
L G Compressor Repairing Work - Open The Compressor Ds 650 200 Turbo Assembly And Set The Timing And Rpm. Open The Turbo Chr Assembly And Straighten The Old Connecting Rod By Turning It With A Press. Remove The Metal Separator Air Body, Do Support Weldi, Pali-Rajasthan

Ground Water Department has published L G Compressor Repairing Work - Open The Compressor Ds 650 200 Turbo Assembly And Set The Timing And Rpm. Open The Turbo Chr Assembly And Straighten The Old Connecting Rod By Turning It With A Press. Remove The Metal Separator Air Body, Do Support Weldi. Submission Date for this Tender is 20-02-2025. Mechanical engineering Service Tenders in Pali Rajasthan. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : L G Compressor Repairing Work - Open The Compressor Ds 650 200 Turbo Assembly And Set The Timing And Rpm. Open The Turbo Chr Assembly And Straighten The Old Connecting Rod By Turning It With A Press. Remove The Metal Separator Air Body, Do Support Weldi
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Tender Details

L G Compressor Repairing Work - Open the compressor DS 650 200 turbo assembly and set the timing and RPM. Open the turbo CHR assembly and straighten the old connecting rod by turning it with a press. Remove the metal separator air body, do support welding and make and set the metal ring as per size with new packing. Remove the old separator of the compressor and make a new separator as per size and install it. Repair the fan rod of the compressor. Remove the motor of the compressor fan and rewire the new copper wiring. Remove the anemometer and rewire the new copper wiring. Remove the old wiring of the panel cut out and repair it with a new cut out. Remove the old joints of the air cut out pipes and install new joints with coating. Repair the air pump. Repairing the water body of the pump. Loading and unloading of turbo assembly by crane and then refitting it. Heating the turbo assembly shaft with a gas cutter and removing it from the hydraulic leak. Fixing the silencer drum by welding it with an iron sheet. Turbo assembly seal S.S. visor Removing the silencer pipe and installing a new pipe. Insert all the nozzle pipes of the turbo assembly. Removing all the old hose pipes and installing a new one. Clip

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 20-02-2025 Technical Problem 20-02-2025

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Tender Value
INR 1.45 Lakhs /-
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