
Tender For Dhule Industrial Area Maintenance And Repair To Wss For Dhule Nardana Navapur Chalisgaon Pumps Motos Panel Boards Transformer - Add. Dhule Industrial Area..M & R To Water Supply Scheme For Dhule Industrial Area, Nardhana, Chalisgaon And Navapur, dhule-Maharashtra

Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation has published Tender For Dhule Industrial Area Maintenance And Repair To Wss For Dhule Nardana Navapur Chalisgaon Pumps Motos Panel Boards Transformer - Add. Dhule Industrial Area..M & R To Water Supply Scheme For Dhule Industrial Area, Nardhana, Chalisgaon And Navapur. Submission Date for this Tender is 17-02-2025. Water Supply Project Tenders in dhule Maharashtra. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Dhule Industrial Area Maintenance And Repair To Wss For Dhule Nardana Navapur Chalisgaon Pumps Motos Panel Boards Transformer - Add. Dhule Industrial Area..M & R To Water Supply Scheme For Dhule Industrial Area, Nardhana, Chalisgaon And Navapur
Open Tender

Tender Details

Tender For Dhule Industrial Area Maintenance And Repair To Wss For Dhule Nardana Navapur Chalisgaon Pumps Motos Panel Boards Transformer - Add. Dhule Industrial Area..M & R to Water Supply Scheme for Dhule Industrial Area, Nardhana, Chalisgaon and Navapur Growth center...Repairs of pumps, motors, panel boards, transformer & Allied miscellaneous works (As & when required during period of one calendar year) Sl. No. Item Description 1 Dismantling & overhauling of Vertical Turbine pumps from the position having 10 mtrs. suspended length (from Bell Mouth to Discharge Head.), cleaning, checking, aligning, assembling i.e., refitting, commissioning with trial run on no load & full load for at least 30 minutes including replacement of spare parts, fasteners etc. Complete as per site requirements. Note : For +/- suspended length beyond 10 m, the rate shall be increased/decreased at +/- 5% per meter. 10 H.P. to 50 H.P. 2 Fabrication of spares for the pumping machinery suitable to match with the existing fitments & as per actual site conditions including cost of material, salvage, machining, labour, taxes & duties, incidentials, overheads, packing & forwarding etc. complete as per designation given below. Housing or casing Cast steel 3 Axle or shaft stainless steel- 304 or 410 4 Thread sleeve stainless steel 304 or 410 & size of 25 mm to 40 mm 5 Plan / collared bush Gun metal 6 Plain / collared bush Neoprene rubber 7 Thread coupling stainless steel 304 or 410 & size of 25 mm to 40 mm 8 Supplying and erecting S.S.nut-bolts full threaded of size M20 x 75 mm long with nut & washer for coloum pipe. 9 Providing good quality white rubber packing of 3.00 mm & 5.00 mm thickness as per the requirement for assembling of pump 10 Providing white gland packing of 12 mm, 16 mm thickness for raw water & pure water pumps 11 Rewinding of submersible / V.T. motor of all types and makes above 1 H.P. up to 200 H.P with coated copper wires & overhauling with minor repairs, lubricating of ball bearings & bush bearing, and replacing screws etc. testing for the original speed, H.P. and no load consumption & guarantee for one year. (The scrap winding material shall be retained by rewinder) 12 Rewinding and repair of Squirrel cage induction /V.T. motor in all types and makes above 1H.P. up to 150 H.P with coated copper wires & overhauling with minor repairs, lubricating of ball bearings & bush bearing, and replacing screws etc. testing for the original speed, H.P. and no load consumption & guarantee for one year (The scrap winding material shall be retained by rewinder) 13 Accessories for MCCB‘s Supplying and erecting terminal spreaders suitable for 4 pole, above 100A up to 250A MCCB (Set of 8) 14 Supplying and erecting terminal spreaders suitable for 4 pole, above 400A up to 630A MCCB (Set of 8) 15 All types of SS material Deduct 16 AccessoriesSupplying and replacing No-Volt-Coil for motor having Star-Delta Starter from 20 H.P. to 30 H.P. motor. 17 Supplying and replacing No-Volt-Coil from 30 H.P.to 90 H.P. motor starter. 18 Supplying and replacing thermal over load relay for motor starter 20 H.P. to 25 H.P. 19 Supplying and replacing thermal over load relay for motor starter 60 H.P. to 90 H.P. 20 Supplying & replacing Electronic timer above 30 H.P to 60 HP motor starter. 21 Supplying and replacing contactor for motor starter suitable from 25 H.P. to 30 H.P. 22 Supply and installation of WTP suction and delivery pipes with flanch for 20 hp submersible pumps M.S. Pipe 100mm diameter, 5mm thickens ,ISI ( 1 mtrs = 14 kgs, i.e. 14 kg x Rs 105 = Rs1460.00 (Rate as per excluding GST) 23 Credit for Dismantled MaterialHG / M.S / G.I. Materials / Poles etc. 24 Copper / Brass materials Deduct 25 Supply of SKF make bearing and installation @ Site (Rates are Excluding GST) Dhule 40 H.P. /60 H.P. Motors (7316/C3 SKF (DE)) 26 Dhule Jackwell 75 H.P. Motors SKF 7317 BEP 27 Dhule WTP 20 H.P. Motors (NU312 ECP SKF (DE) 28 Fabrication of spares for the pumping machinery suitable to match with the existing fitments & as per actual site conditions including cost of material, salvage, machining, labour, taxes & duties, incidentials, overheads, packing & forwarding etc. complete as per designation given below. Housing or casing cast steel 29 Axle or shaft stainless steel - 304 or 410 30 Threaded sleeve stainless steel 304 or 410 & 40 mm 31 Plan / collared bush Gun metal 32 Plain / collared bush neoprene rubber 33 Threaded coupling stainless steel 304 or 410 34 Supplying and erecting S.S.nut-bolts full threaded of size M20 x 75 mm long with nut & washer for coloum pipe. 35 Providing white gland packing of 12 mm, 16 mm thickness for raw water & pure water pumps 36 Providing good quality white rubber packing of 3.00 mm & 5.00 mm thickness as per the requirement for assembling of pump 37 Dismantling & overhauling of vertical Turbine pumps from the position having 10 mtrs suspended length (From Bell Mouth to Discharge Head) cleaning, checking, aligning, assembling i.e., refitting, commissioning with trial run commissioning with trial run on no load & full load for at least 30 minutes including replacement of spare parts, fastners etc complete as per site requirements Note: For +/- suspended length beyond 10 m, the rate shall be increased / decreased at +/- 5% per meter. above 12 H.P. to 125 H.P. Total suspension length = 18 meter. suspension length. Rate for is Rs. 80.00 per HP 38 Rewinding and repair of Squirrel cage induction motor in all types and makes above 1H.P. up to 150 H.P with coated copper wires & overhauling with minor repairs, lubricating of ball bearings & bush bearing, and replacing screws etc. testing for the original speed, H.P. and no load consumption & guaranty for one year 39 Supplying & erecting bank of metalized polypropylene condensers with the standard capacities of 1,2,3,5,7,10,12.5 & 15 KVAR units of PF correction for operation on 3 phase 50 cycles 400/440V (+10%) with externally discharging resistances, earthing terminals & built on angle iron or channel iron farme work & provided with terminal cover box complete erected on provided iron bracket or on floor duly tested by licensee. (Make Probodhan, Univarsal, Madhav, Shreen, Epcos.) 40 Credit for Dismantled Material HG / M.S / G.I. Materials / Poles etc. 41 Copper / Brass materials Deduct 42 All types of SS material Deduct 43 LT - MCCBs (SW-MCCB) Providing & erecting 3 Pole MCCB 415V, 400A, rated short-circuit breaking capacity 36 kA (Ics=100% of Icu), adjustable thermal (overload) setting and adjustable magnetic setting with provided leads, provision for installation of shunt/ UV/ trip alarm contact and MCCB should have phase barriers both sides, with insulation withstand capacity 800V, no line-load bias in provided enclosure /panel as per specification no. SW-SWR/MCCB 44 Accessories Supplying and replacing No-Volt-Coil from 90 H.P. to 125 H.P. motor starter. 45 Supplying and replacing thermal over load relay for motor starter from 100 H.P. to 125 H.P. 46 Supplying and replacing contactor for motor starter suitable for 100 H.P. to 200 H.P. (Make L&T, MNX400 contactor) 47 Repairing and servicing of160/ 315 KVA distribution transformer including following work and spares required. Dismantling of transformer Transportation from midc site. Removing of all winding core with HT and LT side bushing. Reinsulating of winding strip with insulation class material as per standards specification. Removal of old moisturized and black colour oil due to overheating. Transformer of new transformer oil with filtration and assembly of core and bushing assembly with new rubber bushes and hardware. Testing of transformer for full load and high voltage test. etc. complete( Rate excluding GST) 48 Repairing of OLTC of transformer with all mechanism and tap changing gear assembly with tap position indicator unit etc, complete job. ( Rate excluding GST) 49 Repairs of RMU panel including servicing repairs incomer air circuit breaker 1 nos and outgoing 2 nos breaker and load break switch with testing on load and trial work.( Rate excluding GST) 50 Supply of SKF make bearing and installation @ Site (Rates are Excluding GST) Nardana Jackwell 125 HP motors (7322 SKF (DE)) and WTP 150 hp 7322 SKF Bearing 51 Nardana Jackwell 125 HP Motors 6316/C3 SKF (NDE)) 52 Nardana WTP 150 H.P. Motors (6318/C3 SKF (NDE)) 53 Rewinding of submersible /S.C.I.M. pump motor of all types and makes above 1 H.P. up to 200 H.P with coated copper wires & overhauling with minor repairs, lubricating of ball bearings & bush bearing, and replacing screws etc. testing for the original speed, H.P. and no load consumption & guarantee for one year. (The scrap of winding material shall be retained by rewinder.) 54 Rewinding and repair of Squirrel cage induction motor (V.T.)in all types and makes above 1H.P. up to 200 H.P with coated copper wires & overhauling with minor repairs, lubricating of ball bearings & bush bearing, and replacing screws etc. testing for the original speed, H.P. and no load consumption & guaranty for one year. 55 Dismantling & overhauling of Vertical Turbine/ submersible pumps from the position having 10 mtrs. suspended length (from Bell Mouth to Discharge Head.), cleaning, checking, aligning, assembling i.e., refitting, commissioning with trial run on no load & full load for at least 30 minutes including replacement of spare parts, fasteners etc. complete as per site requirements. 200 HP 56 10HP to 50 HP 57 Fabrication of spares for the Submersible VT pumping machinery suitable to match with the existing fitments & as per actual site conditions including cost of material, salvage, machining, labour, taxes & duties, incidentals, overheads, packing & forwarding etc. complete as per designation given below. Sleeve for bowl 58 Bush for seal ring HSg 59 Mechanical seal 60 O Ring (DE) Total required Qty is 6 nos, offer rate is total Rs.3846/-. 61 Oil seal (DE Brg) Required 62 Bearing lock nut and washer 63 Rotor lock Nut required 64 Guide Bush 65 Wear Ring 66 O Ring (NDE) 67 Circlip 68 Fabrication of spares for the V.T. pumping machinery suitable to match with the existing fitments & as per actual site conditions including cost of material, salvage, machining, labour, taxes & duties, incidentals, overheads, packing & forwarding etc. complete as per designation given below. Housing or casing cast steel 69 Axle or shaft stainless steel 304 or 410 70 Threaded sleeve stainless steel 304 ot 410 71 Plant / collared bush gun metal 72 Plain / collared bush neoprene rubber 73 Threaded coupling stainless steel 304 or 410 74 Supplying and erecting S.S.nut-bolts full threaded of size M20 x 75 mm long with nut & washer for coloum pipe. 75 Providing good quality white rubber packing of 3.00 mm & 5.00 mm thickness as per the requirement for assembling of pump 76 All types of SS material Credit for Dismantled Material Deduct 77 HG / M.S / G.I. Materials / Poles etc. Deduct 78 Copper / Brass materials Deduct 79 Supply of SKF make bearing and installation @ Site (Rates are Excluding GST) Chalisgaon Jackwell 200 H.P. Submersible Motors (3319A SKF (DE)) 80 Chalisgaon Jackwell 200 H.P. Motors (NU319ECP SKF (NDE)) 81 Chalisgaon WTP 35 HP Motors (3312A SKF (DE)) 82 Chalisgaon WTP 35 H.P. Motors (NU 312ECP SKF (NDE)) 83 chalisgaon Jackwell 200 HP V.T. motors (7322 SKF (DE)) Bearing 84 Chalisgaon Jackwell 200 V.T. HP Motors 6318 SKF (NDE)) 85 Rewinding of submersible /S.C.I.M. pump motor of all types and makes above 1 H.P. up to 200 H.P with coated copper wires & overhauling with minor repairs, lubricating of ball bearings & bush bearing, and replacing screws etc. testing for the original speed, H.P. and no load consumption & guarantee for one year. The scrap of winding material shall be returned by rewinder) 86 Dismantling & overhauling of Vertical Turbine/ submersible pumps from the position having 10 mtrs. suspended length (from Bell Mouth to Discharge Head.), cleaning, checking, aligning, assembling i.e., refitting, commissioning with trial run on no load & full load for at least 30 minutes including replacement of spare parts, fasteners etc. complete as persite requirements 10HP to 50 HP 87 Accessories Supplying and replacing No-Volt-Coil for motor having DOL starters from 7.5 H.P. to 10 H.P. 88 Supplying and replacing thermal overload relay for motor starter suitable for up to 12.5 HP. to 30 HP 89 Supplying & replacing contactor for DOL motor starter from 7.5 H.P. to 10 H.P. 90 Providing and supplying ISI mark CI D/F reflux valves (non-return valves ) of following dia including railway freight, inspection charges, unloading from railway wagon, loading into truck, transportation upto departmental stores, unloading, stacking excluding GST levied by GOI & GOM in all respect etc. complete. Reflux valves as per I.S.5312 Part I (1984) Without by pass arrangement -PN -14) 100 mm. 91 Providing double flange sluice valve confirming for IS- 14846 including worn gear arrangements as per test pressure, stainless steel spindle, caps, including inspection charges, transportation upto departmental store, unloading, stacking excluding GST levied by GOI & GOM in all respect etc. complete. Sluice valves - PN -1 (Without by pass) 4) 100 mm. 92 Credit for Dismantled Material HG / M.S / G.I. Materials / Poles etc. Deduct 93 Copper / Brass materials Deduct 94 Supply of SKF make bearing and installation @ Site (Rates are Excluding GST) Navapur Jackwell 15 HP Motors (6316 C3 SKF (DE)) 95 Navapur WTP & Jackwell 15 H.P. Motors (6211 SKF (NDE)) 96 Navapur WTP 20 H.P. Motors (6318 C3 SKF (DE))

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 5900 /-
INR 21400.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 21.34 Lakhs /-
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