
Tender For Various Works In Sub Tehsil Longowal, sangrur-Punjab

Public Works Department has published Tender For Various Works In Sub Tehsil Longowal. Submission Date for this Tender is 07-03-2025. Bricks Supply Tenders in sangrur Punjab. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

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Tender For Various Works In Sub Tehsil Longowal
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Tender Details

Tender For Various Works In Sub Tehsil Longowal- 1 Patwari Cabins:-Scraping Cement Outer Plaster 2 Scraping Cement Inner Plaster 3 Cement rendering on plaster 1mm thick 4 12.5 mm thick cement plaster 1:4 5 20mm thick cement paster 1:4 6 First class burnt brick work laid in cement sand mortar 1:6 in first storey upto 4 metres above plinth level. 7 115 mm thick brick wall with every fourth course reinforced with hoop iron laid in 1:4 cement mortar in superstructure 8 12.5 mm thick cement plaster 1:5 9 20mm thick cement paster 1:5 10 Preparation of plastered or concrete surface or painting (including sand papering the surface) using ready mixed cement based wall putty by applying two or more coats to get required finish 11 Applying priming coat with cement primer in all shade on newly plastered or concrete exterior surface 12 Distempering with Acrylic Washable oil bound distemper (of approved manufacture) two or more coats over one priming coat to give an even shade 13 Finishing walls with acrylic smooth exterior paint of required shade with two or more coats applied @ 1.67 litre/10Sqm over and including base coat of water proofing Cement Paint applied @ 2.20 Kg/10 Sq 14 Providing and laying vitrified floor tiles in different sizes in light colour shades made using Full Body Technology (thickness to be specified by the manufacturer) with water absorption’s less than 0.08% and conforming to IS : 15622 of approved make in all colours and shades, laid on 20mm thick cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4 fine sand), complete. ( Full body vitrified tiles have pigment in entire body / thickness of tile which makes chips and scratches less noticeable and make na ideal choice for high traffic zones.) Size 600x600 mm 15 Providing and fixing mineral fibre false ceiling tiles at all heights of size 595X595mm of approved texture, design and pattern. The tiles should have Humidity Resistance (RH) of 99%, Light Reflection > 85%, Thermal Conductivity k = 0.052 - 0.057 w/m K, Fire Performance as per (BS 476 pt - 6 &7)in true horizontal level suspended on interlocking T-Grid of hot dipped all round galvanized iron section of 0.33 mm thick (galvanized@120 gsm) comprising of main T runners of 15x32 mm of length 3000 mm, cross T of size 15x32mm of length 1200 mm and secondary intermediate cross T of size 15x32 mm of length 600 mm to form grid module of size 600x600 mm suspended from ceiling using galvanized mild steel item (galvanised@80gsm) 50 mm long 8mm outer diameter M-6 dash fasteners, 6 mm diameter fully threaded hanger rod up to 1000 mm length and L-shape level adjuster of size 85x25x2 mm, spaced at 1200 mm centre to centre along main ‘T’. The system should rest on periphery walls /partitions with the help of GI perimeter wall angle of size24x24X3000 mm made of 0.40 mm thick sheet, to be fixed to the wall with help of plastic rawl plug at 450 mm centre to centre & 40 mm long dry wall S.S. screws. The exposed bottom portion of all T-sections used in false ceiling support system shall be pre-painted with polyester baked paint, for all heights. The work shall be carried out as per specifications, drawings and as per directions of theengineer-in-charge.With 16 mm thick beveled tegular mineral fibre false ceiling tile (NRC 0.55 to 0.6)size 595x595 mm 16 Earth work in excavation in foundations trenches etc. in all kinds of soil where Pick-Jumper work is not involved and not exceeding 2.0 metres depth including dressing of bottom and sides of trenches, stacking the excavated soil clear from the edge of excavation and subsequent filling around masonry in 15 cm, layers with compaction including disposal of all surplus soil as directed within lead of 30 metres. 17 Cement concrete 1:8:16 With stone aggregates 40mm gauge mixing by mechanical means using concrete mixer volumetric type 18 First class burnt brick work laid in cement sand mortar 1:6 in foundation and plinth 19 Base course of floor consisting of 100mm thick cement concrete 1:8:16 and 100mm sand filling using mechanical mixer for mixing of material 20 Conglomerate floor 40mm thick cement concrete topping 1:2:4 using mechanical mixer for mixing of material 21 12.5 mm thick cement plaster 1:5 22 Supplying and fixing of Japani sheet frames (Chowkat) consisting of 18 gauge (1.25mm) thick steel sheet of the specified section (standard design latest), including iron lugs (hold fasts) iron hinges conforming to PWD specificationsincluding bolts for fixing steps, lock notch provision for receiving tower bolts and finished, fixed in position including the cost of cement concrete 1:3:6 for filling in the frame and cement concrete 1:2:4 for lugs complete to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge. 23 Doors and windows frame of size 151mm x 60mm with 35 mm wide double rebate weighing 3.95 kg per meter.(4 windows) 24 Providing & fixing of Box type steel windows, made of various ERW section outer 60mm x 25mm, Cillral mullion 60mm x 25mm, for shutter 50mm x 20mmhaving thickness of1.25mm (18 gauge), shash bar MS Tee 25mm x 3mmwhere required joints mitred and electrically flash-welded, with iron fittings incluidng necessary iron handles,hinged cleat, tower bolts, iron hold fast and pintle hinges complete (excluding glazing and wire guage) and finished with ready mixed paint red lead non setting primercomplete as per specification, Drawings and to the entire satisfaction of engineer-in-charge. (Note:- Glazing, wire guage and grill will be paid as per respective items) 25 Extra for providing & fixing Steel beading of approved shape steel tube beading size 12mm X 12mm, 18 gauge of approved shape and section with screw for fixing of glass panes instead of glazing clips and metal slash putty in steel doors , windows & Ventilators complete in all respect 26 Wire gauge fixed on steel windows of standard rolled steel section, with 3mm thick flat iron cover moulding of 12.5mm width, fixed with machine screws, complete in all respects. 27 Providing & Fixing glass panes with nails and putty or wooden strip complete in all respect Glazing area above 0.09 sqm 28 Wrought iron & Mild steel ladders, framed grills, gratings etc. with ends of bars riveted or molded forged framed window guards, barred iron doors stair case iron railing etc. including cost of bolts and nuts, screws, welding rod complete fixing in position 29 Providing Polyester Powder coating 60 to 70 micron any coloured specified to M.S Grill section of various sizes including carriage of material from market to workshop & workshop to site of work. 30 Supplying and fixing of Japani sheet frames (Chowkat) consisting of 18 gauge (1.25mm) thick steel sheet of the specified section (standard design latest), including iron lugs (hold fasts) iron hinges conforming to PWD specificationsincluding bolts for fixing steps, lock notch provision for receiving tower bolts and finished, fixed in position including the cost of cement concrete 1:3:6 for filling in the frame and cement concrete 1:2:4 for lugs complete to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge. 31 Doors and windows frame of size 113mm x 60mm with 35 mm wide single rebate 32 Factory manufactured flush door fixed in position iron hinges, etc (excluding the cost of any fittings other than specified above but including labour for fixing the same in position Commercial with elm or gurjan facing on both Sides with laminated core and lipped edges:-(35mm thick) 33 Preparation of plywood surface for painting including sand papering the surface and applying filling with approved quality fillers consisting of white lead, linseed oil, Varnish, and Chalk Mitti including finishing the surface to required finish complete. 34 Applying pink primer or aluminum priming coat on wood work including preparation of surface knotting and stopping etc. 35 Painting two or more coats excluding priming coat with synthetic enamel paint in all shades on wood work, metallic or plastered, concrete surface to give an even shade. 36 Cost of aluminum fittings complete for doors, windows such as tower bolts, handles,Stoppers and screw etc. for these fittings (Excluding sliding bolt) For shutter area above 0.50 sqm 37 Providing and fixing on wall face unplasticised Rigid PVC rain water pipes single socketed (working pressure 4 kgf / cm²) conforming to IS : 4985, including fixing with MS clamps. U-PVC pipes (working pressure 4 kgf. / sqcm) pipe 110 mm dia. 38 Providing and fixing 110 mm dia. U.P.V.C bend for Rain water pipe as per IS:14735 including jointing complete as per specifications and to the entire satisfaction of Engineer- in- charge. UPVC 110mm bend 39 Applying priming coat with metal primer on new steel or iron work including preparation of surface. 40 Painting two or more coats excluding priming coat with synthetic enamel paint in all shades on wood work, metallic or plastered, concrete surface to give an even shade. 41 Regrading terracing of mud plaster covered with tiles or bricks in cement by dismantling tiles or bricks, removing mud plaster, preparing the surface of mud plaster to proper, slope, relaying mud plaster Gobri leaping and tiles or bricks grouted in cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement and 3 fine sand) including replacingunserviceable tiles, or bricks with new over and disposal of unserviceable material to the dumping ground within 50 m lead (The cost of new tiles or bricks excluded). 42 Earth work in excavation in foundations trenches etc. in all kinds of soil where Pick-Jumper work is not involved and not exceeding 2.0 metres depth including dressing of bottom and sides of renches, stacking the excavated soil clear from the edge of excavation and subsequent filling around masonry in 15 cm, layers with compaction including disposal of all surplus soil as directed within lead of 30 metres 43 Cement concrete 1:4:8 With stone aggregate 40mm gauge mixing by mechanical means using concrete mixer volumetric type 44 First class burnt brick laid in cement sand mortar 1:6 in foundation and plinth 45 Cement concrete 1:8:16 With stone aggregates 40mm gauge mixing by mechanical means using concrete mixer volumetric type 46 Precast chequred tiles of 20 mm thick in ordinary grey colour laid on 20 mm thick bed of cement mortar 1:3 47 Providing & fixing 16 gauge stainless steel pipe railing of grade 304 duly fixed on steps with the help of bolts grouted on steps with hand rail and newel post of 50mm dia Stainless steel pipe,Balusters of 40mm dia Stainless steel pipe and guard 3 Nos of 15mm dia Stainless Steel pipecomplete in all respect 48 Reinforced cement concrete M-20 mechanically batch mixed using batch type concrete mixer as per IS:1791 and vibrated by needle vibrator but excluding steel reinforcement centring and shuttering in superstructure. 49 Centering and shuttering for sides and soffits of beam, beams, launching girders, bressumers, lintels. 50 Cold twisted detormed (Ribbed/ Tor steel) Bars (Fe 500 grade as per IS 1786-2008) , for R.C.C works, where not including in the complete rate of RCC including bending and binding placing in position complete 51 Providing and fixing aluminum work for doors, windows, ventilators and partitions with extruded built up standard tubular sections/appropriate z sections and other sections conforming to Is: 733 and IS : 1285 of Jindal, Hindalco, Mahavir or equivalent make approved by Engineer in Charge , fixed with rawl plugs and screws or with fixing clips, or with expansion hold fasteners including necessary filling up of gaps at junctions, at top, bottom and sides with required PVC Plug/neoprene felt etc. aluminum sections shall be smooth, rust free, straight, mitered and jointed mechanically wherever required including cleat angle, aluminum snap beading for glazing/paneling, C.P.brass/stainless steel screws, all complete as per architectural drawings and the directions of Engineer-In Charge. (Glazing and paneling to be paid for separately) : 52 for fixed portion Chaukhat 53 For shutters of doors, windows & ventilators including providing and fixing hinges/pivots and labour for fixing of fittings wherever required including the cost of PVC Plug / neoprene gasket required 54 Providing and fixing 12mm thick prelaminated particle board flat pressed three layer or graded wood particle board conforming to IS: 12823 Grade l Type ll, in paneling fixed in aluminum doors, windows shutters and partition frames with C.P. brass / stainless steel screws etc. complete as per architectural drawings and directions of Engineer-In-Charge. Pre aminated particle board with decorative lamination on one side. 55 Providing and fixing glazing in aluminum door, window, ventilator shutters and partitions etc. with PVC Plug/ neoprene gasket etc. complete as per the architectural drawings and the directions of engineer-in-charge . (Cost of aluminum snap beading shall be paid in basic item) 56 Providing Polyester Powder coating 50 micron any coloured specified to alumnum section of various sizes including carriage of material from market to workshop & workshop to site of work. 57 Outer Development: Clearing jungle manually including uprooting rank vegetation, grass, woody vegetation up to 30 cm girth measured at height of 1 m above ground level and removal of rubbish up to distance of 50 m outside the periphery of the area cleared 58 Cement Concrete 1:8:16 With stone aggregates 40mm gauge mixing by mechanical means using concrete mixer volumetric type 59 Providing & Laying 60 mm thick cement concrete interlocking paver block of M-35 grade machine made moulded smooth finish by strong vibratory process or with vibro hydraulic compaction machine and of approved size and design / shape laid in Ordinary Grey Colour and pattern over and including 40 mm thick compacted bed of coarse sand filling the joints with fine sand etc. all complete as direction of Engineer-In-Charge for light Traffic areas such as pdestern in palza, shopping complex, Car Parks, Local authority Footways, Residential Blocks, Etc. 60 Earth work in excavation in foundations, trenches etc. in all kinds of soil where pick jumper work is not involved and not exceeding 2.0 metres depth including dressing of bottom and sides of trenches, stacking the excavated soil clear from the edge of excavation (CSR 6.6) 61 Cement Concrete 1:8:16 with 40mm guage Stone Ballast Using Concrete Mixture Volumetrictype 62 Reinforced cement cocrete M-20 Mechnicaly batch mixed using batch type concrete mixer as per IS: 1791 and vibrator by needle vibrator but excluding steelreinforcement, centering and shuttering in foundation and plinth. 63 Wrought iron and mild steel ladders, framed grills, grating etc. with ends of bars, riveted or welded or forged, framed window guards, barred iron doors, stair case, iron railing including cost of bolts & nuts or screws or welding rod, complete fixed in position. (CSR 18.4) 64 Applying priming coat with metal primer on new steel or iron work including preparation of surface. 65 Painting two or more coats excluding priming coat with sythetic enamel paint in all shades on wood work, metallic or plastered surface to give an even shade 66 Providing and fixing ( PPGL) precoated painted galvalume sheet roofing (size, shape and pitch of corrugation as approved by Engineer-in-charge) The end rib shall have anti cappillary groove and return leg. The steel sheet must be having yield strength of 550 MPa ( Fy= 550 MPa) metallic coated with Zinc- Aluminium alloy ( i.e. 55% Al, 43.4%Zinc, 1.6% Si-Zincalume) AZ150 ( Min. 150bm/mm2 total on both sides), pre painted with super Durable Polyster XRW quality paint includes inorganic infrared reflective pigment. The sheet confirms to general requirement of AS/NZS 2728 type 4/ IS 15965 class 3 durability and gloss value of 25% -40%. should be supplied in single length upto 12 metre or as desired by Engineer-incharge. The sheet shall be fixed using self drilling /self tapping screws of size (5.5x 55 mm) with EPDM seal, complete upto any pitch in horizontal/vertical or curved surfaces, excluding the cost of purlins, rafters and trusses and including cutting tosize and shape wherever required.0.50 mm (+.05%) Thick 67 Precast Cement Concrete Kerb Providing and laying factory made rubber moulded smooth finish cement concrete kerb M-20 grade 250mm high with bottom width 165mm and top width 115mm made over strong vibratory table and fixing with cement mortar 1:2 as per MORT&H specifications 68 Earth work in excavation in foundations, trenches etc. in all kinds of soil where pick jumper work is not involved and not exceeding 2.0 metres depth including dressing of bottom and sides of trenches, stacking the excavated soil clear from the edge of excavation and subsequent filling around masonry in 15 cm. layers with compaction including disposal of all surplus soil as directed within a lead of 30 metres. 69 CementConcrete1:4:8withstoneballastofsize.40mmguage. using concrete mixing volumetric type 70 ReinforcedcementconcreteM-25mechanicalybatchmixedusing batchtypeconcretemixerasperIS:1791andvibratedbyneedle vibrator but excludingsteel reinforcementcentring andshuttering in foundation and plinth. 71 First class burnt brick work laid in cement sand mortar 1:6 in foundation and plinth. 72 Shutteringforfacesofconcretefoundationsandfoundationbeam& plinth beam (vertical or battering) 73 First class burnt brick work laid in cement sand mortar 1:6 in first storey upto 4 metres above plinth level.. 74 First Floor 75 Extra rate for First Floor 76 115 mm thick brick wall with every fourth course reinforced with hoop iron laid in 1:4 cement mortar in superstructure 77 ReinforcedcementconcreteM-25 mechanicalybatchmixedusing batchtypeconcretemixerasperIS:1791andvibratedbyneedle vibrator but excludingsteel reinforcementcentring andshuttering in supersturcture. 78 Beams 79 Lintels 80 Shelves 81 Centringandshutteringforflatsurfacessuchassuspendedfloors, roofs, landings, chajjas, shelves etc. 82 Centring and shuttering for sides and soffits of beam, beamslaunchings girders bressumers, lintels 83 Providing and fixing on walls face unplasticised rigid PVC rain water pipes single socketed (working pressure 4 Kgf/cm2 ) confirming to IS : 4985 including fixing with MS clamps U-PVC pipes (working pressure 4 kgf/cm2) pipes 100 mm dia 84 Providingandfixing110mmdiaSWRU.P.V.CCoupling/Socketefor RainwaterpipeasperIS:14735 includingjointingcompleteasper specifications and to the entire satisfaction of Engineer- in- charge. 85 Providing and fixing 110 mm dia SWR U.P.V.C bend for Rain water pipe as per IS:14735 including jointing complete as per specifications and to the entire satisfaction of Engineer- in- charge. 86 Top khurra 0.6m x 0.6m for rain water pipe in 25mm thick cement concrete 1:2:4 over 50mm thick cement concrete 1:8:16. 87 Providingandfixinginpositiongratings150mmx150mmforgully trap.PVC grating 88 Bottom Khurra on ground 1.2m. x 0.6m. consisting of brick on-edge laid in cement mortar 1:3 over 75mm cement concrete 1:8:16 including 12.5m.m. thick cement plaster 1:3. 89 Terracing consiting of tiles 22.86x11.43x3.83cm laid over 25 mm mud plaster 7.5 cm mud filling on another laver of 25mm mud plaster including two coats of bitumen laid hot at 1.65 Kg/sqm top of RCC slab including grouting with cement sand mortar 1:4 and top surface to be left clean after wire brushing etc. 90 Cement concrete 1:2:4 gola 10cm x 10cm concave quadrant along junction of roofs with parapet wall finished smooth, where specially specified. 91 Earthfillingunderfloorswithsurplusordinarysoilorsoilcontaining gravelorkankarupto40%takenonlyfromoutsidethepremises layingin plinth in15cmlayersincludingramming,wateringand consolidating including all leads. 92 Earthfillingunderfloorswithsurplusordinarysoilorsoilcontaining gravelorkankarupto40%excavatedfromfoundationandtaken only from outside the building plinth in 15 cm layers including ramming, watering and consolidating lead upto 30 metres. 93 Base course of floor consisting of 100mm thick cement concrete 1:8:16withstoneaggregateand100mmsandfilling (Using mechanical mixer for mixing of material) 94 Providing and laying vitrified floor tiles in different sizes in light colour shades made using Full Body Technology (thickness to be specified by the manufacturer) with water absorption’s less than 0.08% and conforming to IS : 15622 of approved make in all colours and shades, laid on 20mm thick cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4 fine sand), complete. ( Full body vitrified tiles have pigment in entire body / thickness of tile which makes chips and scratches less noticeable and make na ideal choice for high traffic zones.) Size 600x600 mm 95 Grouting the joints of flooring tiles having joints of 3 mm width, using 2mm to 3 mm gap using spacers and later this gap to be filled with cement based grout ) with Cement base grout and matching pigments etc., complete, including filling / grouting and finishing complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.Size 600x600 mm 96 12.5mm thick cement plaster 1:5. 97 20 mm thick cement plaster 1:5 in two coats work. 98 12.5 mm thick cement plaster 1:4. 99 20mm thick cement plaster 1:4 in two coat work. 100 Coloured granite stone tiles 20mm thick in skirting, risers of steps dado, walls and pillars laid in 12.5mm thick cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement, 3 coarse sand) and jointed with neat cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of stone, including rubbing and polishing including labour for fixing dowels pins and cramps. 101 Supplying and fixing of Japani sheet frames (Chowkat) consisting of 18 gauge (1.25mm) thick steel sheet of the specified section (standard design latest), including iron lugs (hold fasts) iron hinges conforming to PWD specifications including bolts for fixing steps, lock notch provision for receiving tower bolts and finished, fixed in position including the cost of cement concrete 1:3:6 for filling in the frame and cement concrete 1:2:4 for lugs complete to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge. 102 Doorandwindowframeofsize113mmx60mmxwith35mmwidesingle rebate 103 Doors and windows frame of size 151mm x 60mm with 35 mm wide double rebate weighing 3.95 kg per meter.(2 windows) 104 Providing & fixing of Box type steel windows, made of various ERW section outer 60mm x 25mm, Cillral mullion 60mm x 25mm, for shutter 50mm x 20mmhaving thickness of1.25mm (18 gauge), shash bar MS Tee 25mm x 3mmwhere required joints mitred and electrically flash-welded, with iron fittings incluidng necessary iron handles,hinged cleat, tower bolts, iron hold fast and pintle hinges complete (excluding glazing and wire guage) and finished with ready mixed paint red lead non setting primercomplete as per specification, Drawings and to the entire satisfaction of engineer-in-charge. (Note:- Glazing, wire guage and grill will be paid as per respective items) 105 Wrought iron & Mild steel ladders, framed grills, gratings etc. with ends of bars riveted or molded forged framed window guards, barred iron doors stair case iron railing etc. including cost of bolts and nuts, screws, welding rod complete fixing in position 106 Providing Polyester Powder coating 60 to 70 micron any coloured specified to M.S Grill section of various sizes including carriage of material from market to workshop & workshop to site of work. 107 Wire gauge fixed on steel windows of standard rolled steel section, with 3mm thick flat iron cover moulding of 12.5mm width, fixed with machine screws, complete in all respects. 108 Providing & Fixing glass panes with nails and putty or wooden strip complete in all respect Glazing area above 0.09 sqm 109 ProvidingandfixingstaircaserailingmadeoutofM.S.squarebars 20mmx20mmasverticalpart0.70mhighfixedwithM.S.base plateof40mmx40mmx6mmandflatiron40mmx6mmashand rail complete in all respect. 110 Factorymanufacturedflushdoorfixedinpositionironhinges,etc (excludingthecostofanyfittingsotherthanspecifiedabovebut includinglabourforfixingthesameinposition(Code:IIRevisionIS- 2191 Part-I) 1973, Commercialwithelm orgurjanfacingonbothSideswithlaminated core and lipped edges:-35mm thick 111 Cost of Aluminium fittings complete for doors, windows such as tower bolts,handlessandscrewetc.forthesefittings(Excludingsliding bolt) For shutter area above 0.50 sqm 112 ProvidingandfixingaluminiumslidingdoorboltsISImarked anodized (anodic coating not less than grade AC10 asper IS: 1868) transparent or dyed to required colour or shade with nuts and screws etc. complete :300mm x 16mm 113 Providing and fixing hydraulic door closer ISI mark with necessary screw etc.complete 114 Cold twisted deformed (Ribbed/ Tor Steel Bar/TMT) Bars Fe 500 grade as per IS 1786-2008, for R.C.C works, where not including in the complete rate of RCC including bending and placing in position complete 115 Preparationofplasteredorconcretesurfaceforpainting(including sandpaperingthesurface)usingreadymixedcementbasedwall putty by applying two coats to get required finish 116 Applying priming coat with cement primer in all shade on newly plastered or concrete exterior surface 117 Wall painting with plastic emulsion paint of approved brand and manufacturer to give an even shade (two coats) 118 Providing and applying plaster of paris (ISI marked such as JK, Kohinoor, Maharaja etc.) punning 6mm thickness over plastered surface to prepare the surface even and smooth complete in all respect as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge 119 Applyingprimingcoatwithmetalprimeronnewsteelorironwork including preparation of surface.With ordinary quality Paint 120 Painting two coats excluding priming coat with synthetic enamel paintinallshadesonwoodwork,metallicorplastered,concrete surface to give an even shade with ordinary quality paint. 121 Preparationofplywoodsurfaceforpaintingincludingsandpapering thesurfaceandapplyingfillingwithapprovedqualityfillers consistingofwhitelead,linseedoil,Varnish,andChalkMitti including finishing the surface to required finish complete. 122 Applying pink primer or aluminum priming coat on wood work including preparation of surface knotting and stopping etc. 123 Painting two coats excluding priming coat with synthetic enamel paintinallshadesonwoodwork,metallicorplastered,concrete surface to give an even shade with ordinary quality paint. 124 Finishing walls with Premium Acrylic smooth exterior paintwith siliconadditivesofrequiredshadewithtwocoatsapplied@ 1.43litre/10 sqm over and including base coat of water proofing Cement Paint applied @ 2.20 Kg/10 sqm 125 Anti-skid floor tiles 10mm thick in flooring skirting and dado in 12.5mm thick cement plaster 1:3 in base and jointed with white cement slurry in joints including corners angles and beading. 126 Providing and fixing 1st quality ceramic glazed wall tiles Matt/Semi Matt/Glosy/Highly Gloss finish/Highlighter/emboss conforming to IS : 15622 (thickness to be specified by the manufacture of approved make in all colours, shades except burgundy, bottle green, black of size 450 x 310 mm as approved by Engineer-in- Charge in skirting, risers of steps and dados over 12 mm thick bed of cement Mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4 fine sand) and jointing with grey cement slurry @ 3.3kg per sqm including pointing in white cement mixed with pigment of matching shade complete. 127 PUBLIC HEALTH:-Providing and fixing in position Chinaware European type water closet P trap or S trap of approved make (to the approval of the Engineer-in-charge) consisting of 10 ltr. PVC flushing cistern, PVC short bend 32 mm diaincluding cost ofseat cover complete in all respect and to the entire satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge. 128 Providing and fixing in position Chinaware Orrisa water closet size 580 mm of approved make (to the approval of the Engineer-in-charge) consisting of 10 ltr. PVC flushing cistern, PVC short bend 32 mm dia complete in all respect and to the entire satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge. 129 Providing and fixing jet spray with 2-6 long PVC pipe. 130 With C.P. Brass nut 131 Providing and fixingin position vitreous chinaware white lavatory suites of approved make (to the approval of Engineer-in-charge)consisting of C.P. brass waste 32mm dia with one C.P. brass pillar tap complete in all respect. 132 Size 550 mm x 400 mm 133 Providing and fixing in position vitreous Chinaware white lIndian make large flat back or angular lipped front urinal 375 x 390 x 590 mm of approved make (to the approval of the Engineer-in-charge) consisting of C.P. brass Urinal waste Coupling dome type 32mm outer length 75 mm , C.P. brass Urinal Spreader Ocular-Regular and C.P. brass tube connection 300 mm long complete. 134 Providing and fixing PVC waste pipe 32 mm complete in all respects 135 Providing and fixingin position C.P. brass soap dishof approved make (to the approval of Engineer-in-charge ) fixed into wall with rawl plugs and C.P brass screws complete in all respect. 136 Providing and fixingin positiontowel rails / ring of approved make (to the approval of Engineer-in-charge) fixed in with rawl plugs embedded in walls with brass screws complete in all respect. 137 C.P brass towel ring 138 Providing & Fixing in position 5mm thick bevelled edge mirror of superior glass (of approved make) complete with 4mm thick hard board backingfixed in with rawl plugs 50mm, C.P. brass screws and washers and S/S Studs on topcomplete in all respect (as required by the Engineer-in- Charge) 139 Size 550mmx400mm or any other size 140 Size 1500mmx600mm or any other size 141 Providing & Fixing in postion of approved make (to the approval of Engineer-in-charge ) complete in all respect. 142 C.P.brass 15mm Concealed stop cock with flange. 143 C.P.brass 15mm Angle valve without flange 144 Providing & Fixing in postion 15 mm i/d bib cock of approved make (to the approval of Engineer-in-charge )complete in all respect. 145 C.P. brass Bib cock without flange 146 Providing & Fixing in position C.P. Brass flange of approved make (to the approval of Engineer-in-charge ) under various fixtures complete in all respect. 147 Providing & Fixing in position C.P. Brass extension piece 25mm long to 50mm long of approved make (to the approval of Engineer-in-charge )with various fixtures complete in all respect. 148 Providing & Fixing in position C.P. Brass Hexa Nipple 15mm of approved make (to the approval of Engineer-in-charge) complete in all respect. 149 Cutting chase in brick walls in cement or in floor for embedding G.I. or C.I pipes line and making good the same to its original condition. 150 Size 75 mm x 75 mm 151 Providing & fixing in position PVC flexible tube connectionof approved make (to the approval of Engineer-in-charge ) complete in all respect. 152 PVC tube connection of size 15 mm x 300 mm with C.P. Brass nut 153 Providing and fixing in position SWR uPVC soil waste vent or antisyphonage pipes to I.S.I. specification (IS:13592) of approved make (to the approval of Engineer-in-charge ) including cutting, jointing, wastage, but excluding cost of lead jointing (TYPE-B) 154 110mm i/d SWR uPVC pipe line laid complete 155 90mm i/d SWR uPVC pipe line laid complete 156 Providing and fixing in position SWR uPVC specials for soil waste vent or anti syphonage pipes to I.S.I specifications (IS:14735)of approved make (to the approval of Engineer-in-charge) including cutting and wastage etc. cutting holes in walls roofs or floors etc. and making good to its original condition but excluding cost of lead joing. 157 For 110mm o/d pipes 158 P Trap/Floor Trap 110 mm x 110 mm 159 Providing and fixing in position gully traps fixed in cement concrete 1:4:8 complete with Grating 150mm x 150mm, cover and frame clear opening 300mm x 300mm and out of side size 330mm x 330mm and chamber including cost of all bricks work in cement morter 1:5 cement concrete 1:2:4 in coping around cover and frame etc.as per standard design minimumdepth of water should be 150 mm with a minimum seal 50mm. 160 100mm internal Diametre H.C.I. gully trap with H.C.I. grating and cast iron cover weighing approximately 7.26 kg. and frame clear opening 300mm x 300mm and out of side size 330mm x 330mm 161 Construction of brick masonry inspection chambers size as given below upto 0.60 metre average depth in 1:5 cement sand mortar, lime concrete with 40 per cent lime mortar 2:3 in foundation, cement concrete 1:2:4 benching 12.50mm thick cement plaster 1:2 with a floating coat of 1mm thick of neat cement, R.C.C. 1:2:4 slabs 100mm thick cement concrete topping 50mm thick with 455mm x 455mm, 455mm x 610mm inside light duty C.I. inspection chamber cover and frame (Weight as per I.S.I specifications) painted with 3 coats of black bitumastic paint conforming to I.S.I complete as per standard design. 162 Size 450mm x 450mm inside with RCC 455mm x 455mm cover and frame light duty double seal 163 Making connection with the existing G.I. branch main up to 40mm size pipe including cutting of existing pipe line, threading of pipe lines from both ends and fixing of G.I Tee etc. in the pipe line (including cost of G.I Tee) complete in all respects. 164 CONCEALED IN WALL: Providing and fixing Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) pipes as per IS 15778 (ISI marked with the prior approval of Engineer-in- Charge), having thermal stability for hot & cold water supply, including all CPVC plain & brass threaded fittings i/c fixing the pipe with clamps at 1.00 m spacing including jointing of pipes & fittings, with one step CPVC solvent cement and testing of pipes complete as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge. 165 SDR 11 CPVC pipes & fittings 20mm o/d 166 CPVC SDR 11 Pipe & fitting 25mm o/d 167 Providing & fixing in position Commercial RO without reservoir with four no cartridge/ membrane having flow rate 50 ltr/hr with 6 stage purification process of approved make (to the approval of Engineer-in-charge) including carriage and fixing in position complete in all respect. 168 Providing & placing in position on terrace (at all floor levels) HDPE water storage tanks of approved make (to the approval of Engineer - in-charge) with cover with suitable locking arrangement and making necessary holes for inlet, outlet and over flo pipes but without fittings and base support for tank. 169 (i) Triple Layer Tanks 170 Providing and fixing in position G.I. Tank Nipple of approved make (to the approval of Engineer-in-charge) in PVC Water storage tanks complete in all respect. 171 (b) G.I. tank nipple 20mm i/d 172 Providing and fixing in position stainless steel sinks of approved make (to the approval of Engineer-in-charge) 1mm thick,grade-304 (18/8) with waste coupling complete in all respect. 173 Rectangular Sink with Deluxe Border Single Bowl Overall Size 700 mm x 555 mm x 230 mm 174 Electrical Works: 175 Providing Internal Electrical Installations 176 RECESSED PVC CONDUIT PIPE WIRING SYSTEM WITH MODULAR SWITCHES: 177 Wiring in PVC insulated copper conductor single core FR cable (ISI marked) overall 1.5sq. mm, 1100volts grade to be laid in heavy gauge PVC conduit pipe 20mm/ 25mm dia. (ISI Marked) recessed in wall etc., complete with powder coated/anodized concealed metal boxes (1.6mm thick with Brass lugs) required for suitable number of modules (Modular accessories) for having Step type electronic fan regulators (two module) 100watts, bell push, 6Amp. 2/3 universal socket (shuttered), 16/20Amp. combined/ universal Socket (shuttered), 6/10Amp. Switches, 16/20Amp. switches with indicator etc. and covered with Frame Plate etc., PVC connector (For Fan Box and Call Bell), Steel Hooks, Sheet metal fan box (1.6mm thick shape hexagonal), Circular junction Boxes (Four way PVC 1½ deep for walls and CI 3 deep for ceiling), bonding to earth with PVC insulated copper conductor single core FR cable (ISI marked) 1sq. mm, 1100volts grade (For 6Amp. wall socket & plug control point)and other petty material etc., including the cost of above material, cutting and filling up of chases (with finishing the surface):- 178 Wiring light point 179 Wiring 6Amp. Plug control comprising wall socket point 180 Wiring 16/20Amp. power plug control point 181 RECESSED AIR CONDITIONER SUPPLY TERMINAL POINT (USED FOR HGW, PVC CONDUIT & HDPE PIPE WIRING SYSTEM WITH MODULAR ACCESSORIES): 182 Wiring air conditioner supply terminal point recessed in wall etc., complete with powder coated/anodized concealed metal boxes required for suitable number of modules (Modular accessories) for having 25Amp. combined/ universal Socket (shuttered) andmodular motor starter 25Amp. (2Module), covered with Frame Plate and other petty material etc. including the cost of above material, cutting and filling up of chases (with finishing the surface):- 183 Wiring AC supply terminal point having1No. 25Amp. universal Socket (shuttered) erected at AC height and 1No. Motor starter 25Amp. erected at switchboard height. 184 RECESSED COMPUTER SUPPLY TERMINAL POINTS (USED FOR HGW, PVC CONDUIT & HDPE PIPEWIRING SYSTEM WITH MODULAR ACCESSORIES): 185 Wiring Computer supply terminal points recessed in wall etc., complete with powder coated/anodized concealed metal boxes required for suitable number of modules (Modular accessories) for having 6Amp. 2/3 universal socket (shuttered), 16/20Amp. combined/ universal Socket (shuttered), 6/10/16/20Amp. Switches and blanking plate etc., and covered with Frame Plate and other petty material etc. including the cost of above material, cutting and filling up of chases (with finishing the surface):- 186 Wiring Computer terminal point having 3 Nos. 6Amp. 2/3 universalsocket (shuttered), 1No. 16 Amp. switch with indicator and 1No. blanking plate (Modular accessories). 187 RECESSED TV, TELEPHONE & NETWORKING SOCKETS OUTLET POINTS (USED FOR HGW, PVC CONDUIT & HDPE PIPE WIRING SYSTEM WITH MODULAR ACCESSORIES): 188 Supply and erection of TV socket, Telephone socket and Networking socket points in powder coated/anodized concealed metal boxes recessed in wall required for suitable number of modules (Modular accessories) for having TV sockets, Telephone sockets RJ11 & Networking socket RJ45 (one module), covered with Frame Plate and other petty material etc., including the cost of above material, cutting and filling up of chases (with finishing the surface):- 189 Wiring Networking socket point RJ45 (one module) 190 REPLACEMENT OF WIRES, COVER FRAMES, MODULAR SWITCHES, CONCEALED METAL BOXES AND OTHER ACCESSORIES IN THE EXISTING RECESSED CONDUIT PIPE WIRING SYSTEM (WITH MODULAR TYPE ACCESSORIES) Derived from 34.01: 191 Replacement of PVC insulated copper conductor single core FR cable (ISI marked) overall 1.5sq. mm, 1100volts grade to be laid in existing heavy gauge welded conduit pipe 20 mm/25 mm dia (1.6mm thick) ISI Marked, recessed in wall etc., complete with powder coated/anodized concealed metal boxes (1.6mm thick with Brass lugs) required for suitable number of modules (Modular accessories) for having Step type electronic fan regulators (two module) 100watts, bell push, 6Amp. 2/3 universal socket (shuttered), 16/20Amp. combined/ universal Socket (shuttered), 6/10Amp. Switches, 16/20Amp. switches with indicator etc. and covered with Frame Plate etc., PVC connector (For Fan Box and Call Bell), PVC Bush, bonding to earth with PVC insulated copper conductor single core FR cable (ISI marked) 1sq. mm, 1100volts grade (For 6Amp. wall socket & plug control point)and other petty material etc. including the cost of above material, cutting and filling up of chases (with finishing the surface):- (Derived From CSR 34.01) 192 Wiring fan point (Without fan box) 193 Wiring light point 194 PVC INSULATED FR COPPER CONDUCTOR CABLES: 195 Supply and erection of PVC insulated FR single core Unsheathed copper conductor cable (ISI marked) suitable upto 1100 volts grade confirm to IS:694/1990 left bare in pipe or casing of suitable size complete in all respect as desired by the Engineer-in-charge:- 196 Overall size 1.5sq.mm (Un-sheathed) 197 Overall size 2.5sq.mm (Un-sheathed) 198 Overall size 4sq.mm (Un-sheathed) 199 Overall size 6sq.mm (Un-sheathed) 200 Overall size 10sq.mm (Un-sheathed) 201 Overall size 16sq.mm (Un-sheathed) 202 HEAVY GAUGE WELDED CONDUIT PIPES: 203 Supply & erection of Heavy guage welded conduit pipe (ISI marked) as per IS:9537:Part-II for wiring purposes including bends, junction boxes, Steel hooks, GI saddle clamps and other petty materials etc., where necessary including painting as per PWD General Specifications:- 204 Supply & erection of 19/20mm dia. M.S. conduit pipe (1.6mm thick), White painted suspension rod for ceiling fan. 205 PVC, HDPE PIPES & PVC FLEXIBLE PIPES: 206 Supply & erection of PVC Conduit Pipes (ISI marked) as per IS9537:Part-III & HDPE pipes (ISI marked) as per IS:4984:1995 for wiring purposes including bends, junction boxes, Steel hooks, M.S. saddle clamps and other petty materialsetc., as per PWD General Specifications:- 207 Heavy Gauge PVC Conduit Pipe 25mm dia. (Flushed) 208 Heavy Gauge PVC Conduit Pipe 32mm dia. (Flushed) 209 MINIATURE CIRCUIT BREAKERS: 210 Supply and erection of Miniature Circuit Breaker MCBs for circuit protection against overload and short circuit current fault suitable for 240/ 415 volts 50cycles AC supply with breaking capacity of 10kA, Curve-C and low watt losses as per IS/IEC 60898-1, energy limitation class-3, true contact indication, label holder facility in the existing MCB distribution board as per PWD General Specificationsincluding connections with suitable size of thimbles/lugs:- 211 MCB Single Pole 6-32amp. (10kA, Curve-C) 212 MCB Double Pole 50, 63amp. (10kA, Curve-C) 213 MCB Triple Pole 50, 63amp. (10kA, Curve-C) 214 MCB Four Pole 50, 63amp. (10kA, Curve-C) 215 SHEET METAL DOUBLE DOOR DISTRIBUTION BOARD FOR MCBs/ RCBOs/ RCCBs: 216 Supply and erection of sheet metal Double Door Distribution Boards IP 43-IK09 metal door (dust protected) as per IS 8623-1&3, IEC 61439-1&3 suitable for flush mounting with fully insulated copper busbars, shrouded neutral bars, earth bars, cement spill protector, color-coded interconnecting wire set, cable ties, blanking plates and circuit identifications label and of required no. of ways for mountingminiature circuit breakers/ RCBOs/ RCCBs in the distribution board (For SP&Ndistribution board with provision DP MCBs/ RCCBs/ RCBOs as incomer and SP MCBs as outgoings and for TP&Nhorizontal distribution board with provision TPN/ FP MCBs/ RCCBs/ RCBOs as incomer and SP MCBs as outgoings) as per PWD General specifications including connections with suitable size of thimbles and bonding to existing earth etc:- 217 SP&N Double Door Distribution Board 8 way each 218 TP&N Horizontal Double Door Distribution Board 6 way each 219 Supply and erection of sheet metal double door vertical distribution boards IP 43-IK09 metal door (dust protected) as per IS:8623-1&3, IEC 61439-1&3 suitable for flush mounting with fully insulated copper busbars for each phase, 2 Nos. shrouded neutral bars, 2Nos. earth bars, cement spill protector, color-coded interconnecting wire set, cable ties, blanking plates and circuit identifications label and of required no. of ways for mounting MCCBs as incomer and outgoings SP/TPminiature circuit breakers in the distribution board as per PWD General specifications including connections with suitable size of thimbles and bonding to existing earth etc.:- 220 TP&NDouble Door Vertical DBs 4 way each (With provision of FP MCCBupto 125amp.) 221 MCCBs (MOULDED CASE CIRCUIT BREAKER): 222 Supply and erection of Moulded Case Circuit Breaker (Panel mounting Cubical type) in the existing Cubical Panel (confirm to IEC:60947-2) having Ics=100% Icu, 100% neutral with spreader links and relevant PWD general specifications complete with G.I. Bolts, Nuts & Connection on both sides of MCCB with suitable size of thimbles etc:- 223 MCCB Four Pole 63/80/100amp., 415volts, ≥25kA Fixed Magnetic and Adjustable Thermal Setting 224 XLPE INSULATED UN-ARMOURED CABLES (ON SURFACE): 225 Supply, laying and erection of aluminium conductor XLPE insulated PVC sheathed Un-armoured and served cable 1100 volts grade as per IS 7098 (Part-1)1988 to be laid (On Surface) as per PWD General Specifications:- 226 Overall size 10sq.mm (2Core) Un-armoured (On-Surface) 227 XLPE INSULATED UN-ARMOURED CABLES (LOOSE): 228 Supply, laying and erection of aluminium conductor XLPE insulated PVC sheathed Un-armoured and served cable 1100 volts grade as per IS 7098 (Part-1)1988 to be laid loose in the existing trench or pipe as per PWD General Specifications:- 229 Overall size 10sq.mm (2 Core) Un-armoured (Loose) 230 Overall size 16sq.mm (4Core) Un-armoured (Loose) 231 DOUBLE WALLED CORRUGATED (DWC) HDPE PIPES: 232 Supply and erection of Double Walled Corrugated (DWC) HDPE pipe to be laid 1mtr. below ground level including excavation placing the pipe in position and back filling with excavated soil etc. of the required size:- 233 Double Walled Corrugated HDPE Pipe 50/ 38mm (Outer/ Inner dia.) 234 COPPER EARTHING: 235 8 SWG COPPER EARTHING : 236 Earthing with 8 SWG (4mm dia.) electrolytic copper wire thimbled (1No. copper thimble with suitable size steel bolt, washers & double nut) with 30cm x 60cm x 2mm thick copper plate (made cylindrical) burried below ground level in the hole of excavation having bore dia. 125mm and surrounded by salt & charcoal dust mixture (20 kg.) including fixing the copper wire run through 20mm dia. G.I. pipe (A-Class) recessed in wall and in floor etc., up to suitable Length in metre (including bore Length). G.I. pipe 20mm dia. (A-class) of suitable Length should be laid in the hole of excavation 1 feet below ground level and having GI Reducer 50mm x 20mm with PVC Cap (For pouring water) fixed on the top level of the pipe. 300mm x 300mm x 300mm deep haudi of First class bricks finished with 1:4 cement plaster and haudi covered with cast iron lid having size 300mm x 300mm (Heavy) around the hole of excavation:- 237 Earthing with 8 SWG (4mm dia.) copper wire thimbled with 30cm x 60cm x 2mm thick copper plate burried 10.50 metre (34.44 feet) below ground level (up to 14metre in Length) with G.I. pipe 20mm dia. (A-class), 9metre long 238 COPPER EARTHING STRIP (As Additional Length): 239 Fixing additional Length of earthing with 8 S.W.G. (4mm dia.) copper wire in G.I. pipe with sockets, elbows, steel hooks and GI saddle clamps including painting etc.:- 240 Additional Length copper wire 8 S.W.G. (4mm dia.) in 20mm dia. G.I. pipe (Flushed) 241 SHEET METAL IRON CLAD SWITCHES: 242 Supply and erection of sheet metal Iron Clad Switches on existing surface with G.I. bolts & nuts/ rag bolts and nuts etc., according to the size of holes in the body of the enclosure includingconnections with suitable size of thimbles and bonding to the existing earth as Per PWD General Specifications:- 243 ICDP Switch 32amp., 415volts 244 Supply and erection of SMC Junction Box (Glass Fibre reinforced polyester sheet moulding compound) confirm to IS:14772 (Recessed/ On surface), robustly constructed, safe & shock proof, rust & tamper proof of suitable inner & outer dimensions with ± 10% tolerance in size & hinged water tight cover with locking arrangementhaving 1No. terminal strip with 4Nos. terminals & 1No. Single pole MCB of required capacity fixed on din bar (Din Bar Provision for 2Nos. MCBs) complete in allrespect as approved and desired by the Engineer In-Charge at site:- 245 SMC Junction Box (Glass Fibre reinforced polyester sheet moulding compound) confirm to IS:14772, inner dimensions 200mm x 140mm x 95mm with hinged water tight cover with locking arrangement 246 Supply and erection of LED batten 40 Watt LED (including constant LED driver) withHigh quality extruded aluminium with efficacy of LED fixture minimunm 100 lumens per wattand operating voltage between 140 to 270 volt, THD <10% ingress protection IP20 (as per latest BIS standards) surge protection - 2.5 KV and above (as per IS/ IEC standards) wattage of each low power LED less than 1 watt input AC frequency 50 Hz ± 3 % with 5 year warranty including their drivers completealong with erection of the same with connections, testing etc. complete in all respects as approved and desired by the Engineer-in-charge at site.LED Fitting as per Specifications approved by Hon. Tech. Advisor to CM Punjab vide LetterION No:- AT/2021/GL/1410-1422 Dated:- 06.05.2021. Besides this the lighting fixtures manufactures should have in house NABL accredited labortary. 247 Supply and erection of AC Ceiling Fan 1200mm (48) BEE 3 Star Rating suitable for 230 V single phase with double ball bearing, copper wound, full aluminium body, 3Nos. of blades, white in colour. The mounting type is down rod mount. The product should possess a minimum air deleivery of 218 CMM. The rated speed of the the product must be minimum of 350 revolutions per minute and 5Nos. of speeds. The approximate weight of the product should be 4Kg and 180gms.(without packing) or higher. The product should have a manufcaturers guarantee /warranty of minimum 2 years. The product should be complete in all aspects with fan motor, bladeset, down rod, conopy set, shackle kit, twisted wire etc., including erection & testing of ceiling fan having connection with PVC insulated PVC sheathed two single core copper conductor (FR) cable 0.75 sq. mm complete in all respects as per satisfcation of the Engineer-in-charge at site. 248 Supply and erection of Heavy duty Exhust Fans 300mm sweep 900RPM complete with aluminium louver shutter Canon Make, double ball bearing, longer life including flexible wire & petty material etc. for connections and testing completein all respect as approved and desired by the Engineer in-charges at site. 249 Supply and erection of LED Flood Light 100watt, Supply Voltage 140-270Volts AC supply, 50Hz ± 3% (including BIS Certified potted single diver with screen or laser printing logo LED driver)with pressure die cast or extruded aluminium housing with control gear (IP 66 protection), THD<10%, CRI minimum 70,High power LED with wattage 1 to 5 Watt with mandatory secondary lenses, toughened glass fitting, 4 KV SPD within driver and 10KV external SPD, Min IK07, efficacy of LED fixture minimum 120 lumens per watt, 5 year warranty including their drivers complete in all respects as approved and desired by the Engineer in-charge at site. LED Fittings as per specifications approved by Honble Technical Advisor to Punjab Govt. vide LetterION No:- AT/2021/GL/1410-1422 Dated:- 06.05.2021. Besides this the lighting fixtures manufacturers should have in house NABL accredited lab.

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