
Repair Of Broken Footpath From Hindu Samshan Bhumi To Khardanda Fish Drying Area At Ssan Marg In Beat No. 100 In Hwest Ward. Office Of The Asst. Commissioner ‘H/W’ Ward, 2Ndhasnabad Lane, Khar (W), Mumbai 400 052.No. Achw/ /Gen/Aem. Dt. .02.2025E-Tender N, Mumbai Suburban-Maharashtra

Municipal Corporation Of Greater Mumbai has published Repair Of Broken Footpath From Hindu Samshan Bhumi To Khardanda Fish Drying Area At Ssan Marg In Beat No. 100 In Hwest Ward. Office Of The Asst. Commissioner ‘H/W’ Ward, 2Ndhasnabad Lane, Khar (W), Mumbai 400 052.No. Achw/ /Gen/Aem. Dt. .02.2025E-Tender N. Submission Date for this Tender is 27-02-2025. Footpath Work Tenders in Mumbai Suburban Maharashtra. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Repair Of Broken Footpath From Hindu Samshan Bhumi To Khardanda Fish Drying Area At Ssan Marg In Beat No. 100 In Hwest Ward. Office Of The Asst. Commissioner ‘H/W’ Ward, 2Ndhasnabad Lane, Khar (W), Mumbai 400 052.No. Achw/ /Gen/Aem. Dt. .02.2025E-Tender N
Open Tender
Mumbai Suburban

Tender Documents

Tender Details

Repair of Broken Footpath from Hindu samshan Bhumi to Khardanda fish drying area at SSAN Marg in beat no. 100 in Hwest ward. Office of the Asst. Commissioner ‘H/W’ Ward, 2ndHasnabad Lane, Khar (W), Mumbai 400 052.No. ACHW/ /Gen/AEM. Dt. .02.2025e-TENDER NOTICEName of work: - Repair of Broken footpath from hindu samshan bhumi to khardanda fish drying area at S.S.N.A. Marg In Beat No.100 H/West Ward.The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) invites e-tender to appoint Contractor for the aforementioned work from contractors of repute, multidisciplinary engineering organizationsi.e. eminent firm, Proprietary/Partnership Firms/ Private Limited Companies/ Public Limited Companies/Companies registered under the Indian companies’ Act 2013 , the contractors registered with the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) in Class V(A) and above as per new registration 2015 & 2016 and Those having equivalent or more work experience from Central or State Government/Semi Govt. Organization/Central or State Public Sector Undertakings, will be allowed subject to condition that, the contractors who are not registered with BMC will have to apply for registering their firm within three months from date of issue of work order failing which their Bid security i.e. EMD (Earnest Money Deposit) will be forfeited/ recovered and a penalty of 0.1 % of contract cost OR Rs.10,000/- whichever is more will be recovered / deducted from the Contractors payment / bill by the executing department. The contractor, who fails to get registered with BMC in Civil / Mechanical & Electrical discipline, shall not be considered for BMC work in future in that discipline Bidding Process will comprise of THREE stages.The application form can be downloaded from BMC portal (http://portal.mcgm.gov.in) on payment of Rs.10,400/- plus GST Applicable. The applicants not registered with BMC are mandated to get registered (Vendor Registration) with BMC for e-tendering process & obtain login credentials to participate in the online bidding process.i. To download the application form, for those applicants not having vendor registration, need to apply first for vendor registration at the office of Account Officer (FAR), 3rd floor, Municipal Headquarter.ii. Followed by SRM login ID and password to be obtained from Central Purchase Department (CPD), Office at Byculla, Bakari adda, Mumbai. iii. For e-Tendering registration, enrollment for digital signature certificates and user manual, please refer to respective links provided in ‘Tenders’ tab. Vendors can get digital signature from any one of the Certifying Authorities (CAs) licensed by controller of certifying authorities namely, Safes crypt, IDRBT, National informatics center, TCS, CUSTOMS, MTNL, GNFC and e- Mudra CA.Name and Location of Work Contract Period Estimated Cost ofProjecte-Tender no.Name of work :- Repair of Broken footpath from hindu samshan bhumi to khardanda fish drying area at S.S.N.A. Marg In Beat No.100 H/West Ward. Three (01) Months (Excluding Monsoon) Rs. 1950005.00/-In terms of the 3 stage system of e-tendering, a Bidder will be required to deposit, along with its Bid, an Earnest Money Deposit of Rs. 19500.00/-( Rupees Nineteen thousand Five hundred only) (the EMD), refundable in accordance to the relevant clause of bid document, from the Bid Due Date, except in the case of the selected Bidder whose Bid Security/EMD shall be retained. The Bidders will have to provide Earnest Money Deposit through the payment gateways while submitting the bids. The Bid shall be summarily rejected if it is not accompanied by the Earnest Money Deposit. The e-tender is available on BMC portal (http://portal.mcgm.gov.in) as mentioned in the Header Data of the tender.As per THREE Packet systems, the document for Packet A & B is to be uploaded by the bidder in vendors’ document online in Packet A, Packet B and Packet C. Packet A, B & C shall be opened on dates as mentioned in header data. All the responsive and eligible bidders if they so wish can be present at the time of opening of bids, in the office of Asst. Commissioner ‘H/W’ Ward. The Packet C shall be opened if bids submission in Packet A& B satisfies/includes all the requirements and same are found acceptable to the Authority.The Municipal Commissioner reserves the right to reject all or any of the e- tender(s) without assigning any reasons at any stage.The dates and time for submission and opening the bids are as shown in the Header Data. If there are any changes in the dates the same will be displayed on the mahatender Portal. (http://mahatender.gov.in)The Applicants interested for the above referred works may contact the Office of Asst.Commissioner (H/West) at the following address on any working day during office hours.Office of: Office of Asst. Commissioner H/West ward office2nd Hasnabad Lane,Ram Krishna nagar, Khar(W), Mumbai - 400052.The applicants may wish to visit the site under reference located in H/West ward and can collect the information of the present status from the department who have invited the bids.The BMC reserves the rights to accept any of the application or reject any or all the application received for above works, without assigning any reasons thereof. The information regarding above subject matter is available on Website of BMC. (http://mahatender.gov.in/tenders).Assistant Commissioner (H/West) HEADER DATATender Document No. et. No.Name of Organization Brihanmumbai Municipal CorporationSubject Name of work Improvement of passage and Drainage system at pali pathar In Beat No.100 H/West Ward.Cost of Tender Rs.00 ( Nil)Tender Process fees Rs. 500.00/-Cost of E-Tender (Estimated Cost) Rs.1950005.00/-Bid Security Deposit/EMD Rs. 19500.00/-Date of Issue and sale of Tender 20.02.2025 from 15:00 Hrs.Last date & time for sale of tender 27.02.2025 from 15:00 Hrs.Submission of Packet A, B & Packet C & EMD 27.02.2025 from 15:00 Hrs.Opening of Packet A 28.02.2025 from 15:00 Hrs.Opening of Packet B 28.02.2025 from 15:00 Hrs.Date of Submission of ASD 27.02.2025 from 15:00 Hrs..Opening of Packet C 27.02.2025 from 15:00 Hrs.Address for Communication Office of: Office of Asst. Commissioner H/West ward office2nd Hasnabad Lane,Ram Krishna nagar, Khar(W), Mumbai - 400052.Venue for opening of Bid In the office of Asst. Commissioner (H/West)

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Document Fees
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INR 19500.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 19.50 Lakhs /-


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