
Tender For Supply Of Lab Equipment, guwahati-Assam

Axom Sarba Siksha Abhijan Mission has published Tender For Supply Of Lab Equipment. Submission Date for this Tender is 15-02-2025. Laboratory Equipment Tenders in guwahati Assam. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Supply Of Lab Equipment
Open Tender

Tender Details

Supply Of Lab Equipment Supply Of Lab Equipment For Integrated Science Lab, Physics Lab, Chemistry Lab And Biology Lab-1 Electronic Balance 2 Dropper (glass) 3 Platinum wire 4 Spatula 5 Crucible Tongs 6 Petridish 7 Rubber corks 8 Cork Borers,9 Forceps 10 Blue litmus paper 11 Tripod Stand 12 Filtering Funnel 13 Porcelain Evaporating Dish without lid. 14 Filter paper 15 Measuring Cylinders (glass) 16 Measuring Cylinders 17 Red litmus paper 18 Test tube brush 19 Test tubes holder 20 Flasks Erlenmeyers (Conical flask) 21 Flasks Erlenmeyers (Conical flask) 22 Beakers 23 Glass Tube 24 Glass rod 25 Thermometer - Mercury 26 Watch Glass 27 Capillary Tubes 28 Dropping Bottles 29 Reagent Bottles, 30 Test tube stand 31 Test tubes with rim32 Wash bottle 33 Wire gauge 34 Universal Clamps 35 Boss Head, Cast iron, Black painted, with C.P. Screws 36 Stand : Rectangular Cast Iron Painted Base with mild steel Chrome Plated or powdered coated rod. 37 Water bath 38 Universal pH paper 39 Blow Pipe (Iron) 40 Burette 41 Funnel stand or filter Stand (Wooden) 42 Burette Clamp 43 Gas jar 44 Gas Generator - Kipps 45 Flask Volumetric 46 Pipettes 47 Pair of Gloves 48 Safety spectacles Sl No Chemicals 1 Acetophenone 2 Acetone 99% Extra Pure 3 ANILINE 4 Aluminium Sulfate Extra Pure5 Ammonium hydroxide (AMMONIA SOLUTION 30%) 6 AMMONIUM BROMIDE 7 Ammonium Carbonate 8 Ammonium Acetate Extra Pure 9 Ammonium Oxalate Extra Pure 10 Ammonium thiocyanate 98% Extra Pure 11 Ammonium Sulfate 98% extra pure 12 Ammonium Nitrate 13 Ammonium Chloride 99% Extra Pure 14 Borax Na2B4O7.10H2O (di- SODIUM TETRABORATE DECAHYDRATE 15 Benzaldehyde 16 BENZOIC ACID 17 Benzil 18 Barium nitrate 19 Barium carbonate 20 Barium chloride 21 BROMINE WATER 22 Calcium carbonate 23 Calcium chloride 24 Calcium oxide powder (quick lime) 25 Calcium sulphate 26 Calcium Hydroxide 27 CALCIUM NITRATE TETRAHYDRATE28 CARBON DISULPHIDE 29 CUPRIC SULPHATE PENTAHYDRATE 30 Charcoal block 31 Chloroform 32 COBALT NITRATE 33 COPPER METAL TURNINGS 34 2,4-Dinitrophenyl hydrazene 35 Disodium hydrogen phosphate 36 FEHLINGS SOLUTION A 37 FEHLINGS SOLUTION B 38 Ethanol 39 HYDROGEN PEROXIDE SOLUTION 6% (H2O2) 40 Iron(II)sulfide FeS 41 Iron sulphate heptahydrate 42 Lead acetate trihydrate 43 Lead nitrate 44 Magnesium hydroxide 45 Magnesium carbonate 46 Magnesium Chloride hexahydrate 47 Magnesium nitrate hexahydrate 48 Magnesium sulphate heptahydrate 49 Manganese Chloride tetrahydrate 50 Manganese dioxide MnO2 51 Methyl orange 52 Mohrs Salt hexahydrate53 NESSLERS REAGENT 54 Oxalic acid 55 Phenol 56 Phenophthalein indicator solution 57 Potassium chloride 58 Potassium Hydroxide 59 Potassium ferricyanide, K3[Fe(CN)6] 60 Potassium ferrocyanide 61 Potassium iodide 62 Potassium thiocyanate 63 Porassium Carbonate 64 Potassium dichromate 65 Potassium chromate 66 Potassium permanganate 67 Resorcinol 68 Red lead, Pb3O4 69 Sodium acetate 70 Sodium bicarbonate 71 Sodium bismuthate, NaBiO3 72 Sodium carbonate 73 Sodium chloride 74 Sodium Cobaltinitrite 75 Sodium hydroxide 76 Sodium nitrite 77 SILVER NITRATE 0.05N VOLUMETRIC SOLUTION 78 Sodium nitroprusside 79 Sodium sulphate 80 Starch powder 81 Strontium Carbonate 98% Extra Pure 82 Strontium nitrate 83 Acetic Acid GLACIAL 84 Zinc carbonate 85 Zinc sulphate heptahydrate 1 Beaker 2 perforated Beaker 3 Measuringcylinder 4 Conical Flask 5 Wash bottle 6 Glass Slide 7 Cover glass(cover slip) 8 Pipette 9 burette 10 Funnel 11 Capillary tube 12 Thermometer 13 Mortar & Pestal 14 Balance 15 Heater 16 Petridishes 17 Specimen tray 18 Reagent bottle 19 Test tubes 20 Test tubes stand 21 Test tubes holder 22 PH paper 23 Blotting paper 24 Whatman filter paper 25 Cotton Roll 26 Foreceps 27 needle 28 Brush 29 PH meter 30 Ganongs Potometer 31 Ganongs Respirometer 32 Simple Microscope 33 Compound Microscope 34 Glacial Acetic Acid 35 Ethanol 36 Aceton 37 Formaldehyde 38 Glycerin 39 Glucose 40 Sucrose 41 FehlingsolutionsA 42 Fehlings B solution 43 Sudan III Solution 44 Millons reagent 45 Iodine Solution Human Skeliton 46 Charts on Models on Models on Models on Pedegree Chart T. S of testis T.S of Ovary T.S. of Blastula Bacteria 69 Oscillatoria 70 Rhizopus 71 Spirogyra 72 Amoeba 73 Hydra 74 Parenchyma tissue 75 Collenchyma tissue 76 Sclerenchyma Tissue 77 Xylem Tissue 78 Phloem Tissue 79 Cambium Tissue 80 Experiments on 81 Experiments on 82 Experiments on 83 Experiments on 84 Experiments on 85 Experiments on 86 Experiments on1 Vernier Callipers 2 Screw Gauge 3 Spherometer 4 Beam Balance+ Wt Box(gm+mg) 5 Stop watch with split timeout 6 Inclined plane 7 Steel Roller 8 Aluminium Roller 9 Helical Spring 10 20gm slotted weight with hook 11 50gm slotted weight with hook 12 100gm slotted weight with hook 13 500gm Slotted weight with hook 14 Solid wooden Block for holding beam balance and syringe 15 Pulley (S Type) 16 Steel Balls 17 Wooden block with hook 18 Bob with hook 19 Plane mirror strips with scale 20 Watch Glass 21 Spring balance 250g 22 Physical Weight Box 23 Wires 24 Wooden Wedge 25 Set of Tuning forks (256,512) Hz 26 Rubber Pad 27 Plastic Beaker 28 Laboratory Thermometer 29 Copper Calorimeter with copper stirrer 30 Resonance Tube with attachment 31 Tripod stand 32 Spirit Lamp 33 Spirit level 34 Plane Glass plate 35 Cotton thread 36 Split Rubber Cork 37 Mirror Strip with plastic piece 38 Pan 39 Rubber band 40 Wire gauze 41 Sonometer 42 Battery eliminator 43 Carbon resistors 44 Double Concave lens. 45 Double Convex lens. 46 Concave mirror 47 Convex mirror 48 Connecting wires 49 Daniel cell 50 Drawing board 51 LED 52 PN junction diode 53 Capacitor 54 IC 55 Transistor 56 Galvanometer 57 Glass Slab 58 Jockey 59 Leclanche cell 60 Manganin wire 61 Multimeter 62 Optical bench assembly 63 Pins 64 Plane mirror 65 Plug Key 66 Polaroid 67 Potentiometer 68 Prism 69 Resistance box 70 Rheostat 71 Sand Paper 72 Solenoid coil with removable iron core 73 Straw 74 Transparent glass plate 75 Bread board 76 Meter Bridge 77 Ammeter, range (0-500) mA, (0-1) A 78 Voltmeter, range (0-2)V 79 Bar magnet 80 Magnetic needle 81 Hair pins 82 PN junction diode characterstics apparatus 1 Laboratory Thermometer 2 Measuring Tap 3 Tuning Fork 4 Mega phone 5 Detailed Chart of Human Ear, Eye 6 Forceps 7 Bar Magnet 8 Magnetic needle 9 Weight box 10 Common Balance 11 Pendulum Bob 12 Tongs 13 Overflow Can 14 Stop clock/watch 15 Digital Balance 16 Mirror: (i) Plain 10 cm X5 cm (ii) Concave 5 cm dia (iii) Convex5 cm dia 17 Lens: (i) Concave 5 cm dia (ii) Convex 5 cm dia 18 Lens and Mirror Holder 19 Lens and Mirror Holder 20 Glass slab 21 Prisms 22 Laser Torch 23 Drawing Boards 24 Drawing Pin 25 Human Eye Model 26 Copper Wire 27 6 Volt Battery 28 Electric Switch 29 Plug Key 30 Resistors 31 Rheostat 32 Ameter, Voltmeter, Galvanometer 33 o.5 , 1 Led bulb 34 Nichrome wire 35 Compass Needle 36 Pendulum Clamp/Stand 37 Pendulum thread 1 Microscope 2 Specimen preserved in Bottle 3 Charts 4 Permanent Slide 5 Glass slide 6 Cover slips 7 Paper clip 8 Dissecting Needle 9 Plastic Petri Dish 10 Blotting Paper 11 Magnifying Glass 12 Brush 13 Test tubes 14 Test tubes stand 15 Test tubes holder 16 PH paper 17 Blotting paper 18 Foreceps 19 Simple Microscope 20 Charts on 21 Charts on 22 Charts on 23 Charts on 24 Models on 25 Models on 26 Models on 27 Models on 28 Bacteria 29 Amoeba 30 Hydra 31 Parenchyma tissue 32 Collenchyma tissue 33 Sclerenchyma Tissue 34 Xylem Tissue 35 Phloem Tissue 36 Cambium Tissue A CHEMISTRY - 1 1. Aluminum strip 2. Bar magnet 3. Copper strip 4. Dropper (glass) 5. Electrolysis apparatus 6. Iron strip 7. Magnesium ribbon coil 8. Spatula 9. Tongs for holding flask 10. Petridish 11. Rubber corks 12. Cork Borers, 13. Zinc strip 14. Forceps 15. Blue litmus paper 16. Tripod Stand 17. Filtering Funnel 18. Porcelain Evaporatin Dish without lid. 19. Filter paper 20. Measuring Cylinders (glass) 21. Red litmus paper 22. Test tube brush 23. Test tubes holder 24. Flasks Erlenmeyers (Conical flask) 25. Beakers 26. Glass Tube 27. Glass cutter 28. Glass rod 29. Thermometer - Mercury 30. Watch Glass 31. Capillary Tubes 32. Test tube stand 33. Test tubes with rim 34. Wash bottle 35. Wire gauge 36. Universal Clamps 37. Boss Head, Cast iron, Black painted, with C.P. Screws 38. Stand: Rectangular Cast Iron Painted Base with mild steel Chrome Plated or powdered coated rod. 39. Water bath 40. Universal pH paper 41. Atomic Model Set 42. Spirit lamp 1 Ammonium hydroxide (AMMONIA SOLUTION 30% Extra Pure) 2 Ammonium Chloride 99% Extra Pure 3 Barium chloride 4 Camphor 5 Calcium carbonate 6 Calcium chloride 7 Calcium oxide powder (quick lime) 8 Calcium Hydroxide 9 CUPRIC SULPHATE PENTAHYDRATE 10 COPPER METAL TURNINGS 11 Ethanol 12 Iron powder 13 Iron sulphateheptahydrate 14 Lead nitrate 15 Magnesium hydroxide 16 Magnesium sulphateheptahydrate 17 Methyl orange indicator solution 18 Naphthalene 19 Phenophthalein indicator solution 20 Potassium chloride 21 Potassium Hydroxide 22 Potassium permanganate 23 Sodium acetate 24 Sodium bicarbonate 25 Sodium carbonate 26 Sodium chloride 27 Sodium hydroxide 28 Sodium sulphate 29 Starch powder 30 Universal indicator solution 31 Vinegar (acetic acid solution) 32 Zinc granules 33 Zinc sulphateheptahydrate MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS 37 Pair of Gloves 38 Safety spectacles

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 5000 /-
INR 1400000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 6.86 Crore /-
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