Tender For Various WQMS Activity 2024-25(Water Quality Monitoring Surve). `Supplying ofElectrodes, ,Colilert-18 reagents,Certified Reference Material, Analytical Reagents,etc for District Lab at Public Health Engineering Division No.1Jind and all other works contingent thereto`. -- 1 1,10 phenanthroline monohydrate -25 gm ,Make-Merck/Sigma aldrich/Orion/Qualigen /finarwith atleast 2-3 yr expiry date 2 1.0 Ton 3 Star Inverter Split AC (5 in 1 Convertible, Copper, Anti-ViralplusPM 2.5 Filter, 2024 Model, White with Chrome Deco Strip -Make LLOYD/HITACHI/O GENERAL along with good quality voltage stablizer with all installation processs. 3 Ammonium Buffer solution (500ml )-Make- Make- Qualigen/Merck/Sdfine/finar.... 4 BOD 60,Sensor Head for BOD track,Make-Lovibond(with installation)... 5 cod solution A and B Both for 10-150 mg/l range-2-3 yr expiry date,Make-Merck... 6 COD VIALS=Cod cell test, High Range- 25-1500 mg/l , spectroquamt, with 2-3 yr expiry date.... 7 Colilert-18 (Cat.No-WP1001-18) for 100 ml samples(100/pack)with 2-3 yr expiry date Each means 1 pack,Make-Iodexx... 8 Comforter Room Heater 2000 Watt with Overheat Protection, Adjustable Thermostat Control Knob andAdjustable Vent for Air Delivery (White and Black)-Make Havells,bajaj,usha 9 Conductivity CRM=1410 micro Siemens-500 ml,crm ,nist traceable with certificatewith atleast 2-3 yr expiry date,Make-Merck/Sigma aldrich/Orion/Inorganic veNture... 10 Disposable Surgical 3Ply Unisex Mask - Ultra Soft Fabric Wide Ear Loop, Comfortable, Inbuilt Plastic Coated Nose Pin, CE and ISO Certified, Convenient Box Pack (Medical Blue Color) 11 EDTA (AR Grade)-N/50- 500 ML-Make SD Fine/Merck/QUALIGEN with atleast 2-3 yr expiry date.... 12 Electronic Pipette Controller-Make-Borosil,Brans,ThermoSafety Valve Hydrophobic Membrane Filter, Desktop and Wall Mount Stand,diital display, high speed 24 ml in 4 sec.. 13 Ferrover-100/pk for 10 ml-Make Hach.. 14 fluorideISE,electrode,with BNC Connector with refill solution along with 12 month warranty,Make-Orion,also works in thermo accumet ion meter 15 Fluoride eleectrode filling solution-60 ml/accumet/orion electrode-part no-13-620-431-Make fisher scientific/thermo scientific 16 Holium oxide crm,1 gm,nist traceable with certificate with iso 17034 ,atleast2-3 year expiry date, (100/125 ml)Make-Merck/Sigma aldrich/Orion/sigma aldrich/Briti scientific 17 Iron-Spectroquant-Range-0.10-5.0 mg/l fe,Make-Merck/Sigma aldrich/Orion 18 Lab gloves-Nitrile,powderfree-Complete Pack,Make-Cole parmer,fischer brand... 19 Micropipette -for 1 Transferpette electronic (up to 1000 µL)with tip ejection technology along with 4000 tips- make-Brand/eppendorf/velp/borosil 20 nitrate electrode filling solution -60 ml-orion plus filling solution F otimum results -Part orion 900046-Make fisher scientific /thermo.. 21 Nitrate ISA-nist traceable with certificate-Make-orion/merck/inorganic venture- 500 ml,atleast with2-3 yr expiry date WITH iso 17034.... 22 Nitrate-spectroquant-Range-0.3-30 mg/l ,Make-Merck/Sigma aldrich/Orion... 23 Nitrification inhibitor solution Lovibond 24 Non Woven disposable surgical cap.. 25 Ph buffer calibration solution-10.01,crm,nist traceable with certificate-orion/ merck -475 ml,atleast with2-3 yr expiry date with ISO 17034 , Make-Merck/Sigma aldrich/Orion/orion/Eutech/ in organicventure 26 Ph buffer calibration solution-4.01,crm,nist traceable with certificate-orion/ merck -475 ml,atleast with2-3 yr expiry date withISO17034,Make-Merck/Sigma aldrich/Orion/orion/Eutech/ in organic venture 27 Ph buffer calibration solution-7.0,crm,nist traceable with certificate-orion/ merck -475 ml,atleast with2-3 yr expiry date with ISO 17034, Make-Merck/Sigma aldrich/Orion/orion/Eutech/ in organicventure 28 ph electrode refilling solution.. 29 potassium dichromate crm-Traceability -NIST with atleast with2-3 yr expiry date withISO17034,Make-Merck/Sigma aldrich/Orion/orion/Eutech/ in organic venture/briti scientific.... 30 silver nitrate n/50-500 ml-,Make-Merck/Sigma aldrich/Orion/Qualigen /finarwith atleast 2-3 yr expiry date... 31 Sterile-97 Well Quanti Tray/2000,(100/pack)along with latest comparator tray ,Each means 1 pack with 2-3 yr expiry date ,Make-Iodexx... 32 sulfate=Range-50-500 mg/l,spectroquant, with 2-3 yr expiry date,Make-Merck/Sigma aldrich/Orion... 33 Sulfaver-100/pk for 10 ml-Make-hach 34 Sulphuric Acid (0.02 N)-500 ML-Make-Merck/Sigma aldrich/Orion/Qualigen/finar/Fischer Scientific/finar with atleast 2-3 yr expiry date.... 35 supply of steel almirah wxhxd(cm) 90x 195x50.7 /primary material : mild steel /durableCRCAsteelm construct inclusive of desired partitions /good quality 36 TISAB-nist traceable with certificateMake -_ orion/merck/Inorganic venture- 500 ml,atleast with2-3 yr expiry date... 37 TurbidityStandard -4000 NTU,NISTtraceable (CRM) along with certificate, size- 500 ML Traceability -NIST with atleast with2-3 yr expiry date withISO17034,Make-Merck/Sigma aldrich/Orion/orion/Eutech/ in organic venture...