
Tender For Upgradation Work At Industrial Area Rangwasa, Dist. Indore - Construction Of 12 Meter Wide Cc Road - Clearing And Grubbing Road Land Including Uprooting Rank Vegetation, Grass, Bushes, Shrubs, Saplings And Trees Girth Up To 300Mm, Removel Of S, indore-Madhya Pradesh

Madhya Pradesh State Industrial Development Corporation Ltd has published Tender For Upgradation Work At Industrial Area Rangwasa, Dist. Indore - Construction Of 12 Meter Wide Cc Road - Clearing And Grubbing Road Land Including Uprooting Rank Vegetation, Grass, Bushes, Shrubs, Saplings And Trees Girth Up To 300Mm, Removel Of S. Submission Date for this Tender is 02-03-2025. RCC Road Tenders in indore Madhya Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Upgradation Work At Industrial Area Rangwasa, Dist. Indore - Construction Of 12 Meter Wide Cc Road - Clearing And Grubbing Road Land Including Uprooting Rank Vegetation, Grass, Bushes, Shrubs, Saplings And Trees Girth Up To 300Mm, Removel Of S
Open Tender
Madhya Pradesh

Tender Details

Tender For Upgradation Work At Industrial Area Rangwasa, Dist. Indore - Construction of 12 Meter wide CC road - Clearing and grubbing road land including uprooting rank vegetation, grass, bushes, shrubs, saplings and trees girth up to 300mm, removel of stumps of trees cut earlier and disposal of unserviceable materials and stacking of serviceable material to be used or auctioned up to a lead of 1000 metres including removel and disposal of top organic soil not exceeding 150 mm in thickness if required and as per relevant clauses of section-200 (B) In area of Light jungle For 12 mtr wde road Hectare 0.47 22,918.00 3.3 Excavation for roadwork in soil with hydraulic excavator including cutting and loading in tippers, trimming bottom and side slopes, in accordance with requirements of lines, grades and cross sections, and transporting to the embankment location with all lifts and lead upto 1000m as per relevent clauses of section-300 of specification. Road i/c Footpath CuM 1872.00 55.00 3.4 Excavation in Ordinary Rock using Hydraulic Excavator and Tippers with disposal upto 1000 metres.Excavation for roadway in ordinary rock with hydraulic excavator including cutting and loading in tippers, transporting to embankment site with in all lifts and lead upto 1000 m, trimming bottom and side slopes in accordance with requirements of lines, grades and cross sections as per relevent clauses of section-300 of specification CuM 1872.00 75.00 3.5 Excavation in Hard Rock with disposal upto 1000 metres Excavation for roadway in hard rock with rock breakers i/c breaking rock or by drilling, blasting and breaking, trimming of bottom and side slopes in accordance with requirements of lines, grades and cross sections, loading and disposal of cut road with all lifts and leads upto 1000 metres and as per relevent clauses of section-300 of specification. CuM 1404.00 203.00 3.13 Embankment Construction with Material Obtained from Borrow Pits Construction of embankment with approved material having CBR>7 obtained from borrow pits with all lifts and leads, transporting to site, spreading, grading to required slope and compacting to meet requirement of table 300-1, 300-2 and as per relevent clauses of section300. Embankment/ Sub grade CuM 2340.00 2340.00 155 4.12 Crusher Run Macadam Sub Base/Base Course Providing crushed stone aggregate, depositing on a prepared surface by hauling vehicles, spreading and mixing with a motor grader, watering and compacting with a vibratory roller to clause 410 to form a layer of subbase/Base in accordance to Table No. 400-14, 400-15 and as per clause of section 407 of specifications. (i) For 53 mm maximum size Carriageway CuM 386.10 1,145.00 6.1 Dry lean cement concrete Sub-base Construction of dry lean cement concrete Sub- base over a prepared sub-grade with coarse and fine aggregate conforming to IS: 383, the size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, aggregate cement ratio not to exceed 15:1, aggregate gradation after blending to be as per table 600-1, cement content not to be less than 150 kg/ cum, optimum moisture content to be determined during trial length construction, concrete strength not to be less than 10 Mpa at 7 days, mixed in a batching plant, transported to site, laid with a paver with electronic sensor, compacting with 8-10 tonnes vibratory roller, finishing and curing as per clause 601 of specification complete in all respect. NAME OF WORK : UPGRADATION WORK OF I/A RANGWASA , INDORE BILL OF QUANTITIES Construction of 12 Meter wide CC road 1 2 3 Sr. No. MP PWD Road & Bridge SOR 2022, MPPWD Building Description of Item Unit Qty Rate 5 6 7 4 Road 12M ROW Sr. No. MP PWD Road & Bridge SOR 2022, MPPWD Building Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Carriageway Cum 234.00 2,767.00 6.3 Cement Concrete Pavement Construction of un-reinforced, dowel jointed, plain cement concrete pavement M-40 grade concrete over a prepared sub base with cement, coarse and fine aggregate conforming to IS 383, maximum size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, mixed in a batching and mixing plant as per approved mix design, transported to site, laid with a fixed form or slip form paver, spread, compacted and finished in a continuous operation including provision of contraction, expansion, construction and longitudinal joints, joint filler, separation membrane, sealant primer, joint sealant, debonding strip, admixtures as approved,curing compound, finishing to lines and grades as per drawing as per IRC 15 2011 and as per relevant clauses of section 602 of specifications complete but excluding cost of steel in dowel bar and tie rods etc. Carriageway Cum 643.50 6,103.00 9 6.8 Add extra in Item No.6.3, 6.4, 6.6 & 6.10 above for the cost of steel in dowel bar and tie rod including craddle, laps etc. complete required as per design. 6.8.1 Mild Steel dowel bars 32mm Dia @ 300 C/c Carriageway MT 5.25 3% extra for junction 0.16 Total MT 5.40 63587.00 6.8.2 Tie Bar 12 mm Dia @ 600 C/c Carriageway MT 0.37 Total MT 0.37 68297.00 8.25 Road Marking with Hot Applied Thermoplastic Compound with Reflectorising Glass Beeds on Concrete surface. Providing and applying (Cleaning of concrete surface and after applying Concrete primer) thermoplastic compound having composition of binder (Regin) minimum 18 %, titanium dioxide minimum 10 % and intermixed glass beed, minimum 30% of brand like Asian, Burger or equivalent make of 2.5 mm thick including drop down reflectorizing, glass beeds @ 250 gms per sqm area thickness of 2.5 mm is exclusive of surface applied glass beeds as per IRC:35 along with concrete primer. The finished surface to be level, uniform and free from streaks and holes, all complete as per clause 803 of specifications. Note:- The guarantee of Thermoplastic should be minimum 3 Years. sqm 97.50 636.00 11 8.19 Supplying and installation road delineators (road way indicators). as per MORT&H Clause 806. The structure shall be made in roll forming process having height of 80-100 cm above the ground level, width not less than 100 mm and shall extend not more than 300mm below the ground while being installed, buried or pressed in to the ground in confirmation with IRC:79: 1981, are as directed by the by. the Engineer painted black with powder coat of minimum 40 microns thickness for protection against corrosion, on top of which Type XI retro reflective sheeting shall be pasted on both sides complying to IRC:79:1981. The delineator should consist of minimum retro reflective unit exposed area of 330 cm2 white color, full cube corner micro prismatic non-metallic retro reflective sheeting on each side conforming with IRC 67:2012 and meeting the coefficient of retro reflection values as per ASTM D 4956 Type XI label specification. The delineator shall have grooves across thelength to make the reflective sheets vandal- proof. each 5.00 990.00 7 8 9a 9b 10 Road 12M ROW Sr. No. MP PWD Road & Bridge SOR 2022, MPPWD Building Description of Item Unit Qty Rate 8.30 Retro- reflectorised Traffic signs Providing and fixing of retro-reflectorised cautionary, mandatory and informatory sign board as per IRC 67-2012 made of high intensity Micro-Prismatic Grade Sheeting (Type IV) vide IRC: 67:2012 clause and clause 801.3.3 of MoRT &H fixed over Aluminum composite material sheet with thermoplastic core of Low density polyethylene (LDPE) between two thick skins/sheets of aluminum with overall thickness of 4mm and aluminum skin of thickness 0.3 on both side, the ACM shall conform to Table 6.1 of IRC:67:2012 and Table 800-1 of MoRT &H specification and High Intensity Micro Prismatic Grade Sheeting shall conform to Table 6.6 of IRC:67:2012 and Table 800-3 of MoRT &H specification of in the clause IRC 6.8 of the IRC 67-2012 and clause 801.3.7 of MORTH message legend numerical letter etc. and borders shall be screen printed on high intensity micro prismatic sheeting shall conform to clause 801.3.7 with digital printing ink or of cutout from transparent durable overlay or cutout from the same type of reflecting sheeting for cautionary/ mandatory/ signs, supported on MS sign post of size 75mm x75mm x 6mm of 3.60 meter over all length and fix to ground by means of properly designed foundation of dimension 450x450x600mm with M20 grade concrete. The ACM sheet shall be fixed to the post with four minimum four number breakaway bolts. & supported with a back support frame of 25mmx25mmx3mm angle. 7 years warranty for Retro Reflection Sheeting to be provided from the original sheeting manufacture as per clause 6.9 of IRC: 67:2012 & a certified copy for three years for outdoor exposure report from an independent test lab as per clause 6.7 of IRC: 67:2012 for the product offered shall be submitted by the contractor.Note:- Manufacture name and date of manufacture is to be printed (Embossed) at the backside of the board. i) 90 cm equilateral triangle each 2.00 4,184.00 13 8.7 Direction and Place Identification signs upto 0.9 sqm size board. Providing and fixing of retro-reflectorised cautionary, mandatory and informatory sign board as per IRC 67-2012 made of high intensity Micro-Prismatic Grade Sheeting (Type IV) vide IRC: 67:2012 clause and clause 801.3.3 of MoRT&H fixed over Aluminum composite material sheet with thermoplastic core of Low density polyethylene (LDPE) between two thick skins/sheets of aluminum with overall thickness of 4mm and aluminum skin of thickness 0.3 on both side, the ACM shall conform to Table 6.1 of IRC:67:2012 and Table 800-1 of MoRT&H specification and High Intensity Micro Prismatic Grade Sheeting shall conform to Table 6.6 of IRC:67:2012 and Table 800-3 of MoRT&H specification of in the clause IRC 6.8 of the IRC 67-2012 and clause 801.3.7 of MORTH message legend numerical letter etc. and borders shall be screen printed on high intensity micro prismatic sheeting shall conform to clause 801.3.7 sqm 1.80 6,479.00 with digital printing ink or of cutout from transparent durable overlay or cutout from the same type of reflecting sheeting for cautionary/ mandatory/ signs, supported on MS sign post of size 75mm x75mm x 6mm of 3.60 meter over all length and fix to ground by means of properly designed foundation of dimension 450x450x600mm with M20 grade concrete. The ACM sheet shall be fixed to the post with four minimum four number breakaway bolts. & supported with a back support frame of 25mm x 25 mm x 3mm angle. 7 years warranty for Retro Reflection Sheeting to be provided from the original sheeting manufacture as per clause 6.9 of IRC: 67:2012 & a certified copy for three years for outdoor exposure report from an independent test lab as per clause 6.7 of IRC: 67:2012 for the product offered shall be submitted by the contractor. Note:- Manufacture name and date of manufacture is to be printed (Embossed) at the backside of the board. 6.15 Providing and laying of a reinforced cement concrete pipe NP4 pipes for service ducts below cement concrete pavement (i) (i) 300 mm dia meter 12.00 713.00 12 14 Bituminous concrete Sr. No. SOR Item No. Particulars Unit Quantity Rate (Rs.) 1 5.2 Providing and applying tack coat with catonic bitumen emulsion using emulsion pressure distributor on the prepared bituminous/granular surface cleaned with mechanical broom and as per relevant clauses of section-503 of specifications ii 0.30 kg per sqm (dry & hungry bituminous surfaces /granular surfaces treated with primer) 1500.00 Sqm 1500.00 16 2 5.6 Bituminous Concrete Providing and laying bituminous concrete using crushed aggregates of specified grading, premixed with bituminous binder @ 5.4 to 5.6 % by weight of total mix of mix and filler, transporting the hot mix to work site, laying with a Electronic Sensor paver finisher with sensor control to the required grade, level and alignment, rolling with smooth wheeled, vibratory and tandem rollers to achieve the desired compaction as per clause 507 of specification. b Using Drum Mix Plant of appropriate capacity v for Grading-II ( 30-45 mm thickness ) Bitumen Content minimum 5.4% with 60/70 bitumen(VG-30) 60.00 Cum 60.00 9482 3 8.25 Road Marking with Hot Applied Thermoplastic Compound with Reflectorising Glass Beeds on Bituminous surface. Providing and applying (Cleaning of Bituminous surface) thermoplastic compound having composition of binder (Regin) minimum 18 %, titanium dioxide minimum 10 % and intermixed glass beed, minimum 30% of brand like Asian, Burger or equivalent make of 2.5 mm thick including drop down reflectorizing, glass beeds @ 250 gms per sqm area thickness of 2.5 mm is exclusive of surface applied glass beeds as per IRC:35.The finished surface to be level, uniform and free from streaks and holes, all complete as per clause 803 of specifications. Note:- The guarantee of Thermoplastic should be minimum 3 Years. . Edge 50.00 Center 12.50 Sqm 62.50 636 4 8.3P45 Retro- reflectorised Traffic signs Providing and fixing of retro-reflectorised cautionary, mandatory and informatory sign board as per IRC 67-2012 made of high intensity MicroPrismatic Grade Sheeting (Type IV) vide IRC: 67:2012 clause and clause 801.3.3 of MoRT &H fixed over Aluminum composite material sheet with thermoplastic core of Low density polyethylene (LDPE) between two thick skins/sheets of aluminum with overall thickness of 4mm and aluminum skin of thickness 0.3 on both side, the ACM shall conform to Table 6.1 of IRC:67:2012 and Table 800-1 of MoRT &H specification and High Intensity Micro Prismatic Grade Sheeting shall conform to Table 6.6 of IRC:67:2012 and Table 800-3 of MoRT &H specification of in the clause IRC 6.8 of the IRC 67-2012 and clause 801.3.7 of MORTH message legend numerical letter etc. and borders shall be screen printed on high intensity micro prismatic sheeting shall conform to clause 801.3.7 with digital printing ink or of cutout from transparent durable overlay or cutout from the same type of reflecting sheeting for cautionary/ mandatory/ signs, supported on MS sign post of size 75mm x75mm x 6mm of 3.60 meter over all length and fix to ground by means of properly designed foundation of dimension 450x450x600mm with M20 grade concrete. The ACM sheet shall be fixed to the post with four minimum four number breakaway bolts. & supported with a back support frame of 25mmx25mmx3mm angle. 7 years warranty for Retro Reflection Sheeting to be provided from the original sheeting manufacture as per clause 6.9 of IRC: 67:2012 & a certified copy for three years for outdoor exposure report from an independent test lab as per clause 6.7 of IRC: 67:2012 for the product offered shall be submitted by the contractor. Note:- Manufacture name and date of manufacture is to be printed (Embossed) at the backside of the board. ii 60 cm equilateral triangle Each 5.00 3011 Bituminous Concrete laying over CC Road MPPWD SOR ROAD & BRIDGE WORKS in force from 25-03-2022 Restoration of 1.2 Meter wide dismantaling of CC road for services Construction of Embankment with Material Deposited from Roadway Cutting Construction of embankment with approved materials CBR>7 deposited at site from roadway cutting and excavation from drain and foundation of other structures graded and compacted to meet requirement of table 300-1, 300-2 and as per relevent clauses of section-300. CuM 450.00 Total 450.00 60 3.13 Embankment Construction with Material Obtained from Borrow Pits Construction of embankment with approved material having CBR>7 obtained from borrow pits with all lifts and leads, transporting to site, spreading, grading to required slope and compacting to meet requirement of table 300-1, 300-2 and as per relevent clauses of section-300. Embankment/ Sub grade CuM 0.00 155 4.12 Crusher Run Macadam Sub Base/Base Course Providing crushed stone aggregate, depositing on a prepared surface by hauling vehicles, spreading and mixing with a motor grader, watering and compacting with a vibratory roller to clause 410 to form a layer of sub-base/Base in accordance to Table No. 400-14, 400-15 and as per clause of section 407 of specifications. (i) For 53 mm maximum size Carriageway CuM 30.00 1,145.00 6.1 Dry lean cement concrete Sub-base Construction of dry lean cement concrete Sub- base over a prepared sub-grade with coarse and fine aggregate conforming to IS: 383, the size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, aggregate cement ratio not to exceed 15:1, aggregate gradation after blending to be as per table 600-1, cement content not to be less than 150 kg/ cum, optimum moisture content to be determined during trial length construction, concrete strength not to be less than 10 Mpa at 7 days, mixed in a batching plant, transported to site, laid with a paver with electronic sensor, compacting with 8-10 tonnes vibratory roller, finishing and curing as per clause 601 of specification complete in all respect. Carriageway Cum 30.00 2,767.00 6.3 Cement Concrete Pavement Construction of un-reinforced, dowel jointed, plain cement concrete pavement M-40 grade concrete over a prepared sub base with cement, coarse and fine aggregate conforming to IS 383, maximum size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, mixed in a batching and mixing plant as per approved mix design, transported to site, laid with a fixed form or slip form paver, spread, compacted and finished in a continuous operation including provision of contraction, expansion, construction and longitudinal joints, joint filler, separation membrane, sealant primer, joint sealant, debonding strip, admixtures as approved,curing compound, finishing to lines and grades as per drawing as per IRC 15 2011 and as per relevant clauses of section 602 of specifications complete but excluding cost of steel in dowel bar and tie rods etc. Carriageway Cum 90.00 6,103.00 6 6.8 Add extra in Item No.6.3, 6.4, 6.6 & 6.10 above for the cost of steel in dowel bar and tie rod including craddle, laps etc. complete required as per design. 6.8.1 Mild Steel dowel bars 32mm Dia @300 C/c Total MT 0.89 63587.00 6.8.2 Tie Bar 12 mm Dia @ 600 C/c Total MT 0.42 68297.00 Rate Restoration of 1.2 Meter wide dismantaling of CC road for services Sr. No. MP PWD Road & Bridge SOR 2022 Description of Item Unit Qty 6b 1 2 3 4 5 6a Storm Water Network Sl No PHE SOR2023 Item No PARTICULAR UNIT QUANTITY RATE 1 15.6 Earth work in excavation for foundation, trenches for pipes/ cables, drains or in well excavation etc. by mechanical means/ manual means (exceeding 30cm in depth.) including ramming of bottom, dressing of sides disposal of excavated earth including of all lift and lead upto 50m. Disposed earth to be levelled and neatly dressed. 15.6.1 All kinds of soil. pipe line (450 , 600 mm dia) 1600.00 Brick Masonry Chamber @ 20m c/c(450mm dia pipe) 270.00 cum 1870.00 209.00 2 15.6 Earth work in excavation for foundation, trenches for pipes/ cables, drains or in well excavation etc. by mechanical means/ manual means (exceeding 30cm in depth.) including ramming of bottom, dressing of sides disposal of excavated earth including of all lift and lead upto 50m. Disposed earth to be levelled and neatly dressed. 15.6.3 Ordinary rock or soft rock with or without blasting pipe line (450 , 600 mm dia) 1600.00 Brick Masonry Chamber @ 20m c/c(450mm dia pipe) 270.00 cum 1870.00 270.00 3 15.6 Earth work in excavation for foundation, trenches for pipes/ cables, drains or in well excavation etc. by mechanical means/ manual means (exceeding 30cm in depth.) including ramming of bottom, dressing of sides disposal of excavated earth including of all lift and lead upto 50m. Disposed earth to be levelled and neatly dressed. 15.6.4 Hard rock (requiring blasting) pipe line (450 , 600 mm dia) 800.00 Brick Masonry Chamber @ 20m c/c(450mm dia pipe) 168.75 cum 968.75 491.00 4 15.13 Supplying & filling moorum for pipe bedding or over the pipe (including supply of moorum). pipe line (450 , 600 mm dia) 720.00 cum 720.00 649.00 5 28.3 Providing and Laying non-pressure (NP3) RCC socket & spigot pipes with rubber gasket joint including testing of joints. 28.3.6 pipe line 450 mm dia Mtr 2500.00 2512.00 28.3.7 pipe line 600 mm dia Mtr 2500.00 3297.00 CONSTRUCTION OF STORM WATER NETWORK CONSTRUCTION OF STORM WATER NETWORK 29.7 Constructing Brick Masonry Manhole in Cement Mortar 1 :4 (1 cement : 4 fine sand) R.C.C. top slab 1:1.5:3 (1 cement : 1.5 coarse sand : 3 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size), foundation concrete 1:4:8 mix (1cement : 4 coarse sand : 8 graded stone aggregate 40mm nominal size) inside plastering 12mm thick with cement mortar 1:3 (1cement : 3 fine sand) finished with a floating coat of neat cement and making channels in CC 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size) including finishing the channel to shape, curing etc. (Excavation foot rest and external cement plaster shall be paid for separately) 29.8 Manhole for property (House) connection 29.8.1 Inside size 60x60 cm and 90 cm deep manhole with fixing of ISI marked pre cast RCC manhole cover & frame i/c transportation etc. 600x600 mm size heavy duty. Nos 200.00 8777.00 7 15.37 Steel work in welded built-up section/ framed work, including cutting hoisting, fixing in position and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer using structural steel etc. as required. 15.37.2 In gratings, frames, guard bar, ladder, railings, brackets, gates and similar works Kg 300.00 101.00 8 4.5 Providing and laying in position including testing following PVC bends suitable for 6, 8 and 10 Kg/Sq. cm. pressure pipes. 4.5.6 200 mm dia Clear Water Transmission Main from Narmada Tapping to Sump & Pumping main from Sump to OHT Earth work in excavation for foundation, trenches for pipes/ cables, drains or in well excavation etc. by mechanical means/ manual means (exceeding 30cm in depth.) including ramming of bottom, dressing of sides disposal of excavated earth including of all lift and lead upto 50m. Disposed earth to be levelled and neatly dressed. 15.6.1 All kinds of soil. 200 mm Dia Cum 818 Sub total 818 209 2 15.6 Earth work in excavation for foundation, trenches for pipes/ cables, drains or in well excavation etc. by mechanical means/ manual means (exceeding 30cm in depth.) including ramming of bottom, dressing of sides disposal of excavated earth including of all lift and lead upto 50m. Disposed earth to be levelled and neatly dressed. 15.6.3 Ordinary rock or soft rock with or without blasting 200 mm Dia Cum 818 Sub total 818 270 3 15.6 Earth work in excavation for foundation, trenches for pipes/ cables, drains or in well excavation etc. by mechanical means/ manual means (exceeding 30cm in depth.) including ramming of bottom, dressing of sides disposal of excavated earth including of all lift and lead upto 50m. Disposed earth to be levelled and neatly dressed. 15.6.4 Hard rock (requiring blasting) 200 mm Dia Cum 921 Sub total 921 491 4 15.13 Supplying & filling moorum for pipe bedding or over the pipe (including supply of moorum). 10 cm will be depth of moorum bedding 200 mm Dia Cum 204.60 Sub total 204.60 649 5 1.3 Providing, laying and jointing including testing following socket & spigot centrifugally cast (Spun) Ductile Iron pressure pipes with inside cement mortar lining (class K-9) conforming to IS 8329/2000 with suitable Rubber Gasket (Push on) joints as per IS:5382/85 200 mm Dia RMT 3300 3202.00 6 14.1 Labour for cutting following Ductile iron pipes of any type and class. per cut 1 295.00 14.1.6 300 mm dia 7 1.11 Providing and Laying including testing Ductile Iron Double Socket 90° Bends conforming to IS:9523/2000 having dimension as per table 15 of IS:9523/2000 in the following nominal diameter/sizes with external bitumen coating and internal cement mortar lining. 1.11.3 200 mm dia No 2 5048.00 8 1.13 Providing and Laying Ductile Iron Double Socket 90° Bends conforming to IS-9523/2000 having dimension as per table 15 of IS9523/2000 in the following nominal diameter/sizes with external bitumen coating and internal cement mortar lining. 1.13.3 200 mm dia No. 7 4698.00 9 1.15 Providing and Laying including testing Ductile Iron Double Socket 45° Bends conforming to IS- 9523/2000 having dimension as per table 16 of IS- 9523/2000 in the following nominal diameter/sizes with external bitumen coating and internal cement mortar lining. 1.15.4 200 mm dia No. 6 3416.00 Measurement & Abstract Sheet Clear Water Transmission Main from Narmada Tapping to Sump & Pumping main from Sump to OHT Clear Water Transmission Main from Narmada Tapping to Sump and OHT Sr. No. MP PHE SOR 2023 Description of Item Unit Qty Rate 10 1.17 Providing and Laying including testing Ductile Iron Double Socket 22.5° Bends conforming to IS- 9523/2000 having dimension as per table 17 of IS- 9523/2000 in the following nominal diameter/sizes with external bitumen coating and internal cement mortar lining. 1.17.4 200 mm dia No. 5 2786.00 11 1.19 Providing and Laying including testing Ductile Iron Double Socket 11.25° bends conforming to IS-9523/2000 having dimension as per table 18 of IS- 9523/2000 in the following nominal diameter/ sizes with external bitumen coating and internal cement mortar lining. 200 mm dia No. 5 2643.00 12 1.41 Providing & fixing of following Ductile iron double flanged sluice valves as per IS :14846-2000 fitted with cap including jointing & testing with cost of jointing material such as bolts, nuts, rubber insertions etc. all complete.P.N 1.6 200 mm dia No 6 34084 13 8.65(a) Providing & fixing following cast iron double flanged single door reflux (non return) valves including jointing & testing with cost of jointing material such as bolts, nuts and rubber insertion all complete as per IS :5312 (Part I) P.N 1.0 8.65(a).6 200 mm dia No 1 12345 14 1.50 Providing & fixing following ductile iron single chamber triple function temper proof air valves, small orifice with screwed end as per IS:14845- 2000 including jointing & testing with cost of jointing material and rubber insertion all complete as per IS:13095-1991.PN1.0 1.50.1 50 mm dia No 6 9630 15 15.66 Construction of Brick masonry valve chamber with 20 cm thick wall in 1:6 C.M. with 12mm thick 1:4 Cement Plaster and base course 10 cm. thick in M-15. Inside Dimensions 110x80x100cm M-20 RCC chamber cover size 130x120cmx10cm including cost of materials, labour, finished with floating coat of neat cement etc. complete. For Air Valve+ Sluice Valve No 13 9345 16 1.21 Providing and Laying including testing Ductile Iron All socket Tees conforming to IS-9523/2000 having dimension as per table 21 of IS9523/2000 in the following nominal diameter/sizes with external bitumen coating and internal cement mortar lining with finishing as per clause 13 of IS-9523/2000. No 1.21.7 200 mm x 100 mm Dia 2 3985 17 15.11 Filling available excavated earth in trenches, plinth sides of foundation in layers not exceeding 20cm. in depth including consolidation of each layer by ramming watering, lead up to 50m and lift up to 1.5m in all kinds of soils Excavated Quantity Cum 2558 Deductions Pipe volume Cum 9.85 Chamber Cum 10.5 For Concrete Cum 0.0 For murum bedding Cum 204.60 Total Filling Quantity Cum 2332.52 47 Clear Water Transmission Main from Narmada Tapping to Sump and OHT Sr. No. MP PHE SOR 2023 Description of Item Unit Qty Rate 18 13.3 Electromagnetic Bulk Flow Meters Supply of Electromagnetic full bore meter complete as per specification including transportation to site, storage, safety, installation, testing, commissioning, making connections with existing pipe line, including excavation at site, cuts in the existing pipe system, dewatering and reinstating the same after completion of installation as per specification and drawings including all taxes. Accuracy of meter + 0.3% of measured value, Flange connection as per AWWA & IS, Liner:Hard Rubber, Fully welded sensor housing complying to IP 68 standard, Electrodes SS 316, Sensor housing SS 304, Cable gland 1/2 NPT, Sensor housing fully welded SS 304 housing with protective Polyurethane paint, Flow Transmitter/ Converter: Microprocessor based, modular design display 2 line back lit LCD for indication of actual flow rate, forward, reverse, sum totalizer, Perfection category: IP 65 Output: One current output (4-20 mA) one scalable pulse output 13.3.6 200 mm dia Distribution Network from OHT - Earth work in excavation for foundation, trenches for pipes/ cables, drains or in well excavation etc. by mechanical means/ manual means (exceeding 30cm in depth.) including ramming of bottom, dressing of sides disposal of excavated earth including of all lift and lead upto 50m. Disposed earth to be levelled and neatly dressed. 15.6.1 All kinds of soil. 100 mm dia DI K-7 pipes Cum 5782 Sub total 5782 209 5 1.1 Providing, laying and jointing including testing following socket & spigot centrifugally cast (Spun) Ductile Iron pressure pipes with inside cement mortar lining (class K-7) conforming to IS 8329/2000 with suitable Rubber Gasket (Push on) joints as per IS:5382/85 100 mm dia DI K-7 pipes RMT 5900 1500.00 6 1.11 Providing and Laying Ductile iron Mechanical joint collar with follower glands conforming to IS-9523/2000 having dimension as per table 24 of IS-9523/2000 in the following nominal diameter/sizes with external bitumen and internal cement mortar lining 1.11.1 For 100 mm dia DI K-7 pipes Each 10 1527.00 7 1.13 Providing and Laying Ductile Iron Double Socket 90° Bends conforming to IS-9523/2000 having dimension as per table 15 of IS9523/2000 in the following nominal diameter/sizes with external bitumen coating and internal cement mortar lining. 1.13.1 For 100 mm dia DI K-7 pipes Each 10 1527.00 8 1.15 Providing and Laying including testing Ductile Iron Double Socket 45° Bends conforming to IS- 9523/2000 having dimension as per table 16 of IS- 9523/2000 in the following nominal diameter/sizes with external bitumen coating and internal cement mortar lining. 1.15.1 100 mm diameter Each 13 1316.00 9 1.17 Providing and Laying including testing Ductile Iron Double Socket 22.5° Bends conforming to IS9523/2000 having dimension as per table 17 of IS9523/2000 in the following nominal diameter/sizes with external bitumen coating and internal cement mortar lining. 1.17.1 100 mm diameter Each 13 1232.00 Distribution Network from OHT WATER SUPPLY | DISTRIBUTION NETWORK FROM OHT Sr. No. MP PHE SOR 2023 Description of Item Unit Qty Rate 10 1.21 Providing and Laying including testing Ductile Iron All socket Tees conforming to IS-9523/2000 having dimension as per table 21 of IS-9523/2000 in the following nominal diameter/sizes with external bitumen coating and internal cement mortar lining with finishing as per clause 13 of IS9523/2000. 150mm x 150mm dia 1.21.1 100 mm x 100 mm Each 10 2104.00 11 1.41 Providing & fixing of following Ductile iron double flanged sluice valves as per IS :14846-2000 fitted with cap including jointing & testing with cost of jointing material such as bolts, nuts, rubber insertions etc. all complete. P.N 1.1 1.41.2 100 mm diameter Each 8 11519 12 1.5 Providing & fixing following ductile iron single chamber triple function temper proof air valves, small orifice with screwed end as per IS:14845-2000 including jointing & testing with cost of jointing material and rubber insertion all complete as per IS:13095-1991.PN1.0 50 mm diameter No 10 9630 13 15.66 Construction of Brick masonry valve chamber with 20 cm thick wall in 1:6 C.M. with 12mm thick 1:4Cement Plaster and base course 10 cm. thick in M-15. Inside Dimensions 110x80x100cm M-20 RCC chamber cover size 130x120cmx10cm including cost of materials, labour, finished with floating coat of neat cement etc. complete. For Air Valve+ Sluice Valve No 8 9345 14 15.11 Filling available excavated earth in trenches, plinth sides of foundation in layers not exceeding 20cm. in depth including consolidation of each layer by ramming watering, lead up to 50m and lift up to 1.5m in all kinds of soils Excavated Quantity Cum 5782 47 WATER SUPPLY | DISTRIBUTION NETWORK FROM OHT Sr. No. MP PHE SOR 2023 Description of Item Unit Qty Rate 15 13.3 Electromagnetic Bulk Flow Meters Supply of Electromagnetic full bore meter complete as per specification including transportation to site, storage, safety, installation, testing, commissioning, making connections with existing pipe line, including excavation at site, cuts in the existing pipe system, dewatering and reinstating the same after completion of installation as per specification and drawings including all taxes. Accuracy of meter + 0.3% of measured value, Flange connection as per AWWA & IS, Liner:Hard Rubber, Fully welded sensor housing complying to IP 68 standard, Electrodes SS 316, Sensor housing SS 304, Cable gland 1/2 NPT, Sensor housing fully welded SS 304 housing with protective Polyurethane paint, Flow Transmitter/ Converter: Microprocessor based, modular design display 2 line back lit LCD for indication of actual flow rate, forward, reverse, sum totalizer, Perfection category: IP 65 Output: One current output (4-20 mA) one scalable pulse output Clear Water Sump - Design, drawing, construction, testing and commissioning of R.C.C. GSR/Sump well of following capacities with all necessary fitting and accessories as mentioned in the relevant chapter of USOR, IS codes and departmental circulars Complete turn key job for following capacities: Over Head Tank Design, drawing, construction, testing and commissioning of RCC Elevated Service Reservoir/ Over Head Tank (ESR/OHT) with all necessary fitting as mentioned in relevant chapter of USOR, IS code and departmental guidelines. Complete turn key job for following capacities with 9/12/15 meterstaging height from GL:- 18.3 15 Mtr. Staging 18.3.15 400 Kilo Litres Each 2 14.17 Providing and installation of automatic water level indicator for supervisory control cum auto on/off of motor pump assembly inclusive of control panel, 500 mtr long 2 core, 4 pair cable for small rural water supply scheme, having source within 500mtr as per approved specification and as directed by Engineer in charge. In case of lesser length of cable, equivalent amount @ Rs 12 /-per meter of short length will be deducted from above rate) Effluent Network Dismantling Of Existing Structures like Culverts, Bridges ,Retaining Wall and Other Structures ComprisingOf Masonary,Cement Concrete, wood work , Steel Work, Including T&P and Scaffolding, whereever necessary, Sorting The dismantled Material, Desposal Of Unserviceable Materialand Stacking The Serviceable Material With All Lifts and LeadsOf 1000metres C Prestressed/ Reinforced Cement Concrete Grade M-25& Above cum 105 1170.00 2 PHE USOR 2023 15.6 Earth work in excavation for foundation, trenches for pipes/ cables, drains or in well excavation etc. by mechanical means/ manual means (exceeding 30cm in depth.) including ramming of bottom, dressing of sides disposal of excavated earth including of all lift and lead upto 50m. Disposed earth to be levelled and neatly dressed. 15.6.1 All kinds of soil. For Pipe Cum 3150 for manhole chambers Cum 420 Sub total 3570 209 3 15.6 Earth work in excavation for foundation, trenches for pipes/ cables, drains or in well excavation etc. by mechanical means/ manual means (exceeding 30cm in depth.) including ramming of bottom, dressing of sides disposal of excavated earth including of all lift and lead upto 50m. Disposed earth to be levelled and neatly dressed. 15.6.3 Ordinary rock or soft rock with or without blasting For RCC Pipe Cum 6615 for manhole chambers Cum 1260 Sub total 7875 270 4 15.6 Earth work in excavation for foundation, trenches for pipes/ cables, drains or in well excavation etc. by mechanical means/ manual means (exceeding 30cm in depth.) including ramming of bottom, dressing of sides disposal of excavated earth including of all lift and lead upto 50m. Disposed earth to be levelled and neatly dressed. 15.6.5 Hard rock (requiring chiseling where blasting prohibited) For Pipe Cum 2205 for manhole chambers Cum 420 2625 722 5 15.13 Supply & Filling with moorum for pipe bedding or over the pipe including supply of moorum 300 mm Dia, RCC NP3 Cum 441.00 Sub Total 441.00 643 6 28.3 Providing and Laying non-pressure (NP3) RCC socket & spigot pipes with rubber gasket joint including testing of joints. 28.3.3 300 mm RMT 6300 1123.00 Effluent Network EFFLUENT NETWORK Sr. No. SOR Details Description of Item Unit Qty Rate 29.13 Constructing Brick Masonry Circular Man Hole 900 mm internal dia at bottom & 560 mm dia at top in cement Mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4 fine sand), inside Cement plaster 12 mm thick with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand) finished with a floating coat of neat cement, foundation concrete 20 cm thick in 1:3:6 ( 1 cement : 3 fine sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size ) and making channels in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size) finished with a floating coat of neat cement etc. all complete. 29.13.1 For one Manhole 900mm deep with fixing of 560 mm dia ISI marked reinforcement cement concrete cover & frame heavy duty including transportation etc. in cement concrete 1:2:4 all complete. ( Excavation, foot rests & cement plaster at the external surface shall be paid for separately) Each 50 12020.00 7a 29.13.2 Add extra for depth 0.90 to 1.65 mtr. each 15 4808.00 8 29.12 Constructing Brick Masonry Circular Man Hole 1200 mm internal dia at bottom & 560 mm dia at top in cement Mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4 fine sand), inside Cement plaster 12 mm thick with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand) finished with a floating coat of neat cement, foundation concrete 20 cm thick in 1:3:6 ( 1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size ) and making channels in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size) finished with a floating coat of neat cement etc. all complete. 29.12.1 For one manhole upto 1650 mm deep with fixing of 560 mm dia ISI marked reinforcement cement concrete cover & frame heavy duty including transportation etc. in cement concrete 1:2:4 all complete. ( Excavation, foot rests & cement plaster at the external surface shall be paid for separately) Each 100 17593.00 29.12.2 Add extra for depth1.65 mtr. to 2.3m each 30 7037.00 29.10 Constructing Brick Masonry Circular Man Hole 1500 mm internal dia at bottom & 560 mm dia at top in cement Mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4 fine sand), inside Cement plaster 12 mm thick with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand) finished with a floating coat of neat cement, foundation concrete 20 cm thick in 1:3:6 ( 1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size ) and making channels in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size) finished with a floating coat of neat cementetc. all complete. 29.10.1 For one manhole upto 2650 mm deep with fixing of 560 mm dia ISI marked reinforcement cement concrete cover & frame heavy duty including transportation etc. in cement concrete 1:2:4 all complete. ( Excavation, foot rests & cement plaster at the external surface shall be paid for separately) Each 60 27395.00 29.11 Extra for depth for circular manholes over item 15.4 29.11.1 Depth 2.65m to 4.25 m each 18 12258.00 29.14 Providing MS foot rests i/c fixing in manhole with 20x20x10cm CC blocks of 1:3:6 (1 cement:3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size ) 29.14.2 With 20mm round bar foot rest each 640 249.00 7 9 10 11 EFFLUENT NETWORK Sr. No. SOR Details Description of Item Unit Qty Rate 12 15.11 Filling available excavated earth in trenches, plinth sides of foundation in layers not exceeding 20cm. in depth including consolidation of each layer by ramming watering, lead up to 50m and lift up to 1.5m in all kinds of soils RECYCLED (TREATED ) WATER DISTRIBUTION FROM STP TO CONSUMER Earth work in excavation for foundation, trenches for pipes/ cables, drains or in well excavation etc. by mechanical means/ manual means (exceeding 30cm in depth.) including ramming of bottom,dressing of sides disposal of excavated earth including of all lift and lead upto 50m. Disposed earth to be levelled and neatly dressed. Cum 15.6.3 Ordinary rock or soft rock with or without blasting 110 mm ∅ HDPE PE-100 6 Kg/cm Cum 1491.00 1491.00 270.00 15.6.5 Hard rock (requiring chiseling where blasting prohibited) 110 mm ∅ HDPE PE-100 6 Kg/cm Cum 127.80 127.80 722.00 Cum 2 16.10 (a) Filling available excavated earth in trenches, plinth sides of foundation in layers not exceeding 20cm. In depth including consolidation of each layer by ramming watering, lead up to 50m and lift up to 1.5m in all kinds of soils Total Excavation 1618.80 110 mm ∅ HDPE PE-100 6 Kg/cm Cu. M. -56.99 Deduct Pipe Volume 1561.81 37.00 3 2.1 Providing, laying, Jointing & field testing of PE pipes made from 100% virgin material (Earlier know as hight Density Polyethylene pipes, PE 100) conforming to IS 4984/ 14151/12786/ 13488 with necessary jointing material like mechanical connector or jointing pipes by heating the ends of pipes with the help of Teflon coated electric mirror/ heater to the required temperature and then mechanically pressing the ends together against each other, to form a monolithic & leak proof joint by thermosetting process. It may be required to be done with Jacks/Hydraulic Jacks/But fusion machine. (50mm & above fusion jointed & below 50mm mechanical jointed) 10Kg/sq.cm 2.1.6 110 mm ∅ HDPE PE-100 Rm 6000.00 493.00 4 2.2 Providing and laying including testing Bend90ْ conforming to IS specifications. 2.2.6 110 mm ∅ HDPE PE-100 Each 8.00 383.00 5 2.3 Providing and laying Bend 45’ confirming to IS specification 2.3.4 110 mm ∅ HDPE PE-100 Each 8.00 455.00 6 2.4 Providing and laying Equal Tee confirming to IS specification 2.4.4 110 mm ∅ HDPE PE-100 Each 5.00 571.00 RECYCLED (TREATED ) WATER DISTRIBUTION FROM STP TO CONSUMER S. No. MP PHE 2023 Particulars Unit RECYCLE WATER NETWORK Qty. Rate S. No. MP PHE 2023 Particulars Unit 7 2.5 Providing and laying Pipe end confirming to IS specification. Pressure 2.5.4 110 mm ∅ HDPE PE-100 Each 2.00 232.00 8 2.7 Providing butt fusion welded joint/ jointing by heating to the ends with the help of Teflon coated electric mirror/heater ends together etc. by thermosetting process to PE- 100 pipe and specials. (6kg, 8kg, 10kg) (50mm & above fusion jointed & below 50mm mechanical jointed) including testing. 2.7.4 110 mm ∅ HDPE PE-100 Each 5.00 164.00 9 8.62 Providing & fixing of following Cast iron double flanged sluice valves as per I.S.:14846-2000 fitted with cast iron cap including jointing & testing with cost of jointing material such as bolts, nuts, rubber insertions etc. all complete PN-1.0 8.62.4 100mm ∅ Each 5.00 5097.00 10 8.67 Providing & fixing following cast iron butterfly valves including jointing & testing with cost of jointing material such as bolts,nuts and rubber insertion all complete as per IS :13095- 1991 CLASS PN-1.0 8.67.4 100 mm Each 3.00 3217.00 11 15.66 Construction of Brick masonry valve chamber with 20 cm thick wall in 1:6 C.M. with 12mm thick 1:4 Cement Plaster and base course 10 cm. thick in M-15. Inside Dimensions 110x80x100cm M-20 RCC chamber cover size 130x120cmx10cm including cost of materials, labour, finished with floating coat of neat cement etc. complete. Each 13.00 9345.00 15.32 Providing & laying mechanically mixed R.C.C. excluding centering & shuttering and reinforcement in foundation/plinth (20mm graded metal) 15.32.1 1:1.5:3 (M 20) CUM 72.00 5916.00 13 16.25(a) Providing and placing in position cold twisted steel and hot rolled deformed steel reinforcement for R.C.C. work i/c cutting, bending, binding etc. complete i/c cost of binding wire and wastage. Sub Structure Kg 432.00 68.00 12 OHT Sr. No. MP PHE SOR 2023 Description of Item Unit Qty Rate 1 18 Design, drawing, construction, testing and commissioning of RCC Elevated Service Reservoir/ Over Head Tank (ESR/OHT) with all necessary fitting as mentioned in relevant chapter of USOR, IS code and departmental guidelines. Complete turn key job for following capacities with 9/12/15 meterstaging height from GL:- 18.3 15 Mtr. Staging 18.3.3 100 Kilo Litres Each 2 14.17 Providing and installation of automatic water level indicator for supervisory control cum auto on/off of motor pump assembly inclusive of control panel, 500 mtr long 2 core, 4 pair cable for small rural water supply scheme, having source within 500mtr as per approved specification and as directed by Engineer in charge. In case of lesser length of cable, equivalent amount @ Rs 12 /-per meter of short length will be deducted from above rate) Each 1 18000 Over Head Tank DISMANTLING WORKS Dismantling of Cement Concrete Pavement Dismantling of cement concrete pavement by mechanical means using pneumatic tools, breaking to pieces not exceeding 0.02 cum in volume and stock piling Serviceable material at designated locations and disposal of unserviceable materials up to a lead of 1000 metres, CUM 100.00 1,283.00 2 2.1 Cutting of Trees, including Cutting of Trunks, Branches and Removal Cutting of trees, including cutting of trunks/branches in suitable size removal of stumps/roots, and stacking of serviceable material with all lifts and up to a lead of 1000 mtrs and filling earth in the depression/pit.. i Girth from 300 mm to 600 mm No 10.00 244.00 3 2.13 Removal of Telephone / Electric Poles and Lines Removal of telephone / Electric poles including excavation and dismantling of foundation concrete and lines under the supervision of concerned department, disposal with all lifts and up to a lead of 1000 metres and stacking the serviceable and unserviceable material separately. Each 10.00 168.00 4 2.3 Dismantling of Structures Dismantling of existing structures like culverts, bridges, retaining walls and other structure comprising of masonry, cement concrete, wood, steel, including T&P and scaffolding wherever necessary, sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable material and stacking the serviceable material with all lifts and lead upto 1000 metres. (i) Lime /Cement Concrete B Cement Concrete Grade M-15 & M-20 Cum 75.00 425.00 (ii) Dismantling Brick / Tile work B In cement mortar Cum 270.00 282.00 15.13 Taking out existing CC interlocking paver blocks from Sqm 750.00 31 11.43.3 UADD BUILDING SOR 2021(AMM ENDMENT) Laying old cement concrete interlocking paver blocks of anydesign/shape laid in required line, level, curvature, colour and pattern over and including 50mm thick compacted bed of sand, filling the joints with sand including cost of paint, eie all complete as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge. Sqm 750.00 142 DISMANTLING WORKS Horticulture S.No SOR Description Unit Quantity Rate 1 MPPWD Building SOR2024 28.1 Trenching in ordinary soil up to a depth of 60cm including removal and stacking of serviceable materials and then disposing of by spreading and neatly levelling with in a lead of 50m and making up the trenched area to proper levels by filling with earth or earth mixed with sludge or/and manure before and after flooding trench with water (excluding cost of imported earth, sludge or manure). Cum 150 186 2 MPPWD Building SOR2024 28.2 Supplying and stacking of good earth at site including royalty and carriage up to 1 km (earth measured in stacks will be reduced by 20% for payment). Cum 30 511 3 MPPWD Building SOR2024 28.3 Supplying and stacking sludge at site including royalty and carriage up to 1 km (sludge measured in stacks will be reduced by 8% for payment). Cum 3 643 4 MPPWD Building SOR2024 28.9 Mixing earth and sludge or manure in proportion specified or directed. Cum 3 11 5 MPPWD Building SOR2024 28.8 Spreading of sludge, dump manure or/and good earth in required thickness (Cost of sludge, dump manure or/ and good earth to be paid separately). cum 3 16 6 MPPWD Building SOR 2024 28.15 Providing and planting different variety of plants of approved quality and sizes as mentioned including making pits of required size at site, refilled with B.C. Soil mixture manuring and pesticide etc. complete (to be paid separately) including watering and 90 days maintenance from the date of final bill as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge complete in all respect (B.C. Mixture paid separately) 7 MPPWD Building SOR 2024 28.15.1 Bahunia Tomentosa, Beloperone Species, Caselpinnia Pulcherima, Bird of Paradise, Callandra Emarginata, Callandra Hybrida, Cassia Bi flora, Cassia Laevigata, Cestrum Nocturnum, Dombeya Mastersii, Euphorbia Caracasana, Euphorbia Pulcherima, Excorea bi color, Excorea tri color, Ficuas Blackii, Ficus Reginold, Ficus Panda, Gardenia, Gulphinia, Jasminoides, Hamelia Pattens, Heliconia, Hibiscus Rosasinensis, Hibiscus Verigated, Hibiscus Viceroy, Jatropha Multifida, Largestomia Indica, Malpighia Coccigera, Murraya Exotica, Murraya Koeniggi, Murraya Sambucum, Mussaenda Erythrophylla, Nerium Oleander, Nyctanthus Arbortristis, Plumbego Capensis, Putranjeeva Roxburghii, Tabernaemontana Coronaria, Tabernaemontana Divaricata, Tecoma Gaudi Chaudi, Tecoma Stans, Thevetia Nerifolia, Thuja Compacta and equivalent plants Nos 232.00 80.00 8 MPPWD Building SOR 2024 28.15 Providing and planting different variety of plants of approved quality and sizes as mentioned including making pits of required size at site, refilled with B.C. Soil mixture manuring and pesticide etc. complete (to be paid separately) including watering and 90 days maintenance from the date of final bill as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge complete in all respect (B.C. Mixture paid separately). Horticulture Bahunia Tomentosa, Beloperone Species, Caselpinnia Pulcherima, Bird of Paradise, Callandra Emarginata, Callandra Hybrida, Cassia Bi flora, Cassia Laevigata, Cestrum Nocturnum, Dombeya Mastersii, Euphorbia Caracasana, Euphorbia Pulcherima, Excorea bi color, Excorea tri color, Ficuas Blackii, Ficus Reginold, Ficus Panda, Gardenia, Gulphinia, Jasminoides, Hamelia Pattens, Heliconia, Hibiscus Rosasinensis, Hibiscus Verigated, Hibiscus Viceroy, Jatropha Multifida, Largestomia Indica, Malpighia Coccigera, Murraya Exotica, Murraya Koeniggi, Murraya Sambucum, Mussaenda Erythrophylla, Nerium Oleander, Nyctanthus Arbortristis, Plumbego Capensis, Putranjeeva Roxburghii, Tabernaemontana Coronaria, Tabernaemontana Divaricata, Tecoma Gaudi Chaudi, Tecoma Stans, Thevetia Nerifolia, Thuja Compacta and equivalent plants. EACH 2000 80.00 8b MPPWD Building SOR 2024 28.15.5 Alpinia Verigated, Alternanthera species, Aspyragus Myerri, Aspyragus Springenii, Aspidistra, Canna (regular, Dwarf), Chlorodendron Inermii, Chlorophytum (Green), Chlorophytum verigated, Coffea Chinensis, Dianella Verigated, Durranta (Goldiana, Green, Verigated), Euphorbia Milli hybrid, Ipomea (Golden leaves), Iresine herbstii, Juniper Prostata, Juniper Africana, Ophiopogon plant, Ophiopogon jaburan, Portulacaria Afra (jade Plant), Schefflera Green, Schefflera verigated, Setcreasea Purpurea, Syngonium (Butterfly) species, Syngonium miniature, Syngonium Dwarf, Syngonium variegated, Tradescantia, Wadelia Trilobata, Zebrina Tradescantia, Pendanas, Spider Lily Black, Spider Lily verigated, Aclypha (Red, Green,Mini), Lantana (Red, Yellow, Purple, White, verigated), Haemalia Mini and similar plants. 100 KVA TRANSFORMER WITH DP STRUCTURE ITEM BASED ON MPPWD S0R 2024 1 37.9 Supply and laying 25mm X 5mm G.I. strip at 0.5 metre below ground level as strip earth electrode including jointing etc. as required. Metre 30 130 2 37.17 Providing and fixing 4.0mm (8 SWG) dia G.I. wire on surface or in recessed for loop earthing as required Metre 10 30 3 37.40 Supply and erection of approved make safe earthing electrode consisting pipe-in- pipe technology as per IS 3043-1987 made of corrosion free G.I. pipes with constant ohmic value surrounded by highly conductive compound with high charge dissipation suitable for effective and maintenance free earthing in earth pit of minimum bore dia. 150mm size, as mentioned below : 37.40.2 With 3 metre G.I. pipes having outer pipe dia of 50mm having 80-200 micron galvanizing, Inner pipe dia. of 25mm having 200-250 Micron galvanizing, connection terminal dia. of 12mm in nominal soil with 50 kg (two bag) back filling bentonite compound UL listed and confirm to relevant International/Indian standards around electrode upto ground level. Each 6 13140 7 41.12 Supplying & installing G.I. pipe for protection of underground cable fixed on wall/support/in trench/fixed between two rigid existing support of wall/beam for erection of ceiling Fan/down rod for stiff pendent for light luminaries /fan/protective for earthing, lightening conductor down strip/overhead service line/for submersible cable or centrifugal pump for water supply with necessary iron clamp coupler, bend, tee, elbow, nuts and bolts etc. complete in an approved manner as required to complete excluding cost of excavation/dismantling & other finished masonry Item complete. 41.12.1 For B class pipe ISI marked (IS-1161-68) 50.00mm Metre 30 550 42.70 Supplying, installing, testing and commissioning of 11/0.4 KV 3 Phase 50 cycle oil immersed, naturally cooled, outdoor type transformer connected delta on H.T. side and star on L.T. side, dehydrating silica gel breather on eye level, rating and diagram plate, two earthing terminal, lifting lugs, oil level gauge, drain valve with plug, temperature not exceeding 50ºC on load, oil filling hole with plug, four unidirectional roller, arcing horns, explosion vent, terminal arrangement bushing on H.V. side and cable box on LV side, first filling of oil upto desired level and transformer installing on existing structure with all required materials arrangement as required ISI marked & as per IS specification, hand operated off load tap changer switch above 100 KVA, oil conservator with drain valve, plug 63 KVA and above. 42.70.3 Aluminium wound 100 KVA Each 1 348160 100 KVA TRANSFORMER WITH DP STRUCTURE S. No. Sub Item No. Description of Item Unit Qty Rate (in Rs) 100 KVA TRANSFORMER WITH DP STRUCTURE S. No. Sub Item No. Description of Item Unit Qty Rate (in Rs) 42.2 Supply of support for overhead line RS joist of I.S. standard including drilling of required hole etc. complete as required. 42.2.6 H - Beam 152x152mm, Std weight 37.1 Kg/Mtr Mtr. 104 2843 42.58 Supplying and erection of single piece nonlinear resistor type lighting arrestor (set of 3 nos) for 3 wire, 11KV overhead lines/sub-station with rated voltage of 9KV (rms) with a nominal discharge current rating of 5 KA and complete with galvanized clamping arrangement, G.I. bolts, nuts, washer etc. as required. Set 1 3832 42.63 Supplying installing, testing & commissioning D.O. fuse assembly with brass part contact for 33 or 11/0.4 KV DP Structure set of 3 Nos. with fuse barrel i/c required fuse element & other materials as per specification on existing D.P. structure as required. 42.63.1 11KV Set 1 4721 42.44 Supplying and erection of 11KV porcelain pin insulator complete with long steel head G.I. pin, nut, washer etc. as required. Each 12 375 42.45 Supplying and erection of 11KV porcelain disc insulator for 11KV overhead lines with galvanized insulator fittings, ball and socket type, and complete with galvanized strain clamp, bolts, nuts washer etc. as required Each 6 750 17 29.27 Supply, fixing, testing & commissioning wall/floor mounted LT panel primer coated with powder coated paint & provided with required gasket for dust/vermin proof with degree of protection IP42 suitable for 415Volt 3 phase, 50 Hz, 4 wire system fabricated out of CRCA sheet upto 2 mm thick (1.6 mm for doors) duly compartmentalized for incomer, bus section, outgoings, cable alleys & CT, PT Ampere Metre, Volt Metre, selector switches, frequency Metre, phase indicating lamp, Energy Metre complete including cost of busbar supports, detachable cable gland plates, 2 earthing terminals, internal wiring & fixing of separately supplied MCBs, MCCBs, ACB, panel mounted changeover switch/SFUs, etc. as required but excluding cost of busbar strips, Ampere Metre, Volt Metre, selector switch as per approved design & specification kg. 250 397 18 29.28 Supply and fixing of LT panel accessories of approved make in existing LT panel including connections etc. as required as per specification. 29.28.6 Aluminium bus bar strips with PVC sleeves kg 25 284 29.28.6 LED lamp indicator Each 3 255 20 42.68 Supply, laying and fixing of G.I. earth coil of 4mm dia G.I. wire having 120 turns of nearly 50mm dia. and 3 mt. long tail in existing pit duly earthed with pole etc complete as required as per specification. Each 5 293 21 42.69 Supplying and fixing 33/11/0.4 KV enamel coated danger board size 200x250mm with clamp on existing HT/LT structure/poles. Each 1 205 100 KVA TRANSFORMER WITH DP STRUCTURE S. No. Sub Item No. Description of Item Unit Qty Rate (in Rs) 42.5 Supplying and drawing all aluminium alloy conductor (AAAC) of approved make conforming to IS 398-1979 Pt. IV, including binding at existing insulator, jointing, jumpering, tearing off, connecting etc. as required including clearing of obstacles (if any) 42.5.4 AAAC 0.1 sq inch (100 sq.mm Al. EQ.)- (Dog) Km. 0.5 104339 27.1 Supply of ISI marked and approved make of moulded case circuit breaker (MCCB) suitable for 3 phase,3 pole, 50 Hz, 415 Volts, AC supply with respective interrupting capacity (KA) at 415 Volts cited against their range standard conforming to IS – 8828 27.1.10 MCCB 36kA current rating, 3P -315Amp &adjustable: 80% -100% thermal Each 1 23636 27.1.4 MCCB 25kA current rating, 3P -125Amp & 80% -100% adjustable Each 3 9953 41.1 Supply of XLPE insulated power cable (conforming IS-7098 Part-I) 1100 Volt grade, 1 core/2 core/3½ core/4 core ISI marked with alu. stranded /solid conductor 41.1.1 Unarmoured 1 core 70 sq. mm. Metre 12 143 42.42 Supply, fabrication and erection of angle/channel/flat iron fitting for overhead line & sub-station etc such as D bracket, cross arms, top clamp, V cross arms, back/support clamp or other similar work etc. including nut bolts of required size, making holes, fabrication, welding, cutting, etc. and painting with one coat of red oxide paint & two coat of aluminium paint as required as per specification. Kg 250 105 42.116 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of LT trivector energy meter, DLMS compliant category-A (for substation/feeder metering) , 3 phase 4 wire, 440 Volts, 5 Amp, accuracy class 0.5S with GSM(GPRS compatible) modem suitable for required C.T. 5A duly tested from electricity board with uPVC box . Each 1 14882 41.7 Supplying and fixing crimping type alum. lugs as per I.S.S. specification suitable for following size of cable with alu./copper solid/stranded conductor evenly crimped with high/pressure tool and connected to switch gear/bus/M.C.C.B./M.C.B. etc. as required complete. 41.7.5 70 sq. mm Each 6 35 42.78 Supply of hand gloves 11KV tested Set 1 1077 42.81 Supply of fiber D.O operating rod for 11/33KV tested Each 1 3854 42.82 Supply of first aid box complete with medicine & bandage as per specification. Each 1 1646 42.83 Supply of shock instruction chart duly framed with glass, as reqd. Each 1 537 ROAD LIGHTING WORK S. N. MPPWD SOR 2024 Description Unit Quantity Rate 1 27.8 Supply of ISI marked and accepted standard of miniature circuit breaker (MCB) of C series with short circuit indication, suitable for 240/415 Volts,50 Cycle, 10 kA/15 kA Value AC supply conforming to IS : 8828 : 1996, IEC : 60898 :2002 & 60947-2 but without enclosures : A 27.8.1 SINGLE POLE (SP) B 6 Amp to 32 Amp Rating 10 kA Each 120 263 2 28.4 Fixing of MCB /MCCB/ Isolator in sheet steel enclosure as required as per accepted practice, including mounting on busbar and cable connection etc. complete (Labour only ) 28.4.1 MCB / Isolator SP/DP Each 120 22 3 29.6 Supplying and fixing of multi core round HRFR / FR PVC insulated copper (flexible) conductor & PVC sheathed cables 1100 Volts as per IS:694-1990 of approved make A 29.6.3 ( 30 /0.25 mm ) Three core 1.5 sq.mm. Metre 2200 50 4 31.27 Supply & Fixing of Decorative LED Street Light of 1 to 3 watt with each , system lumens output with Efficacy>=135Im/W(@6500k), Its body made of Die cast aluminium using pressure die-casting process. Hole for coupling on pipes dia 60 mm. for lateral installation. Silicon gasket enusures the IP protection. IP Rating - IP66. Power LED Module with high efficacy LEDs on single Printed Circuit Board with metal core plate. Colour Rendering Index: Ra > 70. Electronic Power Supply for LED Module, which offers Protection against Short Circuit, Over- Voltage & OverCurrent. with in-built surge protection upto 4kv (an additional surge protection device of 10kV also provided in-built the fixture). PF>0.95 and THD<10%. Lens cover in PC (IK09). Estimated LED Lifetime is L70 @ 1,00,000 hours minimum. LM79-80 report from LED manufaturer should be submitted. Safety test report as per IEC 60598-2- 3;IEC 60598-1 / IS 10322 IEC 61347 i/c connection wire . testing etc-Supporting Test Report from NABL approved lab, with 5 year on site warranty. A 31.27.3 80/90W color temp 3000-6500k as required Each 110 14113 5 37.35.2 Providing and fixing earthing arrangement with 38.1mm dia2.5 metre long galvanized iron pipe electrode including packing of charcoal powder and salt as per specification watering pipe 19mm dia G.I. Connection, cover plate having locking arrangement on the top etc. complete with refilling the pit as required, including excavation of earth pit in soil / soft rock Each 20 3670 6 37.16 Providing and fixing 25mm X 4mm G.I. strip on surface or in recessed/concealed for connection etc. as required. Metre 30 130 7 42.68 Supply, laying and fixing of G.I. earth coil of 4mm dia G.I.wire having 120 turns of nearly 50mm dia. and 3 mt. Long tail in existing pit duly earthed with pole etc complete as required as per specification. Each 110 293 8 41.14 Supplying and installing Double wall corrugated pipes of HDPE ( IS 14930 Part II - marked ) for cable laid under ground with necessary material and at required depth upto 90cm. below road/ground surface, including excavation in all type soil & rock, back filling with excavated aterial, ramming and making the surface good. A 41.14.1 50.00mm outside dia. Metre 3700 133 9 41.1 Supply of XLPE Insulated power cable (confirming IS-7098 Part-I ) 1100 Volt grade, 1 core /2 core /3½ core/4 core ISI MARKED with Alu. Stranded /solid conductor 41.1.10 4 CORE ARMOURED A 16 Sq.mm Metre 3700 218 41.1.8 3½ CORE ARMOURED B 50 Sq.mm Metre 500 373 10 41.5 Supplying and fixing heavy duty cable gland for P.V.C. insulated armoured cable with brass washer, Rubber ring complete erected with cable and lead connection etc. as per specification complete A Gland size 28mm for 3/4 X16 Sq.mm Each 246 138 B Gland size 32 mm for 2/3, 3½, 4 x 25 sq.mm OR 2/3, 3½ x 35 sq. mm or 2/3/3½ x50 sq. mm. Each 10 158 11 41.6 Supplying and fixing ferrules as per IS - specification suitable for following size of cable for circuit identification including connection as required complete A 41.6.3 16.000 Sq mm Each 984 4 ROAD LIGHTINNG WORK 50.00 Sq.mm Each 40 11 12 41.7 Supplying and fixing cramping type Alum. lugs as per I.S.S. Specification suitable for following size of cable with Alu. /Copper solid/stranded conductor evently cramped with high/pressure tool and connected to switch gear/Bus/M.C.C.B./ M.C.B. etc. as required complete A 41.7.1 6 Sq.mm to 16.000 Sq mm Each 984 8 B 41.7.4 50 Sq.mm Each 40 22 13 41.15 Laying of one number armoured / unarmoured power cable 1.1kV grade of size not exceeding 25 Sq.mm direct in ground including excavation in all soil / murrum / soft rock, sand cushioining, protective covering and refilling the pit etc. as required. Metre 3700 230 14 41.15.7 Laying of one number armoured / unarmoured power cable 1:1 kV grade of size not exceeding 25 Sq.mm in the existing RCC Hume/Stone ware/G.I. pipe / DWC Pipe on surface in existing trench as required Metre 3700 28 15 41.15.32 Laying of one number armoured / unarmoured cable1.1kV grade of size exceeding 25 Sq.mm but not exceeding 120 Sq.mm on surface in existing trench etc.as required. Metre 500 33 16 42.98 Providing and erection of hot dipped galvanized octagonal poles in single section made from 3mm thick sheet having lockable weather proof flush door junction box, suitable size & type of foundation bolts 4 nos. J type (EN8 grade) complete, erected in an approved manner on provided foundation. A 42.98.7 9 meter height, 155 X 70mm A/F, 250x250x16mm base plate having weight 87 kg ± 3%, 4 nos. X 24 x 750mm bolt having weight 12 kg ± 3%. Each 110 15447 17 42.107 Providing and fixing of sword canopy type double arm GI bracket upto 2 Mtr. Long for 70mm A/F top octagonal pole Each 0 1573 18 42.100 Providing and fixing of sword canopy type single arm GI bracket upto 2 Mtr. Long for 70mm A/F top octagonal pole Each 110 1658 19 42.111 Designing and construction of footing foundation for octagonal pole of desired size including excavation in soil/soft rock, base concrete M-7.5 (1:4:8), 15mm thick and pedestal of RCC M-20 (1:1.5:3), required tor steel reinforcement for required size from base concrete, shuttering, curing etc. with existing foundation bolts complete as per specifications in an approved manner as per manufacturer drawing or engineer-incharge. P. Cum 26.73 6770 TOTAL FOR SOR ITEMS NON SOR ITEMS Supply of street light control panel for operating street light including MCCB contractors and others necessary items as per specification compelete dully painted with all norms at indutrial area for Textile park Jaora A) contractor- 40 Amp L & T B) Mccb-100 Amp L&T/ CG C) MCCB- 63 Amp Acio-Mefa D) Timer Standarad E) Cut out 100Amp F) Connecting Strip G) Bus Bar Installation of street light control Panel including excavation refilling with C:C 1:3:6 foundation and connection with required lugs existing pole/ MPEB Pole 21 NON SOR Each 5 75000 ETP Sl No Description Unit Rate Quantity A Survey , Investigation Design, Construction, Supply, Erection, Testing Commissioning of proposed Effluent Treatment Plant of Capacity 250 KLD expandable upto 500 KLD based on MBR process with 100% ZLD concept as per norms of CPBC/MOEF/MPPCB including one no Intermediate Effluent pumping stations along with complete infrastructure, campus boundary, campus development , utilities, inhouse laboratories, all necessary Civil, Piping, Mechanical, DG set and Electrical & Instrumentation works complete including 3 months trial run and Five Years Operation &Maintenance of complete facility after successful commissioning on turnkey basis. Plant shall be fully automated. (Rates to be quoted including consultancy cost of all necessrry permissions as mentioned in bid document, Operation & maintenanace and cost with all material & Manpower etc. Complete.) Lumsum 50000000 1 EFFLUENT TREATMENT PLANT(MBR PROCESS) -250 KLD EXPANDABLE UPTO 500 KLD ON ZLD CONCEPT

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 27-02-2025 Reply to Pre-bid Queries and date extension Date 02-03-2025

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 35400 /-
INR 1000000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 13.88 Crore /-
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