
Tender For Work Of Augmentation For Piped Rural Water Supply Scheme Of Village Aligarh Tehsil Aligarh District Tonk - 1 Work Of Augmentation Proposal For Piped Rural Water Supply Scheme Aligarh Tehsil Aligarh District Tonk 2 Construction And Commissio, Tonk-Rajasthan

Public Health Engineering Department has published Tender For Work Of Augmentation For Piped Rural Water Supply Scheme Of Village Aligarh Tehsil Aligarh District Tonk - 1 Work Of Augmentation Proposal For Piped Rural Water Supply Scheme Aligarh Tehsil Aligarh District Tonk 2 Construction And Commissio. Submission Date for this Tender is 27-02-2025. Pump House Construction Tenders in Tonk Rajasthan. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Work Of Augmentation For Piped Rural Water Supply Scheme Of Village Aligarh Tehsil Aligarh District Tonk - 1 Work Of Augmentation Proposal For Piped Rural Water Supply Scheme Aligarh Tehsil Aligarh District Tonk 2 Construction And Commissio
Open Tender

Tender Details

Tender For Work Of Augmentation For Piped Rural Water Supply Scheme Of Village Aligarh Tehsil Aligarh District Tonk - 1 WORK OF AUGMENTATION PROPOSAL FOR PIPED RURAL WATER SUPPLY SCHEME ALIGARH TEHSIL ALIGARH DISTRICT TONK 2 Construction and commissioning of RCC INTZE type Over Head Service Reservoir of following capacity and staging as per the Scope of work and Technical specifications, consisting of the following main activities: - 3 a) Topographic survey, preparation of site contour plan, conducting SBC testand its approval from departmentbefore construction. Submission and approval of concrete mix design and water quality test report for water to be used in construction. b) Excavation in all types of soil, PCC below foundation, all RCC Work, Plinth protection all around the structure including all material, labour, shuttering, scaffolding etc.c) OHSR shall be provided with adequate plinth protection all around the structure in a width starting from edge of structure at GL and extending at least up to 1.0m beyond the edge of outer most projection of OHSR.The plinth protection shall consist of 150mm thick PCC in M-15 grade concrete laid over 150mm thick layer of compacted soil.d) Providing and applying two coats of food grade epoxy paint on the inside surface on the top dome, edge beam and 600 mm height of the vertical wall.e)Conducting successfully hydro test and water tightness test as per I.S. code.f) Providing and applying three coats of anti-carbonation paint on the top surface of the Top Dome.g) Providing and applying three coats of cement-based paint on the external surface of the container, balcony, cone wall, columns & beams etc..h) Providing and fixing SS-304 ventilator, SS 304 manhole frame and cover and SS-304 ladder from top dome/Slab to bottom dome/Slab inside container. i) Providing and fixing of MS section ladder from the last landing to balcony having railing all around it and MS ladder with safety cage from balcony to top dome/slab.j) Providing and fixing water level indicator (float type). 4 k) Providing and fixing of hand railing all around the balcony, top dome and staircase consisting of 25mm diameter Class-B GI pipe in two rows and 1000 mm high, 50X50X6mm angle iron vertical post at a maximum spacing of 1500mm centres.l) All MS parts to be painted with two coats of the enamel paint over the primer coat of red oxide.m) Providing and fixing of 150mm wide PVC water bar for the construction joints in the container (vertical wall & cone wall).n) Providing one Aluminium portable ladder of appropriate length to access first landing (3.5 to 4.5m above GL) from ground.o) Lighting arrestor consisting of providing and fixing of 2 Nos.of chemical earthing and connecting it to the conical cover of SS ventilator with two separate GI strips of 50mmX3mm.p) CI/DI puddle collar shall be fixed in the bottom dome/ slab for connecting inlet, outlet, overflow and washout pipe of the reservoir.q) Painting the name of the scheme and other details on the reservoir, and any other work related to structure as per the directions of Engineer-in- Charge, Technical Specification and Scope of Work.r) Inlet, outlet, overflow, washout pipes and valves are not included in this work, provision for the same shall be taken separately. 5 Rates for RCC OHSR,SBC 10 T/sqm, SEISMIC ZONE-III & STAGING 20 M 6 200 KL capacity 7 Construction of RCC (Flat slab type) Clear Water Reservoir of following capacity as per the Scope of work and Technical specification, consisting of the following main activities: - 8 a) Topographic survey, preparation of site contour plan, conducting SBC testand its approval from departmentbefore construction. Submission and approval of concrete mix design and water quality test report for water to be used in construction. b) Excavation in all types of soil, PCC below foundation & all RCC Work including all labour and material charges including providing and fixing of accessories such as SS ladder, SS manhole frame and covers, water level indicator (float type), SS ventilator with SS screen, float valve, puddle collars, G.I. pipe railing around walk way, Top Dome/Slab, Staircase.c) CWR shall be provided with adequate plinth protection all around the structure in a width starting from edge of structure at GL and extending at least up to 1.0m beyond the vertical wall of CWR. The plinth protection shall consist of 150mm thick PCC in M-15 concrete over 150mm thick compacted soil fill.d) Providing and applying two coats of food grade epoxy paint on the inside surface of the roof slab, and 600 mm height of the vertical wall.e) Successful hydro test and water tightness test as per I.S. code.f) Providing and applying three coats of anti-carbonation paint on the roof Slab.g) Providing and applying three coats of cement-based paint on the remaining external surface area of the structure. 9 h) Providing and fixing SS-304 ventilator, SS 304 manhole frame and cover and SS 304 ladder from roof slab to bottom Slab, inside container. Providing and fixing water level indicator (Float type).i) Providing and fixing MS ladder from ground to top slab. j) All MS parts to be painted with two coats of the enamelled paint over the primer coat of red oxide.k) Providing and fixing of 150mm wide water bar for the construction joints in the container.l) Providing and fixing CI/DI puddle collars the vertical wall for connecting inlet, outlet, overflow and washout pipes of the reservoir.m) Inlet, outlet, overflow, washout pipes and valves are not included in this work, provision for the same shall be taken separately. 10 Rates for RCC Partially Underground type clear water reservoir SBC 7 T/sqm, SEISMIC ZONE-2,3 & 4 11 150 KL capacity 12 Providing and fixing double flanged ISI marked DIClass K-9 pipes as per IS:8329-2000 (amended up to date), asvertical pipes for RCC Reservoirs including specials required such as duck foot bend, bend, tee etc. providing and fixing clamps at every 3 mtr,jointing materials such as nuts, bolt, rubber packing, hydraulic testingetc. complete in all respect up to and from valve chamber as per direction of EIC, Technical Specification and Scope of work. 13 100 mm 14 150 mm 15 200 mm 16 Providing, lowering,aligning, fixing inposition inpipe line, CI D/F Sluice valves straightandpocketlessbodypassageofapprovedmakeof following Pressure rating & dia complete, confirming to IS:14846 (amended up to date) and of following specifications: Body, Bonnet, Wedge, Gland, Thrust Plate, Cap & Hand wheel of Grey cast iron of IS:210/ FG200Stem - AISI- 410 ,Body Seat ring, Wedge facingring&Bushes-LTB2/SS ,FacetofacedimensionsasperIS14846/2000 (amendeduptodate),Epoxy(Non-Toxic-suitablefordrinkingwater)applied inside and outside,Flanges Drilled as per IS 1538. Nut-Bolt confirming to IS:1363 andIS:1367/CS/galvanisedsteel InsertionrubberofblackEPDM6mmthick. Sluice valves including all jointing & jointing material, labour, testing and commissioningalongwithpipelineasperTechnicalSpecificationsandasper direction of Engineer-in-charge.Note: Rates are exclusive of tail piece/ dismantling joints and earth work. 17 100 mm HW 18 150 mm HW 19 200 mm HW 20 Providing, lowering, laying, aligning, fixing in position and jointing CI dismantling joint (Suitable for Sluice valves etc.) as per IS specificationscompleteofthefollowingsizesincludingall jointing material,costofalllabour,testingandcommissioning Technical Specifications and as per direction of Engineer. Class PN 1.0 21 100 mm dia. 22 150 mm dia. 23 200 mm dia. 24 Providing, lowering, aligning, fixing in position and Jointing in pipe line, DI Body Flanged End Tamper proofKinetic Air Valve of approved makes of following pressure rating and dia and as per following specifications: Governing standard - AWWA C512/ IS:14845:2000(amended up to date) Body, High pressure cover , Low pressure cover, Cowl andJoint support ring - Ductile cast iron of grade GGG40/GGG50 as per DIN 1693 or GR SG-400/12 as per IS 1865, Float- LP ball & HP ball : AISI 304 stainless Steel, Seat ring & Gasket - EPDM/NBR ,HP Orifice & HP orifice plug : Bronze/ SS ,Bush: Bronze ,Flanges as per IS/ BS, Drilled as per IS:1538. Electrostatic Epoxy Powder(EP-P) / Fusion Bonded Epoxy (Non-Toxic & suitable for drinking water) coated with minimum thickness of 250 micron applied on body & coverinside and outside fasteners - CS/ Galvanised steel, Outlet of big orifice will have a screen to prevent Tamper of float,with DI metal seated D/F Non rising stem Sluice Valves as per (IS: 14846 amendedup to date) PN 1.6 ratings Valves including all material, labour, testing and commissioning as per Technical Specifications and as per direction of Engineer in charge.Note: Rates are exclusive of connecting tee, pipe piece and earth work. 25 50 mm 26 Providing, lowering, laying, aligning, fixing in position and jointing at all level/ depths DI standard specials with rubber ring (EPDM)/ nut bolt and insertion sheet and jointing as per IS: 9523 :2000 oramended upto date such as tees, bends, tapers, caps etc. within trenches in DI pipe line complete including all material, labour, testing and commissioning along with pipe line as per Technical Specifications and as per direction of Engineer. (excluding earth work).A/F Tee, Bend, Reducer (All End Flanged)Upto 300 mm dia 27 SITC of Bulk Flow Meter with removable mechanism class B confirming to ISO:4064:2005/ IS: 2373of approved make of following dia sized pipelines and specifications complete:Media : Water (Clear ), Temp. 50 deg., Pr. rating: PN16, Protection type: IP- 68,Body Material : IS-210 Gr. FG-200, Accuracy Class :Class B (±2 % @ Nominal flow rate), Magnetic Drive,Dry Dial, Epoxy powder coated, Pulse out put option, Anti-magnetic protection including all materials and making connection with existing pipeline required for Bulk Flow Meter including cutting the existing pipeline etc. complete in all respect as per technical specification and as per direction of Engineer In-Charge.Note: Rates are exclusive of tail piece / dismantling joints and earth work. 28 BFM200 mm 29 Safe demolition of old and damaged RCC Overhead Service Reservoir of capacity 150 KL & 18 m. staging including deposition of the dismantled inlet, outlet, overflow, washout pipes, bends, steel railing and other MS material at our PHED,& disposal of unserviceable material within lead as directed by Engineer in charge. Dismantled RCC debris with reinforcement steel should be carried out with contractor. 30 Demolishing cement concrete manually/ by mechanical means including disposal of material within 50 metres lead as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. 31 1: 3: 6 or richer mix. 32 Demolishing R.C.C. work manually/ by mechanical means including stacking of steel bars and disposal of unserviceable material within 50metreslead as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. 33 Demolishing brickwork manually / by mechanical means including stacking of serviceable material and disposal of unserviceable material within 50 metres lead as per direction of Engineer-in-charge 34 In cement mortar 35 Dismantling steel work manually/ bymechanical means in built up sections without dismembering and stacking within 50metres lead as perdirection of Engineer-in-charge. 36 Channels, angles, tees & flats. 37 Providing, fabricating and erecting hand railing for walkway, top dome slab, balconey,staircase and landing consist of two rows ( one at top and other at middle level) of 20 mm GI pipe class-B and 900 mm high vertical angle 65X65X6 mmat spacing 1.50 m c/c including welding, threading, applying a priming coat of approved steel primer and embedding in cement concrete floor complete in all respect as per specification and the direction of the Engineer 38 Dismantling doors, windows and clear story windows steel or wood shutter including chowkhat sand hold fasts etc. complete and stacking within 50 meters lead: 39 Of area exceeding 3 square meter. 40 Dismantling old plaster or skirting, raking out joints and cleaning the surface for plaster including disposal of rubbish to the dumping ground within 50 meter lead. 41 Loading and unloading of stone boulder / stone aggregates / sand / canker / moorum by mechanical means. 42 Carriage of Materials by mechanical transport including loading, unloading and stacking 43 Stone, boulders, gravelly material (5 Km lead) 44 Construction of RCC Sluice valve chamber for different type of valves including earthwork excavation, 100mm PCC M15as leveling course, RCC M25 grade for base slab, side wall & cover slab , including cost of steel reinforcement , form work, Pre-cast, Plastic encapsulated CI/MS Foot Rest, MS flats for the support of pre-cast, proper curing of concrete work complete in all respect as perspecifications and standard drawings and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 45 For in-campus Valve Chambers 46 Sluice valve chamber of size1.26m x1.185m x1.76m for pipe size-from 200-to-300mm 47 Providing, installation, testing and commissioning of Centrifugal Monoblock pump set conforming to IS 9079 , 2 pole motor operating at synchronised speed of 3000 RPM with requisite MOC impeller, priming funnel, cock, suitable flanges at suction and delivery side. Pump shall have common shaft for pump and motor. Motor shall be suitable for working on 415 V ± 10%, 3 Ph, 50 Hz A.C. Supply. Motor shall be TEFC type and Pump set shall be suitable for working at various discharge and head requirements as per scope of work. Pump shall be erected onC.C. foundation / cross channels / RSJ frame block with suitable foundation bolts grouted in C.C. foundation block etc. complete in all respect as perspecification, scope of work and direction of Engineer in Charge of following power rating, suitable for prescribed duty conditions mentioned in TD. 48 Centrifugal Monoblock Pump set (Single Stage) 49 11.0 KW (15 HP) 50 Providing, installation, testing and commissioning of submersible dewatering pump set conforming to relevant IS codes and as per scope of work and Technical Specifications, with water proof winding. Pump shall be suitable for various delivery head and discharge with stainless steel shaft, impeller, pump and motor body. Motor suitable for working on 415 V ± 10%, 3 Ph, 50 Hz A.C. Supply, with cable guard. The pump set shall be suitable for direct coupling, with suitable suction strainer etc. completein all respect as perspecification, scope of work and direction of Engineer in Charge of following power rating, suitable for prescribed duty conditionsmentioned in TD. 51 0.75 KW (1.0 HP) 52 STAR DELTA STARTER 9.3 KW (12.5 HP)- : For 2 motors (1 W+ 1S) I/C -MCB 63A ,FP, 10 KA, C Curve (1) , Analog Voltmeter 96*96mm ( 0-500V ) (1), Volt Selector Switch (1) , Analog Ammeter 96*96mm ( 0-60A ) (1), Amp. Selector Switch (1), C. T. 60/5A CL 1.0 5VA (3) , Indicating Lights ( Red-1, Yellow -1) (2), Indicating Lights ( Blue - 1 ) (1), Control MCB 6A SP 10 KA C Curve (3) and O/G-MCB 40A ,TP, 10 KA, C Curve (2), Power Cont 18A TP AC3 Duty(2), 2 NO+2 NC Aux. Block(2), Thermal Overload Relay (7-10A )(2), Control MCB 6A SP 10 KA C Curve (2), Single Phase Preventer (2), Indicating Lights (Red- 1, Green - 1, Amber-1)(6), Push Button 22.5 ( Red - 1, Green - 1 )(4), Selector Switch 1 Pole, 2 Way (2), Capacitor 440VAC Heavy Duty MPP Type 5Kvar (2), S/D Timer(2) 53 STAR DELTA STARTER 11.0 KW (15.0 HP)- : For 2 motors (1 W+ 1S) I/C -MCB 63A ,FP, 10 KA, C Curve (1) , Analog Voltmeter 96*96mm ( 0-500V ) (1), Volt Selector Switch (1) , Analog Ammeter 96*96mm ( 0-60A ) (1), Amp. Selector Switch (1), C. T. 60/5A CL 1.0 5VA (3) , Indicating Lights ( Red-1, Yellow -1) (2), Indicating Lights ( Blue - 1 ) (1), Control MCB 6A SP 10 KA C Curve (3) and O/G-MCB 40A ,TP, 10 KA, C Curve (2), Power Cont 25A TP AC3 Duty(2), 2 NO+2 NC Aux. Block(2), Thermal Overload Relay (9-13A )(2), Control MCB 6A SP 10 KA C Curve (2), Single Phase Preventer (2), Indicating Lights (Red- 1, Green - 1, Amber-1)(6), Push Button 22.5 ( Red - 1, Green - 1 )(4), Selector Switch 1 Pole, 2 Way (2), Capacitor 440VAC Heavy Duty MPP Type 7.5Kvar (2), S/D Timer(2) 54 Providing, lowering, aligning, fixing in position in pipe line at work site, DI D/F Resilient seated (soft seated) Sluice Valves (Gate Valves) , Vacuum tight(bubble tight), straight and pocket less body passage of approved make of following class & dia complete confirming to BS-EN-1171/ AWWA C-509 and of following specifications: Body & bonnet of Ductile cast iron of grade GGG40/GGG50 as per DIN 1693 or GR SG-400/12 as per IS 1865 or equivalent grade as per IS :3896-part2-1985 and subsequent revisions, Wedge of same material as body & shall vulcanisedrubber lined with EPDM (food grade quality) and seals of NBR Face to face dimensions as per BS 5163-89/ IS 14846/2000 (amended up to date) /Din 3202 F4, Stem/ spindle of SS (AISI 316 or equivalent) Electrostatic epoxy powder(EP-P)/ Fusion bond epoxy ( Non-Toxic- suitable for drinking water) coated with minimum thickness of 250 microns inside and outside, Drilled as per IS 1538. Nut-Bolt confirming to IS:1363 and IS: 1367(Galvanised steel) Insertion rubber of black EPDM 6mm thick. Suitablesupport structure as per directions of EIC, Sluice valves including all jointing & jointing material, labour, testing and commissioning along with pipe line as per Technical Specifications and as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. Note: Rates are exclusive of tail piece/ dismantling joints and earth work. 55 Manually Operated Resilient Seated Sluice Valves of Class PN 1.6 56 150 mm dia 57 200 mm dia 58 250 mm dia 59 Providing, lowering, laying, aligning, fixing in position and jointing CI dismantling joint (Suitable for Sluice valves etc.) as per IS specificationscompleteofthefollowingsizesincludingall jointing material,costofalllabour,testingandcommissioning Technical Specifications and as per direction of Engineer. Class PN 1.0 60 150 mm dia. 61 200 mm dia. 62 250 mm dia. 63 Providing, lowering, laying, aligning, fixing in position and jointing at all level/ depths DI standard specials with rubber ring (EPDM)/ nut bolt and insertion sheet and jointing as per IS: 9523-2000 or as amended up to date, such as tees, bends, tapers, caps etc. within trenches in DI pipe line complete including all material, labour, taxes, testing and commissioning along with pipe line as per technical specifications and direction of Engineer-in-charge (excluding earth work). 64 A/S Tee , Bend, Reducer (All End Socketed) 65 Upto 300 mm Diameter 66 Providing, lowering, aligning, fixing in position in pipe line, DI D/F resilient seated (soft seated) short body pattern type double eccentric Butterfly valves of approved make of following class & dia complete confirming to BS EN 593/ BS 5155/ IS 13095/1991 amendedup to date and of following specifications: Body, disc and end cover of Ductile cast iron of grade GGG40/GGG50 as per DIN 1693 or GR SG-400/12 as per IS 1865 or equivalent grade as per IS :3896-part2-1985 and subsequent revisions, Face to face dimensions as per DIN 3202 F4/ IS 13095Drilled as per IS:1538. Electrostatic Epoxy Powder(EP-P) / Fusion Bonded Epoxy (Non-Toxic & suitable for drinking water) coated with minimum thickness of 250 micron applied on both body and disc inside and outside. Disc seal ring of EPDM/ Neoprene (food grade quality) and disc seal retaining ring of SS/CS. Shaft of SS- AISI- 304/316 & shaft bearings-bronze/ PTET or Teflon with EPDM/NBR O ring seal, Nut-Bolt confirming to IS:1363 and IS: 1367 (Galvanised steel) Insertion rubber of black EPDM 6mm thick. Suitablesupport structure as per directions of EIC including jointing & jointing material, labour, testing and commissioning along with pipeline as per Technical Specification & as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.Note: Rates are exclusive of tail piece/ dismantling joints and earth work. 67 Class PN 1.6, Manually Operated with Gear 68 150 mm dia 69 Providing, lowering, aligning, fixing in position in pipe line, DIdouble flanged resilient seated Dual plate check valve of approved make of following Pressure rating & dia complete,as per API: 594/ API: 598 and of following specifications: Body & Bonnet of Ductile cast iron of grade GGG40/GGG50 as per DIN 1693 or GR SG-400/12 as per IS 1865 or equivalent grade as per IS :3896-part2-1985 and subsequent revisions, Disc / plates - SG-400/12 or CF-8M,Face to face dimensions as per API: 594 , Flanges Drilled as per IS:1538. Electrostatic Epoxy Powder(EP-P) / Fusion Bonded Epoxy (Non-Toxic & suitable for drinking water) coated with minimum thickness of 250 micron applied on body and cover inside and outside .Disc seal ring of EPDM/ Neoprene (food grade quality) and disc seal retaining ring of SS/CS. Shaft of SS- AISI- 304/410 , Hinge SS AISI 316/304,SpringSS AISI 316/304,Bonnet Gasket EPDM ,Bush- Brass with EPDM/NBR O ring seal, Nut-Bolt confirming to IS:1363 and IS: 1367 (galvanised steel) ,Insertion rubber of black EPDM 6mm thick .Suitablesupport structure as per directions of EICincluding jointing & jointing material, labour, testing and commissioning along with pipeline as per Technical Specification & as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.Note: Rates are exclusive of tail piece/ dismantling joints and earth work. 70 Class PN 1.6 71 150 mm dia 72 Providing, lowering, aligning, fixing in position and Jointing in pipe line, DI Body Flanged End Tamper proofKinetic Air Valve of approved makes of following pressure rating and dia and as per following specifications: Governing standard - AWWA C512/ IS:14845:2000(amended up to date) Body, High pressure cover , Low pressure cover, Cowl andJoint support ring - Ductile cast iron of grade GGG40/GGG50 as per DIN 1693 or GR SG-400/12 as per IS 1865, Float- LP ball & HP ball : AISI 304 stainless Steel, Seat ring & Gasket - EPDM/NBR ,HP Orifice & HP orifice plug : Bronze/ SS ,Bush: Bronze ,Flanges as per IS/ BS, Drilled as per IS:1538. Electrostatic Epoxy Powder(EP-P) / Fusion Bonded Epoxy (Non-Toxic & suitable for drinking water) coated with minimum thickness of 250 micron applied on body & coverinside and outside fasteners - CS/ Galvanised steel, Outlet of big orifice will have a screen to prevent Tamper of float,with DI metal seated D/F Non rising stem Sluice Valves as per (IS: 14846 amendedup to date) PN 1.6 ratings Valves including all material, labour, testing and commissioning as per Technical Specifications and as per direction of Engineer in charge.Note: Rates are exclusive of connecting tee, pipe piece and earth work. 73 Class PN 1.6 74 50 mm dia 75 SITC of Bulk Flow Meter with removable mechanism class B confirming to ISO:4064:2005/ IS: 2373of approved make of following dia sized pipelines and specifications complete:Media : Water (Clear ), Temp. 50 deg., Pr. rating: PN16, Protection type: IP- 68,Body Material : IS-210 Gr. FG-200, Accuracy Class :Class B (±2 % @ Nominal flow rate), Magnetic Drive,Dry Dial, Epoxy powder coated, Pulse out put option, Anti-magnetic protection including all materials and making connection with existing pipeline required for Bulk Flow Meter including cutting the existing pipeline etc. complete in all respect as per technical specification and as per direction of Engineer In-Charge.Note: Rates are exclusive of tail piece / dismantling joints and earth work. 76 BFM 150 mm 77 Supplying & Installing 100 mm diameter sealed diaphragm bourdon type pressure gauge of range 0 to 10 kg. including all jointing material as per specification with safety cove 78 Providing, lowering, laying in trenches, aligning, fixing in position and jointingDuctileIron(DI)ISI markedK-7gradeS&Spipesas per IS:8329-2000 (amendedup todate),withinternalcementmortar lining suitable for potablewater with rubber ring (EPDM)joints as per IS: 5382-1985 including all taxes (Central and local), transportation and freight charges, inspection charges, loading/ unloading charges,including cost of labour and material, specials (Tee, bend etc.) satisfactory hydraulic testing, disinfection, commissioning etc. complete as per technical specifications and direction of Engineer-in-charge. (excluding earth work) Note : Providing and fixing of all requisite specials as per drawing, design and layout are inclusive in RM measurement of the item and shall not be paid separately. 79 150 mm 80 Manufacturing, supplying ,lowering, laying and jointing in position to correct line spirally welded SAW/Fabricated MS Pipe having bevelled end plates / coils, confirming to IS 3589-2001 or its latest revision/ amendments, for following thickness and inside diameter, including all taxes (Central and local), transportation and freight charges, inspection charges, loading/ unloading charges,including cost of labour and material, specials (Tee, bend etc.), field joints,satisfactory hydraulic testing, disinfection, commissioning etc. completeas per technical specifications anddirection of Engineer-in-charge; (excluding earthwork, internal lining and outer coating). Note : Providing and fixing of all requisite specials as per drawing, design and layout are inclusive in RM measurement of the item and shall not be paid separately. 81 Outer dia of pipe 219.1 mm and thickness 82 4.5 mm 83 Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic Excavator )/ manual means in trenches of required width and gradient for laying and jointing of pipe line including excavation for sockets, and dressing of sides, ramming of bottoms, depth up to 1.5 Mtr. including taking out the excavated soil, and then returning the soil as required in layers not exceeding 20cm in depth including consolidating each deposited layer by ramming, watering etc. and disposal of surplus excavated soil as directed within a lead of 50 Mtr. including required all safety provisions etc.:All kinds of soil 84 Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic Excavator )/ manual means in trenches of required width and gradient for laying and jointing of pipe line including excavation for sockets, and dressing of sides, ramming of bottoms, depth up to 1.5 Mtr. including taking out the excavated soil, and then returning the soil as required in layers not exceeding 20cm in depth including consolidating each deposited layer by ramming, watering etc. and stacking serviceable material for measurements and disposal of unserviceable material as directed, with in a lead of 50 Mtr. including all safety provisions required .: 85 Ordinary rock 86 Providing,lowering, aligning,fixingin positionin pipeline,CID/FSluicevalvesstraight and pocket less body passage of approved make of following Pressure rating & dia complete, confirming to IS:14846 (amended up to date) and of following specifications: Body, Bonnet, Wedge, Gland, Thrust Plate, Cap & Hand wheel of Grey cast iron of IS:210/ FG200Stem - SS 304 ,Body Seat ring, Wedge facing ring & Bushes - LTB2/ SS, Face to face dimensions as per IS 14846/2000 (amended up to date) ,Epoxy ( Non-Toxic- suitable for drinking water) applied inside and outside,Flanges Drilled as per IS 1538. Nut-Bolt confirming to IS:1363 and IS: 1367/ CS/ galvanised steelInsertion rubber of black EPDM 6mm thick . Sluice valves including all jointing & jointing material, labour, testing and commissioning along with pipe line as per Technical Specifications and as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. Note: Rates are exclusive of tail piece/ dismantling joints and earth work. 87 Manually Operated CI Sluice valve of Class PN-1.0 88 100 mm HW 89 150 mm HW 90 200 mm HW 91 Providing, lowering, laying, aligning, fixing in position and jointing CI dismantling joint (Suitable for Sluice valves etc.) as per IS specificationscompleteofthefollowingsizesincludingall jointing material,costofalllabour,testingandcommissioning Technical Specifications and as per direction of Engineer. Class PN 1.0 92 100 mm dia. 93 150 mm dia. 94 200 mm dia. 95 Providing, lowering, aligning, fixing in position and Jointing in pipe line, DI Body Flanged End Tamper proofKinetic Air Valve of approved makes of following pressure rating and dia and as per following specifications: Governing standard - AWWA C512/ IS:14845:2000(amended up to date) Body, High pressure cover , Low pressure cover, Cowl andJoint support ring - Ductile cast iron of grade GGG40/GGG50 as per DIN 1693 or GR SG-400/12 as per IS 1865, Float- LP ball & HP ball : AISI 304 stainless Steel, Seat ring & Gasket - EPDM/NBR ,HP Orifice & HP orifice plug : Bronze/ SS ,Bush: Bronze ,Flanges as per IS/ BS, Drilled as per IS:1538. Electrostatic Epoxy Powder(EP-P) / Fusion Bonded Epoxy (Non-Toxic & suitable for drinking water) coated with minimum thickness of 250 micron applied on body & coverinside and outside fasteners - CS/ Galvanised steel, Outlet of big orifice will have a screen to prevent Tamper of float,with DI metal seated D/F Non rising stem Sluice Valves as per (IS: 14846 amendedup to date) PN 1.6 ratings Valves including all material, labour, testing and commissioning as per Technical Specifications and as per direction of Engineer in charge.Note: Rates are exclusive of connecting tee, pipe piece and earth work. 96 Class PN 1.6 97 50 mm dia 98 Dismantling of cement concrete pavement for pipe line and chambers by mechanical means using pneumatic tools, cutting the peripheral edge by CC cutter, breaking to pieces not exceeding 0.02 cum in volume and stock piling at designated locations and disposal of dismantled materials up to a lead of 1000 meters. Measurement for dismantled trench to be made as per standard trench width specified in tender document and no extra payment shall be made for trench width more than specified, re-handling of material/earth to complete the tasks as per technical specification and scope of work. 99 Providing and laying in position cement concrete M10 grade nominal mix 1:3:6 (1 Cement : 3coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) in base course complete including all material, labour, machinery, lighting, guarding for road restoration work in trenches of pipe line and chamber work. Measurement for CC work to be madeas per standard trench width specified in tender document and no extra payment shall be made be made for trench width more than specified,complete work as per technical specification and scope of work. 100 Providing and laying in position cement concrete in specified grade over prepared base course complete including finishing, curing, all material, labour, machinery, lighting, guarding for road restoration work in trenches of pipe line and chamber work. Measurement for CC work to be madeas per standard trench width specified in tender document and no extra payment shall be made be made for trench width more than specified,complete work as per technical specification and scope of work. 101 M20 grade Nominal Mix1: 1.5: 3 (1 cement : 1.5 coarse sand : 3 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size) 102 Construction of RCC Sluice valve chamber for different type of valves including earthwork excavation, 100mm PCC M15as leveling course, RCC M25 grade for base slab, side wall & cover slab , including cost of steel reinforcement , form work, Pre-cast, Plastic encapsulated CI/MS Foot Rest, MS flats for the support of pre-cast, proper curing of concrete work complete in all respect as perspecifications and standard drawings and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 103 For in-campus Valve Chambers 104 Sluice valve chamber of size 1.17m x 0.95m x1.47m for pipe size-from 125-to-150mm 105 Sluice valve chamber of size 1.26m x1.185m x1.88m for pipe size-from 200-to-300mm 106 Providing, lowering, laying and jointing in trenches, standard lengths HDPEISI marked Pipes as per IS-4984: 1995 (amended up to date)with necessary jointing material like mechanical connectors, i.e. thread/ insert joint/ quick release coupler joint/ compression fitting joint or flanged joint and specials jointing pipe byelectro fusion welding method, including all taxes , transportation and freight charges, inspection charges, loading/ unloading charges, stacking of pipes, including cost of labour and material, specials (Tee, bend etc.), satisfactory hydraulic testing, disinfection, commissioning etc. complete as per technical specifications and direction of Engineer-in-charge of following class and diameter. (excluding earth work) .Note : Providing and fixing of all requisite specials as per drawing, design and layout are inclusive in RM measurement of the item and shall not be paid separately.Supply may be in coil or straight length in 6 M/12 M. 107 HDPE PE-80PN-6 108 75 mm dia 109 90 mm dia 110 110 mm dia 111 Providing, lowering, laying and jointing in trenches, standard lengths HDPEISI marked Pipes as per IS-4984: 1995 (amended up to date)with necessary jointing material like mechanical connectors, i.e. thread/ insert joint/ quick release coupler joint/ compression fitting joint or flanged joint and specials jointing pipe by butt fusion/ electro fusion welding method, including all taxes , transportation and freight charges, inspection charges, loading/ unloading charges, stacking of pipes, including cost of labour and material, specials (Tee, bend etc.), satisfactory hydraulic testing, disinfection, commissioning etc. complete as per technical specifications and direction of Engineer-in-charge of following class and diameter. (excluding earth work). Note : Providing and fixing of all requisite specials as per drawing, design and layout are inclusive in RM measurement of the item and shall not be paid separately.Supply of pipe shall be in straight length in 6/12 M. 112 HDPE PE-80PN-6 113 125 mm dia 114 140 mm dia 115 160 mm dia 116 200 mm dia 117 Providing, lowering, laying in trenches, aligning, fixing in position and jointingDuctileIron(DI)ISI markedK-7gradeS&Spipesas per IS:8329-2000 (amendedup todate),withinternalcementmortar lining suitable for potablewater with rubber ring (EPDM)joints as per IS: 5382-1985 including all taxes (Central and local), transportation and freight charges, inspection charges, loading/ unloading charges,including cost of labour and material, specials (Tee, bend etc.) satisfactory hydraulic testing, disinfection, commissioning etc. complete as per technical specifications and direction of Engineer-in-charge. (excluding earth work) Note : Providing and fixing of all requisite specials as per drawing, design and layout are inclusive in RM measurement of the item and shall not be paid separately. 118 150 mm 119 200 mm 120 Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic Excavator )/ manual means in trenches of required width and gradient for laying and jointing of pipe line including excavation for sockets, and dressing of sides, ramming of bottoms, depth up to 1.5 Mtr. including taking out the excavated soil, and then returning the soil as required in layers not exceeding 20cm in depth including consolidating each deposited layer by ramming, watering etc. and disposal of surplus excavated soil as directed within a lead of 50 Mtr. including required all safety provisions etc.:All kinds of soil 121 Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic Excavator)/ manual means in trenches of required width and gradient for laying and jointing of pipe line including excavation for sockets, and dressing of sides, ramming of bottoms, depth up to 1.5 Mtr. including taking out the excavated soil, and then returning the soil as required in layers not exceeding 20cm in depth including consolidating each deposited layer by ramming, watering etc. and stacking serviceable material for measurements and disposal of unserviceable material as directed, with in a lead of 50 Mtr. including all safety provisions required .: 122 Ordinary rock 123 Providing,lowering, aligning,fixingin positionin pipeline,CID/FSluicevalvesstraight and pocket less body passage of approved make of following Pressure rating & dia complete, confirming to IS:14846 (amended up to date) and of following specifications: Body, Bonnet, Wedge, Gland, Thrust Plate, Cap & Hand wheel of Grey cast iron of IS:210/ FG200Stem - SS 304 ,Body Seat ring, Wedge facing ring & Bushes - LTB2/ SS, Face to face dimensions as per IS 14846/2000 (amended up to date) ,Epoxy ( Non-Toxic- suitable for drinking water) applied inside and outside,Flanges Drilled as per IS 1538. Nut-Bolt confirming to IS:1363 and IS: 1367/ CS/ galvanised steelInsertion rubber of black EPDM 6mm thick . Sluice valves including all jointing & jointing material, labour, testing and commissioning along with pipe line as per Technical Specifications and as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. Note: Rates are exclusive of tail piece/ dismantling joints and earth work. 124 Manually Operated CI Sluice valve of Class PN-1.0 125 At Pipe line 126 80 mm HW 127 100 mm HW 128 125 mm HW 129 150 mm HW 130 200 mm HW 131 Providing, lowering, aligning, fixing in position and Jointing in pipe line, CI single Air ValveFlanged/ Screwed type of approved makes for following pressure rating & dia complete, confirming to IS: 14845-2000 (amendedup to date) and of following specifications: Body, Cover and Cowl - Grey Cast Iron as per IS:210- FG 200 ,Float StainlessSteelAISI304/IS:3444, FloatGuide-HBT1,Bodyseatring-Leadedtin bronze/ SS, Seal ring and face ring - EPDM/NBR, Ends flanged according to IS 6418 orScrewed type shall have external pipe threads conforming to IS 554Fasteners - CSEpoxypaintinsideoutsideoffoodgradesafefordrinkingwater,Valves including all material, labour, testing and commissioning as per Technical Specifications and as per direction of Engineer in charge.Note: Rates are exclusive of connecting tee, pipe piece and earth work. 132 25 mm S-1 Type 133 40 mm S-1 Type 134 Construction of RCC Sluice valve chamber for different type of valves including earthwork excavation, 100mm PCC M15as leveling course, RCC M25 grade for base slab, side wall & cover slab, including cost of steel reinforcement, form work, Pre-cast, Plastic encapsulated CI/MS Foot Rest, MS flats for the support of pre-cast, proper curing of concrete work complete in all respect as perspecifications and standard drawings and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 135 For in-campus Valve Chambers 136 Sluice valve chamber of size1.13m x0.85m x1.225m for pipe size-upto100mm 137 Sluice valve chamber of size 1.17m x 0.95m x1.47m for pipe size-from 125-to-150mm 138 Dismantling of cement concrete pavement for pipe line and chambers by mechanical means using pneumatic tools, cutting the peripheral edge by CC cutter, breaking to pieces not exceeding 0.02 cum in volume and stock piling at designated locations and disposal of dismantled materials up to a lead of 1000 meters. Measurement for dismantled trench to be made as per standard trench width specified in tender document and no extra payment shall be made for trench width more than specified, re-handling of material/earth to complete the tasks as per technical specification and scope of work. 139 Providing and laying in position cement concrete M10 grade nominal mix 1:3:6 (1 Cement : 3coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) in base course complete including all material, labour, machinery, lighting, guarding for road restoration work in trenches of pipe line and chamber work. Measurement for CC work to be madeas per standard trench width specified in tender document and no extra payment shall be made be made for trench width more than specified,complete work as per technical specification and scope of work. 140 Providing and laying in position cement concrete in specified grade over prepared base course complete including finishing, curing, all material, labour, machinery, lighting, guarding for road restoration work in trenches of pipe line and chamber work. Measurement for CC work to be madeas per standard trench width specified in tender document and no extra payment shall be made be made for trench width more than specified,complete work as per technical specification and scope of work. 141 M20 grade Nominal Mix1: 1.5: 3 (1 cement : 1.5 coarse sand : 3 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size) 142 Removing& Re-fixing of Precast concrete interlocking blocks for laying of pipe line by manual method, stacking of serviceable & non serviceable material separately, disposal of dismantled material lead up to 50 mtr. The C.C. interlocking paving blocks be laid on average 25 mm thick bed of coarse sand and the joints to be filled with fine sand. Laying procedure on compacted sub base as defined. Complete job is to be executed as per the directions of Engineer in charge. The rates to be inclusive of fixing of minimum 70 percent reusable precast concrete interlockingblock and cost of required new precast concrete interlocking block against damaged, including alllead and lift as per Technical specifications.(Interlocking blockmanufactured by fully computerized automatic stationery hydraulic vibro pressed machine & full computerized automatic batching plant of class A-1 as per BS:6717-2001. Tensile splitting strength and breaking load as per BS: 6717-2001Colour: Grey cement natural colour. Variation in Dimension : Less than 1.6 mm Variation in thickness: Less than 3.2 mm) 143 80 mm thick 144 Providing, lowering, laying, aligning, fixing in position and jointing CI dismantling joint (Suitable for Sluice valves etc.) as per IS specificationscompleteofthefollowingsizesincludingall jointing material,costofalllabour,testingandcommissioning Technical Specifications and as per direction of Engineer. Class PN 1.0 145 80 mm dia 146 100 mm dia. 147 125 mm dia. 148 150 mm dia. 149 200 mm dia. 150 Survey by Electronic Total station/DGPS of villages with a view of preparing village index plan indicating roads/ streets, surface and width of road/ streets along with places of importance such as Panchayat Bhawan, Hospital, School, Post office, Temple Water Supply structures (GLRs, PSPs, pumping station physical boundary of village north etc. including levels at some important points as per instruction of engineer in charge.Hydraulic Design of Distribution network in Loop/Water Gem/EPANET or any other compatible software. Preparation of Auto CAD Drawing (A-3/A-2) with complete hydraulic design out put details, such as pipe no, node no, pipe length, pressure at node etc. Submission of three sets of colour print prepared in Auto CAD.For Length Up to 2.5 KM 151 Rate for length up to 2.5 km 152 Add extra for length more than 2.5 km 153 Construction of Pump house of required size suitable for installation of maximum 4 no. monoblock pump sets as per approved GA drawing, scope of work and technical specification complete work in all respect including electrical works for lighting and fans, rain water drainage. The plinth area of pump house shall be area of measurement. 154 Providing and fixing steel, gate, grating and grills made of angles, tees, square bars, flats or black pipe with hold fast and fitting complete as per design and drawing including cutting welding and fabrication with priming coat of red oxide and two coat of enamel paints. 155 Cost for Basic Service Charges, Administration and Management, Running of Operation, Maintenance and Repairs including Preventive Maintenance, Cost of material required for maintenance & repairs, Cost of Lubricants, Consumables, Spare Parts (if the spare parts supplied to PHED are used in emergency)as per Scope of Work & terms & conditions of contract for 10 year after defect laibility period of one year DLP (except power feeder, IEC & miscllenous provision) for Water Supply Project 156 1st Year 157 2nd Year 158 3rd Year 159 4th Year 160 5th Year 161 Providing Household Tap Connectionas per technical specification andapproved drawing and as per relevant IS code (amended up to date) from HDPE pipe line up to consumer meter/premises by using electro fusion saddle piece (Complete job).This job includes digging out suitable size of pits and trench for laying service line in all kinds of soil; depositing and refilling of pit & jhiri with watering & ramming /compacting in layers and disposal of surplus excavated soil as directed with in a lead of 100 meter ; providing & fixing of all fitting duly approved in accordance withspecification for potable water including electrofusion saddle piece, gunmetal ferrule 4.0 mm , GM Full-way Valve (IS:778 Mark) or wheel valve and specials, below ground level 20 mm nominal dia MDPE pipe PE80 PN 16 as per ISO 4427 / 20 mm nominaldia PPR-C (Three layered) pipePN16 SDR 7.4 (IS:15801:2008) (ISI mark) for and above ground level using 20 mm dia PPR-C pipe with standard PPR fittings/ 15 mm dia GI pipes with fittings in the premises for fixing a tap / meter box (excluding) ,including accessories with flushing, cleaning, disinfecting and testing of pipe line complete required for making of service connection complete in all respect including labour charges . The service line should be laid at least 45 cm below ground level.Note: Road cut and restoration is not part of this item and paid separately. 162 For connection with 20 mm dia MDPE/PPR-C pipe length up to 05 mtr. 163 Add extra over item no 1.21 & 1.22 for providing20 mm PE80 PN 16 as per ISO 4427 MDPE pipe including excavation, providing, laying & jointing of service line above 5.00 mtr. 164 P & F Bib cock (IS : 8931 mark), superior quality of approved make , brss 400 gm, 15 mm nominal bore. 165 Roadcuttingforhouseholdserviceconnectioninminimumtrench widthwhereverroadcrossingisrequired.Roadcuttingofcement concrete,WBM, Black top etc. of all thickness shall be doneby using a concrete cutter machine keeping minimum trench width and restoration of the road with Cement concrete with PCC M-10 and CC M-30 grade as per specification and direction of Engineer in charge.. 166 Data entry of existing FHTCs in rural area under JJM on website ejalshakti.gov.in; work includes visiting the village for collecting basic data consumers likei.e. Aadhar no./ration card/voter ID/BPL card/ PAN card/driving licence/passport/Antyodaya card/mobile no. etc. and entering the details on the above website. The cost also includes computer and operator.

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INR 10000 /-
INR 1193300.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 5.96 Crore /-
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