Tender For Rate Contract For Chemical And Glassware Etc , 1,4 Dioxane , 1:2 Dichlroethane , 1-Butanol , 2,6 Dinitro Toluene , 2-Propanol , 4-(P-Nitrobenzyl) Pyridine , 1, Hexane Sulphonic Acid Sodium Salt , 1,40 Phenanthroline Monohydrate , 1:3 Dioxolane , 1-Butan Sulphonic Acid Sodi. Salt , 1-Decane Sulphonic Acid , 4-Aminoantipyrine , Acetic Acid Glacial , Acetic Acid Glacial , Acetone , Acetonitrile , Aluminium Hydroxide , Ammoium Chloride , Ammonia Liquid , Ammonium Acetate , Ammonium Ceric Sulphate , Ammonium Cerium Sulphate , Ammonium Citrate , Ammonium Ferric Sulphate , Ammonium Ferrus Sulphate Hexa Hydrate , Ammonium Metavandate , Ammonium Molybdate , Ammonium Nitrate , Ammonium Sulphate , Ammonium Sulphamate , Ammonium Thiocyanate , Ammonium Vandate , Ascorbic Acid , Barium Chloride , Bismith Nitrate , Blue Tatrazolium , Boric Acid , Bromo Cresol Green Indicator , Bromo Phenol Blue Indicator , Bromothymol Blue Indicator , Buffer Tablets 4.0 , Buffer Tablets 7.0 , Buffer Tablets 9.2 , Calcium Carbonate , Calcium Chloride , Calcium D Pentothenate 98% , Calcium Nitrate , Calcium Sulphate , Carbon Di Sulphide , Carbon Tetra Chloride , Carbon Tetra Chloride , Cetrimide , Chloroform , Chloroform , Citric Acid , Cobaltus Nitrate , Copper Sulphate , Crystal Violet , Cupric Acetate Monohydrate , Cyclohexane , Cyclohexane , Cynogen Bromide , Dextrose , Di Acetyl Pthalate , Dibutylepthalate , Dichloro Methane , Diethyl Ether , Diethyl Pthalate , Diethylene Glycol , Di-Potassium Hydrogen Phosphate (K2hpo4) , Di-Potassium Hydrogen Phosphate (K2hpo4) , Di-Sodium Hydrogen Phosphate (Na2hpo4) , Di-Sodium Hydrogen Phosphate (Na2hpo4) , Dithizone Dye , Edta Di Sodium Salt , Eosin Yellowish , Eriochrome Black T , Ethyl Acetate , Ethyl Acetate , Fehling Solution No-2 , Fehling Solution Nol-1 , Ferric Chloride , Ferric Nitrate , Ferric Sulphate , Ferrion Indicator Solution , Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate , Ferrous Sulphate , Folline Reagent , Formeldehyde(37-41%) , Glucose , Glycerol , Hexamine , Hexamine , Hexylamine 99% , Hydro Chloric Acid 37% , Hydrochloric Acid N/40 Amp. , Hydrochloride Acid N/1 , Hydrogen Per Oxide 30% , Indicator Paper (8.0 To 40.5) , Iodine , Iodine Amp , Iso Octane , Isoanylalchohol , Isobutyl Alchohol , Isobutyl Methyl Ketone , Isopropylether , Isopropyl Alcohal , Isopropyl Alcohal , Karl-Fisher Reagent , Lactic Acid , L-Cystein , L-Cysteine Hydrochloride , Lead Acetate , Lead Nitrate , Liquid Parafin , Litmus Paper Blue , Litmus Paper Red , Magnese Ii Chloride , Magnesium Oxide , Magnesium Sulphate , Manitol , Mercuric Chloride , Methanol , Methanol , Methylorange Indicator , Methyl Acetate , Methyl Red Indicator , Methyl Violet , Muroxidethoms Baker , N-(L-Naphthyl) Ethylendiaminedihydrochloride , N,N-Dimethyl –P-Phenylenediamine Sulphate , Natural Red Indicator , N-Butyl Pthalate , N-Heptane , N-Heptane Sulphonic Acid Sodium Salt , N-Hexane , N-Hexane , Nitric Acid , Nitro Benzene , N-N Dimethyl Formamide (Dmf) , O-Nitrobenzaldehyde , Orthophosphoric Acid , Orthophosphoric Acid , Osmic Acid , Oxalic Acid , P -Nitro Phenol , Palladin Charcoal Active , Pectin Pure , Pentachloronitrobenzene , Pentane-1-Sulphonic Acid Sodi. Salt , Perchloric Acid 0.1 Mol , Petroleumether (40-60) , Petroleum Ether (60-80) , Phenol , Phenol Red Indicator Powder , Phenolphthalein Indicator , Poassium Permanganate , Potassium Bicarbonate , Potassium Bromide For Ir , Potassium Chloride , Potassium Chromate , Potassium Dichromate , Potassium Dihydrogen Orthophosphate Kh2po4 , Potassium Di-Hydrogen Phosphate (Kh2po4) , Potassium Ferrocynide , Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate , Potassium Hydroxide Pellets , Potassium Iodate , Potassium Iodide , Potassium Periodate , Potassium Thiocynate , Potassium Thiosulphate , Pyridine , Salicylic Acid , Silica Gel , Silicon Vaccume Grease , Silver Nitrate , Silver Nitrate Amp. , Sodi. Lauryl Sulphate , Sodium Acetate , Sodium Bicarbonate , Sodium Carbonate , Sodium Chloride , Sodium Di-Hydrogen Phosphate (Nah2po4) , Sodium Di-Hydrogen Phosphate (Nah2po4) , Sodium Hydroxide N/1 Amp. , Sodium Hydroxide Pellets , Sodium Perchlorate Monohydrate , Sodium Rhodizonate , Sodium Sulphate(Anhydrous) , Sodium Thiosulphate , Sodium Thiosulphate N/40 Amp. , Starch Indicator Paper (Pkt Of 3 Rou) , Starch Soluble , Strontiun Chloride , Sucrose , Sulfanilic Acid , Sulphuric Acid , Tetra Butyl Ammonium Hydroxide 25%(400Ml) , Tetra Butyl Ammonium-Hydroxide 40% (400Ml) , Tetra Butyle Ammonium Hydroxide 40% (400Ml) , Tetra Hydrofuran , Thymol Blue Indicator , Thymol Green Indicator , Tin Metal , Toluene , Toluene , Triethylamine , Tris (Hydromethyl) Aminomethane Buffer , Tartaric Acid , Vaccum Grease , Xanthydrol , Xylenol Orange Indicator Powder , Zinc Dust Ap , Zinc Sulphate , Sodium Metaperiodate , Trifluoroacetic Acid , Hexylamine , Tetra Fluora Acetic Acid , Nitric Acid , Aceponitrile , Methanol , Water , Formic Acid , Beaker With Spout (Law Form) , Beaker With Spout (Law Form) , Beaker With Spout (Law Form) , Beaker With Spout (Law Form) , Beaker With Spout (Law Form) , Beaker With Spout (Law Form) , Beaker With Spout (Law Form) , Volumetric Flask With Glass Stopper , Volumetric Flask With Glass Stopper , Volumetric Flask With Glass Stopper , Volumetric Flask With Glass Stopper , Volumetric Flask With Glass Stopper , Volumetric Flask With Glass Stopper , Volumetric Flask With Glass Stopper , Volumetric Flask With Glass Stopper , Volumetric Flask With Glass Stopper , Volumetric Flask With Glass Stopper , Volumetric Flask With Glass Stopper , Volumetric Flask With Glass Stopper , Volumetric Flask With Glass Stopper , Volumetric Flask With Glass Stopper , Volumetric Flask With Glass Stopper , Volumetric Flask With Glass Stopper , Volumetric Flask With Glass Stopper , Volumetric Flask With Glass Stopper , Volumetric Flask With Glass Stopper , Volumetric Flask With Glass Stopper , Volumetric Flask (Amber Colour) With Glass Stopper , Volumetric Flask (Amber Colour) With Glass Stopper , Volumetric Flask (Amber Colour) With Glass Stopper , Volumetric Flask (Amber Colour) With Glass Stopper , Volumetric Flask (Amber Colour) With Glass Stopper , Volumetric Flask (Amber Colour) With Glass Stopper , Volumetric Flask (Amber Colour) With Glass Stopper , Volumetric Flask (Amber Colour) With Glass Stopper , Volumetric Flask (Amber Colour) With Glass Stopper , Conical Flask , Conical Flask , Measuring Cylinder Hexagonal Base , Measuring Cylinder Hexagonal Base , Measuring Cylinder Hexagonal Base , Measuring Cylinder Hexagonal Base , Measuring Cylinder Hexagonal Base , Measuring Cylinder Hexagonal Base , Measuring Cylinder Hexagonal Base , Measuring Cylinder With Stopper , Measuring Cylinder With Stopper , Measuring Cylinder With Stopper , Measuring Cylinder With Stopper , Measuring Cylinder With Stopper , Measuring Cylinder With Stopper , Measuring Cylinder With Stopper , Measuring Cylinder Hexagonal Base , Measuring Cylinder Hexagonal Base , Measuring Cylinder Hexagonal Base , Measuring Cylinder Hexagonal Base , Measuring Cylinder Hexagonal Base , Measuring Cylinder Hexagonal Base , Measuring Cylinder Hexagonal Base , Pipette (Graduated Type) , Pipette (Graduated Type) , Pipette (Graduated Type) , Pipette (Graduated Type) , Pipette Volumetric (Bulb Type) , Pipette Volumetric (Bulb Type) , Pipette Volumetric (Bulb Type) , Pipette Volumetric (Bulb Type) , Burette , Burette , Iodine Flask , Iodine Flask , Flat Bottomflask , Flat Bottomflask , Separating Funnel Pear Shape Withstopcock(Teflon) , Separating Funnel Pear Shape Withstopcock(Teflon) , Funnels , Funnels , Funnels , Funnels , Funnels , Funnels , Dessicator Plain With Plane Flange , Dessicatorvaccume With Plane Flanges , Vacumdessicatorwith Plane Flanges , Plane Glass Dessicator , Reagent Bottle Plain (Wide Mouth) Screw Cap With Pouring Ring , Reagent Bottle Plain (Wide Mouth) Screw Cap With Pouring Ring , Reagent Bottle Plain (Wide Mouth) Screw Cap With Pouring Ring , Reagent Bottle Plain (Wide Mouth) Screw Cap With Pouring Ring , Reagent Bottle Plain (Wide Mouth) Screw Cap With Pouring Ring , Reagent Bottle Plain (Narrow Mouth) With Pouring Ring , Reagent Bottle Plain (Narrow Mouth) With Pouring Ring , Reagent Bottle Plain (Narrow Mouth) With Pouring Ring , Filtration Flask , Filtration Flask , Goouch Crucible , Goouch Crucible , Roundbottom Flask , Roundbottom Flask , Test Tube , Test Tube , Test Tube , Test Tube , Test Tubes , Test Tubes Without Rim , Capillary Tube , Petri Dish , Petri Dish S-Line , Mortal &Pestel , Pipette Filler (Natural Rubber) , Draining Tray , Aspirator Bottle With Stopcock , Utility Carrier , Wash Bottle (Plastic) Fitted Stoppers And Delivery Tube , Menthol Alcohol Distilatien , Arseric Test Aooratees , Filter Support Base With Sintered Glass Filler 47 M.M , Beaker With Spout (Law Form) , Beaker With Spout (Law Form) , Beaker With Spout (Law Form) , Beaker With Spout (Law Form) , Beaker With Spout (Law Form) , Beaker With Spout (Law Form) , Beaker With Spout (Law Form) , Measuring Cylinder Hexagonal Base , Measuring Cylinder Hexagonal Base , Measuring Cylinder Hexagonal Base , Measuring Cylinder Hexagonal Base , Measuring Cylinder Hexagonal Base , Measuring Cylinder Hexagonal Base , Measuring Cylinder Hexagonal Base , Wash Water , Funnel , Funnel , Membrance Filtration Assembly For Micor Lab (Plastik) , Nitrogen , Argon , Air , Helium , Tlc Silica Gel 60F 254 Aluminium Sheet Size 20X20 Cm , Membrane Disc Filter (Non Steripe) 47Mmx0.45 ?M (Solvent) , Nylon Syringe Filter (Membrane Disc Filter) 25Mmx0.45 ?M , Filter Paper Circle No-4