Tender For Running Contract For Electrical Works In Town Pudukkottai Sub- Division/Pudukkottai Division In Pudukkottai Edc.; 1 TOWNPUDUKKOTTAI RUNNING CONTRACT 2 EXCAVATION OF POLE PITS / Stay Set: 3 For pole upto 8.00m length by using JCB/Manual 4 For pole above 8.00m length by using JCB/Manual 5 In Hard Soil (common to all size of poles) 6 In rocky area (common to all size of poles) by blasting / Manual 7 Excavation of Stay pit of 4.5 to 5 depth using JCB / Manual 8 Excavation of Stay pit in Hard rock soil 9 ERECTION OF POLES AND ACCESSORIES 10 Erection of RCC, REC, PSC poles upto 8.00m length by using Crane / Manual 11 Erection of RCC, REC, PSC poles above 8.00m length by using Crane / Manual 12 Erection of metal supports above 9m / RSJ / Rail Pole/Tubular Poles 13 Erection of stay set complete with fixing up stay wire Eye, Bow, Guy Shackle, Binding etc. 14 Erection of additional Stay in the same stay rod, excluding excavation of stay pit and burial of stay rod. 15 Erection of stay set complete in the rock area by blasting 16 Fixing of Line Materials 17 V cross arm 3.5feet 18 V cross arm4.5 feet 19 V cross arm5.0 feet 20 Fixing of LT S phase cross arm 21 Fixing of LT 3 phase cross arm 22 Fixing of HT / LT Ti fitting 23 Fixing of HT PIN insulator with Pin 11 kv 24 Fixing of HT PIN insulator with Pin 22 kv 25 Fixing of HT PIN insulator with Pin 33 kv 26 Fixing of LT PIN insulator 27 Fixing of HT strain disc 11 KV 28 Fixing of HT strain disc 22 KV 29 Fixing of HT strain disc 33 KV 30 Fixing of Two Tapping cross arm per cut point upto 33 KV line including fixing of Discs,insulators and Jumpering etc.. 31 Set right of all sizes of leaning poles 32 Fixing of shackle 33 Fixing of Aluminium knob 34 Fixing of HT LAS (3 Nos.) 35 Fixing of LT LAS (3 Nos.) 36 Fixing of Tapping Channel X Arm 37 STRINGING OF CONDUCTORS: 38 Paving and stringing of conductors of sizes upto 7/2.59 mm ACSR or other equivalent conductor 39 Paving and stringing of conductors ofabove7/2.59 mm ACSR or other equivalent conductor upto 7/3.35mm ACSR or other equivalent conductor 40 Paving and stringing of conductors of one run of PVC cable line of all sizes with GI wire and reel insulator. 41 Paving and stringing of conductors of7/4.09mm ACSR or other equivalent conductor 42 Paving and stringing of conductors of7/4.72 mm Dog Conductor or other equivalent conductor 43 Releasing and reerection (resagging) of one run of all sizes of conductor 44 ERECTION OF DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS: 45 Erection of Distribution Transformer structure complete as per TNEB standard including painting, feeders arrangrment, colour washing of RCC poles etc.. Fixing of poles type to be unit HT / LT LAS and jumpering 3 Nos Earth pits with earth trough except erection of Distribution Transformer. (Data as per Annexure II) 46 Erection of Distribution Transformer including loading of Distribution Transformer at stores and erection at structure or vice versa. 47 (i) Upto 25 KVA Distribution transformer / Metering set. 48 (ii) Above 25 KVA to 100 KVA 49 (iii) Above 100 KVA to 250 KVA 50 (iv) 500 KVA and above 51 (V) Failed DT replacement below 100 KVA 52 (vi) Failed DT replacement 100 KVA and above 53 Erection of 11 KV single pole Structure including erection of DT complete without centre support (Data as per Annexure III) 54 Erection of 11 KV Single Pole structure including erection of DT complete with centre support ( Data as per Annexure III) 55 ERECTION OF DP STRUCTURE: 56 Erection of DP structure with stay as per TNEB standard including fixing of top channel, cross bracing, concreting, painting, colour washing etc., (Data as per Annexure I) 57 (i) With 11 KV AB switch using all types of poles of size 9.14 m and above length 58 (i) With 22 / 33 KV AB switch using all types of poles of size 9.14 m and above length 59 Erection of single pole DP with completeand with single earth 60 CONCRETING WORKS: 61 Concreting with 1:4:8 mix using 40 mm Jelly including curing(Material + labour) 62 (i) Mass concreting of poles 63 (ii) Sleeveconcreting 64 (iii) Stay concreting 65 EARTHING: 66 (i) Earthing of poles with GI wires 4 or 6 SWG by coil earthing 67 (ii) Provision of spike including earthing arrangement 68 (iii) Pipie earthing including excavation of earth pit and fixing earth pipe 3 m length 69 (iv) Replacing the corroded earth pipes of transformer structure and replacing the earth wire completely with aluminium lugs for termination 70 (v) Replacement of corroded earth pipe 71 LOADING AND UNLOADING CHARGES: 72 Loading or unloading of Distribution Transformer 73 (i) Upto 100 KVA 74 (ii) Above 100 KVA and upto 500 KVA 75 (iii) Metering set of all ratios 76 Loading or unloading of various sizes of poles 77 (i) REC, RCC, PSC pole upto 8.00 m length 78 (ii) All REC, RCC pole above 8.00 m length 79 (iii) Metal poles all sizes 80 Loading of Conductor 81 Unloading of Conductor 82 Loading / Unloading of Iron & Steel 83 Loading / Unloading of Oil 84 Loading / Unloading of line materials 85 Loading / Unloading of 11 KV strain disc 86 Loading / Unloading of LT Pin insulator shackle, guy shackle, LT Pin, Metal parts, HT pin etc., 87 Loading / Unloading of meters 88 (i) Single Phase Meter 89 (ii) Three Phase Meter 90 Guarding Arrangement 91 Provision of guarding with two numbers earth pits excluding stay set erection 92 (i) Flat guarding with earth pit 93 (ii) Split neutral 94 TRANSPORTATION CHARGES: 95 Transportation of all types and sizes of poles and other associated materials from Road side to pole pit and vice versa upto 0.50 KM 96 Transportation of all type of poles by bullock cart or other vehicle (for all sizes of poles including loading and unloading) 97 (i) For a lead upto 5 KM 98 (ii) Above 5 KM of lead of every KM 99 Transport of Metal pole of all sizes by head loads in hill areas from road side to pole pit location 100 (i) Upto 1 KM 101 (ii) Above 1 KM per each KM 102 Transporting of conductors of all sizes from road side to pit locations upto one KM of Conductor 103 (i) Transporting of Distribution Transformer / Line materials from stores to office / site upto 10 KM distance by engaging 1 Ton capacity Minidor (Lorry) 104 (ii) Above 10 KM 105 Dismantling Charges 106 Dismantling of RCC, REC, PSC & metal pole of all sizes including the closing of the pit 107 For breaking the mass concrete of all supports 108 Dismantling of stay set complete 109 (i) including stay rod 110 (ii) Without stay rod 111 Dismantling of conductor ofupto 7/3.35 including transporting the conductors to the nearest road side and stocking in coils 112 Dismantling of conductor ofabove 7/3.35 including transporting the conductors to the nearest road side and stocking in coils 113 Dismantling of Transformer structure materials complete set and transporting the same from the location to the road side 114 Dismantling of Cross arm clamps TI fitting hardwares, insulators etc., 115 PAINTING: 116 Painting of distribution transformer of all capacities (paint to be supplied by the Board) including cleaning of DT 117 Numbering of poles including base painting and with cost of paint 118 Painting of iron poles up to 36 ft length with double coats including cost of paint 119 Painting of iron poles up to 40 ft 200/100 length with double coats including cost of paint 120 Painting of Cement poles by Distember coating including cost of distember 121 Painting of structure materials distribution transformers with aluminium paint of structure poles and writing of transformer details (Items 1 to 6 brush to be owned by the contractor)(Paint to be supplied by Department) 122 Service Connection Details painting 123 WORKSHOP CHARGES: 124 Manufacturing / Altering of Clamps 125 Drilling of holes in the structure materials clamps etc., 126 GENERAL: 127 Numbering of Poles including cost of paint 128 Painting of RCCpoles Including cost of distember 129 Clearing of tree braches of coconut trees 130 Clearing of tree braches of Neem, Tamarin, Country etc 131 Leveling of Ground using Bul Dozer 132 Clearing of Branches / Trees with JCB 133 Fencing of Distribution Transformer Structure at Road side- Fabrication and Erection.(including all materials) 134 LAYING OF HT CABLE 135 Excavation of cable trench 0.6 meters width and 1.2 meters depth including cost of providing sign boards, danger lights, indication arrangements lead, lift, labour and tools and plants etc., - Normal Road 136 Excavation of cable trench 0.6 meters width and 1.2 meters depth including cost of providing sign boards, danger lights, indication arrangements lead, lift, labour and tools and plants etc., - Tar Road 137 Excavation of cable trench 0.6 meters width and 1.2 meters depth including cost of providing sign boards, danger lights, indication arrangements lead, lift, labour and tools and plants etc.,-Concrete Road 138 Loading and unloading of HT Cable including coiling and recoiling 139 Transporting of 11 KV HT cable from departmental stores to work spot by engaging private vehicle upto 5 Km 140 Transporting of 11 KV HT cable from departmental stores to work spot by engaging private vehicle above 5 Km 141 Laying of 11KV 3 X 300 sq mm XLPE cable 142 Laying of 11KV 3 X 120 sq mm XLPE cable 143 Covering HT cable by cement V trough after covering the cable with good loose earth including loading, unloading and transport from stores to site and letter painting of feeding details & Cable size onthe trough 144 Refilling with excavated earth layers well consolidated as per std specification including all materials, lead, lift etc., complete. 145 Transport back any balance cable, empty drums and other materials if any by engaging private vehicle including recoiling, coiling and loading and unloading at both sides from workspot to departmental stores (minimum 2 drums) upto 5 Km 146 Transport back any balance cable, empty drums and other materials if any by engaging private vehicle including recoiling, coiling and loading and unloading at both sides from workspot to departmental stores (minimum 2 drums) above 5 Km 147 Laying of HT UG cable using Trenchless Method 148 Laying of HT UG cable using Trenchless Method with Pipes 149 Laying of HT UG cable using Trenchless Method withoutPipes