
Tender For Thrissur Corporation Koorekanchery Zonal- Gym Equipments For Open Gym At Div-34 Project No1723/24, thrissur-Kerala

Local Self Government Department has published Tender For Thrissur Corporation Koorekanchery Zonal- Gym Equipments For Open Gym At Div-34 Project No1723/24. Submission Date for this Tender is 10-02-2025. Gym Equipment Tenders in thrissur Kerala. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Thrissur Corporation Koorekanchery Zonal- Gym Equipments For Open Gym At Div-34 Project No1723/24
Open Tender

Tender Details

Thrissur Corporation Koorekanchery Zonal- Gym Equipments For Open Gym At Div-34 Project No1723/24-CHEST PRESS Providing and fixing using minimum 100 NB GI pipe for Main Frame , 32 Nb Gi pipe handle frame, 25 Nb Gi pipe clamps, nylon 66 injection molded casing ,foot rest : Lid Roto molded seat within built bolts 3/8”X1.5”pipe Cap: Nylon 66 injection molded. Bearing Housing and pin-seamless pipe and round, Bearings: permanent sealed of reputed makePowder coat: Done by pure polyester powder with 70-80 micron thickness powder 2 ARMROTATORProviding and fixing using minimum 100NBGIpipeforMainFrame Best Quality bearingPowdercoat:Donebypurepolyester powder with 70-80 micron thickness powder 3 ELLIPTICAL Providing and fixing using minimum 100 NB GI pipe for Main Frame minimum 40 NB & 25 NB GI pipe for FOOTRestPipe,minimum40NB&25 NB GI pipe for handle, minimum 25 NB & 40 NB GI pipe for connecting pipe, LLDP roto molded seat within built bolts 3/8” X 1.5” for FOOTREST, nylon 66 injection molded bearing cap & pipe cap , fully done by first coat of primer jotun brad 40-50 micron thickness and top coat ofpure polyester powder with 70-80 micron thickness powder 4 LEGPRESSMainpipeDia-127mm., Thickness-3mmBaseplateDia-200mm.,Thickness-10mm.Powdercoat:Donebypurepolyester powder with 70-80 micron thickness powderSIZE:- 2185*X460*X1700*mm 5 AIR WALKERProviding and fixing using minimum 100 NB GI pipe for Main Frame minimum 32NB GI pipe for leg frame, minimum 25 NB GI pipe for handle frame, nylon 66 injection molded casing clamps, LLDP roto molded seat with inbuilt bolts 3/8” X 1.5” foot rest, nylon 66 injection molded bearing cap and pipe cap fully done by first coat of primer- jotun brad 40- 50 micron thickness and top coat of pure polyester powder with 70-80 micron thickness powder. 6 DIP STANDProviding and fixing using minimum 100 NB GI pipe for main frame Galvanized steel, fastners stainless steel . 304 grade with poly caped post top cap GI post of wall thickness 3 mm handle frame size 32mm/1.25” OD Gi post of wall thickness 3mmPowder coat: Done by pure polyester powder with 70-80 micron thickness powder. 7 ROWERGALVANIZEDIRON:-Fabricated with main post of 114mm dia and rest of the pipes are of 50mm dia . Either GI pipes.WELDING:-All joints of pipe are MIG welded with joints scalloped as necessary and dressed off removing sharp edgesandburrs.Zincprimer paint to be applied at all welding points prior to finishing.POWDERCOATING:-Powdercoated using Akzo Nobel or equivalent of70 - 80 micron thick. 8 TRIPPLE TWISTER Pipe-structuremadeofG.I.PipeOF 114 mm OD.ConnectingPipe–MadeofG.I.Pipe OF 42 OD.HandleFrame-MadeofG.I.Pipe OF 32 OD.Bearing – Thrust ball bearing BearingCaps-MadeupofHDPE Material 62 mmTwisterPlates–MadeofLLDPE Pole Caps – Made up of HDPE Material.PowderCoated(Thickness90 micron) 9 SINGLESTEPPER Providing and fixing using minimum 100 NB GI pipe for Main Frame, minimum 25 NB GI pipe for handle frame,minimum 25NB & 20 NB GI pipeforseatingframestand,molded seatwithinbuilt bolts 3/8”X 1.5” for FOOTRESTnylon66injectionmolded bearingcap&pipecap,fullydoneby first coat of primer jotun brad 40-50 micron thickness and top coat of pure polyester powder with 70-80 micron thickness powder coat 10 PENDULAM Providing and fixing using minimum 100 NB GI pipe for Main Frame, minimum 25 NB GI pipe for handle frame, minimum 25NB & 20 NB GI pipe for seating frame stand, molded seat within built bolts 3/8” X 1.5” for FOOTREST nylon 66 injection molded bearing cap & pipe cap, fully done by first coat of primer jotun brad 40-50 micron thickness and top coat of pure polyester powder with 70-80 micron thickness powder coat 11 HORSE RIDER: Providing and fixing using minimum 100 NB GI pipe for Main Frame minimum 40 NB & 25 NB GI pipe for FOOT Rest Pipe, minimum 40NB & 25 NB GI pipe for handle, minimum 25 NB & 40 NB GI pipe for connecting pipe, LLDP roto molded seat within built bolts 3/8” X 1.5” for FOOTREST, nylon 66 injection molded bearing cap & pipe cap , fully done by first coat of primer jotun brad 40-50 micron thickness and top coat of pure polyester powder with 70-80 micron thickness powder 12 ABDOMINALProviding and fixing using minimum 100 NB GI pipe for main frame Galvanized steel, fastners stainless steel, Dimension-3.5ft x 2.5ft, Weight-35 kg,fully done by first coat of primer jotun brad 40-50 micron thickness and top coat of pure polyester powder with 70-80 micron thickness powder coat

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 1100 /-
INR 12500.0 /-
Tender Value
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