
Tender For 2000164261-Serv-Scaffolding Serv Include Mat. Cy25, vizianagaram-Andhra Pradesh

Arcelor Mittal Nippon Steel India Limited has published Tender For 2000164261-Serv-Scaffolding Serv Include Mat. Cy25. Submission Date for this Tender is 16-02-2025. Scaffolding Tenders in vizianagaram Andhra Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For 2000164261-Serv-Scaffolding Serv Include Mat. Cy25
Open Tender
Andhra Pradesh

Tender Details

Tender For 2000164261-Serv-Scaffolding Serv Include Mat. Cy25 2000164261 10 10 30 MOBILISATION AND DEMOBILIZATION 1 LO 20 MANPOWER CHARGES FOR SCAFFOLDING 8 MON 50 OVER TIME hours for SKILLED 4,160 STD 10 SCAFFOLDING MATERIAL RENTAL 8 MON 40 OVER TIME Hours For High Skilled 520 STD 60 LUMPSUM SCAFFOLDING WORK AND PIPING 8 LO Email : yogeshwara.rao@amns.in Contact : Name : Gaddam Yogeshwara Rao Item Details : 1. Specification: i) Deployment of 9 number High skilled and skilled manpower for carrying out scaffolding activity in AM/NS pellets Vizag. ii) Deployed persons are to be stationed at Vizag for carrying out continuous scaffolding activity in the plant. iii) Skilled manpower deployment of at least 8 number scaffolders. iv) One supervisor or High skilled person is required to be to monitor and supervise the scaffolding activities. v) If required, during major annual shutdown it is necessary to deploy additional Team between 7-14 for carrying out activities simultaneously for a period of 10-20 Days in plant to carry out the activities round the clock. vi) The vendor shall arrange necessary tools <(>&<)> tackles for carrying out the necessary scaffolding erection and dismantling. 2. Scope: a) The scaffolding or staging requirement shall be informed by the Engineer In charge at least 2-4 Hours prior. (Cuplock scaffolding) b) The vendor shall arrange the necessary skilled base manpower to complete the scaffold or staging at multiple locations simultaneously (if required) with in the desired time mentioned by the engineer in-charge. c) The area Shall be barricaded, and barricading rope shall be provided before the commencement of Job. After the necessary work permit issue by AM/NS Engineer In charge the work shall be started and completed within the stipulated time and shall ensure all the usage of all the PPE at workplace and any deviation of the same penalty as per the terms shall be levied. d) The vendor shall follow the necessary AMNS FPS guidelines and follow the relevant checklist and follow Scaff tag system. e) Arrangement of tools and tackles (Under Vendor Scope). f) Arrangement of Scaffolding pipes and Scaffold Clamps, toe guards, planks, ladders, jack screw are in vendor scope. g) The scaffolding/staging activity is to be carried out on equipment, areas such as double deck roller feeder system, process fan areas, inside the furnace, outside the furnace, process ducts, on various equipment if required, for bins, for conveyor galleries, pipe rack and various other locations wherever required. h) The staging or erection shall be from a height of 1.5 meter to height of 30 meters. 3. Schedule of Rates (SOR): S. No Description Qty** Unit Rate / Unit Total 1 Scaffolding Rental Charges (30 Tons) 1 Mon 2 Manpower Charges for ScaffoldingSupply of Manpower (1 supervisor+8 scaffolders) 1 MON 3 Mobilization <(>&<)> Demobilization chargesMaterial-30TON 1 LOT 4 Miscellaneous/Management Charges/Manpower Mobilisation/Insurance (This includes PPE, tools, accommodation, health cost, insurance, labour license, mob <(>&<)> demob cost for manpower) 1 MON 5 Supervisor OT Rate 1 HR 6 Scaffolder OT rate 1 HR For a period of 8months. 4. Important Terms: a. The Contractor shall supply at the appropriate time equipment, manpower <(>&<)> supervision. b. All tools <(>&<)> tackles, manpower for completion of jobs in all respect shall be in Contractor scope. c. Adequate manpower consisting of skilled <(>&<)> appropriate labour in Page 2 of 2 ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel India Limited AM/NS PELLETS VIZAG Near Flyover, Scindia Road,Visakhapatnam,530004,Andhra Pradesh,India GSTIN 37AAACE1741P1ZG PAN AAACE1741P CIN U27100GJ1976FLC013787 Request for Quotation Number 6000128577 Date 06.02.2025 Submission Date 16.02.2025 Coll Req No AMNS deals with OEMs directly. We are very well equipped in every way to import / buy our goods directly from OEMs from any part of the world in a professional manner. We also use the vast global networks of our parent companies where necessary. We do not welcome any contact from intermediaries or Indian Agents of vendors. We assure all OEMs that you do not need to engage anyone to manage your transactions with us.Kindly respond to our RFQs and deal with our officials directly without involving any agents or intermediaries. Offers of vendors who insist on involving intermediaries in dealings with us could be disqualified. Contact for this RFQ null Sravan Lanka Contact Email sravan.lanka@ext.amns.in MATERIALS / SERVICES Please acknowledge receipt of the RFQ And provide your best quote for below given RFQ details. SR. No PR No. PR Item RFQ Item Services for line Item Quantity UOM Technical Details Other Details various trades and qualified supervisors. d. All safety PPE’s such as safety hand gloves, safety belts, hard hats, goggles, shoes, boiler suit, etc. e. All the material required for erection of scaffolding is in vendor Scope and vendor based on the usage for 6 months shall maintain at least 30 TON of scaffolding materials along with accessories as inventory at AMNS. Necessary storage yard or place shall be provided to the vendor to accommodate the material. f. All workmen to undergo safety training and necessary medical tests/Vertigo test before commencement of job. g. Highest standard of housekeeping must be maintained at the Workplace allotted to contractor. h. The contractor must adhere to the guidelines of AMNS, FPS standards for working at height and scaffolding and adhere to the below checklist described in s.no 05(Annexures). Once the acceptance is provided by the Engineer in charge, then only the scaffolding record sheet of application to be maintained. i. The agency should have more than 10-20 years of experience in scaffolding services in steel, cement, construction industries, oil rigs, wind turbines or any similar industry scope. j. Team members of the agency are to be certified by STI (Scaffolding Training Institute) or any pioneer institutes and necessary competency certificates is to be shared by the agency before bidding. k. Working Team who are being deployed to undertake the job are to necessarily be certified before deployed at site. Necessary relevant reports are certificates to be submitted. l. The Agency should have necessary facilities, advanced Engineering Tools to facilitate the load calculation, optimization of the s caffolding execution if necessary. m. Bidders Should have good track record on safety. n. All the scaffolding materials are to be assessed for fit to use by the Director of Factories authorized Competent person of Andhra Pradesh once in a year. o. Also the Vendor should have internal mechanism to assess the Scaffolding material for fit to use once in every quarter and nec essary records are to be maintained and furnished once requested by the Engineer-In charge. Find the checklists to be maintained PART A <(>&<)> Part-2 6: List of Items Minimum to be maintained by the Vendor: Material Inventory between 25Tons-30 Tons to be maintained to carry out scaffolding works. 1. Vertical 1.0 m C/w Spigot Cup lock galvanised 2. Cup lock vertical 1.5m 3. Vertical 1.5m Cup lock Galvanized 4. Vertical 2.0m Cup lock Galvanized 5. Vertical 3.0m Cup lock Galvanized 6. Horizontal 0.6m, 1.0m, 1.3m, 1.5m, 1.8m, 1.8m, 2.5m Cup lock Galvanized 7. Hooked steel Board 0.6m, 0.9m, 1.3m, 1.8m, 2.5m Galvanized 8. Cup lock steel batten 1.3m,1.8m,2.5m. 9. Cup lock toe boards of various sizes 10. galvanized tubes 11. Swivel couplers 12. Steel ladders various sizes 13. Diagonal bracings various sizes cuplock or adjustable. 14. Jacks with base plates -screwed 15. Plain base plates. 16. And any other accessories if required to be maintained.

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