
Tender For Work Of Laying 110Mm Hdpe Pipe Line In Mohalla Qazijadagan Ward No.23, From Shri Kallus House To Shri Sajids House 38 M, From Shri Bittus House To Shri Risalas House 48 M In The Lane Opposite Indane Gas Agency, From Sherkotis House To Shri, chandpur-Uttar Pradesh

Nagar Palika Parishad has published Tender For Work Of Laying 110Mm Hdpe Pipe Line In Mohalla Qazijadagan Ward No.23, From Shri Kallus House To Shri Sajids House 38 M, From Shri Bittus House To Shri Risalas House 48 M In The Lane Opposite Indane Gas Agency, From Sherkotis House To Shri. Submission Date for this Tender is 13-02-2025. Pipe Laying Tenders in chandpur Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Work Of Laying 110Mm Hdpe Pipe Line In Mohalla Qazijadagan Ward No.23, From Shri Kallus House To Shri Sajids House 38 M, From Shri Bittus House To Shri Risalas House 48 M In The Lane Opposite Indane Gas Agency, From Sherkotis House To Shri
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh

Tender Details

Work of laying 110mm HDPE pipe line in Mohalla Qazijadagan Ward No.23, from Shri Kallus house to Shri Sajids house 38 m, from Shri Bittus house to Shri Risalas house 48 m in the lane opposite Indane Gas Agency, from Sherkotis house to Shri Aruns house 43 m and from Shri Anil Khadwales house to Jeetus house 34 m and from Shri Baburams house to Chandrapals house 16 m in Gokul Nagar, from Chhamman Bijli Walons house to Zahids house on Karal Road in Mohalla Qazijadagan Ward No.24, from Shadabs house to Nadeems house 17 m, from Ayubs house to Akbars house 23 m, from Babus house to Shabahats house 16 m, (Total length- 251 m) - Dismantling cement concrete or brick or granolithic floors including base concrete and including stacking of dismatled materials as directed by the Engineer-in- charge with in a distance of 60 meter (200 feet). S.I. No. 697. 2 Dismentling of B.O.E/Interloking Tiles soling and stacking of dismantalled brick/Tiles at Side (Labour Only) 3 Disposal of dismentling C.C. road material with cartage upto distance 5.00 km i/c loading and unloading including supply of all material,labour and T&P etc.required for proper completion of work. As per S.I. No. 231(a). 4 Disposal in foundation in ordinary Soil (Loam, clay or sand) including lift upto 1.50M. and lead upto 30M and including filling watering and ramming of excavated earth into the trenches or into the space between the building and the sides of surplus earth as derected by the Engineer-in-charge upto a distance of 30M from the foundation trenches. (Where machine can not reach/move). For Building work only (Excuding Royalty) 5 Supply ofthe followingsizesof HDPE pipes 6 kg/cm2 confirming to latest relevant I.S.SwithHDPE couplersetc complete in all respect F.O.R. destination includingall taxes and insurance. (110mm PN-6) Grade-100 6 Supply of AC Specials conforming to I.S.-8329/2000 with solvent cement suitable for above AC.pipe F.O.R destination including all Taxes and insurance. (5% of Item No 6 Amount Value) 7 Sand filling in plinth i/c supply of necessary quantity of sand from a distance not exceeding 8Km from site of work and i/c watering,dressing etc.Rate to including supply of all material,labour and T&P etc.required for proper completion of work. 8 Supply of the following sizesof Hand Wheel/C.I. Double Flange SV operatedwith Sluice Valves destination including all taxes and insurance. 110mm 9 Cartingfromthe storethe following sizes of HDPE pipe and specials to thesite ofwork lowering themin to trenches and layingtrue toalignmentand gradientincluding jointing, testing of pipeline and including supply of jointing material such as nut& bolts,rubber insertion,whitelead etc.com-platebutexcludingcost of trenching andcutting of pipes etc.For making of lengths but including making joints. 110mm dia HDPE (Laying Pipe by Labour) 10 CartingofD/FSluicevalvesofFollowing sizes to the site of worksLowering them into already Prepared trenches and fixing them In position including supply of Jointing materials such as bolt nut,Rubber insertion white lead complete with Excluding values and specials Required butincluding thetesting etc. complete Excluding values andspecials requiredbutincludingthe testingetc. complete. 11 Supply ofall materials, labour T&P Etc. required and constructs single tap pillar type stand post as per type design. (Stand Post) 12 Providing for large crossing of nala, road & culvert including shifting of telephone cabel etc. along the alignment of pipe line including supply of C.I Tyton pipe and special and also jointing material their laying and jointing testing etc. complete (3.50 mtr for nala, road hole etc) 13 Concrete with 4cm gauge brick ballast fine sand of 1.25F.M and cement in proporation of 12:6:1 in foundation and under floors including supply of all material,labour and T&P etc.required for proper completion of work. 14 providing and laying spridaing 22.42 53mm stone ballast mixed stone dust i/c all complete work 15 Cement concrete with 4cm gague approved stone ballast coarse sand and cement in proporation of 4:2:1 inculding supply of all materials labour and T&P etc for proper completion of work. 16 Laying of Interloking Tiles of thikness 60 to 80mm including leveling and dressing of surface to requried lavel and slop,filling joint with local sandinculding supply of all materials labour and T&P etc for proper completion of work.

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 07-02-2025 Date Extension Date 13-02-2025

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 677 /-
INR 36352.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 3.63 Lakhs /-
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