Tender For Poultry Products (Manual Dressed or Machine Dressed Broilers) & Other Poultry ProductsNOTE:-The tenderer shall quote basic rates without taxes as taxes will be extra as applicable-- 1 MANUAL DRESSED PRODUCTS (From Sr. No. 1 to 15)Broiler/Chicken well dressed with neck not more than 2 minimum fat on lower side, back of the tail, not visible, small - 650-750 Gms. 2 Broiler/Chicken well dressed, fresh, Neck not more than 2 in length (without skin, fat on the back or neck, liver, giblet, gizard, etc.) clean from inside/ outside, big - 751-850 Gms. 3 Broiler/Chicken well dressed, fresh, Neck not more than 2 in length (without skin, fat on the back or neck, liver, giblet, gizard, etc.) clean from inside/ outside, big - 851-1000 Gms. 4 Broiler/Chicken well dressed, fresh, Neck not more than 2 in length (without skin, fat on the back or neck, liver, giblet, gizard, etc.) clean from inside/ outside, big - 1001-1200 Gms. 5 Chicken Boneless Fresh (Leg & Breast) Mix 6 Broiler with skin, no liver, giblet, gizard etc. - 900-1100 Gms. 7 Broiler - Halal - 600-750 Gms. 8 Broiler - Halal - 750-1000 Gms. 9 Leg Separate(Boneless) 10 Breast Separate (Size 6 inch to 7 inch in length) (Boneless) 11 Chicken Lever 12 Duck without Skin Duly Dressed - 700-800 Gms. 13 Duck without Skin Duly Dressed - 801-1200 Gms. 14 Turkey Duly Dressed - 3.500-4.500 kg 15 Quails / Bater Duly Dressed 16 MACHINE DRESSED PRODUCTS(From Sr. No. 16 to 30)Broiler/Chicken well dressed with neck not more than 2 minimum fat on lower side, back of the tail, not visible, small - 650-750 Gms. 17 Broiler/Chicken well dressed, fresh, Neck not more than 2 in length (without skin, fat on the back or neck, liver, giblet, gizard, etc.) clean from inside/ outside, big - 751-850 Gms. 18 Broiler/Chicken well dressed, fresh, Neck not more than 2 in length (without skin, fat on the back or neck, liver, giblet, gizard, etc.) clean from inside/ outside, big - 851-1000 Gms. 19 Broiler/Chicken well dressed, fresh, Neck not more than 2 in length (without skin, fat on the back or neck, liver, giblet, gizard, etc.) clean from inside/ outside, big - 1001-1200 Gms. 20 Chicken Boneless Fresh (Leg & Breast) Mix 21 Broiler with skin, no liver, giblet, gizard etc. - 900-1100 Gms. 22 Broiler - Halal - 600-750 Gms. 23 Broiler - Halal - 750-1000 Gms. 24 Leg Separate(Boneless) 25 Breast Separate (Size 6 inch to 7 inch in length) (Boneless) 26 Chicken Lever 27 Duck without Skin Duly Dressed - 700-800 Gms. 28 Duck without Skin Duly Dressed - 801-1200 Gms. 29 Turkey Duly Dressed - 3.500-4.500 kg 30 Quails / Bater Duly Dressed