
Tender For Rewiring /Renovation Of Qc(M) Section At Opf Kanpur, kanpur-Uttar Pradesh

Ordnance Parachute Factory has published Tender For Rewiring /Renovation Of Qc(M) Section At Opf Kanpur. Submission Date for this Tender is 25-02-2025. Road Work Tenders in kanpur Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Rewiring /Renovation Of Qc(M) Section At Opf Kanpur
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh

Tender Details

Tender For Rewiring /Renovation Of Qc(M) Section At Opf Kanpur; 1 (M&L) Brickwork (cement Mortar 1:4) with subclass ‘B’ bricks, straight or curved on plan to any radius in half brick thick walls built in or as irected by EIC/SIC. 2 Taking down cement plaster on brick wall of any description including raking out joints, hacking for key, scrubbing down with water etc. 3 Rendering 10mm thick on fair faces of brick work or concrete surfaces and Add or deduct to/from the rates for rendering for each 5 mm with finished even and smooth (without using extra lime or cement) 4 Demolition of Cement concretein any position (unreinforced) of any description and. 5 ( M & L ) 3mm thick cement base wallcare putty on wall and as directed by EIC/SIC. 6 Dismantling of Stone slabs and tiles (Laid bedded and pointed at any mortar) of any description or thickness in floors, aprons etc. 7 (M&L) Preparation of oldsurfaces & apply two coats of oil bound distemper as directed by EIC/SIC. 8 (M&L)2coatcement paint On Walls as directed by EIC/SIC. 9 M&L for two coats of synthetic enamel paint on steel surfaces over a coat of red oxide primer of any description, over 10 cm in width or girth, not other wise described, including preparation of new surface. 10 S/F of powder coating Aluminum doors/2-Track or 3-Track Aluminium sliding Window,Frame section weighing 0.85 to 1.1 Kg/m and shutters aluminum section weighing o.55Kg/mnot more than 4 sqm , including half part with glazing , 4.8 mm thick first quality glasss necessary and half with Pre laminated board 12mm, interior grade both sides laminated joining cleats glazing clips riber neoprene packing handles 2 nos in each door/window hings, latches,tower bolts, door aldrops, door stopers, powder coating snap beading screws etc. complete all as specified. 11 S&F Anodised aluminium snap grid frame work for false ceiling, Size of grid 605 x 605mm complete, Hangers 6 mm dia. G.I. (upto 1200mm length) adjusting level fixed to roof slabs by means of ceilling cleats made out of G.I. flat 40 x 3 mm size 60mm long and expansion hold fasteners 12.5mm dia. 40mm long complete and M&L Non asbestos fibre cement building boards fixed or laid/ inserted to timber/GI/Aluminium framework with screws, fixed to aluminium snap grid (size of grid 605mm x 605mm) in ceiling all as specified by EIC & SIC. 12 S/F of powder coating aluminium frame partition aluminium section weighing 0.55 Kg/m including of glazing with 4.8 mm thick first quality glass or pre laminated board 12 mm, interior grade both sides laminated with all necessary joining cleats glazing clips riber neoprene packing powder coating snap beading screws etc. complete all as specified by EIC & SIC 13 ( M & L ) Chequered cement concrete plastic coated tiles 200mmX200mmX25mm thickin floors set and jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed with white cement and coloured pigment to match. colour of the tiled decided by as directed by EIC/SIC. 14 Cement concrete (100 mm thick) type B- 2, 1:2:4 (40mm graded aggregate) 15 S&F with Sheet glass (Thickness >4.8 mm), ordinary quality and glazing with oil putty in square n exc 0.5 sq. m in each pane as directed by SIC & EIC 16 Taking down carefully copper /aluminium point wiring (light,socket or power) complete, including fixture and fitting such as switches,ceiling rose,pendants ,regulators,socket,light ,fitting etc removing materials to store/em for keeping in safe custody for taking credit(credit of above items should be made as per conditions sepeatly) and making good disturbed surfaces of walls,floors etc. 17 (M&L)One light point or one fan point controlled by one switch with cable 1.5 sq mm size wiring with copper conductor cables FRLS pvc single core sheathed cable in PVC conduit. Wiring will be cancelled. 18 (M&L)One 3 pin socket outlet. 15 amps,independent,with cables 4 sq.mm size Wiring with copper conductor cables FRLS pvc single core sheathed cable in PVC In stove enamelled In PVC conduit .wiring will be concelled. 19 (S&F)Switch piano flush type sinle pole one way 5 amps.( Make: Anchor/SSK/Havells/Cona)for light point 20 (S&F) Socket outlet 3in 1,3 pin ,5 and 15 amp flush type. Make: ANCHOR/SSK/HAVELLS/Cona for Power. 21 (S&F)Switch piano flush type sinle pole one way 15 amps.( Make: Anchor/SSK/Havells/Cona)for Power 22 (S&F)Cast iron /pressed steel terminasl boxes 60 mm deep for mounting switches,sockets, fan regulator etc with 3 mm thick plastic laminated sheetcover size 175mmX100 mm rectangular.for power socket. 23 (S&F)Cast iron /pressed steel terminasl boxes 60 mm deep for mounting switches,sockets, fan regulator etc with 3 mm thick plastic laminated sheetcover size 200mmX250 mm rectangular.for fan point. 24 Suppy & Fixing of Wall mounted BLDC Fan Size 400 MM with remote. Make: Usha,Havells,Crompton,Orient, Atomberg. 25 ( Supply & Fixing )Single pole and neutral enclosure with a two pin and earth plug and socket complete with one single pole MCB 20 amps . Make: Legrand,Standard,Havells,L&T,Hager. For AC. 26 (S&F)Wiring for circuit/submain wiring alongwith earth wire with the following sizes of FR is PVC insulated copper conductor, single core cable in surface/ recessed as required 2x6.0 sq. mm +1x4.0 sq. mm earth wire in PVC conduit conceled wiring.(for AC power) 27 ( Supply & Fixing ) Sheet metal enclosure for DBs when MCB to be used,triple pole & neutral,8way ,double door type for Light , AC Box & power socket. Make:L&T,Legrands,Siemens,Havells,Hager, L&T,Indo Assian.( fixing of MCB DB will be concealed on wall or as directed by SIS/EIC.(for Light ,power scoket,AC) 28 Supply and fixing amp rating 240V, 10KA C curve miniature circuit breaker (MCB) of following poles and current carrying capacity in the MCB DB complete with connection testing and commissioning.(i) SP 5 To 32 AMP Make: Legrands,Schnieder Electric,Standard,Hager,Indo Assian. 29 (Supply & Fixing)Isolator Four pole 100 amp for each MCB TPN DBs. Make : Indo Assian, Legrand,Hager,L&T,Standard. 30 (M&L) ceiling rose ,3 phase/PVC/Polycarbonate ,isolated body. Make: Indo Assian,Anchor,L&T,Cona. 31 (S&F)Wiring for circuit/submain wiring alongwith earth wire with the 2x2.5 sqmm+1x2.5 sqmm earth wireof FR PVC insulated copper conductor ,single core cable in surface/recesse as required inPVC conduit.concelled wiring.(for light point) 32 (S&F) Wiring for circuit/submain wiring alongwith earth wire with the 2x4 sqmm+1x2.5 sqmm earth wireof FR PVC insulated copper conductor ,single core cable in surface/recesse as required in PVC conduit. Concelled wiring.(for power point) 33 Cuting holes in brick walls built in cement mortar .exe one brick but not exe two brick. 34 (M&L) XLPE insulated, armoured heavy duty electric cable with aluminium conductor, 1100 volts grade, cross-sectional area 35 sq. mm 3.5 core for feeding supply to all MCB TPNDBs.Make: Finolex,KEI,Gloster. 35 Cutting chases for PVC conduits wiring/cables and sinkings for boxes and making goog to wall ,floors etc in case of recessed or concealed conduit wiring of light & power circuit. 36 Supply and fixing LED luminaire 600 mm x 600 mm, 35/36 watt, 220 V AC recessed type with high efficiency PMMA diffuser soft glare free light complete with driver, holders & LED lamp suitable for roof ceiling including connecting up with driver three core flexible copper conductor cases of suitable size complete..MAKE:PHILIPS / CROMPTON /HAVELLS / BAJAJ / SYSKA / WIPRO. 37 [M&L] Earth continuity conductor or main earthing lead fixed to wall on batten or recess or chase or buried in groun or drawn in conduit/pipe or fixed to pole or nay other indicated sitiation for loof earthing etc as required4mm dia galvanised iron or steel wire. 38 Supply and fixing round shape 6 watt 220 volts AC recessed type with high efficiency PMMA diffuser soft glare free light complete with drivers, holders, LED lamp suitable for roof ceiling including connecting up with three core flexible copper conductor cable of suitable size complete 39 Supply & installation,commissioiing, testing of LT panel out door, hut type,floor mounted , water proof ,double door with lock and key arrangment& body earth arrangement consisitng of 14 SWG MS sheet, duly pianted with grey colour & consisitng with following acessories with wirirng / connection:- (i) suitable rating TPN aluminium bus bar having good conductivity , (ii) Digital ampermeter Qty=01 no with suitable CTs(1 set),(ii) KVAH,KWH,P.F,KVA indicated digital meter, =01 No,(iii) Frquency meter =01 no(iv) Digital Voltmeter ,Qty=1 Nos . (v) Three pahse R Y B indicating lamps =1 set.forincomer:(i) 1 nos ,400 amps four pole MCCB ,415 volts,breaking capapcity 50kA,make :L&T,Hager,Indo assian,Legrand,Siemens,Schnieder Electric. For outgoing circuit(ii) 02 Nos 200 amp MCCB 4 pole,36ka( for QCM &LB) make :L&T,Hager,Indo assian,Legrand,Siemens,Schnieder Electric (iii) 05 Nos 125 Amp 4 pole MCCB,36 ka (for R&I Stor-I&II&III,SV Section). make : L&T, Hager, Indo assian, Legrand, Siemens,Schnieder Electric. (iv) provision of incoming cable &outgoing cable entry and connection through suitable lug & glands. this LT panel will be installed beside of QCM or as per direction of SIC/EIC. 40 Rough excavation not execeeding 1.5 meter deep & gatting out (hard/dense soil/road) (for earth pit & Trench) 41 Returning filling including spradng ,leveling ,watering and well ramming in lays not exe 25 cm (hard/dense soi) (for earth pit & trench) 42 Material & labour sand filling under floor or in foundation including watering and consolidation 43 Making /repairing of road/floor with cement concerte type B2 1:2:4 ,40 mm graded aggregate after filling sol in cable trench. 44 Material and laying of bricks ,sub class B ,old size brick laid dry continuos over the sand layer properly. 45 Laying of 3.5 core underground electric cable armoured size 240 sqmm[ 2 length ] from Main Sub Station toLT panel QCM.. 46 M&L XLPE insulated, armoured heavy duty electric cable with aluminium conductor, 1100 volts grade, cross-sectional area 240sq. Mm,3.5 core ( 2 length). Make: Gloster,KEI,Havells,Polycab. 47 Earthing comlete galvanised steel earth plate electrode 60x60cmx6mm thick ,buried direcly in ground (earth pit not les than 2.25 meters deep below ground level) with top dgeof the plate not less than 1.5 meters below normal ground level ,connected to galvianised earth strip 25x4 mm as earthing leadby means of bolts ,nuts,check nuts and washers of galvanise iron or steel all as shown in electrical plate no-5 connected to earthing test point all as specified or indicated including testing on completion(M&L) 48 [M&L] Earth continuity conductor or main earthing lead fixed to wall on batten or recess or chase or buried in groun or drawn in conduit/pipe or fixed to pole or nay other indicated sitiation for loof earthing etc as required25x4mm dia galvanised iron strip.[ to be fixed on panel with nut bolts) 49 (supply &fixing) Earth pit making with earth pit cover 50 Supply & installation of single phase ,230 volts ,50 Hz ,1.5 ton inverter split AC with indoor & outdoor complete with cordless remote control unit and with in built air ioniser and Plasma filter for better indoor air quality with minimum 5 star rating and High ISEER (5.2) rating, 2024 Model with connecting copper pipe (lenght as per site requirement) and Automatic Air Conditioners (A.C.) Voltage Stabilizer Upto 1.5 Ton Working Power 160V-285V(Metalic Grey) with 3 Year Warranty.make of AC :Make: O General, Hitachi,Blue Star,Dikin,LG. and Make of Stabilizer: Microtech, V Gauard,Bluebird or same brand of AC.(civil work like drilling,making hole,grouting of indoor unit,outdoor unit,laying of connecting pipe etc are included) 51 supply & finxing of single phase ,air curtain made of CRCA POWDER COATED for prevention of dust and conditioned air losses and suitable for main entrance size 7 feet wide & 10 feet hieght. Height covered : 10 feet to 13 feetcomplete with accessories, blower, motor & Shaft , motor power :400 watt or less, energy efficient/5 star rating, warranty : 01 year or more. Make: Chronovex, Satkar, Mitusbhishi, mitzwah , Euronics,

Key Value

Document Fees
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INR 41508.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 20.75 Lakhs /-
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