Tender For Provision Of Type A Klp At Mathura Cantt; 1 Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for BUILDING WORKSas listed in Schedule ‘A’ Part-I representing percentage ( + or - denomination) derived under last column of this schedule above/belowthe lump sum price prepriced by the MES 2 Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for INTERNAL WATER SUPPLY as listed in Schedule ‘A’ Part-II representing percentage ( + or - denomination) derived under last column of this schedule above/belowthe lump sum priceprepriced by the MES 3 Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for INTERNAL ELECTRIFICATIONas listed in Schedule ‘A’ Part-III representing percentage ( + or - denomination) derived under last column of this schedule above/belowthe lump sum priceprepriced by the MES 4 Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for ROAD, PATH & CULVERTas listed in Schedule ‘A’ Part-IV representing percentage ( + or - denomination) derived under last column of this schedule above/belowthe lump sum priceprepriced by the MES 5 Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for SEWAGE DISPOSAL as listed in Schedule ‘A’ Part-V representing percentage ( + or - denomination) derived under last column of this schedule above/belowthe lump sum priceprepriced by the MES 6 Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for AREA DRAINAGEas listed in Schedule ‘A’ Part-VI representing percentage ( + or - denomination) derived under last column of this schedule above/belowthe lump sum priceprepriced by the MES 7 Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for BOUNDARY WALL, COMPOUND WALL AND CHAIN LINK FENCING etc.as listed in Schedule ‘A’ Part-VII representing percentage ( + or - denomination) derived under last column of this schedule above/belowthe lump sum priceprepriced by the MES 8 Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for EXTERNAL WATER SUPPLYas listed in Schedule ‘A’ Part-VIII representing percentage ( + or - denomination) derived under last column of this schedule above/belowthe lump sum priceof prepriced by the MES 9 Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for HOT WATER SUPPLY as listed in Schedule ‘A’ Part-IX representing percentage ( + or - denomination) derived under last column of this schedule above/belowthe lump sum priceof prepriced by the MES 10 Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for EXTERNAL ELECTRIFICATION WORKS as listed in Schedule ‘A’ Part-X representing percentage ( + or - denomination) derived under last column of this schedule above/belowthe lump sum priceof prepriced by the MES 11 Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for COOLING APPLIANCES & AC ALLIED WORKS etc.as listed in Schedule ‘A’ Part-XI representing percentage ( + or - denomination) derived under last column of this schedule above/belowthe lump sum priceprepriced by the MES 12 Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for DG SET ALLIED WORKS etc.as listed in Schedule ‘A’ Part-XII representing percentage ( + or - denomination) derived under last column of this schedule above/belowthe lump sum priceprepriced by the MES 13 Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for BASKET BALL GROUND & VOLLEY BALL GROUND etc.as listed in Schedule ‘A’ Part-XIII representing percentage ( + or - denomination) derived under last column of this schedule above/belowthe lump sum priceprepriced by the MES 14 Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for SITE CLEARANCE, SITE DEVELOPMENT & EARTH WORKetc.as listed in Schedule ‘A’ Part-XIV representing percentage ( + or - denomination) derived under last column of this schedule above/belowthe lump sum priceprepriced by the MES 15 Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for DEMOLITION WORK.as listed in Schedule ‘A’ Part-XV representing percentage ( + or - denomination) derived under last column of this schedule above/belowthe lump sum priceprepriced by the MES 16 Sch A Sec-XVI: MISCELLANEOUS ITEMSNotes:(i) This schedule is not pre-priced by MES and the pre-priced rate indicated as Rs 0.00 under column 5 signifies this fact only. (ii) Excavation and earth work except for the items which categorically includes for same shall be measured and paid separately under SCH A PART-XIV (SITE CLEARANCE, SITE DEVELOPMENT & EARTH WORK schedule). 17 Internal Electrification (Sch A Part-III) . 18 M&L for point wiringwith 1.5 sqmm FRLS single core PVC insulated and unsheathed multistranded copper conductorre and incl PVC rigid non metallic concealed conduit of size 20/25 mmbore medium grade, ISI marked to beterminated in pressed steel terminal boxes with 3mm thick bakelite sheet top cover incl 1.5 sqmm (22/.3mm) PVC insulated and unsheathed FRLS single core multisrtanedcopper earthcontinuity conductor for one lightpoint controlled by one, one way switch or one regulator including repairing the surfaces in CM 1:3 and finishingthe distrubed wall surface withexisitng finishes/ treatment,complete, all as specified & directed by Engr-In -Charge. 19 All as per description of serial item No 15.01 here-in-before butfor onefan point controlled by one, one way switch, complete, all as specified & directed. 20 All as per description of serial item No 15.01 here-in-before butfor One three pin 5 Amp socket outlet point controlled by one, one way switch on independent board. 21 All as per description of serial item No 15.01 here-in-before butfor One three pin 5 Amp socket outlet point controlled by one, one way switch on same board. 22 All as per item No 15.01 above but point wiring with 2.5 sq mm single core FRLS cables and earth continuity wire with 2.5 Sq mm single core cable for one 3 pin 15 Amps socket out let point controlled by one, one way switch on independent board. 23 All as per description of serial item No 15.01 here-in-before butfor One light point controlled by two, 2- way switchs. 24 S&F highly efficient LED bulbs, 9 watts . 25 S&FSheet metal enclosure distribution board VTPN,4 way, 415 volt, double door powder coated, protection class IP-54, isolated neutral bar, mechanical impact strength IK 09 suitable for mounting MCB & /MCCB DBs confirrming to IS-13032, IS-8632,BS5484 with min 200 Amp raiting copper bus bar and grouting, fixing on wall with nut bolts wasshers properwithpcc works complete all as specified and directed. 26 S&F for air circulator fan 230 volts single phase oscillating 600 mm sweep suitable for wall mounting 27 SEWAGE DISPOSAL (Sch A Part-V) . 28 M&L for construction of RCC septic tank designed to carry sewage and sludge water, excavation in any type of soil,PCC 1:4:8 below foundation, RCC M-30 design mix in walls, base slab, baffle walls and roof slab including beams etc vent shaft, manhole openings with cover connection etc, complete with effective depth of 1.5 meter and overall depth of 3 meter for 50 users, complete, all as specified , shown on drg & directed by Engr-In-Charge. 29 M&L for provn of on site LLDPE septic tank designed to carry sewage and sullage water, excavation in any type of soil, PCC 1:4:8 below foundation, vent shaft, connection etc, complete for 25 users, complete, all as specified and directed by Enge in Charge. 30 M&L for construction of soakage wells,excavation in any type of soil, foundation in PCC 1:3:6 type C2, well wall of Honey combed and solid in M-25 Design Mix concrete, including intercepting chamber, screen chamber brick work in CM (1:4), RCC cover slab in M-25 Design Mix, inter connecting pipes of RCC/DWC complete filled with brick bats, of size 2.4m dia x 4.5m effective depth, complete, all as specified and directed by Enge in Charge. 31 EXTERNAL WATER SUPPLY(SCH A PART-VIII). 32 Supply & laying in trenches, under floor/on floor, under road, connecting, jointing and testing ductile iron pressure pipe centrifugally cast ISI marked with socket and spigot ends confirming to IS-8329/2000 standard length of K-7 specification of size 100mm bore complete all as specified and directed. Note (i) :- Excavation and earth work will be measured and paid separately. (ii) Cost of jointing rubber shall be deemed to be included in quoted rate. 33 Cutting of existing CI/DI water main pipe in position upto size 250 mm bore for insertion of new tees, branches etc complete all as specified & directed. Note:-Cast iron fittings such as tee, bends, collar, reducer etc shall be measured/ paid separately. 34 Material and Labour for DI fittings/specials such as Tees, bends (any type, radius and angle ) tapers any type, collars, tail pieces, caps and plugs up to 250 mm bore confirming to IS: 1538-1993 complete all as specified and directed. 35 M & L for construction of valve chamber with brick masonry built in CM 1:6 of size 600 mm x 600 mm x 900 mm (internal dimensions) with 15cm thick PCC foundation in PCC 1:4:8 type D2 using (40mm graded stone aggregate), 15mm thick plaster in cm 1:6, 3mm thick MS sheet cover including 40 x 40 x 6mm MS angle iron frame fixed in PCC coping, using PCC 1:2:4 type B1 (using 20mm graded stone aggregate) with necessary locking arrangement and painted with two coats of synthetic enamel paint over a coat of red-oxide primer on all exposed steel surfaces including necessary excavation and earth work in any type soil, returning and filling in and ramming and removal of surplus soil up to a distance not exc 50 mtr, complete, all as specified , shown on drg & directed by Engr-In-Charge. 36 EXTERNAL ELECTRIFICATION . (SCH A PART-X) 37 Supply and fixing of 45 W LED street light with lens optics on LEDs, IP66 protected luminaire fixture made from pressure dia cast aluminum housing & heat resistance toughned glass cover with one number of 45 W driver, operating voltage range 130-275 Volt, suitable upto 50 mm mounting pipe as directed by engineer-in-charge. Make: Crompton Greaves,Cat No.LSTP-45-CDL or equivalent in Philips/Wipro/HPL 38 Supply and fixing poly carbonatejunction box , weather and vermin proof of size 280x170x130 including provn of 4 Nos aluminium strip 25x3.15 mm size bus bar single phase and neutral suitabely mounted on bus bar insulators ,including one No. MCB SP 6 Amps for light control,drilling of holes.Provn of suitable size of GI nuts, bolts, double washer and FI clamps ofsuitable sizefor taking connections and fixing on LT steel tubular poles complete with locking arrangementcomplete. 39 S&FLT paneloutdoortype, dust and vermin proof totally enclosed , with sloping canopy (KIOSK TYPE) fabricated out of steel sections, the door opening shall not be less than 150 degree. The construction of panel board shall be dust, vermin proof, IP 54 standard double shutter gears front and rear frame work and 3.15 mm thick MS sheet duly painted with powder coated overtwo coats of redoxide primer and made of40 x 40 x 6 mm thick angle iron frame all as specfified suitable for 415 Volts, 50 Hz 3 phase and nuetral system and shall be completed with 800 amps capacity copper bus bar with bus bar chamber,internal wiring with suitable size of PVC insulated copper cable copper lugs comprising of following accessories( LTP) 40 (Incoming):-(a) MCCB 4 pole 500 A, 50 KA -1 No (b) Indicating lamp 3 Nos(c) LED Multifunctional meter (Make: L&T) -01 NoOutgoing(a)MCCB 4 pole 200 Amps 36 KA - 01 Nos (FP2)(b)MCCB 4 pole 100 Amps 36 KA- 03 Nos (FP1, FP3, FP4)(c)MCCB 4 pole 63 Amps 16 KA- 01 Nos (FP5) 41 S&F LT paneloutdoortype, dust and vermin proof totally enclosed , with sloping canopy (KIOSK TYPE)fabricated out of steel sections, the door opening shall not be less than 150 degree. The construction of panel board shall be dust, vermin proof, IP 54 standard double shutter gears front and rear frame work and 3.15 mm thick MS sheet duly painted with powder coated overtwo coats of redoxide primer and made of40 x 40 x 6 mm thick angle iron frame all as specfified suitable for 415 Volts, 50 Hz 3 phase and nuetral system and shall be completed with 150 amps capacity copper bus bar with bus bar chamber,internal wiring with suitable size of PVC insulated copper cable copper lugs comprising of following accessories( FP-1) 42 Incoming(a)MCCB 4 pole 100 Amps 36 KA- 01 Nos (b) Indicating lamp 3 Nos(c) LED Multifunctional meter (Make: L&T) -01 NosOutgoing(a)MCCB 4 pole 63 Amps 16 KA - 01 Nos (Adm Building)(b) MCCB 4 pole 25 Amps 16 KA - 01 Nos (Spare)(c)MCB 2 pole 10 Amps 6 KA- 01(Security Light)(d) Auto timer switch 43 S&FLT paneloutdoortype, dust and vermin proof totally enclosed , with sloping canopy (KIOSK TYPE) fabricated out of steel sections, the door opening shall not be less than 150 degree. The construction of panel board shall be dust, vermin proof, IP 54 standard double shutter gears front and rear frame work and 3.15 mm thick MS sheet duly painted with powder coated overtwo coats of redoxide primer and made of40 x 40 x 6 mm thick angle iron frame all as specfified suitable for 415 Volts, 50 Hz 3 phase and nuetral system and shall be completed with 300 amps capacity copper bus bar with bus bar chamber,internal wiring with suitable size of PVC insulated copper cable copper lugs comprising of following accessories( FP-2) 44 Incoming(a)MCCB 4 pole 200 Amps 36 KA - 01 Nos (b) Indicating lamp 3 Nos(c) LED Multifunctional meter (Make: L&T) -01 NosOutgoing(a) MCCB 4 pole 25 Amps 16 KA - 01 Nos (High Mast)(b)MCCB 4 pole 63 Amps 16 KA- 03 Nos (Cold room, fresh store, shorting shed)(c)MCB 2 pole 10 Amps 6 KA- 02(Trademan Shop & Security Light)(d) Auto timer switch 45 S&FLT paneloutdoortype, dust and vermin proof totally enclosed , with sloping canopy (KIOSK TYPE) fabricated out of steel sections, the door opening shall not be less than 150 degree. The construction of panel board shall be dust, vermin proof, IP 54 standard double shutter gears front and rear frame work and 3.15 mm thick MS sheet duly painted with powder coated overtwo coats of redoxide primer and made of40 x 40 x 6 mm thick angle iron frame all as specfified suitable for 415 Volts, 50 Hz 3 phase and nuetral system and shall be completed with 150 amps capacity copper bus bar with bus bar chamber,internal wiring with suitable size of PVC insulated copper cable copper lugs comprising of following accessories( FP-3) 46 Incoming(a)MCCB 4 pole 100 Amps 36 KA- 01 Nos (b) Indicating lamp 3 Nos(c) LED Multifunctional meter (Make: L&T) -01 NosOutgoing(a) MCCB 4 pole 25 Amps 16 KA - 05 Nos (OR living, OR Mess, Religious Place, Edn Institute, High Mast)(b)MCB 2 pole 10 Amps 6 KA- 03(JCO Living , Baggage Room & Security Light)(c) Auto timer switch 47 S&F LT paneloutdoortype, dust and vermin proof totally enclosed , with sloping canopy (KIOSK TYPE) fabricated out of steel sections, the door opening shall not be less than 150 degree. The construction of panel board shall be dust, vermin proof, IP 54 standard double shutter gears front and rear frame work and 3.15 mm thick MS sheet duly painted with powder coated overtwo coats of redoxide primer and made of40 x 40 x 6 mm thick angle iron frame all as specfified suitable for 415 Volts, 50 Hz 3 phase and nuetral system and shall be completed with 150 amps capacity copper bus bar with bus bar chamber,internal wiring with suitable size of PVC insulated copper cable copper lugs comprising of following accessories( FP-4) 48 Incoming(a)MCCB 4 pole 100 Amps 36 KA- 01 Nos (b) Indicating lamp 3 Nos(c) LED Multifunctional meter (Make: L&T) -01 NosOutgoing(a) MCCB 4 pole 25 Amps 16 KA - 02 Nos (MT Storage, High Mast)(b)MCCB 4 pole 40 Amps 16 KA - 01 Nos ( Depot Area)(c)MCB 2 pole 10 Amps 6 KA- 01(Security Light)(d) Auto timer switch 49 S&FLT paneloutdoortype, dust and vermin proof totally enclosed , with sloping canopy fabricated out of steel sections, the door opening shall not be less than 150 degree. The construction of panel board shall be dust, vermin proof, IP 54 standard double shutter gears front and rear frame work and 3.15 mm thick MS sheet duly painted with powder coated overtwo coats of redoxide primer and made of40 x 40 x 6 mm thick angle iron frame all as specfified suitable for 415 Volts, 50 Hz 3 phase and nuetral system and shall be completed with 100 amps capacity copper bus bar with bus bar chamber,internal wiring with suitable size of PVC insulated copper cable copper lugs comprising of following accessories( FP-5) 50 Incoming(a)MCCB 4 pole 63 Amps 16 KA- 01 Nos (b) Indicating lamp 3 Nos(c) LED Multifunctional meter (Make: L&T) -01 NosOutgoing(a)MCCB 4 pole 40 Amps 16 KA - 01 Nos (Storage Accm)(b) MCCB 4 pole 25 Amps 16 KA - 01 Nos (POL Area)(c)MCB 2 pole 10 Amps 6 KA- 02(Guard House & Security Light)(d) Auto timer switch 51 Supply & lay Rubber mat of 1 meter x 2 meter x 10 mm 52 Supply, installing, testing and commissioning, factory made and tested, automatic power factor control panel 100 KVAR (APFC Panel) out door type, cubical front opening type, The panel shall be of protection class IP-66 and made out of 3.15 mm CRCA MS sheet and MS angle 40x40x6 mm thick frame, power coated finish over one coat of red oxide primer on outside surface and painted inside with two coats of synthetic enamel paint over one coat of red oxide primer, including internal wiring with PVC insulated solid copper conductor cables, IS-694 marked, 1100 volts grade of appropriate size but not less then 2.5 sqmm and comprising of the following and copper bus bar TP 300 Amp rating:- 53 Incoming(a)MCCB, TP,415V, 250 Amp rating, 36 KA rating with Thermal Magnetic release for O/C & S/C protection :01 No(b ) Microprocessor based, modular type, intelligent APFC relay capable of having self adjustment to any capacitor value suitable to maintain power factor between 0.95 to 0.99 with digital indication of power factor, preset parameters and having in built capability of indication and elimination of defective capacitor steps.(c) Indicator Lamps LED type (RYB)-01Set.(d) Digital Voltmeter with built-in selectror switch -01No.(e) Digital Amperemeter with built-in selectror switch -01No.(f) CT coil set of suitable rating -01Set.(g) ON delay timer -01No.(h) Auto/Mannual operation selector switch -01No.(j) Aux Relay with 4No+4NC contactor -02Nos.(k) Aux Relay with 4NO contactor -02Nos.(l)Axial Air Flow fan 100mm sweep with thermostat-02Nos.(m) Control fuse 2A- 08 Nos(n) Control MCB,SP 6 Amp 10KA-02 NosOutgoing(a) MCB TP 40A 10KA ,415V rating - 03Nos.(b) MCB TP 25A 10KA ,415V rating - 02No.(c) MCB TP 16A 10KA ,415V rating - 03 No.(d) Cap duty contactor for 25KVAR -03Ns.(e) Cap duty contactor for 12.5KVAR -01No.(f) Cap duty contactor for 10KVAR -04No.(g) Capacitors type MPP-H as per IS 13585/hot I/1994/IS 13340/1993, for 100 (25x3+10x1+8x1+4x1+2x1+1x1) KVAR. 54 (h) Star/Stop push button-8 Nos.(j) On indication Lamp-8 Nos.(k) Fixed capacitor for transformer 4 KVAR with suitable rating MCBNote :-(i) The equipment offered shall be complete in all respects. Any material and components not specifically stated in this specification but which is necessary for trouble free operation of the equipment and accessories specified in this specification, shall be deemed to be included unless specfically in all respects to high standards of engineering design and workmanship and shall be capable of performing in continous operation. 55 S&FHT cable/route indicator cast iron of suitable size along HT cable trench including planting in ground with PCC complete all as directed. 56 S&FLT cable/route indicator cast iron of suitable size along LT cable trench including planting in ground with PCC complete all as directed. 57 S&FPVC insulated multi stranded copper conductor wire ISI marked of size 2.5 Sqmm running through GI pipe bracketfrom fitting to pole/ junction box complete all as specified and directed by EIC. 58 COOLING APPLIANCES & AC ALLIED WORKS (SCH A PART-XI) 59 Supply and fix desert cooler GI body having base water tank of 20 SWG and top body 22 SWGof size 1000x800x800mm .The base tank have capacity of 60 ltr water fitted with float valve and incl three speed copper wound heavy duty electric motor single phase 240 volts of make Crompton,Khaitan,Bajaj and Symphony suitable for 4000 CFM with heavy duty submersible water pump complete fitted with indicator three phase selector switch ,pump control by seprate 5 Amp switch with cord flexible 2 mtr long fitted with top plug and duly painted as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 60 Supply, installation and commissioning of refrigerators, electric driven, 230 Volts, (single phase), 50 HZ, having nominal storage capacity 180 ltrs direct cool, Single door, 5 Star BEE rating, colour as approved by GE. 61 Supply and fix Voltage stabilizer for automatic operation, single phase naturally air cooled indoor type & designed for input variation between 170 V to 250 V with output voltage stabilized at 230 V with accuracy of ± 2.5% and of capacity 1 KVA 62 S&F Voltage stabilizer for automatic operation, single phase naturally air cooled indoor type & designed for input variation between 170 V to 250 V with output voltage stabilized at 230 V with accuracy of ± 2.5% and of capacity 5 KVA 63 S&F suction line/discharge lines copper pipe of suitable size as necessary at site, complete, all as specified & directed. 64 DG SET (SCH A PART-XII) 65 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of trolley mounted mobile diesel driven silent generating set to give an out put of 100 KVA /80 KW at 415 Volts, AC supply, 50 HZ, 3 phase, 4 wire directly coupled to diesel engine, liquid cooled, mounted on 4 wheel trolley with common base plate complete with fuel tank of adequate capacity, vibration damper, other accessories, acoustic enclosure, alternator etc complete all as specified and as directed . The DG set shall offer best fuel economy, best comprehensive warranty terms on entire package including rubber components and lowest maintenance cost to give most economical power solution.The DG set shall offer lowest noise levels in its range and shall be CPCB certified for emissions and noise compliance to give environment friendly power solution.The generator set shall meet the stringent exhaust emission tests as per latest MoEF norms without sacrificing fuel efficiency at normal operating loads of following make and technical specifications :- Engine Make - Cummins, Ruston, Greaves Cotton, Cater Pillar, Ashok Leyland, Mahindra or as approved by GEAlternator Make - Stamford, Jyoti, Alstom, Areva, Crompton Greaves, Leroy Somer or as approved by GE 66 A.Engine Specifications:-Developing a net minimum power as per MoEF certified - 159 HP ( ± 5 % ), suitably matched with alternator to give a net directed output as specified. The engine shall be capable of delivering the required out put at 1500 RPM, as per BIS under NTP condition with provision of 10% overloading for one hours in every 12 hours of operation.The diesel engine shall also conform to IS : 10000/IS 1460/IS 13018/ISO : 3046/BS :649 / BS : 5514 as amended upto date. The scope of supply includes :-(i) Electrical starter motor 12V DC(ii)Battery charging alternator(iii) MICO fuel system (iv) Dual spin-on fuel filter(v)Turbocharger(vi) Residential silencer(vii) Dry type air cleaner(viii) Shut-off coil with safeties for LLOP/HWT(ix)Dynamically balanced fly-wheel and flywheel housing(x)First fill of lube oil and coolant 67 The technical data shall be all as specified below comprising of the following:-(i) BHP – suitable for giving a min power of 159 HPas per ISO 8528-Part-1/certified MoEF at the load terminals of alternator at 1500 rpm.(ii) All moving parts of the engine shall be mechanically guarded in such a manner that a human finger cannot touch any moving Part.(iii) Cooling – Liquid Cooled.(iv) Aspiration – Turbo Charged air cooled.(v)No. of Cylinders – 06.(vi)No. of cycles – 4 stroke.(vii) RPM – 1500.(viii) Fuel - HSD(ix) Fuel injection : Engine should have suitable fuel injection system in order to achieve low fuel consumption.(x) Starting System - 12V Electrical(xi) Lube oil specification – CI4 15W40.(xii) Governing specification – Electronic governor of class A1, as per ISO 3046/BS 5514 to maintain engine speed at all conditions of load.(xiii) Type of driven – Direct SAE flange coupling.(xiv) Battery capacity/rating – 12V DC, 88/90 AH.(xv) Any other item not included/specified, but is a standard design of the manufacturer. 68 ALTERNATOR :- The diesel engine mentioned herein before shall be coupled through flexible coupling to an indigenous synchronous alternator mounted on a strong mild steel fabricated common base frame, with AVM pads suitable for continuous operation at 1500 RPM, 415VAC, 0.8 pf (lag) suitable for 50 HZ, 3 phase, 4 wire system, brushless type, screen protected revolving field, self excited self regulated through an AVR all as conforming to IS 4722, BS 5000 & IEC:60034 as amended upto date.The alternator has the following features :-(i)Voltage Regulation -± 1.0% (max) in static conditions.(ii) Voltage variation - ± 5.0 %(iii)Class of Insulation - H Class(iv)Degree of protection - IP 23(v) Overload duration/capacity - 10% for one hour in every 12 hours of continuous use(vi)Frequency variation - As defined by the Engine Governor (± 1.0 %)(vii) Type of AVR( Automatic Voltage Regulator) - Electronic(viii) Stator Winding - Double layer lap(viii) Rotor - Dynamically balanced 69 Contrl Panel with microprocessor based monitoring and control system :-The control panel should be manufactured with 14/16 gauge CRCA sheet with powder coated for weather proof and long lasting finishThe control panel consisting Multifunction digital meter displaying the following parameters :- (i) Voltage (Phase to Neutral & Phase to Phase).(ii) Current.(iii) Frequency.(iv) Coolant temperature.(v)Engine Oil pressure.(vi)Power Factor.(vii) KWHR.(viii) DG Set running Hrs.(ix) Engine RPM.(x) Battery voltage.(xi) MCCB of suitable rating with overload and short circuit protections.(xii) Push button-switch or ON/OFF Switch for ON and OFF operation.(xiii) Aluminium bus bar with suitable capacity with in andoutgoing terminals.(xiv) LED Indicating Lamps set for Load On and Set Running.(xv)Insrument fuses duly wired and ferruled. 70 System operation : Manual Mode.(i) In a manual mode, it shall be feasible to start-up the generator set by the operator on pressing the start push button(ii) Three attempts starting facility shall be operative for the start-up function(ii)Alternator circuit breakers closing and trip operations shall also be through operator only by pressing the appropriate button on the panel and closure shall be feasible only after alternator has built up full voltage. If the load is already on ‘mains’, pressure on ‘close’ button shall be ineffective. 71 Engine shut down and alternator protection equipments : Following shut down and protection system with audio visual annunciation shall be integrated in the controller panel.1. For Engine :- (i) Low lubricating oil pressure.(ii) High/low coolant temperature.(iii)Engine over/under speed (iv)Low Fuel level.(v)High canopy temperatureFor Alternator :- (i) Over load) Short circuit)Earth fault) Over voltage) Over/Under frequency. 72 Battery/Electrical System -(i) Batteries of 12 VDC, 88/90 AH with copper cable of suitable sizes should be supplied with Genset are generally dry and uncharged. First charging of uncharged batteries is very important and should be done from authorized battery charging centre. Initial charging should be done for 72 - 80 hours.(ii) Batteries should be placed on stands and relatively at cool place. 73 FUEL TANK :- One No of sheet metal steel tank fabricated from 2mm thick MS sheet of suitable capacity to contain diesel for 8.0 Hrs running at full load including the following :-(i) Level indicator duly calibrated for indicating the quantity of diesel in the tank.(ii) Drain plug with 2 meter pipe for drain out.(iii) Fuel strainer.(iv) Pipe for fuel supply to engine.(v) Fuel pump manually operated for filling tank rotary type. 74 Acoustic enclosure:The acoustic enclosure shall be fabricated out of the CRCA sheet of thickness not less than 1.6 mm on the outside cover with inside cover having not less than 0.6 mm thick perforated powder coated CRCA sheet conforming to MoEF/CPCB norms suitable for out door installation in exposed to weather condition and to limit over all noise level to 75 dBA at a distance of 1 Mtr at 75 % load or as specified by MoEF(Ministry of Environment & Forest). The enclosure has the following features:-(a) The construction should be such that it prevents entry of rain water splashing into the enclosure and allows free & quick flow of rain water to the ground in the event of heavy rain.(b)The hinged doors shall be made form not less than 16 SWG (1.6 mm) thick CRCA sheet and will be made air tight with neoprene rubber gasket and heavy duty locks(c) Designed to have optimum serviceability (d) Air inlet louvers specially designed to operate at rated load made on special purpose CNC machines for consistency in quality and workmanship(e) Powder coated for long lasting service life and superior finish (f) Acoustic enclosures are supplied with built in Anti Vibration Mountings (AVM). As such Genset can be installed directly on the leveled surface(g) USE of special hardware for longer life(h) Insulation material meets exacting IS 8183 specifications for better sound attenuation. 75 (j) Flush styling - no projection (k) Fluid drains for lube oil & fuel.(l) The canopy should be as compact as possible with good aesthetic look.(m)Fuel tank suitable for 8 hours of operation(n) The enclosure is of modular construction with the provision to assemble and dismantle easily at site.(o) The sheet metal components are hot dip seven tank pretreated before powder coating.(p) The enclosure is powder coated (inside as well outside) with a special pure polyester based powder.All nut and bolts/external hardware is made from stainless steel.(q) There is provision for filling fuel from outside the enclosure with locking arrangement.(r) External drain plugs are provided for draining Lub. Oil and diesel.(s) The doors are gasketed with high quality EPDN gaskets to prevent leakage of sound.(t)The door handles are locking type.(u) Sound proofing of the enclosure is done with high quality rock wool/mineral wool confirming to IS 8183.The rock wool is further covered with fiber glass tissue and perforated sheet.(v) A special residential silencer is provided within the enclosure to reduce exhaust noise. 76 (w) Specially designed attenuators are provided to control sound at air entry and exit points.(x) Adequate ventilation is provided to meet total air requirement.If required, a blower is provided to meet total air requirement.(y)Temperature of enclosure does not exceed beyond 5 degree centigrade of ambient temperature.(z)The enclosure is provided with high enclosure temperature safety trip.(aa)Provision of emergency shut down from outside the enclosure.(ab) An arrangement for illuminating the enclosure from inside.(ac) The acoustic lining should be made up of high quality insulation material i.e. glass/mineral wool of minimum 50mm thickness and 75 Kg/cubic metre to 100 Kg/ cubic meter for sound absorption as per standard design of manufacturer’s to reduce the sound level as per CPCB norms. The insulation material shall be covered with fine glass fiber cloth and should be supported by perforated M.S. Sheet duly powder coated. 77 COUPLING & MOUNTING ARRANGEMENT : The engine and alternator are directly coupled by a SAE flange and mounted through AVM pads on a heavy duty steel base frame.The arrangement ensures that there is no chance of misalignment of the DG Set and vibrations of the DG Set are not transmitted to the base frame & to the enclosure.The fuel tank is mounted in the base of the enclosure.The batteries are kept in a separate tray inside the enclosure.COMMISSIONING:The DG Set shall be successfully commissioned by the contractor at the site as directed.TROLLEY SPECIFICATION : Fabrication of 04 wheel ( double axle ) trolley for mounting arrangement of DG sets with Fe 410 grade steel to hold the complete DG set of minimum platform size 4100 mm x 1250 mm and designed to carry minimum 4000Kgs weightwith the following Specification complete in all respect and as directed:-(i) MS Chassis - MC 200X75mm.(ii) MS Axle two Nos- 65X65mm.(iii) MS Chequered plate top - 8mm thick supported with suitable size angle and beams welded to Chassis and base plate.(iv) Rims and wheels - 4 Nos, tyer 7.5/16 inches (16 Ply) of make MRF/CEAT/Apollo.(v) Hydraulic Parking break - (vi) Towing hook of suitable size.(vii) Leaf springs suspension sets with U clamps - 04 Sets.(viii) Trolley shall be painted with two coats of synthetic enamel paint over a coat ofred oxide/ Zinc chrome primer of approved colour. 78 Exhaust System : DG Set sahll be fitted with retrofit Emission Control Device (RECD) to control exhaust emission limits as per latest guideline issued by CPCB And meet requirements of environmental (protection) Rule 1986. 79 BASKET BALL GROUND & VOLLEY BALL GROUND(SCH A PART-XIII) 80 M&L for 40mm pulley with nuts and bolts as specified and directed. (02 Nos for Basket ball ground & 02 Nos for Volley ball ground) 81 M&L for iron half baal cap all as specified and directed. (02 Nos for Basket ball ground & 02 Nos for Volley ball ground) 82 SOLAR POWER GENERATION 83 Design, Supply, Installation, Errection, testing and commissioning of roof top (on Grid Types) Grid connected Solar PV Plantcapacity (50kw*1) with Solar PV modules, tool kit and GI mounting structure with fasteners, nut bolt alongwith foundation in PCC 1:2:4, comprising and including of the following accessories. 84 Solar PV Module of Crystalline- Si (Poly/Multi) solar Modules should have efficiency more than 17%. 85 The PV modules shall be minimum with 72 cells of size 157mm x 157mm configuration with rated power of module ≥ 400Wp certified for solar PV module power performance tested as per IEC 61215 (Design qualification and type approval for Crystalline Si modules) and IEC 61730 (PV module safety qualification testing @ 1000 V DC of higher.with IEC2005. MAKE :- TATA BP/ EMMVEE / ELECTROMAC / INTER SOLAR 86 Photovoltaic modules shall carry a performance warranty of>90% during the first10 years, and >80% duringthe consecutive 15 years. Further module cell shall have performance warrantly of >97.5% during the first year of installation to get the maximum Performance of the System. 87 The module mismatch losses for modules connected to an inverter shall be less than 2%. 88 The SPV module shall be made up of high transmitivity glass & front surface shall give high encapsulation gain and the module shall consists of impact resistance, low iron and high transmission toughened glass. The module frame shall be made of corrosion resistant of aluminum material, which shall be electrically compatible with the structural material used for mounting the modules. 89 The module frame shall be made of Aluminium (non corrosion material), which shall be electrolytically compatible with the structural material used for mounting the modules with the Required No of Earthing of GI strip 25x2.5 mm size as required at site. 90 The terminals shall be connected to copper bus-bar arrangement. The junction boxes have suitable copper cable (As per site requirements) entry points fitted with cable glands as per recommendatoins of manufacturers. 91 Any type of Copper Conductor XLPE/PVC Insulated/sheathed/naked/flat/ Standard/Solid etc required for connection from Solar Power Panel of system to Inverter is to be included in the unit rate quoted. 92 (j) MPPT inverter power condition unit minimum 2 MPPT (250V to 960V)Economical(i)Maximum efficiency 98.5%.(ii)Opti Trac MPP tracking for best MPP tracking efficiency. (iii) Active temperature management.(iv)WIfi communication.Simple:(i)Three-phase grid feed-in, Grid voltage will be 415 volt. (ii)Cable connection without tools.(iii)DCplug-in-system.Flexible and future proof:(i)DC input voltage up to 1000V.(ii)Integrated grid management functions. (iii)Reactive-power capable. Make : -SOFAR SOLAR, ABB, DELTA, SOLIS 93 PCC 1:2:4 for foundation/ Pedestalfor the structure required deemed to be included in the unit rate quoted. 94 Supply, Installation, Errection, testing and commissioning of GI structure. Posmac/Hot dip for 100KW SPV systems with proper grouting PCC 1:2:4 type B1 which can with stand 150KM high wind speed so that the system can not get uprooted from ground due to high wind pressure. 95 Cost of lightening Arester ESE Type protection including Earthings Air termination and other accessories i.e. aluminium strip of 25X2.5 mm thick, nut bolts, washers, insulations etc requirement for connecting the system as recommended by manufacturer deemed to be included in the unit rate quoted. 96 Cost of tullu pump electrically operated with 0.50 HP Single Phase AC Supply motor and having head not less than 10mtr, necessary cable required for connection in PVC conduit heavy duty from existing nearest point to the motor starter and starter to motor, GI Pipe 15mm bore (medium duty) and PVC flexible braided pipe with set including all accessories from the Existing Service tank installed at the roof top of the building for cleaning of system. 97 Note :- (i)Cost of all the accessories from serial number listed in 20.02 to 20.14 is deemed to be included in unit rate quoted and nothing extra shall be admissible on this account. 98 M&L for fire exiguishert liquified CO2 gas capacity 10 Kg conforming to relevanty IS or ISI marked, complete, all as specified & directed: 04 Nos 99 Earthing complete with galvanised steel earth plate electrode 60×60cm × 6mm thick, buried directly in ground (earth pit not less than 2.25 metres deep below ground level) with top edge of the plate not less than 1.5 metres below normal ground level, connected to galvanised iron strip 32×6 mm as earthing lead by means of bolts, nuts, check nuts and washers of galvanised iron or steel all as shown in electrical plate No. 3 connected to earthing test point all as specified or indicated including testing on completion. 100 Earth continunity conductor or main earthing lead 32X6 mm galvanized iron strip fixed to wall on batten or recess or buried in ground or drawn in conduit/pipe or fixed to poles or any other indicated situation for loop earthing etc. as requiredcomplete all as specified and directed. 101 Bi-directional net energy meter Showing Power generated by the Solar Power System, and total power used by the user deemed to be excluded in the rate quoted. Make : SECURE/L&T 102 AC Wire Any type of Copper Conductor XLPE/PVC Insulated/sheathed/naked/flat/ Standard/Solid etc required for connection from Solar Inverter and Connection to the existing system required to complete the solar system is extra 103 COLD ROOM 104 Supply, install, testing & commisssioning puff panel 1200 mm for wall and ceiling and floor with chequred plate and accessories room size 5x5x2.7 mtr and flush door 1200x1200x1200 mm clear opening and fright. 105 Supply, installation, testing & commisssioning CDU 3 phase scrolle R404 A 6.3 KW 106 Supply, installation, testing & commisssioning indoor unit R404 A 7.2 KW with heater defrosting 107 Supply & fix light fitting, light, light switchs, alarm bells and switches 108 Supply & Fix strip curtain