Tender For Balance Civil Works For Aarey Car Depot Of Mumbai Metro Line-3 Project; 1 Providing and erecting Chain link fencing (Support below ground) l.6 Rmt. meter height with galvanized iron chain link of size 50 mm x 50 mm, 8 gauge thick and fixed 75 mm above ground level on vertical mild steel angles of 40 x 40 x 6 mm size, embedded in cement concrete block of M20 mix of size 45 x 45 x 60 cm 2 .5m centre to centre with iron bar 16 mm dia. as hold fast including welding link with angle frame at 30 cm centre to centre including pit excavation 45 x 45 x 60 cm, nuts and bolts and horizontal mild steel angles at top and bottom of 25 x 25 x 5 mm size and vertical mild steel flat 35 x 5 mm and 25 x 5 mm horizontal including cross support of 40 x 40 x 6 mm angles both sides at interval of 25-0 and at every corner or bend embedded in concrete blocks of 1:4:8 mix of size 45 x 45 x 60 cm including three coats of oil painting, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge 2970.00 Rmt 2539.00 75,40,830.00 2 Providing and erecting Chain link fencing (Support above road) l.6 Rmt. meter height with galvanized iron chain link of size 50 mm x 50 mm, 8 gauge thick and fixed 75 mm above road surface on vertical mild steel angles of 40 x 40 x 6 mm size, with MS base plate 150x150x10 mm, each plate fixed on road with iron bar 16 mm dia. as hold fast including welding link with angle frame at 30 cm centre to centre, nuts and bolts and horizontal mild steel angles at top and bottom of 25 x 25 x 5 mm size and vertical mild steel flat 35 x 5 mm and 25 x 5 mm horizontal including cross support of 40 x 40 x 6 mm angles both sides at interval of 25-0 and at every corner including three coats of oil painting, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge 800.00 Rmt 2314.56 18,51,648.89 3 Providing, detailing, fabricating and fixing structural steel works using hot rolled sections and MS Plates of grade Fe 250 as per specifications and approved fabrication drawings, transporting to site and erecting structural steel members for all heights & at all levels including provision of necessary erection bolts, fixing bolts, nuts, washers, cleats, stiffeners, gussets, base plate, and all necessary fixtures and operations like preheating as per specifications, straightening, bending, cutting, drilling, grinding, machining if specified, welding, grinding and removing the welding burr and preparing surface for painting with wire brush cleaning and applying two coats of epoxy red oxide zinc phosphate primer of 30 microns each and two coats of Epoxy Corrosion Resistant Enamel paint of 30 microns after fabrication including touching up with spray painting after erection, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge 40.00 MT 90876.00 36,35,040.00 4 Supplying and fixing of Maintenance Walkway System at roof top of upto 750mm width (FRP panel 3m x 0.75m x 30mm thick, 38 square opening with all fixing clamps & fasteners) with load carrying capacity upto 700 kg/m2 made up of FRP grating fixed to the roof sheeting with clamps made up of Galvanized Iron or suitable material as approved by Engineer in charge. 6 nos of SS clamps per grating. Clamps shall be locked with fasteners of Stainless-steel Grade-304 as per bimetallic compatibility strength. The seam clamps shall be installed over roof sheeting panels using stainless Steel fasteners. The clips are designed in such way that it suits the seam of installed panels, and it doesnt restrict the thermal movement of roof panels, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 1072.50 Sqm 4905.00 52,60,612.50 5 Supply & installation of Fall Protection System with clamps suitable to the clip lock roofing sheets. 4 x split Aluminium clamps to be used below 4 corners of base plate (Roof sheet non-penetrating), as per the manufacture’s specification or as approved by Engineer in charge. The Fall Protection System shall be tested to EN795-2012 Class A2 & Class C and be capable of supporting 2 users working simultaneously at any point along the 8 mm 7 x 7 stainless steel cable even in the same area between 2 posts and shall demonstrate that an individual post is capable of absorbing a direct dynamic load of 300 kg dropped through 1.5m and limit the force to the roof to 10 kN in shear without damage to the roofing substrate, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 1016.00 Rmt 2036.00 20,68,576.00 6 Providing and fixing aluminium work for windows chajjas, ventilators and partitions with extruded built up standard tubular sections/ appropriate Z sections and other sections of approved make powder coated finish with any shade conforming to IS: 733 and IS: 1285, fixing with dash fasteners of required dia and size, including necessary filling up the gaps at junctions, i.e. at top, bottom and sides with required EPDM rubber/ neoprene gasket etc. Aluminium sections shall be smooth, rust free, straight, mitred and jointed mechanically wherever required including cleat angle, Aluminium snap beading for glazing / paneling, C.P. brass / stainless steel screws, at any height including necessary scaffolding cost, windows are located all each floor in OCC building (G+3) & Maintenance workshop building (G+1), etc complete as directed by Engineer-incharge 8934.56 Kg 216.00 19,29,864.96 7 Excavation in all types of soils, soft murum, including dressing/trimming the sides, leveling and ramming of bottoms, manual dewatering, disposing within an initial lead of 150m as directed, loading, unloading, leveling, etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-Charge 200.00 Cum 387.00 77,400.00 8 Excavation in hard rock/concrete, including dressing/trimming the sides, leveling and ramming of bottoms, manual dewatering, disposing within an initial lead of 150m as directed, loading, unloading, leveling, etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-Charge 200.00 Cum 1347.00 2,69,400.00 9 Demolishing R.C.C. slab/wall/beams/columns in any thickness and size manually/ by mechanical means including stacking of steel bars and disposal of unserviceable material within 50 metres lead, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge 220.00 Cum 2491.00 5,48,020.00 10 Disposal of excavated/demolished/desilting materials of all types from work site to dumping site selected by contractor upto all lead including loading, unloading, stacking and spreading, etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in- charge. 1520.00 Cum 809.00 12,29,680.00 11 Dewatering by using pumps of 10 HP capacity and other devices including disposing off water to safe distance, including cost of machinery, labour, fuel, pipe and its accessories, etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 100.00 Hr 104.00 10,400.00 12 Providing & Laying dry stone Rubble Soling with average 230 mm size hard stone set in regular lines, handpacked and interstices thoroughly filled with small chips including filling in with good quality murum brought from outside, compacting with iron rammers, watering, sand spreading 12mm thk. layer of grit on top, etc complete as directed by Engineer-In-Charge. 109.69 Cum 2434.00 2,66,973.29 13 Providing and laying RMC M-20 grade for PCC work as per IS 456:2000 including formwork, transportation, pouring, compaction and finishing the concrete with all contractors labour, machinery, material, lead, lift, curing with water, etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 148.93 Cum 6432.00 9,57,885.60 14 Providing and laying RMC M-35 grade for RCC work in structure/trench covers as per IS 456:2000 including formwork, transportation, pouring the concrete, compaction, finishing with all contractors labour, machinery, material, lead, lift, curing with water, etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 62.35 Cum 10719.00 6,68,329.65 15 Providing and fixing in position TMT Bars Reinforcement (Fe 500D or more) of various diameters for all structures, etc. as per detailed designs, drawings and schedules including cutting, bending, hooking the bars, binding with wires or tack welding and supporting as required, etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in charge. 5.00 MT 80080.00 4,00,400.00 16 Providing preconstruction Anti termite Treatment as per IS: 6313 (Part-III) by treating the bottom surface, the sides of excavation, backfill in immediate contact with foundation, treating the top surface of plinth filling at the rate of 5 liters of emulsion concentrate of 0.5 % of chloropyiifos or equivalent per square meter of surface area covering 10 years guarantee, etc. complete as directed by Engineerin-charge. 100.00 Sqm 187.00 18,700.00 17 Filling with approved murum/good earth in layers not exceeding 200mm including breaking of clods, watering, consolidating each layer in filled up area by rolling and compacting with roller/ plate compactor as required to achieve not less than 97% modified proctor density conforming to relevant IS etc. complete as directed by Engineer-In-charge 470.00 Cum 1038.00 4,87,860.00 18 Providing, laying, spreading & compacting specified crushed stone in Granular Subbase course including premixing the material in mechanical mixer (pug mill or approved type), spreading of mixed material in uniform layer of 100 mm to 75 mm (compacted thickness each) on prepared murum surface & compacting with 10 tonne vibratory roller to achieve desired density including all material, labour, machinery, lighting, barricading to all lifts & lead, maintenance of diversion etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. (metal gradation from 75mm to 75 micron as per prevailing specifications for Roadworks clause no.210) 320.00 Cum 2588.00 8,28,160.00 96 19 Providing and laying Pavement Quality Concrete of M 40 grade including providing 125 micron thick impermeable plastic sheet membrane over the surface to be covered, coarse and fine aggregates of specified gradation using minimum cement content 350 kg/cum, cutting of dummy, transverse, longitudinal & expansion joints by mechanical means within 10 to 16 hrs of casting of bay/slab as directed , premoulded asphalt filler 12 mm thick conforming to I.S. 1838 of 1983, placing 5mm thick thermocol in dummy & construction joints immediately after cutting of joints & removing the same before dressing of dummy & construction joints, waterproof paper of 40 GSM including overlap ( to be not less than 10cm), cement vatas in c/m 1:10 at 0.6mx0.6m c/c admeasuring 0.09m at bottom, 0.04m at top & 0.075m, deep & maintaining the same throughout 14 days curing & removing the same thereafter, etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 500.00 Cum 5928.00 29,64,000.00 20 Providing and Laying hot applied Thermoplastic road marking strip of specified shade/colour of 2.5 mm thick including 1.5 Refractive index reflectorizing glass beads @ 250gm/sqm. Thickness of 2.5 mm is exclusive of surface applied glass beads as per IRC35:2015. Initial Dry reflectivity RL shall be > 250 mcd/sqm/lux measured in the initial 7 days and sustained reflectivity RL of 100mcd/sqm/lux and Qd of 100mcd/sqm/lux measured at the end of 2 years by means of a Standard Reflectometer of Zehntner, Easy lux, Deltamake capable of measuring RL & QD both according to IRC35:2015 clause15.5. The finished surface to be level, uniform, and free from streaks and holes complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge and in accordance with applicable specifications. (Refer MORTH Clause 803 for technical Specification and Performance for IRC 35:2015), etc. complete as directed by Engineer-incharge. 1500.00 Sqm 666.00 9,99,000.00 21 Providing and fixing of cement concrete Kerb Stone of size 500mm width x 325 height x 165mm thick (Half Batter, Bull Nose/ Full Batter) manufactured in wet press vacuum dewatering technology plant / equivalant with face pimple finish for high visibility with excellent quality and finish and edges perfect and sharp. Grade M-25 including excavation in any soil except rock, laying a leveling course of M 15 grade RMC 100mm thick to required slope (inclusive of form work), jointing in C.M. 1:2 proportion flush to concrete surface, painting exposed surface with one coat of primer and two coats of 1st grade road marking paint in the yellow/ white/ black or any shade, etc. complete as directed by Engineer-incharge. 100.00 Rmt 1123.00 1,12,300.00 22 Providing and fixing of the precast tapered Water table of thickness varying from 105 to 125 mm, 300mm width in M20 grade RMC inclusive of excavation in any soil except rock, laying of leveling course of M-15 grade RMC 100mm thick to the required slope, (inclusive of form work) jointing in 1:2 cement mortar, etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 100.00 Rmt 414.00 41,400.00 97 23 Providing and applying Synthetic enamel paint or flat oil paint in any requiered shade in 3 coats over a primer coat as per manufacturers specifications including scrapping, cleaning the surface, etc. complete as directed by Engineerin-charge. 500.00 Sqm 197.00 98,500.00 24 Brick work with common Burnt clay modular bricks of class designation 3.5 and above in superstructure above plinth level upto floor five level in all shapes and sizes in Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand), etc complete as directed by Engineer In Charge. 20.00 Cum 10698.00 2,13,960.00 25 Constructing precast Cement concrete solid block masonary (1:3) in valve chambers of any size and wall thickness, the concete block used shall be of 1:2:4 grade and of size 400x200x300, including racking of joints, curing etc complete and as directed by Engineer In Charge. 99.46 Cum 15290.00 15,20,743.40 26 Providing and laying Autoclaved aerated (cellular) cement blocks masonry with more than 100 mm thick AAC blocks in Chemical Adhasive including RCC stiffeners. The rate includes providing and placing in position 2 Nos 6 mm dia M.S. bars at every third course of masonry work, racking of joints, scaffolding and curing,etc. completed as directed by Engineer-in-Charge 10.00 Cum 8065.00 80,650.00 27 Providing and applying 12 mm thick Internal plaster in cement mortar 1:3 with neeru finish at all heights and locations in one coat for masonry (except stone masonry) and concrete surfaces including racking out joints, hacking of concrete surface, watering, finishing, curing, scaffolding, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge 326.00 Sqm 427.00 1,39,202.00 28 Providing and applying 20 mm thick External sand faced cement plaster in cement mortar 1:3 upto 10m from ground level and at all locations in cement mortar proportion specified below in two coats for masonry (except stone masonry) and concrete surfaces including providing water proofing compound to the first coat of plaster as per manufacturers specification, racking out joints, hacking of concrete surface, finishing, curing, scaffolding, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge 326.00 Sqm 542.00 1,76,692.00 29 Providing Waterproofing treatment to the flooring as per manufacturers specifications of water closets, bathrooms, kitchen, nahanies, washing places, sanitary blocks etc. by giving injections with cement solution with water proofing compound into the floor slab so as to make it consistent, homogeneous and impervious against leakage, seepage etc. The sunk portion shall then be covered with brickbat waterproof coba in 1:5 c.s. of required thickness with necessary gradient for easy flow of water. Finally the floor shall be covered with joint less waterproof cement plaster in 1:3 c.s. 12 mm to 15 mm thick finished rough for receiving tiles. The average thickness of complete treatment shall not be less than 100 mm. The soil pan area will not be deducted. ( After completion of work leakage test shall be carried out after impounding the water for 7 days without any extra cost, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge 20.00 Sqm 619.00 12,380.00 98 30 Providing Waterproofing treatment to the dado portion of as per manufacturers specifications the existing side walls upto 1.5 m height from floor area of water closets, bathrooms, kitchens, washing places, sanitary blocks etc. by giving injections treatment with waterproofing compound and cement solution. The walls will then be plastered with waterproof cement plaster in 1:4 c.s. 12 mm to 15 mm thk. Finally the walls shall be covered with jointless waterproof plaster in 1:3 c.s. 12 to 15 mm thick finished rough for receiving tiles. The average thickness of complete treatment shall not be less than 25 mm, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge 50.00 Sqm 924.00 46,200.00 31 Providing and applying Royale Luxury Emulsion paint of approved make on internal wall surface as detailed below Scrapping for surface with emery paper and wipe clean for area. wall primer with brush by adding mineral turpentine oil by 8 to 10% or water by 15 to 20% allowing to dry for 6 to 8 hours After applying acrylic wall putty with appropriate proportion of water of allow to dry for period of 4 to 6 hours of activity. Scrapping with emery paper and wipe clean Applying paints Royale Luxury emulsion1st coat with brush water content water 40 to 45 % or 65 to 70% by role Applying paints Royale luxury emulsion 2nd coat with brush with water content 40 to 45% or 65 to 70% by roller as per standard specifications, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge 326.00 Sqm 275.00 89,650.00 32 Providing and applying Textured exterior paint of approved colour & shade to old and new surface including scaffolding preparing the surface to finishing with 2 coats as per standard specifications, etc complete as directed by Engineer-incharge 326.00 Sqm 236.00 76,936.00 33 Providing and laying 20-25mm average thick Granite stone laid with knife edge joints over c.m. bedding of 1:6, for flooring / skirting / dado, with cement float and grout of same colour of the stone. The granite flooring shall be mirror polished, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge 211.10 Sqm 5257.00 11,09,752.70 34 Providing and fixing 9 to 10 mm thk. Vitrified tiles as specified below conforming to I.S. 15622-2006 with water absorbtion less than 0.08% and of approved quality, pattern and colour for dado in the dry area including preparing the surface and levelling in the desired line, backing of 20 thk. cement mortar in porportion 1:3, square cut top edge or chamfered top edge in cement mortar 1:3, cement float, machine cutting, leveling, jointing, filling the joints with neat cement slurry or approved colour grout, finishing, curing etc complete as directed by Engineer In Charge. Light coloured glazed vitrified tiles/ Dark coloured glazed vitrified tiles/ Light coloured antiskid / matt vitrified tiles/ Dark coloured antiskid / matt vitrified tiles, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge 164.00 Sqm 1881.00 3,08,484.00 99 35 Providing and laying 6 mm thk. Antiskid / matt ceramic tiles for flooring conforming to I.S.15622-2006 of an approved, quality, make, size and pattern /design, for flooring including cement mortar bedding of 25 mm thick in 1:4 proportion, neat cement float, cutting, leveling, jointing, filling the joints by neat cement slurry or approved colour grout, curing, finishing etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge 50.00 Sqm 1508.00 75,400.00 36 Providing and fixing 6mm thk. Ceramic glazed tiles for dado conforming to I.S. 15622-2006 of approved quality, pattern and colour in the wet area including preparing the surface and levelling in the desired line, backing of 20 thk. cement mortar in porportion 1:3 with approved waterproofing compound, square cut top edge or chamfered top edge in cement mortar 1:3, cement float, machine cutting, leveling, jointing, filling the joints with neat cement slurry or approved colour grout, finishing, curing, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 20.00 Sqm 1598.00 31,960.00 37 Providing and laying rough natural Kota stone tiles 25 mm to 30 mm thick of an approved quality and size for flooring / skirting / dado including cement mortar bedding of 25 mm thick in 1:4 proportion, cement float, pointing in cement mortar 1:3, cutting, dressing, leveling, jointing, pointing, curing, finishing, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 50.00 Sqm 990.00 49,500.00 38 Providing and Fixing of Rollar Blinds AMI Make or approved make & shade of 38 mm round Aluminium channel with Blackout fabric & telting with chain (Ball) system with all necessary fixtures and fitting as per standard specifications, etc complete as directed by Engineer-incharge. 500.00 Sqm 2152.00 10,76,000.00 39 Providing and fixing single skin trapezoidal profiled Galvalume/Zincalume colour coated sheeting 930 - 1020mm cover width 28-32 mm crests depth at 186-250 c/c ( above 195 mm c/c crest distance there will be minimum 2 ribs at the centre for stiffening). The feed material shall be manufactured from AZ 150 (min. 150 gms/sq.mt total on both sides) sheets of minimum yield strength of 550 MPa, 0.45 mm BMT, ( 0.5 mm TCT excluding paint coating thickness), metallic hot dip coated with Al- Zn alloy (55% Aluminium, 43.5% Zinc, 1.5% Si ) as per AS 1397 /IS15961 & painted with Super Durable Polyester Colorbond steel XRW or equivalent quality paint system of apporved color, suitable for exterior application conforming to AS/NZS 2728:2007 type-4 / IS15965:class3 of approved make. The sheet shall have a total coating thickness of 35 microns, super durable polyester paint system of 20 microns on exposed surface and 5 micron reverse polyester coat on back surface over 5 micron primer coat on both surfaces. The paint system shall have stable inorganic pigments for color durability. The product will be fastened using no.12- 14x55 mm (or as per design requirement ), mechanically coated with 25 micron Zn-Sn alloy or hot dipped zinc 773.00 Sqm 667.00 5,15,591.00 100 coated with min 40 micron hex self-drilling fasteners with EPDM washer of approved make confirms to AS3566:2002 class 3, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 40 Providing and fixing 600 mm dia Concertina barbed razer type coil of 19mm wide ribbon with thickness 5 SWG and central core wire of 12 SWG with antirust coating / Galvanization as per manufacturer specifications, supported over 5 rows of barbed wires of 14 SWG / Type IIconforming IS 278 and IS 4826, having two ply four points at 75mmc/c, fixed to Y shape angle bracket placed at 2.45m c/c (leg of Y should be fixed with 75x75x6mm thick insert plate , wing of Y should be 0.475m long having a distance of 0.58m between the two wing on the top) made up of 50mmx50mmx6mm M.S. angle fixed in column. The concertina coil should be fixed to angle with M.S. Flat 25mmx5mm thick on both the sides as runner all steel work shall be applied with one coat of red oxide zinc chromate primer and two coat of Synthetic Enamel paint, etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 50.00 Rmt 463.20 23,160.00 41 Supplying & fixing precast SFRC heavy duty slab for inspection platform of M:40 grade (ordinary Portland cement 53 Grade) of size 1000 mm x 700 mm x 70 mm of 10 MT capacity (as per IS:12592:2002) of 130 to 145 Kg weight with 8 mm dia both side reinforcement jali (TMT Bars Fe 500 Grade) with side face MS sheet at edges 1.30 mm thick, 2 Nos lifting hooks 10 mm Dia TMT bars (grove inside flushing with surface), with engraving of MMRC logo & MMRC letter as per tender drawing, Anti skid surface, waterproof, weatherproof, theft proof, non-corossive, high strength, heat resistant, shockproof, MD 10T cap as per IS 12592:2002, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge 300.00 No 1906.00 5,71,800.00 42 Providing and laying NP2 Class R.C.C. Hume pipes with Collar joints conforming to IS 458:2003 and laid on approved bedding as per IS 783:1985 (Reaff. 2010) including jointing the pipes and filleting with hemp and stiff mix of cement mortar 1:2, including testing of pipes at contractors costs (in presence of municipal staff) as per IS 3597 etc. complete as specified & as directed by Engineer-in-Charge a 150 mm diameter 50.00 Rmt 537.00 26,850.00 b 300 mm diameter 50.00 Rmt 964.00 48,200.00 c 600 mm diameter 10.00 Rmt 4732.00 47,320.00 101 43 Providing, supplying & laying HDPE Pipe Conforming to ISO 4427 of 1996, manufactured from virgin resin of PE-80 food grade compounded raw material having blue colour only with quality assurance certificate from quality agencies like CIPET(India) / DVGM / KIWA / SPGN / WRC etc. The cost shall include testing of all materials, labour, inspection charges, transportation, transit insurance, loading, unloading, stacking etc complete in all respect and as directed by Engineer In-Charge. a 50 mm dia. OD pipe PN 10 50.00 Rmt 178.00 8,900.00 b 110 mm dia. OD pipe PN 10 50.00 Rmt 1048.00 52,400.00 c 160 mm dia. OD pipe PN 10 500.00 Rmt 1438.00 7,19,000.00 d 250 mm dia. OD pipe PN 10 650.00 Rmt 3197.00 20,78,050.00 44 Providing and fixing H.D.P container one piece moulded Water tank made out of high density polythyler and built corrugated inclusive of delivery up to destination hoisting and fixing of accessories such as inlet, outlet overflow pipe inclusive of all, etc complete as directed by Engineer-incharge 50000.0 0 Litre 14.00 7,00,000.00 45 Supply, fixing and installation of 4mm thick Aluminium Composite Panel (ACP) of approved colour for external cladding in combination of solid and metallic colours,including all necessary Framework, support and complete weather sealing as per architectural drawing. The Aluminium Composite Panel (ACP) should be made out of thermoplastic core of low-density polyethylene LDPE (100% virgin mix), sandwiched between two aluminium sheets of ALLOY GRADE- 5000 series, each not less than 0.50 mm thick, total thickness of aluminium composite panels not to be less than 4 mm, the exposed surface thereof shall have Stove lacquered finishing coat not less than (26 + - 2) micron (containing minimum 70% kynar 500 based PVDF) of colour and shade as per architectural design. The inside surface (facing the building exterior surface)shall have polyster based powder coating not less than 25 Micron with protective peel- off foil on the exterior face (peel off film will in no case leave any adhesive mark over the composite panel surface after it is peeled off). The supporting framework shall be made out of 50 mm X25mm X 3mm thick Aluminium section to be spaced horizontally and vertically for fixing of panel of size 900 mm X 1200 mm and fixed to the building structure as per design through 50mm X50mm X5 mm MS angle clamps prefixed to masonry or slab, columns with Hilti make anchor fastener screws. The fixing of panel to be done with the help of VHB tapes and screws and all the sealing of joints to be done with weather sealent Silicon, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 50.00 Sqm 3347.00 1,67,350.00 102 46 Providing & fixing full height both side laminated partition at required location having height more than 2.8 meter made by using 50 x 50 mm (finished size) approved quality of 1.5 mm thick aluminium section framing at 600 mm x 600 mm center to center horizontally & vertically, covered with 12 mm marine ply generally confirming to I.S.303 / I.S.710-1980 on both sides.The partitions shall be finished with 1.5 mm thk.approved quality laminate matt/suede/fine line finished lamination pattern with grooves on both sides with necessary lipping (BTC) moulding. Antitermite treatment to plywood and woodwork, door frame including all leads & lifts, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 290.00 Sqm 5337.63 15,47,913.86 47 Providing & Fixing in position 13.52 mm thk Glass (6mm Glass + 1.52mm Laminated Film + 6mm Glass) toughened Fixed glass door to be fixed with patch fitting, bottom pivot and floor spring as per manufacturer specification Providing & Fixing in position 13.52 mm thk Glass (6mm Glass + 1.52mm Laminated Film + 6mm Glass) toughened Fixed glass door to be fixed with patch fitting, bottom pivot and floor spring as per manufacturer specification with D Type SS 304 grade handles & lock, etc complete as directed by Engineer-incharge 30.00 Sqm 15785.30 4,73,559.00 48 Providing and fixing superior quality factory made phenol bonded solid core single leaf flush commercial door 35 mm thick shutter of thickness as mentioned below and of approved make conforming to IS: 2202 (Part I, II) with 12mm thk. teak wood lipping all around, laminated finish on both sides including, approved fixtures and fastening hooks, eyes, screws of approved make and colour, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 34.65 Sqm 5674.63 1,96,625.99 49 Supplying & installing Glass wool of TWIGA or equivalent make (approved by the Engineer-In Charge) having 50mm Thk. Density : 48 Kg. / M3) insulation with Woven make Fabric Black veil enclosed in 0.8 mm thk. G.I. back pan with SS Screws & Nut Bolts or necessary fitting. Including all necessary fittiings, accessories Including all necessary fittiings, accessories, etc complete as directed by Engineerin-charge.. 290.00 Sqm 1338.45 3,88,149.51 50 Providing &Fixing Frosted film manufactured by 3 M approved equivalent on glass partition wherever required, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 50.00 Sqm 953.73 47,686.29 51 Removing existing flooring/dado tiles without disturbing bed concrete including stacking the materials as directed with all leads, lifts, etc complete as directed by Engineer-incharge. 198.50 Sqm 47.00 9,329.50 103 52 Providing and constructing Granite kitchen platform with fixing of stainless steel sink 600 mm x 450 mm size as per detailed drawing including vertical both side polished kadappah stone 25 to 30 mm thick supports with kadappah top 35 to 40 mm thick and polished granite 16 to 20 mm top with side strips of granite at front and both sides of platform raised with two vertical granite supports 15 cm height and top granite of 75 x 40 cm including cutting, opening for sink of required size in kadappah as well as granite, etc complete as directed by Engineer- in-charge. (Platform top size 5.00 m x 0.60 m and height is 0.75 m) 50.00 Rmt 7575.48 3,78,773.78 53 Providing and fixing in position Gypsum board false ceiling with 12.5 mm thick Gypsum boards, screwed/fixed to the under structure of suspended G.I. Grid constructed and suspended from the main ceiling consisting of ceiling sections of size 25 x 50 mm maximum center to center distance of 600 milimetre perimeter channel and intermediate channels at maximum center to center distance 1200 milimetre galvanized grid should be fixed to reinforced cement concrete slab. The gypsum board should be fixed to galvanized iron grid with necessary screws. The boards should be taped and filled from underside to give smooth, seamless ceiling. The rate should include necessary additional ceiling sections and intermediate channels. Additional intermediate channels should be fixed to strap hangers for additional support to prevent strapping at every 1200 milimetre item to be completed in all respect including necessary sleeves for ducts finishing of joints cut outs, painting including labour, material, lifts, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 200.00 Sqm 1363.41 2,72,681.88 54 Providing and Fixing half turn 25 mm dia gun metal flushing cock including all accessories, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 5.00 Nos 1001.00 5,005.00 55 Providing and fixing 15 mm dia CPVC pipe with necessary fittings, making the opening in wall/floor including tapping connection to existing water line if required by all accessories, dismantling by core cutting and making good the damages to match existing surface, including disposal of malba, etc. complete, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 200.00 Rmt 266.00 53,200.00 56 Providing and fixing 25 mm dia CPVC pipe with necessary fittings, making the opening in wall/floor including tapping connection to existing water line if required by all accessories, dismantling by core cutting and making good the damages to match existing surface, including disposal of malba, etc. complete, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 1000.00 Rmt 375.00 3,75,000.00 57 Providing and fixing 32 mm dia CPVC pipe with necessary fittings, making the opening in wall/floor including tapping connection to existing water line if required by all accessories, dismantling by core cutting and making good 200.00 Rmt 431.00 86,200.00 104 the damages to match existing surface, including disposal of malba, etc. complete, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 58 Providing and fixing 40 mm dia CPVC pipe with necessary fittings, making the opening in wall/floor including tapping connection to existing water line by all accessories, dismantling by core cutting and making good the damages to match existing surface, including disposal of malba, etc. complete, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 50.00 Rmt 539.00 26,950.00 59 Providing and fixing 100 mm dia UV resistant selffit UPVC pipes of approved make for Rainwater downtakes confirming to IS 13592:1992 Type A suitable for 4kg/sqcm pressure for following pipe diameters including rain water receiving recess with pvc plug bend necessary fittings such as offsets shoes, fixing the pipes on wall with clips filling the joints with solvent/cement and necessary scafolding, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge 490.00 Rmt 339.00 1,66,110.00 60 Providing and fixing C. P. sink cock with raised J shaped swinging casted spout (table mounted) jaquar make continental (Cat.No. CON- 359) including necessary fittings, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 10.00 Nos 1529.00 15,290.00 61 Providing and fixing European type wall-hung White water closet of approved make with push valve concealed type with cover plate 32mm size of approved make including soil pipe, vent pipe up to outside face of wall ,100mm dia. G.I. plug bend inlet pipe all fittings, cuttingand making good walls, floors, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 10.00 Nos 11583.47 1,15,834.73 62 Providing and fixing oval type under counter Wash hand basin of 16 inch x 22 inch size and of special colour shade having telephonic black / coloured granite of 180 mm thick stone black kadappa framework including chromium plated coupling bottle - Trap with oval typa wash basin model no 3448, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. (Counter size 1.20 m x 0.60m) 10.00 Nos 6783.27 67,832.74 63 Providing and fixing in position 100 mm dia UPVC Nahani Trap including SS grating,fixing in cement concrete M-15, etc complete as directed by Engineer-incharge. 20.00 Nos 539.00 10,780.00 64 Providing and fixing C. P. Bib cock (ISI) jaquar make continental (Cat.No. CON- 037) including necessary sockets/union nut, etc complete as directed by Engineer- incharge. 40.00 Nos 778.00 31,120.00 65 Providing and fixing Jet Spray with guarantee against any manufacturing defect including socket, union nuts, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 20.00 Nos 1500.00 30,000.00 66 Providing and fixing Flush Valve of approved quality, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 20.00 Nos 3000.00 60,000.00 105 67 Providing and fixing of Mirrors in rooms of approved Indian quality, copper plated with 10 mm thick plywood backing in the masonry etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 20.00 Sqm 1500.00 30,000.00 68 Supplying, Providing and fixing in position Hindware, Parryware or Jaquar approved make first quality, recessed, roller type or box type white glazed toilet paper holder 150 mm x 150 mm size, etc complete as directed by Engineerincharge. 20.00 Nos 1500.00 30,000.00 69 Providing and fixing Chromium Plated Alluminium Towel Rail 750 mm (2‘6) long, 20mm (3/4) dia and of approved quality fixed on chromium plared bracket including providing teak wood gutties in masonry, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 10.00 Nos 1500.00 15,000.00 70 Providing and fixing C.P. Angular stop cock with wall flange of approved make continental including necessary sockets/union nut, etc complete as directed by Engineer-incharge. 20.00 Nos 2821.00 56,420.00 71 Providing and fixing in position Double coat hooks etc complete as per drawings, standard specifications and instructions of Engineer In Charge. etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 20.00 Nos 600.00 12,000.00 72 Providing and fixing in position Towel Ring etc complete as directed by Engineer in-charge. 20.00 Nos 1000.00 20,000.00 73 Providing and fixing ISI marked make CP brass Liquid soap dispensers with CP brass bracket capacity 250 ml, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 20.00 Nos 2748.00 54,960.00 74 Supply of appropriate capacity Excavator-cumloader/poclain machine on hire charges for cleaning of RCC box drains (Size 3.5 m x 3 m) by moving machine inside drains and lifting inside desilting material to ground level for any lift, inclusive of diesel, lube oil, Cleaner, Driver, cost of lowering down and lifting up machine from ground level to inside drain, etc complete as directed by Engineer- in-charge. 60.00 Shift 9775.00 5,86,500.00 75 Supply of Dumper on hire charges inclusive of diesel,lube oil,Cleaner,Driver etc. without labourers, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 40.00 Shift 5175.00 2,07,000.00 76 Supply of Road Roller 8 to 10 M.T. Capacity inclusive of diesel,lube oil,Cleaner,Driver, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 15.00 Shift 9660.00 1,44,900.00 77 Supply of Unskilled labour for site cleaning activity, etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge 500.00 Days 783.00 3,91,500.00 78 Providing, supplying & fixing heavy duty Plastic 75 mm Road hump safety speed breaker of 1 m in length in black & yellow colour for high visibility, interlocking between each module for more strength and durability fitted with Reflectors, easy installation with the help of Epoxy and specially manufactured Galvanised Iron Nails, etc complete 500.00 Nos 1186.00 5,93,000.00 106 as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 79 Providing, supplying & fixing premium quality Reflectors acrylic ultra strong plastic reflective stud markers industrial grade including fixing in concrete road/wall surface, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 1000.00 Nos 652.00 6,52,000.00 80 Providing, supplying & fixing industry Convex safety front Mirror 24 Inches/60 Cms Polycarbonate traffic mirror unbreakable round wide-angle driveway mirror, with adjustable brackets & nuts bolts for installation of mirror backside & clamp fixing, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 50.00 Nos 1525.00 76,250.00 81 Supply of water tanker:- Supply of Diesel water tanker having (Minimum 10,000 ltr. Capacity) for watering with pump & pipe including cost of water, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 500.00 Nos 1250.00 6,25,000.00 82 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Booster Pump of 450 LPM at 70 m head, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 4.00 Each 81147.00 3,24,588.00 83 Submersible flat cable 1st category– 4C x 2.5 Sq.mm, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 30.00 Mtr 199.00 5,970.00 84 Earthing station with 600 mm x 600 mm x 6 mm galvanised iron plate & 50 mm dia. G.I. pipe, 3000mm long GI pipe (Class B or better) earth pit as per IS 3043. The earth pit shall be provided with watering pipe (Class B) with wire messed funnel, 25x3 GI strip/ / 2X8SWG G.I. wire up to chamber (wire or strip size as per fault level), disconnecting links with 600 x 600 mm (clear) RCC chamber & heavy duty 3mm thick CI chequered plate cover with hinge & stainless steel bolts. Bentonite/ Charcol & Salt shall be provided for earth pits. Excavation, back filling, removal of excess soil is included in the scope, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 4.00 Nos 16475.00 65,900.00 85 Providing and fixing in position G.I. Heavy grade C class pipes 65 mm, etc complete as directed by Engineer-incharge 200.00 Mtr 1141.00 2,28,200.00 86 Providing and fixing in position G.I. Heavy grade C class pipes 50 mm, etc complete as directed by Engineer-incharge. 460.00 Mtr 914.00 4,20,440.00 87 Providing and fixing in position G.I. Heavy grade C class pipes 32 mm, etc complete as directed by Engineer-incharge. 200.00 Mtr 577.00 1,15,400.00 88 2nd category Cu armoured cables FRLS outer sheathed- 4C x 25 Sq.mm 1.1 kV grade stranded Cu conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner and FRLS outer sheathed, galvanised steel round or strip armoured cables (SP-ME135.00 Mtr 910.00 1,22,850.00 107 TS- 6), etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 89 Supply & Laying of double wall corrugated (DWC) pipes 50 mm OD / 38 mm I.D. of HDPE for underground cable protection as per IS 14930 Part II. With necessary connecting socket/couplings, tees of some material at required depth up to 900 mm below road ground surface. backfilling of with light ramming is included in the scopeetc complete as directed by Engineerin-charge. 110.00 Mtr 164.00 18,040.00 90 Cable end terminations for Copper Cables – 4C x 25 Sq.mm LV, XLPE/PVC insulated, PVC sheathed, armoured/ unarmoured cables including supply and fixing of Double compression cable glands, stripping of cable insulation, supply and fixing of tinned plated copper lugs for copper cables for all phases and crimping the same to the conductor for the following cables. Miscellaneous items like cable lugs, G.I nut - bolts and G.I washers , consumables and other hardware materials as required to make the installation complete, are in the scope. All G.I Nut, bolt and washers shall be HDGI with 80 micron. One set of termination includes gland, lugs for cable coe & accessoriesetc complete as directed by 4.00 Set 331.00 1,324.00 91 Gun metal gate valves (Flanged): -50 mm dia, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 4.00 Nos 15335.00 61,340.00 92 Gun metal gate valves (Flanged): -32 mm dia. Nos, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 24.00 Nos 9459.00 2,27,016.00 93 Gun metal non-return valve (Flanged) - 50 mm dia, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 2.00 Nos 14682.00 29,364.00 94 Supply & fixing Pressure Guage Range 0-10 Kg/Sq.cm Nos, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 15.00 Nos 698.00 10,470.00 95 Supplying and installing wall mounting swinging Hose reel drum fitted with 19 mm dia. 30m high pressure polypropylene (Polyhose) long fitted with necessary accessories as per specification, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 15.00 Nos 12215.00 1,83,225.00 96 Supplying & erecting Gun Metal Chrome plated Nozzle, 19 mm Ø complete as per specification Nos 2156, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 24.00 Nos 2156.00 51,744.00 97 Supplying & fixing multi functional industrial high pressure water spray gun, with necessary accessories, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 15.00 Nos 11500.0 0 1,72,500.00 98 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of 415 V Pump panel with 63 A MCCB as incomer with phase indicator, ammeter & voltmeter with selector switches, 2 Nos of 25 A MPCB with DOL starter, VFD control system 2.00 Nos 320000. 00 6,40,000.00 108 with adjustable pressure governers system and local push button station & contactor of required rating as outgoing, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 99 Supplying & fixing S type stainless steel 12 mm hook arrangement for securing hose pipe after use, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 50.00 Nos 350.00 17,500.00 10 0 Providing & fixing reinforcement of 8 mm dia. with Hilti RE500V3 at required location including drilling the hole 10 mm dia & 100 mm depth ,cleaning with blow pump and dispensing chemical and setting of rebar with HDM500/HDE500 (Excluding Reinfocement) 300.00 Each 137.35 41,205.00 10 1 Providing & fixing reinforcement of 10 mm dia. with Hilti RE500V3 at required location including drilling the hole 12 mm dia & 120 mm depth ,cleaning with blow pump and dispensing chemical and setting of rebar with HDM500/HDE500 (Excluding Reinfocement), etc complete as directed by Engineer-incharge 500.00 Each 204.00 1,02,000.00 10 2 Providing & fixing reinforcement of 12 mm dia. with Hilti RE500V3 at required location including drilling the hole 14 mm dia & 143 mm depth ,cleaning with blow pump and dispensing chemical and setting of rebar with HDM500/HDE500 (Excluding Reinfocement), etc complete as directed by Engineer-incharge 500.00 Each 301.60 1,50,800.00 10 3 Drilling with core cutting machine in RCC slabs, walls etc.wherever required in buildings, manholes,ducts, water tanks, pits etc. for laying pipes,sleeves and making good the same to give an even finish. The rate shall include the cost of drilling core, providing EPOXY based water proofing compound for sealing the joints around the pipes, nominal reinforcement wherever required,scaffolding and labour charges for working at all levels ,leads and heights. (Maximum thickness of RCC members shall be 300mm), etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge a Above 25mm to 50mm dia 20.00 Each 294.00 5,880.00 b Above 50mm to 75mm dia 20.00 Each 393.00 7,860.00 c Above 75mm to 100mm dia 20.00 Each 570.00 11,400.00 10 4 Providing & erecting 9 m high (clear height) galvanized OCTAGONAL pole - Design, engineering, manufacture, testing at factory, packing & forwarding, delivery to site, unloading and handling at site, assembly, installation, testing and commissioning of Octagonal street light poles with embeded junction box inclusive of terminals, 3Cx 2.5 sqmm PVC insulated multistranded flexible copper cable from Junction box to the luminaires, termination at both ends and other accessories, with foundation bolts having bottom of 130 mm A/F, top 70 mm A/F on provided foundation as per specification Nos 96775, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge 15.00 Each 96775.00 14,51,625.00 109 10 5 Outdoor LED Street Light fittings – 130-150 W, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge 15.00 Nos 8517.00 1,27,755.00 10 6 Providing & erecting single arm standard bracket 1000MM long made up of 40 NB GI pipe suitable for octagonal pole of having top dia 70 MM as per specification, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge 15.00 Nos 9181.00 1,37,715.00 10 7 Bakelite sheet with MCB & Terminal ( for mounting inside the base compartment of the pole), etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge 15.00 Nos 1801.00 27,015.00 10 8 1st category Al armoured cables FRLS outer sheathed4C x 25 Sq.mm, etc complete as directed by Engineer-incharge 480.00 Mtr 254.00 1,21,920.00 10 9 Supply & Laying of double wall corrugated ( DWC) pipe 50 mm OD / 38 mm I.D., etc complete as directed by Engineerin-charge 360.00 Mtr 164.00 59,040.00 110 S.I.T.C of maintenance free earthing comprising 17.2 mm electrode, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge 6.00 Nos 12342.00 74,052.00 111 Time controller for street light poles Nos 32922, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge 1.00 Nos 32922.00 32,922.00 112 Cable End Termination For Copper Cables – 4C x 25 Sq.mm, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge 31 Nos 331.00 10,261.00 113 Supplying & applying firestop wrap strip CP 648-EW45/1.8 for sealing the gap of UPVC pipe, etc complete as directed by Engineer-incharge 5.00 Each 50483.0 0 2,52,415.00 114 Supplying & applying Hilti CP636 mortar mix for sealing the cutouts in wall and floor etc. to make 02 hour fire rate and smoke seal, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge 160 Bag 11671.0 0 18,67,360.00 115 Supplying & applying firestop sealent FS-ONE MAX 10.1OZ CART to seal cable, pipe surrounding etc. to make 02 hour fire rate and smoke seal, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge 5.00 Tube 2859.00 14,295.00 110 116 Perforated Metal Ceiling: Providing and fixing 600 x 600mm mm Aluminium False ceiling tiles of approved colour. Aluminium grid panel ceiling consisting of panel 0.7mm thick for perforated panels. Depth and edge detail shall be as per manufacturer standard. Powder Coated with minimum thickness of 70micron+/- 2micron.The Panels shall be separated with standard carrier system as per manufacturer drawing, etc complete as directed by Employer/Engineer. B. Suspension Suspension System shall be as per manufacturer standard. Panel shall be hung over panel carrier/metal grid. Sizes shall be as per manufacturer standard. Panel carrier shall be suspended by means of G.I. suspension rod and a Galvanized suspension spring. Providing and Fixing 600 X 600 mm aluminium metal tegular lay-in standard perforated tiles with 24 mm face exposed grid system Providing & Fixing horizontal level suspended ceiling comprising of Aluminium Lay-in Standard Perforated 600x600mm (Nominal Size) tiles made of AA-3003- H14 (Tempered) grade Aluminium suitable for architectural finishes in 0.7mm thickness as per in IS:2676 (1981) in White color RAL 9010 with Square Tegular edge having 8mm drop and 10mm flange. Tile shall have perforation of hole diameter as 2.5mm and open area as 16% with linear and diagonal pitch of 5.5mm and 7.7mm respectively along with a border of 10mm. The difference between the 2 diagonal dimensions of the tile to be less than 1mm. Tiles shall be flattened by precision leveller to minimize sag to less than 1/400mm. The tile shall be electrostatically polyester powder coated using RoHS compliant powder having coating thickness ranging from 60-80 microns. The powder coating shall pass Salt Spray Test for 750 hours as per ASTM B117, QUV –A Test for 1000 hours as per ASTM G-154 – (Cycle – 1) and Humidity test for 1000 hours as per DIN 50017. The powder coating shall have an adhesion of GT0 as per EN ISO 2409. The 100.00 Sqm 2320.00 2,32,000.00 117 Providing & fixing open cell 150 mm cell size lay-in aluminium ceiling with 15 mm exposed grid system, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge Providing and fixing horizontal level Open cell Aluminium lay-in ceiling tiles with border panels forming board edge of size 600x600x38mm (Nominal) having cell size of 150x150mm made of AA-3003-H14 (Tempered) grade Aluminium suitable for architectural finishes in 0.35mm thickness as per in IS:2676 (1981) in white color RAL 9010 The tile shall be electrostatically polyester powder coated using RoHS compliant powder having coating thickness ranging from 60-80 microns. The powder coating shall pass Salt Spray Test for 750 hours as per ASTM B117, QUV –A Test for 1000 hours as per ASTM G-154 – (Cycle – 1) and Humidity 100.00 Sqm 2010.00 2,01,000.00 111 test for 1000 hours as per DIN 50017. The powder coating shall have an adhesion of GT0 as per EN ISO 2409. The shade variation across batches shall be delta E<1 using Excite/BYK Gardner instrument and gloss level of 25±5% at 60˚ as per ASTM D523. Tile shall have a Fire Performance class A as per GB 8624-2012. Suspension: The tile shall be laid on 15 mm wide T - section flanges colour white RAL 9010 (matching to tile colour) having double stroke rotary stitching on all T sections i.e. the Main Runner, 1200 mm & 600 mm Cross Tees with a web height of 38mm (all sections). The deflection loading of the system shall be 12.5 kg/m2 (as per standard installation layout mentioned below) and main beam tested as per ASTM C635 (Deflection limit less than L/360) with a deflection loading of 15kg/m. The end details of the cross tee shall be made of pre hardened steel clip fixed to the ends of the cross tee to provide double locking between “cross tee to cross tee” and “cross tee to main beam”. All main beam to main beam and cross tee to cross tee connection shall have a pull out strength of more than 100kg. The T Sections shall be made of hot dipped galvanized steel 90 gsm and prepainted steel with baked polyester paint of 0T bending capability. 118 Refixing & rework of ceiling tiles including frames at Station builiding, workshop and at OCC building, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 300.00 Sqm 426.00 1,27,800.00 119 Providing rubber strip/sealing strip for maintaining the gap between platform edge and train access platform as per CSD. Use EPDM material for rubber strip/sealing strip of thickness 5 to 10 mm, black in colour. Materail should be Fire resistance as per BS476 & BS 6853, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in600.00 Rmt 1356.00 8,13,600.00 120 Grouting pockets, holes, pipe sleeves of any shape or size for column bases, machine foundations, etc. with ready to use non shrink high strength grout of approved make, as per manufacturer’s specifications and instructions/ recommendations, including roughening of surfaces, cleaning with compressed air/ water jets, ramming, curing, etc. complete. 2506.00 Kg 225.00 5,63,820.00 121 Supply of Mobile crane - with boom length 30m on hire charges for lifting/refixing of heavy drain MS covers, inclusive of diesel, lube oil, Cleaner, Driver, etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 50.00 Day 11000.00 5,50,000.00 122 P/f Polyethylene plastic water/sand fillable Metro Barricades having approx. size 1840 mm X 440 mm X 1900 mm, (LxWxD), 32-35 Kgs empty wt. and tank capacity 100-120 lits., manufactured by ISO Certified Company having minimum experience of 3 years in manufacturing and supplying to the Govt./Semi Govt./Other reputed organisations alongwith necessary fixing arrangement as specified and directed by the Engineer Incharge 68.00 MTR 321.00 21,828.00 123 Red and White Caution Tape for Work in Progress Danger 1260.00 MTR 3.80 4,788.00 112 Barricade Tape, Non-Adhesive Barricade Warning Tape, Construction Tape Polyethylene Material 124 Supply & fixing of approved quality and approved pattern of tactile 300*300 25mm thick (yellow tactile) to guide the access from road to the station. 100 Nos 100 10,000.00