Tender For Machinery And Piping Works - Undertake Machinery And Piping Jobs On Turnkey Basis On Vessel Mv Kalighat At Cksru Kolkata; 1 After dockinganchor and anchor chain cables to be lay downTotal -16 nos of length, (Each- 27.5 m) All anchor chain cables ranging ,gauging and calibration to be carried out. (Each length 27.5 m) 440M 2 Renewal of Additional Chain Cables (Ship Supply) Each Length of chain 27.5 m 3 Renewal of kenter shackle (Ship Supply) 4 Renewal of Swivel adapter (Ship Supply) 5 Crop and renewal of evaporater coil base angle and supports.** All material contractor supply 6 Remove and refit of AC condenser along with associated fittings. 7 Auxillary engine room supply blower (stbd)mushroom head full head face plate and lower meshand projected part above flange fully corroded ,holed and thinned down , same to be cropped and renewed. Approx dimension.Vent head size - head top dia (900x8mm), slant palte circumference ( 5000x400x8mm), face plate circumference (5000x400x8mm), inspection door size ( 400x300x8 mm), inner bracket (1500 x 80x 8mm)-02 nos , rubber beeding outter channel lips (4000x40x8mm),inner lips (3500x40x8mm), lifting eye pad (230x140x8mm)-02 nos, holdinground bar ( 450x16mm) projected trunk (3900x500x8mm), upper & lower flange (5000x50x8mm)-02 nos, no of holes 20 nos, SS nut & bolt (18mm & 20 mm), rectangular shape mesh 3mm -(800x500x300)-06 nos, round bar for mesh (800x500x300x10mm)-06 nos, rubber beading to be renewed as per sample (4500x50x40mm), mesh supporting bar inner (320x50x8mm)-18 nos, supporting bracket (100x70x50x8mm)-10 nos. for the above work remove and refit ofblower mushroom head andspindle. rubber packing (900x30x20mm).** All material contractor supply 8 Fire line pressure gauge upper flange corroded and thinned down , same to be cropped and renewed. Approx size ( (200x20mm), no of slots 04 nos, nut & bolt -04 nos as per sample.** All material contractor supply 9 Forward stbd pedestal roller play much due to continous friction of tappared spindle , Spindle tobe renewed as per the sample and size .** All material contractor supply 10 Crane platform scrumbling horizontal pipe corroded holed holding pipe also damaged , same to be cropped and renewed. Approx size - verticle pipe ( 1800x50mm)-02 nos, Horizontal pipe ( 530x50mm)-06 nos, supporting guard pipe (1000x50mm)-02 nos. sch40 GI pipe** All material contractor supply 11 Paint store exhaust mushroom vent middle flange and verticle projected fully corroded and renewed.. Approx sizeprojected part ( circum- 1100mm), ourt lip (height 60mm) thickness 8mm, lower flange (circum- 1380mm) projected part (45mm), thickness ( 08mm), nut & bolt- (16mm -08 nos).** All material contractor supply 12 Windlass guide bar (port & stbd) fully thinned down anduprooted from base. same to becropped and renewed . fixed back with 04 nos of nutt and bolt .Approx size ( 18 mm -04 nos)-01 no , base plate (180x150x18mm)-01 no, guider bar (540x120x50mm)-01 no, brackets (110x30x18mm)-02 nos, no of slot of 20mm, same to be fabricated on main windlass foundation athwartship plate-08 nos.** All material contractor supply 13 Windlass foundation base frame distance bar brackets fully corroded , wasted and thinned down , same to be cropped and renewed. Need to remove or dismantle and refit ofentire windlass unit from upper frame and after fabrication new base to be refittedin its original space . approx size - long bracket( 400x350x180x10mm)-08 nos, longitudinal base plate (1220x140x12mm)-04 nos, transverse base plate (2100x140x12mm)-04 nos, welded MS clampbase frame with lower base ()120x130x50x12mm)-08 nos, total nut & boltto be unscrewed -20mm -19 nos, total distance piece bar (140x130x20mm)-20 nos, transverse top platfrom base (2100x140x12mm), longitudinal top plat form base (1220x140x12mm), windlass fixing nut & bolt renewed-( 30mm-16nos), guider bar nut and bolt renewed (20mm-08 nos), windlass base transverse coaming (2100x115x10mm)-02 nos, windlass base longitudinal coaming (2100x115x10mm)-02nos, small brackets for aft of windlass (165x180x180x14mm)-07 nos, small brackets for fwdof windlass (135x120x140x14mm)-07 nos,windlass fwd vertical supporting MS bar (100x60x14mm)-10 nos.** All material contractor supply 14 Forecastle deck windlass stbd side guide rollerstucked and rotating freely and missalligned from place , same to be cropped and refitted back in position and alligned properly.** All material contractor supply 15 In crane platform , anchor ball hoisting shaft fully corroded and thinned down , same to be cropped and renewed. Approx size ( 5000x40mm), top plate (100x70x8mm), supporting guard (70x30x8mm), hoisting pully with swivel SS) -01 no as per sample, horn clit -(300x8mm) round bar- 02 nos.** All material contractor supply **Pulley & swivel ship supply 16 Bunker point drip tray drain plug missing, same to be provide with new plug along with SS chain. Drain plug size (20mm), SS chain -(length-200 mm x dia 4mm)** All material contractor supply 17 OTHER MISSLANEOUS DEFECTS 18 Ships RO Aqua guards full servicing due, same to be carried and if required membrane, fillters and UV fillters to be renewed.Total nosof Aqua guard- 07 nos.A) Make- Aqua sure -02 nos, B) Make- Whirlpool -05 nos, C) required spare fillters - 35 nos.***All spare ship supply. 19 Officers pantry food lift steel wire rope found damaged , same to be renewed. Approx size (L-25mx Dia-8mm) wire rope construction (6x36) ***Wire rope & all spares shipsupply. 20 PORT MAIN ENGINE; Make BERGEN ,MODEL: KRMB 9, BHP 2480, 9 Units/Engine 21 Following jobs to be carried out on Port Main Engine and satisfactory trial to be Shown to ship staff. 22 Port main engine sump oil to empty ,clean and Refilled. Fresh oil to supplement from ship stock. Approx 900 Ltr oil to be removed from the sump, sump to be cleaned and shown to ship staff. ***Oil & all spares ship supply 23 STBD MAIN ENGINE; Make BERGEN ,MODEL: KRMB 9, BHP 2480, 9 Units/Engine 24 Following jobs to be carried out on Starboard Main Engine and satisfactory trial Shown to ship staff. 25 STBD main engine sump oil to empty ,clean and Refilled. Fresh oil to supplement from ship stock. Approx 900 Ltr oil to be removed from the sump, sump to be cleaned and shown to ship staff. ***Oil & all spares ship supply 26 AUXILIARY ENGINES(MAKE: SACM DIESEL WARTSILA,MODEL: UD 25 V12S3D, 560KVA)***All spares ship supply 27 Alternator driving side coupling and pads of all three Aux engines 1, 2 and 3 tocheck,and worn out partstorenewed with Ship supplied spares. Satisfactory trial to be shown to ship staff. 28 SEWAGE SYSTEMType: THPC 1000, Capacity-37m3/hr.Air cooled.***All spares owner supply 29 The following job to be carried out and shown to be ship staff and surveyor for inspection and ISPP renewel certificate. 30 Pump suction and delivery valves 4nos (size 32mm Gate valves) to be overhauled. and presure test to 5kg/cm2. satisfactory trial shown to ship staff. 31 Sewage holding tank discharge pump to overhaul.type-SH32-11ON/58/3,SL NO-35817,DISCHARGE 6M3/HR,HEAD 12MWC,RPM-2900,DRIVE HP-1.5. satisfactory trial shown to ship staff. 32 Sewage holding tank discharge pump motor to overhaul and satisfactory trial shown to ship staff.capacity-1.10kw 33 WINDLASSMake:Ridderinkhof, Pull 10 Ton at 10M/min ***All spares owner supply 34 Following jobs to be carried out on windlass machinery (Satisfactory trial to shown ship staff). 35 Windlass Gear case and gears to be checked wornout parts to be renewed and oil to renew from ship supply. trial Shown to ship staff. 36 Brake linings to renew (contractor to supply).Size: 980 x 100x 10 mm, CSK Brass screw 36 nos, 8mm dia x 30 mm long for each half, trial Shown to ship staff. 37 Slip clutch toopen and check. worn out parts to be renewed. After boxing upload test to be carried out and Satisfactory trial to be shown to ship staff. Spare contractor supply. 38 STEERING GEAR (PORT AND STARBOARD) : 39 Both steering system oil to check and renew from ship supply and satisfactory trial to be shown toship staff. 40 Filters to renew and trialshown to ship staff.***All spares ship supply 41 All safeties and alarms to check & try out. Any faults to be rectified and shown to ship staff. 42 Both tanks to be cleanedand ventilated and shown to ship staff. 43 Port inner and outer steering gear machinery unit, Stbd inner and outer steering gear machinery unit, hand operated steering gear(port & stbd) to check for smooth operation and rectified and shown to ship staff.***All spares ship supply 44 Following pumps tooverhaul completely and aligned. Successful trial to be shown to ship staff.***All spares ship supply Multipurpose joint ,ss bolts and nuts to be supplied by contractors.Pumps marked for survey to be shown to survey and ship staff. 45 AC chiller water pumps, Vertical Centrifugal pump, Capacity: 180m3/hr:- 02 nos. Make johnson pump, Type-combiprime V 46 AC cooling sea water pumps, Vertical centrifugal Pump Capacity: 265 m3/hr. Make johnson pump, Type-combiprime V 47 Hot water circulating pump-Fwd and aft.( M/S BE, TYPE- A 03620 KH) and satisfactory trial to ship staff. 48 COOLERS / CONDENSERS: 49 Following coolers tube stags to be taken out and chemically cleaned. Rubberrings and joints to be changed. After boxing up same to be pressure tested. New O rings/jointsto fit (contractor supply) and shown to ship staff. ** All spares ship supply 50 Accom. A/C condenser (Port) Dia.-60cm, L-265cm. satisfactory trial to be showned toship staff. 51 Renewal of inlet and outlet covers 52 Accom. A/C condenser (Stbd)Dia.-60cm, L-265cm. satisfactory trial to be showned toship staff. 53 Renewal of inlet and outlet covers 54 RDFF FIXED WATER-BASED LOCAL APPLICATION FIRE-FIGHTING SYSTEM:**All material contractor supply 55 All the nozzles to be taken out from the position and cleaned & refitted 56 Entire pipe line to be pressure testupto 15Bar, Dia of pipe 28mm. 57 MISCELLENOUS REPAIR : 58 Suction and discharge pressure gauge gauge copper pipe line to make with adaptor for various pumps.6mm dia pipe and associated ferrols and nipplesfor various pumps to be fit andshown to ship staff.**All material contractor supply 59 All Air handling units(04nos) evaporator coils to be cleaned with sutable chemical cleaning and shown to ship staff. cleaning materials to be contractor supply.AHU1 L=1500mm,B=530mm,H=1000mm AHU2 L=1460mm,B=530mm,H=1140mmAHU3 L=1500mm,B=530mm,H=1140mmAHU4 L=870mm,B=530mm,H=1500mm 60 Port and STBD mainsea chest filter top cover to renew. Dia-850mm , thikness-12mm , No. of bolts-23 hole dia26mm with 2 handels each and purging cock to be shown to ship staff.**All material contractor supply 61 Air Handling Unit # 1(Bridge deck port side) to be overhauled .Plumber block bearing 2nos,inlet cone missing same to fabricate and fit,impeller to be balanced.Alignment to done.Satisfactory trial to shown to ship staff.FAN SIZE GFBB-5-50,Air Quantity-12310CMH,Total PR 240mm wg,motor 18.64 kw**All spare ship supply including Plumber block bearing 2nos,inlet cone. 62 AIR VENTS**All Sch 80 & 40 pipes, flanges, bends, plates, mesh, sleeves, penetration, gland packings, Reducers, Nut&Bolts(SS), ball and Gaskets for pipeline under contractor supply** After fabrication and pressure testing, the pipes and air vent is to be painted. 63 Crop and renewal of tanks air vent pipe and sounding pipes penetration work ofstub & disatance pieces at various size.(180NB-18 NOS, 140NB-20 NOS,100NB-12, 115NB-02 NOS, 80NB--12 NOS ,90NB-09,60NB- 13 NOS,40NB-04 NOS,15NB-05 NOS, 12NB-05 NOS). 64 Renewal of MS Sch 80 Dia 180NB pipe-1 Mtr with penetrationsleeve & pad 65 Renewal of MS Sch 80 Dia 140NB pipe-1 Mtr with penetrationsleeve & pad 66 Renewal of MS Sch 80 Dia 100NB pipe -1 Mtr with penetrationsleeve & pad 67 Renewal of MS Sch 80 Dia 115NB pipe -1 Mtr with penetrationsleeve & pad 68 Renewal of MS Sch 80 Dia 80NB pipe -1 Mtr with penetrationsleeve & pad 69 Renewal of MS Sch 80 Dia 90NB pipe -1 Mtr with penetrationsleeve & pad 70 Renewal of MS Sch 80 Dia 60NB pipe-1 Mtr with penetrationsleeve & pad 71 Renewal of MS Sch 80 Dia 40NB pipe -1 Mtr with penetrationsleeve & pad 72 Renewal of MS Sch 80 Dia 15NB pipe-1 Mtr with penetrationsleeve & pad 73 Renewal of MS Sch 80 Dia 12NB pipe -1 Mtr with penetrationsleeve & pad 74 Removal & Reuse of flange-180NB 75 Removal & Reuse of flange-180NB 76 Removal & Reuse of flange-140NB 77 Removal & Reuse of flange-100NB 78 Removal & Reuse of flange-115NB 79 Removal & Reuse of flange-80NB 80 Removal & Reuse of flange-90NB 81 Removal & Reuse of flange-60NB 82 Removal & Reuse of flange-40NB 83 Removal & Reuse of flange-15NB 84 Removal & Reuse of flange-12NB 85 Removal and Re-fitment of air vents-180NB 86 Removal and Re-fitment of air vents-140NB 87 Removal and Re-fitment of air vents-100NB 88 Removal and Re-fitment of air vents-115NB 89 Removal and Re-fitment of air vents-80 NB 90 Removal and Re-fitment of air vents-90 NB 91 Removal and Re-fitment of air vents-60 NB 92 Removal and Re-fitment of air vents-40NB 93 Removal and Re-fitment of air vents-15NB 94 Removal and Re-fitment of air vents-12NB 95 Removal and Re-fitment of Sounding cap- appx. 65 NB 96 Remove and refit tanks air vents and pipes pipe at various sizes,(125NB- 04 NOS,100NB- 04 NOS,80NB-04 NOS,65NB- 06 NOS,50NB- 05 NOS,40NB-06 NOS, 25NB- 05 NOS). 97 Removal and Re-fitment of air vents-125NB 98 Removal and Re-fitment of air vents-100NB 99 Removal and Re-fitment of air vents-80NB 100 Removal and Re-fitment of air vents-65NB 101 Removal and Re-fitment of air vents-50NB 102 Removal and Re-fitment of air vents-40NB 103 Removal and Re-fitment of air vents-25NB 104 Removal and Re-fitment of MS Pipeline 125NB 105 Removal and Re-fitment of MS Pipeline 100NB 106 Removal and Re-fitment of MS Pipeline 80NB 107 Removal and Re-fitment of MS Pipeline 65NB 108 Removal and Re-fitment of MS Pipeline 50NB 109 Removal and Re-fitment of MS Pipeline 40NB 110 Removal and Re-fitment of MS Pipeline 25NB 111 All air vent heads are to be overhauled and damaged parts are to be renewed: like-side cover, wire mesh, inside ball, etc. All air vents are to be inspected by the surveyor, and a pressure test to be shown to survey.**All Material contractor supply 112 Upper deck stbd side WB tanks 19 (S) vent head size ( 1200 C x 250 x 6mm), face plate inner & outer (400x400x6mm)-02 nos, inspection door (350x250x6mm)-02 nos, door mesh, (350 x250mm)-02 nos, vent pipe dia-140mm, length- 300mm to be renewed**All Material contractor supply 113 Upper deck stbd side FW tanks 22 (S) vent head size ( 1200 C x 250 x 6mm), face plate inner & outer (400x400x6mm)-02 nos, inspection door (350x250x6mm)-02 nos, door mesh, (350 x250mm)-02 nos, vent pipe dia-140mm, length- 300mm, upper flange dia (240x20mm), no of holes 08 nos, holes dia -16mm, SS nuts & bolt 08 nos as per sample to be renewed.**All Material contractor supply 114 Upper deck port side FWtanks 27 (FWD) vent head size ( 1200 C x 250 x 8mm),face plate inner & outer (400x400x8mm)-02 nos, inspection door (370x250x6mm)-02 nos, door mesh, (250 x250mm)-02 nos, vent pipe dia-140mm, length- 500mm, upper flange dia (250x20mm),no of holes 08 nos, holes dia -16mm, SS nuts & bolt 08 nos , inside rubber seat -01 no, as per sample to be renewed.**All material contractor supply 115 The upper deck port side FW filling pipe is fully corroded and thinned down, the same is to be renewed, size 90NB- 1.3Mtr ,Sch 80 GI pipe with 1 bend & 2 Flanges.**All material contractor supply 116 Upper deck LO filling (diptray) flush discharge line fully corroded, thinned down, same to be renewed from lower flange. Approx dia pipe 60mm, L-750mm, flange dia (165x15mm)-04 nos,SS nut & bolt -16mm -08 nos, including bend 01 no, sludge discharge pipe dia-80mm, L- 450mm, bend 01 no, flange dia -180x15mm-04 nos, no of holes -08, hole dia- 12 mm, SS nuts & bolt 08 nos to be renewed.Sch 80 GI pipe .**All material contractor supply 117 Upper deck dirty oil tank air vent projected upward portion from flange fully corroded and thinned down, same to be renewed. Dimensions - vent head size ( 700 C x 150 x 6mm),face plate inner & outter ( 240x240x6mm)-02 nos, inspection door (240x140x6mm)-02 nos, door mesh (200 x140mm)-02 nos, vent pipe dia-75 mm, length- 500mm, upper flange dia (180x20mm), no of holes 08 nos, holes dia -16mm, SS nuts & bolt 08 nos-12 mm , inside rubber seat -01 no, to be renewed,**All material contractor supply 118 Upper deck ME L.O filling pipe near aft bollard corroded and thinned down upper projected portion from flange , same to be cropped and renewed. Dimensions- pipe (L- 500XDia 65mm), bend 01 no, to be renewed,Sch 80pipe .**All material contractor supply 119 Upper deck gear oil filling pipe fully corroded thinned down , upwardprojected part from flange , same to be cropped and renewed. Approx Dimensions- pipe (L- 800XDia 65mm), bend 01 no, upper flange dia 180 x 20mm)-02 nos, no of holes -04 nos , SS bolt & nut 16 mm -04 nos to be renewed,Sch 80 GI pipe .**All material contractor supply 120 Upper deck aft FW fillingpipe of 2P, above portion from lower flange fully corroded and thinned down , same to be renewed. Approx Dimensions- pipe (L- 800X 500xDia 100mm), bend 01 no, to be renewed,Sch 80 GI pipe .**All material contractor supply 121 Upper deck stbd side near gangway area cofferdam head lower flange and stub pieces fully corroded and thinned down , same to be cropped and renewed. Approx -(pipe dia-75mm), length-450mm, flange dia (190x20mm), no of slots -18 mm -08 nos, nut & bolt -18mm-08 nos, stub piece dia (100x75mm), inspection door (200x40x6mm)-02 nos, head (680x140x6mm), mesh -(140x100)-02 nos, head inner & outer face plate(240x240x6mm)-02 nos to be renewed,**All material contractor supply 122 UNDERWATER STORMVALVEOVER HAULING AND SHOWN TO SHIP & SURVEYOR.** All spares Ship Supply** All Nut & Bolts(SS), gaskets, gland packing, etc material contractor supply. 123 Storm valve - 100 NB 124 Drain cock dia- 20NB 125 Storm valve - 150 NB--02Nos 126 Drain cock dia- 16NB--02Nos 127 BALLAST & DE BALLAST VALVESOVER HAULING IN ENGINE ROOM& AUXILLARY ENGINE ROOM ** All spares Ship Supply** All Nut & Bolts(SS), gaskets, gland packing, etc material contractor supply.** After overhauling and pressure testing, thevalve is to be painted. 128 FW master valve in shaft room (stbd) valve not holding properly, same to be overhauled. 100 NB, PCD-170mm. Type- Globe valve, 129 Ballast & de-ballast chest valves 1 (P), 1 (S), and 5 (P&S)not holding properly, same to be overhauled. Specification - 100NB, PCD-170mm. Type- Globe valve, Chest valve Type- Globe( return valve ) 130 Ballast & de-ballast chestvalve 11 (P&S), 24 (P&S) , 29 (FPK), 19 (P&S)not holding properly, same to be over hauled. Specification - 100NB, PCD-170mm. Chest valve Type- Globe ( return valve ). 131 FW chest valve in auxillary engine room no 27 (P), 28(S), 25(P), 26(S) not holding properly, same to be over hauled. Specification - 90NB, PCD-170mm.Chest valve Type- Globe ( return valve ) 132 Dormitory -F bilge valve (P&S) not holding properly, same to be over hauled. Specification - 100 NB, PCD-120mm.Type- Globe valve, 133 Dormitory -G bilge valve (P&S) not holding properly, same to be over hauled. Specification - 100 NB, PCD-120mm. Type- Globe valve, 134 Cargo hold bilge valve (F&A) not holding properly, same to be over hauled. Specification - 80NB, PCD-120mm.Type- Globe valve, 135 Sea suction butterfly valve for (G.S pump)located atauxillary engine roomnot holding properly same to be over hauled. Specification - 100NB, PCD-120mm.Type butterfly valve 136 SW to STP galley port over head valves to be overhauled, location freeboard deck aft, specification - gate valve25 NB, PCD 85 mm , flange to flange -120mm 137 HWto STP galley & cafeteria over head valves to be overhauled,location freeboard deck aft, specification - gate valve25 NB, PCD 85 mm, flange to flange -120mm 138 FWto STP galley & cafeteria over head valves to be overhauled,location freeboard deck aft, specification - gate valve25 NB, PCD 85 mm ,flange to flange -120mm 139 FWto crewgalley over head valves to be overhauled,location freeboard deck aft, specification - gate valve25 NB, PCD 85 mm ,flange to flange -120mm 140 HWto crewgalley over head valves location to be overhauled,freeboard deck aft, specification - gate valve25 NB, PCD 85 mm ,flange to flange -120mm 141 SWto crewgalley over head valves location to be overhauled,freeboard deck aft, specification - gate valve25 NB, PCD 85 mm ,flange to flange -120mm 142 HWto crewgalley STP &Cafteria in front of of cadet cabinover head valves to be overhauled,location freeboard deck aft, specification - gate valve40 NB, PCD 85 mm ,flange to flange -180mm 143 FWto crewSTP/Galley /Mess room&Cafteria in front of of cadet cabin over head valves to be overhauled,location freeboard deck aft, specification - globe valve40 NB, PCD 85 mm ,flange to flange -180mm 144 FW & HWvalves to be overhauled,in crew toilet , location freeboard deck aft, specification - gate valve40 NB, PCD 85 mm ,flange to flange -180mm 145 FW & SWvalves to be overhauled,in passenger gents toilet (aft), location freeboard deck aft, specification - globe valve40 NB, PCD 85 mm ,flange to flange -180mm 146 SWvalves to be overhauled,in passenger ladies toilet (aft), location freeboard deck aft, specification - globevalve40 NB, PCD 85 mm ,flange to flange -180mm 147 SWvalves to be overhauled,in passenger gents toilet (fwd), location freeboard deck aft, specification - globevalve40 NB, PCD 85 mm ,flange to flange -125mm 148 SWvalves to be overhauled,in passenger ladies toilet (fwd), location freeboard deck aft, specification - globevalve40 NB, PCD 85 mm ,flange to flange -125mm 149 FWvalves to be overhauled,to hospital, location boat deck, specification - globevalve40 NB, PCD 85 mm ,flange to flange -185mm 150 Fire line relief valve to be overhauled,located at port side passenger ladies toiletspecification 100NB relief valve. 151 Speed log valve to be overhauled,-100NB gate valve in cofferdam space 152 Water cooler near entrance of DOR-G, scupper fully chocked , same to be cleared. 153 Main deck aft port side ISC fire hydrant alternate line corroded and thinned down, ISC connection outer flange also thinned down , same to be cropped and renewed. Approx size -02 bends , length- 190mm , dia 90mm, flange dia (190x20mm), slots 04 nos - 18mm.Material - Sch 80 GI 154 PLUMBING JOB1. MS Pipeline (Sch 80 and Sch 40) contractor supply2. All flanges, bends, plates, mesh, sleeves, penetration, gland packings, Reducers, Nut&Bolts(SS), and Gaskets for pipeline and valves contractor supply3. After fabrication/overhauling and pressure testing primer application (valves and pipelines) is to be done by the contractor. 4. Pipe galvanization wherever mentioned in the scope is under the contractors scope5. All in-way Jobs included, cleaning, removal & Refitment of any items/material under contractor scope. 155 In the main engine room, the stbd aft sewage line (sch-80 GI), is holed and leaking water, same is to be cropped and renewed. Approx size ( dia-165mm, sch-80), flange to flange length- 2500 mm, connecting bend length- 230mm, dia - 115mm, connecting bend length -230 mm, bend size -(60mm), connecting bend length- 200mm, size -(120mm). 156 In the main engine room, the stbd side crew WC discharge line is holed and leaking, the same is to be cropped and renewed. Renewal of pipe line,Sch 80 GI-115mm dia - 1Mtr,Deck Penetration-2Nos,Reducer-2Nos & renewal of cock valve-50NB-1Nos 157 In AE room overhead of AE-1 sanitary line sch-80GI pipeholed and cracked, same to be cropped and renewed, Renewal of sch80 GI pipe(sewage) with 2 bends. 158 In the main engine room, aft of the ECR top beyond the stbd M/E exhaust, the sewage pipeline sch-80 was found holed and thinned down, and the same is to be cropped and renewed.Approx size -Sch 80 GI pipe -( 4500x120mm). remove and refit of air pipe 1/2 inch with clamp- 6mtrs, CO2 line 1 1/2 inch with clamp- 6 mtrs, sewage line clamps with associated fittings. 159 In upper deck stbd ford fire hydrant lower flange fully corroded and thinned down including holding clamp, same to be cropped and renewed. Approx PCD-150(04 slots)-3 inch, clamp (180x30x4mm)-02 nos with 02 nos nut & bolt, sch-80 GI pipe. 160 In upper deck Air hydrant pipe line flange fully corroded and thinned down , same to be cropped and renewed. Approx size flange – (65 mm PCD -04 slots) thickness-20mm, pipe line ,Sch 80 GI ,dia -1/2 inch, length-6000mm. 161 Port side forward near anchor wash master valve fire hydrant pipe line fully corroded and thinned down , same to be cropped and renewed. Approx size -penetration workpipe (410x180x75mm)-01 no , sch-80 GI pipe including bend -01 no, reducer (100x30mm). For the defect RR - remove and renewed pipe line from place from flange to flange and re use of same flange.along with associated fittings, bends , sleeves, penetration work. 162 In paint store sprinkler pipe line branch line inner dia chocked and pipe line corroded , same to be cropped and renewed. Approx size ( 1300x60mm), reducer to be removedfrom branch line same to be fabricated with flange, branch line -(3100x25mm), total flange -06 nos ( dia-95mm x thickness 14mm), sch-80 GI pipe no of slots -12 nos (16mm dia), rubber packing -03 nos (thickness - 4mm)as per sample.For the defect RR - remove and renewed pipe line from place from flange to flange and re use of same flange,along with associated fittings, bends , sleeves. 163 In boat deck stbd seawage line penetrationg through boat deck , stub piece & distance piece including including pipe line corroded and thinned dowmn , same to be cropped and renewed. Approx size pipe -(L-600 X dia-140mm), stub piece -(L-180 X dia-70mm), distance piece -(L-140 X dia-180mm) sch-80 GI pipe. For the defect RR - remove and renewed pipe line from place from flange to flange and re use of same flange,along with associated fittings, bends , sleeves, penetration work. 164 Freeboard deck passenger toilet scupper line crackedholed water leaking to DOR-F, same to be rectified and renewed pipe lines. Approx size ( 3500 mm x 40NB) sch-80 GI pipe, penetration job including 04 bends , sleeves, reuse offlange 02 nos. along associated fittnings. For the defects required RR works, AC ducting pipes, tube light frames 165 Freebpoard deck Passengerladies toilet fwd extreme endscupper line chocked and cracked, same to be rectified and renewed pipe lines.Approx size ( 3500 mm x 40NB) sch-80 GI pipe penetration job including 04 bends , sleeves, reuse offlange 02 nos. along associated fittnings. For the defects required RR works of AC ducting pipes, tube light frames 166 Freeboard deck Passengerladies toilet aftfirst showerscupper line chocked and cracked, same to be rectified and renewed pipe lines.Approx size ( 3500 mm x 40NB) sch-80 GI pipe penetration job including 04 bends , sleeves, reuse offlange 02 nos. along associated fittnings. For the defects required RR works ofAC ducting pipes, tube light frames 167 Freeboard deck crewtoiletwash basin pipe line chocked and cracked, same to be rectified and renewed pipe lines.Approx size ( 2000 mm x 40NB) sch-80 GI pipe penetration job including 04 bends , sleeves, reuse offlange 02 nos. along associated fittnings. For the defects required RR works of AC ducting pipes, tube light frames . 168 Master cabin toilet commode sanitary flush valve non ops, same to be renewed as per sample along with sch-80 GI dia 50 mm pipe line all associated fittings, including bends, sleeves, joints. 169 In forward paint store anchor wash main branch pipe line including 3 dimensional jet lines fully corroded and wasted . Inner dia reducer and restricted flow of jet . All pipe lines to be renewed along with flanges associated fittings. Approx dimension- main anchor wash pipe line Sch 80 GI(1650mm L x Dia 50mm), main line flange dia (150x12mm) including 04 slots dia-18mm, reducer lne length-2500mm, jet line (450x50mm) including 02 bends in each line , total nos of jet lines-06 nos, (450x40mm)-06 nos including 12 bends. total n of jet flange-08 nos, flange dia-150mm -08 nos, each flange 04 nos slot dia-16mm, hawse pipe reducer to be cropped 15mm and fixed with 40mm adapter with inner flange, no of rubber packing required -16 nos, as per size of flange, both (p&s) lines are oval shaped, adapter length-(60x40mm)-06 nos. for the work required remove and renewal of pipe lines. 170 Fresh water sounding pipe of no 23 not holding properly, same to be renewedwith SS threaded pipe and cap as per sample. Required penetration work. Approx size pipe (dia -65mm, x 150mm), for the work requiredpenetration job along with associated fittings, bends , sleeves. 171 Officers mess room wash basin pipe line fully chocked , same to be chock cleared. Required penetration job with fresh water supply linepipe line ( 1500x40mm),& (2000x12mm). 172 SEA CHEST VALVES: 173 Following sea chest valves to overhaul /recondition for true sealing and pressure tested to 5kg/cm2 to shown surveyor and ship staff.** All spares Ship Supply** All Nut & Bolts(SS) , gaskets, gland packing, etc material contractor supply.** After overhauling and pressure testing, the valve is to be painted. 174 Main sea chest v/vS.D type angular size –DN 250 175 Aux. Sea chest v/v S.D type angular size –DN 125 176 Sea chest air valve ME/AE S.D type angular size –DN 50 177 A/C sea chest v/v S.D type angular size –DN 150 178 Sea chest air v/v for A/C S.D type angular size –DN 50 179 Emg. Fire pump sea chest v/vS.D type angular size –DN 100 180 Emg. Fire pump sea chest Air vent valve SD type globe valve size --DN 50MM 181 Emergency fire pump sea chest blown through valve size --SD 15MM 182 Fridge cooling SW pump suction filter element to be fabricated as per sampleLength 248mmDia 100mmFlange dia inner 97mm and Outer dia 147mm Plate thickness 3mm, 183 OVER BOARD VALVES : 184 Following overboard valves to overhauled and shown to surveyor and ship staff.** All spares Ship Supply** All Nut & Bolts(SS), gaskets, gland packing, etc material contractor supply.** After overhauling and pressure testing, the valve is to be painted. 185 M.E s w over board v/vS.D.N.Rtypesize –DN 125 186 A.E s w over board v/vS.D.N.Rtypesize –DN 100 187 A/C S.W. over board v/vS.D.N.Rtypesize –DN 125 188 Emg. S w over board v/v S.D.N.Rtypesize –DN 100 189 OWS over board v/v S.D.N.Rtypesize –DN 65 190 Dom. Fridge over board v/vS.D.N.Rtypesize –DN 80 191 Sewageover board v/vSTROMtypesize –DN 125 192 Sewage over board v/v STROMtypesize –DN 100 193 Wash water overboard v/v STROMtype size –DN 100 . 194 Fire and G.S. pump over board v/v in ME RoomS.D.N.Rtypesize –DN 100 195 Freshwater generator overboard valve in engine room S.D.N.R DN 100 angle valve 196 SEA WATER INTERMEDIATE VALVES: 197 The following valves are to be overhauled and shown to ship staff.** All spares Ship Supply** All Nut & Bolts(SS), gaskets, gland packing, etc material contractor supply.** After overhauling and pressure testing, the valve is to be painted. 198 M.E after S.W. main filter Butterfly typesize –DN 250 199 Before main sea-chest strainer valves(P&S), size-250mm, PN1-6,angle globe valve. 200 M.E lub oil cooler v/v stop regulating typesize –DN 100 201 SW outlet valve from all 3 AE.S.D.N.R type size -DN 65 202 S.W hydrophore pump Suction & dischargeS.D.N.Rtypesize –DN 50 203 Fire line safety v/v pr tested to 5.5 bar and to be shown to surveyor Angle v/v size –DN 100 204 AC cooling chiller pump suction valves butterfly type size-DN-180mm 205 PIPELINES :**All Sch 80 & 40 pipes, flanges, bends, plates, mesh, sleeves, penetration, gland packings, Reducers, Nut&Bolts(SS), and Gaskets for pipeline under contractor supply** After fabrication and pressure testing, the pipe is to be painted.** All in-way Jobs included, cleaning, removal & Refitment of any items/material under contractor scope. 206 The A/E sea chest line is the same to be renewed. Material: MS sch 80, Diameter of pipe- 250mm. 207 Remove ,refit andcleaning of branch pipe-2Mtr each,4Nos 208 Remove and refit of butterfly valves 209 Renewal of MS Sch 80 BendDia 250mm 210 Renewal of flangesDia 250mm 211 Engine room port side entrance S.W lines to be renewed,MS Sch 80Diameter =60mm. 212 Renewal of MS Sch 80 Short BendDia 60mm 213 Renewal of flangesDia 60mm 214 Below fridge compressor stbd freshwater hydrophore pump suction line corroded and wasted same to be renewedMS Sch 80, Diameter 90mm. 215 Renewal of MS Sch 80 BendDia 90mm 216 Renewal of flangesDia 90mm 217 Grey water above main air comp fwd to be renewed. MS sch 80, Diameter60mm. 218 Renewal of MS Sch 80 BendDia 60mm 219 Renewal of flangesDia 60mm 220 The emergency fire pump relief valve outline is corroded and wasted same to be renewed.MS Sch 80, Diameter-90mm. 221 Renewal of MS Sch 80 Short BendDia 90mm 222 Renewal of flangesDia 90mm 223 The emergency fire pump bottom suction line corroded and wasted same to be renewed.MS Sch 80, Diameter-75mm. 224 Renewal of MS Sch 80 BendDia 75mm 225 Renewal of flangesDia 75mm 226 Sea water hydrophore to fridge compressor SW condenser inlet pipe disconnected same to be reconnected. Sch40 MS pipe Diameter-27mm. 227 Renewal of MS Sch 40 BendDia 27mm 228 The main engine MDO service tank(33p) outlet pipeline corroded and wasted same to be renewed.MS Sch 40 Diameter-27mm. 229 Renewal of MS Sch40 BendDia 27mm 230 Renewal of flangesDia 27mm 231 Below engine room Ladder port gearbox condenser outlet pipe corroded and wasted same to renewed.MS Sch 80 Diameter-75mm . 232 Renewal of MS Sch 80 BendDia 75mm 233 Renewal of flangesDia 75mm 234 A/C cooling sea water pump suction line juntion pipe(4nos branch) corroded and wasted same to be renewed. Material MS SCH 80dia-240mm,1 Mtr Length for each branch 235 Renewal of sch 80 Branch pipe-Dia 116mm,Length 300mm each 236 Renewal of MS Sch 80 BendDia 116mm 237 Renewal of flangesDia 116mm 238 AE-2 sea water condenser outlet pipe corroded and wasted same to be renewed.MS Sch 40, Diameter-75mm 239 Renewal of MS Sch 40 BendDia 75mm 240 Renewal of flangesDia 75mm 241 A/C condenser stbd sea-water inlet pipe corroded and wasted same to be renewed.MS Sch 40 Diameter 220mm 242 Renewal of branch pipe Sch 40 MS pipe ,Dia-220mm & Length 300mm 243 Renewal of MS Sch 40 BendDia 220mm 244 Renewal of flangesDia 220mm 245 The A/C condenser stbd sea water outlet pipe corroded and wasted same to be renewed.MS Sch 40 Diameter-170mm 246 Renewal of MS Sch 40 BendDia 170mm 247 Renewal of flangesDia 170mm 248 Ballast and de-ballast line bottom of AE compartment fire & GS and bilge pump corroded and wasted same to be renewed.MS Sch 80 Dia-90mm. 249 Renewal of MS Sch 80 BendDia 90mm 250 Renewal of flangesDia 90mm