
Tender For Auction Of Obsolete And Unserviceable Materials, attingal-Kerala

Kerala Water Authority has published Tender For Auction Of Obsolete And Unserviceable Materials. Submission Date for this Tender is 25-02-2025. Scrap Tenders in attingal Kerala. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Auction Of Obsolete And Unserviceable Materials
Open Tender

Tender Documents

Tender Details

Auction Of Obsolete And Unserviceable Materials , 15 Mm G I Pipe , 65 Mm G I Pipe , 80 Mm G I Pipe , 125 Mm G I Pipe , 150 Mm G I Pipe , 15 X 90G I Bend , 25 Mm Gm Valve , 40 Mm Gm Valve , 50 Mm Gm Valve , 80 Mm Gm Valve , 50 Mm Gm D/F Valve , 500 Mm Ci Pipe , 150 Mm Ci Nrv , 80 Mm Ci Df Valve , 100 Mm Ci Df Valve , 200 Mm Ci Df Valve , 80 Mm Ci Single Air Valve , 150 Mm Ci Double Air Valve , 200 Mm Ci Pe Valve , 250 Mm Ci Pe Valve , 200 Mm Cid Joint , Copper Sheet , 80 Mm Ms Sadil , 20 Mm G I Pipe , 32 Mm G I Pipe , 40 Mm G I Pipe , 125 Mm G I Pipe , 15X90° G I Bend , 20X90° G I Bend , 25X90° G I Bend , 32X90° G I Bend , 40X45° G I Bend , 40X90° G I Bend , 25X90° G I Bend With 25Mm Gi Union , 15 Mm G I Union , 20 Mm G I Union , 32 Mm G I Union , 40 Mm G I Union , 20Mm Gi Plug , 25Mm Gi Plug , 32Mm Gi Plug , 15 Mm G I Coupling , 20 Mm G I Coupling , 25 Mm G I Coupling , 32 Mm G I Coupling , 40 Mm G I Coupling , 15 Mm G I Elbow , 20 Mm G I Elbow , 25 Mm G I Elbow , 32 Mm G I Elbow , 20X15 Mm G I Reducing Elbow , 20X15 Mm G I Reducer , 25X20 Mm G I Reducer , 40X20 Mm G I Reducer , 40X25 Mm G I Reducer , 20Mm Brass Ferule/Hex Nipple , 25Mm Brass Ferule/Hex Nipple , 32Mm Brass Ferule/Hex Nipple , 20 Mm G I Pipe Nipple , 15 Mm G I Hex Nipple , 25 Mm G I Hex Nipple , 32 Mm G I Hex Nipple , 15X15mm Gi Tee , 20X15mm Gi Tee , 20X20mm Gi Tee , 25X20mm Gi Tee , 25X25mm Gi Tee , 32X20mm Gi Tee , 32X25mm Gi Tee , 32X32mm Gi Tee , 40X20 Mm Gi Tee , 40X40mm Gi Tee , 40 X 32 Mm Gi Tee , 65Mm Gi Threaded Flange , 150Mm Gi Threaded Flange , 80 Mm C I Pipe Cl A , 100 Mm C I Pipe Cl A , 150 Mm C I Pipe Cl A , 180 Mm C I Pipe , 200 Mm C I Pipe Cl A , 250 Mm C I Pipe Cl A , 300 Mm C I Pipe Cl A , 300 Mm C I Pipe , 350 Mm C I Pipe Cl A , 450 Mm C I Pipe Cla , 450 Mm C I Pipe , 500 Mm C I Pipe Cl A , 125 Mm C I D/F Pipe (2.75 M Long) , 150 Mm C I D/F Pipe (2.75M Long) , 100X45° C I Ds Bend , 100X90° C I Ds Bend , 125X45° C I Ds Bend , 150X45° C I D/S Bend , 150X90° C I D/S Bend , 300X90° C I D/S Bend , 450X90° C I Ds Bend , 150X150 Mm C I A/S Tee , 150X150 Mm C I Af Tee , 150X150mm Ci Ds Br Fl Tee , 350X150mm Ci Ss Br Sock Tee , 100Mm Ci End Cap , 400Mm Ci Dummy Plate , 80 Mm C I Collar , 150 Mm C I Collar , 20Mmwntap , 80Mmcipipe , 100Mmcipipe , 150Mmcipipe , 250Mmcipipe , 300Mmcipipe , 400Mmcipipe , 450Mmcipipe , 100Mmcicoller , 150Mmcicoller , 200Mmcicoller , 300Mmcicoller , 80X80mmcip/Etee , 100X80mmcip/Etee , 125X125mmcip/Etee , 100X100mmciastee , 100X80mmcip/Ereducer , 125X100mmcip/Ereducer , 150X125mmcip/Ereducer , 250X150mmcip/Ereducer , 150X125mmcid/Sreducer , 125X80mmcidfreducer , 150X125mmcidfreducer , 250X150mmcidfreducer , 80Mmcipeendcap , 100Mmcisockettailpiece , 100X45°Cip/Ebend , 100X90°Cip/Ebend , 125X90°Cip/Ebend , 125X22½°Cipebend , 125X45°Cip/Ebend , 150X11¼°Cipebend , 150X22½°Cipebend , 150X45°Cip/Ebend , 150X90°Cip/Ebend , 100X45°Cidsbend , 125X90°Cidsbend , 150X45°Cidsbend , 80Mmmssaddlepiece , 100Mmmssaddlepiece , 150Mmmssaddlepiece , 20Mmbrassferrule , 80Mmcidjointcl10 , 100Mmcidjointcl15 , 150Mmcidjointcl10 , 250Mmcidjointcl10 , 300Mmcidjointcl20 , 50Mmmsflange , 75Mmmsflange , 90Mmmsflange , 110Mmmsflange , 140Mmmsflange , 150Mmmsflange , 35Hpcfmotor , 40Hpvtmotor , 140X90° Pvc Bend , 200X22 1/2° Pvc Bend , 80Mm Ci Nr Valve , 350Mm Ci Nr Valve Body Only , 80Mm Ci Double Air Valve Body Only , 80 Ci Df Valve , 100Mmci Df Valve Body Only , 150Mm Ci Df Valve With 150Mm Ci Double Acting Air Valve , 250Mm Ci Df Valve Body Only , 80Mm Ms Df Pipe (15Cm Long) , 150Mm Ms Df Column Pipe (1.5M Long) , 250Mm Ms Df Column Pipe (1.5M Long) , 150 Mm Gi Pipe , 80 Mm Gi Df Pipe (5.7 M Ling) , 81 Mm Gi Df Pipe (1.1 M Ling) , 82 Mm Gi Df Pipe (2.05 M Ling) , 83 Mm Gi Df Pipe (2.45 M Ling) , 84 Mm Gi Df Pipe (2.75 M Ling) , 100 Mm Gi Df Column Pipe , 150 Mm Gi Df Pipe , 80X90° Gi Df Bend , Cross Arm Structure Bar 10X5x Cm , Pump Long Shaft , Vt Pump Discharge Head , 35 Mm Hp Vt Motor , 150 Mm Ci Nr Valve , 200Mm Ci Plain End Sluice Valve , 100 Mm Ci Nr Valve , 80Mm Ci Double Flanged Valve , 65Mm Ci Double Flanged Valve , 65Mm Ci Nr Valve , Various Hp Submersible Pumps , 100Mm Gi Pipe , 150Mm Ci Pipe , 150Mm Di K9 Pipe , 200Mm Pvc Pipe (10Kg) , 75Mm Pvc Elbow , 200X100mm Pvc Tee , 200Mm Ci Pipe , 250Mm Ci Pipe , 450Mm Ci Pipe , 600Mm Ci Pipe , 100Mm Ci Df Pipe (30Cm Long) , 65Mm Ci D/F Valve , 80Mm Ci D/F Valve , 100Mm Ci D/F Valve , 100Mm Ci D/F Valve Half Body Only , 100Mm Ci D/F Valvebody Only , 150Mm Ci D/F Valve , 150Mm Ci D/F Valvebody Only , 200Mm Ci D/F Valve , 200Mm Ci D/F Valve Body Only , 80Mm Ci Pe Valve , 100Mm Ci Pe Valve , 125Mm Ci Pe Valve , 150Mm Ci Pe Valve Half Body Only , 150Mm Ci Pe Valvebody Only , 200Mm Ci Pe Valve , 200Mm Ci Pe Valve Body Only , 200Mm Ci Pe Valve Half Body Only , 250Mm Ci Pe Valve , 65Mm Ci Nr Valve , 50Mm Ci Nr Valve , 80Mm Ci Nr Valve , 100Mm Ci Nr Valve , 125Mm Ci Nr Valve , 150Mm Ci Nr Valve , 150Mm Ci Nr Valve Body Only , 200Mm Ci Nr Valve Body Only , 250Mm Ci Nr Valve , 40Mm Ci Double Air Valve , 50Mm Ci Double Air Valve , 80Mm Ci Double Air Valve , 150Mm Ci Double Acting Air Valve , 125Mm Ci Foot Valve , 150Mm Ci Foot Valve , 100X100mm Ci Af Tee , 200Mm Ci Socketed Tail Piece , 80Mm Ci Tail Piece , 150Mm Ci Tail Piece , 250Mm Ci Tail Piece , 80Mm Cid Joint , 150Mm Cid Joint , 300Mm Cid Joint , 200Mm Cid Joint Without Central Ring , 300Mm Cid Joint Without Central Ring , 300Mm Cid Joint Without One Side Ring , 400Mm Cid Joint Without One Side Ring , 600Mm Cid Joint Without Central Ring , 250X22 1/2° Ci Ss Bend , 250X90° Ci Ss Bend , 100X90° Ci Sf Bend , 100X90° Ci Df Bend , 500X45° Ci Pe Bend , 450Mm Ci Pipe Socket Piece , 80Mm Ci Water Meter Body Only , Ci Mh Frame , 450Mm Di Pipe , 300Mm Ac Pipe , 400Mm Ac Pipe , 600Mm Ac Pipe , 700Mm Ac Pipe , 50Mm Gi Pipe , 65Mm Gi Pipe , 80Mm Gi Pipe , 100Mm Gi Pipe , 150Mm Gi Pipe , 80X90° Gi Df Bend With Dummy Plate , 500Mm Ms Pipe , 450Mm Ms Df Pipe (1.45M Long ) , 450Mm Ms Df Bend Pipe (1.85M Long ) , 150Mm Ms Df Bend (2.25M Long ) , 225X45° Ms Pe Bend , 500X45° Ms Ds Bend , 450X450x150x150 Mm Ms Af Fabricated Double Tee , 450X400mm Ms Reducer , 400Mm Ms Dummy , 450Mm Ms Dummy , 450Mm Ms Collar , 500Mm Ms Collar , 50Mm Gm Valve , 65Mm Gm Valve , 80Mm Gm Valve , 100Mm Gm Valve , 50Mm Gm Df Valve , Part Of Cf Pump , 90Mm Hp Cf Pump Set , Submersible Pump Set , Submersible Pump , Submersible Motor , Submersible Motor And Pump Casing , Rcc Street Fountain , 15Mm Single Jet Water Meter , Concrete Mixing Machine , Concrete Mixing Machine Drum Part Only , 0.5 Hp Mono Block Pump , Vt Motor , Oil Immersed Starter , Various Hp Motor , Diesel Pump , Bore Well Hand Pumpset Body Only , Pump Impellor

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 2500 /-
INR 50000.0 /-
Tender Value
Refer document


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