Tender For Yearly Environmental Monitoring At G&L Silvassa Premises. Stack Emission Monitoring (DG set, Thermopacs) Testing Parameter: Particulate Matter, Sulphur Dioxide Oxides of Nitrogen. Ambient Air Monitoring (24 hr basis) Testing Parameter: Particulate Matter (PM10 ), Particulate Matter (PM2.5 ), Sulphur Dioxide, oxides of Nitrogen, Cabon Monoxide, Ozone, Lead, Ammonia, Nickel, Arsenic, Benzene, Benzo pyrene. Noise Level Monitoring Workplace Air Sampling Testing Parameter: Respirable Particulate Matter, Suspended Particulate Matter. Effluent Water Testing Parameter: pH, Colour, BOD ( 5 day at 20°C), Total Suspended Solids, COD, TDS, Chloride, Sulphate, Oil & Grease. Ground Water/Drinking Water Analysis (As Per IS 10500:2012) Testing Parameter: Colour, Odour, pH. Teste Turbidity, TDS, Al, Ammonia, Anionic Detergent, Ba, B, Ca, Chloramines, Cu, F, Free Residual Chlorine Fe, Mg, Mn, Mineral oil, Nitrate, Phenolic Compounds, Se, Ag, Sulphate, Sulphide, Total Alkalinity Total Hardness, Zn, Cd, Cyanide, Pb, Hg, Mo, Ni, As, Total Chromium, Microbial Parameters: Total Coliforms, E. coil.