitable for(A) single phase incoming and horizontal single phase outgoing(b) sheet steel double door (IP-43) (iii)8 way 165 Providing and erecting Sheet Steel powder coated MCB distribution board - flush / surface mountedfittedwithbusbar,neutrallink,earth barandDINrail,ConformstoIS8623-1&3, IEC 61439-1 & 3 without MCB to house appropriate nos. ofMCBs.(The DBsshould be usedofsamecompanyofMCBtobeused) suitable for(B)threephaseincomingandsinglephase horizontaltypeoutgoing Perphaseisolationtype (PPI)(b) sheet steel double door (IP-43) (i)4 way 166 Providing and erecting Sheet Steel powder coated MCB distribution board - flush / surface mountedfittedwithbusbar,neutrallink,earth barandDINrail,ConformstoIS8623-1&3, IEC 61439-1 & 3 without MCB to house appropriate nos. ofMCBs.(The DBsshould be usedofsamecompanyofMCBtobeused) suitable for(B)threephaseincomingandsinglephase horizontaltypeoutgoing Perphaseisolationtype (PPI)(b) sheet steel double door (IP-43) (ii)6 way 167 Providing and erecting Sheet Steel powder coated MCB distribution board - flush / surface mountedfittedwithbusbar,neutrallink,earth barandDINrail,ConformstoIS8623-1&3, IEC 61439-1 & 3 without MCB to house appropriate nos. ofMCBs.(The DBsshould be usedofsamecompanyofMCBtobeused) suitable for(B)threephaseincomingandsinglephase horizontaltypeoutgoing Perphaseisolationtype (PPI)(b) sheet steel double door (IP-43) (iii)8 way 168 providing and erecting Miniature circuit breaker singlepole6Ato25Asuitabletooperateon240 V A.C. system and having breaking capacity 10KAtobeerectedinexistingbox. confirming to IS 8828/1996 with ISI Mark Cat.III 169 Providing&erecting240VMCBdoublepole switch for lighting Load (B Curve) having 10 KA breakingcapacity&confirmstoIS:8828in existing box having following capacity(A) 6 to 32 Amp. Cat-III 170 Providing&erecting240VMCBdoublepole switch for lighting Load (B Curve) having 10 KA breakingcapacity&confirmstoIS:8828in existing box having following capacity(B) 40 Amp. Cat-III 171 Providing & erecting 415 V MCB Four Polefor Motor & InductiveLoad (C Curve) having 10KA breakingcapacity&confirmstoIS:8828in existing box having following capacity(a) 6 to 32 Amp. Cat III 172 Providing & erecting 415 V MCB Four Polefor Motor & InductiveLoad (C Curve) having 10KA breakingcapacity&confirmstoIS:8828in existing box having following capacity(c)63 Amp.Cat.III 173 providing and erecting Approved make RCCBs conformingtoIS:12640 andhaving sensitivity of30mAandShortCircuitwithstandcapacity of10KAandsuitableforoperationonsingle phase 240 V,50Hz. having characteristic of quick action & tripping with all advance feature & do not incorporate any electronic component. for following Max. ratingerected as directed (i) 25 Amps.DP Cat. III 174 providing and erecting Approved make RCCBs conformingtoIS:12640 andhaving sensitivity of30mAandShortCircuitwithstandcapacity of10KAandsuitableforoperationonsingle phase 240 V,50Hz. having characteristic of quick action & tripping with all advance feature & do not incorporate any electronic component. for following Max. ratingerected as directed (ii) 40Amps. DP Cat. III 175 providing and erecting Approved make RCCBs conformingtoIS:12640 andhaving sensitivity of30mAandShortCircuitwithstandcapacity of10KAandsuitableforoperationonsingle phase 240 V,50Hz. having characteristic of quick action & tripping with all advance feature & do not incorporate any electronic component. for following Max. ratingerected as directed (iii) 63 Amps. DP Cat. III 176 Supplyinganderectingtriplepole&neutral 440V/500VpanelmountingCopperBusbars withfourequalNos.ofelectrolytebushaving current density not more than 1.6 Amp. / sq.mm(Ratedcurrent/crosssectionarea) dulywrappedwithcolourinsulatingtapefor phasesequenceoffollowingcurrentcarrying capacity, erected with necessary bus bar supports /insulators, main cable socket to each bar, erected in existing cubical panel with necessaryconnections.(A) Suitable for 100 Amp. Capacity 177 Supplyinganderectingtriplepole&neutral 440V/500VpanelmountingCopperBusbars withfourequalNos.ofelectrolytebushaving current density not more than 1.6 Amp. / sq.mm(Ratedcurrent/crosssectionarea) dulywrappedwithcolourinsulatingtapefor phasesequenceoffollowingcurrentcarrying capacity, erected with necessary bus bar supports /insulators, main cable socket to each bar, erected in existing cubical panel with necessaryconnections.(B) Suitable for 200 Amp. capacity 178 Supplyinganderectingtriplepole&neutral 440V/500VpanelmountingCopperBusbars withfourequalNos.ofelectrolytebushaving current density not more than 1.6 Amp. / sq.mm(Ratedcurrent/crosssectionarea) dulywrappedwithcolourinsulatingtapefor phasesequenceoffollowingcurrentcarrying capacity, erected with necessary bus bar supports /insulators, main cable socket to each bar, erected in existing cubical panel with necessaryconnections.(E) Suitable for 630 Amp. capacity 179 ProvidinganderectingApprovedmakeFour pole moulded case circuit breaker having breaking capacity ICU of 25 KA. at 415 V,havingnormalcurrentratingupto25Ato 100A.withFixedthermal&magneticrelease suitable to work on A.C. supply 50 c/s. with all internal connections, spreader tinned copper & completeerectedinexisting16G.M.S. housing. 180 Providing and erecting Approved make Four pole moulded case circuit breaker having breaking capacity ICU of 35 KA. at 415 V. having normal current rating125A. with Fixed thermal & magnetic release suitable to work on A.C.supply 50 c/s. with all internal connections, spreader tinned copper & complete erected in existing 16 G.M.S. housing. 181 Providing and erecting Approved make Four pole moulded case circuit breaker having breaking capacity ICU of 50 KAand above at 415 Vhaving Normal current rating400A. with variable Thermal & magnetic release suitable to work on A.C.supply 50 c/s. With all internal connections, spreader tinned copper & complete erected in existing 16 G.M.S. housing.Cat III 182 Providing and erecting Approved make Four pole moulded case circuit breaker having breaking capacity ICU of 50 K.A.and above at 415 Vhaving normal current rating up to 630A. with variable thermal & magnetic release suitable to work on A.C.supply 50 c/s. with all internal connections, spreader tinned copper & complete erected in existing 16 G.M.S. housingCat III 183 Supplying & erecting approved make Four Pole 415V change over switch interior for panel mounting with operating mechanism A.C.23 duty confirming to IS for (G) 630 A. Cat.III 184 Providing & erecting weather proof, dust & vermin proof, floor mounted front operated indoor typecubical panel board necessary IP- 42 and above protection as per approval from engineerinchargemadefrom14SWGthick CRCM.S.sheetforouterbody&doors,16 SWGthickCRCM.S.sheetforinternal partitions with necessary accesories , supporting angles/ flats channel including cutting,bending,drilling,welding,rivetingwith internalpartitions&cablealleyasper requirements&instructionofengineer-in- charge with erection of supplied switch gears, BUSBARS,suitable sizeofinterconnectingPVCcopperwire/ copper-aluminium strips, rubber grommets, rib, bakelitecontrolfuses/MCBformeasuring instruments, earth bus & earth bolts, foundation flange-bolts-basePlates,sufficientnos.of hinged doors, handles with locking arrangement and rubber gasket,heavy duty end terminal connection,danger notice board,necessary ventilation,earthing strip complete. The Panel shall be painted with epoxy powder coating (Theratesexcludesthecostofswitchgears, busbars,interconnectingmains &Copper Aluminium strips,meters, Fuses etc. The dimensionshallbemeasuredexcludingbase beams) The panel shall be supplied with followingapprovedmanufacturerswithfollowing size.(B)Thestandardcompaniesswitchgearshall be used and only manufacturers at CPRIapproved factory. (i) with 350mm depth board 185 Providing , erecting , fabricating the M.S. structure as per requirement on site incorporating proper size of M.S. angles,square,round,flats,bars,channels, sections completewithcutting,welding, grinding&finishingdulypaintedwithonecoat of red oxidewith erection on site as per directionofengineerinchargewithnecessary grouting, cementing, plastering & finishingcomplete. 186 Providing and erecting multifunctional meter suitable for application of Power monitoring and showing measurementof following Voltage, Frequency, Apparent energy, Apparent power, Active and reactive energy, Active and reactive power, Average voltage Vavg, Peak demand power PM, QM, SM, Demand power P, Q, S, Apparent power S, S1, S2, S3, Unbalance current, Power factor and displacement PF (signed, four quadrant), Calculated neutral current, Active, reactive, apparent energy (signed, four quadrant), Active power P, P1, P2, P3, Voltage U21, U32, U13, V1, V2, V3, Phase currents, Average current Iag, Peak demand currents, Reactive power Q, Q1, Q2, Q3, Demand current I1, I2, I3, [Us] rated supply voltage 40...300 V AC 45...65 Hz, 40...300 V DC, Network frequency 50 Hz, Type of network 3P, Display type 7 segments LED, Display colour Red, Messages display capacity 3 fields of 4 characters, Display digits 12 digit(s) - 14.2 mm in height 187 Supplying and erecting approved make suitable panel indicatorLED type lamp, lens cover, complete erected with necessary connections. 188 Providing & erectingL.T. Current Transformer withbarprimary50/5to1000/5ratio15VA burden erected in existing CRCA box duly securedwithinsulatingmaterialsconnectedto the meter. 189 Providinganderectingmetallicvitrifieddanger noticeboardasperlanguagesuggestedby engineer incharge for MEDIUM VOLTAGE installation to be erected as per IS-2551. 190 Providing following type of Modular Type AccessoriesmountedwithPVC/metallic/Wooden box, single mounting base frame covered with textured / metallic/white front plate , modules erected withnecessaryconnectionsaspersite situation directed by Engineer In charge.(7) Blank Plate Single 191 Providing and erecting XLPE(IS:7098)(I)-88 ISI armoured cable multistrand Aluminium conductor for1.1 KV. to be laidon wall with necessary clamps or in existing trench/ pipe of following size of cables. (C) 3 core 6 Sq. mm 192 Providing and erecting XLPE(IS:7098)(I)-88 ISI armouredcablemultistrandAluminium conductorfor 1.1KV.tobelaid onwallwith necessary clamps or in existing trench/ pipe of following size of cables(B) 3 1/2core 35 Sq. mm ( 16 Sq. mm 1/2 core) 193 Providing and erecting XLPE(IS:7098)(I)-88 ISI armouredcablemultistrandAluminium conductorfor 1.1KV.tobelaid onwallwith necessary clamps or in existing trench/ pipe of following size of cables(C) 3 1/2core 50 Sq. mm ( 25 Sq.1/2 mmcore) 194 Providing and erecting XLPE(IS:7098)(I)-88 ISI armouredcablemultistrandAluminium conductorfor 1.1KV.tobelaid onwallwith necessary clamps or in existing trench/ pipe of following size of cables(F) 3 1/2core 120 Sq. mm ( 70 Sq. mm 1/2 core) 195 Providing and erecting XLPE(IS:7098)(I)-88 ISI armouredcablemultistrandAluminium conductorfor 1.1KV.tobelaid onwallwith necessary clamps or in existing trench/ pipe of following size of cables(I) 3 1/2 core 240 Sq. mm( 120 Sq. mm1/2core) 196 Providing and erecting XLPE (IS:7098)(I)-88 ISI armouredcablemultistrand/SolidAluminium conductorfor 1.1KV.tobelaid onwallwith necessary clamps or in existing trench/ pipe of following size of cables(B) 4 core 6 Sq. mm 197 Providing and erecting XLPE (IS:7098)(I)-88 ISI armouredcablemultistrand/SolidAluminium conductorfor 1.1KV.tobelaid onwallwith necessary clamps or in existing trench/ pipe of following size of cables(C) 4 core 10 Sq. mm 198 Providing and erecting XLPE (IS:7098)(I)-88 ISI armouredcablemultistrandAluminium conductorfor 1.1KV.tobelaid onwallwith necessary clamps or in existing trench/ pipe of following size of cables (A) 4 core 16 Sq. mm 199 Providing and erecting XLPE(IS:7098)(I)-88 ISI armoured cable multistrand Copperconductor for1.1 KV. to be laidon wall with necessary clamps or in existingtrench/ pipe at road crossing or floorof followingsize of cables.(A) 4 core 16 Sq. mm 200 Providingand,fixingheavydutyflangetype brasscableglandwithrubberringforPVC insulatedarmouredcablecompletewithout going tails, insulating tape etc for following size of cables.(B) 2 to 4 core 6 Sq. mm 201 Providingand,fixingheavydutyflangetype brasscableglandwithrubberringforPVC insulatedarmouredcablecompletewithout going tails, insulating tape etc for following size of cables.(C) 2 to 4 core 10 Sq. mm 202 Providingand,fixingheavydutyflangetype brasscableglandwithrubberringforPVC insulatedarmouredcablecompletewithout going tails, insulating tape etc for following size of cables.(D) 2 to 4 core 16 Sq. mm 203 Providing and, fixing heavy duty flange type brass double compression type cable gland with rubber ring for PVC insulated armoured cable complete with out going tails, insulating tape etc for following size of cables.(B) 3 & 1/2core 35/50 Sq. mm 204 Providingand,fixingheavydutyflangetype brassdoublecompressiontypecablegland withrubberringforPVCinsulatedarmoured cablecompletewithoutgoingtails,insulating tape etc for following size of cables.(E) 3& 1/2 core 120 Sq. mm 205 Providingand,fixingheavydutyflangetype brassdoublecompressiontypecablegland withrubberringforPVCinsulatedarmoured cablecompletewithoutgoingtails,insulating tape etc for following size of cables.(H) 3 & 1/2core 240 Sq. mm 206 Solder less crimping type Aluminium lugs conforming to IS suitable for cable of following sizeevenly crimpedwithhighpressuretool& connected to switchgear terminals with brass/cadmium plated nut bolts in an approved manner.(A) 1.5/ 2.5/4/6 Sq.mm 207 Solder less crimping type Aluminium lugs conforming to IS suitable for cable of following sizeevenly crimpedwithhighpressuretool& connected to switchgear terminals with brass/cadmium plated nut bolts in an approved manner.(B) 10 Sq.mm 208 Solder less crimping type Aluminium lugs conforming to IS suitable for cable of following sizeevenly crimpedwithhighpressuretool& connected to switchgear terminals with brass/cadmium plated nut bolts in an approved manner.(C) 16/25 Sq.mm. 209 Solder less crimping type Copper lugs conforming to IS suitable for cable of following size evenly crimped with high pressure tool & connected to switchgear terminals with brass/cadmium plated nut bolts in an approved manner. (C) 16 Sq.mm. 210 Solder less crimping type Aluminium lugs conforming to IS suitable for cable of following sizeevenly crimpedwithhighpressuretool& connected to switchgear terminals with brass/cadmium plated nut bolts in an approved manner.(D) 35/50 Sq.mm. 211 Solder less crimping type Aluminium lugs conforming to IS suitable for cable of following sizeevenly crimpedwithhighpressuretool& connected to switchgear terminals with brass/cadmium plated nut bolts in an approved manner.(G) 120 Sq.mm. 212 Solder less crimping type Aluminium lugs conforming to IS suitable for cable of following sizeevenly crimpedwithhighpressuretool& connected to switchgear terminals with brass/cadmium plated nut bolts in an approved manner.(J) 240 Sq.mm. 213 Supplying & erecting earth pit of minimum bore dia.150mmsizeapprovedmakeEarthing ElectrodeconsistingPipe-in-PipeTechnology as per IS 3043-1987 made of corrosion free hot dippedG.I.PipeshavingOuterpipediaof 50mm having 80-200 Micron galvanising, Inner pipe dia of 25 mm having 200-250 Micron galvanising,connectionterminaldiaof12mm with constant ohmic value surrounded by highly conductive compound with high charge dissipationsuitableforfollowingtypeof applications with chamber and heavy duty cover. (A)(approvedmake OEM has to submit testcertificateincludingvalueofearth resistance of installation duly stamped and signedbyagencyandofficerInchargehasto ensurethevalueofearthingresistane mentionedintestCertificate)&havingback fillingcompoundof(B) Innerchemical(CCM Compound)- Resistivity:- 0.2 ohm / meter testingasperIEC62561-2017,Voltagedrop:-< 1 volt at no load & dry form, Sulphar content:-<2%(C)BackfillCompound :-Earthing compound should be capable to retain moisture forlongtime Necessarytestreportmustbe submitted by Agency.(c)For ElectricalInstallation covering Transformer Neutrals, Lightning arrester Earthing,A.C.Plant&SensitiveComputer System(like Automation, SCADA) i.e independent Earthing in normal soil.Length of Pipe : 3.00 mtrsBack filling Compound :2 nosBags of 25 Kg. 214 Providing and erecting required size HOT deep Galvanised iron strip for earthing of H.T. , OCB/ ACB/ Transformer LT panel board, Motors etc. using proper clamp. 215 Providing and erecting required size Copper strip for earthing of H.T. OCB / ACB/ Transformer, LT panel board, Motors etc. using copper clamp. 216 ProvidinganderectingAnnealedbareCopperwire 8 to 16 SWG. 217 Providing & erecting Approved make Power Saving 50 Watt Ceiling Fan with double ball bearing ISI mark with Condenser 230 volt A.C. 50 Hz 1200 mm sweep complete having3blades with aluminium blades with , canopy & 30 cm. down rod erected with earthing.(Make shall be approved by Engineer in charge)) 218 Supplyinganderecting19/20mm.nominal bore Medium Class M.S. Pipe down rod erected duly painted for fan complete with proper insulation without leakage and earthing. 219 Supplying& erecting fan hook box of 10 mmM.S. round bar bounded to the RCC bars up to 50mm length each side and pierced through a16GaugeM.S.box/HeavyDutyPVCbox complete erected concealed in Ceiling with necessary finishing. 220 Providing2.5mm.thicklaminatedacrylicsheetto cover the fan hook or Fan box. 221 Supplying & erecting approved make low noise decorativeexhaustfanhavingsquareframe ABS body with inbuilt lowers & square frame.200mm with 1350RPM Cat.II 222 Providing recess in wall or window frame suitableforerectionofExhaustfancomplete with plastering and colour washing to match the colourofthewallorwindowcompletewith expanded metal in order to render the fitting in accessible and the room water-proof. 223 Providing following type of Modular Type Accessories mounted with PVC / metallic/Wooden box, single mounting base frame covered with textured / metallic/white front plate , modules erectedwith necessary connections as per site situation directed by Engineer In charge.(11) 6 Amps. Bell Push 224 Supplying & erecting Approved make call bell indicator with buzzing sound and Red light indicating lamp with Red light button toattend the call suitable for 240 v 50 c/s supply to be erected. 225 Supplying and erecting led lamps with following wattage capacity of 220 to 240 voltage, minimum 15000 burning hours life, 500 V in built-surge protection,Polycarbonate diffuser, mounting suitable for E14 / E27 / B22 lamp holders, pf >= 0.5(A) LED Lamps integral type, with PC diffuser suitableLAMP holder (ii)5 to 8 watts CAT III 226 Supplying and erecting LED indoor fittings with LEDsofwattage0.2Wattto0.5Watt assembledonsingleMCPCB,withhousing usedasaheatsinkshallbemadeofthick sheet Steel conforming to IS: 513/CRCA/aluminiumpressurediecast powder coated and high U.V. & corrosion resistance withdiffuser housedinaluminium casted body with company mark/name 160Vto270V,PowerFactormorethan0.95, THD < 15 %, CCT3000 K to 6500K, Luminaire efficacy> 85 lumens/watt , LED driver efficiency > 85 % ( fitting required LM-79 & LM-80 Certificates)(NOTE:Belowdescriptionhave shown ranges of Wattage capacity of LED fittings.TheEngineerinchargemayselectany wattage capacity between the ranges shown.)(A) Square/ Circular shaped Surface/Recessed Mount Downlight with provision for spring loaded mounting clips complete.IP20 (ii) 11-15 watts, Surge-2 KV cat - III 227 Supplying and erecting LED indoor fittings with LEDsofwattage0.2Wattto0.5Watt assembledonsingleMCPCB,withhousing usedasaheatsinkshallbemadeofthick sheet Steel conforming to IS: 513/CRCA/aluminiumpressurediecast powder coated and high U.V. & corrosion resistance withdiffuser housedinaluminium casted body with company mark/name 160Vto270V,PowerFactormorethan0.95, THD < 15 %, CCT3000 K to 6500K, Luminaire efficacy> 85 lumens/watt , LED driver efficiency > 85 % ( fitting required LM-79 & LM-80 Certificates)(NOTE:Belowdescriptionhave shown ranges of Wattage capacity of LED fittings.TheEngineerinchargemayselectany wattage capacity between the ranges shown.)(A) Square/ Circular shaped Surface/Recessed Mount Downlight with provision for spring loaded mounting clips complete.IP20 (iv) 22-24 watts, Surge-2 KVcat - III 228 Supplying and erecting LED indoor fittings with LEDsofwattage0.2Wattto0.5Watt assembledonsingleMCPCB,withhousing usedasaheatsinkshallbemadeofthick sheet Steel conforming to IS: 513/CRCA/aluminiumpressurediecast powder coated and high U.V. & corrosion resistance withdiffuser housedinaluminium casted body with company mark/name 160Vto270V,PowerFactormorethan0.95, THD < 15 %, CCT3000 K to 6500K, Luminaire efficacy> 85 lumens/watt , LED driver efficiency > 85 % ( fitting required LM-79 & LM-80 Certificates)(NOTE:Belowdescriptionhave shown ranges of Wattage capacity of LED fittings.TheEngineerinchargemayselectany wattage capacity between the ranges shown.)(B) LED Panel Light with provision for Plane front frame with translucent cover fixed to housing complete.IP20(vi)36 watts, 24 x 24, Surge- 2KV cat - III 229 Supplying & erecting recess wall mounting speaker with 5W rated input power 3.3 K. Ohms / 3W impedance, 100 - 10000 Hz frequency response with 6 inch dia. cone type 8 ohms speakers duly fitted in ABS plastic cabinet of colour match with wall or ceiling of following size.[[Approved by Competent Authority i.e. not Below the rank of Executive Engineer ](b)Square shaped 260 x 260mm size speaker 230 Supplying & erecting Amplifier having following specification:Power Output :250W (RMS) (300W Max.)inputs : 6 Misc. & 2 Aux.frequency Response :50-1500HZ I3dbTone Controls :Cut & Boost typeLED Meter:5 LED ArraysThe amplifier suitable to operate 240V A.C.& 24volt D.C. (Battery) with automatic changeover from AC to Battery operation, duly protected by wrong Battery Polarity connections. [[Approved by Competent Authority i.e. not Below the rank of Executive Engineer ] 231 Supplying, erecting & testing Approved make Microphone for announcement, speech & general P.A. application with frequency response of 150 - 10000 Hz having sensitivity 2mv/Pa, & impedance 600 Ohms supplied with quick detachable holder, 6 mtr twin core cable & PCIM / MCIF connector. [[Approved by Competent Authority i.e. not Below the rank of Executive Engineer ] 232 Supplying and erecting Flexible PVC insulated multi strand multi core 1.1 kv grade ISI marked copper wires of following size to be erected as directed.(d) 1.50 Sq.mm 2 core round PVC sheathed 233 Providing & erecting water cooler having storage capacity 150 Ltr. & cooling capacity 150 Ltr.per hour @ an ambient temp of 45˚ C. The outlet temp. of the water should drop by 15˚C within a hour, The water cooler should be comprising of hermetically sealed compressor, fan motor, condensing unit, water tank surrounded by evaporating, coil, thermostats, relay etc.complete with necessary inlet & outlet connection. The body of water cooler will be made from Stainless Steel. 234 Supplying & erecting reverse osmosis (RO)water purification system with M.S. powder coated pedestal frame, prefilter housing carbon filter suitable buster DC pump, auto low & high pressure switches with following size of LPH capacity & erected as directed [F]500 LPH with3 phase Raw water pump of 1000LPH @ 3.0 kg/cm2 (1No - Kirloskar /CRI /Lubi), Dual media filter 13x54 - (1No),Micron catridge filter 20 x 4.0-1No, High pressure pump 1000LPH @ 11kg/cm2- (1No - lubi/ Shimge/ CRI), RO Membrane housing with RO membrane of 40*40 - (2 Nos), RO pressure tube 4 x 2E -(1No), 0-2400 LPH Rotameter ( 2Nos), , Dosing pump 0 -6 LPH - (1 No),. with 100 Ltr Dosing tank- (1 No), with Recovery Rate 50%. 235 S.I.T.C. submersible pump set suitable for bore of 100 mm. dia. or more having three phase motor capacity not more than 5 H.P. with following capacity . Lifting and Lowering taken extra.(B) (16 stage) 140 to 180 LPM discharge at 96 to 69 mtrs. head respectively suitable for 50mm dia. delivery pipe cat III 236 Providing and erecting ISI marked PVC insulated PVC SheathedFlat flexible Submersiblecopper cable approved make offollowing Size. (C) 3 Core x 4 Sq. mm 237 Providing & erecting open well horizontal mono block pump set with cast iron body, complete forthree phase submersible motor having[C] For 3 HP 3 phase open well horizontal mono block pump set suitable for 85 LPM to 270 LPM @ 11 mtr to 33 mtr head suitable for 50/65 mm dia delivery pipeCat II 238 Supplying & erecting approved make Automatic liquid level controller 6A. with sensor testing as per instruction of Engineer in charge on site complete with wiring connection with existing wires , with copper conductor from pump to upper and lower tank. 239 Supplying & erecting approvedmake motor control cubical panel [Star delta] made from 16G CRCA sheet duly epoxy powder painted inside and outside with hinged doors and locking with suitable size of ON - OFF isolator (AC 3 / 23 duty) main fuses. Digital volt and current meter (in a single unit) with micro controller based control unit and current sensing single phasing preventer electronic overload protection, over voltage (Programmable) protection and under voltage (Programmable) protection, prod less dry run protection programming facility for setting of all parameter like overload current, high voltage limit, low voltage limit, dry run limit with digital indication on seven segment LED display for any fault like over load, high voltage, low voltage, dry running single crimped, electronic star delta timer, feather touch start / stop push buttons to be erected on angle iron frame. Grouted on wall the contactors will be of L& T, Siemens, BCH make only)(A) DOL up to 5.0 H.P. 240 Supplying and erecting approved make Conical Pole (Standard ) Made from HR sheet steel. The pole should be made as per IS. and shall be coated with hot dip galvanizing as per IS 2629/2633/4759 with required base plate and integral Junction box consist of terminal plate of min 6mm Hylam sheet, standard profile 35mmX7.5mm Din-Rail for MCB Mounting, stud type terminal and arrangement for cable terminationas erected on suitable foundation (included) with necessary nut-bolts/J-Bolts.as per details given by manufacturer considering site requirement.The length of poles are as below.(E) 7 Mtr. Long 65mm Top X170 mm bottom dia, 3mm thickness. 241 Providing and erecting street light pole bracket comprising main B Class MS pipe of 4.2 cm/require outside dia. complete with suitable B Class M.S. sleeve tubing of approx. 45cms.length and suitable for 76.5 mm / 80mm. / require size pole top having sufficient fasteners for fixing the brackets and having spread of 1 mtr. length with suitable rise as per site condition & suitable welded stiffener reducer and nipple with check nut complete painted with one coat of Red oxide / PU base primer and two coats of Aluminium / PU paint. paint with following nos of arms. [A] Single Arm bracket 1 Mtr 242 Supplying & erectingapproved makeSMC press moulded composite FRP.loop-in, loop-out approx. 2mm thick box complete with Bakelite connector strip 5way(3P+N+E),DIN rail for mounting mob& hinged doors as per requirement having locking arrangements with mounting clamp with nuts, bolts & washers suitable for erection on pole with cable clamps& earth bolt of following size of box.(A) 300mm x 200mm x 100mm[deep] 243 Supplying and erecting LED street light / Flood light fittings with High power White LEDs wattage of 3 Watt and above assembled on single MCPCB, efficiency more than 130 lm/w and corrosion free High pressure die cast aluminum housing with smooth finish powder coated and heat sink extruded aluminium with diffuser and Polycarbonate optics/ lenses, with toughened glasswith company mark/name engraved or embossed 160 to 270 V,Power Factor more than 0.95, THD < 10 %, CCT3000 K to 5700K,Uniformity ratio >0.45, Luminaire efficacy> 100 lumens/watt . LED driver efficiency > 85 %.(fittings required LM-79 & LM-80 certificates)(NOTE: Below description have shown ranges of Wattage capacity of LED fittings.The Engineer incharge may select any wattage capacity between the ranges shown.)(A) Street Light (IP-65), Surge protection -4KV integral and ,Light must have 440VAC line supply with over-voltage protection. (i) above 36 to 48 watts Cat-lll 244 (b) LED Bollard fittings of minimum height 600 mm & dia.100mm having polycarbonateclear/milky diffuser mounted on 3mm thick aluminium finished powder coated pipe with base plate 160x160mm with erection by M8x75mm fastner with required RCC foundation.IP65 for 9 to 20 watt,surge-4kv- cat-III 245 Providing and fixing Terminal board of size 5.0 x 127 x 152.4 mm.bakelite sheet with suitable brass studs with nuts, washers and clamps of size 25mm x 3mm suitable for pole painted with one coat of red lead paint. 246 Supplying & erecting approved make Digital time switch having lithium cell 6 years operative and operate battery backup 1 channel day clock with 14 memory programme, suitable to operate on 240V + 5%, 16A with, floating contacts Minimum switching setup time 1 minimum & LCD display. Also comprised permanent ON/OFF switching. Programming switches & housed in fire proof thermoplastic enclosure & transparent cover erected as required with necessary connection erected as directed. 247 Supplying & erecting power contactor ,AC3 duty for time switch complete erected as per direction Cat III (B) 2 pole 250V 32 Amp. 248 Supplying and erecting Flexible PVC insulated multi strand multi core 1.1 kv grade ISI marked copper wires of following size to be erected as directed. e) 1.50 Sq.mm 3 core round PVC sheathed 249 Supplying and erecting B class Galvanized iron pipe having smooth finished bore of the pipe on both ends erectednuts and boltsalong the pole / wall shaping the pipe as per site requirement. Pipe dia as following.(C) 40 mm dia. 250 Providing and erecting Pipe type earthing with 40 mm dia 2.5 mtr long B grade G.I. pipe with necessary coupling buch buried in specially prepared earth pit & G.I. earth wire of 8 SWG erected & connected as directed (For panel)For using salt and charcoal / coke as required for pipe type earthing. 251 Providing & laying approved makeDouble walled corrugated pipes (DWC) of polyethylene(conforming to IS 14930 II )with necessary connectingaccessories of same material at required depth in existing trenchfor laying ofcable. below ground/ road surface for enclosing cable (A)50 mm outer dia 252 providing and erecting Miniature circuit breaker single pole 6A to 25A suitable to operate on 240 V A.C. system and having breaking capacity10 KA to be erected in existing box. confirming to IS 8828/1996 with ISI Mark 253 Making trench in Hard Murrum / Tar Road of suitable width of 90 cm or requireddepth for laying any size of cable or locating the faultall over the run and back filling the same and making the surface as normal ground. 254 Making trench in soft soil of suitable width of 90 cm deep for laying cable or locating the faultall over the run and back filling the same and making the surface as normal ground. 255 Providing and fixing approved make T Junction for Perforated C type cable tray.Made from sheet steel. The Junction should be bended as per IS 2062/1079 and shall be coated with hot dip galvanizing as per IS 2629/4759. with max 17.5% perforationwith coupler plate / Fish plate and GI hardware like nut - bolt and washers etc. erected on existing supportas per Specification and as per instruction of engineer in charge of following size (2) 100 X 50 X 1.6 mm Thick 256 Providing and fixing approved make T Junction for Perforated C type cable tray.Made from sheet steel. The Junction should be bended as per IS 2062/1079 and shall be coated with hot dip galvanizing as per IS 2629/4759. with max 17.5% perforationwith coupler plate / Fish plate and GI hardware like nut - bolt and washers etc. erected on existing supportas per Specification and as per instruction of engineer in charge of following size(5) 300 X 50 X 2.0 mm Thick 257 Providing and fixing approved make T Junction for Perforated C type cable tray.Made from sheet steel. The Junction should be bended as per IS 2062/1079 and shall be coated with hot dip galvanizing as per IS 2629/4759. with max 17.5% perforationwith coupler plate / Fish plate and GI hardware like nut - bolt and washers etc. erected on existing supportas per Specification and as per instruction of engineer in charge of following size(6) 450 X 50 X 2.0 mm Thick 258 Supplying & erecting carbon dioxide (CO2) fire extinguisher user of following capacity with necessary clamps made from 50 x 6 mm M.S. Flat with nut & bolts grouted in wall complete.[A] For 4.5 Kg Capacity 259 Supplying & erecting ABC powder type Ceasefire type Fire extinguisher as per IS 13849 or 1 Kg capacity with necessary clamp for erection on wall 260 Supply, Installation, Testing and Comissioning of 4MP Varifocal Lens Dome Type Camera, H.265 4MP IR Turret Dome N/W Camera, Manual Varifocal 2.8-12mm, 50M, Micro SD, DC12V/PoE, IP67/IK10, Basic IVA, 4MP resolution (2560 × 1440), True day/night, Digital WDR, 3D DNR, HLC & BLC, Triple streams, Smart codec by ROI, Built in MIC, Cyber Security, Basic intelligent video analytics, Audio In, NDAA Compliance, UL, CE, FCC Certified(Including Five year free maintenance with guarantee) 261 Supply, Installation, Testing and Comissioning of 4MP Varifocal Lens Bullet Camera, H.265 4MP IR Bullet N/W Camera, Manual Varifocal 2.8-12mm, 50M, Micro SD, DC12V/PoE, IP67/IK10, Basic IVA, 4MP resolution (2560 × 1440), True day/night, Digital WDR, 3D DNR, HLC & BLC, Triple streams, Smart codec by ROI, Cyber Security, Basic intelligent video analytics, NDAA Compliance, UL, CE, FCC Certified(Including Five year free maintenance with guarantee) 262 Supply, Installation, Testing and Comissioning of 64 Channel Network Video Recorder (NVR), Dual OS design, HDD Hot Swap with RAID support, N+1 hot spare configuration, Support 16CH@2MP, H.265/H.264 Video Compression, HDMI, VGA output, up to 8 SATA interface each with max 10 TB support and 1 eSATA, 16-ch synchronous playback at up to 1080p resolution, Gigabit Ethernet network interfaces, bandwidth 320 mbps, CE FCC, BIS, Operating Temp -10 deg to 50 deg C, USB and serial Interface, RAIDsupported(Including Five year free maintenance with guarantee) 263 SITC of SCREEN SIZE105.41 cm diagonal (42” INCH), RESOLUTIONFHD (1920*1080), USB INPUT (2.0 SUPPORT)2*Side(USB2.0), HDMI INPUT2*Side(HDMI 1.4), USB DEVICE SUPPORTUSB Supported HDD, HOTEL MODEYes, Basic, BLUETOOTH Yes (Ver. 4.1), WIFI TYPE(STANDARD)802.11a/b/g/n 2.4G 2T2R, Built-in, WIFI BAND TYPE2.4GHz, OS & VERSION INFOAndroid P - 9.0, MEMORY FLASH8GB EMMC, RAM1.5.0GB , DDR3 2133Mhz. (Including Five year free maintenance with guarantee) 264 SITC of 48 x 10/100/1000BASE-T ports4 x Gigabit GbE/SFP combo portsAdvanced L2 switching and security featuresL2+ Static RoutingOptional “standard mode” or “surveillance mode” management user interface[Approved by Competent Authority i.e. not Below the rank of Executive Engineer ] 265 Supply, Installation, Testing and commissioning of 6 TB Surveillance Series Hard disk supporting 24X7 operational efficiency 266 Providing & Erecting Netwrok rack with following capacity with Necessary cooling fan,Cable manager,6A PDU,equipment rack with necessary mounting accessories.(D) 15 U 267 Providing and erecting Inverter based approved make split air-conditioning unit consisting of condensing unit with variable speed fan motor, inverter type hermetically sealed rotary compressor with accessories etc. duly connected separately erected evaporating unit and blower motor with its accessories by means ofextra supplied proper insulated copper tubing,drain PVC pipes suitable for ( cost includes Eco Friendly green gas charging and 15A plug top & Remote Control & MS Stand) with necessary core cutting.(2)For 4/5 Star Rating of current year(C) for 2.0ton capacity-Premium Cat. 268 SUPPLY & INSTALLATION OF LIFT (Machine room less):Supplying, Erecting, Testing & Commissioning the passenger lift having following main features:8/10 Passengers, Groundplus 2 upper floor withRated Speedof 1.0 m/sec., (C) With General PLUS ADDITIONAL SPECIAL FEATURES attached herewith. Prem. CatNote:- (a) GeneralFeatures & SpecialFeatures of the all lift items shall be taken as below. (d) The Rates of the following items are for the lift of Machine room less. For Machine room Lifts, rate for Rs. 1,50,000/- shall be deducted in Total Cost for the Lifts from 4 to 13 Passenger Lift. Rs. 2,00,000/- shall be deducted in Total Cost for the Lifts 15 and above passenger capacity as extra cost.(A) GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF LIFTS. [1] GEAR LESS LIFT DRIVE (MRL) comprising of High Starting torque Lift 3 phase 440 V A. C. Permanent Magnet Synchronous motor of proper rating with high efficiency shall be used.[2] Micro processor based / PLC, ACVVVF, vector control drive with encoder feedback closed loop system shall be used for lift car and door operation which shall be full collective selective operation hall call demand response, UP/DOWN hall stops, Main, Up/Down Contactor with overload and phase reversal relay and safety controls.[3] Car with M S platform with bracings of adequate size and to sustain the impact load cabin + passenger with safety factor of fire for steel and side panels of Stainless steel of sheet of grade 304 duty. Car ceiling will be S.S. finishes with aesthetic appearance with LED ceiling lights. Car flooring shall be of anti skid PVC with choice of colour of engineer in charge. Car doors shall be of stainless steel grade 304, hairline finish with centre opening / telescopic automatic doors. Car panel will also be S.S. 304 finished with emergency stop device, mechanical door safety device, facility of auto/ attended mode. All car panel buttons and all floor switches must be with brail language as per lift act. [4] All landing doors must be fire rated for 2 hour shall be fully automatic centre opening/ telescopic opening made of hairline finish steel grade of 304 with key holes and infrared curtains with Unlocking facility from outside [5] Appropriate battery operated emergency light in the car along with alarm switch shall be provided. Also, Emergency Light & Fan should start immediately without any Time Delay as soon as power fails.[6] Digital scrolling indicator system for up-down arrow along with floor position indicator shall be provided inside the car and at all floors.[7] Full height infra red curtain with multiple cross / crossing light beams shall be provided.[8] Automatic Rescue Device (ARD) shall be provided accordingly of passenger capacity with Manual Rescue Operation ( Manual Cranking Facility). [9] Audio visual indication in the lift car showing over loading shall be provided such that doors kept open till excess load is removed.operational and safety parameters shall be provided in control panel.[14] Mechanical over speed governor with governor calibration as per actual site parameters and submission of calibration certificate submission, door key holes in the floor doors, fireman switch shall be provided.[15] Lift machine hoisting arrangement in the lift machine room and monkey ladder for lift pit should be provided by the lift agency, along with the other steel structure works, foundations for the machine etc…[16] In the hoist way fascia plate shall be provided without any extra cost, where ever required as / if directed by engineer in charge.[17] Permanent wiring with necessary safety devices like RCCB in all circuit, Over Voltage Under Voltage protection and THD eliminator in circuitfor lift machine room and lift well with proper numbers of light points, with fixtures, exhaust fan and plug points shall be provided by the agency. Only 3 phase Power Supplyshall be made available by department in lift machine room. Necessary Earthing as per Lift Act/Rules shall be arranged by Lift Agency.[18] Any civil/ electrical works for additional and alteration in lift shaft and machine room related to erection of lift shall be made by lift agency without any extra cost. (granite/marble fixing around all landing door openings are notin lift agency’s scope.)[19] Agency has to provide all working drawings and documents and liaison services for obtaining all necessary permission from lift inspector and other authorities. [20] acrylic transparent licence/display A4 size holder in lift car[20A] As per statutory requirement of Govt. Of Gujarat lift & escalator act 2000, lift agency has to provide 1. Car top safety barricade2. Push & talk communication system.3. Firemans switch operation at Ground Floor.4.carrying outthird party lift inspection during/after lift erection and provide report bythird party authorized by concernlicensing authority 5.agency has to provide third party insurance upto completion of free maintenance period and submit the document for the same.[21] Car Panel Operating Buttons with floor position indicator/buttons must be of Auto Glow type clearly visible when view from inside cabin.[22] For Physically Handicapped person Full Length Handrails of hairline finish steel grade of 304 should be provided at appropriate heighton the Rear & Side Wall Panels in Lift Car.

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