Tender For Electronics Lab Equipments - Semiconductor & power semiconductor Device Trainer, Rectifier, Filter, Zener Regulator Experiment Trainer, - SALIENT FEATURES Aesthetically designed injection molded electronic desk (Main unit) carrying useful experiment resources Variable Power supplies / Status / Pulsar / Function -Geierator, DpMs etc. while the central slot will carry replaceable experiment panel secured in an ABS molded plastic sturdy enclosure, & has colorful screw less overlay showing circuit & its connection tag numbers for easy connectivity. . Connection through Sturdy 4mm Banana Sockets & patch Cords. .Set of Users Guide provided with each Unit. SPECIFICATIONS OF MAIN UNIT 02 ) /tle .Built in Power Supply : DC Supply :5V / 14.-& + l2Y,lA. 0 to 15V DC (Variable), 100 mA (lsolated), 0 to 30V oc (vaiiaule), 100 mA (lsolated High volt DC 15V to 110v, 100Ma, AC Supply : l2-0- 12V AC,150 mA. Short circuit Protected. .Built in Function Generator - O/p Waveform : Sine, Triangle & TTL O/Ps Output Frequency :7 Hzto iMH, in 6 ranges, with amplitude & frequency control pots. O/P Voltage 20Vp-p max. (Sin/TRG), Modulation I/P:AM : - I/P voltage + 5V (100% modulation) O/P - For 0V (min), + 5V (max.) - 5V (Phase ..r.rrul of O/P) FM : I/P voltage + 400mV (+ 50% modulation) .Clock Generator : 10 MHz TTL clock. .Data Switches (10 No.) & bi-colour LED status indicators 10X2 Nos, for High / Low indication. .BNC to 2 channel banana adapter - 2No. .Logic probe to detect High/Low level pulses upto lMHz, with bi-colour LEDs to indicate status. .2 I 4 digrt 7 segment display with BCD to 7 segment decoder .Onboard DPMs provided with mode hange selection (A) DC volt :2Y 1200v - lNo. (B) DC cuffent :2mAl200mA - lNo. (C) DC Volts/Current 20Y1200mA - 1No. .Onboard moving iron meters provided for (A) AC Current : I AMP - lNo (B) AC Voltage : 15V - lNo .Onboard speaker : 8 Ohms, 0.5 Watt (lNo.) .Onboard POTS : lK - lNo. lM - lNo. .operating voltage : 220 I 240Y ac switch settable +loh, 5 0Hzl60vA. Semiconductor & Power Semiconductor Devices Experiment Panel : Characteristics of following devices : Silicon diode, Semiconductor Testing using Multimeter, Germanium diJde, zener diode, LED, diac, bipolar transistor (NPN, PNP), Field Effect Transistor (FET), VfOSfP 2 l,g, optocoupler,Thermistor,V-ICharacteristicsonc & MOSFET as a Switch. Band gap energy calculations 2. Rectifier, Filter, Zener Regulator Experiment Trainer SALIENT FEATURES Aesthetically designed injection molded electronic desk (Main unit) carrying useful experiment resources Variable Power supplies / Status / Pulsar / Function Generator, DpMs etc- while the central slot will carry replaceable experiment panel secured in an ABS molded plastic sturdy enclosure, & has colorful screw less overlay showing circuit & its connection tag numbers for easy connectivity. connection through Sturdy 4mm Banana Sockets & patch cords. .Set of Users Guide provided with each Unit. SPECIFICATIONS OF MAIN UNIT .Built in Power Supply : DC Supply :5v / 1A. & + 12v,1A. 0 to l5v DC (variable), 100 mA (Isolated), 0 to 30v DC (variable), 100 mA (Isolated High volt DC l5v to I l0v, l00Ma, nC Supply :12-0- 12V AC,150 mA. Short circuit Protected. .Built in Function Generator - O/p Waveform : Sine, Triangle & TTL O/ps Output Frequency : I Hzto lMHz in 6 ranges, with amplitude & frequency control pots. O/p Voltage 20Vp-p max. (Sin/TRG), Modulation I/P:AM : - llP voltage + 5v (100% modulation) o/p - For 0v (min), + 5V (max.) - 5V (Phase reversal of O/p) FM : I/p voltage + 400mV (+ S}%modulation) .Clock Generator : 10 MHz TTL clock. Data Switches (10 No.) & bi-colour LED status indicators 10X2 Nos, for High lLow indication. .BNC to 2 channel banana adapter - 2No. Logic probe to detect High/Low level pulses upto TMHz,with bi-colour LEDs to indicate status. .2 / 4 digit 7 segment display with BCD to 7 segment decoder. .Onboard DPMs provided with mode hange selection. (A) DC volt : 2Vl200V - lNo. 02 1 (B) DC culrent :2mN200mA - lNo. (C) DC Volts/Cunent:20Y1200mA - lNo. .Onboard moving iron meters provided for (A) AC Current : 1 AMP - lNo. (B) AC Voltage: 15V - 1No. .Onboard speaker : 8 Ohms, 0.5 Watt (lNo.) .Onboard POTS : 1K - lNo. lM - lNo. .Operating Voltage: 220I240Yac switch settable +.10o ,50Hzl60VA. Rectiner, f ilter,Zener Regulator Experiment Panel : Transformer & its study (Transformer DC/AC resistirce, Transformation Ratio, Electromagnetic lnduction, Loading of Transformer), Half wave rectifier, Full wave rectifier, Bridge rectifier, Filter, Voltage multiplier, Zener shunt regulator Power Semiconductor Trainer Trainer secured in an ABS molded plastic sturdy enclosure, & has colorful screw less overlay showing circuit & its connection tag numbers for easy connectivity . Connection through Sturdy 4mm Banana Sockets & Patch Cords. .Set of Users Guide provided with each Unit. SCR phase shift controlled converter using IC555 through opto isolator ( Potentiometric), Triac AC power control using IC 555 ( Potentiometric) (optoisolated), SCR AC power control uring UJT/PLIT (Potentiometric) Triac AC power control using UJT/PUT (Potentiometric), SCR/Triac temperature control using thermister, SCR/Triac intensity control using LDR, Opto isolat.a OC switch & Photo relay & thermal relay (street light control). Built in Power Supply : DC. Power Supply :5Y I 14 + 15V, 150mA [variable], Fixed - + I -12V 150Ma Experiment must required according to syllabus :- Control of AC motor using TRIAC Power Electronics Trainer Features 4 /-r!L | Aesthetically designed injection molded electronic desk. I | Master unit carrying useful experiment resources like line Synchronized firing I circuits, Power supplies, lamp load, RLC loads, Battery charging supply etc. while I the central slot will hold replaceable experiment panels. | !u! multi experiment panel is secured in an ABS molded plastic sturdy enclosure, & has I colorful lcryw less overlay showing circuit & Connection through Sturdy 4mm Banana I Sockets & Patch Chords. | . Set of User Guide provided with each unit. | . Power Scope | A.ccesso.-y fgt any Lab CRO for off ground differential measurements upto l000Vdc to I facilitate checking inverter / converter waveform. I Specifications I nuitt in power supply | . DC supply : + 72Y,500mA, | . Unregulated Power supply l7v l750mA, | .Regulated TVDC to 14VDC/3A O/P is provided as l2V Battery charging supply. In absence ot-battery, same may be used as simulated battery source to run experiments on inverters etc. . Isolated DC supply +l2Vl300amA with isolated common. On board Inverter transformer of Primary & Secondaries: 12-11-0-1 1-l2l31. . On board o/p to Isolated Drive Circuit AC supply 230Y AC line voltage is made available on two banana 4mm sockets as well as l.5A fuse extender for variac if used. . Aux DC Power Supply : (Useful as field / armature supply for DC motor) variable upto 200vdc/0.5Amp (phase controlled Thyristor half bridge) Field ON/OFF control with field failure relay &. over current protection circuit. LSPT Panel consisting of Two pulse transformers of 1:l:l are provided for isolation & supplying firine pulses alons 5 Ayt-- ent panel under test through 15 pin female D connector. . Selector switch of 2 pole 6 way for selecting different types of firing pulses like out of phase inverter firing ming LM3525 with dead time, freq. Control in freq variation from 170 Hzto 250H2,12.512516..25 Hz Frequency gated with High Frequency (3KHz) for Cycloconverter, line Synchronized UJT firing for converter & pulse width R-L-C Load Panel . Load resistor of lOohm/ 40W & 100ohm / 10W - lNo.each . Centre tapped 3,A choke 4mHl l6mH each -2Nos. . DC choke 0-100-200 mH/750mA- lNo. . Commutation capacitors of l0uFi 100V - 4Nos. . AC Paper capacitor of 4ff1440V - lNo. . DC Cap 220uF / 63V- lNo. . Diode BYT 7l (5407)- 1 No. . On board Lamp load of l5W/ 230VAC provided Accessories: . 15 pin D connector cable assembly, . 4mm patchcords : 100mm X 10 Nos & 500mm X 20 Nos. CON / INV Panel . SCR Converters - Provided with sturdy 800V/12,A, SCRs (4nos) with uncommitted snubbers,64 diodes (2nos) commutation switch, 47ytFl450Y cap, Ramp Cosine firing circuit. However actual working currents are limited to 3A (max) for safety. . Half Wave & Full Wave Fully Controlled converter . AC Voltage Controller using Lamp universal motor foot mounted. . SCR Controlled Converter I phase with R-L Load . Effect of Free Wheeling Diode on SCR converter performance with Inductive load. . Study of SCR convertei (Open Loop) output with Inductance Input & Capacitance Input filters . Effect of Source Impedance on performance of SCR converters. . Study of closed loop SCR converters with Resistive Load . Study of closed loop SCR converters with Motor Load /^* Select motor types from addons below. . Study of full wave -half controlled SCR bridge. . Resonant DC- DC converter. . Advanced firing Schemes . Study of H.F. gate type SCR triggering. Study of relation between control voltage & SCR converter output DC voltage - using linear resistor controlled synchronized ramp firing (Ic815 equivalent). Study of Linear relation between control voltage & SCR converter output- using cosine firing scheme. . SCR forced Commutation Techniques . Study of forced commutation techniques for SCR. Class A,B,C,D,E,F . SCR based Inverters . SCR based Parallel Inverter. . SCR based series Inverter . . SCR based Bridge Inverter. . SCR based Mcmurray Bedford half bridge inverter. . Cycloconverter . SCR Based cycloconverter . SCR based Chopper . SCR based Jones chopper Resistive load, motor load . SCR based buck (step dn), boost (set up), buck boost chopper Fractional HP Universal AC/DC motor 23OY ACllll2HP, spring balance loaded chasis mounted. 5 Digital Multimeter 3 % digitl,4OOO Counts Features : 3 % Digits 4000 Counts Auto / Manual Ranging DC Voltage upto 1000V AC Voltage upto 750V DC Current upto 20A 02 2 7 hy @ Resistance upto 40MO Capacitance upto 100PF Frequency upto 9.999MH2 Duty Cyle O.1%- 99.9% Temperature Diode Test Audible Continuity Data Hold LCD Display Auto Power Off Low Battery lndication Accessories TestLeadsxLPair 1.5VAABatteryx2Pcs lnstruction Manual x 1 Pc K Type Thermocouple (Upto 260 C) x 1 Pair CarryingCasexlPc 6 50MHz Economy Digital Storage Oscilloscope Specifications Band with : 50MHz Sampling Rate : 500MSa/s Equivalent Sampling Rate- l GSa/s C * Series: Single Channel : 32 Kpts; Double Channels: l6Kpts MemoryDepth CA Seriesohm Single channel: 40 Kpts; Double Channels : 2OKpts CM Series : Single Channesl: 2Mpts; Double Channels; lMpts Rise Time : <l4ns 0l I 8 l.luL Sec/div Range Scan: 100ms-5Os/div Horizontal Scan Range: 25ns/div-50s/div Analog Bandwidth (at input BNC) :25 MHz Input In PUT Coupling: AC, DC, GND Input Impedance : DC: lM[ +l-2oh ll lTpF +i-3pF AC: l.2Mohm+/-2%ll tTpF +l-3pF, <:100m V/div l.OMohm+ I -2% ll 17 pF + I -3pF, > I 00mV/div Maximum Input Voltage: +400V PK-PK CATI Probe attenuator: lX. l0X Vertical System vertical Sensitivity:2mv-10/div at input BNC (l-2-5 order) vertical Resolution: 8 bit Channels:2 Math operation : *, -, *, FFT FFT Window mode: Hanning, Hamming, Blackman. Rectangular Sampling points 1024 Trigger System Trigger Types Edge, Pulse Width, Video, Slope. Alternative Trigger Modes : Auto, Normal, Single Trigger Sources : Chl -2. EXT. EXT/S. AC Line Trigger Coupling : AC, DC, LF, rej, HF rej Control Panel Function Auto Set Auto adjusting the vertical, Horizontal system&Trigger position Save/Recall:Support 2 Group referenced Waveforms, 20 Group setups. 20 Group capture Waveforms internal Storage/Recall function&USB flash driver storage function. Measure System Auto Measure FPRE Shoot. Rise time, Fall time, Freq, period, +wid, -wid, Dut, -Dut, Bwid, Phase, FRR, FRF, FFR, FFF, LRR, LRF, LFR, LFF Cursor Measure: Manual mode, Track mode&Auto mode. Display Display Mode color TFT 5.7in. (l45mm) diagonal Liquid crystal Display 9 /,yD Resolution : 320 horizontal by 234 vertical pixels Display color: 64K color Interface : USB Host. USB Device, RS232, Pass/Fail output Environments Temperature Operating:100C to +400C Not operting:- 200C to + 600C Power Supply Input Voltage 100-240 VAC, CAR II, Auto selection Frequency Scope: 45Hzto 440H2 Power :50VA Max. PCM,DPCM / ADPCM Modulator and Demodulator Trainer SPECIFICATIONS . Built in DC Power SupplY : 5V/1A, + l2Vi500mA,0 to -tSV DC (Variable) / l00mA,0 tol5V DC Variable)/l00mA. . Waveform Generator : l.Carrier Generator: . Waveform : SINE / TRG ITTL / CMOS (settable) . Output Frequency : I Hz to 1 MHZ . Output Voltage : 0-20 VPP . Controls : Frequency & Amplitude control pots . Modulation : AM fstal -Vp volt - +5V, 0V-No modulation AM (DSBSC)-IIP volt. 0-9.8 vpp, o/p volt.6- 2.7,FM I/P volt. 400mv (+50% modulation), ASK- I/P upto 500H2, +5V Square wave, FSK-I/P upto 500H2,*4.5Y Square wave 2 Audio Oscillator: . Waveform : SINE / TRG / SQUARE . Output Frequency : 50 Hz to 5KHz . Output Voltage : Sine 0-2Vpp, Sq. 0-9 Vpp, TRG. 0-3Vpp . Controls : Freq & Amplitude control pots. 3.Synchronized Sine Wave Generator : . Input : 32 KHz TTL I/P to Generate 4 nos. of sync. sine O/P . Waveform : SINE . Output Frequency :250 I 500 / 1000 / 2000 Hz 02 ) 1 l0 . Output Voltage : 0-10 Vpp /,JL . Controls : Amplitude control pot Mic with Pre-Amp. Hand held Electret / dynamic microphone with preamplifier for audio ralge. Audio Amplifier : Variable Gain upto 20 for Audio range, Built in Loudspeaker - 8 ohm/500mW / earphone. . Pink Noise Gen. : Frequency response of filter for audio range. Buffer/AC amplifier : NIV gain amplifier 2 Nos, Gain- 0-20, For Non sinusoidal Signal Generator cum INV buffer. . BNC TO Banana Converter : Converts I BNC Socket to 2 Banana Sockets (4mm) & Vice Versa. . Butter Worth Filter [LPF]: 4 Nos Audio range. - 2 polel4 pole butter worth filter cutoff freq 3.4 KHz | Pseudo Random Binary Sequence generator : Switch settable for on/off fix 15 bit pRBS Generator, will also function as input digital data stream generator. Wireless Communication : . 1a. FM Transmitter (Transistorized) : canier Tunable from 88 MHz to 108 MHz with built in FM IVCDI . Modulating Signal : Amplitude - 5Vpp, Freq. - Audio Range . Tx Power O/P : 50 to 100mW lb. FM Receiver : External 5 BS5 to connect to antenna, 2nd IF Input, 2nd IF Output, speaker & Audio amplifier, AM/FM Select switch, L/S impedance g ohm / 0.5 w. I .Controls (Manually) : Settable 88 to 108 MHZ Antenna / Transmission: Telescopic antenna [3 branch antenna] 2a. AM Transmitter (Transistorized): . Carrier : 500KHz to 1.5MHz . Modulating Signal: Amplitude - 5Vpp, Freq.- Audio Range. . Tx Power Output : 50 to 100mW. 2b. AM Receiver : External 5 BS5 to connect to antenna, 2nd IF Input, 2nd IF O/p, speaker & Audio amplifier, AM/FM Select switch, L/S impedance g ohm / 0.5 w. . Controls (Manually) : Gain control settable from 0 to 4.5V. 3a. Fibre Optics Transmitter : 11 lYt . Data Input Bandwidth : 500KHz to 1.5MHz I . Modulating Signal : Amplitude - 5Vpp, Freq.- Audio Range I . Tx Power Output : 50 to l00mW. 3b. FO Receiver : Detector (tr:8ms) separate BS5 socket for digital, AC coupled & TTL o/ps. . Controls (Manually) : Transmitter bias control. . Antenna / Transmission: 1m plastic fiber cable, CRT-1492, NA- 05, 1- 660nm, step index, terminated with SMA connector. List of Experiment on Master 1) Voice link using mic & LS amplifier, 2) Study of AM Xmitter / Receiver, 3) Study of FM Xmitter / Receiver, 4) Band determination of PLL as FM Detector si e) pr-r- as FM Detector B) FSK (Frequency Shift Keying) Mod / Demod [wired] c) FSK (Frequency Shift Keying) Mod / Demod [Through FO] Ol ej Diode as AM Deiector B) ASK (Amplitude Shift Keying) Mod / Demod [Wired] C) ASK (Amplitude Shift Keying) Mod / Demod [Through FO] 7) Fiber Optics Transmitter / Receiver 7.1) Analog Bandwidth. 7 .2) Digital Bandwidth. 7.3) Voice Communication using mic, speaker & Fiber optics 7.4) Listening to AM/FM Radio through Fiber Optics link 8) Pseudo Random Binary Sequence Generator [PRBS] ej Stuay of active filters, Noisl generation & elimination. A) Study of Pink Noise Generator n; Stray of Signal To Noise Ratio of an Amplifier C) Study of active 21d-&-4th order Low Pass Filier D) Study of Frequency response of HPF / AC Amplifier [3H] E) Study of Frequency response of HPF / AC Amplifier [1.6K]. 2 Channel pulse Code [TDNU PCMI Modulation / Demodulation with frame & bit Error Detection & synchronization & correction Expt. Panel ( . Switched faults: - 4 Nos. + 2 No Switches for bit error simulation . I &2 Ch TDM / PCM Mod - Demod: - ll2l3 Wire Communications a)Modulator : Analo g ilp : - 2 Nos, 10 Vpp , onboard Two adjustable variable DC source Sampling Freq. l6KHi per Channsl for Faii mode & 0.106 Hz per Channel for Slow Mode, t2 use of PRBS to generate frame marker ureful to establish syc- in communications. b) De-Modulator :Synchronization is established by using Sequence, Clock Regeneration using PLL. c) Frame & bit Error Detection :Use of PRBS for synchronization. Selectable Even, Odd parity (Binary cyclic) & Hamming (Linear Block code) d) Enor correction :Single or Double Data bit error correction using Hamming code. . Voice communication using wired PCM. . Voice communication using Fiber optics (CMl) & pCM. List of experiments (8) : Single channel Pulse Code Modulation & Demodulation by various method 3l2ll wires [mode 1,2,3 respectively], Two channel rDM, pcM Modulation & Demodulation by various method 3/217 wires [mode 1,2,3 respectively],Use of PRBS for frame synchronization by adding a Bit (Marker) in 2 I I Wire (Mode 2, 3 - respectively), Study of Error Code Check such as Even Parity, Odd Parity & I bit l2bit error simulation & correction by Hamming Code, Voice & Radio communication using PCM, Study of ADC / DAC [CODEC] by observing on Leds & by applying DC Levels at single or both i/ps, Switched Faults, Study of eye diagram, PC Communication using pCM. DPCM / ADPCM Modulation / Demodulation Expt. panel . Operation mode : switch selectable - DPCM OR ADPCM . Number of data bits in data frame switch selectable 31415 bits. . On-board Clock source @ 660 KHz. a) Modulator Function Blocks : - I Analog Input- l0Vpp & Audio upto 2KHz, Onboard adjustable DC signal source, ADC Sampling Frequency @8.5 KHz, 7 Bit Comparator, Subtractor, Signed Adder, Parallel to Serial Converter. b) Demodulator Function Blocks : - 1 Analog output l0Vpp & Audio upto 2KHz, Demodulated DPCM / ADPCM signal reconstructed using 7-bit DAC followed by passing through 2Pl4P Butterworth filter on NGLPF Panel (MU), Serial to Parallel Convertei, 7 Bii Signed Adder, List of experiments (5) : DPCM - Modulation - Demodulation, ADPCM - Modulation - Demodulation, Slope Overload Error, Voice Communication using DPCM / ADPCM, Study of Eye Diasram. receiver during ll2 wire Pseudo Random Binary l3 lrY* Delta, Adaptive Delta, Sigma Delta, CVSD Modulator & Demodulator SPECIFICATIONS . Built in DC Power Supply : 5V/lA. + 12Vl500mA,0 to -15V DC (Variable) / l00mA,0 tol5V DC Variable)/l00mA. . Waveform Generator : l.Carrier Generator: . Waveform : SINE / TRG ITTL / CMOS (settable) . Output Frequency : I Hz to I MHZ . Output Voltage : 0-20 VPP . Controls : Frequency & Amplitude control pots . Modulation : AM Gtd) -llP volt - +5V, 0V-No modulation AM (DSBSC)-IIP volt. 0-9.8 Vpp, o/p volt.0- 2.7,FM I/P volt.400mV (+50% modulation), ASK- I/P upto 500H2, +5V Square wave, FSK-I/P upto 500H2, +4.5V Square wave. 2 Audio Oscillator: . Waveform : SINE / TRG / SQUARE . Output Frequency : 50 Hz to 5KHz . Output Voltage : Sine 0-2Vpp, Sq. 0-9 Vpp, TRG. 0-3Vpp . Controls : Freq & Amplitude control pots. 3.Synchronized Sine Wave Generator : . Input : 32 KHz TTL I/P to Generate 4 nos. of sync. sine O/P . Wavelorm : SINE . Output Frequency :250 I 500 / 1000 I 2000 Hz . Output Voltage:0-10 Vpp . Controls : Amplitude control pot . Mic with pre-Amp. Hand heid Electret / dynamic microphone with preamplifier for audio range. . Audio Amplifier : Variable Gain upto 20 for Audio range, Built in ohm/500mW / earphone. . pink Noise Gen. : Frequency response of filter for audio range. . Buffer/AC amplifier : NIV gain amplifier 2 Nos, Gain- 0-20, For Non Generator cum INV buffer. Loudspeaker - 8 sinusoidal Signal 02 ) 8 14 /y* . BNC TO Banana Converter : Converts Versa. lButter Worth Filter [LPF]: 4 Nos - 2 polel4 pole butter worth filter cutoff freq 3.4 KHz I araio range. | Pseudo Random Binary Sequence generator : Switch settable for on/off fix l5 bit pRBS I Generator. will also function as input digital data stream generator. I Wireless Communication : | . tu. FM Transmitter (Transistorized) : | . Carrier Tunable from 88 MHz to 108 MHz with built in FM [VCD] | . Modulating Signal : Amplitude - 5Vpp, Freq. - Audio Range | . T* Power O/P : 50 to 100mW llb, FM Receiver:External 5 BS5 to connect to antenna,2nd IF Input,2nd IF Output, I speaker & Audio amplifier, AM/FM select switch, L/S impedance g ohm / 0.5 w. I I .Controls (Manually) : Settable 88 to 108 MHZ | . Antenna / Transmission: Telescopic antenna [3 branch antenna] | 2a. AM Transmitter (Transistorized): . Carrier : 500KHz to l.5MHz . Modulating Signal: Amplitude - 5Vpp, Freq.- Audio Range. . Tx Power Output : 50 to 100mW. 2b. AM Receiver : External 5 BS5 to connect to antenna, 2nd IF Input, 2nd IF O/P, speaker & Audio amplifier, AM/FM Select switch, L/S impedance g ohm / 0.5 w. . Controls (Manually) : Gain control settable from 0 to 4.5V. 3a. Fibre Optics Transmitter : . Data Input Bandwidth : 500KHz to 1.5MHz. . Modulating Signal : Amplitude - 5Vpp, Freq.- Audio Range. . Tx Power Output : 50 to 100mW. 3b. FO Receiver : Detector (tr:8ms) separate BS5 socket for digital, AC coupled & TTL o/ps. . Controls (Manually) : Transmitter bias control. . Antenna / Transmission: 1m plastic fiber cable. CRT- I .492, NA- 0.5. ),- 660nm, step index, terminated with SMA connector. List of Experiment on Master 1 BNC Socket to 2 Banana Sockets (4mm) & Vice 15 /-nY> 1) Voice link using mic & LS amplifier, 2) Study of AM Xmitter / Receiver, 3) Study of FM Xmitter / Receiver, 4) Band determination of PLL as FM Detector Si A) pff as FM Detector B) FSK (Frequency Shift Keying) Mod / Demod [Wired] C) FSK (Frequency Shift Keying) Mod / Demod [Through FO] Ol ei Dioie as AM Deiector B) ASK (Amplitude Shift Keying) Mod / Demod [Wired] C) ASK (Amplitude Shift Keying) Mod / Demod [Through FO] 7) Fiber Optics Transmitter / Receivet 7.1) Analog Bandwidth. 7 .2) Digital Bandwidth. 7.3) Voice Communication using mic, speaker & Fiber optics 7.4) Listening to AM/FM Radio through Fiber Optics link 8) Pseudo Random Binary Sequence Generator [PRBS] 9) Study of active filters, Noise generation & elimination. A) Study of Pink Noise Generator B) Study of Signal To Noise Ratio of an Amplifier C) Study of active 2nd & 4th order Low Pass Filter D) Study of Frequency response of HPF / AC Amplifier [3H] E) Study of Frequency response of HPF / AC Amplifier [1.6K]. DelJa, adaptive delta, sigma delta modulation & demodulation Experiment Panel . Consisting of Voltage comparator, differential amplifier, TTL to Bipolar Converter. . Switched faults. (4 Nos.) . Delta, adaptive delta (CVSD), sigma modulation & demodulation, Adaptive control circuits 2Nos. each, provides 2 bit binary code, used to control gain of an integrator for adaptive delta modulation. . Companding : Using compressor & expander function blocks, Study of Mu Law & A Law. List oi.*p.ri-.r,ts (61 : Delta mod-demod, Adaptive (CVSD) delta mod demod, Sigma delta mod demod, Voice communication, Effect of companding on delta mod-demod, Switched faults 9 ASK, FSK, PSK, QPSK BPSK Modulator & Demodulator SPECIFICATIONS . Built in DC Power Supply : 5V/lA, + l2Vl500mA, 0 ro -l5V DC (Variable) / l00mA, 0 tol5V DC Variable)/l00mA. . Waveform Generator : 02 1 t6 /Y{-- l.Carrier Generator: . Waveform : SINE / TRG ITTL / CMOS (settable) . Output Frequency :7 Hzto I MHZ . Output Voltage : 0-20 Vpp . Controls : Frequency & Amplitude control pots Modulation : AM (std) -llP volt - +5V, OV-No modulation AM (DSBSC)-IIP volt. 0-9.8 Vpp, o/p volt.0- 2.7.FM I/P volt.400mV (+50% modulation), ASK- I/P upto 500H2, +5V Square wave, FSK-I/P upto 500H2,t4.5Y Square wave. 2 Audio Oscillator: . Waveform : SINE / TRG / SQUARE . Output Frequency : 50 Hz to 5KHz . Output Voltage : Sine 0-2Vpp, Sq. 0-9 Vpp, TRG. 0-3Vpp . Controls : Freq & Amplitude control pots. 3.Synchronized Sine Wave Generator : . Input :32KHz TTL I/P to Generate 4 nos. of sync. sine O/p . Waveform: SINE . Output Frequency :250 I 500 / I 000 I 2000 Hz . Output Voltage : 0-10 Vpp . Controls : Amplitude control pot Mic with Pre-Amp. Hand held Electret / dynamic microphone with preamplifier for audio range. . Audio Amplifier : Variable Gain upto 20 for Audio range, ohm/500mW / earphone. . Pink Noise Gen. : Frequency response of filter for audio range. . BufferiAC amplifier : NIV gain amplifrer 2 Nos, Gain- O-20, Built in Loudspeaker - 8 For Generator cum INV buffer. . BNC TO Banana Converter : Converts I BNC Socket to 2 Banana Non sinusoidal Signal Sockets (4mm) & Vice Versa. . Butter Worth Filter [LPF]: 4 Nos - 2 pole/4 pole butter worth Audio range. filter cutoff freq 3.4 KHz Pseudo Random Binary Sequence generator : Switch settable for on/off fix 15 bit pRBS Generator, will also function as input digital data stream generator. t7 /.yWireless Communication : . 1a. FM Transmitter (Transistorized) : . Carrier Tunable from 88 MHz to 108 MHz with built in FM [VCD] . Modulating Signal : Amplitude - 5Vpp, Freq. - Audio Range . Tx Power O/P : 50 to 100mW . 1b. FM Receiver : External 5 BS5 to connect to antenna, 2nd IF Input, 2nd IF Output, speaker & Audio amplifier, AM/FM Select switch, L/S impedance 8 ohm i 0.5 W I .Controls (Manually) : Settable 88 to 108 MHZ . Antenna / Transmission: Telescopic antenna [3 branch antenna] 2a. AM Transmitter (Transistorized): . Carrier : 500KHz to 1.5MHz . Modulating Signal: Amplitude - 5Vpp, Freq.- Audio Range. . Tx Power Output : 50 to 100mW. . 2b. AM Receiver : External 5 BS5 to connect to antenna, 2nd IF Input, 2nd IF OiP, speaker & Audio amplifier, AM/FM Select switch, L/S impedance 8 ohm / 0.5 W. . Controls (Manually) : Gain control settable from 0 to 4.5V. 3a. Fibre Optics Transmitter : . Data Input Bandwidth : 500KHz to L5MHz. . Modulating Signal : Amplitude - 5Vpp, Freq.- Audio Range. . Tx Power Output : 50 to 100mW. 3b. FO Receiver: Detector (tr:8ms) separate BS5 socket for digital, AC coupled & TTL o/ps. . Controls (Manually) : Transmitter bias control. . Antenna / Transmission: lm plastic fiber cable, CRT-1492, NA- 05, ),- 660nm, step index, terminated with SMA connector. List of Experiment on Master 1) Voice link using mic & LS amplifier, 2) Study of AM Xmitter / Receiver, 3) Study of FM Xmitter / Receiver, 4) Band determination of PLL as FM Detector 5) A) PLL as FM Detector B) FSK (Frequency Shift Keying) Mod / Demod [Wired] C) FSK (Frequency Shift Keying) 18 I lytu 6)A)DiodeasAMDetectorB)ASK(AmplitudeShift ASK (Amplitude Shift Keying) Mod / Demod [Through FO] 7) Fiber Optics Transmitter / Receiver 7.1) Analog Bandwidth. 7 .2) Digital Bandwidth. 7.3) Voice Communication using mic, speaker & Fiber optics 7.4) Listening to AM/FM Radio through Fiber Optics link 8) Pseudo Random Binary Sequence Generator tpRBS] 9) Study of active filters, Noise generation & elimination. A) Study of Pink Noise Generator B) Study of Signal To Noise Ratio of an Amplifier C) Study of active Znd, &4th order Low Pass Filter D) Study of Frequency response of HpF / AC Amplifier [3H] E) Study of Frequency response of HPF / AC Amplifier [1.6K]. Carrier modulation/ Demodulation Expt. panel Carrier Sine wave-500KH2, 250KHz(0 phase) & 250KHz(90 phase) with settable amplitude 0 to 2Vpp. .4MHz Crystal Stabilized Clock. . On board Unipolar to Bi polar Converter, Data Squaring. . Carrier Modulation Techniques ASK, FSK, pSK & epSK. Carrier De-Modulation Techniques ASK (Rectifier Detector), FSK (Phase Lock Loop Detector), PSK (Squaring loop Detector) & ePSK (Fourth power loop detector). . Low Pass Filter 2 Nos with Cut off Frequency 340KHz. List of experiments (4) : Amplitude Shift Keying [ASK] Modulation / Demodulation, Frequency Shift Keying [FSK] Modulation / Demodulation, Phase Shift Keying [PSK] Modulation / Demodulation, Quadrature phase Shift Keying tepsKl Moduiation / Demodulation,BPSK Modulation / Demodulation. l0 Frequency Modulation & Demodulation Techniques SPECIFICATIONS . Built in DC Power Supply : sV/lA, + l2Vl500mA, 0 to -15V DC (Variable) / 100mA, 0 tol5v DC variable)/l00mA. . Waveform Generator : l.Carrier Generator: . Waveform : SINE / TRG ITTL / CMOS (settable) . Output Frequency : I Hz to I MHZ 01 I 19 . Output Voltage : 0-20 VPP . Controls : Frequency & Amplitude control pots . Modulation : AM (sta) -f/P volt - +5V, 0V-No modulation AM (DSBSC)-IIP volt. 0-9.8 Vpp, o/p volt.g- 2.7.FM I/P volt. 400mV (+50% modulation), ASK- I/P upto 500H2, +5V Square wave, FSK-I/P upto 500H2, +4.5V Square wave. 2 Audio Oscillator: . Waveform : SINE / TRG / SQUARE . Output Frequency : 50 Hz to 5KHz . Output Voltage : Sine 0-2Vpp, Sq. 0-9 Vpp, TRG. 0-3Vpp . Controls : Freq & Amplitude control pots. 3.Synchronized Sine Wave Generator : . Input :32KHz TTL VP to Generate 4 nos. of sync. sine OiP . Waveform: SINE . Output Frequency :250 I 500 i 1000 I 2000 Hz . Output Voltage : 0-10 VPP . Controls : Amplitude control pot . Mic with pre-Amp. Hand heid Electret / dynamic microphone with preamplifier for audio range. . A]udio Amplifier : Variable Gain upto 20 for Audio range, Built in Loudspeaker - 8 ohm/500mW / earphone. . Pink Noise Gen. : Frequency response of filter for audio range. . Buffer/AC amplifier , XtV gain amplifier 2 Nos, Gain- 0-20, For Non sinusoidal Signal Generator cum INV buffer. . BNC TO Banana Converter : Converts I BNC Socket to 2 Banana Sockets (4mm) & Vice Versa. . Butter Worth Filter [LPF]: 4 Nos - 2 polel4 pole butter worth filter cutoff freq 3.4 KHz Audio range. . pseudo Random Binary Sequence generator: Switch settable for on/off fix 15 bit PRBS Generator, will also function as input digital data stream generator. Wireless Communication : . 1a. FM Transmitter (Transistorized) : . Carrier Tunable from 88 MHz to 108 MHz with built in FM IVCD 20 AW | . Modulating Signal : Amplitude - 5Vpp, Freq. - Audio Range | . T* Power O/P : 50 to l00mW I tU. FM Receiver : External 5 BS5 to connect to antenna, 2nd IF Input, 2nd IF Output, I speaker & Audio amplifier, AM/FM select switch, L/S impedance 8 ohm / 0.5 w. I I .Controls (Manually) : Settable 88 to 108 MHZ | . Antenna / Transmission: Telescopic antenna [3 branch antenna] | 2a. AM Transmitter (Transistorized): | . Carrier : 500KHz to L5MHz | . Modulating Signal: Amplitude - 5Vpp, Freq.- Audio Range. | . Tx Power Output : 50 to l00mW. lZA. AM Receiver : Extemal 5 BS5 to connect to antenna, 2nd IF Input, 2nd IF O/P, speaker | & Audio amplifier, AM/FM Select switch, L/S impedance 8 ohm / 0.5 W. | . Controls (Manually) : Gain control settable from 0 to 4.5V. 3a. tribre Optics Transmitter : . Data Input Bandwidth : 500KHz to LSMHz. . Modulating Signal : Amplitude - 5Vpp, Freq.- Audio Range. . Tx Power Output : 50 to l00mW. 3b. FO Receiver : Detector (tr:8ms) separate BS5 socket for digital, AC coupled & TTL o/ps. . Controls (Manually) : Transmitter bias control. . Antenna / Transmission: lm plastic fiber cable, CRT-1.492, NA- 0.5, ),- 660nm, step index, terminated with SMA connector. List of Experiment on Master 1) Voice link using mic & LS amplifier, 2) Study of AM Xmitter / Receiver, 3) Study of FM Xmitter / Receiver, 4) Band determination of PLL as FM Detector 5) A) PLL as FM Detector B) FSK (Frequency Shift Keying) Mod / Demod [Wired] C) FSK (Frequency Shift Keying) Mod / Demod [Through FO] 6) A) Diode as AM Detector B) ASK (Amplitude Shift Keying) Mod / Demod [Wired] C) ASK (Amplitude Shift Keying) Mod / Demod [Through FO] 7) Fiber Optics Transmitter / Receiver 7.1) Analog Bandwidth. 21 I /v^t 7 .2) Digital Bandwidth. 7.3) Voice Communication using mic, speaker & Fiber optics 7.4) Listening to AM/FM Radio through Fiber Optics link 8) Pseudo Random Binary Sequence Generator [PRBS] 9) Study of active filters, Noise generation & elimination. A) Study of Pink Noise Generator B) Study of Signal To Noise Ratio of an Amplifier C) Study of active 2nd & 4th order Low Pass Filter D) Study of Frequency response of HPF / AC Amplifier [3H] E) Study of Frequency response of HPF / AC Amplifier [1.6K]. FM Modulation & Demodulation Expt. Panel . Switched faults: - 8 Nos. . Modulator : (With center freq. 455 KHz). Reactance Modulator, Varactor Modulator with center frequency adjustment, Phase modulator using varactor, Armstrong Modulator using PLL. . Demodulator : Detuned resonant circuit detector, Quadrature detector, Foster-Seeley discriminators, Ratio detector, Phase-locked loop detector & determination of capture & lock range, Phase Demodulator using quadrature detector. 2P LPF for standalone application. . Pre-emphasis & De-emphasis Block for flat frequency response. List of experiments (12) : Frequency modulation using : Reactance modulator, Varactor modulatoi Phase modulator using varactor, Frequency demodulation using : Detuned resonant detector, Foster Seeley/ratio detector, Study of PLL capture & lock range & its use as FM detector, Use of PLL as Armstrong Modulator, Quadrature detector, Phase demodulation using quadrature detector, Introduction of noise & its effects on frequency ll AM / FM Radio Receiver Trainer AM demodulator cum AM-FM Receiver Consisting of antenna, RF amplifier, IF amplifier, Local oscillator (455KHz), Mixer, Audio amplifier with L/S. . AM demodulator - Diode Detector for DSB. . Switched faults -16 Nos. . Synthesized Superheterodyne Receiver - AM receiver cum tunner (450 to l450KHz), FM receiver cum tunner (88 to l08MHz) List of Experiment (8): AM receiver (5) : DSB TC demodulation using tuning of AM 02 2 22 ly* receiver,Sensitivityofradioreceiver,Signalt Receiver. FM receiver (3): FM demod using tuning of FM receiver, Sensitivity of radio receiver, Selectivity of radio receiver. 12 I PAM-PPM-PWM and line coding Techniques 1 SPECIFICATIONS | . Built in DC Power Supply : | 5V/lA. + 12Vl500mA, 0 to -l5v DC (variable) / l00mA, 0 tol5v DC variable)/l00mA. j . Waveform Generator : I l.Carrier Generator: | . Waveform : SINE / TRG ITTL / CMOS (settable) I . Output Frequency : I Hzto I MHZ | . Output Voltage : 0-20 Vpp | . Controls : Frequency & Amplitude control pots | Modulation : AM (std) -llP volt - +5V, OV-No modulation AM (DSBSC)-llp volt. 0-9.g lVpp. o/p volt.0- 2.7,FM I/P volt.400mV (+50% modulation), ASK- I/p upto 500H2, +5V I Square wave, FSK-I/P upto 500H2, x.4.5Y Square wave. 2 Audio Oscillator: . Waveform : SINE / TRG / SQUARE . Output Frequency : 50 Hz to 5KHz . Output Voltage : Sine 0-2Vpp. Sq. 0-9 Vpp, TRG. 0-3Vpp . Controls : Freq & Amplitude control pots. 3.Synchronized Sine Wave Generator : . Input : 32 KHz TTL I/P to Generate 4 nos. of sync. sine O/p . Waveform : SINE . Output Frequency :250 I 500 / 1000 I 2000 Hz . Output Voltage : 0-10 Vpp . Controls : Amplitude control pot Mic with Pre-Amp. Hand held Electret / dynamic microphone with preamplifier for audio range. Audio Amplifier : Variable Gain upto 20 for Audio range, Built in Loudspeaker - 8 ohm/500mW / earphone. 02 I 23 l,)tu . pink Noise Gen. : Frequency response of filter for audio range. . Buffer/AC amplifie, NtV gain amplifier 2 Nos, Gain- 0-20, For Non sinusoidal Signal Generator cum INV buffer. . BNC TO Banana Converter : Converts 1 BNC Socket to 2 Banana Sockets (4mm) & Vice Versa. . Butter Worth Filter [LPF]: 4 Nos - 2 polel4 pole butter worth filter cutoff fteq3.4 KHz Audio range. . pseudo Random Binary Sequence generator : Switch settable for on/off fix 15 bit PRBS Generator, will also function as input digital data stream generator. Wireless Communication : . 1a. FM Transmitter (Transistorized) : . Carrier Tunable from 88 MHz to 108 MHz with built in FM [VCD] . Modulating Signal : Amplitude - 5Vpp, Freq. - Audio Range . Tx Power O/P : 50 to 100mW . lb. FM Receiver : External 5 BS5 to connect to antenna, 2nd IF Input, 2nd IF Output, speaker & Audio amplifier, AM/FM Select switch, L/S impedance 8 ohm / 0.5 W I .Controls (Manually) : Settable 88 to 108 MHZ . Antenna / Transmission: Telescopic antenna [3 branch antenna] 2a. AM Transmitter (Transistorized): . Carrier : 500KHz to 1.5MHz . Modulating Signal: Amplitude - 5Vpp, Freq.- Audio Range. . Tx Power Output : 50 to l00mW. . 2b. AM Receiver : External 5 BS5 to connect to antenna, 2nd IF Input, 2nd IF O/P, speaker & Audio amplifier, AM/FM Select switch, L/S impedance 8 ohm / 0.5 W. . Controls (Manually) : Gain control settable from 0 to 45V. 3a. Fibre Optics Transmitter : . Data Input Bandwidth : 500KHz to 1.5MHz. . Modulating Signal : Amplitude - 5Vpp, Freq.- Audio Range . Tx Power Output : 50 to l00mW. 3b. FO Receiver: Detector (tr:Sms) separate BS5 socket for digital, AC coupled & TTL o/ps. . Controls (Manually) : Transmitter bias control. 24 | . Antenna / Transmission: lm plastic fiber /,P | ),- 660nm, step index, terminated with SMA connector. I List of Experiment on Master I I ) Voice link using mic & LS amplifier, | 2) Study of AM Xmitter / Receiver. | 3) Study of FM Xmitter / Receiver, | +; nand determination of PLL as FM Detector I S] el PLL as FM Detector B) FSK (Frequency Shift Keying) Mod / Demod [Wired] C) FSK | (Freguency Shift Keying) Mod / Demod [Through FO] I Oi ai Diode as AM Detector B) ASK (Amplitude Shift Keying) Mod / Demod [Wired] C) I ASK (Amplitude Shift Keying) Mod / Demod [Through FO] | 7) Fiber Optics Transmitter / Receiver 7.1) Analog Bandwidth. | 7 .2) Digital Bandwidth. I Z.:; Voice Communication using mic, speaker & Fiber optics | 7.4) Listening to AM/FM Radio through Fiber Optics link 8) Pseudo Random Binary Sequence Generator tpRBS] 9) Study of active filters, Noise generation & elimination. A) Study of Pink Noise Generator B) Study of Signal To Noise Ratio of an Amplifier C) Study of active 2nd &4th order Low Pass Filter D) Study of Frequency response of HpF / AC Amplifier [3H] E) Study of Frequency response of HPF / AC Amplifier [1.6K]. I channel Sampling & Reconstruction, 4 Channel rDM/pAM & ppM, pwM, pFM Expt. panel . Crystal Freq.-I0 MHz . Switched faults : - 4 Nos. 1 channel Sampling/ Reconstruction & 4 Channel TDM/PAM & demodulation: - a)Modulator : Analog i/p channel: - 4 Nos, l0 Vpp, Bipolar. Settable Sampling Freq. (lof 7) : 64 I 32 I 16 I 8 I 4 I 2 I 1 t(Hz With Settable Duty Cycle 10-90 % in decade steps. b)De-Modulator : Clock Regeneration using PLL, LPF, ll2l3 Wire Communications . PWM / PPM a)Modulator : I/P freq Audio range (Sine) @ 0-B Vpp , Carrier Freq - 64KHz (TRG) @ s Vpp O/P TTL. b)De-Modulator : LPF ( MU ), PPM is converter into pwM then Demodulated. 25 lnYL . PFM a) Modulator : Center Freq ( 64KHz I TTL ) from Function Generator (MU) is FM modulated by audio signal generating PFM pulse train. b) De-Modulator : PLL Detector followed by LPF from MU. List of experiments (3) : Single channel PAM Sampling UCH Signal Sampling & Reconstruction (1 CH SSRC)I i) Natural Sampling, ii) FIat Top Sampling (Sample Hold), Multichannel [4CH I 2c[forSA] PAM Sampling, multiplexing of data over single wire & demultiplexing of data at receiver to reconstruct 4 channels by various method 3 2 1 wires [mode i,2,3 iespectively., PWM PFM PPM Pulse modulation & demodulation as a methods of dieital communication. l3 Microwave Test Bench (Klystron Based) Klystron Power Supply Beam Supply Voltage : 200 - 450 VDC, Variable Current : 50 mA RepellerSupply : -10 Y ro -27O V DC Variable Filament Supply : 6.3 VDC Over-Load Trip Current : 50 mA Modulation : AM (Square) FM (Saw - tooth) Frequency Range : 500 - 2000 Hz, 50 - 150 Hz Amplitude : 0 - 110 Vpp, 0- 60 VPP External : Through External Modulating Signal Digital display for : Beam voltage, Beam Current, Repeller voltage Modulation Selector : CW/AM/FM lMic/PC/Exr Meter Selector : Beam Voltage (V)/ Current (l)/ (Repeller) Rep. Connectors : 5-Pin Metal Connector, BNC for External Modulation (Optional: lnterface) Power Supply : 230 VAC !10%,50 Hz DigitalVSWR Meter Display:16X2LCD. Sensitivity : 0.1;.tV for 200 Ohm input impedance. Noise Level : Less than 0.02 V . Range :0 60dB in 10dB steps. RS-232 for PC 01 I 26 lt)L lnput : Un-biased low and high impedance crystal biased crystal (200 and 200K). Display Select : SWR Scale, dB Scale, Modulation Frequency, Power Bar Graph Modes : Normall I Audio | | PC (this mode can be used only with Gunn based bench). Gain Control : Range 0-10dB (approx). lnput Connector : BNC (F). lnput Frequency: 1000H2 !L0% Power: 230 Volts AC t 10%, 50Hz Components o Cooling Fan 1 No. . Detector Mount 1 No. . Fixed Short 1 No. . Analog DRF Meter 1 No. . lsolator 1 No. . Klystron Mount without Tube 1 No. . Klystron Tube 1 No. . Matched Termination 1 No. . Movable Short 1 No. . Slide Screw (SS)Tuner 1 No. . Slotted Section with probe carragel No. . Tunable Probe 1 No. . Variable Attenuator 20dB 1 No. . Waveguide Stand 3 Nos. Accessories . Cable BNC (M)to BNC (M) 1 Meter 2 Nos. . Mains Cord 1.5 meter 2 Nos. . . Earphone (optional) 1 No. r Fastener (Brass Fly, Nut-Screw set) 1 No. . Operating Manual 1 No. t4 Advanced Microwave Test Bench (Gunn Based) 0l I 27 /t5r,tGunn Power Supply Display :16x 2 Characters LCD : Show-volt, Current, Modulation Frequency Voltage Range :0 to LOV Current :750mA max Stability :0.!%for tl,O% mains variation Ripple :1.OmV typical Modulating Frequency:800 to 1200H2 Modulating Voltage :0 - 10Vpp variable Modulation Modes :Co nti n u o u sWave, I nte rn a I Modulation (Square Wave) Audio Modulation & PC Data Modulation PC lnterface :RS232 OutPut Connector:BNC for Gunn Bias, TNC for Pin Bias Mains Supply :230V AC tlO%,5OHz DigitalVSWR Meter Display:16X2LCD. Sensitivity : O.LprV for 200 Ohm input impedance. Noise Level : Less than 0.02 V . Range : 0 60dB in 10dB steps. lnput : Un-biased low and high impedance crystal biased crystal (200 and 200K). Display Select : SWR Scale, dB Scale, Modulation Frequency, Power Bar GraPh Modes : Normall I Audio | | PC (this mode can be used only with Gunn based bench). Gain Control : Range 0-10d8 (approx) lnput Connector : BNC (F). lnput Frequency : 1000H2 ! tO% Power : 230 Volts AC + ljYo,50Hz Components . Cooline Fan 1 No. . Detector Mount I No. . Fixed Short I No. Analog D.R.F. Meter I 28 AP No.IsolatorlNo.GunnOscillatorlNo..PinModulatorlNo..MatchedTerminationl No. Movable Short 1 No. . Slide Screw (SS) Tuner 1 No. . Slotted Section with probe carragel No. Tunable Probe I No. . Variable Attenuator 20dB 1 No. . Waveguide Stand 3 Nos. Accessories Cable BNC (M) to BNC (M) I Meter 2 Nos. . Mains Cord I No. . MIC (optional) I No. . Fastener (Brass Fly, Nut- Screw set) I No. . Cable TNC (M) - TNC (M) 1 meter 1 No. . Operating Manual I No. l5 Antenna Training Setup (Big Version) ANTENNA TRAINING SYSTEM Technical Specifi cations RF Signal Generator . RF Frequency ranging from 10MHz to 600MHz. . +3dBm to -27dBm amplitude @ 50O impedance. . Display: 4L/2 digit Red 7-segment display. RF Power Meter . RF power i/p = 15dBm to -60dBm & max= 20dBm. . RF input Freq. ranging from 10MHz to 500MHz. . Display: 4u2 dagit Red 7-segment display. . USB interface with PC using USB lO for plotting. . Online/Offline mode selection using DPDT switch. o Meter input is 50Q impedance. Transmitting & Receiving Masts Stainless-steel pipe (Height: 600mm & Dia: 19mm) connected with rotating base table with a flexibility to mount diff. antennas as per expt using M8 screw/nut. . Scale with pointer to measure angle of rotation Stepper Driver Panel/ o Programmable stepper control with built-in power. o Stepper CW & CCW rotation control. Provision of different stepping modes of operation of Stepper with the step resolution of 0.90 (in Half-step mode)& 1.80 (in Full & Wave-drive modes). 01 I 29 frs*t- . Drives 2kg-cm stepper motor mounted on transmitter mast using 15-pin D (M). Directiona! Coupler . Ra n ge : 50-2000M Hz, Bi-d i rection d i rection a I coupl er. . Meant for Return Loss & VSWR measurements . Coupling factor = 10dB. . All ports are provided with BNC Female sockets. . Provided with two nos. of 50 ohm BNC termination . All ports are provided with BNC Female sockets PC based Graph Utility Software : . ONLINE or OFFLINE modes: Either fully automatic/Semi-automatic or Manual modes. Edit Buttons For: . Rotation angle per step : 0.00 to 99.90. . Clock pulses per step : 1 to 99 clock steps. . Time-gap between two clock pulses: 0.1to 9.9 sec. . Calibrating scale of polar plot by setting min & max strengths to match with power meter readings. . Print & Save data to store & offline plotting List of Experiments to be performed : . Antenna Radiation pattern observation either Manual or PC based. . Antenna Absolute & Relative gain measurements. . Antenna Beam-width measurement. . Antenna Front-to-Back ratio measurement. . Antenna Return Loss & VSWR measurements using Directional Coupler. . Polarization principle study. . lmpedance matching using Smith Chart. . Antenna Resonance study. . Measurement of Scattering Parameters Name of Antennas: Half-wave Folded-dipole (2 Nos.),Yagi-Uda 3-element, Yagi-Uda 5- 30 h,L element, Yagi-Uda 7-element, Half-wave simple-dipole,3A12 simple-dipole, Quarter-wave Simple dipole Half-wave folded-dipole with Reflector, Circular Loop, Log Periodic, Helical Half-wave, End-Fire Quarter-wave, End-Fire Broad-side array, Co-linear Slot, Discone, Parabolic Reflector, Microstrip Patch, Variable Length 16 CDMA Modulation / Demodulation Trainer SPECIFICATIONS . Built in DC Power Supply : 5V/lA, + l2Yl500mA, 0 to -l5V DC (Variable) I 100mA, 0 tol5V DC Variable)/l00mA. . Waveform Generator : l.Carrier Generator: . Waveform : SINE / TRG ITTL / CMOS (settable) . Output Frequency : I Hz to 1 MHZ . Output Voltage : 0-20 Vpp . Controls : Frequency & Amplitude control pots Modulation : AM (std) -IlP volt - +5V, 0V-No modulation AM (DSBSC)-IIP volt. 0-9.8 Vpp, o/p volt.0- 2.7, FM I/P volt. 400mV (+50% modulation), ASK- I/P upto 500H2, +5V Square wave, FSK-I/P upto 500H2, +4.5V Square wave. 2 Audio Oscillator: . Waveform : SINE / TRG / SQUARE . Output Frequency : 50 Hz to 5KHz . Output Voltage : Sine 0-2Vpp, Sq. 0-9 Vpp, TRG. 0-3Vpp . Controls : Freq & Amplitude control pots. 3.Synchronized Sine Wave Generator : . Input :32KHz TTL I/P to Generate 4 nos. of sync. sine O/P . Waveform : SINE . Output Frequency :250 I 500 / 1000 I 2000 Hz . Output Voltage : 0-10 Vpp . Controls : Amplitude control pot Mic with Pre-Amp. Hand held Electret / dynamic microphone with preamplifier for audio range. Audio Amplifier : Variable Gain upto 20 for Audio range, Built in Loudspeaker - 8 ohm/500mW / earphone. 01 I 3l dtstu . Pink Noise Gen. : Frequency response of filter for audio range. . Buffer/AC amplifie. NtV gain amplifier 2 Nos, Gain- 0-20, For Non sinusoidal Signal Generator cum INV buffer. . BNC TO Banana Converter : Converts I BNC Socket to 2 Banana Sockets (4mm) & Vice Versa. . Burrer Worth Filter [LPF]: 4 Nos - 2 polel4 pole butter worth filter cutoff freq 3.4 KHz Audio range. . Pseudo Random Binary Sequence generator : Switch settable for on/off fix 15 bit PRBS Generator, will also function as input digital data stream generator. Wireless Communication : . I a. FM Transmitter (Transistorized) : . Carrier Tunable from 88 MHz to 108 MHz with built in FM [VCD] . Modulating Signal : Amplitude - 5Vpp, Freq. - Audio Range . Tx Power O/P : 50 to l00mW . lb. FM Receiver:External 5 BS5 to connect to antenna,2nd IF Input,2nd IF Output, speaker & Autlio amplifier, AM/FM Select switch, L/S impedance 8 ohm i 0.5 W I .Controls (Manually) : Settable 88 to 108 MHZ . Antenna / Transmission: Telescopic antenna [3 branch antenna] 2a. AM Transmitter (Transistorized): . Carrier : 500KHz to l.5MHz . Modulating Signal: Amplitude - 5Vpp, Freq.- Audio Range. . Tx Power Output : 50 to l00mW. . 2b. AM Receiver : External 5 BS5 to connect to antenna, 2nd IF Input, 2nd IF O/P, speaker & Audio amplifier, AM/FM Select switch, L/S impedance 8 ohm / 0.5 W. . Controls (Manually) : Gain control settable from 0 to 45V. 3a. Fibre 0ptics Transmitter : . Data Input Bandwidth : 500KHz to 1.5MHz. . Modulating Signal : Amplitude - 5Vpp, Freq.- Audio Range . Tx Power Output : 50 to l00mW. 3b. FO Receiver: Detector (tr:Sms) separate B55 socket for digital, AC coupled & TTL o/ps. . Controls (Manually) : Transmitter bias control. .Antenna/Transmission:1mplasticfibercable,cn@ l- 660nm, step index, terminated with SMA connector. List of Experiment on Master 1) Voice link using mic & LS amplifier, 2) Study of AM Xmitter / Receiver, 3) Study of FM Xmitter / Receiver, 4) Band determination of PLL as FM Detector 5) A) PLL as FM Detector B) FSK (Frequency Shift Keying) Mod / Demod [Wired] C) FSK (Frequency Shift Keying) Mod / Demod [Through FO] 6) A) Diode as AM Detector B) ASK (Amplitude Shift Keying) Mod / Demod [Wired] C) ASK (Amplitude Shift Keying) Mod / Demod [Through FO] 7) Fiber Optics Transmitter / Receiver 7.1) Analog Bandwidth. 7 .2) Digital Bandwidth. 7.3) Voice Communication using mic, speaker & Fiber optics 7.4) Listening to AM/FM Radio through Fiber Optics link 8) Pseudo Random Binary Sequence Generator tpRBS] 9) Study of active filters, Noise generation & elimination. A) Study of pink Noise Generator B) Study of Signal To Noise Ratio of an Amplifier C) Study of aciive 2nd &4th order Low Pass Filter D) Study of Frequency response of HpF / AC Amplifier [3H] E) Study of Frequency response of HPF / AC Amplifier [1.6K]. 4 Channel CDMA Modulation / Demodulation Expt. panel . On-board Clock source @1.2MHZ a) Modulator Function Blocks : High speed 7 bit ADC & 4 station data (sequence generator), 4 parallel in serial out (PISO) converter, 4 chip sequence (m:8) generators, signed digital adder, modulation control mode select switches, CDMA clock control logic. b) Demodulator Function Blocks : Signed synchronous multiplier, station select mux, bipolar to unipolar converter, serial in parallel out (SIpo) &.7 bitnec. List of experiments (6) : Verification of CDMA modulation algorithm at o/p of DAC, Recovery of selected station data out of 4 stations, Upper frequency limit for recovery of voice frequency (Bandwidth determination), Voice communication, Study of ADC & DAC (Codec), Study of Eye Diagram Note :- Perform the following experiments using cDMA trainer kit 33 o4S* 1. PSK modulation and demodulation 2. Bit synchronization extraction experiment 3. Error correction encoding Fiber Optics Cable Trainer SPECIFICATIONS . Built in DC Power SuPPIY : 5V/lA, + 12Vl500mA, 0 to -tsv DC (variable) / l00mA,0 to15V DC Variable)/l00mA . Waveform Generator : l.Carrier Generator: . Waveform : SINE / TRG ITTL / CMOS (settable) . Output Frequency : I Hz to 1 MHZ . Output Voltage : 0-20 VPP . Controls : Frequency & Amplitude control pots . Modulation : AM (std) -flf volt - +5V, 0V-No modulation AM (DSBSC)-IIP volt 0-98 Vpp. o/p volt.O- 2.7,FM I/P volt.400mV (+50% modulation), ASK- I/P upto 500H2, +5V Square wave, FSK-I/P upto 500H2,+4.5Y Square wave 2 Audio Oscillator: . Waveform : SINE / TRG i SQUARE . Output Frequency : 50 Hz to 5KHz . Output Voltage : Sine 0-2Vpp, Sq. 0-9 Vpp, TRG 0-3Vpp . Controls : Freq & Amplitude control pots 3.Synchronized Sine Wave Generator : . Input : 32 KHzTTL I/P to Generate 4 nos of sync sine O/P . Waveform: SINE . Output Frequency :250 1500 / 1000 l2000Hz . Output Voltage : 0-10 VPP . Controls : Amplitude control Pot . Mic with pre-Amp. Hand held Electret / dynamic microphone with preamplifier for audio range. . Aludio Amplifier : variable Gain upto 20 for Audio range, Built in Loudspeaker - 8 ohm/500mW / 34 . Pink Noise Gen. : Frequency response of filter for audio range. Buffer/AC amplifier: NIV gain amplifier2 Nos, Gain- 0-20, ForNon sinusoidal Signal Generator cum INV buffer. BNC TO Banana Converter : Converts I BNC Socket to 2 Banana Sockets (4mm) & Vice Versa. Butter Worth Filter [LPF]: 4 Nos - 2 polel4 pole butter worth filter cutoff freq 3.4 KHz Audio range. Pseudo Random Binary Sequence generator : Switch settable for on/off fix 15 bit PRBS Generator, will also function as input digital data stream generator. Wireless Communication : . I a. FM Transmitter (Transistorized) : . Carrier Tunable from 88 MHz to 108 MHz with built in FM IVCDI . Modulating Signal : Amplitude - 5Vpp, Freq. - Audio Range . Tx Power O/P : 50 to 100mW lb. FM Receiver : Extemal 5 BS5 to connect to antenna, 2nd IF Input, 2nd IF Output, speaker & Audio amplifier, AM/FM Select switch, L/S impedance 8 ohm / 0.5 w. I .Controls (Manually) : Settable 88 to 108 MHZ . Antenna / Transmission: Telescopic antenna [3 branch antenna] 2a. AM Transmitter (Transistorized) : . Carrier : 500KHz to 1.5MHz . Modulating Signal: Amplitude - 5Vpp,Freq.- Audio Range. . Tx Power Output : 50 to l00mW. 2b. AM Receiver : External 5 BS5 to connect to antenna. 2nd IF Input, 2nd IF O/P, speaker & Audio amplifier, AM/FM Select switch, L/S impedance 8 ohm / 0.5 W. . Controls (Manually) : Gain control settable from 0 to 4.5V. 3a. Fibre Optics Transmitter : . Data Input Bandwidth : 500KHz to l.5MHz. . Modulating Signal : Amplitude - 5Vpp, Freq.- Audio Range. . Tx Power Output : 50 to l00mW. 3b. FO Receiver: Detector (tr:8ms) separate BS5 socket for digital, AC coupled & TTL o/ps. . Controls (Manually) : Transmitter bias control. 35 NU ffim plastic fiber cable, CRT-1.492, NA- 0.5, )- 660nm, step index, terminated with SMA connector. List of Experiment on Master 1) Voice link using mic & LS amplifier, 2) Study of AM Xmitter / Receiver, 3) Study of FM Xmitter / Receiver, 4) Band determination of PLL as FM Detector Sia) pff- as FM Detector B) FSK (Frequency Shift Keying) Mod / Demod [Wired] C) FSK (Frequency Shift Keying) Mod / Demod [Through FO] Ol ej Diode as AM Delector B) ASK (Amplitude Shift Keying) Mod / Demod [Wired] C) ASK (Amplitude Shift Keying) Mod / Demod [Through FO] 7) Fiber Optics Transmitter / Receiver 7.1) Analog Bandwidth 7 .2) Digital Bandwidth. 7.3) Voice Communication using mic, speaker & Fiber optics 7.4) Listening to AM/FM Radio through Fiber Optics link 8) Pseudo Random Binary Sequence Generator [PRBS] Oi Study of active filters, Noisi generation & elimination. A) Study of Pink Noise Generator g) StdV of Signal To Noise Raiio of an Amplifier C) Study of active 2nd & 4th order Low Pass Filter D) Study of Frequency response of HPF / AC Amplifier [3H] E) Study of Frequency response of HPF / AC Amplifier [1.6K]. . Plastic Fiber optics cable Expt. Panel: core material : PMMA (polymethyl methacylate), Cladding material: fluorinated polymer, Fiber structure: step index type, Core cladding diameter: q0 I1OOO microns, Core refractive index : 1.492, Cladding refractive index:1.405 to 1.417, Numerical aperture:0.5(typically), Acceptance angle:55 to 60 degrees, Attenuation (60nm):0.3 dB/meter, Jacket material: polythene (black): 2.2 mm OD, LENGTH:1m, 5m . Transmitter: 4 nos. LASER (780nm), RED (660nm), BLUE (470nm), IR SFH 485 (850nm), Reverse voltage: VR:5V, Forward Current: IF:l00mA, Power dissipation: Ptot :2O0mW,Wave length at peak emission: ? peak: 880nm. . Receiver I No. fiN ptioto diode (SFH 203) : Max wave length:850 nm, Rise time & Fall Time tr & tf:Sn*] R.rrr. voltage: 50V, Total Power Dissipation: 100mW, Photo I 36 Current: I 35(>/: I 00pA). . Function Blocks: al AC Amplifiers: I nos,blComparator : 1 nos cl Fibre Optic Driver with : Analog Bandwidth: SO0KHz(except LASER) &lMHz for LASER, Digital Bandwidth: I MHz (except LASER) &2MHz for LASER dl Voice link: established using microphone & speaker (Master unit [MU]) el PC -PC Communication: Using RS -232 interface 9 pin D - connector, Baud Rate: 2400, fl Switched faults: 4 in transmitter 4 in receiver. . Accessories N.A. APPARATUS, Bending radii stack (BR), fiber optic cable: lm, 5m with SMA CONNECTOR, Electrical Interference Experiment Apparatus, Coupling loss apparatus, Speaker & MIC (from MU). List of experiments (14) : DC Characteristics of transmitter diodes, SENSITMTY of Optical Fiber, AC Frequency Response - Analog Link & BW, Digital Frequency Response - Digital Link & B.w, Numerical Aperture, Losses in cable- i) Bending loss ii) Transmission loss iii) Coupling loss. Immunity to Electrical Noise interference of optical fiber PC interface : Using RS 232, Signal transmission using Pulse Width Modulation & Demodulation, VOICE COMML|NICATION using direct transmission as well as modulated using PWM,Voice transmission using Amplitude Modulation & Demodulation, Signal transmission using Frequency Modulation & Demodulation, SWITCHED FAULTS. . Transmitter Forward input current (IFPK): 1000 mA (lFdc):8O mA, Reverse input voltage: VBR: 5V, Peak wavelength emission: 660 nm, N.A.:0.5, Rise time: 80 ns, Fall time: 40 ns. . Receiver Supply voltage: (max) 7Y, Olp collector current: 25 mA, O/p collector power dissipation: 40 mW, O/P VOLTAGE: 18v, Fan out (TTL 50MHz Economy Digital Storage Oscilloscope Specifications Band with : 50MHz Sampling Rate : 500MSa/s Equivalent Sampling Rate- lGSa/s C + Series: Single Channel : 32 Kpts; Double Channels: 37 /,)nu KPts; Double Channels : 2OKPts CM Series : Single Channesl: 2Mpts; Double Channels; lMpts Rise Time : <l4ns I/P impedance : 25ns/div-50s/div Sec/div Range Scan: l00ms-50s/div Horizontal Scan Range: 25ns/div-50s/div Analog Bandwidth (at input BNC) :25 MHz Input In PUT Coupling: AC, DC, GND Input Impedance:DC: 1Mi +l-2oh ll 17pF +/-3pF AC: 1.2Mohm+/-2%ll17pF +/-3pF, <:100m V/div 1 .OMohm+ I -2% 1l 17 pF + I -3pF. > I O0mV/div Maximum Input Voltage: +400V PK-PK CATI Probe attenuator: 1X, l0X Vertical System Vertical Sensitivity: 2mV-1Q/div at input BNC (l-2-5 order) Vertical Resolution: 8 bit Channels: 2 Math operation : *, -, *, FFT FFT Window mode: Hanning, Hamming, Blackman, Rectangular Sampling points 1024 Trigger System Trigger Types Edge, Pulse Width, Video, Slope, Alternative Trigger Modes : Auto, Normal, Single frigger Sources : Chl-Z, EXT, EXT/5, AC Line Trigger Coupling : AC, DC, LF, rej, HF rej Control Panel Function Auto Set Auto adjusting the vertical, Horizontal system&Trigger position Save/Recall:Support 2 Group referenced Waveforms, 20 Group setups, 20 Group capture Waveforms internal Storage/Recall function&USB flash driver storage function. Measure System Auto Measure FPRE Shoot, Rise time, Fall time, Freq, Period, +Wid, -Wid, Dut, -Dut, 38 As*tBwid, Phase, FRR, FRF, FFR. FFF, LRR. LRF, LFR, LFF Cursor Measure: Manual mode. Track mode&Auto mode. Display Display Mode Color TFT 5.7in. (145mm) diagonal Liquid Crystal Display Resolution : 320 horizontal by 234 vertical pixels Display color: 64K color Interface : USB Host, USB Device, RS232. Pass/Fail output Environments Temperature Operating: l00C to +400C Not operting:- 200C to + 600C Power Supply Input Voltage 100-240 VAC, CAR II, Auto selection Frequency Scope: 45Hzto 440H2 Power :50VA Max. 19 Digital Multimeter 3% digitl,4000 Counts Features : 3 % Digits 4000 Counts Auto / Manual Ranging DC Voltage upto 1000V AC Voltage upto 750V DC Current upto 20A AC Current upto 20A Resistance upto 40MO Capacitance upto 100pF Frequency u pto 9.999MH2 Duty Cyle O.t% - 99.9o/o Temperature Diode Test Audible Continuity Data Hold LCD Display 01 I 39 ^A)^L Auto Power Off Low Battery lndication Accessories TestLeadsxLPair 1.5V AA Battery x 2 Pcs lnstruction Manual x 1 Pc K Type Thermocouple (Upto 260 C) x 1 Pair CarrvinsCasexLPc 20 Local Area Network (LAN) Trainer Kit Salient features: l.offers comprehensive experiment set up consisting of 4 nodes explaining various physical topologies of LAN viz; Token Ring, Token Bus, Ethernet (CSMA/CD), Modbus etc. & variety of protocol like TCP, IP, HTTP, FTP, SMTP, Wireless LAN (802.11) etc. 2.Various Protocol demonstrator through error generation facility sans socket programming by using Network Protocol Analyzer Software. 3.Set of Users Guide provided with each unit . 4.Table top setup made using light but sturdy Aluminum profile (4X2) Rack complete with cables, connectors, external USB to RS232 converter is Provided 7. Trainer should be modular panels for easy site servicing not close control; panel box no wiring should not be there & shrouded 4 mm banana patch cords & shrouded sockets arrangements for the safety of the students Technical Specifi cations 1l Model: CSMA/CD (802.3) Port: Ethemet Connector: RJ45 Cable: 5 port LAN switch with 5 straight CAT5 UTP cable * I cross cable (half length) 2 meter each. Mode: Star, 4 nodes client nodes with PC as user/ monitoring (PC) node. PC Software: Network protocol analyser Node Hardware : a) Embedded Controller device : 89C668 operating @ 16MHz. On chip 0l I 40 RAM : 8 KB, Flash / EEPROM: 64KB. b) Serial port (RS232C) 9 pin D (M). c) In built USB to serial converter, d) Display :20X4 LCD(Backlit), e) General Purpose SMD bicolor (green, red) 8X2 LEDs & 8 SMD Push button switches / DIP switches, f) Power (SMPS): 5Yl2.5Amp SMPS with RCA plug. SMPS. AC UP230Yac +l-10% I 50Hz x 4 Nos., g) USB to Serial interface using CP2l02, h) Variable Slow Clock (2 Hz to 64Hz), i) 3 numbers of SPDT switches for selection of communication between PC, NIC & ECU. Node software: TCP/P stack & serial command monitor written inC Network interface card [NIC]- Ethernet piggyback module with RI45 connector Experiment topics / software (CSMA/CD): a) Setting of IP, MAC for each node. b) Protocols-ICMP (ping), ARP, UDP, HTTP (Web page), SMTP, FTP, TELNET using hyper terminal winsock, DNS, IP aliasing, node to node communication. c) Error generation under ARP, UDP, IP ban. d) Error generation&selective repeat under ICMP, Variable Packet Size (Upto1320Bytes), Inter-packet delay (l-60Sec), number of repetitions (Upto 60), Packet error Type (0 to 60). e) Encryption&Decryption. f) Downloading of web page showing IP, MAC address of node, showing frequency of variable Slow Clock of that particular node on web page, uploading enquiry form under HTTP protocol. g) Wireless communication between PC to node, Node to Pc&Mobile (Ad-hoc network) using Wi-Fi router. h) experiments with 6 nodes need extender serial mux panel, cables set etc. I) Separate expts. for token ring, bus & MODBUS. 2l Model : Token Ring [802.5] Port:RS232 Connector:9 pin D type [M] Cable:9 pin D (F-F)straight cable 5nos(0.75mx4 nos,1.5 m x lnos ) Mode: Physical ring, logical ring, Full duplex, Token passingof 4 nodes(Default)or 6(as per order) with PC monitoring PC Software: Network error Node software: Embedded program written in C illustrating particular Ring/Bus topology & token of 32 byte. Network interface card [NICI : Built in RS232 I/F 9 pin D [M] 3l Model : Token Bus [802.4] Port:RS485 Connector z2 pin relimate 4l /tt^u Cante:9 pin D (F-F)straight cable 5 nos(0.75mx 4 nos,1.5 m xlnos)with RS232 to RS485 converter for PC connectivity Mode: Physical bus, logical ring, Half duplex, Sliding, Token passingof 4 nodes(Default)or 6(as per order) with PC monitoring PC Software: Network error Network interface card [NIC]:RS485 piggyback module with 2 pin bus connector. 4l Modbus (Industrial LAN) Port:RS485 Connector:2 pin relimate Cable:9 pin D (F-F)straight cable 5 nos(0.75mx 4 nos,l.5 m xlnos)with RS232 to RS485 converter for PC connectivity Mode: Master-Slave half duplex, Stop & wait of 4 nodes(Default)or 6(as per order), one user (PC) mode PC Software: MODSCAN Node software: Embedded program written in C Network interface card [NIC]:RS485 piggyback module with 2 pin bus connector. General : operating Temp- 0 to 50@c , Power-230VAC+/-10o/o I 50H2, 2t Digital Logic Gates Trainer SALIENT FEATURES .Aesthetically designed injection molded electronic desk. . Unit carrying useful experiment resources Variable Power supplies / Status / Pulsar / Function Generator, DPMs etc. while the central slot will hold various replaceable experiment panels. . Connection through Sturdy 4mm Banana Sockets & Patch Cords. . Set of Users Guide provided with each Unit. SPECIFICATIONS . Built in Power Supply 0l I 42 ltyL . DC. Power Supply :5Y I 1A + 15V, 150mA [variable] Variable : 0 - + I -12V l50mA, AC 12 - 0 - 12, 150mA AC . Built in Function Generator . Output Waveform - Sine, Triangle & Square ITTL Output Frequency - I Hz to 200KHz in 6 ranges, with amplitude & frequency control pots. O/P Voltage 20V p-p max. . Clock Generator : 10 MHz TTL clock . Input Data Switches & output LED status indicators for . High/Low indication (15+1) No. . Pulser switches (2 nos.) With four debounced outputs..2no. . Fixed TTL (5V) clocks : 4 Nos. lKHz, l00Hz, 5Hz,lHz Logic probe to detect High/Low level pulses upto lMHz, with bi-colour LEDs to indicate status. .2 digit 7 segment display with BCD to 7 segment decoder. . LED BAR graph with 10 LED indicator to display 0-2.5V or 0-4V input. 43 AT . Onboard DPM is provided with mode selection. . DC volt / current - 200mAl20V ...... ...lno. Onboard speaker - 8 Ohms, 0.5 Watt (lno.) . Onboard POTS. .1K(lno.) & 1M(lno.) .Operating Voltage : 230V !10%,50H2/35A Digital Logic Gates Experiment Panel : AND, OR, using Diode logic, Inverter using transistor logic, NAND, NOR, EX-OR, EX-NOR, Demorgans theorems, Input/Output characteristics, propagation delay. 22 Half/Full Adder, Subtractor, ALU Trainer SALIENT FEATURES .Aesthetically designed injection molded electronic desk . Unit carrying useful experiment resources Variable Power supplies / Status / Pulsar / Function Generator, DPMs etc. while the central slot will hold various replaceable experiment panels. . Connection through Sturdy 4mm Banana Sockets & Patch Cords. . Set of Users Guide provided with each Unit. SPECIFICATIONS . Built in Power Supply . DC. Power Supply :5Y I 1A + 15V, 150mA fvariable] 01 1 44 /rs* Variable : 0 - + I -l2Y 150mA, AC12-0-12,150mAAC . Built in Function Generator . Output Waveform - Sine, Triangle & Square ITTL output Frequency - 1 Hz to 200KHz in 6 ranges, with amplitude & frequency control pots. O/P Voltage 20V p-p max. . Clock Generator : l0 MHz TTL clock. . Input Data Switches & output LED status indicators for . High/Low indication (15+1) No. . Pulser switches (2 nos.) With four debounced outputs..2no. . Fixed TTL (5V) clocks : 4 Nos. 1KHz, l00Hz,5Hz,lHz Logic probe to detect High/Low level pulses upto lMHz, with bi-colour LEDs to indicate status. .2 digit 7 segment display with BCD to 7 segment decoder. . LED BAR graph with 10 LED indicator to display 0-2.5V or 0-4V input. . Onboard DPM is provided with mode selection. 45 h)u . DC volt / current - 200mAl20V ...... ...lno. Onboard speaker - 8 Ohms, 0.5 Watt (1no.) . Onboard POTS. .lK(lno.) & 1M(lno.) .Operating Voltage : 230V !7O%o,50Hz/35A Half/Full Adder, Subtractor, ALU Experiment panel : Half adder, Half subtractor, Full adder. Full subtractor, ALU, Applications of ALU: Mathematical-addition, subtraction; Logical-AND, OR, EX-OR, NOT etc; Code conversion- binary to gray. gray to binary,BCD to Excess-3, Excess-3 to BCD,9s compliment,l0s compliment, Substitution of CAM for timing control. 23 Flip Flop, Counters & Shift Register Trainer SALIENT FEATURES .Aesthetically designed injection molded electronic desk. . Unit carrying useful experiment resources Variable Power supplies / Status / Pulsar / Function Generator, DPMs etc. while the central slot will hold various replaceable experiment panels. . Connection through Sturdy 4mm Banana Sockets & Patch Cords. . Set of Users Guide provided with each Unit. SPECIFICATIONS . Built in Power Supply . DC. Power Supply :5Y I 1A + 15V, 150mA [variable] Variable : 0 - + I -l2Y 150mA, 02 ) 46 ,41+- AC12-0-12,150mAAC . Built in Function Generator . Output Waveform - Sine, Triangle & Square ITTL Output Frequency - I Hz to 200KHzin 6 ranges, with amplitude & frequency control pots. O/P Voltage 20V p-p max. . Clock Generator : 10 MHz TTL clock. . Input Data Switches & output LED status indicators for . High/Low indication (15+1) No. . Pulser switches (2 nos.) With four debounced outputs..2no. . Fixed TTL (5V) clocks : 4 Nos. lKHz,100Hz, 5Hz, tHz . Logic probe to detect High/Low level pulses upto lMHz, with bi-colour LEDs to indicate status. .2 drgtt 7 segment display with BCD to 7 segment decoder. . LED BAR graph with 10 LED indicator to display 0-2.5V or 0-4V input. . Onboard DPM is provided with mode selection. . DC volt / current - 200mAl20V ...... ...1no. 47 /sL Onboard speaker - 8 Ohms, 0.5 Watt (lno.) . Onboard POTS. .lK(lno.) & lM(lno.) .Operating Voltage : 230V +LOyo,50Hz/35A Flip Flop, Counters & Shift Register Experiment panel : R-S Flip-floP,Dflip-flop, T flip-flop,J-K flip-flop, Master- slave J-K flip-flop, Binary Counter, Rotary feed back application of counter, Decade counter, Shift registers: Shift leff/Right/Ring counter, Parallel mode. Twisted ring counter 24 Multiplexer, Decoder & Encoder SALIENT FEATURES .Aesthetically designed injection molded electronic desk. . Unit carrying useful experiment resources Variable Power supplies / Status / Pulsar / Function Generator, DPMs etc. while the central slot will hold various replaceable experiment panels. . Connection through Sturdy 4mm Banana Sockets & Patch Cords. . Set of Users Guide provided with each Unit. SPECIFICATIONS . Built in Power Supply . DC. Power Supply :5Y I 1A + 15V, 150mA [variable] Variable : 0 - + I -lzV 150mA, AC 12 - 0 - 12, 150mA AC 02 ) 48 /rsq- . Built in Function Generator . Output Waveform - Sine, Triangle & Square ITTL output Frequency - I Hz to 200KHz in 6 ranges, with amplitude & frequency control pots. O/P Voltage 20V p-p max. . Clock Generator : 10 MHz TTL clock. . Input Data Switches & output LED status indicators for . High/Low indication (15+1) No. . Pulser switches (2 nos.) With four debounced outputs..2no. . Fixed TTL (5V) clocks : 4 Nos. lKHz, 100H2, SHz,lHz Logic probe to detect High/Low level pulses upto lMHz, with bi-colour LEDs to indicate status. .2 digit 7 segment display with BCD to 7 segment decoder. . LED BAR graph with 10 LED indicator to display 0-2.5V or 0-4V inpur. . Onboard DPM is provided with mode selection. . DC volt / current - 200mA120V ...... ...1no. Onboard speaker - 8 Ohms, 0.5 Watt (lno.) 49 Af . Onboard POTS. .lK(lno.) & 1M(lno.) .Operating Voltage : 230V +LO%o,50Hz/35A Multiplexer, Decoder & Encoder Experiment panel : Multiplexer, Decoder I Demuitiplexer, BCD to seven segment decoder driver, Tristate logic, Encoder. 25 Digital Trainer SALIENT FEATURES .Aesthetically designed injection molded electronic desk. . Unit carrying useful experiment resources Variable Power supplies / Status / Pulsar / Function Generator, DPMs etc. while the central slot will hold various replaceable experiment panels. . Connection through Sturdy 4mm Banana Sockets & Patch Cords. . Set of Users Guide provided with each Unit. SPECIFICATIONS . Built in Power Supply . DC. Power Supply :5Y I 1A + 15V, 150mA [variable] Variable : 0 - + Il2Y 150mA, AC 12 - 0 - 12, 150mA AC . Built in Function Generator . Output Waveform - Sine, Triangle & Square ITTL 01 I 50 A)^vLOutput Frequency - | Hz to 200KHz in 6 ranges, with amplitude & frequency control pots. O/P Voltage 20V p-p max. . Clock Generator : 10 MHz TTL clock. . Input Data Switches & output LED status indicators for . Highllow indication (15+l) No. . Pulser switches (2 nos.) With four debounced outputs..2no. . Fixed TTL (5V) clocks : 4 Nos. lKHz, 100H2, SHz,lHz . Logic probe to detect High/Low level pulses upto lMHz, with bi-colour LEDs to indicate status. .2 digit 7 segment display with BCD to 7 segment decoder. . LED BAR graph with 10 LED indicator to display 0-2.5V or 0-4V input. . Onboard DPM is provided with mode selection. . DC volt / current - 200mAl20V ...... ...lno. Onboard speaker - 8 Ohms, 0.5 Watt (lno.) . Onboard POTS. .lK(1no.) & lM(lno.) .Operating Voltage : 230V !tO%,50H2/35A . Built in bread board panel with 1280 tie points & 400 distribution points totalling to 1680 points along with 4mm banana sockets for tapping from the trainer +5V, +L2V, GND for the 5l drFv t circuits to be assembled on bread board using single stand (#22124)wire. Digital IC Trainer : IC Used : 7 400, 7 404, 7 408, 7 432, 7 486, 7 47 6, 7 490, 7 47 6, 7 49 5 Discrete component used : 10K x 1, 0.1pF x 1, 100K Pot Experiment : Basic logic gates- OR, AND, INVERTER, NOR, NAND, EX-OR, EX-NOR, Boolean Algebra Theorems - 25nos., Kaurnaugh Map, Combinational circuits - Adder, subtractor, code converter like Gray code, 7 seg BCD, Hex, Excess- 3, Parity checker, Encoder / Decoder, Multiplexer / Demultiplexer. Sequential Logic circuits like Flip-FlopsR-S, J-K, T, D. Counters- Async/Sync, decade, ring/twisted, divide by N (modulo N). 26 805U89c51 Microcontroller development and training platform Microcontroller Trainer 8051 SALIENT FEATURES . Ergonomically injection molded Plastic enclosure. . Use of standard PC LOLIPSZ Keyboard for programming. . Emphasis on Hardware troubleshooting through on board short links. . Exhaustive Didactic Courseware. . Critical & delicate lCs are protected under acrylic cover from below. .All in one Logical lO@ Monitor design Supports both serial lO & Keyboard display console to. Tech nica I Specifications: 8051 MEMORY CAPA.: Monitor : EPROM: 36KB, Battery Back Up : 16KB(64 KB) Scratch Pad: 2KB( 8KB) ADVANCED S/W: [Assembler:/ Disassemble] . 1 Pass 02 7 52 /,J* . Disassembler . Hex Dump Additional serial no. & parallel !/O: . Using built in TxD/RxD . Unused pins of P1 port offered through 10 pin reliamate INTERRUPTS: . 8 Nos.Using .8259A .User Manual : 1) Student Workbook 2) lnstructor Guide & Technical Reference 3) Lab Exercise Book for 85. .Speed 20 MHz crystal operated multi-output clock source to operate various resources on Mother Board like CPU, Baud rate. T/C etc. .Parallel !/O 481/O lines using two 8255 through 2 Nos. of 26 pin FRC header, printer l/F. .Serial I/O RS-232c serial interface using 8251 & RS232 driver lC through 9 Pin male D connector. .Timer counter 3 Nos. T/C using 8253 pins brought out on 6 pin reliamate. Display(Choose one option) : . 16 X 2LCD (Backlit) .Key Board : Single chip micro- controller 89C2051to support L0lKeys PC AT / PS2 Keyboard & LCD .System Bus 50 Pin FRC buffered Bus to connect periware cards as well as to facilitate ROM Emulation of 8 bit/16 bit system memory using external ROM emulation card cum converter card. oBattery Backup Rechargeable NiCd battery (3.6/60maH) provided to supply power to battery backup memory & RTC 58167. 53 /t)D Onboard Features .External Loud Speaker (8ohm/0.5W) interface for experiments on frequency synthesis. .Reset & Single Step/lnterrupt push button. .EP socket for experiments with Cassette recorder interface. .Programmable Wait state generator lReal Time Clock IC 58167 .1 I Nos. fault links to teach troubleshooting skills by introducing faults in the circuit. .PALs-All glue logic like Memory I/O decoders are implemented using 4(5) nos. of EEPROM PALs 16V8 Power Supply (sMPS) ll Select one of 2 options l) 5V /2.5 Amp SMPS with RCA plug. ll)5V /2.5 Amp SMPS with RCA plug +12 V/ 850 mA, -L2Y/250 mA with 4 pin reliamate SMPS. Cables & CD : 9 Pin Female to 9 Pin Female RS-232c Cable, 26 Pin FRC lO Cable, Centronics lnterface cable (26 pin FRC to 36 pin Centronics female), USB to RS232 Cable, Sample program & Software on CD . Fault Links: . Shorts 2 Pins of Address Bus. . Shorts 2 Pins of Data Bus. . Shorts Address pin to Data Bus. . lncreasing Battery Discharge. . Disables RD/ & WR/ into BBK RAM o Permanent Wait State, . Disables 7 Segment Scanning. . Disables 7 Segment Data. . Permanent Reset State. . Stops 20MHz Clock. .Disables Baud Rate Clock. 54 /nk 27 ARM Micro controller Development Platform Salient Features Aesthetically designed Injection moulded Plastic enclosure. Supports use of 5V tolerant ICs obviating need of special precautions by students. Set of Users Guide provided with each unit with emphasis on C Programming as well as assembly language programming. In circurt system programmrng (ICSP) supported through PC pors of CONI/LPT flTAG). Can interface to application boards of microprocessor trainers I2C, SPI bus interface. Technical Specifications: Following Onboard Resources are offered for experimentation however not every resource can be used fully with particular ECU due to paucity of its IO capacity. Speed :16M}{z crystal operated multi-output clock source to operate various resources on Irlother Board like CPU, Baud rate, -t /C etc. I/O Pins : 48I/O lines through 2 Nos. of 26 pn FRC header. Serial Interface: RS-232c serial interface using RS232 drir.er IC through 9 Pin male D connector. Patallel Intetface : 25 pin male D connector for Parallel interface forJTAG based programming. Display: 16 X 2LCD (Backlit) Key Boatd - I(eyboard interface to support 101 keys PC AT/PS2 keyboard. Battery Backup : Lithium battery (3v/48rnrH) provided to supply power to RTC. Additional Resources o Ext. L/S (8O/0.5W) I/F for experiments on frequenqsynthesis. o Reset push button. o Vadable Slow CLI{ (2Hz-64H2) provided for internal timers/counter functions applications. o Yariable Pot (0 -5) to stimulate analog I/P for built in ADC rvherever applicable. o General purpose bicolot (green, rcd) 8 x 2 LEDs & 8 Push Button Switches & DIP o switches. . IzC based 24C512 (EEPRON{), I)S1307 & SPI based 93C4(t IEEPROM 02 ) 55 /.y; Power Supply: SNTPS 5/2.5Amp. With l{CA plug +12//850rr4, -1.2/250rrA rvith 4 pin reliamate SN{PS. AC P230ac +f -10o,o l50Hz. ISP cables 1) 26 pin IrRC 1O cable 2) 25 pin female to USB for Parallel Interface coTRoLLER DEVICE - ARM LPC2138/LPC2L48 PACKAG E- LQFP64 (SNID) CAPACITY ON CHIP RAM FLASH/EEPROM 32Ii Brtes 512 I( Bvtes OPERATING FREQ -14 NIHz r/o CAPACTTY- 47 OpERATING SYSTEM ICSP S/W PC PORTWin XP Flash N{agic Com port oTJTAG SPECIAL PURPOSE Ios10 Bit ADC DAC 1 PWIU EXECUTION METHODFTom Flash PROGRAMMING I-ANGUAGE*IDE-PN GNUATNI, C & assembh tools 28 DC/AC Bridge Trainer SALIENT FEATURES . Aesthetically designed injection molded electronic carrying useful experiment resources Variable Power supplies / Status / Pulsar / Function Generator, DPMs etc. while the central slot will carry replaceable experiment panel secured in an ABS molded plastic sturdy enclosure, & has colorful screw less overlay showing circuit & its connection tag numbers for easy connectivity. . Connection through Sturdy 4mm Banana Sockets & Patch Cords. .Set of Users Guide provided with each Unit. SPECIFICATIONS OF MAIN UNIT .Built in Power Supply : DC Supply z 5y llA. & + l2Y,1A.0to 15V DC (Variable), 100 mA (lsolated),0to 30V 0l I 56 A)tuI DC (variable), 100 mA (Isolated High Volt DC 15v to 110v, l00Ma, AC Supply : r2-0- | 12V AC,l50 mA. Short circuit Protected. | .nritt in Function Generator - I O/p Waveform : Sine, Triangle & TTL O/Ps I Output Frequency : I Hz to lMHz in 6 ranges, with amplitude & frequency control pots. O/P I Voltage 20Vp-p max. (Sin/TRG), I Modulation I/P:AM : - I/P voltage + 5V (100% modulation) O/P - For 0V (min), I + 5V (max.) - 5V (Phase reversal of O/P) FM : I/P voltage + 400mV (+ s}%modulation) | .Clock Generator : 10 MHz TTL clock. | Data Switches (10 No.) & bi-colour LED status indicators 10X2 Nos, for High lLow indication. .Pulser switches (2 Nos.) with four debounced outputs - 2No. .BNC to 2 channel banana adapter - 2No. Logic probe to detect High/Low level pulses upto lMHz, with bi-colour LEDs to indicate stafus. .21 4 digit 7 segment display with BCD to 7 segment decoder. .Onboard DPMs provided with modelrange selection. (A) DC volt:2V1200V - lNo. (B) DC current :2mN200mA - lNo. (C) DC Volts/Current:20Y1200mA - lNo. .Onboard moving iron meters provided for (A) AC Current : I AMP - lNo. (B) AC Voltage : 15V - lNo. .Onboard speaker : 8 Ohms,0.5 Watt (lNo.) .Onboard POTS : lK - lNo. lM - lNo. .Operating Voltage : 220 1240Y ac switch settable +l |yo, 5 0Hzl60VA. DC/AC Bridge circuits Expt. Panel : Wheatstones Bridge, Kelvins Bridge, Maxwells Bridge, Hays Bridge, DC Sautys Bridge, owens Bridge, Andersons Bridge, Shearing Bridge, Wien bridge. Provided with 2 capacitor decades [00pF to l00uF]. I resistor decade [10E to l00mohm], 1 tapped wire wound 10 taps (0.01 ohm) 10k, 10T pot, 1000 ohm pot, fixed resistors of l0 & 4.7 ohm, Earphone & its socket. 29 Calibration of Voltmeter and Ammeter Trainer 01 I 57 l,YL Trainer secured in an ABS molded plastic sturdy enclosure, & has colorful screw less overlay showing circuit & its connection tag numbers for easy connectivity . Connection through Sturdy 4mm Banana Sockets & Patch Cords. .Set of Users Guide provided with each Unit Consist of 1.5 x 4 No. cells for series parallel expts., moving coil meter (100 uA) to construct voltmeter. ammeter AC / DC & ohmmeter, bulbs in series parallel, Relay characteristics, staircase lamp logic, Static & Dynamic characteristics. . Built in Power Supply :DC. Power Supply : 5V / 1A + 15V, 150mA [variable], Fixed - + I -l2Y l50mA 30 Calibration of wattmeter using Phantom Loading The Trainer should have following features: . Facilitates easy & safe wiring by students due to 4mm sturdy shrouded banana patch cords & shrouded socket arrangement for high voltage circuits. . Each panel has ABS molded plastic sturdy enclosure, & colorful screwless overlays showing circuit diagram & its connection tag numbers for easy understanding & connections. . Set of Instructor Guide & Student Workbook. . Digital multifunction meters for measurement of all parameters . Short circuit protection due to over loading or wrong connections. Tender specification Variable AC Voltage & current injector Panel . Variable AC voltage OIP :0-270y10.751. . Variable AC current O/P : 0-12 Amp 0l I 58 ZIAS*t--- Integrated AC (1 phase) measurement panel . Bidirectional Multifunction Meter . 3 Phase 314 wire,4l5V, CT Input 5,A. . LCD/LED display, Aux supply 230Y, 45-65 Hz, . V.I., Hz,Pf, KVA, KW,KWH . Modbus RTU RS 485 List of Experiments l.Calibration of wattmeter usins Phantom Loadine 5W 3l LCR Meter (Dieital) 3-112 Digits Hand Held Digital LCR Meter, Measures lnductance from 0.001mH to 20H, Capacitance from 0.001nF to 600uF and Resistance from 0.1 to 20M.Ohms, with diode test, transistor test and audible continuity test, CE Approved. . 3-112 Digits Large LCD Display . Auto Power Off . Over-Rangelndication . Low Battery lndication . Resistance: 0 - 200 I 2k l20k / 200k I 2M l20MO. p Accuracy: 10.8% . Capacitance: 0 -2n l20n 1200n l2u l20u 1200u /600uF . Accuracy. !1% . lnductance: 0 -2m l20m 1200m l2l 20H . Accuracy:!2% . Transistor Test . Diode Test . Audible Continuity Test Facility 01 I 32 Displacement Sensing Transducers Trainer Trainer secured in an ABS molded plastic sturdy enclosure, & has colorful screw less overlay showing circuit & its connection tag numbers for easy connectivity. . Connection through Sturdy 4mm Banana Sockets & Patch Cords. .Set of Users Guide provided with each Unit. .Micrometer 0-20mm (Accuracy 0.01mm) . Precision phase sensitive rectifier 0l I 59 Ast- . Measurement frequency of lKHz sine . Signal conditioning circuit with zero & span adjustment for calibration of variac sensor output voltage 0-2,5V or suitable for DPM. o Zero & span adjustment for calibration of following transducers i) Resistive linear transducer : 0 -20mm ii) Capacitive linear transducer : 0 -20mm iii) Capacitive angular transducer : 0 - 90 degree iv) lnductive linear transducer : 0 -20mm v) LVDT transducer : 0 -20mm or (-10 to +1-0mm) . Built in Power Supply :DC. Power Supply : 5V / 1A + 15V, 150mA fvariablel, Fixed - + I -lzY 150mA JJ Tem perature Sensing Transducers Trainer Trainer secured in an ABS molded plastic sturdy enclosure, & has colorful screw less overlay showing circuit & its connection tag numbers for easy connectivity. . Connection through Sturdy 4mm Banana Sockets & Patch Cords. .Set of Users Guide provided with each Unit. . lnstrumentation Amplifier to amplify thermocouple signals . Built in heat bar / mini oven driven by Power Amplifier of sufficient wattage . Temp.selection upto 95 degree C in 5 rangeswith ON /OFF closed loop control. Temp. sensors: i)Thermocouple J with room temP calibration pot. ii) Thermocouple K with room temp. calibration pot. iii) Thermister (100K), iv) PT100, v) lC sensor (AD 590) vi) Bimetallic switch Built in Power SupPlY : 01 I 60 /r*- DC. Power Supply : 5Y I 1A + 15V, 150mA [variable], Fixed - + I -l2Y 150mA 34 Strain Gauge Transducer Trainer Trainer secured in an ABS molded plastic sturdy enclosure, & has colorful screw less overlay showing circuit & its connection tag numbers for easy connectivity. . Connection through Sturdy 4mm Banana Sockets & Patch Cords. .Set of Users Guide provided with each Unit. . Piezo resistive transducer for strain measurement. . Micrometer 0-20mm (Accuracy 0.01mm)for strain generation. .Strain gauges mounted on cantilever in half & full Wheatstone bridge & instrumentation amplifier with Zero & span adjustment for calibration. .Experiments on Gauge factor determination, Strain indicator, Displacement measurement using Strain gauges. Built in Power Supply : DC. Power Supply : 5V / 1A t 15V. l50mA lvariablel. Fixed - + I -l2Y 150mA 0l I 35 50MHz Economy Digital Storage Oscilloscope Specifications Band with : 50MHz Sampling Rate : 500MSa/s Equivalent Sampling Rate- lGSa/s C + Series: Single Channel : 32 Kpts; Double Channels: l6Kpts MemoryDepth CA Seriesohm Single channel: 40 Kpts; Double Channels CM Series: Single Channesl: 2Mpts; Double Channels; lMpts Rise Time : <14ns I/P impedance : 25ns/div-50s/div Sec/div Range Scan: l00ms-5Os/div Horizontal Scan Range: 25ns/div-5Os/div Analog Bandwidth (at input BNC) :25 MHz Input In PUT Coupling: AC, DC, GND :2OKpts 0l I 6t /t)^> Input Impedance:DC: lMr) +l-2yo ll lTpF +/-3pF AC: 1.2Mohm+/-2%11l7pF +/-3pF, <:100m V/div l.0Mohm+ l-2% | 1 7pF +/-3pF, >100mV/div Maximum Input Voltage: +400V PK-PK CATI Probe attenuator: 1X, l0X Vertical System Vertical Sensitivity: 2mV- 10/div at input BNC (l-2-5 order) Vertical Resolution: 8 bit Channels :2 Math operation : +, -, *. FFT FFT Window mode: Hanning, Hamming, Blackman, Rectangular Sampling points 1024 Trigger System Trigger Types Edge, Pulse Width, Video, Slope, Alternative Trigger Modes : Auto, Normal, Single Trigger Sources : Chl-2, EXT, EXT/5, AC Line Trigger Coupling : AC, DC, LF, rej, HF rej Control Panel Function Auto Set Auto adjusting the vertical, Horizontal system&Trigger position Save/Recall:Support 2 Group referenced Waveforms, 20 Group setups, 20 Group capture Waveforms intemal Storage/Recall function&USB flash driver storage function. Measure System Auto Measure FPRE Shoot, Rise time, Fall time, Freq, Period, +Wid, -Wid, Dut, -Dut, Bwid, Phase, FRR, FRF, FFR, FFF, LRR, LRF, LFR, LFF Cursor Measure: Manual mode. Track mode&Auto mode. Display Display Mode Color TFT 5.7in. (145mm) diagonal Liquid Crystal Display Resolution : 320 horizontal by 234 verttcal pixels Display color: 64K color Interface : USB Host, USB Device, RS232, Pass/Fail output Environments Temperature Operatine: l00C to +400C 62 /ryutNot operting:- 200C to + 600C Power Supply Input Voltage 100-240 VAC, CAR Frequency Scope: 45Hzto 440H2 Power :50VA Max. II, Auto selection 36 Operational Amplifier Circuit Trainer SALIENT FEATURES . Aesthetically designed injection molded electronic desk (Main unit) canying useful experiment resources Variable Power supplies / Status / Pulsar / Function Generator, DPMs etc. while the central slot will carry replaceable experiment panel secured in an ABS molded plastic sturdy enclosure, & has colorful screw less overlay showing circuit & its connection tag numbers for easy connectivity. . Connection through Sturdy 4mm Banana Sockets & Patch Cords. .Set of Users Guide provided with each Unit. SPECIFICATIONS OF MAIN UNIT .Built in Power Supply : DC Supply :5V / 1A. & * l2Y,lA. 0 to 15V DC (Variable), 100 mA (Isolated), 0 to 30V DC (Variable), 100 mA (Isolated High Volt DC 15V to 110V, l00Ma, AC Supply : l2-0- 12V AC,l50 mA. Short circuit Protected. .Built in Function Generator - O/p Waveform : Sine, Triangle & TTL O/Ps Output Frequency : I Hzto lMHz in 6 ranges, with amplitude & frequency control pots. O/P Voltage 20Vp-p max. (Sin/TRG), Modulation I/P:AM : - I/P voltage + 5V (100% modulation) O/P - For 0V (min), + 5V (max.) - 5V (Phase reversal of O/P) FM : I/P voltage + 400mV (+ 50% modulation) .Clock Generator : 10 MHz TTL clock. .Data Switches (10 No.) & bi-colour LED status indicators l0X2 Nos, for High lLow indication. .Pulser switches (2 Nos.) with four debounced outputs - 2No. .BNC to 2 channel banana adapter - 2No. .Logic probe to detect High/Low level pulses upto lMHz, with bi-colour LEDs to indicate 01 I 63 A)*u status. .2 I 4 digit 7 segment display with BCD to 7 segment decoder. .Onboard DPMs provided with modelrange selection. (A) DC volt 2Y1200V - lNo. (B) DC current :2mAl200mA - lNo. (C) DC Volts/Cunent :20Y l200mA - lNo. .Onboard moving iron meters provided for (A) AC Current : 1 AMP - lNo. (B) AC Voltage : 15V - lNo. .Onboard speaker : 8 Ohms, 0.5 Watt (1No.) .Onboard POTS : 1K - lNo. lM - lNo. .Operating Voltage : 220 1240Y ac switch settable +lly6, 5 0Hzl60VA. Operational Amplifier Circuit Experiment panel : Inverting amplifier, Non-inverting amplifier, Summing amplifier, Difference amplifier, Integrater circuit, Differentiator circuit, Precession rectifier: Half wave & full wave, Voltage to current converter, Current to voltage converter, Op-amplifier characteristics, Instrumentation amplifier, Schmitt trigger, Comparator, Sign Changer, Offset Null, Peak detector, Clipping circuit, Clamping circuits (DC restorer), Waveform Generator. 37 Analog to Digital and Digital to Analog Trainer SALIENT FEATURES . Aesthetically designed injection molded electronic desk (Main unit) carrying useful experiment resources Variable Power supplies / Status / Pulsar / Function Generator, DPMs etc. while the central slot will carry replaceable experiment panel secured in an ABS molded plastic sturdy enclosure, & has colorful screw less overlay showing circuit & its connection tag numbers for easy connectivity. . Connection through Sturdy 4mm Banana Sockets & Patch Cords .Set of Users Guide provided with each Unit. SPECIFICATIONS OF MAIN UNIT .Built in Power Supply : DC Supply :5V / 1A. & + l2Y,lA. 0 to l5v DC (Variable), 100 mA (lsolated), 0 to 30v DC (Variable). 100 mA (Isotated Hieh Volt DC 15V to 110V, 100Ma, AC Supply : l2-0- 01 I 64 AYl- 12V AC,150 mA. Short circuit Protected. .Built in Function Generator - O/p Waveform : Sine, Triangle & TTL O/Ps Output Frequency : I Hzto lMHz in 6 ranges, with amplitude & frequency control pots. O/P Voltage 20Vp-p max. (Sin/TRG), Modulation I/P:AM : - llP voltage + 5v (100% modulation) o/P - For 0v (min), + 5V (max.) - 5V (Phase reversal of O/P) FM : I/P voltage + 400mV (+ 50% modulation) .Clock Generator : 10 MHz TTL clock. .Data Switches (10 No.) & bi-colour LED status indicators 10X2 Nos, for High / Low indication. .Pulser switches (2 Nos.) with four debounced outputs - 2No. .BNC to 2 channel banana adapter - 2No. .Logic probe to detect High/Low level pulses upto I MHz, with bi-colour LEDs to indicate status. .2 I 4 digit 7 segment display with BCD to 7 segment decoder. .Onboard DPMs provided with mode/range selection. (A) DC volt 2Y1200V - lNo. (B) DC current :2mAl200mA - lNo. (C) DC Volts/Current:20Y1200mA - lNo. .Onboard moving iron meters provided for (A) AC Current : 1 AMP - lNo. (B) AC Voltage : 15V - 1No. .Onboard speaker: 8 Ohms, 0.5 Watt (lNo.) .Onboard POTS : lK - lNo. 1M - lNo. .Operating Voltage : 220 1240Y ac switch settable r.l0o/o, 5 0Hzl60VA. ADC & DAC Circuits Experiment Panel : 8 bit ADC, 0-5V I/P:- Dual slope ADC. Tracking ADC, SAR ADC, RAMP ADC, Bipolar ADC using level translator, Delta Sigma ADC , 8 bit DAC:- O/P Range 0 5V 38 Experimentation with Astable and Monostable Multivibrator SALIENT FEATURES . Aesthetically designed injection molded electronic desk (Main unit) carrying useful experiment resources Variable Power supplies / Status / Pulsar / Function Gen 02 ., 65 /ns^- etc. while the central slot will carry replaceable experiment panel secured in an ABS molded plastic sturdy enclosure, & has colorful screw less overlay showing circuit & its connection tag numbers fbr easy connectivity. . Connection through Sturdy 4mm Banana Sockets & Patch Cords. .Set of Users Guide provided with each Unit. SPECIFICATIONS OF MAIN UNIT .Built in Power Supply : DC Supply:5V / 1A. & + 72Y,1A.0 to l5V DC (Variable), 100 mA (lsolated),0 to 30V DC (Variable), 100 mA (lsolated High Volt DC 1 5V to I l0V, l00Ma, AC Supply : l2-0- 12V AC,l50 mA. Short circuit Protected. .Built in Function Generator - O/p Waveform : Sine, Triangle & TTL O/Ps Output Frequency : I Hz to lMHz in 6 ranges, with amplitude & frequency control pots. O/P Voltage 20Vp-p max. (Sin/TRG), Modulation I/P:AM : -IlP voltage + 5V (100% modulation) O/P - For 0V (min), + 5V (max.) - 5V (Phase reversal of O/P) FM : I/P voltage + 400mV (+ 50% modulation) .Clock Generator : 10 MHz TTL clock. .Data Switches (10 No.) & bi-colour LED status indicators 10X2 Nos, for High / Low indication. .Pulser switches (2 Nos.) with four debounced outputs - 2No. .BNC to 2 channel banana adapter - 2No. .Logic probe to detect High/Low level pulses upto lMHz, with bi-colour LEDs to indicate status. .2 I 4 digit 7 segment display with BCD to 7 segment decoder. .Onboard DPMs provided with mode /range selection. (A) DC volt:2Y1200V - lNo. (B) DC current :2mAl200mA - lNo. (C) DC Volts/Current:20Y1200mA - lNo. .Onboard moving iron meters provided for (A) AC Current : I AMP - lNo. (B) AC Voltage : l5V - lNo. 66 Aya-- .Onboard speaker : 8 Ohms, 0.5 Watt (lNo.) .Onboard POTS : lK - lNo. lM - lNo. .Operating Voltage : 220 1240Y ac switch settable +l 0o/o, 5 0Hzl60VA. Timer (555) & Frequency (565) application Experiment Panel : shot/Monostable), Free running (Astable), Bistable. Applications generation, long duration timer, tachometer, missing pulse detector. VCO, Phase detector, Determination of Lock freq., Capture freq., Synthesizer, FM demodulation (Using PLL). Using 555: Timer (1 of 555: Saw tooth Using PLL (IC565), & freq. Multiplier / 39 Understanding and Experimentation with Digital lCs Digital lC Trainer SALIENT FEATURES .Aesthetically designed injection molded electronic desk. . Master unit carrying useful experiment resources Variable Power supplies / Status / Pulsar / Function Generator, DPMs etc. while the central slot will hold various replaceable experiment panels. . connection through Sturdy 4mm Banana Sockets & Patch cords. . Set of Users Guide provided with each Unit. SPECIFICATIONS . Built in Power Supply . DC. Power Supply : 5V / 1A + 15V, 150mA [variable] Variable : 0 - + I -lzY 150mA, 0l I 67 lD*- AC 12 - 0 - 12, 150mA AC . Built in Function Generator . Output Waveform - Sine, Triangle & Square ITTL output Frequency - | Hz to 200KHz in 6 ranges, with amplitude & frequency control pots. O/P Voltage 20V p-p max. . Clock Generator : 10 MHz TTL clock. . Input Data Switches & output LED status indicators for . High/Low indication (15+1) No. . Pulser switches (2 nos.) With four debounced outputs..2no. . Fixed TTL (5V) clocks : 4 Nos. lKHz,100Hz, 5Hz,lHz Logic probe to detect Highilow level pulses upto lMHz, with bi-colour LEDs to indicate status. .2 digit 7 segment display with BCD to 7 segment decoder. . LED BAR graph with 10 LED indicator to display 0-2.5Y or 0-4V input. . Onboard DPM is provided with mode selection. . DC volt / current - 200mAl20V ...... ...1no. 68 lu^tI Onboard speaker - 8 Ohms, 0.5 Watt (lno.) . Onboard POTS. .lK(lno.) & lM(lno.) . 20 Pin ZIF socket should be provided .Operating Voltage : 230Y +l}yo, 50Hz/35 A Digital IC Trainer: IC Used : 7 400, 7 404, 7 408, 7 432, 7 486, 7 47 6, 7 490, 7 47 6, 7 49 5 Discrete component used : 10K x 1, 0.1pF x 1, l00K Pot Experiment : Basic logic gates- OR, AND, INVERTER, NOR, NAND, EX-OR, EX-NOR, Botlean Algebra Theorems - 25nos., Kaurnaugh Map, Combinational circuits - Adder, subtractor, Code converter like Gray code, 7 seg BCD, Hex, Excess- 3, Parity checker, Encoder / Decoder, Multiplexer / Demultiplexer. Sequential Logic circuits like Flip-FlopsR-S.J-KTD.Counters.Async/Sync,decade,ring/t 40 Digital Multimeter 3% digit),4000 Counts Features : 3 % Digits 4000 Counts Auto / Manual Ranging DC Voltage uPto 1000V AC Voltage uPto 750V DC Current uPto 20A AC Current uPto 20A Resistance upto 40MO Capacitance uPto 1009F Frequency upto 9.999MH2 Duty Cyle O.7o/o- 99.9% Temperature Diode Test Audible ContinuitY Data Hold LCD Display 0l I 69 /r)^- Auto Power Off Low Battery lndication Accessories Test Leads x l- Pair l-.5V AA Battery x 2 Pcs lnstruction Manual x 1 Pc K Type Thermocouple (Upto 260 C) x L Pair CarryingCasexlPc 41 LRC Meter . 3-112 Digits Large LCD Display . Auto Power Off . Over-Rangelndication . Low Battery lndication . Resistance: 0 - 20O I 2k I 20k I 200k I 2M l20MO. . Accuracy: 10.8% . Capacitance: 0 -2n I 20n I 200n I 2u I 20u I 200ui 600uF . Accuracy: !1oh . lnductance:0 -2ml20ml 200m l2l20H . Accuracy. !2% . Transistor Test . Diode Test . Audible Continuity Test Facility , ., 42 Tong Tester 3-5/6-digit 5999 Count, Backlight LCD, T-RMS, Auto-Ranging, NCV, Flashlight, Relative Measu rement, AC(750V)/DC(1 000V) Voltage, 600A AC/DC Current, Resistance, Capacitance, Frequency, Temperature, Diode & Continuity. Square Wave Output, CAT-IV 600V. 5 5 43 PCB Prototype Machine I I 70 aAsv Technical Specifications Working Area (X*Y*Z) : 305*305*40 mm (Approx) Minimum drill hole size : 0.1mm Minimum cutting trace/space : 0.4mm(8mil) X/Y Resolution : 0.06mm Operating Voltage :220V AC, 50W Software supporting Operating System : Windows 7 /8/70 & Linux Z-axis Stroke : 25mm maximum, Engraving depth depends on the length of the tool edg. Depth sensing and adjustment : Automatic, software controlled Tool change : Manual Tool holder:L/8 inch & ER11 Collet Main application : Engraving, Cutting & Drilling for PCB, plastics, acrylic & Metals (copper, aluminum,brass & silver etc.) Spindle Motor Spindle Speed (Max RPM) : 12000 RPM Spindle Motor : 300W Spindle Control : Manual & Automatic Mechanical Specifi cations Machine Dimensions (W*D*H) : (W 495 x D 710 x H 430) mm Approx. Maximum job height :<:25mm Rail type : LM GUIDE Transmission unit : BALL SCREW Repeat positioning Accuracy : 0.lmm - 0.2mm Machine weight : 40ke-45k9 (Approx) 44 Voltmeter Specification: Description Moving Coil Meter of 90 or 24O Deflection with Fixed / lnterchangeable Scale Facility Movement Type Moving Coi! permanent magnet type, with Jewel Range Voltage m V: 0-50 V Bearing Suspension 5 5 7t /r)^L Voltage V: 0-1 V to 0-1000 V Size 48 x 48 mm, 72 x72 mm, 96 x 96 mm, L44 x 144 mm Accuracy !L.5% of Full Scale for all; !25% of Full scale 45 Ammeter Milli Ampere Meter in Square shape range 0-500 MilliAmp Packed in Thermocol box. milliampere panel meter with 0-50mA scale range, clear panel cover, white background and black screw mounted head. The milliampere panel meter is low power consumption and long lasting. Analog panel meter with accuracy of class 2.5 can measure current between OmA and 50mA 5 5 46 Ammeter Micro Ampere Meter Square shape Analog DC Ammeter 0-1000 (Micro Amp) Accuracy +1% 5 5 41 DC/AC Bridge Trainer SALIENT FEATURES . Aesthetically designed injection molded electronic desk carrying useful experiment resources Variable Power supplies / Status / Pulsar / Function Generator, DPMs etc. while the central slot will carry replaceable experiment panel secured in an ABS molded plastic sturdy enclosure, & has colorful screw less overlay showing circuit & its connection tag numbers for easy connectivity. . Connection through Sturdy 4mm Banana Sockets & Patch Cords. .Set of Users Guide provided with each Unit. SPECIFICATIONS OF MAIN UNIT .Built in Power Supply : DC Supply :5V / lA. & + l2Y,lA. 0 to 15V DC (Variable), 100 mA (lsolated), 0 to 30V DC (Variable), 100 mA (Isolated High Volt DC 15V to 110V, 100Ma, AC Supply : 12-0- l2V AC.150 mA. Short circuit Protected. .Built in Function Generator - 5 5 72 ASotO/p Waveform : Sine, Triangle & TTL O/Ps Output Frequency : I Hzto lMHz in 6 ranges, with amplitude & frequency control pots. O/P Voltage 20Vp-p max. (Sin/TRG), Modulation VP:AM : - I/P voltage + 5V (100% modulation) OIP - For 0V (min), + 5V (max.) - 5V (Phase reversal of O/P) FM : I/P voltage + 400mV (+ 50% modulation) .Clock Generator : l0 MHz TTL clock. .Data Switches (10 No.) & bi-colour LED status indicators l0X2 Nos, for High / Low indication. .Pulser switches (2 Nos.) with four debounced outputs - 2No. .BNC to 2 channel banana adapter - 2No. .Logic probe to detect High/Low level pulses upto 1MHz, with bi-colour LEDs to indicate status. .21 4 digitT segment display with BCD to 7 segment decoder. .Onboard DPMs provided with modehange selection. (A) DC volt:2Y1200v - lNo. (B) DC current :2mN200mA - lNo. (C) DC VoltsiCurrent :20Y l200mA - lNo. .Onboard moving iron meters provided for (A) AC Current : I AMP - lNo. (B) AC Voltage : l5V - 1No. .Onboard speaker : 8 Ohms,0.5 Watt (lNo.) .Onboard POTS : lK - lNo. lM - lNo. . Operating Voltage : 220 I 240Y ac switch settabl e Ll loh, 5 0Hzl60VA. DC/AC Bridge circuits Expt. Panel : Wheatstones Bridge, Kelvins Bridge, Maxwells Bridge, Hays Bridge, DC Sautys Bridge, Owens Bridge, Andersons Bridge, Shearing Bridge, Wien bridge. Provided with 2 capacitor decades [00pF to 100uF]. 1 resistor decade pOE to 100mohml, 1 tapped wire wound l0 taps (0.01 ohm) 10k, 10T pot, 1000 ohm pot, fixed resistors of l0 & 4.7 ohm, Earphone & its sockel 48 DC slide Wire Potentiometer TECHN ICAL SPECIFICATIONS: Power Supplies: DC Supplv lC Requlated +2V DC, 150mA 5 5 73 AL DC Supply lC Regulated 0-2120Y DC, 150mA. DC Supply lC Regulated +1.018V DC, 150mA. (Standard Cell) Operated on Mains power 230V, 50Hz +10% Meters: Digital Voltmeter DC DigitalAmmeter DC Analog Galvanometer 30-0-30, 20uA/Div. Components are mounted on the panels are: Standard Resistor 3Nos. Voltage Ratio Divider Provided on Board. Optional for External 20V l2A Power Supply. Optional for External 200V l100mA Power Supply. 49 Crom ptpn Potentiometer . Crompton direct reading type, consisting of B coils and a circular slid wire. . The scale is divided into zoo parts with potential drop of zoo milli volts. . Direct reading with arrangement for standardizing with a standard cell. . Fine & coarse rheostats are provided for adjusting the slide wire. . Current range .oo1 to r.B volts manganian coils without standard cell and accessories. . Each Slide wire division is equal to rl z milli volt or 5oo micro volts. . Coarse and fine rheostats are provided. Terminals for z volts battery, Galvanometer, standard cell are provided on the panel. . Current is of the order of tz5 m A. This potentiometer is supplied 2 ) 74 Asr.twith a self standardization circuit built in, which renders standardization dependent on setting of voltage dials 50 Single Phase Energy Meter 1 phase,2 wire, Accuracy Class: 1 .0, Conformation with lS:13779, Current: 5 - 30 Ampere, Reference voltage: 240 Volts, Reference frequency: 50 Hz Export Quality with Multifunction Display: Digital LCD display with back-light Displays various electrical parameters like electric consumption (Kwh), Voltage(V), Current(l), Power-facto(PF), Load (kw/kva), Frequency(Hz) on press of button Copper connections Surge resistant and tamper proof with magnetic shielding Sustained accuracy over long period of time Low power consumption High insulation and dielectric strength Poly-carbonate enclosure which is UV protected, flame retardant 5 5 5t Q-Meter Meter Variables Measured: L, C, R & Q. Measurement Modes: Series or parallel equivalent. Measurement: User selectable l00Hz or lKHz. Frequency Accuracy of : +0.25Yo. Measurement Maximum Voltage: 0.285V rms (0.8V p-p) (approx.). across Component Measuring Update :2 per second. Rate Maximum Time for: I second. Valid Reading after User Connecting Components Display: 4 digit, 7 segment 12.5 mm high, bright LED. Connection to : 4 terminal integral test jig. Component Under Test Measurement Ranges Inductance: 0. 1 pH to 9999H. Capacitance: 0.1pF to 9999pF. Resistance: 0.001 ohm to l00M ohm. Quality Factor:0.1 to 99. Resolution Inductance: 0. I pH. Capacitance: 0.1pF. Resistance: 0.001 ohm. Quality Factor: 0.01. 5 5 75 lr- Input Protection: The input is protected against connection of capacitors of upto lOmF charged to not more than 50V. Fuse: 250mA. Operating Temp. : 0O to 40OC. Range Power: 230Y AC +10Yo,47-53H2. Instruction Manual - 1 No. Accessories Remote Probe - I No. Mains Cord - I No. 52 50MHz Economy Digital Storage Oscilloscope Specifications Band with : 50MHz Sampling Rate : 500MSa/s Equivalent Sampling Rate- lGSa/s C + Series: Single Channel : 32 Kpts; Double Channels: l6Kpts MemoryDepth CA Seriesohm Single channel: 40 Kpts; Double Channels : 20Kpts CM Series : Single Channesl: 2Mpts; Double Channels; lMpts Rise Time : <14ns I/P impedance : 25nsldiv-5 0s/div Sec/div Range Scan: 100ms-5Os/div Horizontal Scan Range: 25ns/div-50s/div Analog Bandwidth (at input BNC) :25 MHz Input In PUT Coupling: AC, DC, GND Input Impedance: DC: 1ME +l-2oh ll lTpF +/-3pF AC: l.2Mohm+/-2%ll lTpF +l-3pF, <:100m V/div 1 .0Mohm+ I -2% ll 17 pF + I -3pF, > I OOmV/div Maximum Input Voltage: +400V PK-PK CATI Probe attenuator: lX, l0X Vertical System Vertical Sensitivity: 2mV-1O/div at input BNC (l-2-5 order) Vertical Resolution: 8 bit Channels : 2 Math operation : *, -, *, FFT FFT Window mode: Hanning, Hamming, Blackman, Rectangular Sampling points 1024 ., 1 76 /tS* Trigger System Trigger Types Edge, Pulse Width. Video, Slope. Alternative Trigger Modes : Auto. Normal, Single Trigger Sources : Chl-2, EXT, EXT/5, AC Line Trigger Coupling : AC, DC, LF, rej, HF rej Control Panel Function Auto Set Auto adjusting the vertical. Horizontal system&Trigger position Save/Recall:support 2 Group referenced Waveforms, 20 Group setups, 20 Group capture Waveforms internal Storage/Recall function&USB flash driver storage function. Measure System Auto Measure FPRE Shoot, Rise time, Fall time, Freq, Period, +Wid, -Wid, Dut, -Dut, Bwid, Phase, FRR, FRF, FFR, FFF, LRR, LRF, LFR, LFF Cursor Measure: Manual mode, Track mode&Auto mode. Display Display Mode Color TFT 5.7in. (l45mm) diagonal Liquid Crystal Display Resolution :320 horrzontal by 234 vertical pixels Display color: 64K color Interface : USB Host, USB Device, RS232, Pass/Fail output Environments Temperature Operating:100C to +400C Not operting:- 200C to + 600C Power Supply Input Voltage 100-240 VAC, CAR II. Auto selection Frequency Scope: 45Hzto 440H2 Power :50VA Max. 53 Displacement Sensing Transducers Trainer Trainer secured in an ABS molded plastic sturdy enclosure, & has colorful screw less overlay showing circuit & its connection tag numbers for easy connectivity. . Connection through Sturdy 4mm Banana Sockets & Patch Cords. .Set of Users Guide provided with each Unit. oMicrometer 0-20mm (Accuracy 0.01mm) 5 5 77 hf . Precision phase sensitive rectifier o Measurement frequency of LKHz sine . Signal conditioning circuit with zero & span adjustment for calibration of variac sensor output voltage 0-2.5V or suitable for DPM. o Zero & span adjustment for calibration of following transducers i) Resistive linear transducer : 0 -20mm ii) Capacitive linear transducer : 0 -20mm iii) Capacitive angular transducer : 0 - 90 degree iv) lnductive linear transducer : 0 -20mm v) LVDT transducer : 0 -20mm or (-10 to +10mm) . Built in Power Supply :DC. Power Supply : 5V / tA + 15V, l50mA [variablel, Fixed -+ l-l2Y 150mA 54 Advanced Microwave Test Bench (Gunn Gunn Power Supply Display :L6x 2 Characters LCD : Show-volt, Current, Modulation Freq uency Voltage Range :0 to 10V Current :750mA max Stability :0.1% for t10% mains variation Ripple :1.OmV typical Modulating Frequency:800 to 1200H2 Modulating Voltage :0 - 10Vpp variable Modulation Modes :C o n ti n u o u s Wa v e, I n t e Modulation (Square Wave) Audio Modulation & PC Data Modulation PC lnterface :RS232 Output Connector:BNC for Gunn Bias, TNC for Pin Bias Mains Supply :230V AC !J.O%o,SOHz DigitalVSWR Meter Display:16X2LCD. Based) rnal I I 78 )-t)tL Sensitivity : 0.1pV for 200 Ohm input impedance. Noise Level : Less than 0.02 V . Range :0 50dB in 10dB steps. lnput : Un-biased low and high impedance crystal biased crystal (200 and 200K). Display Select :SWR Scale, dB Scale, Modulation Frequency, Power Bar Graph Modes : Normall I Audio I I PC (this mode can be used only with Gunn based bench). Gain Control : Range 0-10d8 (approx). lnput Connector : BNC (F). lnput Frequency: 1000H2 !10% power : 230 Volts AC + l0o/o,50Hz Components . Cooling Fan 1 No. . Detector Mount 1 No. . Fixed Short I No. Analog D.R.F. Meter 1 No. . lsolator l No. . Gunn Oscillator l No. . Pin Modulator l No. Matched Termination l No. . Movable Short 1 No. . Slide Screw (SS) Tuner I No. . Slotted Section with probe carragel No. . Tunable Probe 1 No. . Variable Attenuator 20dB 1 No. Waveguide Stand 3 Nos. Accessories . Cable BNC (M) to BNC (M) I Meter 2 Nos. . Mains Cord 1 No. . MIC (optional) I No. Fastener (Brass Fly, Nut- Screw set) 1 No. Cable TNC (M) - TNC (M) 1 meter I No. Operating Manual 1 No. 55 Fiber Optics Cable Trainer SAL!ENT FEATURES . Can learn & experiment about variety of communication mediums (AM, FM, FO Wired) & methods (Modulation / Demodulation Analog/ Digital). . Covers Analog communication, Digital communication, Fiber optics characteristics as well as communication, Wired communication through various modular experiment panels implemented using latest state of arts VLSUCPLDs. . Aesthetically designed injection molded electronic desk (master unit) carrying useful experiment resources like power supplies, Multi Fuction generators, FM/AM/FO/Transmitter/receiver, MIC & L/S amplifier, Butterworth Filter (BWF), Sync sine 1 ) 79 /uL waves etc while central slot will hold various replaceable experiment panels. Order 10 MUs + Swappable 20 Panels set etc, . Connection through sturdy 4mm Banana sockets, patch cords, ST connectors, BNC Con nectors. o Student workbook & instructors Guide provided SPECIFICATIONS OF MASTER UNIT . Built in DC Power Supply : 5V/LA,!LZY/500mA, 0 to -15V DC (Variable)/ 100mA, 0 to15V DC Variable)/100mA. o Waveform Generator: l.Carrier Generator: . Waveform : SINE / TRG /IIL / CMOS (settable) . Output Frequency : L Hz to 1 MHZ . Output Voltage : 0-20 Vpp . Controls : Frequency & Amplitude control pots . Modulation : AM (std) -llP volt - +5V, 0V-No modulation AM (DSBSC)-l/P volt. 0-9.8 Vpp, o/p volt.0- 2.7, FM l/P volt. 400mV (!50% modulation), ASK- l/P upto 500H2, t5V Square wave, FSK-l/P upto 500H2, +4,5V Square wave. 2 Audio Oscillator: . Waveform : SINE / TRG / SQUARE . Output Frequency : 50 Hz to 5KHz r Output Voltage : Sine 0-2Vpp, Sq. 0-9 Vpp, TRG. 0-3Vpp . Controls : Freq & Amplitude control pots. 3.Synchronized Sine Wave Generator : . lnput :32 KHzTfLVP to Generate 4 nos. of sync. sine O/P . Waveform : SINE . Output Frequency :25O / 500 / 1000 / 2000 Hz 80 /.r)n* o Output Voltage : 0-10 Vpp o Controls : Amplitude control pot . Mic with Pre-Amp. Hand held Electret / dynamic microphone with preamplifier for audio ran8e. . Audio Amplifier : Variable Gain upto 20 for Audio range, Built in Loudspeaker - 8 ohm/500mW / earphone. . Pink Noise Gen. : Frequency response of filter for audio range. . Buffer/AC amplifier : NIV gain amplifier 2 Nos, Gain- 0-2O For Non sinusoidal Signal Generator cum INV buffer. . BNC TO Banana Converter : Converts 1 BNC Socket to 2 Banana Sockets (4mm) & Vice Versa. o Butter Worth Filter [LPF]: 4 Nos - 2 pole/4 pole butter worth filter cutoff freq 3.4 KHz Audio range. . Pseudo Random Binary Sequence generator : Switch settable for on/off fix 15 bit PRBS Generator, will also function as input digital data stream generator. Wireless Communication : . 1a. FM Transmitter (Transistorized) : o Carrier Tunable from 88 MHz to 108 MHz with built in FM [VCD] . Modulating Signal : Amplitude - 5Vpp, Freq. - Audio Range . Tx Power O/P : 50 to 100mW . 1b. FM Receiver : External 5 BS5 to connect to antenna, 2nd lF lnput, 2nd lF Output, speaker & Audio amplifier, AM/FM Select switch, L/S impedance 8 ohm / 0.5 W. I .Controls (Manually) : Settable 88 to 108 MHZ o Antenna / Transmission: Telescopic antenna [3 branch antenna] 2a. AM Transmitter (Transistorized): . Carrier: 500KHz to 1.5MHz . Modulating Signal: Amplitude - SVpp, Freq.- Audio Range. . Tx Power Output : 50 to 100mW. 81 )rL- . 2b. AM Receiver : External 5 BS5 to connect to antenna, 2nd lF lnput, 2nd lF O/P, speaker & Audio amplifier, AM/FM Select switch, L/S impedance 8 ohm / 0.5 W. . Controls (Manually) : Gain control settable from 0 to 4.5V. 3a. Fibre Optics Transmitter : . Data lnput Bandwidth : 500KHz to 1.5MHz. . Modulating Signal : Amplitude - 5Vpp, Freq.- Audio Range. . Tx Power Output : 50 to 100mW. 3b. FO Receiver : Detector (tr=8ms) separate BS5 socket for digital, AC coupled & TTL o/ps. . Controls (Manually) : Transmitter bias control. . Antenna / Transmission: l-m plastic fiber cable, CRT-1-.492, NA- 0.5, )- 660nm, step index, terminated with SMA connector. List of Experiment on Master Unit (9): 1) Voice link using mic & LS amplifier, 2) Study of AM Xmitter / Receiver, 3) Study of FM Xmitter / Receiver, 4) Band determination of PLL as FM Detector 5) A) PLL as FM Detector B) FSK (Frequency Shift Keying) Mod / Demod [Wired] C) FSK (Frequency Shift Keying) Mod / Demod [Through FO] 6) A) Diode as AM Detector B) ASK (Amplitude Shift Keying) Mod / Demod [Wired] C) ASK (Amplitude Shift Keying) Mod / Demod [Through FO] 7) Fiber Optics Transmitter / Receiver 7.1) Analog Bandwidth. 7.2) Digital Bandwidth. 7.3) Voice Communication using mic, speaker & Fiber optics 7.4) Listening to AM/FM Radio through Fiber Optics link 8) Pseudo Random Binary Sequence Generator [PRBS] 82 J a ca oo sap HBsE€FgE e=lE tf Eel Etg qE;e:*I Ei;:+= rE iEr s€E iae:ilgiE 6E*# ;[ ;=l =:* +=It;t: E; is;= ;i g= ;frE is;eeEl fi: =isE #3 _gE EiFiigifIi*EgiEgiilig; tEttE=stditei:riE,igIE; Ht lssEi*;EF;ete t:ifri ;j iFg iEE5*+EtiE{rfiEIgiliEfla*i?i lliiglt gEgt ; gi IgE igiE I g lgigl ;g A)^t-iii) Coupling loss. lmmunity to Electrical Noise interference of optical fiber PC interface : Using RS 232, Signal transmission using Pulse Width Modulation & Demodulation, VOICE COMMUNICATION using direct transmission as well as modulated using PWM,Voice transmission using Amplitude Modulation & Demodulation, Signal transmission using Frequency Modulation & Demodulation, SWITCHED FAULTS, o Transmitter Forward input current (IFPK): 1000 mA (lFdc)=$g mA, Reverse input voltage: VBR= 5V, Peak wavelength emission: 650 nm, N.A.:0.5, Rise time: 80 ns, Falltime: 40 ns. o Receiver Supply voltage: (max) 7V, O/p collector current: 25 mA, O/p collector power dissipation: 40 mw, o/P VoLTAGE: 18v, Fan out (TTL) 56 CDMA Trainer Kit SPECIFICATIONS . Built in DC Power Supply : 5V/1A, t l2Yl500mA, 0 to -15V DC (Variable) / l00mA, 0 tol5V DC Variable)/100mA. . Waveform Generator : l.Carrier Generator: . Waveform : SINE / TRG ITTL / CMOS (settable) . Output Frequency : I Hzto I MHZ . Output Voltage : 0-20 Vpp . Controls : Frequency & Amplitude control pots . Modulation : AM (std) -llP volt - t5V, 0V-No modulation AM (DSBSC)-IIP volt. 0-9.8 Vpp, o/p volt.O- 2.7, FM I/P volt. 400mV (+50% modulation), ASK- I/P upto 500H2, +5V Square wave, FSK-I/P upto 500H2, +4.5V Square wave. 2 Audio 0scillator: . Waveform : SINE / TRG / SQUARE . Output Frequency : 50 Hz to 5KHz . Output Voltage : Sine 0-2Vpp, Sq. 0-9 Vpp, TRG. 0-3Vpp . Controls : Freq & Amplitude control pots. 5 5 84 vhY/-- 3.Synchronized Sine Wave Generator : . Input :32KHz TTL I/P to Generate 4 nos. of sync. sine O/P . Waveform: SINE . Output Frequency :250 I 500 / 1000 I 2000 Hz . Output Voltage : 0-10 Vpp . Controls : Amplitude control pot . Mic with Pre-Amp. Hand held Electret / dynamic microphone with preamplifier for audio range. . Audio Amplifier : Variable Gain upto 20 for Audio range, Built in Loudspeaker - 8 ohm/500mW / earphone. . Pink Noise Gen. : Frequency response of filter for audio range. . Buffer/AC amplifier : NIV gain amplifier 2 Nos, Gain- 0-20, For Non sinusoidal Signal Generator cum [NV buffer. . BNC TO Banana Converter : Converts I BNC Socket to 2 Banana Sockets (4mm) & Vice Versa. . Butter Worth Filter [LPF]: 4 Nos - 2 polel4 pole butter worth filter cutoff freq 3.4 KHz Audio range. . Pseudo Random Binary Sequence generator: Switch settable for on/off fix 15 bit PRBS Generator, will also function as input digital data stream generator. Wireless Communication : . 1a. FM Transmitter (Transistorized) : . Carrier Tunable from 88 MHz to 108 MHz with built in FM [VCD] . Modulating Signal : Amplitude - 5Vpp, Freq. - Audio Range . Tx Power O/P : 50 to 100mW . lb. FM Receiver : External 5 BS5 to connect to antenna, 2nd IF Input, 2nd IF Output, speaker & Audio amplifier, AM/FM Select switch, LiS impedance 8 ohm / 0.5 W. I .Controls (Manually) : Settable 88 to 108 MHZ . Antenna / Transmission: Telescopic antenna [3 branch antenna] 2a. AM Transmitter (Transistorized): 85 A)*L . Carrier : 500KHz to l.5MHz . Modulating Signal: Amplitude - 5Vpp, Freq.- Audio Range. . Tx Power Output : 50 to 100mW. . 2b. AM Receiver : External 5 BS5 to connect to antenna, 2nd IF Input, 2nd IF O/P, speaker & Audio amplifier, AM/FM Select switch, L/S impedance 8 ohm / 0.5 W. . Controls (Manually) : Gain control settable from 0 to 4.5V. 3a. Fibre Optics Transmitter : . Data Input Bandwidth : 500KHz to 1.5MHz. . Modulating Signal : Amplitude - 5Vpp, Freq.- Audio Range. . Tx Power Output : 50 to l00mW. 3b. FO Receiver : Detector (tr:8ms) separate BS5 socket for digital, AC coupled & TTL o/ps. . Controls (Manually) : Transmitter bias control. . Antenna / Transmission: 1m plastic fiber cable, CRT-1.492, NA- 0.5, )- 660nm, step index, terminated with SMA connector. List of Experiment on Master 1) Voice link using mic & LS amplifier, 2) Study of AM Xmitter / Receiver, 3) Study of FM Xmitter / Receiver, 4) Band determination of PLL as FM Detector 5) A) PLL as FM Detector B) FSK (Frequency Shift Keying) Mod / Demod [Wired] C) FSK (Frequency Shift Keying) Mod / Demod [Through FO] 6) A) Diode as AM Detector B) ASK (Amplitude Shift Keying) Mod / Demod [Wired] C) ASK (Amplitude Shift Keying) Mod / Demod [Through FO] 7) Fiber Optics Transmitter / Receiver 7.I ) Analog Bandwidth. 7 .2) Digital Bandwidth. 7.3) Voice Communication using mic, speaker & Fiber optics 7.4) Listening to AM/FM Radio through Fiber Optics link 86 /)rvl-- 8) Pseudo Random Binary Sequence Generator [PRBS] 9) Study of active filters, Noise generation & elimination. A) Study of Pink Noise Generator B) Study of Signal To Noise Ratio of an Amplifier C) Study of active 2nd & 4th order Low Pass Filter D) Study of Frequency response of HPF / AC Amplifier [3H] E) Study of Frequency response of HPF / AC Amplifier [.6K]. 4 Channel CDMA Modulation / Demodulation Expt. Panel . On-board Clock source @l.2MHZ a) Modulator Function Blocks : High speed 7 bit ADC & 4 station data (sequence generator), 4 parallel in serial out (PISO) converter, 4 chip sequence (m:8) generators, signed digital adder, modulation control mode select switches, CDMA clock control logic. b) Demodulator Function Blocks : Signed synchronous multiplier, station select mux, bipolar to unipolar converter, serial in parallel out (SIPO) &7 bit DAC. List of experiments (6) : Verification of CDMA modulation algorithm at o/p of DAC, Recovery of selected station data out of 4 stations, Upper frequency limit for recovery of voice frequency (Bandwidth determination), Voice communication, Study of ADC & DAC (Codec), Study of Eye Diagram. Note :- Perform the following experiments using CDMA trainer kit 1. PSK modulation and demodulation 2. Bit synchronization extraction experiment 3. Error correction encoding 57 PLC Trainer Kit The Trainer set should consist of the following features: Two models : . Rack based table top model :Using Aluminum profile rack. . Table Top Model: Electronic desk with ergonically designed ABS Moulded enclosure with slick looking replaceable experiment panel in central slot. . Can learn about different aspects of application trainers like lndustrial PLC, SCADA, DCS etc. using simulated building blocks / replaceable static application panels (SAPs) . Analog l/O channel with potentiometer for Al simulation . Connection through sturdy 4mm Banana sockets & Patch cords I I 87 lluL . Students workbook & lnstructors Guide provided with each unit Technical Specifications of interfacing panels: Aluminum profile sturdy Flat panel system carrying various high voltage components housed in modular plastic enclosures to minimize shock possibility. cPU (DrO) . Model I :57-1200- CPULZL4C Dto .30D|+26DO . Digital inputs 24V DC (current sinking) . Digital outputs: either 24VDC transistorized or relay@ 0.1A. Alo . 2Al (built in) + 1AO . lnput range- 0 to +10V, Resolution- 10 bit Software . STEP 7 Basic programming package - Simatic TIA-V15 Software Com Ports . Ethernet Port(RJ45) for Ladder Programing, Converter cum Distribution Panel . Converts screw driver terminal strip of PLC into 4mm sockets total 64 nos. . Maximum 24 for Digital lnputs, 16 for Digital Outputs, 2 for Analog llo & t6 for +24V Supply & GND. Facilitates easy replacement /maintenance / wiring. Simulation cum Extension Panel (1) . 8 No. of Digital lnput. (4 toggle switches + 4 push buttons) . No. of 4mm banana sockets =36 Simulation cum Extension Panel (2) . Combined 8 Led indicator +Relay Panel / Relay 24V & contact rating of 230VAC / 1A 88 Atk (Resistive). . No. of4mm banana sockets =44. . Sockets for relay contact =8 Nos. Simulation cum Extension Panel (3) . 6 No. of Potentiometer to simulate inputs to Al. . 2 No, of Analog outputs terminated on banana sockets . No. of 4mm banana sockets =L8 Operating voltage . A Separate SMPS power supply panel . SMPS llP : L7O/2Ol230Vac + 10% 50/60 Hz, O/P:24V I 2 A . AC O/P: 2 x 3 pairs of banana sockets for 230V O/P with switch & fuse protection for other use. Static Application Panel SAPs (select 1 or more) (Note: * marked SAPS need Al channels of PLC) . Common Base Board consisting of 54 LEDs, with 10 LEDs for Bar Graph for AO. No. of 4mm banana sockets =32 . Replaceable 19 Nos. of Static Application Panel which may be inserted onto common baseboard panel with selectively leds exposed :- 1) Door Bell Operation, 2) Switching of lights, 3)Silo Control, 4) Seven Segment Display, 5) Starter Control, 6) Sequential Control of Motors, 7) Star Delta Control, 8) Resistance Welding, 9)Tank Level Control*, 10) Traffic Light Control, 11) Bottling Plant*, 12) Drink Dispenses, 89 /.t)rL 13) Reaction Vessel*, 14) Oven*, 15) Parking Garage, L6) Combination Lock, 1-7) Elevator Simulator, 1-8) Process Control Trainer *, 19) Washing Machine 2. Accessories Mains cord, Ethernet cable1.5m, Patch cords red & black 600mm length L5nos. each 58 Control System Trainer Kit Process Control Trainer-Pressure, Temperature, Flow. Features : .Trainer should be modular panels for easy site servicing not close control; panel box no wiring should not be there & shrouded 4 mm banana patch cords & shrouded sockets arrangements for the safety of the student . Lightweight, yet sturdy, tabletop, Aluminium profile flat panel setup, with SS (3041316) piping for & wide angle view of every component in process. No hidden parts. . Individual control loops as well as Advance control schemes like Ratio, Cascade, Feed forward, coupled tank made easy for student. . Connection through polarized FRC connectors, sturdy 4mm Banana sockets & Patch cords enabling quick setting up of variety of process control experiments. . P4IXP I wrnT window based PID controller (DDC) software package with P, PI & PID control, Ratio & cascade control, three operating modes, Online graph drawing & data acquisition modes (SCADA). PC not in scope of supply Technical Specifications (Controller Section) * Computer Interface panel . Connects to PC (P4/XP) parallel port through 25 pin M to F cable I 1.5mtr. . 4 ADC channels I/P: 0 to 2.5V FS with lno input simulation pot. 1 DAC channel O/P 2.5V FS. . V to I function block: I/P 0 to 2.5Y & OIP 0-20 or 4-20mA (100W load) switch settable. I I 90 hpl--- . I to V function block : llP 4to 20mA & OIP 0 - 2.5V . USB converter to interface 25 pin D connector on CIP panel to USB using PICl8F microcontroller 28 Pin SOIC enclosed in 25 Pin D shell using Type A to mini B cable. . hardware module of square root extractor is provided so that PLC/Panel mount PID may be interfaced. * Instrumentation Power supply cum Multichannel DPM panel . tl2Yl5OO mA, +5V/300mA, Unregulated 17V dcl750 mA, line synchronizing signal. . Multi channel DPM for digital display of process parameters. . 20 pin FRC power bus to supply power to neighbouring panels. * Thyristor Actuator cum signal conditioning panel . Thyristor bridge based 0-200V/3A using cosine firing circuit, I/P 0 to 2.5Vdc. . Supports signal conditioning for RTD, Pressure sensor with Instrumentation Amplifier & flow sensor (water / air) with F to V converter to generate 0-2.5Vdc (FS). . facilitates closed loop control experiments based on temperature, light intensity, speed measurement using built in PIPI controller as well as external Analog / Digital PID controller. . 2No. panels may be needed to cover signal conditioning needs of the selected process. . Online monitoring lDataacquisition / PID Software on Installable (CD) works under XP, WIN7. PC with parallel port IUSB needed. . Operating modes a) Simulator Mode : Tests data stored in files (*.txt) Draw graph for all P,P[,PD & PID modes. b) Process Monitoring Mode : Draw graphs of analog data presented at CH 0 & CH I of CIP. Cursors for X & Y axis for measurement & online graphs saving for reproduction. c) PID controller Mode . PID controller with parameter like Integral Time Ti (0.01-64000), Sampling Time Ts(0.1- 99.g),Derivative Time Td(O-99.9), Proportional Band Pb(1-999), Derivative Gain Kd(1- 999), Set Value Rn(0-99.9), PID output Upper Limit Uh(0-99.9), PID output Lower Limit Ul (0-ee.e). . Facility to set units for output viz. (%) oC , RPM, V, mm, LPH, kg/cm2, msi/cm, Degree experiments with advance process control scheme viz; Ratio, Cascade, feedforward with 9l A^yoAux PID, Ratio station & FF transfer function calculator, Alarm setting, ON/OFF control, square root extractor for Orifice. . Function Generator : Sine / Triangular / Square wave generator with frequency 0.01 Hz to I Hz, Amplitude is 0 to 2.5 Y i.e. 0 - 100%. Technical Specifications: Advance control Expt. : . Parameters: Pressure/ Temp/Flow Model .Controlled Medium : Air for pressure / Flow, Water for temp. & air (air bubbler) for Cooling . Storage tank material/Capacity: I No., l0 litre plexiglass tank for water . Process tank capacity/material : I No. 5 liter, stainless steel tank with temp, pressure sensors attachment. Pressure relief valve (10 Bar) . Electronic sensor Type/Outputi Range: Pressure: piezo-resistive pressure sensor 0 to 30PSI, O/P:0 to 2.5V . Temp: PTl00, O/P :0 to 2.5V, ambient to 1000C . Flow: Turbine flow sensor 1No. OP:0to2.5V,0-l50LPM . Control Valve : Pneumatically operated air to close, linear type, t/z Size Diaphragm operated, C:0.4 with I to P Converter I/P 4 to 20mA OIP 4 to20 mA OIP 3 to 15 psi. . TAP panel: SCR controlled full bridge (20OVdc)for 750 for temp. control I/P 0 to 2.5Vdc. . Rotameter: 2 Nos. Acrylic body Y, size 0 to 50LPM . Generation & Distribution Pump: 230VAC 10W submersible water pump wilhYq pvc pipe to fill in process vessel for temp. control expt. . Bourdon gauges:2 Nos. 0to2 bars,2Nos 0to l0 bar0-1000C gauge thermometer . Manual SS valves: 714 size: 7 Nos. . Piping materialisize: Stainless steel ,ll4 for at . Air filter & regulators OR accessories: 3 Nos,0 to l0 bars size ll4 Oil catcher (114 size max. pressure : l0 bars)-lNo. . Air compressor : 0 to l0 bars, 2HP,230VAC supply Tank Capacity : 110 Ltrs. Ratio : Between 2 water flows Cascade : Inner (fast) loop flow. Outer loop temp. Feed forward : Air Flow or temp loop. List of experiments: 92 It5tlal. Study of temperature control loop open loop response & close loop response with P, PI, PTD 2. Study of pressure control loop open loop response & close loop response with P, PI, PID 3. Study of Air Flow control loop open loop response & close loop response with P, PI, PID 4. Study of ratio control loop 5. Study ofcascade control loop 6. Study of ON-OFF control loop 7. Study of feed forward control loop 8. Study of control valve [Gain schgduler Hysterisis] V to I converter, I to P converter. 59 DTH set up Box SALIENT FEATURES Aesthetically designed injection molded electronic desk carrying useful experiment resources. Non destructive faults have been implemented through slider switches mounted on panel to teach section wise faults & their troubleshooting. Main DTH kit mounted in all open fashion for easy viewing through transparent acrylic cover provided. . Facility to connect LCD, LED, CRT TV. . Set of instructors guide & students workbook provided. Technical Specifi cations : Power . Input power: AC 90 - 240Y,50 I 60 Hz . Maximum power consumption: 15W Set top box (Digital Satellite Receiver) specs . Serial connection (RS-232) .Chipset & Memory: CPU ALI M3329 Flash: 4Mbit SDRAM: l6Mbit . Interface: 1)RF signal input: x1 2)Video output: RCA x1 I I 93 hyu 3)Audio output: Stereo RCA xl Baud Rate I 15Kbps . TUNER 1)Tuner: RDA5815M 2)Receiving Frequency: 950 - 2150 IldHz . RF Modulator 1 )Picture Carrier Frequency: 209.25 MHz 2)Output Channel: VHF CHI I 3)Color system: PAL B/G/llDlK &. NTSC M .Video Decoding Compliant with: MPEG - 2 ISO / IEC 13818 MPEG-2 MP @ML Max 5Mbitis Aspect ratio: 4:3 Video format: PAL / NTSC Resolution: PAL:720 x 576 NTSC:720 x 48 .Audio Decoding Compliant with: MPEG-l 12 Sampling Frequency: 321 44.1 I 48KHz .Faults: 9nos .Accessories required : Any colour TV with audio/ video input List of Experiments : 1. To study the block diagram & working principle 2. To study various faults on traine