
Tender For Telhara Mc Under Mc Properties Painting Renovation And Other Development Works - 1 Items 2 Item No. -1Excavation For Foundation In Earth, Soil Of All Types, Sand, Gravel And Soft Murum, Including Removing The Excavated Material Upto A Dista, telhara-Maharashtra

Directorate Of Municipal Administration has published Tender For Telhara Mc Under Mc Properties Painting Renovation And Other Development Works - 1 Items 2 Item No. -1Excavation For Foundation In Earth, Soil Of All Types, Sand, Gravel And Soft Murum, Including Removing The Excavated Material Upto A Dista. Submission Date for this Tender is 10-02-2025. Painting Tenders in telhara Maharashtra. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Telhara Mc Under Mc Properties Painting Renovation And Other Development Works - 1 Items 2 Item No. -1Excavation For Foundation In Earth, Soil Of All Types, Sand, Gravel And Soft Murum, Including Removing The Excavated Material Upto A Dista
Open Tender

Tender Details

Tender For Telhara Mc Under Mc Properties Painting Renovation And Other Development Works - 1 Items 2 Item No. -1Excavation for foundation in earth, soil of all types, sand, gravel and soft murum, including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50m. beyond the building area and stacking and spreading as directed, dewatering, preparing the bed for the foundation and necessary back filling, ramming, watering including shoring and strutting etc. complete. (Lift upto 1.5 m.) By Mechanical MeansS.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.- 21.02 Page No.153 Reference No. - BDA 1 3 Item No. -2 Providing and laying Cast in situ / Ready Mix cement concrete in M-10 of trap / granite / quartzite / gneiss metal for foundation and bedding including bailing out water, Steel centering, formwork, laying / pumping, compacting, roughening them if special finish is to be provided, finishing if required and curing complete, with fully automatic microprocessor based PLC with SCADA enabled reversible Drum Type mixer / concrete Batch mixplant (Panmixer) etc. complete. With fine aggregate (Crushed sand VSI Grade)S.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.- 24.01 Page No. 175 Reference No. - BDE 1 4 Item No. -3Providing and laying in situ / Ready Mix cement concrete M-20 of trap / granite / quartzite / gneiss metal for R.C.C. work in foundations like raft, strip foundations, grillage and footings of R.C.C. columns and steel stanchions etc. including bailing out water, Steel centering form work, laying / pumping cover blocks, compaction and curing roughening the surface if special finish is to be provided (Excluding reinforcement and structural steel) etc. complete, with fully automatic micro processor based PLC with SCADA enabled reversible Drum Type mixer / concrete Batch mix plant (Pan mixer) etc. complete. With fine aggregate (Crushed sand VSI Grade)S.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.- 25.11 Page No. 178 Reference No. - BDF 3 5 Item No. - 4Providing and laying Cast in situ / Ready Mix cement concrete M-20 of trap / granite / quartzite / gneiss metal for R.C.C. columns as per detailed designs and drawing or as directed including steel centering, formwork, cover blocks, laying / pumping, compaction finishing the formed surfaces with cement mortar 1:3 of sufficient minimum thickness to give a smooth and even surface or roughening if special finish is to be provided and curing etc. complete. (Excluding reinforcement and structural steel). with fully automatic micro processor based PLC with SCADA enabled reversible Drum Type mixer / concrete Batch mix plant (Pan mixer) etc. complete. With fine aggregate (Crushed sand VSI Grade)S.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.- 25.31 Page No. 179 Reference No. - BDF 5 6 Item No. - 5Providing and laying Cast in situ / Ready Mix cement concrete M-20 of trap / granite / quartzite / gneiss metal for R.C.C. beams and lintels as per detailed designs and drawings or as directed including steel centering, formwork, cover blocks, laying / pumping, compaction and roughening the surface if special finish is to be provided and curing etc. complete. (Excluding reinforcement and structural steel). with fully automatic micro processor based PLC with SCADA enabled reversible Drum Type mixer / concrete Batch mix plant (Panmixer) etc. complete. With fine aggregate (Crushed sand VSI Grade)S.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.-25.50 Page No. 181 Reference No. - BDF 6 7 Item No. - 6Filling in plinth and floors with approved excavated material in 15cm. to 20cm. Layers including watering and compacting etc. complete.S.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.- 21.36 Page No. 157 Reference No. - BDA 10 8 Item No. - 7Filling in plinth and floors with contractors material / brought from outside and approved by Engineer in charge in layers of 15 cm to 20 cm including watering and compaction etc.complete.S.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.- 21.37 Page No. 157 Reference No. - BDA 11 9 Item No. - 8Providing soling using 80mm size trap metal in15 cm. layer including filling voids with Crushed sand / grit, ramming, watering etc. complete.S.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.- 21.40 Page No. 157 Reference No. - BDA 10 Item No. - 9Providing fly-ash brick masonry with conventional / I.S. type fly-ash bricks in C.M. 1:6 in foundation and plinth including bailing out water manually striking joints, racking out joints watering and scaffolding etc. complete.S.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.- 27.12 Page No. 198 Reference No. - BDG 11 Item No. - 10Providing and laying Cast in situ / Ready Mix cement concrete M-15 of trap / granite / quartzite / gneiss metal for coping to plinth or parapet, moulded or chamfered as per drawing or as directed including steel centering, plywood / steel formwork compacting, roughening them if special finish is to be provided, finishing uneven and honeycombed surface and curing etc. complete. The Cement Mortar 1:3 plaster is considered for rendering uneven and honeycombed surface only. Newly laid concrete shall be covered by gunny bag, plastic, tarpaulin etc. (Wooden centering will not be allowed.) With fine aggregate (Crushed sand VSI Grade)S.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.- 24.16 Page No. 177 Reference No. - BDE 3 12 Item No. - 11Providing fly ash brick masonry with conventional / I.S. type bricks in cement mortar 1:6 in superstructure including striking joints, raking out joints, watering and scaffolding etc. CompleteS.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.- 27.13 Page No. 198 Reference No. - BDG 13 Item No. -12Providing and laying Cast in situ / Ready Mix cement concrete M-20 of trap / granite / quartzite / gneiss metal for R.C.C. slabs and landings as per detailed designs and drawings including steel centering, formwork, cover blocks, laying / pumping, compaction finishing the formed surfaces with cement mortar 1:3 of sufficient minimum thickness to give a smooth and even surface or roughening if special finish is to be provided and curing etc. complete, (Excluding reinforcement and structural steel). with fully automatic micro processor based PLC with SCADA enabled reversible Drum Type mixer / concrete Batch mix plant (Pan mixer) etc. complete. With fine aggregate (Crushed sand VSI Grade)S.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.- 25.70 Page No. 182 Reference No. - BDF 8 14 Item No. - 13Providing and laying Cast in situ / Ready Mix cement concrete M-20 of trap / granite / quartzite / gneiss metal for R.C.C. chajja as per detailed design and drawings including steel centering, formwork, cover blocks, laying / pumping, compacting and roughening the surface if special finish is to be provided and curing complete. (Excluding reinforcement and structural steel). with fully automatic micro processor based PLC with SCADA enabled reversible Drum Type mixer / concrete Batch mix plant (Pan mixer) etc. complete. With fine aggregate (Crushed sand VSI Grade)S.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.- 26.05 Page No. 184 Reference No. - BDF 9 15 Item No. - 14Providing and laying Cast in situ / Ready Mix cement concrete in M-20 of trap / granite / quartzite / gneiss metal for R.C.C. coping to plinth or parapet and sill of doors and windows moulded as per detailed drawings or chamfered as approved by the Engineer including steel centering, formwork, cover blocks, laying / pumping, compacting, curing, finishing and roughening them if special finish is to be provided and curing complete. (Excluding reinforcement and structural steel). with fully automatic micro processor based PLC with SCADA enabled reversible Drum Type mixer / concrete Batch mix plant (Pan mixer) etc. complete. With fine aggregate (Crushed sand VSI Grade)S.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.- 26.23 Page No. 185 Reference No. - BDF 12 16 Item No. - 15Providing and fixing in position TMT - FE - 500 bar reinforcement of various diameters for R.C.C. pile caps, footings, foundations, slabs, beams columns, canopies, staircase, newels, chajjas, lintels pardis, copings, fins, arches etc. as per detailed designs, drawings and schedules. including cutting, bending, hooking the bars, binding with wires or tack welding and supporting as required complete.S.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.- 26.33 Page No. 188 Reference No. - BDF 17 17 Item No. - 16Providing water proof bedding for flooring of Bath and WC 25 mm thick in C.M. 1:3 including using approved water proofing compound in specified proportion as per manufacturers specifications for per bag of cement including leveling, curing and covering 10 years guarantee on court fee stamp paper of Rs. 500/- including ponding test etc. complete.S.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.- 31.05 Page No. 205 Reference No. - BDJ 18 Item No. - 17Providing waterproof plaster in W.C. and bath 12 mm thick for dado in cement mortar 1:3 with neat finishing, floating using water proofing compound at the rate of 1 Kilogram. per bag of cement of approved make and manufacturer and curing etc. complete. (Excluding Tiles) (As directed by Engineer in Charge)S.S.R. 2022-2023 tem No.- 31.06 Page No. 205 Reference No. – BDJ 19 Item No. - 18Providing cement based waterproofing treatment to terraces (Indian water proofing or alike) with brick bats laid in required slope to drain the water for any span after cleaning the base surface. Applying a coat of cement slurry admixed with approved waterproofing compound and laying the brick bats on bottom layer in C.M. 1:5 admixed with approved waterproofing compound filling up to half depth of brick bats, curing this layer for 3 days, applying cement slurry over this layer joints of brick bats with C.M. 1:3 admixed with approved waterproofing compound and finally top finishing with average 20 mm. thick layers of same mortar added with jute fiber at 1 Kilogram per bag including finishing the surface smooth with cement slurry admixed with approved waterproofing compound. Marking finished surface with false squares of 300 mm x 300 mm. making the junctions at the parapet rounded and tapered top for required height, with drip mould at the junction of plaster and parapet and curing and covering 10 years Guarantee against leak proofness on Court fee stamp paper of Rs. 500/- including ponding test etc. complete.S.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.- 31.04 Page No. 205 Reference No. – BDJ 20 Item No. - 19Providing internal cement plaster 12 mm thick in single coat in cement mortar 1:3 without neeru finish to concrete or brick surfaces, in all position including scaffolding and curing etc.complete.S.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.- 32.05 Page No. 209 Reference No. - BDL 2B 21 Item No. - 20Providing sand faced plaster externally in cement mortar using approved screened sand, in all positions including base coat of 15 mm thick in cement mortar 1:4 using waterproofing compound at 1Kilogram per cement bag curing the same for not less than 2 days and keeping the surface of the base coat rough to receive the sand faced treatment 6 to 8 mm thick in cement mortar 1:4 finishing the surface by taking out grains and curing for fourteen days scaffolding etc. complete.S.S.R. 2022-2023Item No.- 32.11 Page No. 209 Reference No. - BDL 7 22 Item No. - 21Providing and laying vitrified mirror / glossy finish tiles decorative type having size 590mm to 605mm x 590mm to 605mm of 8 to 10 mm thickness and confirming to IS. 15622 - 2006 (group Bla) of approved make, shade and pattern for flooring in required position laid on a bed of 1:4 cement mortar including neat cement float, filling joints, curing and clearing etc. complete.S.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.- 33.40 Page No. 217 Reference No. - BDM 12 23 Item No. - 22Providing and laying Antiskid Ceramic tiles of approved quality of size 30 cm x 30 cm and confirming to IS 15622 - 2006 (Group-B IIA) for antiskid flooring in required position laid on a bed of 1:4 cement mortar including cement float, filling joint with cement slurry cleaning curing etc. complete.S.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.- 33.67 Page No .220 Reference No. – BDM 24 Item No. - 23Providing and laying vitrified mirror / glossy finish tiles having size 590mm to 605mm x 590mm to 605mm of 8 to 10 mm thickness and confirming to IS. 15622 - 2006 (group Bla) of approved make, shade and pattern for dado and skirting in required position fixed in 1:4 cement mortar including neat cement float, filling joints, curing and clearing etc. completeS.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.- 33.41 Page No. 217 Reference No. - BDM 12 25 Item No. - 24Providing sills of required material 20 mm to 25 mm thick, on a bed of cement mortar 1:4 including cement float, filling joints with neat cement slurry, curing, moulding edges, polishing, cleaning complete. b) GraniteS.S.R. 2022-2023Item No.- 33.22 Page No. 215 Reference No. - - 26 Item No. - 25Providing and fixing machine cut machine polished 18 mm to 20 mm thick telephone black / Amba White / Catbary brown / RBI red / Ocean Brown granite stone for treads and risers of steps and staircases of approved colour and shade with full moulding and three grooved line for the treads on bed of 1:4 Cement mortar including float filling joints with neat cement slurry curing polishing and cleaning etc. complete.S.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.- 33.35 Page No. 216 Reference No. - BDM 22 27 Item No. -26Providing and fixing frame with / without ventilator of size as specified with Country cut teak wood for doors and windows including chamfering, rounding, rebating, iron holdfast of size 300 mm x 40 mm x 5 mm with oil painting, etc. completeS.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.- 39.01 Page No. 245 Reference No. – BDT 28 Item No. - 27Providing and fixing Country cut teak wood double or single leaf second class fully panelled door shutter with 35 mm thick style and rail with 25 mm thick panels with openable fan light as per detailed drawings. Excluding the door frame 60 mm x 100 mm stainless steel fixtures and fastening and finishing the wood work with oil painting 3 coats. (Excluding the door frame)S.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.- 39.04 Page No. 245 Reference No. - BDT 7 and 8 29 Item No. - 28Providing and fixing frame with / without ventilator of size as specified with Country non teakwood for doors and windows including chamfering, rounding, rebating, iron holdfast of size 300 mm x 40 mm x 5 mm with oil painting, etc. complete.S.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.- 39.02 Page No. 245 Reference No. – BDJ 30 Item No. - 29Providing and fixing M40 grade thick vibrated pull cast or similar type concrete frame with chamfer conforming to I.S. 65241983 having 6 mm dia. bars 3 Nos. And strips @ 250 mm c/c and fixing in wall with 6 Nos. of holdfast of 12 mm dia. bars 500 mm long including primer and oil painting etc, complete) frame size 60 mm x 125 mm.S.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.- 39.57 Page No. 257 Reference No. - BDT 31 Item No. - 30Providing and fixing solid core flush door shutter in single leaf 32 mm thick decorative type of exterior grade as per detailed drawings approved face veneers 3 mm thick on both faces or as directed, all necessary beads, mouldings and lipping, wrought iron holdfasts, chromium plated fixtures and fastenings, with brass mortise lock, chromium plated handles on both sides, and finishing with French Polish etc. complete.S.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.- 39.09 Page No. 246 Reference No. - BDT – 34 32 Item No. - 31Providing and fixing fiber glass reinforced polyster door shutter 30 mm thick as per IS14856 (2000) (Reaffirmed 2006) without ventilator including chromium plated fixtures and fastening with chromium plated handles on both sides, etc. completeS.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.- 39.58 Page No. 257 Reference No. – BDT 33 Item No. - 32Providing and fixing mild steel grill work for windows, ventilators etc. 20 Kilogram / One Square Metre as per drawing including fixtures, necessary welding and painting with one coats of anticorrosive paint and two coats of oil painting complete.S.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.- 40.01 Page No. 264 Reference No. - BDU 1 34 Item No. - 33Providing and fixing in position U.P.V.C. (Unplasticized PolyVinyl Chloride) having multi-chambered outer frame section (73 x 50) mm with an outer wall thickness of 2 mm & steel reinforcement, multi-chambered slider frame (73 x 60) mm with steel reinforcement, multi-chambered sliders ash (46 x 82) mm with steel reinforcement designed to give optimum strength, 5 mm thick toughened double glass with 12 mm spacer of good quality including alluminium track, Inter-locking profile, coextruded beadings, EPDM gaskets, silicon sealent, sliding handle, fixtures and fastenings (couplings, hinges) including with all required screws and nuts with all necessaryU.P.V.C. sections as per the detailed drawing and as directed by Engineer-In-Charge etc. complete.S.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.- 48.22 Page No. 313 Reference No. - - 35 Item No. - 34Providing and fixing in position powder coated aluminium louvered windows / ventilator of various sizes with powder coating as per detailed drawing and specifications including aluminium frames 80 x 38 mm x 1.22 mm box type, 5 mm thick sheet glass louvers, of approved quality etc. complete.S.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.- 39.68 Page No. 259 Reference No. – BDT 36 Item No. - 35Providing and laying in trenches 40 mm dia. CPVC pipe including necessary excavation, fittings. Refilling trenches etc. complete. Including removing existing pipe line if necessary and conveying and stacking the same in PWD chowky or as directed etc. complete.S.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.- 42.65 Page No. 281 Reference No. - BDV 5 37 Item No. - 36Providing and laying in trenches 40 mm dia. CPVC pipe including necessary excavation, fittings. Refilling trenches etc. complete. Including removing existing pipe line if necessary and conveying and stacking the same in PWD chowky or as directed etc. complete.S.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.- 42.65 Page No. 281 Reference No. - BDV 5 38 Item No. - 37Providing and fixing on walls / ceiling / floor 15 mm dia. CPVC pipe with necessary fittings, remaking good the demolished portion etc.complete. Including removing existing pipeline if necessary and conveying and stacking the same in PWD chowky or as directed etc. complete.S.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.- 42.55Page No. 280 Reference No. – BDV 39 Item No. - 38 Providing and fixing 15 cm rigid PVC Nahani trap including PVC grating, bend, connecting piece of UPVC pipe upto the outside face of wall, making the good damaged surface and testing etc. complete (Prior approval of sample and brand by Ex. Engr. is necessary before use)S.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.- 43.18 Page No. 288 Reference No. - BDV 24 40 Item No. - 39Providing and fixing 75 mm dia. Stabiliser pipe / P.V.C. soil vent / waste pipe and with necessary fixtures and fitting such as bends, tees, single junctions, slotted vent, clamps etc. completeS.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.- 42.51 Page No. 279 Reference No. – BDV 41 Item No. - 40Providing and fixing 100 mm dia. Stabiliser pipe / P.V.C. soil vent / waste pipe and with necessary fixtures and fitting such as bends, tees, single junctions, slotted vent, clamps etc.complete.S.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.- 42.52Page No. 279 Reference No. – BDV 42 Item No. - 41Providing and fixing P.V.C. Rain water pipes of 110 mm outer diameter and having wall thickness of 2.2 to 2.7 mm confirming to I.S. 13592 - 1992 including proper rainwater receiving recess with P.V.C. plug, bend, necessary fittings, such as, offsets, shoes, inluding fixing the pipe on wall using approved wooden cleats projecting 25 mm to 40 mm from face of wall a fixing with clips of approved quality and One NU.Mber, filing the joint using rubber gasket with solvent cement and properly resting the shoe of pipes on C.C. or masonry blocks, including necessary scaffolding and maintenance for 3 yrs for any leakages or dislocations of pipes. All the P.V.C. fittings and additional 2 piece socket clips shall be got approved from engineer in charge etc. complete.S.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.- 42.87 Page No. 283 Reference No. - BDV 43 Item No. - 42Providing pre-constructional anti-termite treatment as per I.S. 6313 (Part-II) by treating the bottom surface and sides of excavation at the rate of 5 litres of emulsion concentrate of 1.0 percent of chlorophyrifos per square meter of surface area covering 10 years guarantee on bond paper.S.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.- 21.22 Page No. 155 Reference No. – BDW 44 Item No. - 43Providing and applying plastic emulsion paint of approved quality, colour and shade to new surface in three coats including scaffolding, preparing the surface. (excluding primer coat) etc. complete.S.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.- 36.14 Page No. 228 Reference No. - BDP 6A 45 Item No. - 44Providing and applying two coats of exterior acraylic emulsion paint confirming to corresponding I.S. of approved manufacture and of approved colour to the plastered surfaces including cleaning, preparing the plaster surface, applying primer coat, scaffolding if necessary, and watering the surface for two days etc. complete.S.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.- 35.25 Page No. 225 Reference No. - BDO 46 Item No. - 45Providing and fixing 15 mm dia. Screw down bib / stop tap of brass including necessary socket union nut complete.S.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.- 41.40 Page No270 Reference No. - BDV 8 47 Item No. - 46Providing and fixing screw down for 20 mm dia. Wheeled stop tap of brass including necessary sockets / union nut complete.S.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.- 41.44 Page No. 270 Reference No. - BDV 9 48 Item No. - 47Providing and fixing screw down for 25 mm dia. Wheeled stop tap of brass including necessary sockets / union nut complete.S.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.- 41.45 Page No. 270 Reference No. - BDV 9 49 Item No. - 48Providing and fixing white glazed earthenware Wash Hand Basin of 63 cm x 45 cm size including Bib cock stop tap brass heavy 15mm, brackets, rubber plugs and brass chain, stop tap and necessary pipe connection including P.V.C. waste pipe and trap up to the outside face of the wall.S.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.- 41.65 Page No. 272 Reference No. - BDV 30 50 Item No. - 49Providing and fixing orissa type colour glazed earthenware 625 x 450 mm. w.c. pan including trap, C.I. soil and vent pipe upto the outside face of wall including 100 mm. dia. C.I. plug, bend, 15mm. thick 10 litre PVC flushing cistern with all necessary pipe connection etc. complete.S.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.- 42.35 Page No. 277 Reference No. – BDV 51 Item No. - 50Providing and fixing H.D.P. container one piece moulded water tank made out of low density polythyler and built corrugation including of delivery up to destination hoisting and fixing of accessories such as inlet, outlet overflow of all tanks capacity above 1000 to 20,000 litresS.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.- 42.54 Page No. 280 Reference No. – BDV 52 Item No. -51Providing and Fixing mat finish stainless steel (of 302 grade) railing with top pipe of 50 mm dia. and vertical pipe of 38 mm dia. at 0.60 m c/c or as required and horizontal pipes of 25 mm dia. in three rows, all pipes of 2mm thick including buffing, fabricating fixtures and fastening including pipe base of appropriate diameter and ball base of 75 mm dia above newel post of 75 mm diameter, etc. complete (Prior approval of sample and brand by Ex. Engineer is necessary before use)S.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.- 40.08 Page No. 265 Reference No. – BDW 53 Item No. - 52Providing and fixing Board Displaying Information, such as Name of work, Tender cost, Name of Contractor, Work completion and liability period etc., having rectangularshape of 1.20 m x 0.90 m size made out 18 gauge (1.25mm) thick mild steel sheet painted with one coat of Zinc chromate stoving primer and two coats of enamel paint on front side and grey stove enamel on back side and border / messages / symbols etc. with approved colour shade paint complete, on M.S. angle of size 35 x 35 x 3mm frame with properly cross braced M.S. angles of size 35 mm x35 mm x 3 mm duly painted including Two M.S. angle iron posts of size 65 mm x 65 mm x 6 mm, 3.65 m long painted with alternate black and white bands of 25 cm width including all fixtures etc. and fixing the boards in 1:4:8 concrete block of size 60 cm x 60 cm x 75 cm including, excavation, refilling, transportation, and labour etc complete. Spec. No. As directed by Engineer in ChargeS.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.- 6.36 Page No. 60 Reference No. - Morth 801 54 Item No. - 53Providing and fixing corrugated galvanized iron sheets of 0.63 mm thick (24B.W.G.) for roofing without wind tiles including fastening with galvanized iron screw sand bolts, lead and bitumen washers as per drawing etc. complete.(Weight of 5.5 Kilogram/sq.m.).S.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.- 38.04 Page No. 240 55 Item No. – 54Providing and fabricating structural steel work in rolled sections like joists, channels, angles, tee setc. As per detailed design and drawings or as directed including cutting, fabricating, hoisting, erecting, fixing in position making riveted/bolted/welded connections with out connecting plates, braces etc.and including one coat of anti corrosive paint and over it two coats of oil painting of approved quality and shade etc. complete.S.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.- 23.01 Page No. 173 56 Item No. – 55Providing and applying white-wash in two coats on old / new plastered or masonry surfaces and asbestos cement sheets including scaffolding and preparing the surface by brushing and brooming down etc. complete.S.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.- 36.03BPD1A 57 Item No. – 56Providing and fixing 900 mm high S.S.304 Grade Stain less steel railing with 40 mm diameter and 1.5 mm thick at top, 40 mm diameter and 1.5 mm thick vertical supports spaced at 1.5 m center to center and 8 mm thick toughened glass including fabricating, fixtures, erecting, necessary welding, grinding, finishing, buffing to stainless steel pipe etc. completeS.S.R. 2022-2023Item No. – 40.06Page No.264 BDR 58 Item No. – 57Providing and Fixing Mineral Fibre Acoustical Suspended Ceiling System with Fine Fissured (Bevelled Tegular) Edge Tiles of size 15 mm Exposed Grid.The tiles should have Humidity Resistance (RH) of 99 %, NRC 0.6, Light Reflectance 85 %, Thermal Conductivity k = 0.052-0.057 w/mK, Colour White, Fire Performance UK Class 0 / Class 1 (BS 476 pt -6 & 7) in module size of 600 x 600 x 16 mm, with Recycled content of 31 %. The tile shall be laid on precoated G.I channel height of 32 with 15 mm wideT-section flanges colour white having rotary stitching and XL 2 CLIP on all T sectionsi.e. the Main Runner, 1200 mm and 600 mm Cross Tees witha web height of 32 mm and a load carrying capacity of 7.57 Kilograms / M2 and pull out strength of minimum 100 Kilograms.. The T Sections havea Galvanizing of 90 grams per M2 and need to be installed with Suspension system. The Tile and Grid system used together should carry a 10 year warranty. product approved in GRIHA and BS 476 etc. complete.S.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No. – 38.50 Page No.243 Reference No. – BDR 59 Item No. - 58Executives Table @ 1800Lx900Dx750HT:Providing & Fixing of Table @ 1800Lx900Dx750HT - TOP & GABLE END to be made of Membrane finish with soft water fall edges & curved panel & Decorated Anodized section MODESTY PANEL to be made of 18 mm thick Prelaminated particle board with PVC edge band as per drawing.S.S.R. 2022-2023Item No.:51.21 60 Item No.-59Providing & Arrangemnt of High Back Chair - TILT MECHANISM WITH MULTILOCKING, HIGH DENSITY CUSHION ON SEAT COMPOSITE LEATHERWITH METALLIC SILVER FINISH BASE AND ARMS WITH P.U.CASTORS GASLIFT FOR HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT.S.S.R. 2022-2023Item No.:51.41 61 Item No. - 60Public Seating Chair. - 3 Seater:Providing and Fixing 3 seater Public seating chair made of complete metal with Legs in Crome finish and seates in silver powder coating finish.S.S.R. 2022-2023Item No.:51.44 62 Item No. - 61Alluminium foldable ladder for store:Providing & Fixing Foldable AllumiNU.M Ladder 1500 mm. Ht.S.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.:51.52 63 Item No. - 62Providing & Arrangemnt of Mid Back, ECO CTS Mechanism, Fixed Armrest, Gaslift for Seat height adjustment, Standard 5-prong P/Nylon Base with Fabric Upholstery.S.S.R. 2022-2023Item No.:51.43 64 Item No.- 63Medium Height Partition @ 1800/1200HT TILE BASED PARTITION SYSTEM Tile based AlumiNU.M partition system of 1800/1200mm ht. made of 60mm thick alumiNU.M frames having two separate race ways for laying electrical & computerwiring. The wire management shall be through to the race way to be fitted at bottom of partition other immediately below of work top with hook on type raceway cover for easy access of wires Frames to be joined by alumiNU.M connectorsS.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.:52.48 65 Item No.- 643 DRAWER PEDESTAL UNIT @ 392L x 450D x 680Ht. mm.3 DRAWER PEDESTAL UNIT having overall size 392L x 450D x 680Ht. mm. with central lock and key. 3 Drawers and body are complete metal with powder coat finish, facia in 18 mm prelaminated particle board.S.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.:51.34 66 Item No.- 65Providing & Fixing Curviliner Workstation @ 1500/1500Lx600/600Dx750HTProviding & Fixing Curviliner Workstation @ 1500/1500Lx600/600Dx750HT, Curvilinear Table Top @ 1500/1500L x 600/600D:- TOP to be made of 25 mm thick Prelaminated particle board with PVC edge band, GABLE END to be made of 25 mm thick Prelaminated particle board with PVC edge band, KEYBOARD TRAY (WITHOUT MOUSE TRAY) :- MetalS.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.:51.30 67 Item No.- 66Tea Table 900mm X 750mm X 450mm for m.s. ante chamber: Providing And Fixing Of Tea Table 900mm X 750mm X 450mm With 12mm Thick Colour Eitched Tempered Glass With Bevelled Drawing Made Out Of 18mm Thick Waterproofing Ply. The Outer Laces To Be Finished With High Quality 4 Mm Thik Veneer Or 1 Mm Thik Mica Etc.S.S.R. 2022-2023Item No.:51.54 68 Item No.- 67Providing and fixing solid core flush door shutter in single leaf 32 mm thick decorative type of exterior grade as per detailed drawings approved face veneers 3 mm thick on both faces or as directed, all necessary beads, mouldings and lipping, wrought iron hold fasts, S.S.R. 2022-2023Item No.:39.09BDT-34 69 Item No.- 68Providing and fixing solid core flush door shutter in double leaf 32 mm thick decorative type of exterior grade as per detailed drawings approved face veneers 3 mm thick on both faces or as directed, all necessary beads, mouldings and lipping, wrought iron hold fasts. chromium plated fixtures and fastenings, with brass mortise lock, chromium plated handles on both sides, and finishing with French Polish etc. completeS.S.R. 2022-2023Item No.:39.95 BDT 70 Item No.-69Providing and fixing M40 grade thick vibrated pull cast or similar type concrete frame with chamfer conforming to 1.S. 65241983 having 6 mm dia bars 3 Nos. And strips @250 mm c/c and fixing in wall with 6 Nos. of hold fast of 12 mm dia bars 500 mm long including primer and oil painting etc, complete. frame size 60 mm x 125 mmS.S.R. 2022-2023Item No.:39.57BDT 71 Item No.-70Providing and fixing fiber glass reinforced polyster door shutter 30 mm thick as per IS 14856 (2000) (Reaffirmed 2006) without ventilator including chromium plated fixtures and fastening with chromium plated handles on both sides, etc completeS.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.:39.58BDT 72 Item No.71Providing and fixing mild steel grill work for windows, ventilators etc. 20 Kilogram/ One Square Metre as per drawing including fixtures, necessary welding and painting with one coats of anticorrosive paint and two coats of oil painting complete.S.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.:40.01BDU 1 73 Item No.72Providing and fixing in position powder coated aluminium louvered windows/ventilator of various sizes with powder coating as per detailed drawing and specifications including aluminium frames 80 x 38 mm x 1.22 mm box type, 5 mm thick sheet glass louvers, of approved quality etc. completeS.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.:39.68BDT 74 Item No.73Supply, fixing and installation of 4mm thick Aluminium Composite Panel (ACP) of approved colour for external cladding in combination of solid and metallic colours, including all necessary Framework, support and complete weather sealing as per architectural drawing. The Aluminium Composite Panel (ACP) should be made out ofthermoplastic core of low-density S.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.:51. 235 75 Item No.- 74Full Height Steel Storage @ 750Lx450Dx2100HT:Providing and fixing Openable Steel Storage of 750 x 450 x 2100Ht, with 4 adjustable shelves, Complete body & shutter made in 0.8 mm thick & Top in 2 mm thick CRCA, 4 Shutter to be mounted with the help of cup hinges, and 4 adjustable levelers, enitrestorage in powder coated finish with 60 to 80 microns as as per drawing. S.S.R. 2022- 2023Item No.:51.37 76 Item No.-75Executive Table @ 2250Lx2100Dx750HT including Low Height Credestal @ 1200Lx450Dx650HT Providing & Fixing of Table @ 2250Lx2100Dx750HT TOP & GABLE END to be made of Membrane finish with soft water fall edges & curved panel & Decorated Anodized section MODESTY PANEL to be made of 18 mm thick Prelaminated particle board with PVC edge band.S.S.R. 2022-2023Item No.:51.24 77 Item No.-76Providing and fixing Modular false ceiling of 600 x 600 mm center to center and 13 mm thick square mineral fiber board to be fixed on frame work of alluminium sections for suspended false ceiling consisting of alluminium T 2x1 ½ (50 mm x 40 mm)weighing 0.39 Kilogram/m at 60 cms center center and fixed with ½ x ½ (15 x 15 mm) flanges weighing 0.19 Kilogram/m suspended on 6 mm dia mild steel rodweighing 0.22 Kilogram/m, fixed on wall and beams including rounding of the edges with alluinium T of 2 x 1 S.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.: 38.52BDR 78 Item No.- 77Providing a folding wheelchair of Pioneer Surgicals Brand, model One NU.Mber PS 809/ equivalent make as per the directions of the engineer in charge.S.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.:51.820 79 Item No. -78Providing and fixing white glazed earthenware Wash Hand Basin of 63cm x 45cm size including Bib cock stop tap brass heavy 15mm, brackets, rubber plugs and brass chain, stop tap and necessary pipe connection including P.V.C. waste pipe and trap up to the outside face of the wall.S.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.:41.650 BDV 30 80 Item No. - 79Providing and fixing White glazed with bottle trap earthenware Wash Hand Basin of 63x45 cm size including cold water piller taps, brackets, rubber plugs and brass chain, stop tap, chromium plate bottle trap and necessary pipe connections including UPAC waste pipe and trap upto the outside face of the wall, making good the damaged surface, testing etc. completeS.S.R. 2022-2023Item No.:41.700BDV 81 ItemNo. – 80Providing and fixing White Glazed Earthenware Squatting plate (Ladies Urinal) withP.V.C. flushing cistern of 5 liters capacity with fitting, inlet pipes and stop tap, brackets for fixing the cistern, 32 mm dia. P.V.C flush pipe with fittings and flushing arrangement including lead soil pipe, lead trap, soil pipe connectionup to the outside face of the wall.S.S.R. 2022-2023Item No.:41.580 BDV 23 82 Item No. - 81Providing and Fixing mat finish stainless steel (of 302 grade) railing with top pipe of 50 mm dia, and vertical pipe of 38 mm dia at 0.60 m c/c or as required and horizontal pipes of 25 mm dia in three rows, all pipes of 2 mm thick including buffing, fabricating fixtures and fastening including pipe base of appropriate diameter and ball baseSS.R. 2022-2023Item No.:40.080 BDW 83 Item No.-82Providing and fixing 450mm x 550mm size superior type Belgium mirror with 16mm dia. nickel plated towel rod etc. completeS.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.:42.200BDV 84 Item No. - 83Providing and fixing chromium plated towel rod 16 mm dia and 75 cm. in length including all accessories complete.S.S.R. 2022-2023Item No.:42.310BDV 85 Item No. - 84Providing & Fixing in position, Acoustical Panelling made from 12mm wp Ply wood &1.5mm laminate on, 50 x 50 mm Sal-wood frame of 600 x 600 c to c having wooden supports from wall of required length, in front of 1000 Gsm synthetic wool 50 mm thick with chicken mesh on wall side, including cost of required Cut-Outs, decorative mouldings/finishing-items/paint & Scaffolding, as per Architectural & Acoustical Design & Instructions & Complete in all aspects including all materials labour,finishing etc completeS.S.R. 2022-2023Item No.:51.040 86 Item No.- 85Providing & Fixing in position, Carpet more than 800+ gsm, made with 100% stain proof fibres of approved make along with 5mm underlay as per Architectural & Acoustical Design & Instructions & Complete in all aspects including all materials labour, finishing etc completeS.S.R. 2022-2023Item No.:51.130 87 Item No.- 86Removing the existing cement plaster of any thickness without causing dust nuisance and stacking the debris upto a distance of 50 metres or spreading in the compound and cleaning the site etc. complete.S.S.R. 2022-2023Item No.-32.33 BDL 88 Item No.- 87Removing wooden or A.C. partition including framework and stack-ing the materials as with all leads, lifts etc. complete.S.S.R. 2022-2023Item No.-46.17 BDW 8 89 Item No.- 88Removing chockes and leakages from downtake G.I/CI/PVC pipe line on walls floor level by using zoola/scaffolding and rectify the same for functioning with all lifts etc. complete.S.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.-46.53 BDW 90 Item No.- 89Removing doors and windows with frames and stacking the materials as directed with all leads, lifts etc. completeRemoving ventilators and small windows with frame and stacking the materials with all leads, lifts etc. complete.S.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.-46.16BDW 8 91 Item No.- 90Removing cement tiles, or marble or polished shahabad floor or dado without bed concrete including stacking the materials as directed with all leads, lifts etc. completeS.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.-46.19BDV 8 92 Item No.- 91Removing urinal pans or wash hand basins with frame including disconnecting the sanitary and water supply connections, removing the same carefully and stacking the serviceable materials as and where directed including throwing the unserviceable materials outside etc completeS.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.-46.40BDW 93 Item No.- 92Removing W.C. pans including disconnecting the sanitary and water supply connections, removing and breaking flooring and bed con-crete around pan removing the same carefully and stacking the serviceable materials as adn where directed including throwing the unserviceable materiasls out side etc. carefully and throwing out the refusal outside etc. completeS.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.-46.41BDW 94 Item No.- 93Dismantling brick masonry in Mud and stacking the materials as directed with all leads, lifts etc. complete.S.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.-46.08 Page No.211 95 Item No.- 94Excavation pit size 1.00 x1.00 x 1.00m for planting large flowering shady trees (plant height 2 to 4 mtr.)/ palm varieties of height (plant height 2 to 4 mtr.) in earth, soil of all types, soft murum, including removing the excavated & unwanted material up to a required distance of 50 mtrs.Parks & GardenS.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.-04Sr No 12 96 Item No.- 95Supplying on site fresh Garden soil (i. e. 3 part soil) (free from stones rubbish like dried grass roots, other such materials) for excavated pit size area of 1 x 1 x 1m ( consolidated thickness). Quantity of soil 0.653 cum x 800/cum 522.40/- Parks & GardenS.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.-04Sr No 45 a 97 Item No.- 96Supplying on site well decomposed Farm Yard Manure FYM (i. e. 1 part FYM) for excavated pit size area of 1 x 1 x 1m. (consolidated thickness) Quantity of FYM 0.203 cum x 950/cum = 192.85/-Parks & GardenS.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.-04Sr No 45 b 98 Item No.- 97Mixing garden soil/silt & manure thoroughly well, watering previous night. Plantingreqired plant species as directed etc. complete for required pit size 0.60 x 0.60 x 0,60m. Parks & GardenS.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.-04Sr No 27 99 Item No.- 98Filling fresh garden soil / silt & manure in excavated pit size area of 1.00 x 1.00 x1.00mParks & GardenS.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.-04Sr No 22 100 Item No.- 99Providing on site required variety of Tree (free weeds /diesease etc.) 30 cms. Apart c/c.Name:-Areca Palm; Bag Size 21 x 21, ht 9 ft and abovet (plants list Sr no 01, item no 11 e)Parks & GardenS.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.-11Sr No D1 101 Item No.- 100Providing on site required variety of Tree (free from weeds/diesease etc.) 30 cms. Apart c/c.Name:-Royal Palm; Bag Size 21 x 21, ht 9 ft and abovet (plants list Sr no 02, item no 11 e)Parks & GardenS.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.-11 eSr No 02 102 Item No.- 101Providing on site required variety of Tree (free from weeds /diesease etc.) 30 cms. Apart C/c.Name:-Fox Tail Palm; Bag Size 21 x 21, ht 9 ft and abovet (plants list Sr no 03, item no 11 e)Parks & GardenS.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.-11Sr No 03 103 Item No.- 102Providing on site required variety of Tree (free from weeds /diesease etc.) 30 cms. Apart D/c.Name:-Golden wichimeri Bag Size 18 x 18, ht 5ft to 6-ft (plants list sr no 05,item no 11 d)Parks & GardenS.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.-11 dSr No 05 104 Item No.- 1030 Providing on site required variety of Tree (free from weeds /diesease etc.) 30 cms. Apart c/c. Name:- Bismarkiya; Bag Size 15 x 16, ht 6 ft to 8 ft (plants list sr no 02,item no 11 c)Parks & GardenS.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.-11 cSr No 02 105 Item No.- 104Maintainance of Newly Planted tree varities having height 2mtr. - 4mtr. For First 30 days OnlyParks & GardenS.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.-04Sr No 35 106 Item No.- 105Excavation for plantinglawn/ shrub/ flower bed/ hedges/ edges/ canna bed in earth, soil of all types, soft murum, including removing the excavated material up to a distance of 50 mtrs. for a depth of 20 cms. (As per P&G DSR 2022-23 Items of garden work, Sr No.5)Rate as par Parks & Garden S.S.R Item No.-04Sr No 05 107 Item No.- 106Filling fresh garden soil / silt & manure in excavated area of depth 30cms. Rate as par Parks & Garden S.S.R Item No.-04Sr No 15 108 Item No.- 107Mixing garden soil/silt & manure thoroughly well, watering previous night Planting reqired plant species, lawn grass as directed etc. complete for required depth 5 to 30 cms. for planting lawn/ shrub/ flower bed/ hedges/ edges/canna bed/ ground cover.Rate as par Parks & Garden S.S.R Item No.-04Sr No 23 109 Item No.- 108Supplying on site fresh Garden soil (i. e. 3 part soil )(free from stones rubbish like dried grass roots, other such materials) for excavation area of depth of 20 cms (consolidated thickness). Quantity of soil 0.174 cum x 800/cum =139.20/-Rate as par Parks & Garden S.S.R Item No.-04Sr No 38 a 110 Item No.- 109Supplying on site well decomposed Farm Yard Manure (i. e. 1 part FYM) for excavation area of depth of 20 cms (consolidated thickness). Quantity of FYM 0.054cum x 950/cum 51.30/-Rate as par Parks & Garden S.S.R Item No.-04Sr No 38 b 111 Item No.- 110Providing on site well established (free from weeds /diesease etc.) ready to fix lawn turf in slabs/ rolls of required variety as directed.Rate as par Parks & Garden S.S.R Item No.-04Sr No 47 112 Item No.- 111Maintainance of Newly Developed lawn (Instant Lawn) Area. For First 30 days Only (As per P&G DSR 2022-23 Items of garden work, Sr No.29) Rate as par Parks & Garden S.S.R Item No.-04Sr No 29 113 Item No.- 112Supply and installation of Drip irrigation system all along the planting/lawn area including all component and accessories etc. completeRate as par Parks & Garden S.S.R 2016-17 Item No.-02Sr No 02 114 Item No.- 113Providing and erecting chain link fencing 1.6 M. height with G.I. chain link of size 50 x 50 mm, 8 gauge thick and fixed 75 mm above ground level on vertical M.S. Angles of 40 x 40 x 6 mm size, includind excavating pits for foundation and embedded in C.C. block of 1:4:8 mix of size 450 x 450 x 670 mm. at 1.75 M. c/c with iron bar 16mm dia as hold fast including welding link with angle frame at 30 cm c/c with nuts and bolts and horizontal M.S. Angles at top and bottom of 25 x 25 x 5 mm size and vertical M.S. flat 35 x 5 mm and 25 x 5 mm horizontal including cross support of 40 x 40 x 6 mm angles both side at every corner or bend embedded in concrete blocks of 1:4:8 of size 450 x 450 x 670 mm including 3 coats of oil painting etc. complete.S.S.R. 2022-2023Item No.- 46.39 Page No.Reference No. – BDW 115 Item No.- 114Providing and fixing heavy duty inter locking concrete RUBBER MOULD GLOSSY PAVING BLOCKS of 60 millimeter thickness of having a strength of 400 Kilogram/sq.m of approved quality and shape on a bed of crushed sand of 25 to 30 millimeter thick including striking joints and cleaning etc. complete, (using 100% crushed sand)S.S.R. 2022-2023EDSR I. No. 33.53 Bd. M-12 page Number 385 116 Item No.- 115Providing Second class fly-ash brick masonry with conventional/ I.S. type bricks in cement mortar 1:4 in half brick thick wall including mild steel longitudinal reinforcement of two bars of 6mm diameter/two hoop iron strips 25 mm x 1.60 mm at every third course, properly bent and bounded at ends scaffolding raking out joints and watering etc. complete.S.S.R. 2022-2023Item No.27.14BDG 117 Item No. -116Providing & Arrangemnt of Mid Back, ECO CTS Mechanism, Fixed Armrest, Gaslift for Seat height adjustment, Standard 5-prongP/Nylon Base with Fabric Upholstery.S.S.R. 2022-2023Item No.:51.43 118 Item No. – 117Providing and fixing frame with/without ventilator of size as specified with Country non teak wood for doors and windows including chamfering, rounding, rebating, iron holdfast of size 300mm x 40mm x 5mm with oil painting, etc. complete.S.S.R. 2022-2023Item No.:39.02 BDT 119 Item No. – 118Providing and fixing solid core flush door shutter in double leaf 32 mm thick decorative type of exterior grade as per detailed drawings approved face veneers 3 mm thick on both faces or as directed, all necessary beads, mouldings and lipping, wrought iron hold fasts, chromium plated fixtures and fastenings, with brass mortise lock, chromium plated handles on both sides, and finishing with French Polish etc. completeS.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.:39.95 BDT 120 Item No. - 119Providing and fixing in position U.P.V.C. (Unplasticized Poly Vinyl Chloride) having multi- chambered outer frame section (73 x 50)mm with an outer wall thickness of 2mm & steel reinforcement, multi- chambered slider frame (73x 60) mm with steel reinforcement, multi- chambered slider sash (46x 82) mm with steel reinforcement designed to give optimum strength, 5 mm thick toughened doubleS.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.:48.22 121 Item No. – 120Supply, fixing and installation of 4mm thick Aluminium Composite Panel (ACP) of approved colour for external cladding in combination of solid and metallic colours, including all necessary Framework, support and complete weather sealing as per architectural drawing. The Aluminium Composite Panel (ACP) should be made out of thermoplastic core of low-density polyethylene LDPE (100% virgin mix), sandwiched between two aluminium sheets of ALLOY GRADE- 5000 series, each not less than0.50 mm thick, total thickness of aluminium composite panels not to be less than 4 mm, theexposed surface thereof shall have Stove lacquered finishing coat not less than (26 +- 2) micron (containing minimum 70% kynar 500 based PVDF) of colour and shade as per architectural design. The inside surface (facing the building exterior surface)shall have polyster based powder coating not less than 25 Micron with protective peel-off foil on the exterior face (peel off film will in no case leave any adhesive mark over the composite panel surface after it is peeled off). The supporting framework shall be made out of 50 mm X25mm X 3mm thick Aluminium section to be spaced horizontally and vertically for fixing of panel of size 900 mm X 1200 mm and fixed to the buildingstructure as per design through 50mm X50mm X5 mm MS angle clamps prefixed to masonry or slab, columns with Hilti make anchor fastener screws. The fixing of panel to be done with the help of VHB tapes and screws and all the sealing of joints to be done with weather sealent Silicon as directed by Engineer-in-charge. (Prior permission of S.E. is necessary before inclusion of this item in estimate)S.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.:51.235 122 Item No.- 12112SS Handle: (For 2 Hr fire Rated 12SS Handle):Supplying, fitting & fixing Stainless Steel D or H type of size 300 mm x 19 mm tubular Handle with Grade 304, CE certified, marked & conforming to EN-1154 of approved quality (Internationally reputed brand like Dorma, Geze, Hafele, Assabloy & Magnum etc.)as per direction of Eingineer -in Charge fitted and fixedS.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.:51.177 BD-T 123 Item No.- 122Door Closure: (For 2 Hr fire Rated EN-3 Door Closure):Supplying, fitting & fixing Surface mounted overhead Door Closer for 2 hour fire rated doors of different size (e.g size -EN-3 for leaf width upto 900mm) CE certified, marked & conforming to EN - 1154 of approved quality (Internationally reputed brand like Dorma, Geze, Hafele, Assabloy & Magnum etc.) fitted and fixed CompleteS.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.:51.176 BD-T 124 Item No.123Providing and Fixing Vertical Blinds of approved Make and shade of 100mm regular fabric with powder coated aluminium channel with telting PVC chain & bottom weight plate with all necessary fixtures and fitting etc. complete. (Sample to be final by Engineer In- charge prior execution of work)S.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.:51.20 125 Item No. – 124Providing & Arrangemnt of MId Back, Normal Syncro Mechanism, Fixed Armrest, Gaslift for Seat height adjustment, Standard 5- prong/Nylon Base with Leather UpholsteryS.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.:51.42 126 Item No. – 125Providing and fixing European type Colour glazed earthenware water closet pan with UPVC seat and lid with chromium plated brass hinges and rubber buffers including UPVC and vent pipe up to the outside face of wall without flushing cistern with flush cock and with water Jet and necessary fittings including cutting and making good to the walls and floors testing etc. complete. (prior approval of sample and brand by Ex.Engineer is necessary before use)S.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.:43.220 BDV 23 127 Item No. – 126Providing and fixing orissa type colour glazed earthenware 625 x 450 mm. w.c. pan including trap, C.I. soil and vent pipe upto the out side face of wall including 100 mm. dia. C.I. plug, bend, 15mm. thick 10 litre PVC flushing cistern with all necessary pipe connection etc. completeS.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.:42.350 BDV 128 Item No. - 127Providing and fixing white glazed earthenware lipped flat back/corner type Urinal with PVC 5 liters flushing cistern with fittings, inlet pipe with stop tap, brackets for fixing the cistern, 32 mm diameter P.V.C. flush pipe with fitting including lead soil pipe, lead trap and soil pipe connection up to the outside face of wall.S.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.:41.600 BDV 26 129 Item No. – 128Providing and fixing partition with kadappa stone of all sizes and 25 mm thick polished on both side and edges to original including fixing in position in cement mortor 1:4 curing polish-ing, cleaning etc complete.S,S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.:42.290 BDV 130 Item No. – 129Providing and applying Two coats of wall care Putty on plastered surface and Ceiling and Walls to prepare surface even and smooth of approved make, etc complete.S.S.R. 2022-2023 Item No.:32.34 BDL

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