
E Tender For Sbm-Ii Swm -Slwmborale Tal- Mangalwedha Dist.- Solapur, Solapur-Maharashtra

Rural Development Department has published E Tender For Sbm-Ii Swm -Slwmborale Tal- Mangalwedha Dist.- Solapur. Submission Date for this Tender is 10-02-2025. Excavation Work Tenders in Solapur Maharashtra. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

E Tender For Sbm-Ii Swm -Slwmborale Tal- Mangalwedha Dist.- Solapur
Open Tender

Tender Details

E Tender For Sbm-Ii Swm -Slwmborale Tal- Mangalwedha Dist.- Solapur; 1 Community Nadep Compost Pit Unit-1 Item No 1- Excavtion for foundation in earth, soil of all type , sand, gravel and soft murum, including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50m. bey and the building area and stacking and spreading as directed, dewatering, preparing the bed for the foundation and necessary back filling, ramming, watering including shorin gand strutting etc.complete.(Lift upto1.5m.)By Mechanical Means.(DSR PWD 2022-23P. No. 153 Sr.No. 21.02) 2 Item No.2- Providing and laying Castinsitu/Ready Mix cement concrete in M10 of trap/granite/quartzite/gneiss metal for steps including steel centering, form work, laying/pumping, compacting, roughening them if special finish is to be provided, finishing uneven and honey combed surface and curing etc. complete. The Cement Mortar 1:3 plaster is considered forrende ringunevenan dhoney combed surface, only Newly laid concrete shall be covered by gunny bag, plastic, tarpaulin etc. (Wooden centering will not be allowed.), with fully automatic micro processor based PLC with SCADA enabled reversible Drum Type mixer/concrete Batch mix plant (Pan mixer) etc. complete. With fine aggregate (Crushed sand VSI Grade)(DSRPWD 2022-23 Sr.No.24.01P.No.175) 3 Item No.3- Provinmding Secound class burnt brick masonry with converntional/ I.S type bricks in cement mortar 1:6 in plints asbacking in composit emasonry including bailing out water manually, striking, joints, raking out joints and watering etc complete.(DSRPWD2022-23Sr No.27.01P.No. 197) 4 Item No.4- Providing internal cement plaster 12mm thick in single coat in cement mortar 1:5 without neeru finish to concrete or brick surfaces, in all positions including scaffolding and curingetc.complete.(DSRPWD 2022-23SR No. 32.03.No.209) 5 Item No 5- Providing flush grooved pointing with cement mortar 1:3 for brick workin cluding scaffolding and curingetc.complete.(DSRPWD2022-23SR No. 32.16 P.No. 210) 6 Item No 6- Providing and applying washable powder distemper of approved colour and shade to old and new surfaces in two coats including scaffolding, preparing the surfaces. (excluding the primer coat) etc.complete.)(DSRPWD 2022-23SR No. 36.09 P.No. 227) 7 Item No.7:-Provinding And Fixing Bamboo 50 mm dia. Hotizantal and Vertical (DSRPWD 2022-23 SR No. 30P.No. 540) 8 Item No.8:-Provinding And Fixing said natejali for roofing (Market Rate) 9 Item No.9:- Mazdoor - Unskilled heavy male charges for laying of thatched roof with locally available Bamboo (DSR PWD 2022-23I No. 36 P.No. 545) 10 Item No.10:-Provinding And Fixing and supling PVC Pipe 75 mm/ 4kg/cm2 (DSR PWD 2022-23 INo. 185 P.No. 535) 11 Item No.11:- providing supplying MS sheet and angal fabricated board with size45 Mt.X.600 Mt. with 2.0 Mt. angal legs including fixing in concrete and painting as per instructions.(lumsum Amt. with local rates) 12 Community Nadep Compost Pit Unit- 2Item No 1- Excavtion for foundation in earth, soil of all type , sand, gravel and soft murum, including removing the excavated material up to a distance of 50 m. beyond the building area and stacking and spreading as directed, dewatering, preparing the bed for the foundation and necessary back filling, ramming, watering including shoring and strutting etc. complete. (Lift upto 1.5 m.) By Mechanical Means (DSR PWD 2022-23P. No. 153 Sr.No. 21.02) 13 Item No 2- Providing and laying Cast in situ/ Ready Mix cement concrete in M10 of trap/ granite/ quartzite/ gneiss metal for steps including steel centering, form work, laying/ pumping, compacting, roughening them if special finish is to be provided, finishing uneven and honeycombed surface and curing etc. complete. The Cement Mortar 1:3 plaster is considered for renderinguneven and honeycombed surface, only. Newly laid concrete shall be covered by gunny bag, plastic, tarpaulin etc. (Wooden centering will not be allowed.), with fully automatic microprocessor based PLC with SCADA enable dreversible Drum Type mixer/ concrete Batch mix plant (Panmixer) etc. complete. Withfine aggregate (Crushed sandVSI Grade) (DSRPWD 2022-23 Sr.No.24.01 P.No.175) 14 Item No.3- ProvidingSecound class burnt brick masonry with converntional / I.S type brick in cement mortal 1:6 in plints as backing in composite masonry including bailing out water manually,striking, joints, raking out joints and watering etc complete(DSRPWD2022-23Sr No.27.01P.No. 197) 15 Item No 4- Providing internal cement plaster 12mm thick in singlecoat in cement mortar 1:5 without neeru finish to concrete or brick surfaces, in all positions including scaffolding and curing etc. complete. (DSRPWD 2022-23 SR No. 32.03.No.209) 16 Item No 5- Providing flush grooved pointing with cement mortar 1:3 for brick work including scaffolding and curing etc. complete. (DSR PWD 2022-23SR No. 32.16 P.No. 210) 17 Item No 6- Providing and applying washable powder distemper of approved colour and shade to old and new surfaces in two coats including scaffolding, preparing the surfaces. (excluding the primer coat) etc. complete. (DSR PWD 2022-23 SR No. 36.09 P.No. 227) 18 CONSTRUCTION OF PLASTIC WEST STORAGE ROOM Item No1- Excavtion for foundation inearth, soil of all type, sand, gravel and soft murum, including removing the excavated material up to a distance of 50m. beyond the building area and stacking and spreading as directed, dewatering, preparing the bed for the foundation and necessary back filling, ramming, water ingincluding shoring and struttingetc. complete. (Lift upto 1.5 m.) By Mechanical Means. (DSR PWD 2022-23P. No. 153 Sr.No. 21.02) 19 Item No 2 – Excavation for foundation in Hard murum and boulders including removing the excavated material up to a distance of 50metres, beyond the building area and stacking and spreading as directed, dewatering, preparing the bed for the foundation and necessary back filling, ramming, watering including shoring and strutting etc. complete. (Lift from 1.5 m to 3.0 m.) By Mechanical Means (DSR PWD 2022-23P. No. 154 Sr.No. 21.08) 20 Item No 3- Providing and laying Cast in situ/ Ready Mix cement Concrete M-10 of Trap/ granite /quartzite/ gneiss metal for foundation and bedding including bailing out water, steelcentering, from work, layining/ pumping, compacting, roughening them if special finish is to be provided, finishing if required and curing complete with fully automatic micro processor based PLC With SCADA enabled reversible drum type mixer/ concreate batch mix plant (panmixer) etc. complete. With fine aggrement (crushed sand VSI Grande)(DSR PWD2022-23P. No. 175 Sr.No. 24.01) 21 Item No 4- Providing uncoursed rubble masonry of trap/granite/quartzite/gneiss stone in cement mortar 1:6in foundation and plinth of inner walls/ in plinth of external walls including bailing out water manually, striking joints on unexposed facesand watering etc. complete. (DSR PWD 2022-23P. No. 199Sr.No. 28.01 ) 22 Item No 5 – Providing Secound class burnt brick masonry with converntional/ I.S type brick in cement morta 1:6 in plints as backing incomposite masonry including bailing out water manually, striking, joints, raking out joints and watering etc complete. (DSRPWD2022-23Sr No.27.01P.No. 197) 23 Item No 6- Provinding dry/ trap/ granity/ quartzite/ gneiss rubbel stone soling 15 cm to 20cm thick including hand packing and compacting etc complete. (DSR PWD 2022-23 P. No. 157 Sr.No. 21.38 24 Item No 7- Providing internal cement plaster 12mm thick in single coat in cement mortar 1:5 without neeru finish to concrete or bricksurfaces, in all positions including scaffoldingand curing etc. complete. (DSRPWD 2022-23 SR No. 32.03.No.209) 25 Item No8 – Providing rough cast cement plaster externally in two coats to concrete, brickor stone masonry surfaces in all positions with base coat of 12to15 mm thick in C.M. 1:4 and rough cast treatment 12mm thick in proportion 1:11/2:3 including scaffolding and fourteen days curing complete. (DSR PWD 2022-23 Sr. No. 32.12 P. No.209) 26 Item No 9- Providing structural steel work inrolled section likejoints, channels, angel, tree etc. as per detailed designsand drawing including fixing (excluding cost of structure stell) (DSR PWD 2022-23I No. 6P. No 2) 27 ItemNo 10-Providingand fixing50mm. dia.medium class G.I. pipe gate with wicket gate of approved drawing with all fixtures and fittings in two leaves with strong hold fast embedded in c.c. block at top and bottom with locking arrangement including cutting, bending, making holes and with one coat of primer etc. complete. (DSR PWD 2022-23 Sr No. 23.05 P. No. 213) 28 Item No 11- Providing and fixing corrugated galvanised iron sheets of 0.63 mm thick (24B.W.G.) for roofing without wind tiles including fastening with galvanised iron screws and bolts, lead and bitumen washers as per drawing etc. complete. (Weight of 5.5 Kilogram/sq.m.). (DSR PWD 2022-23P. No.233 Sr.No.38.04) 29 Item No 12- providing supplying MS sheet and angal fabricated board with size 0.45 Mt.X 0.600 Mt. with 2.0 Mt. angal legs including fixing in concrete and painting as per instructions. 30 ADD GST 18%

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