
Tender For Landscaping ,Gardening And Child Play Equipments In Csmc Open Space Badmintan Hall Premises,Jyotinagar., Aurangabad-Maharashtra

Aurangabad Municipal Corporation has published Tender For Landscaping ,Gardening And Child Play Equipments In Csmc Open Space Badmintan Hall Premises,Jyotinagar.. Submission Date for this Tender is 21-02-2025. Landscape Tenders in Aurangabad Maharashtra. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Landscaping ,Gardening And Child Play Equipments In Csmc Open Space Badmintan Hall Premises,Jyotinagar.
Open Tender

Tender Details

Tender For Landscaping ,Gardening And Child Play Equipments In Csmc Open Space Badmintan Hall Premises,Jyotinagar.- 1 Clearing and grubbing road land including uprooting rank vegetation, grass, bushes, shrubs, saplings and trees girth up to 300 mm, removal of stumps of trees cut earlier and disposal of unserviceable materials and stacking of serviceable material to be used or auctioned up to a lead of 1000 metres including removal and disposal of toporganic soil not exceeding 150mminthickness.By Mechanical Means 2 Conveying materials obtained from road cutting including all lifts, laying in layers of 20cm to 30cm. breaking clods, dressing to the required lines,curves, grades and section, watering and compacting to not less than 97% of standard Proctor density fora leadofover 50m.to300m.inclusive from thesiteof excavation to the site of deposition as directed. 3 Removing cement or lime plaster including disposing of the spoils as directed with all leads, lifts etc, complete.- 4 Excavation for foundation in earth,soil of all types, sand, gravel and soft murum, including removing the excavated material up to a distance of 50 m. beyond the building area and stacking and spreading as directed, dewatering ,preparing the bed for the foundation and necessary backfilling, ramming, watering including shoring and strutting etc. complete. (Lift upto 1.5 m.)By Mechanical Means 5 Excavation for foundation in earth, soils ofall types,sand,graveland soft murum,including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 metres beyond the building area and stacking and spreading as directed, dewatering ,preparing the bed for the foundation and necessary backfilling, ramming, watering including shoring and strutting etc.complete.(Liftfrom1.5mto 3.0m)By Mechanical Means- 6 Providing and laying Cast insitu/Ready Mix cement concrete inM-10oftrap/granite/ quartzit/ gneiss metal for foundation and bedding including bailing out water, formwork, laying/pumping, compacting, roughening them if special finishis to be provided finishing f required and curing complete, with fully automatic micro processor based PLC with SCADA enabled reversible Drum Type mixer/concrete Batch mix plant(Panmixer) etc. complete.With natural sand/V.S.I. quality Artificial Sand- 7 Providing soling using 80mmsize trap metal in15cm.layer including filling voids with Crushed sand/grit, ramming, watering etc. complete.- 8 Providing and laying Cast insitu/Ready Mix cement concrete in M20 of trap/ granite/quartzite/gneiss metal for bed blocks, foundation blocks and such other items including bailing out water, plywood/steel form work,laying/pumping, compacting, roughening the mif special finish istobe provided, finishing unevenand honey combed surface and curing etc. complete. The Cement Mortar1:3 plaster is considered forrendering uneven and honeycombed surface only. Newly laidconcreteshallbecoveredbygunnybag, plastic,tarpaulinetc.(Woodencenteringwill notbeallowed.),withfullyautomaticmicro processor based PLC with SCADA enabled reversibleDrumTypemixer/concreteBatch mix plant (Pan mixer) etc. complete. With 9 Providing and casting in situ or precast taperingR.C.C.M-20SemiBarriertypeKerb without gutter ( as per IRC 86 1983) embedded125mmbelowgroundlevelover M-10 PCC finished neatly with C.M. 1:2, settingthesameinC.M.1:2,includingthe requiredexcavationinanystrataand removing the excavated stuff any where in city and redoing the surface as specified and directed by Engineering In-charge. Using Concrete Batching and Mixing Plant- 10 ProvidingsecondclassBurntBrickmasonry withconventional/I.S.typebricksincement mortar1:6infoundationsandplinthofinner walls/ in plinth external walls including bailing out water manually , striking joints on unexposed faces, raking out joints on exposed faces and watering etc. Complete.- 11 ProvidingandlayingCastinsitu/ReadyMix cement concrete M-15 of trap/ granite/quartzite/gneissmetalforcopingto plinthorparapet,mouldedorchamferedas perdrawingor as directedincluding steel centering, plywood/ steel formwork compacting,rougheningthemifspecialfinish is to be provided, finishing uneven and honeycombed surface and curing etc. complete.TheCementMortar1:3plasteris considered for rendering uneven and honeycombedsurfaceonly.Newlylaid concrete shall be covered by gunny bag, plastic,tarpaulinetc.(Woodencenteringwill not be allowed.)- 12 Providingandfixingheavydutyinterlocking concrete RUBBER MOULD GLOSSY PAVINGBLOCKS of 60 millimeter thickness of having a strengthof400Kg/sq.mofapprovedquality and shape on a bed of crushed sand of 25 to 30 millimeter thick including striking joints and cleaning etc. complete. (using 100% crushed sand) 13 Providingand fabricatingstructuralsteel work in rolledsections likejoists, channels, angles, tees etc. as per detaileddesign anddrawings orasdirectedincludingcutting,fabricating, hoisting,erecting,fixinginpositionmaking riveted/bolted/weldedconnectionswithout connectingplates,bracesetc.andincluding one coat of anticorrosive paint and over it two coatsofoilpaintingofapprovedqualityand shade etc. complete.- 14 ProvidingandlayingCastinsitu/ReadyMix cement concrete M-20 of trap / granite/quartzite/ gneiss metal for R.C.C. beams and lintels as per detailed designs and drawings or as directed including centering, formwork, coverblocks,laying/pumping,compactionand roughening the surface if special finish is to be provided andcuringetc. complete.(Excluding reinforcementandstructuralsteel).withfully automatic micro processorbasedPLC with SCADAenabledreversibleDrumTypemixer/ concreteBatchmixplant(Panmixer)etc. complete. With natural sand/V.S.I. quality Artificial Sand- 15 Providing and fixing in position TMT - FE - 500 barreinforcement of various diametersforR.C.C.pilecaps,footings,foundations,slabs, beamscolumns,canopies,staircase,newels, chajjas,lintelspardis,copings,fins,arches etc.asperdetaileddesigns,drawingsand schedules. includingcutting, bending, hooking thebars,bindingwithwiresortackwelding and supporting as required complete.- 16 Providinganderectingchainlinkfencing1.6M. height with G.I. chain link of size 50 x 50 mm,8gaugethickandfixed75mmabove ground level on vertical M.S. Angles of 40 x 40 x6mmsize,includindexcavatingpitsfor foundationandembeddedinC.C.blockof 1:4:8 mix of size 450 x 450 x 670 mm. at 1.75M.c/cwithironbar16mmdiaasholdfast including welding link with angle frame at 30 17 Providing and fixing 50 mm. dia. medium class G.I.pipegatewithwicketgateofapproved drawingwithallfixturesandfittingsintwo leaves with strongholdfast embedded in c.c. blockattopandbottomwithlocking arrangement including cutting, bending, making holes and with one coat of primer etc. complete.- 18 Providing sand faced plaster externally in cement mortar using approved screened sand, inallpositionsincludingbase coatof15mm thick in cement mortar 1:4 using waterproofingcompoundat1kgpercement bag curing the same fornot less than 2 days and keeping the surface of the base coat rough to receive the sand faced treatment 6 to 8 mm thick in cement mortar 1:4 finishing the surfacebytakingoutgrainsandcuringfor fourteen days scaffolding etc.complete.- 19 Providingandfillinginthefoundationwith sandofapprovedqualityincludingwatering, compactingetc.complete.(Tobeexecuted with prior approval of Superintending Engineer)- 20 Providingandlayinginpositionflooringof telephoneblack/AmbaWhite/Catbary brown / Rubyred / Ocean Brown granite stone of approved shade and size 18 mm to 20 mm thickonbed1:6cementmortarincluding cementfloatsstrikingjoints,pointinginC.M. 1:3 curing and cleaning etc. complete.- 21 P/F WOODEN FINISH BENCHESHAVING 1435 MM LONG X787 WIDEX 584 MM HEIGHT WITH WROUGHT IRON METAL APPROX WT 40 KG,350 KG LOAD CARRYING CAPACITY FOR 3 ADULTS FORINDDORANDOUTDDORASDIRECTED AND AS PER DESIGH AS DIRECTED--ETC [AS/LOWEST RATE] 22 SupplyingONSITEgardensoilwellsieved 80%topassthroughI.S.sieveof10mmsize free from stones rubbish like dried grass roots andothersuchmaterialthesoilshouldbe fresh from quarry. The colour of the soil generally is red .The soil will be measured by measuringbox.(Farma)(ASPERPWDSSR PARKS & GARDEN 2022-23 PAGE NO.8) (ItemincludingTransportingloadingunloadingetc.) (Lead charges per 25 km. considered Excluding royalty) 23 PREPARING OF SHRUBERRY/FLOWERBED AS/DRGANDAS/PARKSANDGARDENSSR SAMPLEANALYSISWITHSUPPLY SOIL,MANURE,SHRUBES,FLOWERBEDETC COMPLETE.[PWD/SSR/2022-23] 24 Providing and applying two coats of exterior weather shield paint of approved manufacture and of approved colour to the plastered surfaces including cleaning ,preparing the plaster surface ,applying primer coat,scaffolding if necessary, andwatering the surface for two days etc complete. NOTE:For Item No. 15 to 18 prior approval of Superintending Engineer will be necessary- 25 Contractor has to quote on Work Portion Only

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 600 /-
INR 41601.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 41.60 Lakhs /-
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