
Tender For Under Pmagy Library And Drain Work Village-Nasirpur Block Rani Ke Saray In District Azamgarh - Construction Of Drain Work:-Earth Work In Foundation In Ordinary Soil. Sino 251 2 Concrete With 4Cm Gauge Brick Ballast,Fine Sand And Cement In Pr, Azamgarh-Uttar Pradesh

Uttar Pradesh State Construction and Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited has published Tender For Under Pmagy Library And Drain Work Village-Nasirpur Block Rani Ke Saray In District Azamgarh - Construction Of Drain Work:-Earth Work In Foundation In Ordinary Soil. Sino 251 2 Concrete With 4Cm Gauge Brick Ballast,Fine Sand And Cement In Pr. Submission Date for this Tender is 07-02-2025. Drainage Tenders in Azamgarh Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Under Pmagy Library And Drain Work Village-Nasirpur Block Rani Ke Saray In District Azamgarh - Construction Of Drain Work:-Earth Work In Foundation In Ordinary Soil. Sino 251 2 Concrete With 4Cm Gauge Brick Ballast,Fine Sand And Cement In Pr
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh

Tender Details

Tender for Under Pmagy Library And Drain Work Village-Nasirpur Block Rani Ke Saray In District Azamgarh - Construction of Drain Work:-Earth work in foundation in ordinary soil. SINo 251 2 Concrete with 4cm gauge brick ballast,fine sand and cement in proportion 1:6:12 in foundation and under floor including supply of all material,labour etc. required for proper completion for the work.SINo273 3 Brick work in 1:4 cement sand in foundaction all material labour etc complete of the work SI No 305b 4 12mm thick plaster in 1:4 cement corse sand all material labour etc complete of the work SI No 584 5 25mm thick P.C.C. 1:2:4 with cement,coarse sand and 20mm stone grit SI No 601 6 R.C.C. Cover in 1:2:4 cement corse sand stone grit SI. No. 283 7 Mild steel work cutting bending etc complete of the work SI No.504 8 LIBRARY:-Excavation in foundation in ordinary soil (Loam, clay or sand) including lift upto 1.50m and lead upto 30m. and including filling, watering and ramming of excavated earth in to the space between the building and side of foundation trenches or into the plinth and removal and disposal of surplus earth as directed by engineer in charge. As per S.I. No. 251 9 Earth work in filling plinth with cartage earth AR-I 10 Concrete with 40mm gauge Stone ballast,8:4:1 in foundation including supply of all materials labour and tools and plants etc. required for proper completion of work. As per S.I. 281 11 Supplying and filling in plinth with sand under floors, including watering,ramming, consolidating and dressing complete. DSR 2.27*0.8222 12 Providing & injecting chemical emulsion for pre constructional antitermite treatment and creating a chemical barrier under and around the column pits wall trenches basement excavation top surface ifplinth junction of wall and floor, along the external perimeter of binding expansion joints, surrounding of pipes and conduit etc., complete (plinth area of the building at ground floor only shall be measured as per IS-6313 Part II 1981)Aldrine emulisifiable concentrate or any other approved material such as Hepthachlor or Chlordance will be used. The rate of application of chemical emulsion shall be as follows- (I) Treatment for masonary & foundation 5 Ltr. per Sqm. (II) Back fill in immediate contact with foundation 7.5 Ltr.per Sqm. (III) Treatment of top surface of plinth filling 5 Ltr.perSqm. (IV) Treatment ofsoil along external peri meter of building 7.50 Ltr. per Sqm. (V) Treatment of soil under apron along external perimeter 5 Ltr. per Sqm. S.I.No. 1 Chapter 8 13 R.C.C.Work with cement approved coarse sand and 2cm gauge stone girt (Dala) in the propotion of 1:1.5:3 (M-20) in Column Footing excluding supply of reinforcement and its bending but including fixing and bending the same with 24 B.W.G.G.I. banding wire and including necessary centering and shuttring etc.& also including supply of all materilas,labour and T&P etc. required for proper completion of work.As per S.I.No.287 14 R.C.C. work withcement, approved coarse sand and 20 mm gauge stone aggrigate with M-20 nominal mix 1:1.5:3 in Plinth Band & excluding the supply of reinforcement and its bending but including its fixing and binding with 24 BWGGI binding wire, centering and shuttering, supply of all materials, labour and tools and plants etc. required for proper completion of work. As per S.I.No. 283 15 R.C.C. Work with cement approved coarse sand and 20 mm gauge (nomianl size) dalla stone aggregate in the proporation of1:1.5:3M-20 in R.C.C. Column excluding supply of reinforcement and its bending but including its fixing and binding the same with 24 B W.G.G.I. binding wire and as required supply of all materials, labour centering and shuttering and removal of the same after completion of work. S.I.No. 289 16 R.C.C. work with cement, approved coarse sand and 2 cm gauge approved stone ballast in the proportion 1:1.5:3in R.C.C. T-Beam excluding supply of steel and its bending but including fixing and binding the same with 24 B. W.G.G.I binding wire and including necessary centering and shuttering etc and also including s/o all materials required for proper comletion of the work. As per S.I. No. 288 17 R.C.C. work withcement, approved coarse sand and 20 mm gauge stone aggrigate with M-20 nominal mix 1:1.5:3 in Plinth Band & Lintel Band & excluding the supply of reinforcement and its bending but including its fixing and binding with 24 BWGGI binding wire, centering and shuttering, supply of all materials, labour and tools and plants etc. required for proper completion of work. As per S.I.No. 283 18 R.C.C. work with cement, approved coarse sand and 2 cm gauge approved stone ballast in the proportion 1:1.5:3in R.C.C. Slab, excluding supply of steel and its bending but including fixing and binding the same with 24 B. W.G.G.I binding wire and including necessary centering and shuttering etc and also including s/o all materials required for proper comletion of the work. As per S.I. No. 284A 19 Mild steel or iron work in plain work such as reinforced cement concrete (when not included in over all rate) wrought to required shape as necessary including bending for proper completion of work, supply of steel, all labour etc. required and including wastage bend, hooks and authorised over lapping shall be measured. As per s.i.no. 504 20 M-150 brick work in 1:4 cement and C/sand mortar in foundation and plinth including supply of all materials, labour and Tools and Plants etc. required for proper completion of work. 305b 21 M-150 class brick work in 1:4 and C/sand mortar in super structure including necessary cutting and moulding of bricks rquired and also including honeycomb brick work, supply of all material labour and tools and plants etc. required for proper completion of work but thickness of wall is one brick (230 mm) 305b+309+310 22 M-150 class brick work in 1:4 and C/sand mortar in super structure including necessary cutting and moulding of bricks rquired and also including honeycomb brick work, supply of all material labour and tools and plants etc. required for proper completion of work but thickness of wall is half brick (115 mm) 305+309+310+310A 23 Fabrication supply and fixing of M.S.Angle iron (40x40x5mm) in chaukhats for door, windows and ventilatorsincluding using m.s.flat iron etc. and 3 mm thick gusset plates at corners and junctions including supply of steel cutting, drilling holes bending, moulding requried shap and welding, supply and fixing of necessary hings for doors 125mm of 14 gauge size, window and ventilator 100mm, 16mm gauge size, with cleats and stoppers etc. and 10 mm dia bottom tie rod etc. complete. S.I.No502 (i) 24 Providing and fixing ISI marked flush door shutters conforming to IS :2202 (Part I) non-decorative type, core of block board construction with frame of 1st class hard wood and well matched commercial 3 ply veneering with vertical grains or cross bands and face veneers on both faces of shutters. 35 mm thick including ISI marked Stainless Steel butt hinges with necessary screws SOR 470 (b) 25 Z-sction windows (ISI marke) or Z- tubler window made of gold rolled formed continous seam welded M.S. tubler box section made from corrosion resistant coated conforming to IS: 513=1973 size of welded tubuler Z-profile and T profile are glzing bars jointed mitred and flush but welded and lugs 100 mm long of 19 x 3 mm size embedded in cement concrete blocks 150 x 100 x 100 of 1:3:6 cement approved coarse sand and 20 mm nominal size of dalla stone aggregate or with plugs and screws required including fixing 4 mm thick glass panes with glazing and special metal sash putty of approved make complete including M.S. oxidised casement fastercer (125 mm length weighting not less than 240 gms) and box type hinges 65 mm length 2.5 mm thick galvnised pinof 6 mm dia and aplying a priming coat of approved steel primer. S.I. No.502 (IV) 26 Fabrication and supply ofM.S. grillas per approved design and drawing including the stair case railling etc. with square bars, m.s. angle iron, and m.s. flat iron as per direction of Engineer-incharge, supply of steel and its wastage, cutting, drilling holes and welding joints where necessary including each joint tube perfectaly welded and jointed and grinded to smooth finish. S.I.No 502 (ii) 27 Providing & fixing glass panes with putty and glazing clips in steel doors, windows, clerestory windows, all complete with : 4.0 mm thick glass panes PWD 812 28 Providing and fixing aluminium sliding door bolts, ISI marked anodised (anodic coating not less than grade AC 10 as per IS : 1868), transparent or dyed to required colour or shade, with nuts and screws etc. complete : (300x16mm) D.S.R. 9.96.1*0.8222 29 Providing and fixing aluminium tower bolts, ISI marked, anodised (anodic coating not less than grade AC 10 as per IS : 1868 ) transparent or dyed to required colour or shade, with necessary screws etc. complete : (300x10mm) D.S.R. No. 9.97.1*0.8222 30 Providing and fixing aluminium handles, ISI marked, anodised (anodic coating not less than grade AC 10 as per IS : 1868) transparent or dyed to required colour or shade, with necessary screws etc. complete : (125 mm) D.S.R. No. 9.100.1*0.8222 31 Providing and fixing aluminium hanging floor door stopper, ISI marked, anodised (anodic coating not less than grade AC 10 as per IS : 1868) transparent or dyed to required colour and shade, with necessary screws etc. complete. Twin rubber stopper D.S.R. No. 9.101.2*0.8222 32 12 mm cement plaster in single coat on rough side of single or half brick wall for interior plastering up to floor two level including internal rounded angles not exceeding 80 mm in girth and finshed even and smooth. (1) 1 cement : 6 coarse sand F.M. 2.25 (PWD-586+583-582) 33 12 mm cement plaster in single coat on rough side of single or half brick wall for interior plastering up to floor two level including internal rounded angles not exceeding 80 mm in girth and finshed even and smooth. (1) 1 cement : 6 coarse sand F.M. 2.25 (PWD-586+583-582) 34 25 mm thick 1:2:4 cement conc. Flooring with cemnet, approved coarse and 2 cm. Graded approvedstone balast laid in planels finished with 3 mm (1/8) floating coat of neat cement or cement and marble dust in ratio of 5:1 as specific over and iremoving any overlapping mortar at the joints of the panels if any giving them of all materials, labours, T& P etc. required for proper completion of the work. S.I.No. 601a 35 Providing and fixing glass strips 3mm thick in joints ofpanels of floor at the time of laying floor flush to the finish level of floor including supply of material ,labour and tile DSR 11.13 *0.8222 36 Providing and laying vitrified floor tiles in different sizes (thickness to be specified by the manufacturer) with water absorption less than 0.08% and conforming to IS : 15622, of approved make, in all colours and shades, laid on 20mm thick cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand), including grouting the joints with white cement and matching pigments etc., complete. Size of Tile 600x600 mm.DSR11.41.2*0.8345 37 Providing and laying Vitrified tiles in different sizes (thickness to be specified by the manufacturer), with water absorption less than 0.08% and conforming to IS: 15622, of approved brand & manufacturer, in all colours and shade, in skirting, riser of steps, laid with cement based high polymer modified quick set tile adhesive (water based) conforming to IS: 15477, in average 6 mm thickness, including grouting of joints (Payment for grouting of joints to be made separately). Size of Tile 600x600 mm. D.S.R. 11.46.2*.8345 38 One priming coat ofcement primer and twocoats oil distemper on new work including supply of all materials, labour and tools andplants etc. required for proper completion of the work.(S.I. No. 649 + 650) 39 Finishing walls with Acrylic Smooth exterior paint of required shade New work (Two or more coat applied @ 1.67 ltr/10 sqm over and including priming coat of exterior primer applied @ 2.20 kg/10 sqm): SOR New Item 13.46.1 40 Painting or Varnishing on Door Window S.I.No-641+642 41 Providing and applying white cement based putty of average thickness 1 mm, of approved brand and manufacturer, over the plastered wall surface to prepare the surface even and smooth complete. DSR 13.80*0.8345 42 Making khurras 45x45 cm with average minimum thickness of 5 cm cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate of 20 mm nominal size) over P.V.C. sheet 1 m x1 m x 400 micron, finished with 12 mm cement plaster 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) and a coat of neat cement, rounding the edges and making and finishing the outlet complete. D.S.R. 12.22*0.8345 43 Providing and fixing on wall face unplasticised Rigid PVC rain water pipes conforming to IS : 13592 Type A, including jointing with seal ring conforming to IS : 5382, leaving 10 mm gap for thermal expansion, (i) Single socketed pipes. (110 mm diameter) D.S.R. 12.41.2*.8222 44 Providing and fixing on wall face unplasticised - PVC moulded fittings/ accessories for unplasticised Rigid PVC rain water pipes conforming to IS : 13592 Type A, including jointing with seal ring conforming to IS : 5382, leaving 10 mm gap for thermal expansion. D.S.R.*0.8345Bend 87.50 110 mm bend. D.S.R.*.8222 45 Shoe plain 110 mm D.S.R.*.8222 46 Providing and fixing unplasticised -PVC pipe clips of approved design to unplasticised - PVC rain water pipes by means of 50x50x50 mm hard wood plugs, screwed with M.S. screws of required length, including cutting brick work and fixing in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) and making good the wall etc. complete. D.S.R. 12.43.2*.8345 47 Providing and fixing to the inlet mouth of rain water pipe cast iron grating 15 cm diameter and weighing not less than 440 grams. D.S.R. 12.44*.8222 48 Roof Work (Water Profing Treatment)Chequerred precast cement concrete tiles 22 mm thick in footpath & courtyard, jointed with neat cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of tiles, including rubbing and cleaning etc. complete, on 20mm thick bed of cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand). Light shade pigment using white cement DSR 11.20.1*0.8345 49 Supply and Fixing of Internal Electrcal Work Including Conduite Pipe and Wire, Switch and 04 No Fane 50 Supply and fixing of Sign Board including all material labour etc complete. 51 Site Photography

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INR 34000.0 /-
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