Supply Of Plant Material Supply Of Plant Material Invited Vide Fresh E Nit No 01 Of 2025 Dated 07/02/2025 , Name Of Plant Material , Abelia Grandiflora, 18 Inch With Polybags , Albizia, 2 Feet , Aucuba Japonica, 2 Feet , Berberis, 18 Inch With Polybags , Butia Capitata 2X2.5 , Begonia Rose Creeper, 2 Feet , Buddleia, , Bunksia Creeper, 2 Feet , Buxus Sempervirens, 18 Inch , Cedrus Deodara, 2 Feet , Cherry Laurel, 18 Inch , Clematis ( Different Colours ) 18 Inch , Crataegus/Ring, 4 Feet , Cryptomeria, , Cupressus Torulosa, 3 Feet , Cypress Sempervirens (Italian), 3 Feet , English Lilac, 2 Feet , Euonymus Fortunei, Upto 1 Feet , Euonymus Aureo Variegata, Upto 1 Feet , Euonymus Microphylla, 10 Inch (Bushy) , Flowering Apple (Ornamental), 3 Feet , Flowering Apricot (Ornamental) , 4 Feet , Flowering Cherry (Ornamental) , 3 Feet , Ornamental Plum , 5 Feet , Flowering Cypress, 2 Feet , Flowering Peach , 5 Feet , Ginkgo Biloba, 2 Feet , Golden Cypress, 2 Feet Bushy , Golden Privet, 2 Feet , Green Laural, 2 Feet , Green Oak, 4 Feet , Guelder Rose, 2 Feet , Hibiscus (Rosa Sinensis) , Himalayan Cherry, 2 Feet , Honeysuckle, 2 Feet , Hydrangea, 2 Feet , Hypericum Pendulum, 2 Feet , Japanese Quince, 2 Feet , Jasminum Humile, , Judas, , Juniperus Erecta, 3 Feet , Kerria Japonica, 3 Feet , Laburnum, 3 Feet , Lagerstroemia, 3 Feet , Laurus Nobilis, 1 Feet , Lonicera Nitida, 18 Inch , Loropetalum(3 Ft. Branched) , Loquat, 3 Feet , Magnolia Grandiflora, 3 Feet , Magnolia Liliiflora, 3 Feet , Magnolia Stellata, 3 Feet , Magnolia Soulangeana, 3 Feet , Maple Green,3 Feet , Maple Summer Gold 2-2.5 Feet , Coral Bark Maple 2-2.5 Feet , Maple Ariadna 2.5-3 Feet , Maple Butterfly 2-2.5 Feet , Maple Red, 3 Feet , Melia, 4 Feet , Miniature Roses, 6 Inch Bushy With Polybags , Mahonia Japonica , Myrtle 18 Inch With Polybags , Nandina Domestice, 18 Inch , Nerium Oleander Indicum (Diff.Colour) 2 Feet , Ornamental Pomegranate, 18 Inch With Polybags , Chamaerops Humils , Passion Flower, 4 Feet , Persian Lilac, 3 Feet , Osmanthus Fragrance (2 Ft.Branched) , Pomegranate Nana, 18 Inch With Polybags , Herbaceous Peony , Wood Peony, 2 Feet , Rose Creeper, 18 Inch With Polybags , Rose Ht, 12 Inch (2-3 Branched) , Sophora Japonica, 3 Feet , Spirea Prunifolia, 3 Feet , Spirea Rose, 2 Feet With Polybags , Spirea Vanhouttei, 2 Feet , Standard Rose (Budded), 3 Feet , Wintersweet, 2 Feet , Weigela , Silver Pine 2 Feet , Black Pine 3 Feet , London Pine Feet , Thuja Compacta 2 Feet , Variegated Elder, 3 Feet , Wisteria, 2 Feet , Azalea, 18 Inch With Polybags , Camellia, 3 Feet , Bottle Brush , 3 Feet , Euonymus Alatus (Burning Bush) 2 Feet , Campsis Grandiflora, , Christmas Rose, 8 Inch With Polybags , Arizene Cypress (Blue Moon) 3 Feet , Thai Cypress 2-3 Bushy , Golden Thuja 2-3 Bushy , Dwarf Lagerstroemia 3 Bushy , Virginia Creeper (18 Inch) With Polybags , Gold Crest (Lemon Cypress) 2 Feet , Magnolia Flex Jury 1 Feet Bushy , Fritllaria Imperialis 6-8 Cm , Cuphea Hyssopifilia (Fasle Heather) 9 Inches , Codiaeum Variegatum (Garden Crotom) 1-2 Feet Bushy , Sedum Rubrotinctum (Jelly Bean Plant) 5-6 Inches , Cylamen Plants (Bushy,Well Developed) , Cut Flower Rose Plants (Rooted) , Top Secret (Red) , Avalanche (White) , Revival (Pink) , Golden Shine (Yellow) , Taj Mahal , Grand Gala , Gerbera Plants (Rooted) , Elite (Red) , Natan (Pink) , Natasha (Yellow) , Morelia (White) , Dusty , Flamingo , Valentine , Pascal , North Star , Standard Chrysanthemum (Rooted More Than Two Branches) , Arctic Queen , Dark Feeling Green , Sonar Bangla , Pina Colada , Mountainer , Yellow Star , Purnima , Snowball , Tata Century , Spray Chrysanthemum (Rooted More Than Three Branches) , Birbal Sahani , White Bouquet , Discovery , Kundan , Ajay , Nanako , Gladiolus Corms , Spic And Span , Nova Lux , White Prosperity , Jaksonvillegold , Snow Princess , Asiatic Lilybulbs (Size 14/16 Inch) , Connecticut King , Gran Paradiso , Pollyanna , Elite (Red) , Novocento , Vivaldi , Oriental Lily Bulbs (Size 14/16 Inch) , Stargazer Pink , Kyoto , Olympic Star , Berlin , Stargazer White , Acapulco , Berlin , Casablanca , Lilybulbs (L/A Hybrid 14/16 Inch) , Royal Parade , Moneymaker , Sanjose , Bulbous Peony , White , Yellow , Red , Cana Bulbs , Red Leaves , Green Leaves , Variegated Leaves , Red Flowers , Yellow Flowers , Zantedeschia (Calla Lilly) , Golden Calla Lilly , Calfornia Red , Edge Of Night (Purple) , Fire Glow , Captain Safari , Pink Rehmanni , Agapanthus Lilly Bulbs (14/16) , Braided Iris Bulbs , Hosta Lilly Bulbs (Varigated , Daffodil Bulbs (14/16) , Pot Plants , Araucaria ( 2-3 Feet Bushy ) , Schefflera ( 1 Feet, Branched) , Money Plantpothos ( Bushy & Branched ) , Alo Vera ( 6 Inch Branched) , Areca Palm ( 3 Feet Bushy ) , Fatsia ( 1 Feet, Bushy ) , Monstera ( 1 Feet, Branched ) , Ficus Benjamina ( 3 Feet, Branched ) , Ficus Elastica ( 3 Feet, Branched ) , Rex Begonia ( Bushy ) , Cycas Palm ( 2 Feet Bushy ) , Phoenixpalm ( 2 Feet Bushy ) , Fuchsia ( 1 Feet Branched ) , Asparagus ( 1 Feet Bushy ) , Beloperone ( 1 Feet Bushy ) , Dracena ( 1 Feet Bushy ) , Angel Wing Begonia 10 Inches , Mammilaria Elongata 5 Inches , Jacobae Amaritime (Silver Ragwort) 5-6 Inches , Aspidistra Eletion (Cast Iron Plant) 1 Feet , Aloe Arborescens (Krantzaloe) 7-8 Inches , Lace Aloe (Aristaloe Aristata) 7-8 Inches , Pachyphytum Oviferum (Moon Stone) 7-8 Inches , Curio Radicans (String Of Bananas) 7-8 Inches , Iris Japonica 5-6 Inches , Ficus Lyrate (Fiddle-Leaffig) 3 Layered , Canvallaria Majalis (Lilly Of Valley) 2-3 Layers , Hylotelephium Spectabila ( Stone Crop) 6 Inches , Masembryanthemum Coradifolium (Babyson Rose Plant) 8-10 , Lucky Bamboo (Dracenea Samderiana) 3 Layered , Gold Dust Croton 10-15 Cm , Dracena Reflexa (Song Of India) 1 Ft. , Echeviria 5-6 Inches , Amarylis 10-12 Cm , Chinese Hibiscus 02 Feet , Philadephus Coronarius02 Feet , Lemonium (Sea Levinder) 7-8 Inches , Montbretia (Copper Tips) 5-6 Inches , Deutzia 01 Feet , Aguaga (Bugglewed) 5-6 Inches , Cladium 1 Feet , Rafter Palm 3 Feet , Hibiscua Peony Clumps 04-May , Frenkia Lilly 18/20 , Hyacinth Bulbs 14/18 , Amarythis Lilly 24/34 , Ranunculus 2-4 Cm , Hanging Geranium (Bushy Flower Bearing) , Tuberous Begonia , Abutilon , Crotons(1-2 Ft Bushy Healthy) , Diffenbechia (2-3 Ft. Healthy Leaves) , Aglonema (2-3 Ft. Healthy Leaves)