
Tender For Supply Of/ Dental Equipments, Rohtak-Haryana

Post Graduate Institute Of Medical Education And Research has published Tender For Supply Of/ Dental Equipments. Submission Date for this Tender is 05-03-2025. Laser Printers Tenders in Rohtak Haryana. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

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Tender For Supply Of/ Dental Equipments
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Tender For Supply Of/ Dental Equipments 3D Printer:- A. Printer 3d printer with automated cloud-based touch screen display, provision for data transfer through USB, Ethernet and wifi compatible with 5G network for various digital applications in prosthodontics including dentures, denture teeth, removable partial dentures, provisional crowns, models Compatible with prevalidated materials, with a top speed above 4cm/hr. Pixel size less than 50um The printing platform of various sizes Toolkit Spare pieces of all separable/disposable accessories, priming material VAT box, print screen, strter tool kit and VAT Films. B. Curing Unit Curing chamber, with UV light source, provision for customizing material settings and curing times Protective goggles C. Post-processing (Cleaning) unit Provision for dual cleaning through a vibration cleaning tank with a basket D. Consumable Prevalidated material for dentures (500 gm of variable shades) and crowns (500 gm of variable shades) Spare pieces of all separable/disposable accessories Cleaning solutions E. Laptop Processor I core 7 Processor speed-30GHz RAM-32 GB Hard Drive Size 512 GB Graphics - Dedicated graphics for 3D implementation Screen size-14 inches Compatible UPS Operating system windows 10 pro It should be a Digital Light Processing (DLP) 3 D printer It should have a build volume of approx, 125*70*200mm It should have a pized size of approx. 65 microns It should a layer thickness of approx. 50-150 microns It should have Ethernet and Wi-Fi connectivity It should have remote operation and monitoring system It should have automated material feed system It should be CE, UL, ROHS, REACH, FCC certified. It should be able to support wide range of biocompatible materials. UV Post-Curing Unit It should have approx. 10-15 UV light bulbs It should have a interior dimensions of approx. 25 cm diameter and 20 cm height It should have a external dimension of approx. 410*45*40 cm. Fully adjustable articulator A. Articulator with accessories Fully adjustable articulator for use in dentulous and edentulous patients with individual setting options, separable upper and lower members, and occlusal plane indicator. Permits eccentric shifts including: Protrusive movement at least up to 0-4 min adjustable and 0-60 degrees Lateral movement 0-15 mm adjustable and 0-30 degrees e) Retrusive movement 0-2 mm adjustable with 35 degrees Condylar path curvature 12.5 with joint inserts for variable angulations (0-60 degrees) Teeth setting templates for average values and customizable for 3D and 2D teeth arrangement and for dentulous models to accommodate occlusal curvatures with accessories attachment. Adjustable bite fork support pins for connection between articulator and facebow Direct facebow transfer provision. Indirect facebow transfer provision and provision for lab transfer of facebow record. Retentive mechanical Mounting plates with plaster protection and magnetic mounting plates with block former Integrated detachable Support element for the upper member. Support provision for model mounting. Incisal guide rod: Adjustable with millimeter marking with incisal indicator. Incisal plate: With integrated angulations of (0.15.30 degrees) and customizable anterior guidance plate (0-50 degree lateral anterior guidance, 0-70 degrees protrusive anterior guidance that permits changing articulator height... Provision to accept the facebow of other manufacturers. Centric lock with rubber bands Spare pieces of all separable/ disposable accessories. Articulator carrying case, a sturdy case for storage and carrying with protective padding Attachment/device for occlusal plane analysis B. Facebow; 1/-shaped frame, bite fork, anterior point of reference indicator, earpieces, and joint pieces. Adjustable intercondylar distance. Height adjustable support pins Nasion and orbitale and other third point of reference indicators included on which face bow is based Comfortable nose piece with adjustable height and (integrated/ separable) nose pad of all sizes. Comfortable earpiece with adjustable height (integrated/ separable). Convenience registration joints Facebow carrying case: a sturdy case for storage and carrying with protective padding. Spare pieces of all separable disposable accessories. Attachment/device for digitisation/digital record of jaw relation. Provision component for occlusal plane analysis. C. Intraoral digital occlusal registration device for recording Intermaxillary relationship and its transfer with provision to control vertical dimension along with compatible software and processor: With upper and lower registration plates, basic arches and adapters, and mounting Sectional Matrix system Should contain NiTi separator rings (min. 2) forceps, pin tweegers 100 assorted full contour matrices 25 each of (3.5, 4.5, 5.5 and 6.5 mm) wedges 75 wedges (25 each of small, medium & large size) Separator rings should be of different sizes universal & narrows with excellent spring. strength, memory and consistent separation force Anatomically shaped tips of rings with space to accomodate wedge Easy to place 3-D contured matrix bands with holes on top and side to aid in placement and removal. Forcep with locking function and angled grip arms to hold the ring securely. 100 extra matrices (1 box each of 3.5,4.5 mm) European CE/USFDA for the product Rubber Dam kit Should have 6 x 6 Dam green Medium-36 sheets Should have autoclavable, radiodecent 6 plastic frame Should have 9 winged color coded (included 3 clamps with serrated jaws for structurally compromised teeth) clamps pack with autoclavable box Should have 6 template Should have widgets cord (small size) Should have dental dam punch Should have dental dam forceps European CE for the product Injectable Thermoplastic obturation system System should offer hackfill handpiece and downpack handpiece in same unit Ergonomic handpieces 360 cuff on each handpieces for activation. Easy control of heating temperature/flow rate filling material indicator for concenient montoring of remaining gutta percha flexible cannulas suitable for curved root canals 20G & 23G cannuals for good adaption to all root canal single patient GP cannulas to prevent cross inflection option to store settings Surgical Peizosurgery Unit Piezosurgery unit perform precise osteotomy procedures. Should work in different modes for bone cutting periodontal purpose endodontics and elinic. Should have foot control Should have touch screen panel Working frequency should be 24 to 36 Khz Water flow should be around 25-110 ml per minute Vibration amplituede of tip should be in the range of 20-100 microns Should be compatible with all standard tips for osteotomy procedures 3D Intraoral Scanner The modelshouldben trolly based scanner with in-built touch screen and computer with the choice of pen grip. Scanspeed should be maintained for during scanning procedure. It should be able to provide Precise, HD 3D color scanning. The image should be with vivid color and details that offer visually appealing images. Scanner should not require powder or liquid for scanning high reflecting surfaces. The scannershouldbe handheld 3Dscanner with Ultrafast Optical Scaning/onne focal/triangulation. The scannershouldbe able toperformscaningin Real Colours. Scanner should have capability of capturing any surface defect (caries) while scanning. The scannershouldbe capable of measuringshades of teeth accurately andadding HDphotostothe 3Dmodel. The modelshould have integrationwithpracticemanageroentsystem The software shouldhave instantscanpreparationvalidationtools. It shouldhave accuracyupto 15-25microns. It shouldprovide accurate datainopenSTL. format for accurate model preparationusingthree-dimensionalprintingor CAM. Scan theoperative andopposingquadrantor archandtake a bite scan withpatientinanyocclusion. Linitshouldhave dual anti-foggingsystem thatworksactively withoutany interruptiontoscanningwhenworkingintra-orally. It shouldhave possibility of high-speeddual-archscan inlessthan5 minutes. Scannershouldhaveautoclavable/cold sterilization nonbulkytipstoallow its usemultiple times. One tipshould be abletobe usedupto20timesbeforedisposing The user shouldhavepossibilitytocheckor rotate the finalscanmodel ondisplay screeninfinite timesfor heightenedvisibility of data captured before finalizing Liser shouldbe able tojumptoanypositioninthe mouthat anypoint. The scanningprocesstofillinuncapturedimage, withouta need to indicate anexact Jocationtothe system. Should be freelymovable anduser friendly. Scannershouldbe ccapableof scanningimplantcaseswithstandard aabutmentsaswellas customabutmentswithscannedbodies. Alsoshouldbe ccompatible withopensystemimplantplanningandsurgical guide software. shouldhave able toidentifymarginlines.contact points and undercutsbeforeproceedingfor sendingfilestoCADsystem. Unitshouldhave facilitytostore alsowirelesslyuploadpatientdatatocloud. patientdata inharddisc/computer and Company should provide physical demonstration of quoted model All accessories required to make it fully functional should be supply along with machine. Rate of all accessories should be quoted separately Training-Onsite duringinstallationbyan OEM trained instructor. Unit should be BIS/CE European or US FDA approved Computersystem AllinoneLaptop Windows 10latestversion 4K UHDLEDscreen27orhigher Quadcoreprocessor 16GBRAM Dedicated NVIDIA graphicscard 2TB storage Wirelessmouse andkeyboard The scannershouldcome witha warranty of 5 years includingsoftware upgradation followedby5 year CMC CMC price should bequotedseparately in the pricebid. Intraoral PSP scanner with Imaging plates Specifications for scanner: Should have a small tabletop design for handy chairside use. The processing of imaging plates should be fast 8 seconds. Scanner Connection to Computer should be via fast. USB or Ethernet Feeding Tray for imaging plates should be easy-to-use and have perfect plate positioning. Specifications for Imaging plates: Imaging plates should be reusable for a countless number of times. Image resolution must be between 14-20 lp/mm Imaging plates should have rounded margins and adequate flexibility for patient comfort. Imaging plates should be compatible with positioning instruments. Number of imaging plates to be supplied along with the scanner, at the time of purchase 2-size 0 (22 mm x 35 mm) 2-size 1 (24 mm x 40 mm) 10 size 2 (31 mm x 41 mm) 2 size 4 (57 m x 76 mm) imaging plates, should be supplied Software requirements: Liser friendly Digital Imaging Software should be included free of cost with features such as magnification, measurement tool, enhancement, printing etc. The software should have unlimited licences so that it can be used with any computer Free technical support for the entire life of equipment, and complimentary software upgrades for life of the equipment should be available. The software should be compatible with HMIS software, LASER imager as well as inkjet printers. The images should be DICOM compatible. General requirements: Warranty: 5 years from the date of successful installation. The warranty should cover the entire accessory including imaging plates, computer and all consumables. Comprehensive maintenance contract for next 05 years after expiry of warranty including sensor, computer and all the accessories, should be quoted separately Should be USFDA/ European CE approved The rates for purchase of additional imaging plates for next 5 years should be quoted separately and freezed at the time of purchase. Intraoral Scanner 1. The intra oral scanner should generate accurate 3D, high definition images of teeth. gingiva in both upper and lower jaws 2. It should be able to record the occlusal relationship of the teeth in both the jaws 3. It should be able to measure the shade of the tooth accurately with all factors of colour, chroma, and hue 4. It should have accuracy up to 8 microns 5. It should provide accurate data in open STL format for accurate model preparation. tray fabrication for impression making, guides for orthodontic miniscrew placement 6. Intra Oral Scanner to be supplied with software to be used for smile designing. diagnosis and treatment planning using three dimensional printing in Orthodontics. It should be compatible with 3-D printing and computer added milling 7. Intra Oral Scanner to be supplied with functions like Orthodontic model base application, Accurate measurement of arch and tooth dimensions, superimposition of models with accurate measurement, treatment simulator should be included in the package along with facility to make clear aligner and tray for indirect bonding The software should be compatible/support the existing 3-D image processing software 8. Scan the operative and opposing quadrant or arch and take a bite scan with patient in centric occlusion 9. Unit should have anti-fogging heater that works actively without any interruption to scanning when working intra-orally. 10. Unit should be capable for powder-free high-resolution digital scans 11. Intra Oral scanner should be supplied with atleast 5 removable, autoclavable reflective tips along with each unit and the rates of the tips to be frozen for 10 years. 12. The user should be able to check and edit to the final scan model on display screen. before finalizing 13. User should be able to jump to any position in the mouth at any point in the scanning process to fill in uncaptured image, without a need to indicate an exact location to the system, 14. User should be able to identify tooth margins, contact points, and undercuts before proceeding for sending files to CAD system. 15. The STL files may be used for designing and chair-side milling create model and orthodontic appliances through one of the broad array of trusted connections 16. The STL files should compatible with any open CAD/CAM system. 17. Unit should have facility to store patient data in hard disc/computer and CD/DVD and also wirelessly upload patient data to cloud/any mail account to be accessed later on from any computer in the centre. 18. Each intra Oral scanner to be supplied with compatible high end configured desktop with installed licensed-software to be provided by the supplier along with the unit. Windows 11, minimum intel 7th generation, 16GB RAM, storage of minimum 2TB and expandable. One Additional Desktop should be provided with same specifications The server of main computer should be able to transfer the data into 3 Desktop through our local area network. 19. The intra oral scanner can be used a standalone or integrated in a dental unit or simulator and lightest weight which is easy to scan with better patient and dentist benefits. 20. The Intra Oral Scanner must include free of cost software with life time updates. 21. In house training of the faculty and lab technicians to be provided till the team is satisfied with all application 22. 5 years warranty & 5 years CMC after the expiry of warranty Piezoelectric Ultrasonic Scaler With 2 hand pieces & 2 sets of scaling tips (1 set of atleast 3 tips for use in supragingival and subgingival scaling) With safety norms for use in patient care BIS/CE European or USFDA approved. 3 years of warranty. Atleast 3 years of Comprehensive Maintenance Contract Specify CMC terms & condition CMC price should be quoted separately in the price bid. Diode Laser Surgery Fibre (Diameter 320 um Spool Minimum of 3 meter) Compatible with Medency Primo Make Diode Laser

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