Tender For Wbphed/Ee/Bard/Niet-25/Sl-8 Operation And Maintenance Of Rajapura W-S Scheme Etc. - Operation & Maintenance pipeline and allied works ofRajapuraW/S Scheme at Hasnabad Block Dist:- North 24 Pgs. Under Barasat Arsenic Division, PHE Dte. (For the period of One year) (Total Length of Pipe Line - 50 Km. to 60 Km.) (Sl No. 8) Sl. No. Item Description 1 Opening & closing of all the different dia. Sluice valves (80 mm dia to 350 mm dia) on different places along the alignment of the rising main and distribution main at different places over the command area daily as and when required for regulating the supply of water and distributing water all over the command area smoothly including changing and restoration of gland packing of sluice valve, air valve if required including opening the cap / plug of wash out point or opening the sluice valves including de-jointing flanges joints (80 mm to 350 mm dia) including repairing works and cleaning the pipe line or changing of the gate, spindle or liner etc. all sluice valves all complete restoration works to be done including earth work in excavation bailing out of water, refilling excavated earth, taking out of R.C.C. slab cover and refixing true to position etc. all complete as per specification and directionof EIC.NB.:- Daily rate to each labour will have to be paid by the agency not less that Rs. 465.00 (Rupees four hundred Sixty Five) only per day and 8.33% bonous + 10% contractors profit +5% overhead expenses + ESI+EPF). 2 Charges for day to day conveyance towards reporting related to operation and maintenance of smooth water supply from the scheme including cost of Tele-communication charges etc. all complete whatsoever required for the purpose as per direction and satisfaction of the E.I.C. 3 Labour charges for repairing of UPVC Pipe by using UPVC socket and solvent cement including earth work in excavation with clewatering and necessary tracing out the actual position of brusting / leakage, cutting the pipe to required length in the trenches and replacing the same with new pipe (as per required length) including fitting, fixing after roughing the UPVC surface & supplying and applying solvent cement, back filling the trenches with excavated earth upto the same as per direction of EIC all complete (UPVC pipes and specials, solvent cement to be supplied by the Agency). Unserviceable broken withdrawan surplus materials are to be deposited to the Deptt. Store. 4 a) 75 mm dia 5 b) 90 mm dia 6 c) 110 mm dia 7 d) 125 mm dia 8 e) 140 mm dia 9 f) 160 mm dia 10 g) 180 mm dia 11 h) 200 mm dia 12 Extra repairing charges for changing of gland packing of sluice valve/ air valve with supplying of gland packing grease etc bailing out of water including removing the top cover slab of valve chamber and refixing the same after completion of work as per direction of E.I.C. 13 a) 80 mm dia to 125 mm dia 14 b) 150 mm dia. To 250 mm dia 15 Repairing of air valves by changing the ball with changing the requisite nuts and bolts and rubber insertion all complete as per direction of EIC. 16 Making barricading for protecting the trench to avoid any accident including making arrangement of road light during the night. 17 Repairing of flange joint after dismantling the joints, removing the unserviceable rubber insertion and supply new rubber insertion and supply upto 50 % of new nuts and bolts all complete including necessary earth work dewatering & supply of washer etc. all complete as per direction of EIC 18 a) 80 mm dia. to 100 mm dia. 19 b) 125 mm dia. to 200 mm dia. 20 c) 250 mm dia to 350 mm dia. 21 Opening the cap / plug of washout point and opening sluice valve to clean the pipe, cleaning the cap / plug and sluice valve after completion of the work including earth work in excavation and refilling the same, draining out washed water etc. as per direction of ElC and replacing RCC Top slab cover where necessary including refixing the opened cap/plug in position complete.a) Cap Opening. 22 Cleaning the chokage of AC/DI/CI / UPVC Pipes in the existing line by split bamboo passing through the new pit on the line and cleaning silt, bats or any obstructed materials in the line and cleaning by washed water. (Work to be executed as per prior approval and direction of EIC). 23 Cleaning silt (every month) from the over head reservoir, cleaning washing and disinfecting the same with bleaching powder, including machinery, tools and plants as per direction of EIC complete (Bleaching powder will be supplied by the agency).b) Above 1.50 lakh gallon and upto 2.5 lakh gallon capacity OHR 24 Taking out of old and damaged valve of any type from the existing line after dismantling of Flange Joint or Socket Joint and fitting, fixing of New Valve. ( Cost of dismantling of joint and renewing the same to be added with this item to complete the job in all respect ) 25 i) 80 mm to 100 mm dia 26 ii) 125 mm to 150 mm dia 27 iii) 200 mm to 250 mm dia 28 Supplying of UPVC Coupler 6Kg., class – III conforming to IS : 4985 – 2000 with latest revision and amendments ( This item is applicable for maintenance/ repairing work of pipe line only). 29 a) 63 mm dia ( OD ) 30 b) 75 mm dia ( OD ) 31 c) 90 mm dia ( OD ) 32 d) 110 mm dia ( OD ) 33 e) 140 mm dia ( OD ) 34 f) 160 mm dia ( OD ) 35 Supplying, laying, fiting, fixing and jointing of UPVC pipes conforming to IS:4985-2000 with latest revision and amendments, if any, with necessary UPVC/CI specials, CIDF sluice valves, as per relevant I.S. specification including labour charges for earth work in excavation in any kind of soil including mixed soil with boulder ,road sub-grade and its flanks but excluding moorum and laterite or sand stonehard arock including cutting of brick payment without damaging the existing telephone/electrical cable line etc.(in case of damage of any type of cable line during excavation, necessary damaged charges as applicable by the respaective authority will be borne by the agency in his own cost. Loading, unloading, carrying of pipes, specials, valves from the local store to work site and lowering laying of pipes specials valves carefully in trenches maintaining proper levels and alignment ,jointing the pipe and specials including supplying of good quality/approved brand solvent cement (as per IS:14182-1994 including cost of all fabricated PVC fitting i.e. tees,bend, reducers, adopter etc.as per IS:101-1988 and making flange joints including supplying required quantity of nuts, bolts and rubber insertion (CIDF sluice valves will be supplied by the department free of cost) as required at site by adopting suitable method so as to facilate the maintenance of pipe line locally as per conventional method including back filling the trenches with good earth obtained from excavation of trenches including consolidation with watering in layer not exceeding 150mm thk. with maintaining an average depth of cushion of 1.10mtr. from the top of pipe line including making interconnection with distribution pipes etc. all complete as per drawing direction and satisfaction of the E.I.C.N.B. i) Manufacturer’s test certificate for UPVC pipe & specials to be produced before laying of pipe line.ii) 3rd party inspection of UPVC pipe & specials to be done by CEPET or(India) SGS/NTH Kolkata or as per direction of EIC as per approved vender list.iii)No part payment at any stage on account of supply of materials shall be entertained.iv)Payment will be made on actual consumption of materials.v)UPVC pipes for the works to be supplied as per approved vendor list and as per direction & satisfaction of EIC. No pipes will be allowed beyond recommendated vendor list.vi)Submission of drawing of pipe line with statement of materials consumed between node to node points against each R.A. & final bill.if so.vii) Any deviation from required clear cover of 10 mtr.due to site adverse condition, prior permission is to be obtained from EIC and payment for such work will be made on prorate basis over the rate of entire item.viii)All pipe connection shall be completed in all respect and as per directionof EIC. Decision of EIC in this respect is final & binding. In case of any deviation/or any left out pipe connections an amount of Rs.10,000.00 for each pipe connection will be realized/recovered from the bill.(A) Pressure Rating : Class - III(ii) Laying of pipe line including cost of pipe & fittings/specials but excluding cost of valves. 36 b) 75 mm dia 37 c) 90 mm dia 38 d) 110 mm dia 39 e) 125 mm Dia 40 f) 140 mm dia 41 g) 160 mm dia 42 h) 180 mm dia 43 i) 200 mm dia 44 Filling the pipe line with water, testing hydraulically as per I.S 3114-1965 (Article-6) in section of a length not exceeding 500mtr. for head of pressure as per specification including supplying installing and fixing all equipments such as diesel pump set, blank flange, pressure gauge, valve, pressure pump and all other tools and plants including drilling topping and plugging of necessary holes to pipes, blocking ends providing temporary thrust block and subsequent blocking of holes and other jointing materials and dismantling and removal of the same including disposal of water etc. all complete as per specification and direction of EIC. The rate is inclusive of cost of requisite water to be arranged by the contractor (Recovery rate of water @ Rs.10.00/m3, if contractor used water from deptt. source). 45 b) 75 mm dia 46 c) 90 mm dia 47 d) 110 mm dia 48 e) 125 mm Dia 49 f) 140 mm dia 50 g) 160 mm dia 51 h) 180 mm dia 52 i) 200 mm dia 53 Cleaning thoroughly the inner surface of pipe line including specials and valves by flushing with water and subsequently disinfection of the same pipe line by flushing again with water containing bleaching powder resulting in residual chlorine not less than 15mg/ltrs. after 24hrs. of such filling including laboratory testing of water samples obtain from the disinfested pipe line and disposal of water from the pipe line after completion of the work. The rates including of cost of requisite water to be arranged by the contractor) (The rate of water @Rs. 10/m3 may be recovered, if the contractor used water from deptt. source). 54 b) 75 mm dia 55 c) 90 mm dia 56 d) 110 mm dia 57 e) 125 mm Dia 58 f) 140 mm dia 59 g) 160 mm dia 60 h) 180 mm dia 61 i) 200 mm dia 62 For Existing FHTC with ferrule connection, Refixing of existing ferrule with fittings in the proposed distribution pipeline and supply, fitting & fixing of all other accessories like saddle piece of required size to fit the proposed pipeline, specials, nut & bolts, rubber sheet, washers etc, including cutting trenches in all sorts of soll and filling up trenches as per direction of the Engineer-in charge. 63 Dismantling all type of plain cement concrete works, stacking serviceable materials of site and removing rubbish as directed within a lead of 75mtr. for laying all dia pipe line in ground floor, upto 150mm thick . 64 Providing and fixing 3 layer OO-R (Poly Propylene Random Copopolymer) pipes conforming to IS : 15801 UV stabilized & anti- microbial fusion welded , having thermal stability for hot & cold water supply, including all PP-R plain & brass threaded polypropylene random fittigs , including trenching, refilling & testing of joints complete as per direction of E-I-C. (A) External work( CLASS SD R.4/PN-16)20 MM DIA (OD) 65 Clearing compound premises of shrubs, plants, jungles etc. by cutting & removing as directed (specific permission of engineer incharge prior to execution will necessary). (Payment to be made on area cleared). 66 Ordinary Cement concrete (mix 1:2:4) with graded stone chips (20 mm nominal size) excluding shuttering and reinforcement if any, in ground floor as per relevant IS codes.(Pakur Variety ) 67 Labour for dismantling G.I. pipe with fittings.(i) 15 mm 68 Refixing G.I. pipe with fittings after cleaning where necessary.(i) 15 mm 69 Dismantling and refixing bib cock or stop cock.(i) 15 mm 70 Rewashering stop cock/ bib cock/ push cock/ pillar cock including gland 71 Supplying, fitting and fixing in position G.I. pipes of TATA make for underground works with all necessary accessories, specials viz.socket, bend, tee, union, cross, elbow, nipple, short piece etc.including cost of all materials,jointing materials ,cutting pipes,making threads,cutting trenches upto 1.5 metre below surface in all sorts of soil and refilling the same as directed with two coats of painting on G.I. pipes and specials with bituminous paint complete in all respect. (Payment will be made on the centre line measurement of the total pipe line including all specials No separate payment will be made for accessories, specials.Payment for painting will be made seperately)(i) 15 mm dia. medium quality 72 Provision for making payment towards labour wages in case of enhancement within the stipulated period of the said work to be in the following manner{[ enhancement of wages + 8.33% bonous + 10% contractors profit +5% overhead expenses + ESI+EPF.} 73 GST @18% on all the above items. 74 Labour Welfare Cess @1% on all the above items.