
Tender For Gramapanchayat Office Furnishing And Furniture Purchase, Palakkad-Kerala

Grama Panchayat has published Tender For Gramapanchayat Office Furnishing And Furniture Purchase. Submission Date for this Tender is 26-02-2025. Furnitures Tenders in Palakkad Kerala. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

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Tender For Gramapanchayat Office Furnishing And Furniture Purchase
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Tender Details

Tender For Gramapanchayat Office Furnishing And Furniture Purchase- 1 Help Desk (Rate should be quoted with including GST) 2 Manufacturing and supplying office table withtwo seater unit of size 2400 (w) x 600 (d) x 750(d) with following specification. The table topand table end are made of 18mm thick Marinegrade plywood 710 grade of approved quality.Top 1mm laminate finish inner full 0.7 offwhite laminate finish. Two drawers unit of Size400 (w) x 450 (d) x 750 (h) has been considred.Two key board tray is considered. All sidepanels Shelves and are made of 16mm thickMarine Plywood 710 grade drawer / storageshutter frame shall be made of 710 gradeplywood. The drawer will have a Multi purposelock of approved make with premium quality.(Plywood brand, greenply, centuryply, Anchor Plywood) (Laminates Brands - 1.Merino, 2. Century, Greenlam) 3 Manufacturing and supplying office NameBoard Size (1500 H x 750 W) Back side 8mmMultiwood (Thomson) full name work.Remove type side work in and out acrylic sheetsiding work 4 Medium back revolving chair : Supply &installing of chairs as per the specificationmentioned below. Back rest / seating shell be12mm thick. Plywood covered with PU form40mm thick uphoistered with imported fabrcisof approved colour and quality back restheight shall be 600mm with back rest. width of530 mm seat width shall be 530 mm (clearwidth between arms) 5 Executive chair high back revolving chairsupply installing of Executive chairs as per thespecification mentioned below the outer andinner frame of the back rest shall be 20mm (16Kg) pipe frame back rest shall be high backwith. Frame (adjustable height) made out of40mm foam (density 32mm) upholstereedwith rexin of approved colour and quality backrest. height shall be 720mm with back restwidth of 530mm. The seat made out of 40mmfoam (density 32mm) upholstered with rexinof approved colour and quality seat width shallbe 530mm (clear width between arms) 6 Manufacturing and supplying shelf / file rack ofsize 2050 x 1450 x 400 - 1, size 2050 x 380 x400 - 1 and following specification. The storageside panels, shelves, top and bottom panelsare made up of 16mm thick marine ply wood710 grade of approved quality. The doorshutter are made of 16mm plywood marine710 grade 4mm glass side frame. The handlesare satin SS finish of 160mm pitch. All hingesconsidered are premium make necessary goodquality hardwares have been considered asrequired. The shelf will have multipurpose lockof approved make with premium quality.(plywood brand - green ply, century ply,Anchor ply) (laminates brands - Merino,Century Green lam) 7 Manufacturing and supplying : Partition worksize - 2400 x 1500 partition titak as 70mm 2side 12mm plywood 710 grade marine plywood. Frame work 16mm ply wood 710 grademarine plywood. Door size 2100 x 750 x 30mmblack board door. 2 side 1mm laminate finish.Partition full laminate 1mm finish. Door topcut out work 5mm glass. Mottice Lock ofapproved make with premium quality.(Plywood - Green ply,Century ply, Anchor ply)(Laminates Brands :Merino, Century, Green lam) 8 Manufacturing and supplying : Jipsum Ceilingwork and electrical work, LED Light : Ceilingwork, Size - 3200 x 1500 - Gyproc ceilingchannel and Gyproc Gypsum Board sidestriplight box work design 2 cot putty work onecoat primer 2 coat emulsion. Paint brand Asianpaints electrical work. 4 Nos Panel light (Brandphilips) 4 light wiring work. 9 120 mtr wire work 2 Box changing work. 6 Nos 16A plug switch 12 Nos changing work, maintenance work.

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Document Fees
INR 600 /-
INR 7500.0 /-
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