Bids Are Invited For Toilet Cleaner Liquid (V2) conforming to IS 7983 (Q4) , knife blades (Q4) , Highlighter Pen (Q4) , Floor Cleaner (V2) (Q4) , File Folder Cover (V2) (Q4) , Squeegee Washer Wiper Mopper (V2) (Q4) , Air Freshener Liquid (Q4) , Box File (Q4) , Sketch Pen (V2) (Q4) , Black Lead Pencils (V2) as per IS 1375 (Q4) , Manual Pencil Sharpener (V2) (Q3) , Eraser (Q4) , Metric Steel Scales (V2) as per IS 1481 (Q4) , Metric Scales (Plastic) for General Purposes as per IS 1480 (Q4) , Stapler Pin / Staples (V2) (Q4) , Naphthalene (V2) as per IS 539 (Q4) , Transparent Tape (V2) (Q4) , Flexible transparent sheet (Q3) , Binder Clips (V2) (Q3) , Cleaning Duster (V2) (Q4) , Paper Adhesive, Liquid Gum and Office Paste Type as per IS 2257 (Rev) (Q3) , Rollerball Pen (V3) (Q4) , Ink Refills (V2) (Q4) , Tags for Files (V2) as per IS 8499 (Q4) , Permanent Marker Pen (Q4) , Clips, Paper as per IS 5650 (Q4) , Polypropylene Sutli (Q3) , Glue Stick (V2) (Q4) , Poker or AWL as per IS 10375 (Q4) , pin cushions (Q4) , Paper weights (Q4) , Self Adhesive Flags (V2) (Q4) , Sticky Notepad (Q3) , stamp pads (Q4) , Stamp - Pad Ink as per IS 393 (Q4) , Pins, Paper, Straight as per IS 5653 (Q4) , Register (V2) (Q4) , Round Head Fasteners - Drawing Board Pin as per IS 5205 (Q3) , Markers for White Board (V2) (Q4) , scissors (Q4) , Desktop Calculator - Electronics (Q4) , Staplers (V2) (Q3) , Correspondence Envelopes (V2) (Q4) , mosquito repellant cream spray and lotion (Q4) , File Board (Q4) , Desk Pads - Writing (V2) (Q4) Total Quantity : 2167