Tender For Addn/Altn/Improvement To Station Hq At Afs; 1 Demolition of Brickwork or stone/boulder masonry, built in cement mortar including all quoins, arches, pillars, etc, but excluding ashlar facings, dressed stonework and precast concrete articles complete all as specified and directed. 2 Demolition of reinforced cement concrete (reinforcement cut as required to facilitate demolition)roofs, floors (other than ground floors), beams, staircases, landing, chajjas and similar suspended work complete all as specified and directed. 3 Demolition of cement concrete of any description and in any position not otherwisespecifically provided complete all as specified and directed. 4 Dismantling of wall, display board/ceiling board/ fibre pulp insulation etc or insulation board /slab/wool of any thickness including cover fillets complete all as specified and directed. 5 Taking down shutters of any description n exc 1 sqm each leaf and refixing in same opening complete all as specified and directed. 6 Taking down shutters of any description exc 1 sqm and n.exc 2 sqm each leaf and refixing in same opening complete all as specified and directed. 7 Taking downchowkats or frames with shuttersnot exceeding 1.5 Sqm each(without taking off shutter from the frame) complete all as specified and directed. 8 Taking downchowkats or frames with shutters exceeding 1.5 Sqm and not exceeding 4.0 Sqm each (without taking off shutter from the frame) complete all as specified and directed. 9 Excavation in trenches n exc. 1.5m wide & n exc. 1.5m in depth for foundation etc. and getting out in soft / loose soil complete all as specified and directed. 10 Material and labour for suspended false ceiling using E-grid 2430, 180 GSM (concealed ceiling suspension system) of grid size 600mmx600mm with main runner 38 mm x 24 mm and wall angle 24mm x 24mm using 6mm thick high Pressure Non Asbestos Fiber Cement decorative perforated Board with premium look (E-Board Classic) in a grid of GI system duly suspended with 4 mm dia GI bar hanger fixed with steel dash fasteners or iron purline from the roof with adjustment clip providing positions for light fixtures, air conditioning diffuser and ducts, sprinkler, smoke detectors etc. The main runners to be secured to structural soffits by hanger @ 1220 mm maximum c/c. The last hanger at the end of each main runner should not be interlocked between main runners @ 610mm c/c, as to form 600 mm x 600 mm grid complete all as specified and directed. 11 S&F Solid PVC/UV Wall Lining consisting of 5mm thick any coloured PVC/UV sheet inclusive of solvent cement and fixing at site on PVC frame all as specified and directed at site complete all as specified and directed. 12 S&F 5mm thick PVC sheet fillet of width 35mm for wall paneling inclusive of fixing on to wall to make PVC Frame complete all as specified and directed at site. 13 M&L for Vitrified Ceramic tiles any shade double charged/ultra charged 10 mm thick (Square/ rectangular) polished, area of each tiles exceeding 0.42 sqm but not exceeding 1.00 sqm, in floors etc. set and jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed in white or coloured cement to match in coloured cement to match shade of tiles over and including 15mm thick screed bed or bedding layer in cement mortar 1:6 complete all as specified and directed. 14 All as per item No 13 above but as in skirting including 10mm thick backing coat in 1:4 cement mortor complete all as specified and directed. 15 M&L for 12mm thick Toughned glass as in hinged doors, partitions, automatic doors and similar work including cutting to shape, drilling holes required necessary etching etc complete all as specified and directed. 16 S&F Stainless steel with premium soft look 450mm glass door handle H type made with heavy duty stainless steel door fixed properly complete all as specified and directed. 17 S&F glass door lock wall to glass stainless steel finish size 123mm x 68mm with three keys sets complete all as specified and directed. 18 S&F Double action floor spring hydraulically regulated made up of minimum 1.25 mm thick aluminium alloy sheet foundation box, main body with stainless steel cover, governing pivot made of brass, other parts made of mild steel heavy duty and fixed complete all as specified and directed. 19 S&F 18/19mm thick Block boards, grade-1 quality, exterior grade, commercial type, fixed with screws to timber frame-work complete all as specified and directed. 20 S&F 0.90mm thick Decorative laminate type-1 of surface finish, colour and pattern as approved, fixed with approved adhesive as per manufacturers instructions complete all as specified and directed. 21 S&F 1.5mm thick Decorative laminate type-1 of surface finish, colour and pattern as approved, fixed with approved adhesive as per manufacturers instructions complete all as specified and directed. 22 S&F Powder coated aluminium (minimum thickness of powder coating 50 micron) work for doors windows, ventilators and partitions (Fixed portions) with extruded built up standard tubular sections/ appropriate Z sections and other sections of approved make conforming to IS: 733 and IS:1285, fixing with dash fasteners of required dia and size, including necessary filling up the gaps at junctions, i.e. at top, bottom and sides with required EPDM rubber/ neoprene gasket etcetc. Aluminium sections shall be smooth, rust free, straight, mitred and jointed mechanically wherever required including cleat angle, Aluminium snap beading for glazing/ paneling, C.P. brass/ stainless steel screws, all complete all as specified and directed. 23 S&F Powder coated aluminium (minimum thickness of powder coating 50 micron) for shutters of doors, windows & ventilators including providing and fixing hinges/ pivots and making provision for fixing of fittings wherever required including the cost of EPDM rubber/neoprene gasket required (Fittings shall be paid for separately) with extruded built up standard tubular sections/ appropriate Z sections and other sections of approved make conforming to IS: 733 and IS:1285, fixing with dash fasteners of required dia and size, including necessary filling up the gaps at junctions, i.e. at top, bottom and sides with required EPDM rubber/ neoprene gasket etc. Aluminium sections shall be smooth, rust free, straight, mitred and jointed mechanically wherever required including cleat angle, Aluminium snap beading for glazing/ paneling, C.P. brass/ stainless steel screws all complete all as specified and directed. 24 S&F7mm thick aluminium grill of makeDeco grillDG-104 model fitted in to suitable aluminium channel and fixed to windows / ventilators including channel complete all as directed complete all as specified and directed. 25 Taking downthe aluminium framed work as in partition and doors etc including particle board, glass, beading, cleats with all fittings and refixing in same/other poistioning as directed after replacment of defective frames, beading, gasket fixing with dash fasteners of required dia and size, including necessary filling up the gaps at junctions, i.e. at top, bottom and sides with required EPDM rubber/ neoprene gasket etcetc. Aluminium sections shall be smooth, rust free, straight, mitred and jointed mechanically wherever required including cleat angle, Aluminium snap beading for glazing/ paneling, C.P. brass/ stainless steel screws, complete all as specified and directed. 26 S&F 5.5mm thick sheet tinted glass selected quality and glazing in squares not exceeding 0.50 sqm in each pane of aluminium door / window complete all as specified and directed. 27 S&F 9mm thick Prelaminated particle board, interior grade, prelaminated one side with decorative choice lamination & other side balancing white lamination, fixedto aluminium frame work complete all as specified and directed. 28 S&F cabinet hinge soft closes 4 hole full overlay Nickle plated spring self closing type complete all as specified and directed. 29 S&F 100 mm stainless steel decorative drawers/ cabinet handles complete all as specified and directed. 30 S&F Locks brass four levers cupboard, grade I, size 65 mm complete all as specified and directed. 31 Dismantling floor hearth or wall tiling including cement mortar bedding (but not backing), removing serviceable tiles to store and rubbish off the premises complete all as specified and directed. 32 M&L 25mm thick cement concrete 1:2:4, type B-1, (using 20mm graded aggregate) as in floors to receives tiles complete all as sepcified and directed. 33 M&L for Non - skid colour Ceramic tiles 7 to 8 mm thick area of each tile exceeding 0.18 sqm but not exceeding 0.38 sqmin floors etc. set and jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed in white or coloured cement to match in coloured cement to match of lighter shade of tiles over and including 15mm thick screed bed or bedding layer in cement mortar 1:6 complete all as specified and directed. 34 All as per item No. 33 above but in vertical surfaces, set and jointed in neat cement slurry & pointed in coloured cement to match the shade of tiles over and including 10mm thick rendering or backing coat in cement mortar 1:4 complete all as specified and directed. 35 Dismantling of wall, Single layer Mangalore pattern or similar tiles in roofing complete all as specified and directed. 36 M&L Roof tiles, Mangalore pattern, interlocking at side joints, laid dry complete all as specified and directed 37 All as per item No 36above except mangalore tiles complete all as specified and directed. 38 M&L Ridge or hip tiles to suit Mangalore pattern of roofing tiles, bedded and jointed in lime mortar 1:3 or cement mortar 1:6 complete all as specified and directed 39 Dismantling of Plain or corrugated steel sheeting, any gauge, thickness, including Nainital or similar pattern roof coverings complete all as specified and directed. 40 M&L for 0.63mm Galvanised, corrugated mild steel sheeting with two corrugations side lap, in roofs, walls etc. with grade of zinc coating 275 fixed with L-type or J-type or cranked hook bolts in lieu of screws complete all as specified and directed 41 All as per item No 40 above except sheets complete all as specified and directed. 42 S&F 0.80mm thcik Plain, galvanised, mild steel sheeting, in ridges, hips, valley gutters, drip and straight flashings (length and girth as fixed) with grade of zinc coating 275 complete all as specified and directed. 43 Dismantling timber scantlings 40 sq. cm and over in section, in any position in framed work all as specified & as directed 44 S&F 2nd class hard wood timber scantling in wrought framed & fixed to framed work complete all as specified and directed. 45 M & L for 2nd class hard wood in scantling clean sawn and fixed in position complete all as specified and directed. 46 Dismantling boarding any description fixed in any position with nails complete all as specified and directed. 47 Supply and fix second class hard wood 40 mm thick boarding, clean sawn, fixed with nails in any position (except flooring and skirting) with butt joints complete all as specified and directed. 48 Dismantling of timber fillets rails, posts, rafters, purlins etc under 40 Sqcm in section, in any position in framed work complete all as specified and directed. 49 M & L for 2nd class fillets square, rectangular or tringular in section clean sawn screwed with nails exc 13 sqcm and n.exc 25 sqcm complete all as specified and directed. 50 Supply and fixing 4 mm thick AC building board fixed to timber frame work with screws as in ceiling complete all as specified and directed. 51 Material and labour for second class hard wood plain fillets, square, rectangular and triangular in section, wrought , bull nosed, splayed, chamfered or rounded on one edge or face, sectional area exceeding 6 sqcm but not exceeding 13 sqcm complete all as specified and directed. 52 M&L for 75mm thickcement concrete 1:3:6 type C2 (using 20mm graded stone aggregate) as in plinth protection finished even and smooth without using extra cement complete all as specified and directed. 53 Demolition cement concrete (un reinforced) of any description fin ground floor n. exc 15 cm thickness (below or above ground level) complete all as specified and as directed. 54 M&L for 75mm thick PCC 1:2:4 Type B1(using 40mm graded aggregate ) , as in top layer finished fair and evencomplete all as specified and directed. 55 M&L for20 mm thick screed bedor bedding layer incementmortar (1:6)overcement concrete all as specified and directed . 56 M&L Paver tiles 8 to 12mm thick area of each tile exceeding 0.06 Sqm but not exceeding 0.11 Sqm in floors set , jointed & pointed with neat cement slurrywith white cement and matching pigmentcomplete all as specified and directed . 57 M&L for PCC 1:4:8 type D-2, (using 40mm graded stone agreaget) as in foundationfilling and mass concrete complete all as specified and directed. 58 M&L for Brick work using Fly ash bricks75 kg/cmsq compressive strength oldsize , is straight or curved on plan exc. 6 metermean radius built in cement mortar 1:6 complete all as specified and directed. 59 S&F TMT bars 10 mm dia and over cut to length bent to shape required including cranking, bending spirally for hooping ends andbinding with MS wire (annealed) not less than 0.9 mm dia complete all as specified and as directed. 60 All as item No 59 abovebut 5 mm dia and over upto 10 mm dia in stirrups complete all as specified and directed. 61 M & L for RCC 1:2:4 Type B-1,(Nominal mix) (using 20 mm graded aggegate) in Beams, cantilevers, bressummers, lintels over 1.5m span complete all as specified and directed. 62 M & L for RCC 1:2:4 Type B-1,(Nominal mix) (using 20 mm graded aggegate) in Slabs supported on walls, beams and columns in floors, roofs, landings, balconies, canopies, deck slabs and in shelves and the like complete all as specified and directed. 63 M&L for Formwork to soffits of suspended slabs such flat surfaces as roof slabs, floor slabs, landings and similar work; not exceeding 200mm thick (Horizontal or sloping) complete all as specified and directed. 64 M&L for Formwork to sides and soffits of floor or roof beams, beam haunchings girders, bressummers, lintels, cantilevers, shelves including supports overhangs, tc. also splays between floors and beam etcfor rough finished surfacesof concrete all as specified and directed. 65 M&L for PCC 1:2:4 type B1 using 20 mm graded stone aggregate as in in lintels upto 1.5m clear span, cills, , bed plates, coping, benching etc water troughs and the like including weathering, slightly rounded or chamfered angles and throating complete all as specified and directed. 66 S&F rolled mild steel in roof trusses (framed), trussed, purlins, crane gantries, rails and fastenings and heavy bracket framing (Beam, tee, angle, channel or flat sections) including distance pieces, cleats etc conforming to Fe 290(Gde-165) complete all as specified and directed. 67 M&L for Cutting grooves in brick wall, 75mm wide and 65mm deep and shaping horizontal face of groove with cement mortar 1:3 complete all as specified and directed. 68 S&F pre-painted galvalume aluminium zinc coating GI based corrugated steel sheet 0.50 mm thick of an colour having tensile strength 550 Mpa as in roof covering /cladding to wall /roof covering fixed with self tapping screw complete all as specified and directed. 69 S&F Pre-painted galvalume aluminum zinc coating GI based Plain steel sheet 0.50mm thick of any colour having tensile strength of 550 Mpa as in roof covering /cladding to wall, weather boarding fixed with self tapping screws /J or L hooks complete all as specified and directed. 70 S&F Anodised aluminium snap grid of size 605x605mm frame work for false ceiling all as specified and directed with hangers 6 mm dia. G.I. (upto 1200mm length) adjusting level fixed to roof slabs by means of ceilling cleats made out of G.I. flat 40 x 3 mm size 60mm long and expansion hold fasteners 12.5mm dia. 40mm long complete all as specified all as directed. 71 S&F 6mm thick non asbestos fibrecement building boards fixed orlaid/ inserted to timber/GI/Aluminiumframework with screws complete all as directed and specified. 72 M&L for Hard core of gauge n.exc 63 mm with broken stone agg deposited spread and levelled in layers n.exc 15 cm thick watered and rammed to a true surface complete all as specified and directed. 73 M&L for100 mm thick PCC 1:4:8 Type D2 using 40 mm graded stone aggregate as in Sub-basecomplete all as specified and directed. 74 M&L for Non - skid colour Ceramic tiles 7 to 8 mm thick area of each tile 0.06 sqm but not exceeding 0.11 sqmin floors etc. set and jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed in white or coloured cement to match in coloured cement to match of lighter shade of tiles over and including 15mm thick screed bed or bedding layer in cement mortar 1:6 complete all as specified and directed. 75 M&L for digital glazed ceramic tiles in vertical surfaces 350 x 250 x 7mm/450 x 350 x 7 mm thick,etc set and jointed in neat cement slurry and pointedin coloured cementto match the shade of tiles including 10mm thick backing coat in 1:4 cement mortor complete all as specified and directed. 76 S&F PVC door frame of size 50mm X 47mm made out of 5mm thick plain colour PVC sheet reinforced with MS square tube complete all as per specification and all as per drawing complete all as specified and directed. 77 S & F factroy made solid panel PVC door shutter 30mm thick (style) consisting of frame made out of MS tube for top and bottom rails MS frame shall be covered with neat moulded plain colour PVC channel having a PVC sheet strip of 20mm width stuct inside the solvent cement forstyleand plain coloured PVC sheet for top rails, lock rails and bottom rails on either side and as gap insert for top railsand bottom rail panelling of plaincolour PVC sheet to be fitted in the MS frame welded to the style and rails with suitable PVC sheet beading and jointed together with solvent cement supplying and fixing in the frame at site as per specification and as per drawing complete all as specified and directed. 78 S&F 100 mm long butt hinges stainless steel (ISI marked) fixed with stainless steel screw complete all as specified and directed. 79 S&F 200 mm long aluminum anodised barrel tower bolts of extruded section complete all as specified and directed. 80 S&F 125mm long size extruded aluminium alloy handles, cast type anodised complete as specified and directed. 81 Taking down cement plaster on brick or stone walls etc, including racking out joints, hacking for key, scrubbing down with water etc complete all as specified and directed. 82 M&L for rendering 10 mm thick cement plaster in cement mortar 1:6 on fair faces of brickwork or concrete surfacescomplete all as specified and directed. 83 M&L for rendering 15 mm thick cement plaster in cement mortar 1:4 onfair faces of brickwork or concrete surfaces in two layers (10+5)mm top layer 5mmmixed with liquid water proofing compound @200ml per bag of cement or as per manufacturers instruction complete all as specified and directed. Note : WPC shall be measured and paid separately 84 Supply onlyliquid Water Proofing Compound complete all as specified and as directed. 85 Supply and fix GI tubing 15mm bore medium gradewith all fittings fixed to wall and ceilingcomplete all as specified and directed. 86 All as per item No.85 abovebut 20mm bore complete all as specified and directed. 87 S&F PVC (SWR) pipes 110 mm dia single socketed, in any lengthwith rubber ring joints, laid in trenches or in floors complete all as specified and as directed. 88 S&F PVC (SWR) pipes 75mm dia single socketed, in any lengthwith rubber ring joints, laid in trenches or in floors complete all as specified and as directed. 89 S&F PVC (SWR) pipes 75 mm dia single socketed, in any lengthwith rubber ring joints,fixed to wall complete all as specified and directed. 90 S&F PVC (SWR) bends of 110 mmcomplete all as specified and as directed. 91 S&F PVC (SWR) vent cowl 75mm fixed with clamps complete all as specified and as directed. 92 S&F for PVC nahani trap, plain with grating including jointing to waste pipe fixed in cement concrete type B-1 (1:2:4) with solvent cement of dia 75mm complete all as specified and directed. 93 S&Fvitreous china wash hand basin white flat back size 550mmx400mm excluding taps waste chain and plug and percelain stopper including two coats of synthetic enamel paint over coat of red oxide primer on exposed surfaces of brecketswaste coupling brass CP 32 mm bore with long screwed shanksbedded in red lead cement and other end fixed and pillar taps 15 mm bore cast copper alloy fancy type chromium plated screwed down high pressure withlong screwed shanks screwedand removing debris out of MoD land complete all as specified and directed. 94 S&F vitreous China wash down water closet panwhite, including trap, connection to drain and flushing pipe including seat cover for pedstal pan complete all as specified and directed. 95 S&F 10 litre capacity vitreous china valveless syphonic action type flushing cistern, low level, white, with inlet, ball valve, float and handle including bracketscomplete all as specified and directed. 96 S&F 32 mm bore Brass chromium plated bottle traps for wash basins with inlet and outlet screwed for pipe or connections including necessary packing, union and cap and fixed complete all as specified and directed. 97 S&FPVC connections 15mm size with PTMT nuts of length 450mm fixed to pipes and valves complete all as specified and directed. 98 S&F15 mm bore bib taps cast copper alloy with Chromium platedcrutch or butterfly handle scrwed, screwed for iron pipe or for brass ferruleand fixed complete all as specified and directed. 99 S&F 15mm bore stop valvesfancy type, chromium plated screwed down,high pressure,with crutch or butterfly handle,screwed both ends for iron pipe or for unions fixed complete all as specified and directed 100 S&F 15mm bore stop valvesfancy type, chromium plated screwed down,high pressure,with crutch or butterfly handle, with long shank and cup (concealed type) screwed both ends for iron pipe or for unions fixed complete all as specified and directed. 101 S&F 600x450mm size bevelled edge mirror of selected quality glass 6mm thick mounted on any type of wall including polishingand fixed on wall withchromium plated studds and cup washers complete all as specified and directed. 102 S&F Brass chromium plated Tubular towel rail, 20mm dia, D type, 60cm long between flanges fixed with SS screwes complete all as specified and directed. 103 S&F Health faucet (ABS Body) mild steel chromium plated suitable for 15 mm dia pipe with 1.25 metre long flexible tube and ABS wall hook including making connections and fixed in position complete in all respect as specified and directed. 104 S&FSoap dish, stainless steel, approximate size 160 x 160 x 90mm, fixed to plugs with chromium plated brass screws complete all as specified and directed. 105 M&L for 18-20 mm thick Granite (of any type) work (table rubbed and polished) in steps, jambs, pillars, window- cills, cooking platforms and like in cement mortar (1:4) including pointing in white cement (1:2) using marble dust with admixture of pigment to match with shade of granite complete all as specified and directed. 106 S&F kitchen sinks with drainage board made of stainless steel 1mm thick kitchen or laboratory with plugs, washers and wastes coupling, waste pipe etc,including bedding in cement mortar on to dwarf wall or including fixing cantilever brackets andconnecting union to pipe, overall size 915mm x 460mm bowl size 410mm x 330mm x 160mm etc complete all as specified and as directed. 107 M&L for in repairs 3mm thick sheet glass ordinary quality and glazing with oil putty in squares not exc. 0.5 Sqm in each pane incl hacking out broken glass complete all as specified and directed. 108 S&F in repair Stainless steel wire cloth. 0.36mm nominal dia of wire and average width of aperture 1.0mm and fixed with stainless steel wire staples complete all as specified and directed. 109 S&F Framed work such as grills, gratings, etc.. with ends of bars or forged into spikes; framed guard bars; barred iron doors; ladders; framed balusters; walk ways; railings; framework of water tanks and similar work con- forming to Fe.290.Gde-E-165 complete all as specified and directed. 110 M&L for two coats of oil emulsion distemper on wall newly plasterd surfaces over a coat of chalk white primer including wall care putty makingsmooth finish surface and complete prepatation of new surfaces complete all as specified and directed. 111 M&L for complete removal of exsiting treatment preparing of old decorative distempered internal surface of walls and applying two coats of distemper oil emultion complete including filling cracks with wall care putty wherever necessary complete all as specified & directed. 112 M& L for preparing of old decorative surface of ceiling and applying one coat of white wash on walls including cornices etc complete with cracks filling with wall care putty where ever necessary and as specified and directed. 113 M&L for preparation of new wooden surfaces of any description not otherwise described over 10 cm width or girth and applying two coats of synthetic enamel paint over a coat of pink primer complete all as specified and as directed. 114 M&Lfor preparation of old painted wooden surfaces of any description not otherwise described over 10 cm width or girth and applying one coat of synthetic enamel paintcomplete all as specifed and directed. 115 M&L for preparation of new wooden Surfaces of any description n exc 10cm width or girth when unconnected with other painting or when painted in different tint and applying two coat of Synthetic enamel paint over a coat of pink primer complete all as specified and as directed. 116 M&L for preparation of old wooden Surfaces of any description n exc 10cm width or girth when unconnected with other painting or when painted in different tint and applying two coats of Synthetic enamel paint complete all as specified and as directed. 117 M&L for preparation of new steel surfaces of any description not otherwise described over 10cm in width or girth and applying two coat of synthetic enamel paint over a coat of redoxideincluding scaffolding where required for external painting complete all as specified and directed. 118 M&L for preparation of old painted steel surfaces of any description not otherwise described over 10cm in width or girth and applying one coat of synthetic enamel paintincluding scaffolding where required for external painting complete all as specified and directed. 119 M&L for applying Two coats of anti fungal weather proof exterior acrylic emulsion paint of approved tint with crack filling upto 5 bars of positive hydrostatic pressure on vertical walls without any dilution with forced coverage not more than 3.5 sqm/ltr as per manufacturers instructions and all coatsto be applied with fully automatic airless spray machine of paint application with a flow speedof minimum 1 ltr per minute having a pressure of 3300 psi. allow 6-8 hrs to dry the surface in subquent coats of paint complete all as specified and as directed 120 M&L for complete removal of existing treatment and applying Two coats of anti fungal weather proof exterior acrylic emulsion paint of approved tint with crack filling upto 5 bars of positive hydrostatic pressure on vertical walls without any dilution with forced coverage not more than 3.5 sqm/ltr as per manufacturers instructions and all coatsto be applied with fully automatic airless spray machine of paint application with a flow speedof minimum 1 ltr per minute having a pressure of 3300 psi. allow 6-8 hrs to dry the surface in subquent coats of paint complete all as specified and as directed. 121 M&L for cement conrete 1:3:6 type C-2 (using 40mm graded stone aggregate) as in Concrete bed to drain pipes including packing under, and haunching against the sides of pipes after they are laid and tested; in complete all as specified and directed. 122 Returning, filling in trenches including spreading, leveling watering and ramming in layers not exceeding 25cm complete all as specified and directed. 123 Removing of surplus soil not exceeding 50 m and deposited where directed at a level not exceeding 1.50m above the starting point complete all as specified and directed. 124 Taking down copper /aluminium point wiring (light, fan, bell, socket or power) complete including fixture and fittings such as switches, ceiling roses, pendent, regulators, sockets, light fitting etc. Removing materials to store for keeping in safe custody or for taking credit (credit a for above items should be made as per condition seperately) and making good distrubed surfaces ofwalls, floors etc complete all as specified and directed. 125 Taking down old unserviceable distribution board by disconnection of electric connection carefully SPN DBs/ TPN DBs/ Main Switch including old unserviceable MCCBs/ MCBs, isolators, etc and making good to disturbed surface complete all as specified and directed. 126 Taking down carefully copper/aluminium sub main wiring of any size from surface/concealed /existing conduit of any height and removing materials at site and making good disturbed surfaces of walls, floors roofs etc complete all as specified and directed. 127 Taking down ceiling fan/ exhaust fan of any sweep after disconnecting all necessary electrical connections from ceiling rose to fan, fan blades and deposit to MES store yard of AGE E/M complete all as specified and directed. 128 M & L for point wiring using approved colour coding as per IS, with multistranded copper conductor 1.5 Sqmm (nominal area), two single core, PVC insulated and unsheathed FRLS cable 1100 volts grade IS-694 marked drawn through in and including heavy duty grade (ISI marked) PVC concealed conduit of white/ ivory colour including all accessories after chasing in wall/ceiling etc, with GI sunken boxes 1.2 mm thick, 60 mm deep with earth dolly duly, covered with modular white cover plate with inner frame suitable for modular switches, including PVC insulated multistranded copper conductor 1.5 Sqmm (nominal area) single core FRLS cable as earth continuity conductor to common earth and connecting to earth dolly including cutting, chasses and making good disturbed surface to match with existing finish with plaster complete all as specified and directed for the One light/fan point controlled by one, one way switch 5 Amps. 129 All as per item No 128 above but One 3 point 5 Amps switch socket outlet point controlled by one switch on the same board complete all as specified and directed. 130 All as per item No 128 above but One 3 pin 5 Amps switch socket outlet point controlled by one switch on independent board complete all as specified and directed. 131 All as per item No 128 above but One bell point controlled by one, bell switch 5 Amps complete all as specified and directed. 132 All as per item No 5above but using 2.5 sqmm single core copper conductor cable of multistranded FRLS PVC insulated unsheathed 1100 volts grade for 5/15 amps switch socket combination point including necessary running of 2.5 sqmm copper conductor FRLS PVC wire as earth continuity conductor along with wiring and connecting to the common earth dolly. 133 All as per item No. 128 above but using 4.0 sqmm single core copper conductor FRLSH cable of multistranded PVC insulated unsheathed 1100 volts grade for 5/15 amps switch socket combination point including necessary running of4.0 sqmm FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor cable as earth continuity conductor along with wiring and connecting to the common earth dolly complete all as specified and directed. (for AC Point) 134 S & F modular switch piano flush type, single pole, one way, 5/6 Amp single module complete all as specified and direced. 135 S & F modular switch piano flush type, single pole, one way, 15/16 Amp single module complete all as specified and directed. 136 S & F modular socket outlet multipurpose having provision for 3 pin, 5/6 Amp and 2 pin, 5/6 Amp, 2 module piano flush type complete all as specified and directed. 137 S & F modular socket outlet multipurpose having provision for 3 pin, 15/16 Amp and 3 pin, 5/6 Amp, 2 module piano flush type complete all as specified and directed. 138 S & F modular step type fan regulator 120 watt 2 module suitable for 230 volt 50 Hz AC supply complete all as specified and as directed. 139 S & F bell push modular 6 Amps single module complete all as specified and directed. 140 S & F ceiling rose, surface bakelite with 3 terminals, ISI marked for batten fitting complete all as specified and directed. 141 S & F lamp holder, PVC/ polycarbonate type with back plate suitable for batten/ slanting fittings complete all as specified and directed. 142 S & F bell electric ding dong type suitable for operation on 230 volt 50 Hz AC supply complete all as specified and as directed 143 S & F modular single phase AC motor starter switch 25 Amp, 240 volts, 2 module complete all as specified and directed. 144 M & L for sub main wiring with approved colour coding as per IS with two single core PVC insulated FRLS cable with stranded copper conductor of size 6 Sq mm nominal area and drawing into suitable size of PVC non metallic rigid heavy duty PVC conduit of white/ ivory colour and its accessaries ISI marked heavy duty of suitable size including concealed in wall etc one run of PVC insulated with 6.0 Sqmm (nominal area) stranded copper conductor FRLS cable as earth wire complete all as specified and as directed. Note:- Two runs of 6 sqmm cable, one run of 6 sqmm cable and one run of PVC conduit will be measured as one unit 145 S & F sheet metal enclosure MCB DB TPN 4 way vertical type with 200 Amps rated bus bar 415 volts double door with magnetic locking system including necessary provision for inserting the DBs in wall by cutting the brick/stone masonary etc and making good of disturbed surface to match with existing colour of wall complete all as specified and as directed. 146 S & F sheet metal enclosure MCB DB SPN 8 way with 200 Amps rated bus bar 240 volts double door with magnitic locking system including necessary provision for inserting the DBs in wall by cutting the brick/stone masonary etc and making good of disturbed surface to match with existing colour of wall complete all as specified and as directed. 147 S & F MCB tripple pole and neutral rated capacity 63 Amps, 415 Volts breaking capacity 10 KA, C curve complete all as specified and as directed. 148 S & F MCB single pole and neutral rated capacity 32 Amps, 240 Volts breaking capacity 10 KA, C curve complete all as specified and as directed. 149 S & F MCB single pole rated capacity 5 to 32 Amps, 240 Volts breaking capacity 10 KA, C curve complete all as specified and as directed. 150 S & F ceiling fan 230V, 50 Hz AC, 1200mm sweep, min air delivery 210 CFM with service value 6.00 BEE, five star rated with brushless direct current motor (BLDC) complete with hanging arrangement by down rod alongwith steel wire rope for additional safety in ceiling fan with all allied accessories and connecting up with three core, 0.75 sqmm PVC insulated copper conductor cable complete all as specified and directed. 151 S & F exhaust fan, steel body AC single phase 230 Volts of size 300mm sweep with, blades, frame and louvers with bolts nuts and washers size of the bolt 15 cm long 12 mm dia embedded in the wall including provision of PVC flexible copper cable of size 0.75 Sqmm three core from ceiling rose to exhaust fan forconnection complete all as specified and directed. 152 S & F decorative wall mounted luminaire made out of polycarbonate with unbreakable globe suitable for 9 Watt LED bulb B-22 base and provision of LED 9 watts inverter bulb complete all as specified and directed. 153 S & F LED lights fitting 1x 20 W, 220V, AC decorative box type with driver, holder including LED tube light connecting up with three core flexible copper conductor cable of size 0.75 Sqmm from ceiling rose to fitting complete all as specified and as directed. 154 S&F in repair LED luminaire 600 mm x 600 mm, 35/36 watt, 220 V AC recessed type with high efficiency PMMA diffuser soft glare free light complete with driver, holders & LED lamp suitable for roof ceiling including connecting up with driver three core flexible copper conductor cases of suitable size complete all as specified and directed. 155 S & F decorative LED wall mounted Red & Green office engagement light fitting, adjustable to any direction with integral electronic driver prewired complete all as specified and directed. 156 M&L for earthing complete with galvanized steel earth plate electrode 60cm x 60cm x 6mm thick buried directly in ground vertically (earth pit not less than 2.25 m deep below ground level) with top edge of the plate not less than 1.50 mtr deep below normal ground level, connecting to GI earth wire 4 mm dia by means of bolts, nuts, check nuts, and washers of galvanized iron or steel including 15 mm dia. light grade protection pipe for earth lead complete with charcoal and common salt in alternate layer including watering arrangement with galvanized iron pipe medium grade 20mm dia, PCC Chamber, CI frame and cover, MS funnel with wire mesh all as shown in electrical plate no 3 of SSR part I including excavation and earthwork in any type ofsoil/strata and testing on completion. (Note: GI earth wire 4 mm dia and 15 mm dia protection pipe upto 7.5 mtr from earth plate is deemed to be included in rate quoted.) 157 Supply, laying, testing & commissioning ofXLPE insulated screened PVC bedded, galvanized steel strip or wire armored, electric power cables (heavy duty) with stranded aluminum conductor, 1100 volts grade of szie 25 Sqmm 4 core, laid in trenches/passing through pipe/duct or fixed to wall/pole etc., and connecting up complete all as specified and directed. 158 Supply and laying HDPE DWC pipe size outer dia 50 mm, inner dia 38 mm for LT cable protection including sockets, bends etc complete all as specified and directed. 159 Note:- The amount against the Schedule of Credit mentioned in the tender document shall be deducted from the total amount quoted against Sch A while deriving the Contract Sum for Acceptance.