Tender For Remaining Work Construction Missing Link/Non Patchable Road Under Pkg No. Under Rj-18-20/Rr/P/Budget Annocement 2023-24 - Remaning work construction Missing Link/Non Patchable road under pkg No. under RJ-18-20/RR/P/Budget Annocement 2023-24 Sl. No. Item Description 1 (A)Pathmeda to Badsam CC RoadKm 0/00 to 3/500 Earth work in excavation, including stacking/disposal of surplus material with all lifts and lead upto 495 metres, exclusive of compensation of earth [MoRTH specification : Clause 301 to 305] In Hard Soil When excavation and loading is done mechanically using Bull Dozar, F.E.Loader and carriage is done by tipper/dumper (6T capacity). 2 Compensation for earth, taken from private land with all lead and lift (Land to be arranged by private negotiations by the contractor) [MoRTH Specification : Clause 301to 305]. 3 Extra for laying earth as per specification for compaction in 200 mm thick loose layers and dressing [MoRTH Specification Clause 305.3.5].BY MECHANICAL MEANS, using Motor Grader, from earth in stock piles with all lead and lift but excluding rolling and watering. 4 Extra for watering the earth to bring the earth upto required O.M.C excluding rolling 5 Extra for rolling to specification withPower Roller 8-10 tonne when earth is at suitable moisture content with desired field density not less than 100% of maximum dry density (Modify Heavy Proctor test).excluding watering. 6 Granular Sub-Base with Coarse Graded Material ( Table:- 400- 2) (Construction of granular sub-base by providing coarse graded material, spreading in uniform layers with motor grader on prepared surface, mixing by mix in place method with rotavator at OMC, and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density, complete as per clause 401) (incl. lead upto 1000M & all lifts)c)For Grading III Material 7 Extra rate for carriage of mixed material additional lead 8 Providing and applying primer coat over prepared surface or granular base with bitumen emulsion as per IS: 8887 & manufacturer’s specifications @ 8.50 kg /10 sqm with a self propelled of towed bitumen pressure sprayer equipped for spraying the material uniformly at specified rates and temperatures as per MORTH specification CI 502,112 ( Including cleaning of road surface )22+ (2.50 x 4.22 ) 9 Providing and applying tack coat on the prepared surface ,withbitumen emulsion as per IS : 8887 & manufacturer’s specifications @ 2.75 kg /10sqm. With a self propelled or towed bitumen pressure sprayer equipped for spraying the material uniformly at specified rates and temperatures as per MORTH specification CI.503,112 ( Including cleaning of Road Surface )8.05 + (5.04 x 0.75 ) 10 Providing and laying open graded premix carpet 20mm thick (compacted) on prepared surface in a single course as wearing course aggregates as per Table 500-23, heating bituminous binder @ 14.6 Kg/10 Sqm.(VG-30 grade) and aggregates in Hot Mix Plant, transporting the mixed material with tipper and laying with paver finisher to the required level and grade, rolling with power roller, 8-10 tonne but excluding cost of tack and seal coat with lead for mix of material 1 Km.[MORTH Specification : Clause 511,112] In approved Hot Mix Plant as per clause 6.5 of Manual, including loading of aggregates with F.E loader with VG-30 bitumen. 11 Providing and laying seal coat for sealing the voids in a bituminous surface laid to the specified levels, grade and cross fall, including rolling with a smooth wheeled roller 8 - 10 tonne capacity finished to required level and grades, complete as per MORTH specification clause 513 Laying by Mechnical Means Type B - Premixed in in approved HMPas per clause 6.5 of manual having capacity 50 TPH comprising of aggregate (sand or grit) having size 2.36 mm to 180 micron @ 0.06 Cum per 10 Sqm and bitumen binder (VG-30 grade) @ 6.8 Kg / 10 sqm and laying by hydrostatic paver finisher with sensor control, including mixing, transportation, laying, rolling etc. complete - including carriage for 1 Km. lead. 12 Construction of un-reinforced, dowel jointed, plain cement concrete pavement over a prepared sub-base with 43 grade cement @ 400 Kg per cum , coarse and fine aggregate conforming to IS: 383, maximum size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, mixed in a batching and mixing plant as per approved mix design, transported to site, laid with a fixed form or slip form paver, spread, compacted and finished in a continuous operation including provision of contraction, expansion, construction and longitudinal joints, joint filler, separation membrance, sealant primer, joint sealant, debonding strip, dowel bar, tie rod, admixtures as approved, curing compound, finishing to lines and grades as per drawing complete as per MoRTH specification clause 602. 13 Providing and laying reinforced cement concrete pipes N.P.4 for culverts including jointing ends and fixing collar with cement mortar 1:2 [MoRTH Specfication : Clause : 1000/2900]. 300 mm dia 14 Supply & fixing of precast reinforced cement concrete M-15 grade kilometre stone of standard design as per IRC: 8-1980, fixing in position in cement concrete 1:4:8 including painting and printing etc.5th Kilometre stone 15 Ordinary Kilometer Stone (Precast) 16 200 m stone (precast) 17 Providing and fixing of retro- reflectorised inclusive cautionary, mandatory and informatory sign as per IRC-67 made of high intensity grade sheeting lettering, border & signs fixed over aluminium sheeting, 1.5 mm thick, fixed on mild steel angle iron frame 50mmx50mmx6mm supported on a mild steel angle iron post 75mmx75mmx6mm upto the top of sign board, length of post from bottom of sign boardis 2.85m. upto foundation level post duly paintedin black & white synthetic enamel.fixed to the ground by means of properly designed foundation with M-15 grade cement concrete 45 Cm x 45 Cm x 60Cm, 60 cm below ground level as per approved drawing & as per MORTH specification Cl. 801. 60 Cm equilateral triangle 18 Providing and erecting direction and place identification retro - reflectorised sign as per IRC:67 made of high intensity grade sheeting exclusive of lettering, border & signs fixed over aluminium sheeting, 2 mm thick fixed on a mild steel angle iron frame 50mmx50mmx6mm supported on mild steel angle iron post 75 x 75 x 6 mm upto the top of sign board, length of post from bottom of sign boardis 2.85 m. upto foundation level post duly painted in black and white synthetic enamelalternate ship 30cm. wide fixed to the ground by means properly designed foundation with M-15 grade cement concrete 45cm x 45cm x 60 Cm , 60 Cm below ground level as per approved drawing & as per MORTH specifications clause 801. Double angle post90 cm. X 60 cm 19 180 cm. X 120 cm. 20 B) Dhanta Falna Road to Sadar Nadi Via Godaro ki DhaniKm 0/00 to 1/600 Earth work in excavation, including stacking/disposal of surplus material with all lifts and lead upto 495 metres, exclusive of compensation of earth [MoRTH specification : Clause 301 to 305] In Hard Soil When excavation and loading is done mechanically using Bull Dozar, F.E.Loader and carriage is done by tipper/dumper (6T capacity). 21 Extra for laying earth as per specification for compaction in 200 mm thick loose layers and dressing [MoRTH Specification Clause 305.3.5].BY MECHANICAL MEANS, using Motor Grader, from earth in stock piles with all lead and lift but excluding rolling and watering. 22 Extra for watering the earth to bring the earth upto required O.M.C excluding rolling 23 Extra for rolling to specification withPower Roller 8-10 tonne when earth is at suitable moisture content with desired field density not less than 100% of maximum dry density (Modify Heavy Proctor test).excluding watering. 24 Granular Sub-Base with Coarse Graded Material ( Table:- 400- 2) (Construction of granular sub-base by providing coarse graded material, spreading in uniform layers with motor grader on prepared surface, mixing by mix in place method with rotavator at OMC, and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density, complete as per clause 401) (incl. lead upto 1000M & all lifts)c)For Grading III Material 25 Extra rate for carriage of mixed material additional lead 26 Providing, laying, spreadingand compactingstone aggregate of specfic as per table 400-7 to Water Bound Macadam specification including spreading in uniform thickness, hand packing roll-ing with vibratory rollerin stages to proper grade and camber, applying and brooming requisite type of screening and binding materials to fill-up the interstices of coarse aggregates watering (with water browser) and rolling making necessary earthen bund to protect edegs, lighting, guarding, barricading and maintenance of diversion etc. [MoRTH specfication : Clause 404] ( By manual means). Grading II , 63 mm to 45 mm@ 0.91 cum per 10 Sqm for compacted thickness of 75 mm.(Crusher broken)Stone screening type B 27 Providing, laying, spreadingand compactingstone aggregate of specfic as per table 400-7 to Water Bound Macadam specification including spreading in uniform thickness, hand packing roll-ing with vibratory rollerin stages to proper grade and camber, applying and brooming requisite type of screening and binding materials to fill-up the interstices of coarse aggregates watering (with water browser) and rolling making necessary earthen bund to protect edegs, lighting, guarding, barricading and maintenance of diversion etc. [MoRTH specfication : Clause 404] ( By manual means).Grading III,53 mm to 22.4 mm, @ 0.91 cum per 10 Sqm for compacted thickness of 75 mm.(Crusher broken) (Crusher broken)Stone screening type B 28 Providing and applying primer coat over prepared surface or granular base with bitumen emulsion as per IS: 8887 & manufacturer’s specifications @ 8.50 kg /10 sqm with a self propelled of towed bitumen pressure sprayer equipped for spraying the material uniformly at specified rates and temperatures as per MORTH specification CI 502,112 ( Including cleaning of road surface )22+ (2.50 x 4.22 ) 29 Providing and applying tack coat on the prepared surface ,withbitumen emulsion as per IS : 8887 & manufacturer’s specifications @ 2.75 kg /10sqm. With a self propelled or towed bitumen pressure sprayer equipped for spraying the material uniformly at specified rates and temperatures as per MORTH specification CI.503,112 ( Including cleaning of Road Surface )8.05 + (5.04 x 0.75 ) 30 Providing and laying open graded premix carpet 20mm thick (compacted) on prepared surface in a single course as wearing course aggregates as per Table 500-23, heating bituminous binder @ 14.6 Kg/10 Sqm.(VG-30 grade) and aggregates in Hot Mix Plant, transporting the mixed material with tipper and laying with paver finisher to the required level and grade, rolling with power roller, 8-10 tonne but excluding cost of tack and seal coat with lead for mix of material 1 Km.[MORTH Specification : Clause 511,112] In approved Hot Mix Plant as per clause 6.5 of Manual, including loading of aggregates with F.E loader with VG-30 bitumen. 31 Providing and laying seal coat for sealing the voids in a bituminous surface laid to the specified levels, grade and cross fall, including rolling with a smooth wheeled roller 8 - 10 tonne capacity finished to required level and grades, complete as per MORTH specification clause 513 Laying by Mechnical Means Type B - Premixed in in approved HMPas per clause 6.5 of manual having capacity 50 TPH comprising of aggregate (sand or grit) having size 2.36 mm to 180 micron @ 0.06 Cum per 10 Sqm and bitumen binder (VG-30 grade) @ 6.8 Kg / 10 sqm and laying by hydrostatic paver finisher with sensor control, including mixing, transportation, laying, rolling etc. complete - including carriage for 1 Km. lead. 32 Providing and laying reinforced cement concrete pipes N.P.4 for culverts including jointing ends and fixing collar with cement mortar 1:2 [MoRTH Specfication : Clause : 1000/2900]. 300 mm dia 33 Supply & fixing of precast reinforced cement concrete M-15 grade kilometre stone of standard design as per IRC: 8-1980, fixing in position in cement concrete 1:4:8 including painting and printing etc. 5th Kilometre stone 34 Ordinary Kilometer Stone (Precast) 35 200 m stone (precast) 36 Providing and fixing of retro- reflectorised inclusive cautionary, mandatory and informatory sign as per IRC-67 made of high intensity grade sheeting lettering, border & signs fixed over aluminium sheeting, 1.5 mm thick, fixed on mild steel angle iron frame 50mmx50mmx6mm supported on a mild steel angle iron post 75mmx75mmx6mm upto the top of sign board, length of post from bottom of sign boardis 2.85m. upto foundation level post duly paintedin black & white synthetic enamel.fixed to the ground by means of properly designed foundation with M-15 grade cement concrete 45 Cm x 45 Cm x 60Cm, 60 cm below ground level as per approved drawing & as per MORTH specification Cl. 801. 60 Cm equilateral triangle 37 Providing and erecting direction and place identification retro - reflectorised sign as per IRC:67 made of high intensity grade sheeting exclusive of lettering, border & signs fixed over aluminium sheeting, 2 mm thick fixed on a mild steel angle iron frame 50mmx50mmx6mm supported on mild steel angle iron post 75 x 75 x 6 mm upto the top of sign board, length of post from bottom of sign boardis 2.85 m. upto foundation level post duly painted in black and white synthetic enamelalternate ship 30cm. wide fixed to the ground by means properly designed foundation with M-15 grade cement concrete 45cm x 45cm x 60 Cm , 60 Cm below ground level as per approved drawing & as per MORTH specifications clause 801. Double angle post 90 cm. X 60 cm 38 180 cm. X 120 cm. 39 (C) Dhanta Sarhad to HariyaliKm 0/00 to 3/700 Clearing and grubbing road landincluding uprooting rank vegetation, grass, bushes, shrubs, saplingsand trees girth upto 300 mm, removal of stumps of trees cut earlierand disposal of unserviceable materials and stacking of serviceable material upto a lead of 1000m including removal and disposal of top organic soil not exceeding in 150 mm thickness as per MORTH specification clause 201 By mechanical Means .In area of thorny jungle 40 Earth work in excavation, including stacking/disposal of surplus material with all lifts and lead upto 495 metres, exclusive of compensation of earth [MoRTH specification : Clause 301 to 305] In Hard Soil When excavation and loading is done mechanically using Bull Dozar, F.E.Loader and carriage is done by tipper/dumper (6T capacity). 41 Extra for laying earth as per specification for compaction in 200 mm thick loose layers and dressing [MoRTH Specification Clause 305.3.5].BY MECHANICAL MEANS, using Motor Grader, from earth in stock piles with all lead and lift but excluding rolling and watering. 42 Extra for watering the earth to bring the earth upto required O.M.C excluding rolling 43 Extra for rolling to specification withPower Roller 8-10 tonne when earth is at suitable moisture content with desired field density not less than 100% of maximum dry density (Modify Heavy Proctor test).excluding watering. 44 Granular Sub-Base with Coarse Graded Material ( Table:- 400- 2) (Construction of granular sub-base by providing coarse graded material, spreading in uniform layers with motor grader on prepared surface, mixing by mix in place method with rotavator at OMC, and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density, complete as per clause 401) (incl. lead upto 1000M & all lifts)c)For Grading III Material 45 Extra rate for carriage of mixed material additional lead 46 Providing, laying, spreadingand compactingstone aggregate of specfic as per table 400-7 to Water Bound Macadam specification including spreading in uniform thickness, hand packing roll-ing with vibratory rollerin stages to proper grade and camber, applying and brooming requisite type of screening and binding materials to fill-up the interstices of coarse aggregates watering (with water browser) and rolling making necessary earthen bund to protect edegs, lighting, guarding, barricading and maintenance of diversion etc. [MoRTH specfication : Clause 404] ( By manual means). Grading II , 63 mm to 45 mm@ 0.91 cum per 10 Sqm for compacted thickness of 75 mm.(Crusher broken)Stone screening type B 47 Providing, laying, spreadingand compactingstone aggregate of specfic as per table 400-7 to Water Bound Macadam specification including spreading in uniform thickness, hand packing roll-ing with vibratory rollerin stages to proper grade and camber, applying and brooming requisite type of screening and binding materials to fill-up the interstices of coarse aggregates watering (with water browser) and rolling making necessary earthen bund to protect edegs, lighting, guarding, barricading and maintenance of diversion etc. [MoRTH specfication : Clause 404] ( By manual means).Grading III,53 mm to 22.4 mm, @ 0.91 cum per 10 Sqm for compacted thickness of 75 mm.(Crusher broken) (Crusher broken)Stone screening type B 48 Providing and applying primer coat over prepared surface or granular base with bitumen emulsion as per IS: 8887 & manufacturer’s specifications @ 8.50 kg /10 sqm with a self propelled of towed bitumen pressure sprayer equipped for spraying the material uniformly at specified rates and temperatures as per MORTH specification CI 502,112 ( Including cleaning of road surface )22+ (2.50 x 4.22 ) 49 Providing and applying tack coat on the prepared surface ,withbitumen emulsion as per IS : 8887 & manufacturer’s specifications @ 2.75 kg /10sqm. With a self propelled or towed bitumen pressure sprayer equipped for spraying the material uniformly at specified rates and temperatures as per MORTH specification CI.503,112 ( Including cleaning of Road Surface )8.05 + (5.04 x 0.75 ) 50 Providing and laying open graded premix carpet 20mm thick (compacted) on prepared surface in a single course as wearing course aggregates as per Table 500-23, heating bituminous binder @ 14.6 Kg/10 Sqm.(VG-30 grade) and aggregates in Hot Mix Plant, transporting the mixed material with tipper and laying with paver finisher to the required level and grade, rolling with power roller, 8-10 tonne but excluding cost of tack and seal coat with lead for mix of material 1 Km.[MORTH Specification : Clause 511,112] In approved Hot Mix Plant as per clause 6.5 of Manual, including loading of aggregates with F.E loader with VG-30 bitumen. 51 Providing and laying seal coat for sealing the voids in a bituminous surface laid to the specified levels, grade and cross fall, including rolling with a smooth wheeled roller 8 - 10 tonne capacity finished to required level and grades, complete as per MORTH specification clause 513 Laying by Mechnical Means Type B - Premixed in in approved HMPas per clause 6.5 of manual having capacity 50 TPH comprising of aggregate (sand or grit) having size 2.36 mm to 180 micron @ 0.06 Cum per 10 Sqm and bitumen binder (VG-30 grade) @ 6.8 Kg / 10 sqm and laying by hydrostatic paver finisher with sensor control, including mixing, transportation, laying, rolling etc. complete - including carriage for 1 Km. lead. 52 Earth work in excavation for foundation of structure complete with all lift, dewatering shoring and shuttering etc.including refilling of trenches in 25.mm layers, ramming, watering and disposal of surplus soil within a lead of 1000 metres, as per drawing and technical specfication.[MoRTH Specification : Clause : 304]In ordinary Soil [MoRTH Specification : Clause : 301] Depth upto 3m 53 Providing and laying mechnically mixed and vibrated Cement Concrete in foundation upto a depth of 1.5 metres below ground level and 1.50 metres above Ground/Bed level.[MoRTH Specification : Clause 1000/1700]Cement concrete 1:4:8 mix withstone aggregate 40 mm hand broken aggregate. 54 Providing and laying Random Rubble masonry in foundation upto a depth of 1.50 metres and 1.50 metres above Ground /Bed level.[MoRTH Specfication: Clause 1000/1400] Cement sand mortar 1:6 55 Plain/reinforced cement concrete in substructure complete as per drawing and tePCC Grade M-20 Technical specifications MoRTH Section 1500,1700, 2200.Height upto 5.00m. 56 Providing Cement pointing 1:2 deep variety (cut or weather) on brick, stone and tile work at all levels.[MoRTH Specfication : Clause 1000/1300] 57 Providing and laying reinforced cement concrete pipes N.P.4 for culverts including jointing ends and fixing collar with cement mortar 1:2 [MoRTH Specfication : Clause : 1000/2900]. 1000 mm dia 58 Providing and laying reinforced cement concrete pipes N.P.4 for culverts including jointing ends and fixing collar with cement mortar 1:2 [MoRTH Specfication : Clause : 1000/2900]. 300 mm dia 59 Supply & fixing of precast reinforced cement concrete M-15 grade kilometre stone of standard design as per IRC: 8-1980, fixing in position in cement concrete 1:4:8 including painting and printing etc. 5th Kilometre stone 60 Ordinary Kilometer Stone (Precast) 61 200 m stone (precast) 62 Providing and fixing of retro- reflectorised inclusive cautionary, mandatory and informatory sign as per IRC-67 made of high intensity grade sheeting lettering, border & signs fixed over aluminium sheeting, 1.5 mm thick, fixed on mild steel angle iron frame 50mmx50mmx6mm supported on a mild steel angle iron post 75mmx75mmx6mm upto the top of sign board, length of post from bottom of sign boardis 2.85m. upto foundation level post duly paintedin black & white synthetic enamel.fixed to the ground by means of properly designed foundation with M-15 grade cement concrete 45 Cm x 45 Cm x 60Cm, 60 cm below ground level as per approved drawing & as per MORTH specification Cl. 801. 60 Cm equilateral triangle 63 Providing and erecting direction and place identification retro - reflectorised sign as per IRC:67 made of high intensity grade sheeting exclusive of lettering, border & signs fixed over aluminium sheeting, 2 mm thick fixed on a mild steel angle iron frame 50mmx50mmx6mm supported on mild steel angle iron post 75 x 75 x 6 mm upto the top of sign board, length of post from bottom of sign boardis 2.85 m. upto foundation level post duly painted in black and white synthetic enamelalternate ship 30cm. wide fixed to the ground by means properly designed foundation with M-15 grade cement concrete 45cm x 45cm x 60 Cm , 60 Cm below ground level as per approved drawing & as per MORTH specifications clause 801. Double angle post 90 cm. X 60 cm 64 180 cm. X 120 cm. 65 (D) Dhamana Goliya to Dhangra Sarhad RoadKm 0/00 to 2/700 Clearing and grubbing road landincluding uprooting rank vegetation, grass, bushes, shrubs, saplingsand trees girth upto 300 mm, removal of stumps of trees cut earlierand disposal of unserviceable materials and stacking of serviceable material upto a lead of 1000m including removal and disposal of top organic soil not exceeding in 150 mm thickness as per MORTH specification clause 201 By mechanical Means .In area of thorny jungle 66 Earth work in excavation, including stacking/disposal of surplus material with all lifts and lead upto 495 metres, exclusive of compensation of earth [MoRTH specification : Clause 301 to 305] In Hard Soil When excavation and loading is done mechanically using Bull Dozar, F.E.Loader and carriage is done by tipper/dumper (6T capacity). 67 Compensation for earth, taken from private land with all lead and lift (Land to be arranged by private negotiations by the contractor) [MoRTH Specification : Clause 301to 305]. 68 Extra for laying earth as per specification for compaction in 200 mm thick loose layers and dressing [MoRTH Specification Clause 305.3.5].BY MECHANICAL MEANS, using Motor Grader, from earth in stock piles with all lead and lift but excluding rolling and watering. 69 Extra for watering the earth to bring the earth upto required O.M.C excluding rolling 70 Extra for rolling to specification withPower Roller 8-10 tonne when earth is at suitable moisture content with desired field density not less than 100% of maximum dry density (Modify Heavy Proctor test).excluding watering. 71 Granular Sub-Base with Coarse Graded Material ( Table:- 400- 2) (Construction of granular sub-base by providing coarse graded material, spreading in uniform layers with motor grader on prepared surface, mixing by mix in place method with rotavator at OMC, and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density, complete as per clause 401) (incl. lead upto 1000M & all lifts)c)For Grading III Material 72 Extra rate for carriage of mixed material additional lead 73 Providing, laying, spreadingand compactingstone aggregate of specfic as per table 400-7 to Water Bound Macadam specification including spreading in uniform thickness, hand packing roll-ing with vibratory rollerin stages to proper grade and camber, applying and brooming requisite type of screening and binding materials to fill-up the interstices of coarse aggregates watering (with water browser) and rolling making necessary earthen bund to protect edegs, lighting, guarding, barricading and maintenance of diversion etc. [MoRTH specfication : Clause 404] ( By manual means). Grading II , 63 mm to 45 mm@ 0.91 cum per 10 Sqm for compacted thickness of 75 mm.(Crusher broken)Stone screening type B 74 Providing, laying, spreadingand compactingstone aggregate of specfic as per table 400-7 to Water Bound Macadam specification including spreading in uniform thickness, hand packing roll-ing with vibratory rollerin stages to proper grade and camber, applying and brooming requisite type of screening and binding materials to fill-up the interstices of coarse aggregates watering (with water browser) and rolling making necessary earthen bund to protect edegs, lighting, guarding, barricading and maintenance of diversion etc. [MoRTH specfication : Clause 404] ( By manual means).Grading III,53 mm to 22.4 mm, @ 0.91 cum per 10 Sqm for compacted thickness of 75 mm.(Crusher broken) (Crusher broken)Stone screening type B 75 Providing and applying primer coat over prepared surface or granular base with bitumen emulsion as per IS: 8887 & manufacturer’s specifications @ 8.50 kg /10 sqm with a self propelled of towed bitumen pressure sprayer equipped for spraying the material uniformly at specified rates and temperatures as per MORTH specification CI 502,112 ( Including cleaning of road surface )22+ (2.50 x 4.22 ) 76 Providing and applying tack coat on the prepared surface ,withbitumen emulsion as per IS : 8887 & manufacturer’s specifications @ 2.75 kg /10sqm. With a self propelled or towed bitumen pressure sprayer equipped for spraying the material uniformly at specified rates and temperatures as per MORTH specification CI.503,112 ( Including cleaning of Road Surface )8.05 + (5.04 x 0.75 ) 77 Providing and laying open graded premix carpet 20mm thick (compacted) on prepared surface in a single course as wearing course aggregates as per Table 500-23, heating bituminous binder @ 14.6 Kg/10 Sqm.(VG-30 grade) and aggregates in Hot Mix Plant, transporting the mixed material with tipper and laying with paver finisher to the required level and grade, rolling with power roller, 8-10 tonne but excluding cost of tack and seal coat with lead for mix of material 1 Km.[MORTH Specification : Clause 511,112] In approved Hot Mix Plant as per clause 6.5 of Manual, including loading of aggregates with F.E loader with VG-30 bitumen. 78 Providing and laying seal coat for sealing the voids in a bituminous surface laid to the specified levels, grade and cross fall, including rolling with a smooth wheeled roller 8 - 10 tonne capacity finished to required level and grades, complete as per MORTH specification clause 513 Laying by Mechnical Means Type B - Premixed in in approved HMPas per clause 6.5 of manual having capacity 50 TPH comprising of aggregate (sand or grit) having size 2.36 mm to 180 micron @ 0.06 Cum per 10 Sqm and bitumen binder (VG-30 grade) @ 6.8 Kg / 10 sqm and laying by hydrostatic paver finisher with sensor control, including mixing, transportation, laying, rolling etc. complete - including carriage for 1 Km. lead. 79 Providing and laying reinforced cement concrete pipes N.P.4 for culverts including jointing ends and fixing collar with cement mortar 1:2 [MoRTH Specfication : Clause : 1000/2900]. 300 mm dia 80 Supply & fixing of precast reinforced cement concrete M-15 grade kilometre stone of standard design as per IRC: 8-1980, fixing in position in cement concrete 1:4:8 including painting and printing etc. 5th Kilometre stone 81 Ordinary Kilometer Stone (Precast) 82 200 m stone (precast) 83 Providing and fixing of retro- reflectorised inclusive cautionary, mandatory and informatory sign as per IRC-67 made of high intensity grade sheeting lettering, border & signs fixed over aluminium sheeting, 1.5 mm thick, fixed on mild steel angle iron frame 50mmx50mmx6mm supported on a mild steel angle iron post 75mmx75mmx6mm upto the top of sign board, length of post from bottom of sign boardis 2.85m. upto foundation level post duly paintedin black & white synthetic enamel.fixed to the ground by means of properly designed foundation with M-15 grade cement concrete 45 Cm x 45 Cm x 60Cm, 60 cm below ground level as per approved drawing & as per MORTH specification Cl. 801. 60 Cm equilateral triangle 84 Providing and erecting direction and place identification retro - reflectorised sign as per IRC:67 made of high intensity grade sheeting exclusive of lettering, border & signs fixed over aluminium sheeting, 2 mm thick fixed on a mild steel angle iron frame 50mmx50mmx6mm supported on mild steel angle iron post 75 x 75 x 6 mm upto the top of sign board, length of post from bottom of sign boardis 2.85 m. upto foundation level post duly painted in black and white synthetic enamelalternate ship 30cm. wide fixed to the ground by means properly designed foundation with M-15 grade cement concrete 45cm x 45cm x 60 Cm , 60 Cm below ground level as per approved drawing & as per MORTH specifications clause 801. Double angle post 90 cm. X 60 cm 85 180 cm. X 120 cm.