Tender For Annual Labour Rate Contract For Jaipur Discom For Erection, Testing And Commissioning Work On Labour Rate Basis Against Tn No.-589 - Two year rate contract (ARC-2025)for finalization of unit rates for erection work of 33KV/11KV/LT lines, 33/11 KV Sub-stations, 11/0.4 KV Sub-stations and 6.35/0.24 KV Sub-stations, providing consumers servicing and other miscellaneous works required to execute in day to day activities in respect of various Circle under the domain of Jaipur Discomagainst TN–589. Sl. No. Item Description 1 CHAPTER NO.1: SURVEY,DRESSING AND TRIMMING 2 Conducting route survey as per approved route map and pegging of route with tee off point section point & double pole locations. 3 Grass cutting and surface dressing including removal of unwanted/rubbish plants with roots from open ground /yard and other Nigam premises with stacking of grass/plants at desired place near the ground. 4 Levelling of ground 5 Levelling of ground up to 30 cm.depth. with tractor and T&P required as per condition of ground including removal of rubbish plantsfrom ground & marking of boundary with lime powder.(Including alllead & lifting) 6 Levelling of ground above 30 cm.to 90 CM.depth. with tractor and T&P required as per condition of ground including removal of rubbish plantsfrom ground & marking of boundary with lime powder.(Including alllead & lifting) 7 Trimming of tree branches/plants manually/ by machine and preparing route approchases for proposed line. 8 CHAPTER NO.2: EARTH WORKS INCLUDING FOUNDATION ACTIVITIES 9 Excavation of pit in soil (ordinary) to erect various supports and stay sets including stacking of excavated soil from the edgeof excavation (15% extra shall be payable for the designated desert area panchayat samities of Jodhpur Discom in pursuance to JdVVNL order No. 1240 dt. 18.07.13). 10 (A) Height of poles/R.S.Joist/M.S. Rail Size of pit 11 8 Mtr/R.S.Joist/M.S. Rail 1.2mx0.6mx1.35 m deep 12 9 Mtr/ 1.2mx0.6mx1.50 m deep 13 10/11 Mtr/ 1.2mx0.6mx1.65 m deep 14 (B) Lattice Tower /Size of pit 15 11.4/10.8 Mtr/ 1.5mx1.5m x1.80 m deep 16 12.8/12.6 Mtr/ 1.5mx1.5m x2.10 m deep 17 (C)Stay set/Depth of pit 18 8x 3/4 -0.75x0.5x1.6 m 19 6x 5/8 -0.75x0.5x1.35 m 20 Excavation of pit in Hard soil (15% extra shall be payable for the designated desert area panchayat samities of Jodhpur Discom in pursuance to JdVVNL order No. 1240 dt. 18.07.13). 21 (A) Height of poles/R.S.Joist/M.S. Rail Size of pit 22 8 Mtr/R.S.Joist/M.S. Rail 1.2mx0.6mx1.35 m deep 23 9 Mtr/ 1.2mx0.6mx1.50 m deep 24 10/11 Mtr/ 1.2mx0.6mx1.65 m deep 25 (B) Lattice Tower /Size of pit 26 11.4/10.8 Mtr/ 1.5mx1.5m x1.80 m deep 27 12.8/12.6 Mtr/ 1.5mx1.5m x2.10 m deep 28 (C)Stay set/Depth of pit 29 8x 3/4 -0.75x0.5x1.6 m 30 6x 5/8 -0.75x0.5x1.35 m 31 Excavation of pit in ordinary rock which does not require blasting/murrad (in Jodhpur discom) to erect various supports and stay sets including stacking of excavated muck from the edge of excavation/pit. 32 (A) Height of poles/R.S.Joist/M.S. Rail /Size of pit 33 8 Mtr/R.S.Joist/M.S. Rail 1.2mx0.6mx1.35 m deep 34 9 Mtr/ 1.2mx0.6mx1.50 m deep 35 10/11 Mtr/ 1.2mx0.6mx1.65 m deep 36 (B) Lattice Tower /Size of pit 37 11.4/10.8 Mtr/ 1.5mx1.5m x1.80 m deep 38 12.8/12.6 Mtr/ 1.5mx1.5m x2.10 m deep 39 (C)Stay set/Depth of pit 40 8x 3/4 -0.75x0.5x1.6 m 41 6x 5/8 -0.75x0.5x1.35 m 42 Excavation of pit in Hard rock ( Where blasting/drilling is required)to erect various supports and stay sets including stacking of excavated muckfrom the edge of excavation/pit. 43 (A) Height of poles/R.S.Joist/M.S. Rail /Size of pit 44 8 Mtr/R.S.Joist/M.S. Rail 1.2mx0.6mx1.35 m deep 45 9 Mtr/ 1.2mx0.6mx1.50 m deep 46 10/11 Mtr/ 1.2mx0.6mx1.65 m deep 47 (B) Lattice Tower /Size of pit 48 11.4/10.8 Mtr/ 1.5mx1.5m x1.80 m deep 49 12.8/12.6 Mtr/ 1.5mx1.5m x2.10 m deep 50 (C)Stay set/Depth of pit 51 8x 3/4 -0.75x0.5x1.6 m 52 6x 5/8 -0.75x0.5x1.35 m 53 Earth workexcavation and foundation of platfrom of transformers and brakers including dressing of sides and ramming of bottoms .Liftup to 1.5 Meter includingtaking out the excavated soil and depositing and refilling of jhiri, watering and ramming and disposal of surplus excavated soil as directed with in a lead of 50 Meter. 54 Soft /loose soil 55 Hard /dense soil 56 Hard soil mixed with boulders 57 Providing and laying cement concrete including compaction etc, complete using stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size (hand broken ) in foundation plinth excluding the cost of shuttering using 1 cement:5 sand:10 aggregate mix. 58 Note 59 The rates are all lead of cement,lime,ballast, sand,surkhi and grit etc.at site of work. 60 For all concrete work coarse sand shall be used no extrawill be paid . 61 Concrete mix prepared by power driven mechanical mixer shall be used . 62 Under exceptional coditions, where mechanical mixer and vibrator are not used(with the approval of Engineer Incharge reduced by 3% for mechanical mixer and 2% for Vibrator 63 Thickness of the cement concrete should not exceeed 100 mm. 64 Plaster on new surface on walls in cement, sand mortar 1:6 including racking of joint etc. complete fine finsh 25 mm thick. 65 Note 66 The rates for complete work including racking of joints,curing,grinding,mixing and finishing T&P and scaffolding material and cost of material with all lead and lift. 67 The rates cover protection of all place and things,requiring protection and cleaing such places and thing of all droppings and splashes of mortar etc. 68 Cement concrete flooring grade 1:2:4 (1-cement :2- coarse sand :4-graded stone aggregate ) rounding off edges etc.but excluding cost of nosing of steps etc. complete. 69 25 mm thick with 12.5 mm thick nominal size aggregate. 70 75 mm thick with 20 mm thick nominal size aggregate. 71 Note 72 The rates for all items inculde all form of work , laying ,curing and finishing etc. The rates are for complete work at site, inclusive of all leads. 73 The rates cover the preparation and cleaing of all places 74 Providing and fixing of reinforced ferro cement drain cover designed for Class -A leading duly marked on cover with adequate steel reinforced cement having thickness 75 mm to 150 mm with anti corrosive bitumen painted M.S. plate , Rim and M.S. lifting hooks addmixture like plasticizer bond improving compound , shrinking resistance compound abrasion resistant complete as per approved design etc with span 300 to 450 mm and standard size 600x800 mm ( when trench is working as a culvert). 75 75 mm 76 100 mm 77 125 mm 78 150 mm 79 Supply & fixing of Fibre reinforced ferrocement drain cover (light duty) designed for Road side drain for Class-B loading duly marked on cover with adequate steel reinforcement having thickness 38 mm anti corrosive bitumen paintedM.S. Plate, rim and on M.S. lifting hooks, additives and addmixture like plasticizer, shrinkage resistance compound,abrasion resistance etc. as per approved drawing & design complete in all respect with span 300 to 450 mm and standard size 600x1200 mm (when trench is working as an ordinary trench). 80 Masonryfor foundation and plinth 81 Randon Rubble stone masonry for foundation and plinth in cement sand mortar 1:6(1 Cement : 6 Sand) including labour charges. 82 Brick masonry for foundation and plinth in Cement sand mortar 1:6( 1 Cement : 6 Sand ) including labour charges. 83 Note: 84 Rates provided are for the complete finished items inclusive of cost of water and materials with all leads labour, all type of taxes, royalty, scaffolding curing, laying fixing, finishing etc.hire charges for tools and plants templates and other appliance. 85 In case of non availability of stone header of proper size cement concrete header of mix 1:3:6(M-10) with 25 mm graded stone aggregate with smooth finish may be provided by the contractor at no extra cost. 86 CHAPTER NO.3: TRANSPORTATION OF MATERIAL 87 Safe carriage of PCC poles including loading / un-loading 88 a)9 Mtr. Long-400 Kg /11 Mtr.PCC pole 89 Within10 Kms. 90 Above 10 Kms. & upto 30 Kms. Add for each Km.or part thereof. 91 Above 30 Kms. Add for each Kms. or part thereof. 92 b)8 Mtr. Long PCC pole 93 Within10 Kms. 94 Above 10 Kms. & upto 30 Kms. Add for each Km. or part thereof. 95 Above 30 Kms. Add for each Kms. orpart thereof 96 c) 9 Mtr.long 200 Kg. PCC pole 97 within10 Kms.- 98 Above 10 Km. & upto 30 Km. add foreach Km. or part thereof 99 Above 30 Km. add for each Km. or part thereof 100 Safe carriage of steel( fabricated and unfabricated) I.e.M.S. Rails, R.S.Joists, M.S.Channels, M.S.Angles, M.S.Flat, G.I.Stay Sets, G.I. Stay Wire, G.I.Wire Nut & Bolts etc. and ACSR Conductor including loading and unloading and stacking in Nigam store /at work site 101 Within10 Kms. 102 Above 10 Kms. & upto 30 Kms. Add for each Km.or part thereof. 103 Above 30 Kms. Add for each Kms. or partthereof. 104 Safe Carriage of insulator, hardware, cable etc.including loading/unloading and stacking in Nigam.stores etc. 105 Within10 Kms. 106 Above 10 Kms. & upto 30 Kms. Add for each Km.or part thereof. 107 Above 30 Kms. Add for each Kms.or part thereof. 108 Safe carriage of fabricated lattice towers structures and sub-station structures type AB, AB beams, isolators structures etc. including loading/unloading and stacking in the Nigam. Stores / at work site. 109 Within10 Kms. 110 Above 10 Kms. & upto 30 Kms. Add for each Km.or part thereof. 111 Above 30 Kms. Add for each Kms or part thereof. 112 Safe carriage of 11/.4 KV 3 Phase distribution transformer including loading/unloading from store to site (these Charges will be 1.5 times for both sides) 113 a) 10 & 16 KVA 114 Within10 Kms. 115 Above 10 Kms. & upto 30 Kms Add for each Km.or part thereof. 116 Above 30 Kms. Add for each Kms. or part thereof. 117 b)25 & 40 KVA 118 Within10 Kms. 119 Above 10 Kms. & upto 30 Kms Add for each Km.or part thereof. 120 Above 30 Kms. Add for each Kms. or part thereof. 121 c)Above 40 KVA & upto 100 KVA 122 Within10 Kms. 123 Above 10 Kms. & upto 30 Kms. Add for each Km.or part thereof. 124 Above 30 Kms. Add for each Kms. or part thereof. 125 d)Above 100 KVA & upto 315 KVA 126 Within10 Kms. 127 Above 10 Kms. & upto 30 Kms. Add for each Km.or part thereof. 128 Above 30 Kms. Add for each Kms. or part thereof. 129 e)Above 315 KVA upto 500 KVA 130 Within10 Kms. 131 Above 10 Kms. & upto 30 Kms. Add for each Km.or part thereof. 132 Above 30 Kms. Add for each Kms. or part thereof. 133 Safe Carriage of 6.35/0.24 KV Single phase distribution transformer including loading /unloading from store to site (These charges will be 1.5 times for both sides). 134 16/25 KVA 135 Within10 Kms. 136 Above 10 Kms. & upto 30 Kms Add for each Km.or part thereof. 137 Above 30 Kms. Add for each Kms. or part thereof. 138 5/10 KVA 139 Within10 Kms. 140 Above 10 Kms. & upto 30 Kms Add for each Km.or part thereof. 141 Above 30 Kms. Add for each Kms. or part thereof. 142 Safe carriage of Damaged/repair distribution transformer from ACOS to repairing firm /repairing firm to ACOS per transformer (upto 100 kVA, 3 Phase)/upto 25 KVA, 1 Phase. 143 Within 10 Kms 144 Above 10 Kms & upto 30 Kms Add for each Km or part thereof 145 Above 30 Kms & upto 50 Kms . Add for each Kmor part thereof 146 Above 50 Kms . Add for each Km or part thereof 147 Safe carriage of Damaged/repair distribution transformer from Acos to repairing firm /repairing firm to Acos per transformer (Above 100 KVAto 315 KVA & 500 KVA) 148 Within 10 Kms 149 Above 10 Kms & upto 30 Kms Add for each Km or part thereof 150 Above 30 Kms & upto 50 Kms . Add for each Kmor part thereof 151 Above 50 Kms . Add for each Km or part thereof 152 Safe Carriage of 33/11 KV Power Transformer 153 a) Upto 1.6 MVA 154 Within 10 Kms 155 Above 10 Kms & upto 30 Kms .Add for each Km or partthereof 156 Above 30 Kms & upto 50 Kms . Add for each Kmor partthereof 157 Above 50 Kms . Add for each Km or part thereof 158 b) Above 1.6 MVA & Upto 3.15 MVA 159 Within 10 Kms 160 Above 10 Kms & upto 30 Kms .Add for each Km or partthereof 161 Above 30 Kms & upto 50 Kms . Add for each Kmor partthereof 162 Above 50 Kms . Add for each Km or part thereof 163 c)5.0 MVA 164 Within 10 Kms 165 Above 10 Kms & upto 30 Kms .Add for each Km or part thereof 166 Above 30 Kms & upto 50 Kms . Add for each Kmor part thereof 167 Above 50 Kms . Add for each Km or part thereof 168 Safe carriage of transformer from stores to stores( upto 100 KVA three phase/upto 25 KVA single phase.) 169 Within 10 KMs. 170 Above 10 Kms. and upto 30 Kms.Add per each km,or part thereof 171 Above 30 Kms. and upto 50 Kms.Add per each km,or part thereof 172 Above 50 Kms.Add per each km,or part thereof 173 Safe carriage of transformers from stores to stores(Above 100 KVA and upto 500 KVA) 174 Within 10 KMs. 175 Above 10 Kms. and upto 30 Kms.Add per each km,or part thereof 176 Above 30 Kms. and upto 50 Kms.Add per each km,or part thereof 177 Above 50 Kms.Add per each km,or part thereof 178 Safe carriage of breakers/kiosks etc. including loading/ unloading and stacking in Nigam stores 179 Within 10 KMs. 180 Above 10 Kms. and upto 30 Kms.Add per each km,or part thereof 181 Above 30 Kms. and upto 50 Kms.Add per each km,or part thereof 182 Above 50 Kms.Add per each km,or part thereof 183 Safe carriage of panels including loading/ unloading and stacking in Nigam stores 184 Within 10 KMs. 185 Above 10 Kms. and upto 30 Kms.Add per each km,or part thereof 186 Above 30 Kms. and upto 50 Kms.Add per each km,or part thereof 187 Above 50 Kms.Add per each km,or part thereof 188 Safe Carriage of 33/11 KV Power Transformer 189 8.0 MVA 190 Within 10 Kms 191 Above 10 Kms & upto 30 Kms .Add for each Km or part thereof 192 Above 30 Kms & upto 50 Kms . Add for each Kmor part thereof 193 Above 50 Kms . Add for each Km or part thereof 194 Transportation of Single phase Sub-Station Structure from sub-division store to the site & Erect it on the existing pole at a height of 5 Mtr. from the ground level 195 CHAPTER NO.4: LOADING AND UNLOADING OF MATERIAL 196 Safe loading of steel fabricated / unfabricated conductor drum & other line material. 197 Safe loading of power/ distribution transformer. 198 (A)33/11 KV power transformer. 199 Upto 1.6 MVA 200 Above 1.6 MVA & upto 3.15 MVA 201 5 MVA 202 Above 5 MVA 203 (B) 11/.4 KV Distribution Transformer 204 10 & 16 KVA 205 25 & 40 KVA 206 Above 40 KVA & upto 100 KVA 207 Above 100 KVA & upto 315 KVA 208 Above315 KVA 209 (C ) 6.35/0.24 KV Transformer 210 25 KVA 211 Upto 16 KVA 212 Safe unloading of steel fabricated/ unfabricated conductor drum & other line material. 213 Safe unloading of power/distribution transformers 214 a)33/11 KV power transformer. 215 Upto 1.6 MVA 216 Above 1.6 MVA & upto 3.15 MVA 217 Above 3.15 MVA 218 b)11/.4 KV Distribution Transformer 219 10 & 16 KVA 220 25 & 40 KVA 221 Above 40 KVA & upto 100 KVA 222 Above 100 KVA & upto 315 KVA 223 Above315 KVA 224 (c ) 6.35/0.24 KV Transformer 225 Upto 16 KVA 226 25KVA 227 CHAPTER-5: ERECTION OF SUPPORTS & STAYS 228 Erection of all type of steel supports in the excavated pit in alignment after checking the same with plumb line including fixing of cross arms and top hamper before erecting the supports. The support should be grouted and muffed in cement concrete of ratio 1:3:6 as per item No. 5.7 the remaining portion of the pit will be back filled with soil. The nuts & bolts will be provided by the contractor as per Nigams specification for which payment will be made at the prevailing store issue rates. The cost muffing and grouting will be paid extra. 229 R.S.Joists 230 M.S.Rails 231 Lattice Structure 232 Erection of PCC poles in excavated pit with fixing of brackets,cross arms & top hampers as required in alignment after checking the same with plumb line. The support is to be back filled with soil with proper ramming. The nuts & bolts are to be provided by the contractor as per Nigams specification for which the payment will be made at the prevailing Discom store issue rates. 233 (A) IN URBAN AREA 234 PCC Poles 8Mtr. Long (200Kg) 235 PCC Poles 9 Mtr. Long (400 Kg) 236 PCC Poles11 Mtr. Long 237 PCC Poles 9 Mtr. Long (200Kg) 238 (B) IN RURAL AREA 239 PCC Poles 8 Mtr. Long (200Kg) 240 PCC Poles 9 Mtr. Long (400 Kg) 241 PCC Poles 10 / 11 Mtr. Long 242 PCC Poles 9 Mtr. Long(200Kg.) 243 Erection &assembly of 2 Pole structures of steel supports or PCC poles in excavated pit in alignment after checking the same with plumb line.Including fixing of top bracing of M.S.Channels with pilot plates and clamps.The support is to be back filled with soil with proper ramming.The nuts &bolts are to be provided by the contractor as per Nigams specfication for which the payment will be made at the prevailing Discom store issue rates. 244 PCC Poles 9 Mtr. Long(400 Kg.)/11Mtr.long 245 PCC Poles 8 Mtr. Long /R.S. Joist 246 PCC Poles 9 Mtr. Long(200 Kg.) 247 Erection & fixing of G.I.Stay sets with anchor plates in excavated pit in required position and back filling with soil with proper ramming.The work includes fixing of stay clamps.Stay insulator with stay wire at both ends with proper tension.Size of stay set/stay wire 248 8x3/4 with 7/8 SWG stay wire 249 6x5/8 with 7/10 SWG stay wire 250 Erection & fixing of steel struts in the excavated pit in position.The top end of the strut will be properly holed/welded with the main support muffed in cement concrete of ratio 1:3:6 as per item No.5.7.The nuts and bolts will be provided by the contractor as per Nigams specification for which payment will be made at the prevailing store issue rate.The cost of muffing and grouting will be paid extra. 251 R.S.Joists 252 M.S.Rails 253 Lattice Structure 254 P.C.C Poles 8 Meter 255 P.C.C Poles 9 Meter(200Kg.) 256 Providing and laying of cement concrete in ratio 1:3:6 using 43 grade cement,river sand and 12 mm to 20 mm graded blast crusher broken in pit/foundation according to the size/type of supports/stay set including compaction/curing for 21days in steel plates shuttering /farmer base. 257 Supplying and laying of randum rubble stone boulder having weight not less than 20 kgs. 258 Fixing of all type of fabricated material on erected supports with nut & bolts as per approved design & drawing of sub-station. 259 NOTE:- 260 The approved design of cement concrete work will be given by the AEn./Incharge of the works. 261 The payment of cement concrete work as per accurate measurement will be made in addition to the work of support erection. 262 The rates are inclusive of all the material such as river send stone grit,water and T&P etc.unless otherwise specified. 263 The quality of cement and other material shall be got checked and approved by the AEN. Incharge, 264 The cement shall be supplied departmentally if avaiable otherwise contractor will have to arrange the same at his level. 265 If the stay required to be grouted in cement then the rates as indicated in item 5.6 will be applicable & paid in addition to above rates and the charges for back filling with soil will be deducted @ 10.00 per cum. 266 If stay insulator is not availabe with the Nigam. Then the contractor will have to provide the same as per Nigams Specification for which he will be paid in accordance with Prevailing Discom store issue rates 267 Dismantling charges for all the items will be 60% of item Rates of erection charges . However charges for transportation of the material from works site in the sub-division store shall be paid as item rate of chapter III (transportation of material).The payment will be made after issuance ofcertificate by the AEn.concerned that all the dismantled material has been safely received in the sub-divisional store. 268 The nuts and bolts will be privided/supplied by the contractor which will confirm to relevant ISS. 269 CHAPTER-6: ASSEMBLY& INSTALLATION OF VARIOUS ITEMS 270 Fixing of cross arms with clamp on erected supportas per design. The nuts &bolts will be supplied by the contractor as per Nigams specification for which payment will be made as per prevailing Discom store issue rates. 271 33 KV cross arms 272 11 KV cross arms 273 Fixing of top hampers with clamp on erected supportas per design. The nuts &bolts will be supplied by the contractor as per Nigams specification for which payment will be made as per prevailing Discom store issue rates. 274 33 KV Top Hampers 275 11 KV Top Hampers 276 Fixing of LT brackets with clamp on erected supportas per design. The nuts &bolts will be supplied by the contractor as per Nigams specification for which payment will be made as per prevailing Discom store issue rates. 277 4 long 278 2 long 279 Fixing of guarding Bracket arms with clamp on erected support as per design. The nuts &bolts will be supplied by the contractor as per Nigams specification for which payment will be made as per prevailing Discom store issue rates. 280 33 KV line 281 11 KV line 282 L.T.Line 283 Fixing of earth wire clamp on erected supportas per design. The nuts &bolts will be supplied by the contractor as per Nigams specification for which payment will be made as per prevailing Discom store issue rates. 284 Fixing of fabricated cantilever breacket on erected support as per design. The nuts&bolts will be supplied by the contractor as per Nigams specification for which payment will be made as per prevailing Discom store issue rates, 285 Fixing and assembly of disc.point channel pair with pilot plates&clamps on erected double pole structure as per design. The nuts &bolts are to be provided by the contractor as per Nigams specification for which payment will be made as perprevailing Discom store issue rates. 286 33 KV line 287 11 KV line 288 Fixing and assembly of disc.point channel pair with pilot plates top hampers & clamps on erected single polestructure as per design. The nuts &bolts are to be provided by the contractor as per Nigams specification for whichpayment will be made as per prevailing Discom store issue rates, 289 33 KV line 290 11 KV line 291 Fixing of 11kv B&S/T&C type disc insulator for 33kv lines (each unit consiting of 3 Nos. disc.& 1set of H/W) on terminal point including fixing of hardware and strips. 292 Fixing of 11kv B&S/T&C type disc insulator of 11kv lines(each unit consiting of 1 Nos. disc & 1 set of H/W ) on terminal point including fixing of hardware and strips. 293 Fixing of 11kv B&S/T&C type disc insulator of 11kv lines(each unit consiting of 2 nos.disc.& 1set of H/ W ) on terminal point including fixing of hardware and strips. 294 Fixing of shackle insulator with hardware. 295 Fixing of 33kv pininsulator with pins. 296 Fixing of 11 KV pininsulator with pins. 297 Fixing of L Tpininsulator with pins. 298 Assembly. Installation & commissioning of gang operated isolating switch on erected structure with setting for accurate operation including fixing of allied accessories completein all respect with post insulator and jumpering on both ends for connection with the system. The nuts and bolts will be supplied by the contractor for which payment will be made as per prevailing Discom store issue rates. 299 (A)G.O. switch . with earthing blade. 300 33kv G.O.switch 301 11kv G.O.switch 302 (B)G.O. switch . without earthing blade. 303 33kv G.O.switch 304 11kv G.O.switch 305 11 KV SFU (three phase) 306 6.35 KV SFU (single phase) 307 Assembly and installation of Horn Gap fuse set (set of 3nos)on erected structure as per design, complete in all respectwith post insulator includingjumperingonbothendsforconnection with the system. The nuts & bolts will be supplied by the contractorfor which payment will be made as per prevailing Discom store issue rates. 308 33kv Horn Gap fuse set. 309 11kv Horn Gap fuse set. 310 Assembly and installation of 11 KV drop out cum Isolator on erected structure as per design, complete in all respect includingjumperingonbothendsforconnection with the system. The nuts & bolts will be supplied by the contractorfor which payment will be made as per prevailing Discom store issue rates. 311 Installation of lightening arrestors on erected structure /support (1 nos) including connection with earth by wire /strip as required and jumpering etc. The nuts & boltswill be supplied by the contractorfor which payment willbe madeas per prevailing Discom store issue rates, 312 (A)sub-station type 313 33 KV L.A. each 314 11 KV L.A. each 315 (B)pole mounted type 316 11 KV L.A. each 317 Installation testing as per Nigams norm & commissioning of 11/0.4KV distribution transformer on erected supports including fixing of base channels as per requirment jumpering on HV&LV side, crimping of lugs/ clamping earth connections of body and neutral of transformer with wire /strip (as already provided with earthing ) complete in all respect. The PG clamps nuts & bolts will be supplied by the contractorforwhich payment will be made as perprevailing Discom store issue rates, 318 10 and 16 KVA 319 25 and 40 KVA 320 Above 40 KVA & up to 100 KVA 321 Above 100 KVA & up to 315 KVA 322 Above 315 KVA 323 Installation testing as per Nigams norm & commissioning of 6.35/.24 KV distribution transformer on erected supports including fixing of base channels as per requirment jumpering on HV&LV side, crimping of lugs/ clamping earth connections of body and neutral of transformer with wire /strip (as already provided with earthing ) complete in all respect. The PG clamps nuts & bolts will be supplied by the contractorforwhich payment will be made as perprevailing Discom store issue rates, 324 Upto 10 KVA 325 16/25 KVA 326 Installation of LT MCB (Distribution Box) on sub -station structure .The nuts & bolts will be supplied by the contractorfor which payment will be madeas per prevailing Discom store issue rates,including connection on both ends with suitable lugs duly crimped (lugs & cable will be supplied by Nigam) 327 Erection of LT Distribution / LT piller Boxes of 800/400/200/160/100 Amps. Capacity.Each 37x24 base as per JVVNL standard including excavation,bricks,sand,cement masonary of size 4x3x10and 3 in ground and 1 1/2above road level with muffing to support and mounting the piller .Themasonary will have 4 X 4 opening 2below ground level two in the rear sideand one each in the remaining sidesto facilitate entry and exist ofincomingand outgoing PVC cable.Earthingof the piller shall be connected toDPearth with 7/10 SWG StayWire & lugs. 328 800 AMP. 329 400 AMP. 330 200/160 AMP. 331 100 AMP. 332 Laying of 1100 V, LT 3.5/4 core PVC/XLPE cable, of aluminiumconductor and fixing with cable clamps making conections/jumpers by alluminium lugs/ PG clamps of required size onLV side of distribution transformer/ LT distribution mains onone end and with MCB with /with isolater unit/ pillar box on theother end. Lugs should be crimped with crimping tool.Lugs/P.G.clamps will by provided by the contractor ,for which payment will be made as per prevalling Discom store issue rates.(outgoing feeder cable will also be considered as circuit) 333 a)25 Sq.mm 334 b)35 Sq.mm 335 c)50 Sq.mm 336 d)70 Sq.mm 337 e)95 Sq.mm 338 f) 120 Sq.mm 339 g)150 Sq.mm 340 h)185 Sq.mm 341 I) 240 Sq.mm 342 j) 300 Sq.mm 343 k)400 Sq.mm 344 Fixing of danger plates on supports/structure 345 Fixing of a set of 4 Nos 11 KV V cross arms(Chakri) made of MS channel with bracing of MS Flat.The nut and bolts shall be supplied by the contractor for which payment will be made as per prevailing Discom store issue rates. 346 Fixing of a set of 4 Nos 33 KV V cross arms(Chakri) made of MS channel with bracing of MS Flat.The nut and bolts shall be supplied by the contractor for which payment will be made as per prevailing Discom store issue rates. 347 Fixing of PG clamp of Weasel /Rabbit Conductor 348 Fixing of PG clamp of Dog /Racoon Conductor 349 Fixing of PG clamp of Panther Conductor 350 Fixing of metering cum protection box on LT side of distribution transformer at stores 351 Fixing of LT capacitors in metering cum protection box on LT side of distribution transformer at site. 352 Tag Welding of Nuts and Bolts(with sealing bolts) at different 5 to 6 places at welded strips already provided on M&P boxes fitted on 11/0.4 KV 3 phase 25/40/63 KVA transformers as per latest drawing and design of Nigam in the stores for which adequate space and electricity will be provided by Nigam and handling of tranformer will be done by Nigam. 353 Welding of door(s)(continuous welding of patties and tag welding of Nuts & Bolts with sealing bolt ) of M&P box fitted on 11/0.4 KV,3 phase 10/16/25/40/63/100 KVA transformers at 5 to 6 places with two nos. patties at site(one made of flat size 75x30x5 mm or 75x40x5 mm and other patti made of flat size 55x30x5 mm or 55x40x5 mm. These two patties will form one pair. Patti of size 75x30x5 mm /75x40x5 mm is to be welded on side of the box and other patti of size 55x30x5 mm or 55x40x5 mm is to be welded on door of the box to form locking arrangement through Nuts & Bolts(size 1/2x1 1/2) as per latest drawinf and design of nigam.Patties and Nuts & Bolts will be provided by Nigam. 354 Welding of single phase transformer(s)with base of transformer welded with substation structure at four points.Tag welding of all bolts & nuts of subatation structure,upper ring of transformer(s)and continuous welding of upper lid of transformer at three places of 2 siz including material.In case base of transformer with sub station structure and lid of transformer with ring is welded with piecec of flat iron then the flat iron would be provided by the Nigam. 355 Making Push-Fit type arrangement insheet metal single phase and three phase meter boxes. 356 Assembly,installation & commisioning of 11 KV Roaster switchs on erected structures with stting for accurate operation including fixing of allied accessories completed in all respect with post insulators and jumpering on both ends for connection with systm.The nuts & bolts will be supplied by contractor for which payment will be made as per prevailing Dicom store issue rates. 357 Assembly,installation & commisioning of 33/11 KV gang operated isolating switch including installation and dismantling of fabricated steel required for mounting of 33/11 KV Gang operated isolating switch for sectionalizing 33/11 KV lines with setting for accurate operation including fixing of allied accesories complete in all respect with post insulator and jumpering on both ends for connection with the system,. 358 Dismantling of existing 6.35/0.24 KV transformer and structure from 3 m height structure and installation, testing as per Nigam’s norms & commissioning of 6.35/0.24 KV transformer on existing support and raising height of structure from 3 m to 5 m from ground along with earth connections from existing earthing, including welding of transformer with base channels and by welding of Nuts and Bolts. (clamps of suitable size and earth strip if required will be supplied by Nigam.)/existing S.F.U shall also be lifted at proper place if possible otherwise same shall be deposited in AEN store along with other removed material. 359 Tag Welding of single-phase transformer at different three places in Nigam’s stores one (at welded strips already provided) +2(with additional patties of size 55X30X5 mm) 360 Providing of single phase CT meter in M&P box 361 Fixing and replacement of MCCB in M&P box including clamping and making cable connections. 362 Welding of door(s)(continuous welding of patties and tag welding of Nuts & Bolts with sealing bolt ) of M&P box fitted on 6.35KV /0.24 KV, single phase transformerat 3 to 4 places with two nos. patties at site(one made of flat size 75X30X5 mm or 75X40X5 mm and other made of flat size 55X30X5 mm or 55X40X5 mm. These two patties will form one pair. Patti of size 75X30X5 mm /75X40X5 mm is to be welded on side of the box and other patti of size 55X30X5 mm or 55X40X5 mm is to be welded on door of the box to form locking arrangement through Nuts & Bolts(size 1/2x1.5) as per latest drawingand design of Nigam. Patties and Nuts & Bolts will be provided by Nigam. 363 Tag Welding of Nuts and Bolts(with sealing bolts) at different 5 to 6 places at welded strips already provided on M&P boxes fitted on 11/0.4 KV 3 phase 16/10KVAthree phase transformers as per latest drawing and design of Nigam in the stores for which adequate space and electricity will be provided by Nigam and handling of tranformer will be done by Nigam. 364 Welding of door(s) (continuous welding of patties and tag welding of Nuts & Bolts with sealing bolt ) of M&P box fitted on 11/0.4 KV,3 phase 10/16/25/40/63 KVA transformers at 5 to 6 places with two nos. patties at Sub-Division Store (one made of flat size 75x30x5 mm or 75x40x5 mm and other patti made of flat size 55x30x5 mm or 55x40x5 mm. These two patties will form one pair. Patti of size 75x30x5 mm /75x40x5 mm is to be welded on side of the box and other patti of size 55x30x5 mm or 55x40x5 mm is to be welded on door of the box to form locking arrangement through Nuts & Bolts(size 1/2x1 1/2) as per latest drawinf and design of nigam.Patties and Nuts & Bolts will be provided by Nigam. 365 Continuous welding of three sidessliding front cover of meter chamber (size 400x2+390=1190 MM) of M&P Box for 10/16/25/40 KVA for three phase transformers including tag welding of 12 nos. nut & bolts used in TN-2217 and onwards. 366 Replacement of defective items in LT Pillar Boxes (Only Labour Charges):- 367 Knife Switches 200 A / 400 A 368 U- Contacts 200 A / 400 A 369 Isolator / LBS / Rotary Switch 200 A / 400 A. 370 MCCB 160 A / 200 A. 371 MCB 32 A / 63 A (For LT Distribution Boxes) 372 Erection of 11 KV RMU complete with accessorieson existing foundation including use of special tools & conducting all pre-commissioning test before energization,connecting the cables etc. complete in all respect with erection & grouting of structure (excluding civil works for which payment shall be made extra as per clause No. 2.6 of CLRC). The relays will be tested by Discom. 373 Erection of 2 Pole & 4 Pole DT Structure of 11KVRMU complete in all respect(excluding civil works for which payment shall be made extra as per clause No. 2.6 of CLRC). 374 2 Pole Structure (Approx. 548 Kg) 375 4 Pole Structure (Approx. 691 Kg) 376 NOTE:- 377 Dismentling charges for all the items (excluding item No. 6.37) will be 60% of item rates of erection charges.However charges for transportation of the material from works site to the sub-division store shall be paid as item rate of chapter III(Transportation of material).The payment will be after issuance of certificate by the AEn.concerned that all the dismentled material has been safely received in the sub-divisional store. 378 The Quality of the material supplied by the contractor be got checked and approved by the Circle S.E. 379 The nuts & bolts provided / Supplied by the contractor shall be confirm to relevant ISS. 380 In case of pole, upper end of the G.I wire provided for earthing shall be bolted with cross arm. 381 CHAPTER-7: STRINGING OF CONDUCTOR/ EARTH WIRE 382 Laying ,jointing , stringing, tensioning and clamping of conductor with proper sag as directed , using bolted type hardware including binding on pin insulators,jumpering on section points with binding wire / P.G.clamps.Aluminium jointing sleeves will be used for jointing the conductor.The line must stand at proper voltage on charging.The contractor will be provide P.G.clamps for which payment will be made as per prevailing Discom issue rate. 383 (A) IN URBAN AREA 384 ACSR PANTHAR 385 ACSR DOG 386 ACSR RACCOON 387 ACSR RABBIT 388 ACSR WEASEL 389 Insulated RABBIT HT/LT 390 (B) IN RURAL AREA 391 ACSR PANTHAR 392 ACSR DOG 393 ACSR RACCOON 394 ACSR RABBIT 395 ACSR WEASEL 396 Insulated RABBIT HT/LT 397 Laying, jointing,stringing,tensioning and clamping of ACSR PANTHAR with proper sag as directed ,using compression type hardwares including binding on pin insulators,jumpering on section points with compression type jumpering cones. 398 Laying , jointing,stringing,tensioning and clamping of G.I.Earthwire continuosly on single/double pole by using earth clamps /nuts & bolts with washers and earth reel etc.including proper binding at each end.The nuts and bolts will be supplied by thecontractor for which payment will be made as per prevailing Discom store issue rates. 399 (A) IN URBEN AREA 400 G.I.Earth wire 6 SWG 401 G.I.Earth wire 8 SWG 402 G.I.Earth wire 10 SWG 403 (B) IN RURAL AREA 404 G.I.Earth wire 6 SWG 405 G.I.Earth wire 8 SWG 406 G.I.Earth wire 10 SWG 407 Drawing & stringing of G.I. 4 wire over the guarding bracket for guarding of road crossing /P&T crossing /Railway track crossing (for one span only)with cross G.I.wire laces at an interval of two meter each or required as per location using EYE bolt, nuts and bolts with washers etc.including binding .The EYE bolts and other nuts and bolts will be provided by thecontractor for which payment will be made as per prevailing Discom store issue rates. 408 (A) For 4 wire stringing 409 6 SWG with laces of 8 SWG 410 8 SWG with laces of 10 SWG 411 Fixing of G.I. Laces on Guard wireat an interval of one meter each or required as per locationusing EYE bolt ,nuts and bolts with washers etc.including binding,if required .The EYE bolts and other nuts and bolts will be provided by the contractor for which payment will be made as per prevailing Discom store issue rates. 412 For 2 Guard wire 413 For 3 Guard wire 414 For 4 Guard wire 415 Drawing of overhead ABC conductor (Areal bunched cable)on existing erected pole/support including laying. Jointing,stringing complete in all respect. 416 1cX25 + 25 Sq mm 417 3cx16+25 Sq mm 418 3cx25 + 25 Sq mm 419 3cx50 + 35 Sq mm 420 Fixing of suspension clamps suitable for ABC cable 421 Fixing of dead end clamps suitable for ABC cable 422 Fixing of LT connectors type A suitable for ABC cable with cover.(including termination of service lines) 423 Fixing of LT connectors type B suitable for ABC cable(including cable termination) 424 Laying of 11 KV AB Cable on existing erected pole/support including laying jointing stringing including fixing of hardware /accessories complete in all respect 425 3C x 70/50 Sq.mm. 426 1C x 70/50 Sq.mm. 427 Fixing of D Loops using ,ACSR Weasel/Rabbit Conductor having 9Long 4 Deep with 6 binding on each side with binding wire on erected conductor (Rs.1.50 for 1phase service& Rs.3.00 for 3 phase service linewill be paid extra for shifting of existing service line on D-Loops.) 428 NOTE:- 429 Dismantling charges for all the items will be 50% of item rates of erection charges.However charges for transportation of the material from works site to the sub-division store shall be paid as item rate of chapter-III(Transportation of material ).The payment will be made after issuance of certificate by the AEn. concerned that all the dismentled material has been safely received in the sub-divisional store. 430 The quality of material supplied by the contractor be got checked and approoved by the Circle S.E. 431 The nuts and bolts provided / supplied by the contractor shall be confirm to relevant IS for which payment will be made as per prevailing Discom store issue rates. 432 CHAPTER-8: EARTHING OF LINE AND SUB-STATIONS 433 Earthing of line for all type of supports as per REC construction standards using Stay wire/GI wire with onepcs.of M.S.rod 20mm dia each 3 meter long and driving into earth by mechanical means as per approved design.Drawing &specification.All material except MS rod,MS flat & stay wirewill be supplied by the contractor.If material is supplied by the contractor ,the payment will be made as per prevailing Discomstore issue rates.(In case of PCC poles earthing must be connected with earthwire already available on PCC pole at bottom) 434 3 Nos. of earthing of 11/0.4 KV distribution transformer /sub-station with 3 pieces of M.S.Rod 20mm dia each 3 meter long and driving them into earth by mechanical means at a distance as per approved design & drawing & specification.The work includes flattening of top ends of M.S.rod drilling a hole of 9/16 dia.at flattened top and tightening of M.S.flat 50x6mm/25x3mm (having 3 hole 2ends and 1mm middle) with nuts and bolts with M.S.rods top end hole.The flat will also be welded with M.S.rod.The end will be connected to equipments as under in sequence. 435 Mesh earthing for 33/11 kv sub-station as per approved map &design usingMS flat 50X6mm/MS road 20mm dia includinglaying of flat/rod at the depth of 0.65 Mtrs.,welding & jointing at joints , structures & equipments etc.asunder: 436 Excavation of trench of 0.65 Mtrs.depth and 0.5 Mtr.width 437 Normal soil 438 Hard Soil 439 Ordinary rock ( where blasting is not required.) 440 Laying of MS flat /MS rod in 0.65Mtr.deep excavated trench and welding of MS flat/rod continuosly with 100 mm overlaping for straight joint including coating of MS flat joints with molten bitumen and covering joint with bitumen impregnated tape to protect from rust. 441 Shaping of MS flat for connecting the equipments with earthmesh .The work includes the welding of MS flat with equipments/structure and also with earth mesh.The work also includescoating of MS flat joint with molten bitumen and covering jointwith bitumen impregnated tape to protect from rust. 442 Preparation of spikes made of M.S Rod of 20 mm dia and 3 Mtr.length as per design and requirment to be driven in earth by mechanical means and Providing & .fastening of suitable clampswith the M.S. Rod, connection of earth wire/stay wire/MS flat in clamp depending on type of soil: 443 Where drilling is not required 444 Where drilling isrequired 445 Filling of trench with available excavated muck in layers of 20cm (Max.)consolidating each deposited layer by ramming & watering with lead up to 50 Mtr, and lift up to 1.5 Mtr. 446 Painting of exposed portion of MS flat/rod with two coats of red-oxide primer and two coats of green enamel paint.including material. 447 Earthing on 6.35/.24 KV S/S made with 4 nos. MS Rod 20 mm dia,electrodes (black) of 3 Mtr. Lengthto be driven in earth by mechanical means and jointing through transformers body, 11 KV neutral ,LT neutral & LA with MS flat 40x5 mm ( black 32 mtr.) .The MS Flat will be welded at the top of the electrode. 448 Earthing of new 33/11 KV S/S with bentonite compound (including material ) involving following activities. 449 Digging of 10.5 ft. deep pit of 4 dia ( approx 132cu.ft) 450 Supply of 2 G.I pipe with cap(including fabrication of 30 holes in the periphery of pipe) 451 Making chamber for water pouring including cast iron manhole cover 452 Supply cost of 200 kg bentonite compound with making slurry 453 Supplu of black cotton soil approx 80 cu.ft. 454 Connecting electrode with Mesh Earthing 455 Pipe Earthing for Power Transformer at 33 / 11 KV S/S:-Supply & erection of earthing electrode shall consist of G.I. Pipe 100 mm,of 3 Mtr Length. The electrode shall be buried as far as practicable3 meters below ground level. Wherever possible, earth electrodes shall be located as near the water tap, water drain or near down take pipe. Earth electrodes shall not be installed in proximity to a metal fence. It shall be kept clear of the buildings foundations and in no case it shall be nearer than 2 meters from the outer face of the wall. The electrode shall be surrounded withlayer of charcoal dust and salt mixture through out the length. The 100 mm GI pipe shall be provided with holes of 12 mm dia. drilled at 75 mm interval upto 2.5 meters length from bottom. The top of the pipe shall be provided with a G.I. threaded cap for watering the earth through a pipe. AClamp with Pati of 12 of M.S. Flat of size 50X6 mm shall be fixed (Bolted) on the top edge of the pipewhich in turn shall be connected to Neutral / Body of the Power Transformer through M.S. Flat size 50X6 mm. The G.I. cap over the GI pipe shall be housed in a masonry chamber, approximately 300 mm x 300 mm x 300 mm deep. The masonry chamber shall be provided with a RCC inspection cover resting over a RCC frame, embedded in masonry. 456 Note:- 457 The quality of material supplied by the contractor be got checked and approved by the Circle S.E. 458 The nuts and bolts provided / supplied by the contractor will be confirmed to relevant ISS. 459 Supply & Erection of Maintenance free Gel Earthing with Pipe in pipe / Pipe in strip technology filled with anti corrosive conductive compound ( CPRI Tested ) below the ground in 150 - 200 mm dia. earth pit & surrounding filled with required mineral filling compound ( MFC should have hygroscopic property to retain the moisture for long time to create low resistance zone ) and C.C. finished chamber covered withhinged type with locking arrangement C.I. Cover, C.I. Frame of size 300mm x 300mm complete testing of earth resistance as required. The value of Earth resistance shall be obtained 0.5 Ohm in individual earthing. G.I Pipe (IS: 1239 marks) GI pipe 3000 mm long, 80 I 40 mm, Terminal 12 mm GI Strip. Earthing as per 18:3043-1987 460 CHAPTER-9: METER AND SERVICE LINES 461 Fixing of single phase meter box at the premises of existing/new consumerwith 4 Nos Anchor fastners of rust proof size M-6x50 mm on the wall as per the position of the holes already provided on the meter box. The meter box must be housed perfectly vertical/plumbline,anchor fasteners are to be supplied/provided by the contractor (including self carriage from S/D store to consumers site) 462 IN URBAN AREA 463 Plastic Box 464 Metal Box 465 IN RURAL AREA 466 Plastic Box 467 Metal Box 468 Fixing of single phase metercum meter box(complete unit) at the premises ofexisting/new consumerwith 4 Nos Anchorfastners of rust proof size M-6x50 mm on the wall as per the position of theholes already provided on the meter box. The meter box mustbe housed perfectly vertical/plumbline,anchor fasteners are to be supplied/provided by the contractor(including selfcarriage from S/D store to consumers site and depositing removed meter and meter box if any in S/D Store.) 469 IN URBAN AREA 470 IN RURAL AREA 471 Fixing of three phase meter box size 340x750x240 mm at the premises of existing/new consumerswith 4 nos. Anchor fastners with rust proof size M-6x50 mm on the wall as per the position of holes already provided on the meter box. Themeter box must be housed perfectly vertical/plumb line,anchor fasteners are to be supplied/provided by the contractor 472 IN URBAN AREA 473 Plastic Box 474 Metal Box 475 IN RURAL AREA 476 Plastic Box 477 Metal Box 478 Fixing of three phase meter cummeter box(complete unit)at the premises of existing/new consumerswith 4 Nos Anchor fastners with rust proof size M-6x50 mm on the wall as per the positionof holes already provided on the meter box. The meter box must be housed perfectly vertical/plumb line,anchor fasteners are to be supplied/provided by the contractor including safe carriage from S/D store to consumers site and depositing removed meter and meter box if any in S/D store). 479 IN URBAN AREA 480 IN RURAL AREA 481 Fixing of single phase energy meter in meter box by providing machine screws making holes on backelite sheet as per requirement & also making connections at meter terminals and MCB using Thimbles(by crimping) including providing M-seal compound inside meter box. The bakelite sheet must be fixed properly with Screws to restrict themovements vertically or horizontally. The meter is also required to be checked for proper functioning after making connections of service lines with distribution mains by licenced contractor only. The screws will be provided by contractor. Payment for lugs will be made extra @ Rs.1.00 perwire for single phase connection if not available with JVVNL& provided by contractor.(including safe carraige) 482 IN URBAN AREA 483 IN RURAL AREA 484 Fixing/installation of three phase energy meter in meter box / M&P box by providing machine screws making holes backelite sheet as per requirement & also making connections at meter terminals and MCB using Thimbles(by crimping) including providing M-seal compound inside meter box. The bakelite sheet must be fixed properly with Screws to restrict the movements vertically or horizontally. The meter is also required to be checked for proper functioning after making connections of service lines with distribution mains by licenced contractor only. The screws will be provided by contractor. Payment for lugs will be made extra @Rs.1.50 perwire for single phase connection if not available with JVVNL & provided by contractor. 485 IN URBAN AREA 486 IN RURAL AREA 487 Replacement of defective energy meter at consumers premises / meter installed in M&P box 3 Phase Transformer (3Phase meter) including fixing of screw and making connections at meter terminals with lugs(by crimping) & ensuring proper supply and perfect working of the meter installed. The work includes re-fixing of themeter box if not fixed properly the screw will be provided by the contractor. Payment for lugs will be made extra @ Rs. 1.00 per wire for single phase meter and @ Rs. 1.50 per wire for 3 phase meter, if not available with Discom and provided by the contractor. The removed meters shall be deposited with the concerned Junior Engineer Incharge with complete details in prescribed Performa of Discom. 488 IN URBAN AREA 489 Single phase energy meter 490 Three phase energy meter 491 IN RURAL AREA 492 Single phase energy meter 493 Three phase energy meter 494 Laying of 1100 volt heavy duty armoured XLPE cable of aluminum coudctor of following size conforming to IS: 7098 (Pt-I) (latest amended) overhead service line from pole to meter terminals for release of new LT connections/replacement of damaged/obsolete service line (except agriculture one). The cable must be fixed on wall with clamps /hooks properly at a interval of one meter. 495 2 Core 2.5/ 4/ 6 sq. Mm 496 4 Core 6/10 sq. mm 497 4 Core 16/25 sq. mm 498 4 Core50 sq. mm 499 Removal of meter & meter box & service line of PDC consumers and depositing in Nigams store including transporation. 500 Three phase 501 Single phase 502 Fixing of spring load bus bar box with 4 Nos. anchor fastners ofrust proof size M-8x75mm on the wall as per the position ofthe holes alreadyprovided on the box. The bus bar box must be housed perfectly vertical/ plumb line, anchor fastners are to be provided / supplied by the contractor( including self carriage from S/d. store to site) including makingterminationsof the main cable from pole / tapping point to bus bar box and consumers service lines from box to meter. 503 Single phase bus bar box 504 Three phase bus bar box 505 Supply & fixing ofcable holding lamp made ofMS flat 30x4mm size, 200mm length in all (100+75+25mm) duly machined i.e. banding, drilling etc. as per drawing and painted by synthetic enamel paint (traditional pink colour) with2nos. Anchor fastners of rust proof size M-6x65mm on the wall as per route ofthe cable laid surface mounted on the wall. The clamp must be installed perfectly in horizontal line anchor fastners are to be provided / supplied by the contractor ( including self carriage from S/dn. store to site). 506 Supply & fixing ofcable tray made ofslotted anble painted bysynthetic enamel paint (traditional pink colour) withminimum 2nos. Anchor fastners per meter length ofrust proof size M-6x65mm on the wall as perrounte of the cables / service line to laid surface mounted on the wall. The cable tray must be installed perfectly in horizontal line, ancher fastners are to be provided/ supply by the contractor( including self carriage from S/dn. store to site) 507 40x40mm 20 SWG 508 NOTE:- 509 The quality of material supplied by the contractor be got checked and approved by the Circle S.E. 510 The nuts and bolts provided / supplied by the contractor will be confirmed to relevant ISS. 511 CHAPTER-10: ERECTION OF 33KVSUB-STATIONS & BUS BAR 512 Erection ofsteel supports in the excavated pit in alignment after checking then same with plumb line as per approved design and drawing of 33/11KV Sub- station.The support should be grouted and muffed in cement concreteratio 1:3:6 as per chapter -5 code No.5.7.Theremaining portion of the pit will be back filled with soil.The charges for grouting & muffing will be paid by extra as per chapter code no 5.7 The nuts & bolts will be supplied by the contractorfor which payment will be made as per prevailing Store issue rates. 513 R.S.Joists 514 Fabricated structure AB type 515 Fabricated structure AB-1 type 516 Isolator / C.T.structure 517 Erection of PCC poles in excavated pit in alignment after checking the same with plumb line as per approved design & drawing of 33/11kv sub-station.The pit should be back filled with the soil with proper ramming below 30cm ground level and then muffed above 15cm average ground level with cement concrete ratio1:3:6.The charges formuffing will bepaid extra as per chapter code no 5.7 The nuts & bolts will be supplied by the contractorfor which payment will be made at the prevailing store issue rates. 518 (A) IN URBAN AREA 519 PCC Poles 8 Mtr. Long 520 PCC Poles 9 Mtr. Long 521 PCC Poles 10/11 Mtr. Long 522 (B) IN RURAL AREA 523 PCC Poles 8 Mtr. Long 524 PCC Poles 9 Mtr. Long 525 PCC Poles 10/11 Mtr. Long 526 Laying / stringing of bus bar with ACSR Dog & jumper connection using tie rod ,33KV /11KV insulator strings,required hardware,P.G.clamps/T clamps etc.as per requirement including Y-connections at bus bar jumpering point as per the direction of engineer in-charge. 527 ACSR PANTHER 528 ACSR DOG/RABBIT 529 Supply, stacking & spreading of stone boulders 40 mm. Mono size.(Less voids 17%) 530 Note: 531 The quality of material supplied by the contractor shall be got checked & approved by the circle SE. 532 The nuts & bolts provided / supplied by the contractor will confirm to relevant ISS. 533 CHAPTER-11: LAYING OF HT/LT CONTROL CABLE INSTALLATION OF C&R PANEL KIOSKS BREAKERSETC. 534 Laying of HT/LT control cable installation of C&R panel Kiosks Breakers etc. 535 Erection of OCB/Kiosk/VCB complete with accessories including use of special tools & conducting all pre-commissioning test before energization,filling oil etc. complete in all respect with erection & grouting of structure (excluding civil works). The relays will be tested by Discom. 536 33 KV OCB 537 33 KV VCB/SF-6 Breaker 538 11 KV OCB/KIOSK 539 11 KV VCB (Outdoor ) 540 11 KV VCB (Indoor ) 541 Installation of control panel including checking of wiring and conducting all pre-commissioning tests before energization, satisfactory operation of all equipment existing thereof. ( The relay will be tested by Discom ). 542 33 KV Control Panel 543 11 KV Control Panel 544 Installation of current/potential transformers on supporting structure including checking of wiring & conducting all pre-commissioning tests before energization & satisfactory operation in all respect (The CT/PT set will be tested by Discom). 545 33 KV CT(1 set of 3 Nos. ) OR PT Set 546 11 KV CT(1 set of 3 Nos.) OR PT Set 547 Erection & commissioning of battery set and battery charger including all required connection/wiring from battery set to battery charger and A.C.mains complete in all respect. 548 110 Volts D.C. 549 24 Volts D.C. 550 Laying, testing termination of control cable 1100 volts PVC insulated including supply and installation of ferrules to designate various cores of control cables by terminal Nos. of identification including utilization of cable gland. The control cable should be clearly arranged in trenches avoiding crossings including clamping of control cable at regular interval and providing identify tags. 551 2x2.5 Sq.mm. 552 3x2.5 Sq.mm. 553 4x2.5 Sq.mm. 554 5x2.5 Sq.mm. 555 10x2.5 Sq.mm. 556 12x2.5 Sq.mm. 557 4x4 Sq.mm. 558 6x4 Sq.mm. 559 Supply andFixing of metallic junction box size 450x300x250 mm outdoor type floor mounting fabricated out of cold rolled steel sheet 16 SWG with required branching and support of M.S. Angle 45x45x5mm The box should be printed with the coat of Zinc Chromate primer and 2 coats of light grey paint. Removal of gland plate of 3 mm. Thickness with rubber gasket for cable entry at bottom gland plate should be spacious to fix 6 Nos. cable glands of 25mm size double hinged door with pad lock provision should be gasket with foam & rubber to make junction box dust & water proof supply of junction box will include following items. 560 The top cover of junction box should have slope of 10 mm so that water is not collected on top of the box. 561 18 Nos. terminal blocks of 30 Amp. Bolted type with end plate and screws fixed on 36 cm mounting channel for terminal block with bolts & nuts of 25x9 Sq.mm.on side support inside junction box. The terminal blocks should be detachable type, which can be removed or added individually and suitable for 4/6 Sq.mm.coppers lugs. The terminal blocks should be preferably of GEC/Alsthom/ Essun/Malamin PVC or equivalent make. 562 The supports of junction box made of M.S.Angle size 45x45x5mm with cleat having 1.2 meter length of each support should be grouted in cement concrete ratio 1:3:6. 563 Laying, connecting, testing and commissioning of 1100 Volt PVC cable at 33/11 KV Sub-Station including connections of leads cutting stripping of cable insulation providing compression type terminals fixing of cable glands crimping of lugs clamping of cable cores etc. complete in all respect as per requirement of Engineer Incharge. PVC cable size. 564 4 Core 6 Sq.mm. to 25 Sq.mm. 565 3.5 Core 50 Sq.mm.to 95 Sq.mm. 566 Supply,transportation and laying of sand layer of 75 mm below the power cable and 75 mm above the same alongwith using 200x100x75 mm size Class-II bricks in channel shape comprising of following sizes as under the back filling in the layer of compacted 100 mm thick earth,. Cable will be laid as per the methods of IS:1255 and details in 11.13 567 For Single Power Cable, the trench width will be 350 mm using 20 Nos of bricks of above specification. 568 For Double Power cable, the trench width will be 470 mm using 35 Nos of bricks of above specification. 569 For Triple Power Cable, the trench width will be 590 mm using 50 Nos of bricks of above specification. 570 Laying energisation & commissioning of underground cable for working voltage of 11 KV/33 KV Aluminium conductor ,Power cable XLPE/PILCA armoured in RCC class NP-2 Non-pressure pipes of sizes mentioned against each refilling of earth in the remaining excavated area making necessary connection including testing etc. as required (It includes providing, laying & jointing RCC class NP-2 Non-pressure pipes conforming to IS:458 of approved make with collars, jointed with CM 1:20 depth of cable shall be 1.2 meter. (Cable shall be provided by the Nigam). 571 (A) 33 KV Cable 572 3x185 sq. mm in pipe of dia 300 mm 573 3x300 sq. mm in pipe of dia 300 mm 574 (B) 11 KV Cable 575 3x150 sq. mm in pipe of dia 250 mm 576 3x185 sq. mm in pipe of dia 250 mm 577 3x240 sq. mm in pipe of dia 300 mm 578 3x300 sq. mm in pipe of dia 300 mm 579 3x400 sq. mm in pipe of dia 300 mm 580 Providing and fixing of G.I. Pipe B-Class (IS:1239 marks) at the starting and finishing point of 33& 11 KV under ground cables and to lay & clamp vertically with the existing support including labour charges. 581 Providing and fixing of G.I. Pipe of 125 mm diameter. B-Class (IS:1239 mark),at the starting and finishing point of 11 KV under ground cables and to lay & clamp vertically with the existing support including labour charges. 582 Providing and fixing of G.I. Pipe of 150 mm diameter. B-Class (IS:1239 mark),at the starting and finishing point of 33 KV under ground cables and to lay & clamp vertically with the existing support including labour charges. 583 Installation of metering points on 11 KV Out going feeder at 33/11 KV S/S. 584 The installation work to be carried out as perdrawing/design, under the supervision of concerned Assistant Engineer 585 Mounting structure 586 The requisite steel members will be supplied by contractor including the hardware. Contractorshall joint/weld the members to form the mounting structure as per drawing. Necessary tools, welding, machines, lifting devices etc. shall be arranged by contractor. 587 Civil works 588 Erection of lattices in alignment including excavation and concreting of structure foundation including cement, sand and grit 20 mm size (crusher broken) having ratio 1:3:6 and grit 40 mm size for ratio 1:5:10and curing for period as required (21 days). Area of concreting will be as per the drawing. 589 Metering Equipments: 590 The requisite metering equipments (CTPT set, meter,meter box & suitable conductors for jumpers), will be provided by the concerned Assistant Engineer in healthy condition at site. The cables from CTPT set to meter box laid down in 50 mm GI pipe with suitable bends & nipples, shall be provided by contractoralongwith the consumable items such as PVC tapes, petroleum jelly etc. The cable should be PVC multi strand copper 4 core 2.5/4 Sq. mm ISI marked and firm & tight connections shall be made by suitable connectore.g. at CTPT sets by using clamps and atmeter/TTB by suitable lugs etc. The CTPT sets soinstalled shall be earthed by means of the MS Flat (size 50x6 mm) by joining it with the nearest earthing available at the sub-station. Requisite earthing materialshall be made available by the contractor. 591 Meter: 592 Meters should be fixed firmly inside the tamper proof box, as per drawing. All the meter fixture will be provided by contractor including all consumables. 593 Meter Box 594 The meter box shall be provided by the concernedAssistant Engineer. However, hardware or any other items required to fix the meter inside the meter box will be provided by contractor. The meter box will be fixed firmly with sufficient strength at a place as perdrawing. The test terminal block(TTB) link type shall be provided by contractor in the meter box. 595 Painting: 596 All surfaces interior and exterior of lattice structure shall be white aluminum painted. 597 Commissioning of Metering Equipments: 598 Installed meters inside the box and metering equipments duly mounted on the mounting structure will be powered up by connecting load in the presence of the concerned Assistant Engineer who will arrange the necessary shut down. Thecompletion certificate shall be furnised by contractor.be filled accordingly. Since the work involves higher A.C. voltage level, the contractor shall take full careregarding safety norms, so as to avoid any accidental hazards. 599 CHAPTER-12: PAINTING WORKS 600 Painting with priming coats or ready mixed red-oxide paint 2 coats of approved make on steel works after cleaning with wire brush / sand paper.(including cost of red oxide) 601 On new surface 602 On old surface 603 Painting with aluminium paint of approved brand and manufacturer to give an even surface.(includingcost aluminium paint) 604 On new works with two coats. 605 On old works with one coats. 606 Spary painting on old surface with synthetic enamel paint (ICI Asian,Burger or equivalent make) to give an even shade (minimum two coats) with preparation of surface by rubbing applying primer coats and putty etc.complete in all respect on steel works / equipments.(including cost of paint) 607 NOTE:- 608 Rates are inclusive of paints brush ,sand paper spray gun and any scaffolding material,if required. 609 Rates are inclusive of cleaning ,stains ,smear splashing and dropping of every kind from such places and things/equipments. 610 The quality of material supplied by the contractor be got checked and approoved by the Circle S.E. 611 NOTE:- 612 Rates are inclusive of paints brush ,sand paper spray gun and any scaffolding material,if required. 613 Rates are inclusive of cleaning , stains , smear splashing and dropping of every kind from such places and things/ equipments. 614 The quality of material supplied by the contractor be got checked and approoved by the Circle S.E. 615 CHAPTER-13: LIGHTING FIXTURES 616 Instalation and commisioning of the following type of new fixtures including wiring and required connections to connect all allied accessories fixtures as required but without material. 617 HPMV/HPSV lighting fixtures 618 Halogen lamps/ flood light fixtures 619 Tube light fixtures 620 Supply and fixing of material as indicated here under:- 621 PVC wire 2.5 sq.mm singal core aluminium 622 G.I.pipe bracket 40mm dia of required size and shape including clamp of MS flat 40x4sq.mm with MS nuts & bolts and washers for HPMV / HPSV lighting fixtures. 623 G.I. bracket 30mm dia of required size and shape including clamp of MS flat 40x4sq.mm with MS nuts & bolts and washers for HPMV / HPSV lighting fixtures. 624 G.I.pipe bracket 16mm dia of required size and shape including clamp of MS flat 40x4sq.mm with MS nuts &bolts and washers for HPMV / HPSV lighting fixtures. 625 Maintenance of existing lighting fixtures including replacement of all defective spares & wire if required and commissoning thereof. 626 HPMV/HPSV lighting fixtures 627 Halogen lamps/ flood light fixtures 628 Tube light fixtures 629 Note:- 630 All spare parts / accessories required to be replaced will be provided by the Nigam. 631 CHAPTER-14: FABRICATION 632 Fabrication of steel structures of M.S angle, M.S.channel & M.S.Flat including cutting, drillingas per design and drawing. 633 11/0.433 KV Substation Structure(185.83 Kg) 634 33 KV Line D.P.sets (142.314 Kg) 635 11 KV Line D.P.sets (100.493 Kg) 636 1.8 Mtr Channel Bracket with clamp (19.271 Kg) 637 1.4 Mtr Channel Bracket with clamp (14.462 Kg) 638 33/11 KV Rural Sub-StationStructure (4086.879 Kg) 639 Fabrication of steel structures of M.S angle ,M.S.channel & M.S.Flat including cutting ,drilling and continunous welding joint as per design and drawing. 640 33 KV Cross Arm (Angle ) with clamp and Top Hamper with clamp (22.849 Kg) 641 33 KV Cross Arm (channel) with clamp and Top Hamper (26.831 Kg) 642 11 KV Cross Arm angle with clamp and Top Hamper (13.797 Kg) 643 33 KV D/C Lattice Structures (42 height)(508.06 Kg) 644 LT Cross Arm 2 Long with clamp (4.12 Kg) 645 LT Cross Arm 4 Long with clamp (7.27 Kg) 646 Other steel items 647 Cuting of steel article by using gas cutter / hacksaw blades. 648 (A) MS Rails 649 90 Lbs.rail 650 75 Lbs.rail 651 (B) R.S.Joist 652 200x100mm 653 116x100mm 654 Drilling of holes in MS Channel / Angle /Flat 655 15/16 dia holes(23.81 mm dia.) 656 13/16 dia holes(20.63 mm dia.) 657 11/16 dia holes(17.46 mm dia.) 658 Drilling of holes in MS Rails / Joists. 659 11/16 dia(17.46 mm dia.) holes in MS Rails 660 11/16 dia (17.46 mm dia.) holes in R.S.Joist 661 NOTE: 662 If fabrication work done in stores premises. Free accomodation and free electricity will be supplied by Nigam. 663 CHAPTER-15: MAINTENANCE OF LINES 664 Incharge Assistant/Junior Engineer after necessary inspection testing & checking will identify the maintenance works which will be categorised as below. 665 Joint inspection & patrolling of lines,feeder wise for identification of maintenance work to be carried out. 666 Removal of Birds nest & foreign material from line. 667 For Jaipur city circle 668 For other District Headquarter 669 For others 670 (A)-Providing of numbering on single pole or double pole structure, feeder wise with good quality enamel paint as per requirement. 671 (B)-Providing consumer coding feederwise/Transformerwise with good quality of paint as per requirement. 672 Resagging of conductor section including binding/re-binding of conductor and providing of jumpers at the ends. 673 With ACSR Panther. 674 With ACSR DOG. 675 With ACSR Rabbit / Racoon 676 With ACSR Weasel/AACANT. 677 Resagging of earth wire including removing & fixing the wire in the earth clamps. 678 G.I. Wire 6 SWG 679 G.I. Wire 8 SWG 680 G.I.Wire 10 SWG 681 Replacement of earth wire including fixing/ replacement of earth reels & clamps, if required. Replacement of reels and clamps will be provided by the contractor . 682 G.I. Wire 6 SWG 683 G.I. Wire 8 SWG 684 G.I. Wire 10 SWG 685 Replacement of old conductor including binding of wire and providing jumpers at the ends. 686 With ACSR Panther. 687 With ACSR DOG 688 With ACSR Rabbit / Racoon. 689 With ACSR Weasel/AACANT. 690 Replacement of defective/damaged pin insulators including binding rebinding of wire & replacement of pin if required. 691 33 KV Pin Insulators. 692 11 KV Pin Insulators. 693 LT Pin Insulators. 694 Replacement of defective/damaged 11 KV Disc Insulators including removing/providing jumpers with line conductor. 695 With ACSR DOG 696 With ACSRRACOON/RABBIT 697 With ACSR Weasel/Squirrel/ AACANT 698 If an additional disc is provided in case of 11 KV lines: 699 (I)B&S type 700 (ii) T&C type 701 Replacement of defective/damaged LT Shackle insulators including removing/providing jumpers. 702 Straightening of cross arms with clamp including tightening of nuts &bolts. 703 33 KV cross arms 704 11 KV cross arms 705 LT Cross arms 706 Change/replacement of cross arms with clamp including removing fixing of insulators, binding of wires & re-jumpering. 707 33 KV cross arms 708 11 KV cross arms 709 LT Cross arms 710 Straightening/replacement of top hampers including removal/fixing of pin insulators, tightening nuts & bolts with binding etc. 711 33 KV top hampers 712 11 KV top hampers 713 Straightening of support/pole in alignment after removing the soil and checking the same with plumb line, refilling and ramming etc. PCC pole/M.S. rail/R.S.Joist. 714 9 Mtr long & above. 715 Upto 8 Mtr long. 716 Replacement of broken/damaged poles in between the line with excavation of pit in alignment after checking the same with plumb line, re-fixing of cross arm bracket, top hampers, clamps insulators & binding/jumpering etc. and removal of broken pole. 717 (A) 33 KV line support 718 Double Circuit/Lattice Tower 719 Single Circuit 720 (B) 11 KV line support 721 Double Circuit 722 Single Circuit 723 (C) L.T. line support 724 Single phase line 725 Three phase line 726 Charges for excavation in ordinary /hard rock shall be paid as per item No. 2.2 & 2.3 of Chapter No.2.after deducting cost of excavation in ordinary soil.Civil work if required cost will be paid as per chapter No.5.7. 727 Replacement/providing of broken damaged tension / cut point support with excavation of pit in alignment after checking the same withplumb line and re-fixing of cross arm/bracket, top hamper clamp,insulators & stays etc. with resagging of conductor, binding and jumpering including removal of broken pole. 728 33 KV line support withACSR PANTHER 729 Double Circuit 730 Single Circuit 731 33 KV line support withACSR DOG/ RACOON 732 Double Circuit 733 Single Circuit 734 11 KV line support withACSR DOG/ RACOON 735 Double Circuit 736 Single Circuit 737 11 KV line support withACSR WEASEL 738 Double Circuit 739 Single Circuit 740 LT line support Three Phase line 741 Double Circuit 742 Single Circuit 743 LT line support Single Phase line 744 Replacement/ Fixing of stay wire including guy insulator & stay clamp. 745 G.I. Stay wire 7/8 SWG 746 G.I. Stay wire 7/10 SWG 747 Replacement/ providing of stay set including excavation of pit & back filling with soil & proper ramming fastening clamping of stay wire with stay insulators. 748 G.I. Stay set 8x3/4 749 G.I. Stay set 6x5/8 750 Replacement/tightening of jumpers on cut points and re-binding including fixing/replacement of P.G. clamps which will be provided by the contractor for which payment will be made as per prevailing store issue rates. 751 33 KV line 752 11 KV line 753 L.T.line 754 Repair, jointing of damaged conductor with repair sleeves including resagging (section to section), binding and making jumpers at end points. 755 With ACSR Panther. 756 For additional joint on the same conductor 757 With ACSR DOG 758 For additional joint on the same conductor 759 With ACSR Rabbit/ Racoon 760 For additional joint on the same conductor 761 With ACSR Weasel/AACANT. 762 For additional joint on the same conductor 763 Binding of conductor on pin insulators. 764 33 KV pin insulators 765 11 KV pin insulators 766 L.T. pin insulators 767 Fixing of line spacer on LT line conductor.(For LT lines having span upto 40 Meters at two appropriate places and for LT lines above 40 Meters span at three appropriate places spacers are to be installed) 768 Single phase 2- wire (1 spacer 15) 769 Three phase 4- wire (1 spacer 21) 770 Three phase 4- wire (4 spacer 15) 771 Fixing of extension pieces/ brackets for raising of pole height including fixing of pin insulators with pins & rebinding etc. 772 33 KV line 773 11 KV line 774 LT line 775 Sectionalising of existing line including replacement of bracket,insulators with pin/hardwares providing of stay sets with stay wire and stay insulators, jumpering & binding etc. 776 33 KV line S/C with ACSR Dog/ Racoon. 777 11 KV line S/C with ACSR Dog/ Racoon. 778 11 KV S/C line with ACSR Weasel. 779 LT line three phase 780 Lt line single phase 781 Replacement of defective / damaged overhead ABC conductor (Areal bunched cable) on existing erected pole / support using existing Suspension & Dead End Clamps including laying, Jointing,stringing complete in all respect & dismentalling of old ABC Conductor (Aerial Bunched Cable) and depositing it to concern ACOS/ Sub-divisional store. If in any case new Suspension / Dead End Clamps / connectors are required then same may be dealt with item No.7.7, 7.8, 7.9 & 7.10. (The payment shall be made in accordance with the quantity mentioned in the MCN. Since the qty in the MCN is by weight, as such for converting into KM refer Measured Weight of Material of CLRC). Rates are inclusive of dismentalling charges. 782 1CX25 + 25 Sq mm 783 3Cx16+25 Sq mm 784 3Cx25 + 25 Sq mm 785 3Cx50 + 35 Sq mm 786 Carrying outpetrollingon11 KV Feeder / LT Feeder and also to provide Single Line Diagram along with Pole Schedule indicating the following activities:- (1 Skilled (ITI Holder) & 2 Semi Skilled persons are to be engaged for this purpose) 787 LT Line :- 788 Condition of Pole i.e Tilted / Broken. 789 Condition of Stay Sets i.e. Loose / Broken / Without Guy Insulator / Proper Clamping with Pole or any additional requirement of Stay Sets (if required) 790 Position of Fixtures i.e. Cross Arm / Top Hamper / Channel Bracket / Angle Bracket etc whether Tilited or Properly Mounted. 791 Position of Insulators along with Hardwares i.e. Pin Insulators/ Shackel Insulators 792 Position of Jumpering / Binding / PG Clamps (where required) / D Loope (required in LT Line)Pin Insulators. 793 Position of Sag of Conductor & its clearance from the Ground Level / Adjoining Conductor / Line. 794 Indicating the Kacha / Pacca Road on the Single Line Diagram and the ground clearance of every span from the Ground Level. 795 Condition of Conductor and Size / Type of Conductor used in the Feeder. 796 Distance betwwen consecutive poles. 797 Condition of Aerial Bunched Cable / Insulated Rabbit Conductor and their Hardware accessories along with pin pointing the cut in AB Cable. 798 Identifyng the High Risk Points like 220 KV / 132 KV Crossings, Highway Crossings / Railyway Crossings / Double Current (Feeding single pole from Two Different Sources). 799 Position of Earth wire / Neutral Wire / Guarding. 800 HT Line:- 801 Condition of Pole i.e Tilted / Broken. 802 Condition of Stay Sets i.e. Loose / Broken / Without Guy Insulator / Proper Clamping with Pole or any additional requirement of Stay Sets (if required) 803 Position of Fixtures i.e. Cross Arm / Top Hamper / Channel Bracket / Angle Bracket etc whether Tilited or Properly Mounted. 804 Position of Insulators along with Hardwares i.e. Pin Insulator / Disc Insulators etc. 805 Position of Jumpering / Binding / PG Clamps (wherever required) on DiscInsulators/ Pin Insulators. 806 Position of Sag of Conductor & its clearance from the Ground Level / Adjoining Conductor / Line. 807 Indicating the Kacha / Pacca Road on the Single Line Diagram and the ground clearance of every span from the Ground Level. 808 Condition of Conductor and Size / Type of Conductor used in the Feeder. 809 Distance betwwen consecutive poles. 810 Condition of Aerial Bunched Cable / Insulated Rabbit Conductor and their Hardware accessories along with pin pointing the cut in AB Cable. 811 Position of 11/0.4 KV or 6.35 / 0.24 KV D.P. Structure [ Position of G.O. / D.O / Horgap Fuse Set / Jumpering / L.A. / Pillar Box / Earthing (Neutral / Body / L.A)] along with measurement of earth resistance detailed as below for which charges shall be paid extra, if applicable:- 812 Height of Single Phase Transformer 813 Identifyng the High Risk Points like 220 KV / 132 KV Crossings, Highway Crossings / Railyway Crossings / Double Current (Feeding single pole from Two Different Sources). 814 Position of Earth wire / Neutral Wire / Guarding. 815 Position of Line G.O. & its Jumpering. 816 Condition of Distributon Trnasformer like oil leakage, jumper condition on HV / LV side, silica gel etc 817 To repair the cut in AB Cable / unsealed pointsby using m-seal/ self amalgamation tape (material shall be provided by conyractor). Details are to be provided to concerned JEN/AEN alongwith site location. 818 Providing and fixing of M-seal compound on consumers tapping (single phase as well as three phase) in the case of overhead LT lines. The location shall be identified/decided by the AEN/JEN concerned. 819 Single phase tapings 820 3-Phase tapings 821 Fixing of M-seal compond on consumers tapping (single phase as well as three phase) in the case of overhead LT lines. The location shall be identified/decided by the AEN/JEN concerned. 822 Single phase tapings 823 3-Phase tapings 824 To Supply & Replace the damaged / defective parts of11 KV G.O. switch(Proper shut down will be provided by Nigam). Rates are inclusive of material. 825 11 KV G.O (400 Amps) 826 Contacts / Jaws with Terminal Plate 827 Centre Blade / Pipe 828 Post Insulator (12 KV) 829 PG Clamp 830 Identifying the unused material erected/ lying in the field,dismentalling from site, their safe carriage including loading & un-loading and deposition of same in concerded ACOS of S/Dn (PCC poles shall be deposited with concerned Sub-Division or Sub-office) MCN is mandatory in case of ACOS or Receipt of concerned AEN for PCC poles. 831 PCC poles (All sizes) 832 Within10 Kms. 833 Above 10 Kms. & upto 30 Kms. Add for each Km. or part thereof. 834 Above 30 Kms. Add for each Kms. orpart thereof 835 Steel( fabricated and unfabricated) i.e.M.S. Rails, R.S.Joists, M.S.Channels, M.S.Angles, M.S.Flat and G.I.Stay Sets, G.I. Stay Wire, G.I.Wire Nut & Bolts , ACSR Conductor, Insulators (usable), Hardwares,cablesetc. 836 Within10 Kms. 837 Above 10 Kms. & upto 30 Kms. Add for each Km.or part thereof. 838 Above 30 Kms. Add for each Kms. or partthereof. 839 Fabricated lattice towers structures and sub-station structures type AB, AB beams, isolators, Line structures etc. 840 Within10 Kms. 841 Above 10 Kms. & upto 30 Kms. Add for each Km.or part thereof. 842 Above 30 Kms. Add for each Kms or part thereof. 843 Note:- 844 Since only theNigam employee is empowerd to work on live line / equipment,thus the Executive Engineer Shall ensure the following from the contractor while engaging Pvt. person (ITI Holder) for working on Live Line / Equipments:- 845 At the joining, the contractor should submit Accidental Insurance Cover in advance for One Year for the engaged person. 846 The contractor should submit age proof, copy of ITI Certificatefor the engaged person. 847 The contractor should submit proof of deduction of PF (if applicable) and deposition of same with PF departmentalong with bill otherwise submit exemption certificatefor the engaged person. 848 The person should submit work experience for live line work or should submit a certificate to be issued from Electrical Inspector for working on Live Line. 849 Identity Card with Photo for the deployed person should be issued by Circle SE and proper record of it should be maintain at circle level. 850 Monthly / Routine verification of the deployed person should be done by circle office. 851 Rates for providing and fixing M-seal (putty) compound on HT bushings of Distribution Transformers be also considered on the same rate terms and conditions as detailed above for 3-phase connections. 852 CHAPTER-16: MAINTENANCE OF 11/0.4KV SUB-STATION 853 General maintenance of distribution transformer as under:- 854 Cleaning of dust and oil scale deposits outside the body of transformer with detergent and water. 855 Tightening all nut and bolts. 856 Tightening of bushing rod from outside. 857 Replacement of jumpers and fixing connectors. 858 Checking and maintenace of breather and explosion. 859 Making of oil level with tested transformer oil. 860 Up to 40 KVA transformer 861 Above 40 KVA and Up to 100 KVA transformer 862 Above 100 KVA transformer up to 315 KVA 863 Above 315 KVA transformer up to 630 KVA 864 Above 630 KVA 865 Providing and replacement of damaged L.T. side bushing rod made of brass on the various size of distribution transformer as under: 866 25 to 160 KVA12 mm 867 200 to 315 KVA 20mm 868 abobe 315 KVA 30mm 869 Providing and replacement of damaged HT side bushing rod made of brass on the various size of distribution transformer as under: 870 25 to 750 KVA 871 Providing and replacement of damaged LT side porcelain bushingon the various size of distribution transformer as under: 872 25 to 160 KVA1.1 KV 250 Amp. 873 200 to 315 KVA1.1 KV 630 Amp. 874 abobe 315 KVA1.1 KV 1000 Amp. 875 Providing and replacement of damaged HT side Porcelain bushingon the various size of distribution transformer as under: 876 25 to 750 KVA 11 KV 250 Amp. 877 Providing and replacement of damaged rubberized cork gasket washer on bushing on thevarious size of distributiontransformeras under: 878 LT side 879 HT side 880 Providing and fixingsilica gel breather with coupling on thevarious size of distribution transformer,if not available as under. 881 Up to 160 KVA 882 More Then 160 KVA 883 Providing and replacement of damaged top cover tank rubberized cork gasket on thevarious size of distributiontransformeras under: 884 25 KVA 885 40 KVA 886 63 KVA 887 100 KVA 888 160 KVA 889 200 KVA 890 250 KVA 891 315 KVA 892 500 KVA 893 630KVA 894 750 KVA 895 Providing and replacement of defective drain valve made of gun metal on the various size of distributiontransformeras under: 896 1/4 897 1 898 Providing and fixing of L type connectors made of copper flat (size 50x6) having a size 9 suitable bend to connect on the LT side of the transformer and shouldhave at least 2 Nos.of hole to connect two no of LTCable. 899 Providing and filling of transformer oil top up in the transformer where the oil value are within permissible limits(Oil level should not be below the core of the transformer. 900 Providing and replacement of transformer oil in those transformer where the oil value are not within permissible limits. 901 Fresh oil as per IS:335 902 Buy back price of the oil taken out from the such transformer. 903 Rapairs and maintenance of 11 KV isolators including replacement ofdamaged post insulator G.O.jaws/blades, clamps and checking of operating mechanism with oiling /greasing for smooth operation. 904 Maintenace of 11 KV Horn gap fuse set including replacement of parts post insulator etc. 905 Replacement / fixing of complete 11 KV isolator /G.O.switch with all accessories including jumpers. 906 Replacement /fixingof 11 KV horn gap fuse set(3limbs) in place of damaged H.G.fuse set /D.O.fuse set includingmodification of the structure etc.. 907 Replacement/ fixing of 11 KV lightening arrestors including jumpers and earth connections. 908 Replacement of damaged distribution transformer by new / repaired transformer including making connections on HV and LV side body and neutral earthing& testing & commissionig of the transformer.The above work includes lifting of transformer from sub-divisional store and transportation upto site and also depositing damaged / removed transformer insub-divisional store. 909 Up to 40 KVA 910 Above 40 KVA and up to 100 KVA 911 Above 100 KVA and up to 315 KVA 912 Above 315 KVA and up to 630 KVA 913 Above 630KVA 914 Repair and maintenance of LT piller box,Knife switch etc. including replacement of damaged bus bars, fuse units,U contact and insulators etc. 915 Replacement of L.T.fuse board / I.C.T.P/MCB.switch with clamp including Clamping & making cable connections complete inall respect. 916 Measurement of load during peak hours on each phase on L.V side of distribution transformer on outgoing feeders. by clip on Ammeter/Tong tester. 917 To supply & replace burnt / damaged flexible PVC Wire, Lugs and Bakelite Sheet in M&P Box of different ratings of Three Phase & Single Phase transformers in Nigam store:-Note:- (Outgoingcables is also to be connected on the output terminals duly tightened &crimped properly for out going connections for which required cable shall be provided by Nigam.MCCB shall be provided by Nigam. 918 Three Phase Transformer:- 919 25 /40KVA (PVC Wire: 25 Sq.mm, Lugs: As per Drawing (Annexure-I) & Backalite Sheet) 920 10/16 KVA (PVC Wire: 16 Sq.mm, Lugs: As per Drawing (Annexure-I) & Backalite Sheet) 921 Single Phase Transformer:- 922 25 KVA (PVC Wire: 70 Sq.mm, Lugs: As per Drawing (Annexure-I) & Backalite Sheet) 923 16 KVA (PVC Wire: 35 Sq.mm, Lugs: As per Drawing (Annexure-I) & Backalite Sheet) 924 10 KVA (PVC Wire: 25 Sq.mm, Lugs: As per Drawing (Annexure-I) & Backalite Sheet) 925 5 KVA (PVC Wire: 10 Sq.mm, Lugs: As per Drawing (Annexure-I) & Backalite Sheet) 926 Spary painting on the surface with synthetic enamel paint (ICI Asian,Burger or equivalent make) to give an even shade (minimum two coats) with preparation of surface by rubbing applying primer coats of red oxide(minimum two coats) and putty etc.complete in all respect on M&P Boxes of Transformers .(including cost of paint & Red oxide) 927 Three Phase Transformer:- 928 10 KVA & 16 KVA 929 On new surface 930 On old surface 931 25 KVA & 40 KVA 932 On new surface 933 On old surface 934 Single Phase Transformer:- 935 5/10/16/25 KVA 936 On new surface 937 On old surface 938 NOTE:- 939 Rates are inclusive of paints brush ,sand paper spray gun and any scaffolding material,if required and also inclusive of cleaning ,stains ,smear splashing and dropping of every kind from such places and things/equipments. The quality of material supplied by the contractor be got checked and approoved by the Circle S.E. 940 To supply Iron Clits made of Flat size 90MMX90MMX3MM thick & weld it continiously, 2 Nos on each side (Total Six Nos) in case of Three Phase Transformer except bottom side of M&P Box in Nigam store. 941 To supply Iron Clits made of Flat size 90MMX90MMX3MM thick & weld it continiously, 1 No on each side (Total Three Nos) in case of Single Phase Transformer except bottom side of M&P Box in Nigam store. 942 To Supply and Install / Weld the Meter cover on Three Phase Transformer in Nigam store. 943 Rating: 10 KVA & 16 KVA 944 The cover shall be supplied with accessories ( Cover Size 650X550, Glass, Kabja, LED, Fabrication Charges, Paint, Shocker, Lock) along with Iron Clitsmade of Flat size 90MMX90MMX3MM thick (Clits should be welded continiously) 2 Nos on each side (Total Six Nos) except bottom side of M&P Box of Three Phase Transformer 945 Rating: 25 KVA & 40 KVA 946 The cover shall be supplied with accessories ( Cover Size 810X685, Glass, Kabja, LED, Fabrication Charges, Paint, Shocker, Lock) along with Iron Clitsmade of Flat size 90MMX90MMX3MM thick (Clits should be welded continiously) 2 Nos on each side (Total Six Nos) except bottom side of M&P Box of Three Phase Transformer 947 To Supply and Install / Weld the Meter cover on Single Phase Transformer in Nigam store. 948 Rating: 5 KVA / 10 KVA / 16 KVA / 25 KVA 949 The cover shall be supplied with accessories ( Cover Size 220X370, Glass, Kabja, LED, Fabrication Charges, Paint) along with Iron Clitsmade of Flat size 90MMX90MMX3MM thick (Clits should be welded continiously) 1 No on each side (Total Three Nos) except bottom side of M&P Box of Single Phase Transformer 950 Replacement of damaged distribution/pillar boxes duly painted Painting with priming coats or ready mixed red-oxide paint 2 coats of approved make on steel works after cleaning with wire brush / sand paper.(including cost of red oxide),Painting with aluminium paint of approved brand and manufacturer to give an even surface.(includingcost aluminium paint),Spary painting on old surface with synthetic enamel paint (ICI Asian,Burger or equivalent make) to give an even shade (minimum two coats) with preparation of surface by rubbing applying primer coats and putty etc.complete in all respect on steel works / equipments.(including cost of paint) 951 Cost of 18 gauge doors with installation & paint/sq.ft. 952 Cost of Hinges with installation /piece 953 Cost of Rivet(Kundah) with installation /piece 954 Preparation of spikes made of M.S.Rod of 20 MM dia and 3.0 Mtr. Long length as per design and reqiurement to be driven in earth by mechanical means and providing & fastening of suitable clamps with the M.S.Rod, connection of earth wire/stay wire/MS flat in clamp depending on soil.(refer clause 8.3.4) 955 Where drilling is not required. 956 Where drilling isequired. 957 Note: 958 The quality of material supplied by the contractor shall be got checked & approved by the circle SE. 959 CHAPTER-17: OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF 33/11 KV SUB-STATION 960 Incharge Assistant/Junior Engineer after necessary inspection testing& checking will identify the maintenance work which will be categorised as below: 961 Labour charges for over all inspection of sub-station with two transformer for job requiring works analysis and testing of dielectric strength of oil, insulation resistance value and earth resistivity etc. 962 Add for each power transformer. 963 Labour charges for opening the transformer tank top cover(if required to facilitate maintenance of transformer) after removing required accessories.Including all required T&P Up to 5 MVA transformer. 964 Preventing oil leakage by changing main gasket with material after removing cover. 965 Upto 1.6 MVA transformer 966 Above 1.6 MVA & upto 3.15 MVA transformer. 967 Above 3.15 MVA & upto 5 MVA transformer. 968 Change of HV/LV bushing gasket ring and rubber washers including supply of required material & draining /re-filling of oil as required. 969 (a) For additional HV/LV bushing work. 970 * This amount will not be payable incase the work of removing of Top cover gasket is also awarded in the same order. 971 Change of gaskets of valves/radiator / Buchhlozes Relay including cost of gaskets etc. 972 Valves/Buchhlozes Relay 973 Radiator Valves. 974 Providing & Fixing (including replacement) of HV/LV bushing ofreputed make& bushing rod of brass matel including cost of gasket & rubber rings .Gasket makes are TABROSS,TIGER, ZEBRA and any other reputed make. 975 HV Side 976 Upto 1.6 MVA transformer 977 Above 1.6 MVA & upto 3.15 MVA transformer. 978 Above 3.15 MVA & upto 5 MVA transformer. 979 LV Side 980 Upto 1.6 MVA transformer 981 Above 1.6 MVA & upto 3.15 MVA transformer. 982 Above 3.15 MVA & upto 5 MVA transformer. 983 Dehydration/Filteration and reconditioning of transformer oil (electricity shall be supplied by deptt.) as per norms and testing thereof in presence of sub-station Incharge. 984 Cleaning of oil scale deposits over the body and radiators of power transformer with thinner/detergent and de-rusting in perfect manner. 985 Upto 1.6 MVA transformer 986 Above 1.6 MVA & upto 3.15 MVA transformer. 987 Above 3.15 MVA & upto 5 MVA transformer. 988 Replacement of oil temperature indicator, Winding temperature indicator,silica gel container ,Presser relief device ,Magnetic oil level gauge,.Gas operated Buchhloz relay (including all required accessories.) 989 Oil temperature indicator 990 WindingTemperature indicator 991 Silica gel container 992 Presser relief device Make ATBUS 993 Magnetic oil level gauge.Make ATBUS 994 Gas operated Buchhloz relay( Double floating type make ATBUS) 995 Spray Painting of the power transformer from out side with two coats of synthetic enamel paint of required shade after cleaning the body and radiators with preparation of surface by rubbing & applying primer coats and putty etc. and making smooth surface with the fine emary cloth including required material and tools. 996 5 MVA Transformer 997 2.5MVA/3.15 MVA Transformer 998 1.6 MVA Transformer 999 Checking, tightening & replacement of jumpers, clamps connectors of bus bar including transformer & equipments of sub-station.Material to be provided by Nigam ,If required. 1000 33/11 KV S/S with 1 power transformer 1001 33/11 KV S/S with 2 power transformer 1002 33/11 KV S/S with 3 power transformer 1003 Replacement of damaged bus bar conductor including re-jumpering etc. 1004 Bus Bar with ACSR PANTHER 1005 Bus Bar with ACSR DOG/RACOON 1006 Replacement of damaged pin/post insulators including re-binding and jumpering etc. 1007 33 KV Pin/Post Insulator 1008 11 KV Pin/Post Insulator 1009 Replacement of damaged disc insulator with hardware, if required including jumpering etc. 1010 On 33 KV side 1011 On 11 KV side 1012 Replacement of damaged jumpers including fixing P.G. clamps, T clamps and connectors at both ends. Including proper tightaning of M.S. Nuts & Bolts. 1013 ACSR PANTHER 1014 ACSR DOG/RACOON 1015 Replacement of 33 KV/11 KV lightening arrestors including jumpering and earth connections etc. in all respect. 1016 33 KV L.A. 1017 11 KV L.A. 1018 Repair & maintenance of 33 KV/11 KV Isolator/ G.O. Switch for smooth operation including replacement of G.O. clamps, jaws, blades & post insulators etc. and checking of operating mechanism, oiling/greasing complete in all respect. 1019 33 KV Isolator/ G.O. Switch 1020 11 KV Isolator/ G.O. Switch 1021 Welding of fabricated MS Sheet box of 2 mm thickness for locking arrangement of power transformer valves to curb transformer oil having dimensions 1022 200x160x180 mm for filter valve of Power Transformer 1023 160x100x120 mm for conservator drain valve 1024 40x 50x40 mm for radiator air release cap 1025 60x 50x60 mm for conservator cap 1026 Removing of unwanted grass / small plants from the 33 / 11 KV Sub- Station 1027 From gravelled land / area 1028 From un- gravelled land / area 1029 Measurement of earth resistance :- 1030 By providing earth resistance tester by contractor. 1031 By providing earth resistance tester by Nigam. 1032 Carrying outfollowing activities at 33/11 KV S/s . The necessary material , T&P& safety devices required for maintenance shall be provided by Nigam. Applicable statuary deductions shall be made as per rules. 1033 Providing one skilled person (ITI holder) for shift duty (Per shift of 8 Hrs.) Note:- Engagement of Skilled person is subject to fulfilment of note conditions 1 to 4 given below the chapter. 1034 Providing 1 semi-skilled labour for shift duty (Per shift of 8 Hrs.) for assisting in performing the activities as below.Note:- Engagement of Semi-skilled person is subject to fulfilment of note conditions 1 & 3 given below the chapter. 1035 To ensure un interrupted power supply during Block hours on the feeders eminating from GSS as directed by AEN / JEN and to maintain porper Log Sheet 1036 To register ON / OFF timimgs of 33 KV feeders in the Log Sheet. 1037 To ensure the Breaker OFF Position , Isolation of 11 KV G.O. Switch & proper earthing by earthing chain before permitting the Shut Down of 33KV / 11 KV Feeders. 1038 Maintain the 33/11KV S/S like repairing the jumpers, change of faulty Disc / Pin Insulator, cleaning of Switch Yard, watering the earthing pits, cleaning& caring the equipments. 1039 Replacing the burnt Fuse during Single Phase & Three Phase supply. 1040 To record the tripping for the & type of fault occurred in any 33 KV / 11 KV feeder and give a try for restoring the supply, if the breaker does not hold i.e. feeder remain faulty then message should be immediately conveyed to the Line man of respective feeder and also toconcerned officer. 1041 If any defect has been observed in the installed equipments at the S/S, then message should be immediately conveyed to the concerned JEN / AEN 1042 Keeping watch & ward of Nigam material lying at the premisis of S/S. 1043 Properly hand over the shift to next shift duty staff indicating the position of all equipments / fedders. 1044 To Supply & Replace the damaged / defective parts of 33 KV G.O. switch(Proper shut down will be provided by Nigam). Rates are inclusive of material. 1045 33 KV G.O (800 Amps) 1046 Contacts / Jaws with Terminal Plate 1047 Centre Blade / Pipe 1048 Post Insulator (24 KV) 1049 PG Clamp 1050 To Supply & Replace the damaged / defective parts of 11 KV Roaster Switch (Proper shut down will be provided by Nigam).Rates are inclusive of material. 1051 Contacts / Jaws with Terminal Plate 1052 Centre Blade / Pipe 1053 Post Insulator (12 KV) 1054 PG Clamp 1055 NOTE : The Rates are inclusive of all applicable Taxes/ Duty except GST which will be paid extra by Nigam if applicable after production of documentary evidence. 1056 Note:- Since only theNigam employee is empowerd to work on live line / equipment,thus the Executive Engineer Shall ensure the following from the contractor while engaging Pvt. person (ITI Holder) for working on Live Line / Equipments:- 1057 1. At the joining, the contractor should submit Accidental Insurance Cover in advance for One Year for the engaged person. 1058 2. The contractor should submit age proof, copy of ITI Certificatefor the engaged person. 1059 3. The contractor should submit proof of deduction of PF (if applicable) and deposition of same with PF departmentalong with bill otherwise submit exemption certificatefor the engaged person. 1060 4. The person should submit work experience for live line work or should submit a certificate to be issued from Electrical Inspector for working on Live Line. 1061 5Identity Card with Photo for the deployed person should be issued by Circle SE and proper record of it should be maintain at circle level. 1062 6. Monthly / Routine verification of the deployed person should be done by circle office. 1063 7. The unit rates per day ( 8 hrs. of duty) and per month (26 days) shall be allowed as per minimum wages approved by Labour Deptt., Govt. of Rajasthan vide its notification dated 30.7.2021 w.e.f. 1.7.2020 1064 8.The GST applicable on payment to worker @18% shall be paid extra, if applicable on production of documentary evidence. 1065 9. The EPF contribution of employer @12% & ESI @3.25% on aforesaid minimum wages shall be paid extra on productionof documentary evidence for deposit of same. 1066 10.Any downward/upward variation in the EPF, ESI & GST rate if occurred during currency of contract then the effect of same be taken into account. If any revision in minimum wages is circulated by Govt. of Rajasthan during currency of contract, then the increased minimum wages be paid to contractor. 1067 11. The weekly rest shall be allowed as per norms. No worker shall remain on continuous duty more than 8 hrs in a day. 1068 CHAPTER-18: FENCING WORKS 1069 Providing and fixing 180 cm high fencing with angle iron post size 50x50x6mm placed at every 3 meters apart and 45cm in ground embedded in cement concrete 1:3:6 (30x30x60cm) corner and every 10th.post to the strutted with 50x50x6 mm angle iron provided with 6 horizontal lines and 2diagonals of G.I. barbed wirebetweentwopostfitted and fixed with G.I. Staples including each works in excavation etc. complete. 1070 Providing and fixing 150 cm high fencing with angle iron post size 50x50x6mm placed at every 3 meters apart and 45cm in ground embedded in cement concrete 1:3:6 (30x30x60cm) corner and every 10th post to the strutted with 50x50x6 mm angle iron provided with 6 horizontal lines and 2diagonals of G.I. barbed wirebetweentwopostfitted and fixed with G.I. Staples including each works in excavation etc. complete. 1071 Providing and fixing 120 cm high fencing with angle iron post size 50x50x6mm placed at every 3 meters apart and 45cm in ground embedded in cement concrete 1:3:6 (30x30x60cm) corner and every 10th.post to the strutted with 50x50x6 mm angle iron provided with 6 horizontal lines and 2diagonals of G.I. barbedwirebetweentwopostfitted and fixed with G.I. Staples including each works in excavation etc. complete. 1072 Structural steel work riveted, bolted or welded in built up sections, trusses and framed work, including cutting, hoisting (height upto 10 m) , fixing in position and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer all complete: (@ 70.00 per Kg 1073 Providing and fixing welded mesh/expanded metal mesh in frame work, flat iron beading 20x3mm including top cross laps inside and out sides elding, iron bolts, crews, clips etc. complete (excluding frame work) of size. 1074 Expended metal size 20-25 mm size 18SWG 1075 Welded mesh 50 mmx 25 mm x 2.1 mm 1076 Welded mesh 25 mmx 25 mm x 2.1 mm 1077 Welded mesh 50 mmx 50 mm x 2.1 mm. 1078 CHAPTER-19 (A): SUPPLY OF MATERIAL FOR KUTIR JYOTI /BPLCONNECTION IN RURAL AREA 1079 Supply of 1080 Surface type teak wood Board with varnish and entire treatment including fixing gutties etc.For installation of cut-outs holders and bulb and on-off switch. 1081 Size250x300mm 1082 240 volt kit kat fuse 5 amp.porcelain base with copper contact on existing Board including making connections etc.as required . MAKE:KENBAR/CROMPTON/GEC/PHILIPS. 1083 5 amp.porcelain base single pole tumber switch IS-3854 including making connection etc.as required make:-SK/555,RK/555,KINJAL,EMPERIOR. 1084 Brass batten/Angle/pendent holder any ISI approved make including making connections etc.as required. 1085 Bulb 40/60 watt make PHILIPS/BAJAJ/GEC. 1086 10 Amp. 240 Volts ISI mark MCB. 1087 CFL 14 WISI mark 1088 Supply with 4 Sq.mm. T/C XLPE armoured cable of aluminium conductor confirming to IS (latest amendment) procured as per specification of Nigam and approved vendor of Jaipur Discom. 1089 Supply of 2.5 mm2T/C XLPE armoured cable of aluminium conductor confirming to ISS (latest amendment) procured as per specification of Nigam and from the approved vendor of Jaipur Discom 1090 Supply of PVC insulated solid aluminum conductor cable 1.5sq.mm. singlecore 1100V. Grade (IS.694) of standard quality and approved Makes. 1091 Supply ofAngle 50x50x6 mm for supporting service line with nuts& bolts. (2 long) 1092 Supply of16 mm Dia MS Rod 2 Meter long along with GI. Wire 10SWG with nut& bolts. 1093 CHAPTER-19 (B) : TRANSPORTATION /ERECTION FOR KUTIR JYOTI / BPL CONNECTION IN RURAL AREA 1094 Transportation & Fixingof 1095 Surface type teak wood Board with varnish and entire treatment including fixing gutties etc.For installation of cut-outs holders and bulb and on-off switch. 1096 Size250x300mm 1097 240 volt kit kat fuse 5 amp.porcelain base with copper contact on existing Board including making connections etc.as required . MAKE:KENBAR/CROMPTON/GEC/PHILIPS. 1098 5 amp.porcelain base single pole tumber switch IS-3854 including making connection etc.as required make:-SK/555,RK/555,KINJAL,EMPERIOR. 1099 Brass batten/Angle/pendent holder any ISI approved make including making connections etc.as required. 1100 Fixing of 10 Amp. 240 Volts ISI mark MCB. 1101 Wiring service line from LT Pole to meter of the consumer with 4 Sq.mm. T/C XLPE armoured cable of aluminium conductor confirming to IS (latest amendment) procured as per specification of Nigam and approved vendor of Jaipur Discom duly clipped/hocked and insulating tape complete in all respect. 1102 Wiring service line from LT Pole to meter of the consumer with 2.5 Sq.mm. T/C XLPE armoured cable of aluminium conductor confirming to IS (latest amendment) procured as per specification of Nigam and approved vendor of Jaipur Discom duly clipped/hocked and insulating tape complete in all respect. 1103 Drawing PVC insulated solid aluminum conductor cable 1.5sq.mm. singlecore 1100V. Grade (IS.694) of standard quality and approved Makes duly clipped on wooden bottom. 1104 Fixing ofAngle 50x50x6 mm for supporting service line with nuts& bolts in cements Mortor. (2 long) 1105 Fixing of single phase meter box at the premises of existing/new consumerwith 4 Nos Anchor fastners of rust proof size M-6x50 mm on the wall as per the position of the holes already provided on the meter box. The meter box must be housed perfectly vertical/plumbline. 1106 Plastic Box 1107 Metal Box 1108 Fixing of single phase energy meter in meter box by providing machine screws making holes on backelite sheet as per requirement & also making connections at meter terminals and MCB using Thimbles(by crimping) including providing M-sealcompound inside meter box. The bakelite sheet must be fixed properly with Screws to restrict the movements vertically or horizontally. The meter is after making connections of service lines with distribution mains by licenced contractor only. The screws will be provided by contractor. Payment for lugs will be made extra @Rs.1.00 perwire for single phase connection if not available with JVVNL & provided by contractor. 1109 Note: Meter & Meter Box will be provided by JVVNL 1110 Earthing with 16 mm Dia MS Rod 2 Meter long and driven them into earth by mechanical means.The work including flattening oftop end of MS rod drilling a hole at flattened end and tightening of earth electrods I.e. G.I. Wire 10SWG with nut& bolts the other end will be connected to the earth terminal provided at meter board. 1111 Fixing of AC Static Energy meter 5-30 Amp. With LCD Display with moulded box (complete unit ) at the consumers premises with 4 No. Anchor Fasterners of rust proof size M-6X50 mm on the wall as per the position of the holes provided on the meter box.The meter box must be housed perfectly vertical/plumb line. 1112 NOTE:- The Rates are inclusive of all applicable Taxes/ Duty except GST which will be paid extra by Nigam if applicable after production of documentary evidence. 1113 CHAPTER - 20: ERECTION & COMMISSIONING OF CABLE 1114 Laying of 11 KV, XLPE, Cable (Aluminium conductor) underground as per relevant IS/JVVNL standards including excavation of 30 cm x 120 cm deep trench in Kaccha land 25 cm thick under layer of sand. A class beicks covering refilling soil in the remaining(Including fixing of G.I.Pipe of required size at both end with 3 Mtr projected above the ground surface & 0.3 Mtr. below ground level) 1115 a) 3x35 Sq mm to 3x185 Sq mm 1116 b) 3x240 Sq mm to 3x400 Sq mm 1117 Note:per meter shall be paid extra for excavation in Pakka Road. 1118 Laying of two (D/C) 11 KV, XLPE, Cable (Al. conductor) underground cable w/o overlapping as per relevant IS/JVVNL standards including excavation of 50 cm width x120 cm deep trench in Kaccha land, 25 cm thick under layer of sand. A class bricks or concrete block covering refilling soil in the remaining portion and providing/fixing cable route indicators at every 30Mtr.of cable and at every turn. 1119 a) 3x35 Sq mm to 3x185 Sq mm 1120 b) 3x240 Sq mm to 3x400 Sq mm 1121 Note: per mtr shall be paid extra for excavation in Pakka Road. 1122 Installation of cable termination / straight through joints on 11KV Aluminium conductor XLPE /PILCA Cable with outdoor/ indoor termination end and /or straight through joint including required excavation / remoral/ fixing / refixing/ testing etc. as required 1123 A) (I) Outdoor end terminal3x35 Sq mm to 3x185 Sq mm 1124 (ii) 3x240 Sq mm to 3x400 Sq mm 1125 B) (I) Indoor end terminal 3x35 Sq mm to 3x185 Sq mm 1126 (ii) 3x240 Sq mm to 3x400 Sq mm 1127 C) (I) Straight through joint 3x35 to 3x185 Sq mm 1128 (ii) 3x240 Sq mm to 3x400 Sq mm 1129 Laying of 33 KV XLPE Cable ( Aluminium Conductor ) underground as per relevant ISS / JVVNL standard including excavation of 30 cm width x120 cm deep trench in Kaccha land 25 cm thick under layer of sand.A class bricks or concrete block covering refilling soil in the remaining portion and providing/fixing cable route indicators at every 30Mtr.of cable and at every turn. 1130 A) 3x50 Sq mm to 3x185 Sq mm 1131 B) 3x240 Sq mm to 3x400 Sq mm 1132 Note:- Per mtr. Rate shall be paid extra for excavation of puccka road 1133 Laying of two ( D/C) 33KV, XLPE (Aluminium conductor) undrground cables w/o overlapping as per relevant IS/ JVVNL standard including excavation of 50 cm width x 120 cm deep trench in Kaccha land.25 cm thick under layer of sand.A class bricks or concrete block covering refilling soil in the remaining portion and providing/fixing cable route indicators at every 30Mtr.of cable and at every turn. 1134 A) 3x50 Sq mm to 3x185 Sq mm 1135 B) 3x 240 Sq mm to 3x400 Sq mm 1136 Note:- per meter shall be paid extra for excavation in Pakka Road. 1137 Intallation of 33 KV Cable (XLPE) termination / straight through joints ( Heat shrinkable type) as per manufacturers kit guidance and direction including preparation of cable and testing refilling etc as required (Including crimping of lugs) Including required excavation/ removal/ fixing/ reaffixing/ testing etc. as required. 1138 (I) Outdoor end terminal3x50 Sq mm to 3x185 Sq mm 1139 (ii) 3x240 Sqmm to 3x400 Sq mm 1140 (I) Indoor end termination 3x50 Sq mm to 3x185 Sq mm 1141 (ii) 3x240 Sq mm to 3x400 Sq mm 1142 (i) Straight through joint 3x50 Sq mm to 3x185 Sq mm 1143 (ii) 3x240 Sq mm to 3x400 Sq mm 1144 Note:- Rate shall be reduced by 20% for Push On typekit 1145 Laying of 33 KV & 11KV XLPE cable without Road cutting i.e. through burrowing machine VERMIER.(120 cm deep).Use of this technology must be restricted to the situation like:- 1146 (i) When the passages available for laying the proposed cable is totally a metal or cement concrete road. 1147 (ii) When the road cutting is not permitted by the local administration. 1148 A) 33/ 11 KV 3C x 300 Sq.mm cable 1149 B)33/ 11 KV below 3C x 300 Sq.mm cable 1150 C) LT 3.5 Core 95 Sq.mm and above 1151 When cable laying through manual trench less (Bogie). Use of this technology must be restricted to the situation like:- 1152 (i) When the passages available for laying the proposed cable is totally a metal or cement concrete road. 1153 (ii) When the road cutting is not permitted by the local administration. 1154 (i) 33/11 KV 3CX300 Sqmm. Cable 1155 (ii)33/11 KV below 3CX300 Sqmm. 1156 (iii) LT 3.5 core 95 Sqmm and above 1157 Laying of under ground LT XLPE cable including excavation of 30cmx120cm.deep trench in Kachh land and refilling by 25 cm thick layer of sand A class bricks covering refiling soil in the remaining portion. 1158 3.5 C x 300 sq. mm 1159 3.5 C x120-185 sq. mm 1160 4 C-25/50 sq. mm 1161 4 C-up to 16 sq. mm 1162 2C- up to 6 sq. mm 1163 Note:- Per mtr. Rate shall be paid extra for excavation of puccka road 1164 Under Ground Cable Fault locating Machine Charges (Per Fault) 1165 FOR HT CABLES 1166 For 33 KV/11 KVCable fault pin pointing (Within JCC) 1167 For 33 KV/11 KVCable fault pin pointing (Other than JCC) 1168 FOR LT CABLES 1169 Installation of cable termination / straight through joints on LT XLPE / PVC Insulated Cable with outdoor or straight through joint including required excavation / remoral/ fixing / refixing/ testing etc. as required 1170 Outdoor end terminal 3.5C / 4Cx50 Sq mm to 3.5C / 4Cx185 Sq mm 1171 3.5C / 4Cx240 Sq mm to 3.5C / 4Cx400 Sq mm 1172 Straight through joint 3.5C / 4Cx50 Sq mm to 3.5C / 4Cx185 Sq mm 1173 3.5C / 4Cx240 Sq mm to 3.5C / 4Cx400 Sq mm 1174 Installation of out door cable termination on 11 KV Aerial Bunched Cable including required removal / fixing / refixing/ testing etc. as required 1175 Outdoor end terminal 50 Sq mm to 95 Sq mm 1176 Installation of straight through joints on HT XLPE Insulated Cable withstraight through joint including required removal / fixing / refixing/ testing etc. as required. (Without excavation) 1177 For 11 KV:- 1178 Straight through joint 3x35 to 3x185 Sq mm 1179 3x240 Sq mm to 3x400 Sq mm 1180 For 33 KV:- 1181 Straight through joint 3x50 to 3x185 Sq mm 1182 3x240 Sq mm to 3x400 Sq mm 1183 For assisting in cable fault location detailed as belowby engaging the services of skilled person on cable fault locating machine. 1184 For Extra Loop (Ghera) to be provided near the pole on termination point and the length of cable along the pole for mounting of cable jointing kit. 1185 11 KV Cable:- 1186 3X35 Sq.mm to 3X185 Sq.mm 1187 3X240 Sq.mm to 3X400 Sq.mm 1188 33 KV Cable:- 1189 3X50 Sq.mm to 3X185 Sq.mm 1190 3X240 Sq.mm to 3X400 Sq.mm 1191 NOTE:- 1.The Rates are inclusive of all applicable Taxes/ Duty except GST which will be paid extra by Nigam if applicable after production of documentary evidence. 1192 2. If the Cable Jointing Kits of HT / LTare not available with Nigam, then the unit officer will obtain NAC from ACOS & the contractor will supply the same as per latest SIR plus 10% (profit) of approved vendors. 1193 CHAPTER-21: ERECTION AND COMMISSIONING OF CAPACITOR AND CAPACITOR BANK 1194 Installation of control panel including wiring to the required equipments and conducting all precommissioning tests before energization satisfactory operation in all respect existing thereof. 1195 Erection and assembly of capacitor bank, with RTV, Series Reactor on the structure as per approved drawing and installation,commssioning of capacitor units, SR & RTV on erected structure including connections and accessories, jumpering etc. as per approved drawing. 1196 Laying, testing, termination of control cable, 1100 Volt PVC installed supply and providing of ferrules and copper lugs to designate various cores of control cable by terminal numbers for identification including utilization of cable glands. The control cable should be neatly arranged in trenches avoiding crossings, including clamping of control cable in rubber battons at regular interval and providing identity tages. 1197 a)2x2.5 Sq.mm. X 6 Nos. 1198 b)4x4 Sq.mm. X 2 Nos. 1199 c)4x2.5 Sq.mm. X 1 No. 1200 d)12x2.25 Sq.mm. 1201 Fixing & commissioning of ISI mark capacitor at Distribution Transformer/LT Pole including bracket & clamp ( 25x25x2mm) of Angle & (35x6mm) flat with connecting on wire of 16 Sq.mm.3 core cable 2.5 meter with lugs & nut, bolt ,transportation at site 1202 6 KVAR 1203 9 KVAR 1204 12 KVAR 1205 Fixing of 3 phase LT shunt capacitor (3/6/9/12 KVAR) near starter of motor for agriculture consumers to be fixed with MS clamp of--Shape of size 2x10mm having two nos. holes for fixing of LT capacitors besides starter of consumer with the help of two no. machine screw. The starter shall be connected using PVC sheathed single core of 4 sq.mm Al. cable conforming to relevant IS. The wire shall be cut in three pieces which shall be used for extending existing wire with making proper joint and joint shall be taped with MS compound/PVC tape roll. The ends of wire shall be properly crimped with lugs /thimble etc.All material shall be supplied by the contractor except LT shunt capacitor (The LT shunt capacitor shall be supplied by Nigam) 1206 CHAPTER-22: LABOUR 1207 Distribution of Energy bills (DL, NDS, Street light SIP, mix load & Ag) 1208 Urban 1209 Rural 1210 Distribution of DC. Notices 1211 Urban 1212 Rural 1213 NOTICE: Contractor should take receipt from consumers with dated Signature for which book will be supplied by Nigam. 1214 Photo state copies, (Including paper, ink & operator).(If contractor install his m/c inside Nigams Premises free accomodation and free electricity will be provided by Nigam. 1215 (I) Size- A-4 Jaipur 1216 Size- A-4 Circle head quarters other than Jaipur. 1217 (2) Size A-5 Jaipur 1218 Size- A-5 Circle head quarters other than Jaipur. 1219 To take reading of Energy MeterInstalled at 11/ 0.4 KV or 6.35 / 0.23 KV Distribution Transformer at different locations using Ladder / Channel. The reading should be taken Manually. 1220 To verify reading of Energy MeterInstalled at 11/ 0.4 KV or 6.35 / 0.23 KV Distribution Transformer at different locations using Ladder / Channel. The reading should invariably be taken along with verification of load as well as condition of transformer should also be reported .Proof of reading be evinced with photograph (Camera will be provided byContractor), 1221 Disconnection / Reconnection:- 1222 From Pole:- 1223 From Meter:- 1224 Site survey for preparing the estimate along with details of connected connections with their load and preparation of single line diagram. 1225 Energy Meter reading 1226 Taking meter reading without photo 1227 Verification of meter reading with capturing photo of meter dial 1228 Identification numbering on support pole/ structure/ transformer/ other equipment/Warning instruction of availability of two sources ofsupply on same structure, at source structure, at cut points, properly labelled using yellow base and blackindication marks (number or digits) 40/50 mm height digits/ words should be used for this purpose. Base shall be made using 2 new or more coats of yellow enamel paint tillgood surface finish. Base painting and marking of digits should be performed by a skilled and trained painter using branded enamel paint.Engineer - lncharge shall approve type and brand of enamel paint. 1229 In urban area 1230 In rural area 1231 Hiring of Unskilled,Semi-Skilled & Skilled worker 1232 Rate of Hiring of Unskilled worker 1233 Rate of Hiring of Semi-Unskilled worker 1234 Rate of Hiring of Skilled worker 1235 Note:- 1236 1. If need be suitable workers may be hired on ARC with the permission of SE (O&M) concerned. 1237 2. The unit rates per day (8 Hrs of duty) and per month (26 days) shall be allowed as per Minimum wages approved by Labour Department, Govt of Rajasthan vide its notification dated 19.8.2020 w.e.f 1.7.2020. 1238 3. The GST applicable on payment to worker @ 18% shall be paid extra, if applicable on production of documentary evidences. 1239 4. The EPF contribution of employer @12% & ESI@3.25% on aforesaid rates of minimum wages shall be paid extra are applicable. 1240 5. Any downward/upward variation in the EPF, ESI & GST rate if occurred during currency of contract then the effect of same be taken into account. If any revision in minimum wages is circulated by Govt. of Rajasthan during currency of contract, then the increased minimum wages be paid to contractor. 1241 6. The field officer shall ensure that no worker remain on duty more than 60 days in a year. The weekly rest shall be allowed as per norms. No worker shall remain on continuous duty more than 8 hrs in a day. 1242 CHAPTER-23(B): HIRE CHARGES OF PLANTS AND MACHINERIES 1243 NOTE: Hire charges per day for 8 hours 1244 GENERATORS 63 KVA(With Fuel & Operator) 1245 Idle 1246 Stand by on NO load 1247 Rent 1248 Running Charges 1249 On Load 1250 Rent 1251 Running Charges 1252 Crane with driver and P.O.L(Per Hrs.) 1253 3 T 1254 18 T 1255 12 T 1256 20 T 1257 Note: The Rates are inclusive of all applicable Taxes/ Duty except GST which will be paid extra by Nigam if applicable after production of documentary evidence. 1258 CHAPTER-24: REPLACEMENT OF 11 KV CT PT SETS 1259 Safe Loading of new/old 11 KV CT PT sets (all sizes) 1260 Safe unloading of new /old 11 KV CT PT set (all sizes ) 1261 Installation , testing as per Nigams norms & commissioning of new 11KV CT PT set (all sizes) on erected supports including jumpering,crimping of lugs/ clamping earth connection of body &conducting pre commissioning test before energization and satisfactory operationin all respect 1262 Removal of damaged 11 KV CT PT Set from existing structures 1263 Replacement of defective / burnt33 KV or 11 KV CT/PT/CTPT Set (All sizes) at 33/11 KV S/S.It includes installation, testing, commissioning with jumpering ,crimpimg og lugs/clamping earth connection of body) 1264 33 KV or 11 KV CT/PT/ CTPT set 1265 33 KV CT/PT/ CTPT set 1266 Transportation of33 KV or 11 KV CT/PT/CTPT Set (All sizes)for replacement at 33/11 KV S/S along with their loading & unloading.. 1267 33 KV or 11 KV CT/PT/ CTPT set 1268 Within 10 Kms 1269 Above 10 Kms & upto 30 Kms .Add for each Km or part thereof 1270 Above 30 Kms . Add for each Kmor part thereof 1271 CHAPTER-25 (A) : SUPPLY OF MATERIAL OF HT METERING ON DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMER 1272 Supply of PVC ISI mark 1100 V 12x2.5 mm2 solid copper armoured control cable including lugs & fersules and laying of cable along the DP structure binding with wire at regular interval and making connections from CTPT secondary terminals to TTB. Including utilization of cable gland 1273 Supply of fabricated steel item of MS Channel/Angle/Flat. 1274 Supply of MS nuts & bolts 1275 Supply of meter box of size 525x300x150 mm made by deep drawn method from steel sheet of thickness 1.0 mm duly grey colour powder coated. The viewing window shall be provided with toughened glass of 5 mm thickness of size 120x140 mm. The cover of meter box shall be fixed on inside hinges. The cover shall be provided with neoprene rubber gasket lining fixed with adhessive. Backelite sheet of size 450x275x2 mm for mounting of HTTVM and TTB shall be provided. 4 nos. fixing clamps welded at top of rear face of the meter box of size 50x120x6 mm with 80 mm projection with a rectanguler slot of 17.5mmx50mm. 2 nos. clampsof 50x6mm alongwith nuts, bolts& washers should also provided for fixing the box on pole/joist. 2 nos. welded sealing bolts with nuts and washers should be provided for sealing the box . Onehole with matel gland for cable size of 12core 2.5 mm2 control cable should be provided in the center of bottom. The meter box should consist of one 3 phase 4 wire link type meter test termianl block of IMP/CAPITAL make rated for atleast 10 A with cover mounted in the box. Earthing arrangement should be provided one meter box. 1276 Note:- 1277 The Concerned Assistant Engineer will arrange the necessaryshut down for starting the work. The installed meter inside the meter box and metering equipments duly mounted on the mounting structure will be powered up by connecting load in the presence of Assistant Engineer (O&M). Since the work invloves higher A/C voltage level the contractor shall take fulcare regarding safety nors so as to avoid any accidental hazards. 1278 For the work under thischapterconductor, clamps & lugs for jumpring shall be provided by contractor for which payment shall be made as per latest store. 1279 CHAPTER-25 (B): TRANSPORTATION /ERECTION OF MATERIAL OF HT METERING ON DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMER 1280 Safe carriage of CT/PT set (all size) including loading and unloading from Nigam store to site 1281 (a) Within 10 Kms. 1282 (b) Above 10 Km upto 30 Km. Add for each Km. or part there off 1283 (c) Above 30 Km. Add for each Km. or part there off 1284 Installation, testing as per Nigam norms and commissioning of new CT/PT set on erected supports including jumpering wiring crimping of lugs clamping earth connection of body and conducting pre commissioning test before energisation and satisfactory operation in all respect. CTPT set shall be provided by Nigam from concern sub-div stores. 1285 Fixing of PVC ISI mark 1100 V 12x2.5 mm2 solid copper armoured control cable including lugs & fersules and laying of cable along the DP structure binding with wire at regular interval and making connections from CTPT secondary terminals to TTB. Including utilization of cable gland 1286 Transportation and Fixingof fabricated steel item of MS Channel/Angle/Flat. 1287 Transportation and Fixing MS nuts & bolts 1288 Transportation and Fixing of meter box of size 525x300x150 mm made by deep drawn method from steel sheet of thickness 1.0 mm duly grey colour powder coated. The viewing window shall be provided with toughened glass of 5 mm thickness of size 120x140 mm. The cover of meter box shall be fixed on inside hinges. The cover shall be provided with neoprene rubber gasket lining fixed with adhessive. Backelite sheet of size 450x275x2 mm for mounting of HTTVM and TTB shall be provided. 4 nos. fixing clamps welded at top of rear face of the meter box of size 50x120x6 mm with 80 mm projection with a rectanguler slot of 17.5mmx50mm. 2 nos. clampsof 50x6mm alongwith nuts, bolts& washers should also provided for fixing the box on pole/joist. 2 nos. welded sealing bolts with nuts and washers should be provided for sealing the box . Onehole with matel gland for cable size of 12core 2.5 mm2 control cable should be provided in the center of bottom. The meter box should consist of one 3 phase 4 wire link type meter test termianl block of IMP/CAPITAL make rated for atleast 10 A with cover mounted in the box. Earthing arrangement should be provided one meter box. 1289 Transportation and Installation of HTTVM in the meter box and making connection from TTB to HTTVM by 2.5 Sq. mm flexible ISI mark PVC wire (the flexible wire of length 2 Mtr. for each HTTVM & TTB connection is to be supplied by the contractor).HTTVM shall be provided by Nigam from concern stores. 1290 Note:-The Rates are inclusive of all applicable Taxes/ Duty except GST which will be paid extra by Nigam if applicable after production of documentary evidence.