
Purchase Chemical Item For The Year Of 2025 (Part 3), Ahmedabad-Gujarat

Department Of Education has published Purchase Chemical Item For The Year Of 2025 (Part 3). Submission Date for this Tender is 18-02-2025. Chemical Supply Tenders in Ahmedabad Gujarat. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Purchase Chemical Item For The Year Of 2025 (Part 3)
Open Tender

Tender Details

Purchase Chemical Item For The Year Of 2025 (Part 3); 589 Hydroxy propyl methyl cellulose K50 1 Kg 590 Hydroxylamine hydrochloride 500 Gm591 Hydroxypropyl cellulose (HPC) 500 g 592 Hyflosupersal 500 Gm593 Hypo phosphoric acid 500 mL 594 Hypo phosphorous acid 500 mL 595 Idoform NF 500 Gm596 Imidazole 100g 597 Indicator paper pH (2 to 10) 1 box 598 Indigo caramine 25 Gm599 Indole to Carboxylic acid 100 Gm600 Indometahzine small pack601 Intermediate 2-amino-4,5-dimethyl-1H-pyrrole-3-carbonitrile (21392-51-8) 25g 602 Iodine 500 Gm603 Iodine 25 Gm604 Iodine mono chloride 250 Gm605 Iron metal powder 1 Kg 606 Iso butanol LR 500 mL 607 Iso butanol LR 2.5 L 608 Iso propyl myristate 500 mL 609 iso-propyl alcohol LR 500 mL 610 iso-propyl alcohol LR 2.5 L 611 Itaconic acid 250 Gm612 Kaoline powder 500 Gm613 Karl Fisher Reagent 500 mL 614 Ketamine Powder small 615 Kiesal Ghur Powder 500 Gm616 Kojic acid (cosmetic grade) 10 gm617 Kojic acid (cosmetic grade) 250gm618 Lactate DEH kit 619 Lactic acid 500 mL 620 Lactoferrin 100 Gm621 Lactose 500 Gm622 Lactose momohydrate 500 g 623 L-alanine 100 gm624 L-alanine 250gm625 Lannet wax 500 Gm626 Lanolin (wool fat) 500 Gm627 Lavender oil 500 mL 628 LDH Cholesterol kit 629 LDH kit(wistar-albino rat) 30 samples 630 Lead acetate 500 mL 631 Lead chloride 500 Gm632 Lead monoxide 500 Gm633 Lead Nitrate 500 Gm634 lead sub Acetale 2.5 Kg 635 Lead sub acetate 1 Kg 636 Lead sulphate 500 Gm637 Lead tetra acetate 100 Gm638 Leishman Stain Powder 100 Gm 639 Leishman Stain soln. 250 mL 640 Lemon grass Oil 500 mL 641 Leucine 25 Gm642 Levender flavour 500 mL 643 Lipopoly sacchaide form E.coli small 644 Liquid Extract of Glycerrhiza 500 mL 645 Liquid glucose 500 Gm646 Liquid paraffin Heavy 500 mL 647 Liquid paraffin Light 500 mL 648 Liquorice powder 500 Gm649 Lithium carbonate 500 Gm650 Litmus paper (Red or Blue) 200 Lvs 651 Litmus Powder 100 Gm652 Lysophospho lipid 100 Gm653 Magnesium Carbonate 500 Gm654 Magnesium chloride 500 Gm655 Magnesium Hydroxide 500 Gm656 Magnesium oxide Light) 500 Gm657 Magnesium ribbon 25 Gm658 Magnesium stearate 500 Gm659 Magnesium sulphate 500 Gm660 Malachite green stain 100 mL 661 Malano aldehayde tetrabutyl ammonium salt 500 Gm662 Malanonitrile 100 Gm663 Maleic Anhidride 500 Gm664 Malic acid 100 gm665 Malic acid 250gm666 Maltose 500 Gm667 Manganese chloride 500 Gm668 Manganese citrate 100 Gm669 Manganese Gluconate 100 Gm670 Manganese glycinate 100 Gm671 Manganese Picolinate 100 Gm672 Manganese sulphate 500 Gm673 Manitol 500 Gm674 m-Chloro phenyl-Biquaninide HC 500 Gm675 m-dinitrobenzene 500 Gm676 m-Dinitrophenol 500 Gm677 Mehionine 25 GM678 Menthol 100 Gm679 Mercapto acetic acid 500 mL 680 Mercuric acetate 100 Gm681 Mercuric chloride 500 Gm682 Mercuric nitrate 100 Gm683 Mercuric oxide (Red) 100 Gm684 Mercuric oxide (Yellow) 100 Gm685 Mercuric oxy cyanide 100 Gm686 Mercuric per chloride 100 Gm687 Mercuric sulphate 100 Gm688 Mercurous chloride (Calomel) 500 Gm 689 Mercury metal 500 Gm690 Meta anisidine 500 Gm691 Meta cresol 500 Gm692 meta nitro anillin 250 Gm693 meta-Chlorophenyl Biguanidine hydrochloride small 694 Methane sulphonic acid 500 Gm695 Methanol HPLC 1 L 696 Methanol HPLC 2.5 L 697 Methanol LR 500 mL 698 Methanol LR 2.5 L 699 Methyl acetate 500 mL 700 Methyl aluminium silicate (Veegum) 500 Gm701 Methyl amine 500 mL 702 Methyl anthranilate 500 Gm703 Methyl cellulose 500 Gm704 Methyl ethyl ketone 500 Gm705 Methyl orange powder 25 Gm706 Methyl orange solution 125 mL 707 Methyl paraben 500 Gm708 Methyl red powder for assay 25 Gm709 Methyl salicylate 500 mL 710 Methylamine 100ml 711 Methylene blue 100 mL 712 Methylene chloride 2.5 L 713 Micro crystaline cellulose 500 Gm714 Microcrystalline cellulose (MCC101) 500 g 715 Millons reagent 250 mL 716 Molecular seive 500 Gm717 Molybdenum chloride 100 Gm718 Molybdic acid 500 Gm719 Mono iodo Acetate MINIMUMQTY720 Mordent black 25 Gm721 Morpholine 500 mL 722 m-Toludine 500 Gm723 MTT 100 mL 724 N - Benzylpiperazine 250 Gm725 N - Napthyl ethylene diamine di hydrochloride small 726 n- Hexaylamine 500 Gm727 N,N-Dimethyl acetamide 500 mL 728 N,N-dimethyl aniline 500 mL 729 N-1-Napthylethylinediaminedihydrochloride 5 Gm730 NAME OF CHEMICAL QTY 731 Name of Chemical Packing 732 Napthalene Powder 500 Gm733 Napthol (Alpha) 500 Gm734 Napthol (Beta) 500 Gm735 n-Benzyl preprazine 500 Gm736 n-butanol LR 500 mL 737 n-butanol LR 2.5 L 738 N-capryloyl glycine one pack 739 n-cyclohexamine 25ml 740 N-ethyl-N-isopropyl amine 250 mL 741 Neutrient agar (HI Media) 500 Gm742 Neutrient broth (HI Media) 500 Gm743 Nf kappa B Elisa Kit(wistar-albino rat) 30 wells 744 NH4 - Reinket reagent small 745 n-Hexane 2.5 L 746 n-Hexyl amine small 747 Nickel carbonate 500 Gm748 Nickel chloride 100 Gm749 Nickle sulphate 500 Gm750 Nigrosin stain 25 Gm751 Ninhydrine 10 Gm752 Nitro anillin (Meta) 500 Gm753 Nitro anillin (Ortho) 250 Gm754 Nitro anillin (Para) 500 Gm755 Nitro benzene 500 mL 756 n-lauroylsarcosine 250 Gm757 N-methyl peparazine 500 Gm758 n-methylpiperidin-4-one 100ml 759 n-octanol 500 mL 760 n-Octyl amine 250 mL 761 Noradrenaline small 762 n-Pentane 500 mL 763 N-Phenyl piperazine 100 mL 764 n-Propyl alchohol LR 500 mL 765 n-Propyl alchohol LR 2.5 L 766 n-propyl amine 500 Gm767 n-propylamine 100 Gm768 N-undecylenoyl glycine one pack 769 Nuxvomica powder 500 Gm770 o-dianisidne dihydrochloride 100 Gm771 Oleic Acid 500 mL 772 Oleic acid 100 gm773 o-Nitrophenol 500 Gm774 o-phenylene diamine 100 Gm775 o-phosphoric acid 500 mL 776 Ornidazole small 777 Ortho - Chloro benzoic acid 500 Gm778 Ortho Bromo Benzoic acid 500 Gm779 ortho cresol 500 mL 780 Ortho nitro toluene 500 mL 781 Osmic acid 1 Gm782 o-Toludine 500 Gm783 o-ToluIdine 250ml 784 Oxalic acid 500 Gm785 Oxalyl chloride 100 GM786 p-amino phenol 250 Gm787 p-aminoacetophenone 25g 788 papaine 100 GM 789 Papavarine 25 Gm790 Para - chloro benzoic acid 500 Gm791 Para amino benzoic acid 500 Gm792 Para anisidine 250 Gm793 Para Chloro anillin 500 mL 794 para cresol 500 mL 795 Para diamino diphenyl small 796 Para dichloro benzene 500 Gm797 Para dimethyl benzaldehyde small 798 Para Formaldehyde 500 Gm799 Para nitro benzoic acid 500 Gm800 Para nitro phenol 500 Gm801 para nitro Toluene 500 Gm802 Para toludine 500 Gm803 Para toluene sulphonic acid 500 Gm804 Para toluene sulphonyl chloride 500 Gm805 Paracetamol 500 Gm806 Parchloric acid 500 mL 807 Partially Pregelatinized Starch 500 g 808 p-Benzoquinone 100 Gm809 p-Chloro-m-cresol) 500 Gm810 p-Cresol 500 Gm811 P-dimethyl amine 500 Gm812 P-Dimethyl amine benzaldehyde 500 Gm813 p-dimethyl amino benzaldehyde 100g 814 p-DIMETHYLAMINOBENZALDEHYDE AR 99% (Ehrlichs reagent)(Formyldimethyl anil100 Gm815 Pectine 100 Gm816 Pectine 500 Gm817 Peptone 500 Gm818 Periodic acid 100 Gm819 Petrolium ether 40-60 500 mL 820 Petrolium ether 40-60 2.5 L 821 Petrolium ether 60-80 500 mL 822 Petrolium ether 60-80 2.5 L 823 Phenacetine small 824 Phenidol small 825 Phenobarbitone Sodium small 826 Phenol 500 Gm827 Phenol folin Reagent 125 mL 828 Phenol red powder for assay 25 Gm829 Phenolphthalein powder 500 Gm830 Phenolphthalein soln. Indicator 500 mL 831 Phenoxy ethanol one pack 832 Phenyl acetamide 500 Gm833 Phenyl acetic acid 500 Gm834 Phenyl aceto nitrile small 835 Phenyl alanine 25 Gm836 Phenyl ethyl Alcohol 100 GM837 Phenyl hydrazine hydrochloride 250 Gm838 Phenyl methyl sulphonyl flouride small 839 Phenylpiperazine 25ml 840 Phenylpiperidine 25ml 841 Phloroglucinol 100 Gm842 Phospho tungstic acid 100 Gm843 Phosphomolybladic acid 100 Gm844 Phosphoric acid 500 mL 845 Phosphorous oxychloride 500 mL 846 Phosphorous penta chloride 500 mL 847 Phthalic acid 500 Gm848 Phthalic anhydride 500 Gm849 Phthlamide 500 Gm850 Picric acid 500 mL 851 Piperazine 250 Gm852 Piperidine 500 Gm853 Piperidine 100 Gm854 Piperidone 100 Gm855 Poly ethelene glycol 400 500 mL 856 Poly ethelene glycol 4000 500 Gm857 Poly ethelene glycol 6000 500 Gm858 Poly Ethylene glycol-600 500 mL 859 Poly ethylene oxide 500 Gm860 Poly Phosphoric acid 500 Gm861 Poly vinyl alcohol (Cold)(P.V.A.) 500 Gm862 Poly vinyl pyrolidone (PVP) 500 Gm863 Polycarbonate filter 100 Gm864 Polyethylene glycol 6000 ( PEG 6000) 500 g 865 Polyphosphoric acid 100g 866 Potassium acetate 500 Gm867 Potassium bicarbonate 500 Gm868 Potassium bromate AR 500 Gm869 Potassium bromide 500 Gm870 Potassium carbonate 500 Gm871 Potassium chloride 500 Gm872 Potassium chromate 500 Gm873 Potassium citrate 500 Gm874 Potassium dichromate 500 Gm875 Potassium fericyanide 500 Gm876 Potassium Ferrocyanide 500 Gm877 Potassium hydroxide pellets 500 Gm878 Potassium hypophosphite 500 Gm

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Document Fees
INR 1000 /-
INR 5000.0 /-
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