
Tender For Providing Viarav And I Block, vikravandi-Tamil Nadu

Rural Development And Panchayats Department has published Tender For Providing Viarav And I Block. Submission Date for this Tender is 07-02-2025. Dam Work Tenders in vikravandi Tamil Nadu. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Providing Viarav And I Block
Open Tender
Tamil Nadu

Tender Details

Tender For Providing Viarav And I Block; 1 Reconstruction of weir -1 at Periya Eri in Ulagalampoondi Pt 2 Earthwork excavation for foundation (for narrow excavation) to full depth as per designed in all soils and sub soils except soft disintegrated rock not requiring blasting and hard rock requiring blasting and bailing water wherever necessary. Refilling the sides of foundation with excavated earth other than sand in layers of well rammed and compacted and depositing the surplus earth in places shown by the departmental officers with an initial lead of 10m and initial lift of 2m and clearing and leveling the site etc. complete complying with standard specification. 3 Earthwork excavation for foundation (for narrow excavation) to full depth as per designed in all soils and sub soils except soft disintegrated rock not requiring blasting and hard rock requiring blasting and bailing water wherever necessary. Refilling the sides of foundation with excavated earth other than sand in layers of well rammed and compacted and depositing the surplus earth in places shown by the departmental officers with an initial lead of 10m and initial lift of 2m and clearing and leveling the site etc. complete complying with standard specification. 4 Supplying and filling in foundations and basement with filling M- sand in layers not exceeding 15 cm.thick,well watered,rammed and consolidated etc. complete complying with standard specifications. 5 Plain Cement Concrete 1 : 4 :8 ( one part of cement, four parts of sand and eight parts of hard broken stone ) using 40 mm gauge hand broken hard broken granite stone jelly complying with standard specifications in foundations and basement. 6 Plain Cement Concrete 1 : 3 : 6( one part of cement, four parts of sand and eight parts of hard broken stone ) using 40 mm gauge hand broken hard broken granite stone jelly complying with standard specifications in foundations and basement. 7 Refilling the approved good quality earth in plinths, area development etc. wherever specified in layers is not exceeding 200 mm thick, with available earth at site. 8 Supplying and erecting Centering and Shuttering for soffits including necessary supports and strutting up to 3 M height for plane surfaces as detailed below in all floors with all cross bracings using Mild Steel sheets of size 90 x 60 cm and 10 BG stiffened with welded Mild Steel angle of size 25mm x 25mm x 3 mm for boarding laid over silver oak joists of size 10cm x 6.50 cm spaced at about90 cm centre to centre and supported by casurina props of 10cm to 13 cm dia spaced at not more than 75 cm centre to centre etc. complete complying with the standard specification.(Payment for centering shall be given after the concrete is laid). 9 0m - 1.80m Height 10 0m - 1.80m Height 11 Plain Cement Concrete 1 : 2 : 4( one part of cement, four parts of sand and eight parts of hard broken stone ) using 20 mm gauge hand broken hard broken granite stone jelly complying with standard specifications in foundations and basement. 12 Reconstruction of weir -2 @ Periya Eri in Ulagalampoondi Pt 13 Earthwork excavation for foundation (for narrow excavation) to full depth as per designed in all soils and sub soils except soft disintegrated rock not requiring blasting and hard rock requiring blasting and bailing water wherever necessary. Refilling the sides of foundation with excavated earth other than sand in layers of well rammed and compacted and depositing the surplus earth in places shown by the departmental officers with an initial lead of 10m and initial lift of 2m and clearing and leveling the site etc. complete complying with standard specification. 14 Earthwork excavation for foundation (for narrow excavation) to full depth as per designed in all soils and sub soils except soft disintegrated rock not requiring blasting and hard rock requiring blasting and bailing water wherever necessary. Refilling the sides of foundation with excavated earth other than sand in layers of well rammed and compacted and depositing the surplus earth in places shown by the departmental officers with an initial lead of 10m and initial lift of 2m and clearing and leveling the site etc. complete complying with standard specification. 15 Supplying and filling in foundations and basement with filling M- sand in layers not exceeding 15 cm.thick,well watered,rammed and consolidated etc. complete complying with standard specifications. 16 Plain Cement Concrete 1 : 4 :8 ( one part of cement, four parts of sand and eight parts of hard broken stone ) using 40 mm gauge hand broken hard broken granite stone jelly complying with standard specifications in foundations and basement. 17 Plain Cement Concrete 1 : 3 : 6( one part of cement, four parts of sand and eight parts of hard broken stone ) using 40 mm gauge hand broken hard broken granite stone jelly complying with standard specifications in foundations and basement. 18 Refilling the approved good quality earth in plinths, area development etc. wherever specified in layers is not exceeding 200 mm thick, with available earth at site. 19 Supplying and erecting Centering and Shuttering for soffits including necessary supports and strutting up to 3 M height for plane surfaces as detailed below in all floors with all cross bracings using Mild Steel sheets of size 90 x 60 cm and 10 BG stiffened with welded Mild Steel angle of size 25mm x 25mm x 3 mm for boarding laid over silver oak joists of size 10cm x 6.50 cm spaced at about90 cm centre to centre and supported by casurina props of 10cm to 13 cm dia spaced at not more than 75 cm centre to centre etc. complete complying with the standard specification.(Payment for centering shall be given after the concrete is laid). 20 0m - 1.80m Height 21 0m - 1.80m Height 22 Plain Cement Concrete 1 : 2 : 4( one part of cement, four parts of sand and eight parts of hard broken stone ) using 20 mm gauge hand broken hard broken granite stone jelly complying with standard specifications in foundations and basement. 23 SConstruction of Drama stage @ Colony Ulagalampoondi Pt. 24 Earth work excavation for foundation in all classes of soils and sub soil to full depthexcept in hard rock requiring blasting but inclusive of shoring struttingif required forthe sides of foundation. 25 Supplying and filling in foundation and basement with M.Sand in layers not more 15 cm thick including ramming, watering and compacting etc.complete complying to standard specification 26 Plain Cement Concrete 1 : 4 :8 ( one part of cement, four parts of sand and eight parts of hard broken stone ) using 40 mm gauge hand broken hard broken granite stone jelly complying with standard specifications in foundations and basement. 27 Brick work in CM 1:5 mix using country bricks ground moulded of size 23 x 11 x 7 Cm for the following including curing etc., complete complying with standard specifications. 28 Reinforcement Cement Concrete 1:1.5: 3 using 20 mm ISS HBG metal for all RCC item of works excluding cost of reinforcement and fabricating charges, centering and shuttering but icluding curing and providing fixtures like fan clamps in the RCC floor or roof slabs wherever necessary and bearing surfaces of walls, sides and bottom of the slabs, beams, etc., shall be finished smooth with cement mortar 1:3, 12mm thick and with kraft paper without claiming extra as directed by the departmental officers complete complying with standard specifications. 29 Steel - Fe 500 D: Supply, fabrication and placing of reinforcement steel of high yield strength ribbed bars of various diameters and grade conforming to IS 1786 for reinforced concrete work. The work includes recoiling, straightening, cutting, bending, fabricating, and placing in position, at all levels including lead and lift, according to drawings, specifications etc. complete and supply & use of 18G black annealed binding wire double fold to tie the bars in position and providing precast cement/ PVC cover blocks for main reinforcement to ensure specified cover and complete., including all labor charges etc as directed by departmental officers 30 Supplying and Erection centering for sides and soffiots including necessaary supports and strutting as directed by the departmental officers Lintels, Staircase waist slabs, Landing slabs, Landing beam, Portico beam etc.) 31 Providing and applying 10 mm thick Cement plaster in Cement mortar 1:3 ( One part of Cement and Three parts of Sand ), to finishing the exposed surfaces of R.C.C. items of works such as Roof (or) floor slabs, beams, and Sun shades etc.to correct plane and level including scaffolding, hacking of surface, chiselling the undulated surface wherever necessary and curing etc., all materials and labour complete in all respects including all lead, lift and descent and as directed by the Enineer in charge. This rate includes the cost of providing Cement Mortar beadings for sun shades, steps,landing slabs, elevation etc. complete complying with standard specifications. 32 Providing & applying 12 mm thick cement plaster in CM 1:5 (1 part of cement: 5 parts of sand) to walls internally in single coat at all levels to correct line and level including chicken wire mesh at all joints of brick and concrete surfaces with minimum overlap of 150 mm in all directions, scaffolding, rounding off or chambering of corners, offsets, fin/ bands, projections, etc. and cleaning of surface, raking out joints, roughening of surface,chiseling the undulated surface wherever necessary and curing, etc., all materials and labor complete in all respects including all lead, lift and descent andas directed. 33 Providing & applying 20 mm thick cement plaster in CM 1:4 (1 part of cement: 5 parts of sand) to walls externally in single coat at all levels to correct line and level includingscaffolding, rounding off or chambering of corners, offsets, fin/ bands, projections, etc. and cleaning of surface, raking out joints, roughening of surface,chiseling the undulated surface wherever necessary and curing, etc., all materials and labor complete in all respects including all lead, lift and descent andas directed. 34 Paving Floor with Best QualityDesign Ceramic ColouredTiles of size 305 mm x 305 m x 6 mm any approved colour and sizeshape and quality laid in Cement mortor 1 : 3 to 20 mm thick using M.Sand in all floors and the Top Pointed with the white cement 0.40 kg mixed with the same colouring Pigments etc complete 35 Providing granolithic floor finish of the following thickness with plain cement concrete 1:2:4 using 10 to 12 mm gauge hard broken stone jelly including laying, finishing and the top 36 Dadooing walls with colour designed Glazed Tiles of sizes 300 mm x 200 mm x 6 mm size of approved make and quality and colour set in cement mortor 1 : 2 ( one cement and two sand ) over 10 mm base layer plastering and pointing with white cement neatly as directed . 37 Distempering two coat with priming coat and two coat with OIL BOUND Distemper over Cement plastered surface, ceiling and other new surface including cleaning preparing the surface etc, complete. Rate for 10.00Sqm. 38 Supplying and painting the walls with one coat of wall primer and two coats of Exterior emulsion (apex or equivalent) as instructed by the departmental officers including preparation of surface curing, etc., complete in all floors complying with standard specifications (The colour and shade of the cement paint shall be got approve 39 Painting new iron works such as steel doors, windows, ventilators, window bars, balustrades etc., with two coats of best approved first quality and colour of synthetic enamel paint over the existing red oxide priming coat in all floors excluding cost of priming coat etc., complete complying with standard specification. (The make, quality and colour of paint should be got approved by the Executive Engineer before use on works.) 40 Provision for Name Board and Photo charges 41 Provision for Doors(0.90x2.10m) 42 Provision for Windows(0.90x1.20m) 43 Light point(SD-21) 44 Fan point(SD-33) 45 Plug point(SD-37) 46 CFL 20watts light 47 Fan(SD-110) 48 32 Amps DPTC switch(SD-143) 49 Meter board(SD-125) 50 Service wire(SD-70) 51 Service pipe 25mm GI pipe 52 EB Service connection charges 53 Construction of Drama stage @ Ulagalampoondi Village inUlagalampoondi Pt. 54 Earth work excavation for foundation in all classes of soils and sub soil to full depthexcept in hard rock requiring blasting but inclusive of shoring struttingif required forthe sides of foundation. 55 Supplying and filling in foundation and basement with M.Sand in layers not more 15 cm thick including ramming, watering and compacting etc.complete complying to standard specification 56 Plain Cement Concrete 1 : 4 :8 ( one part of cement, four parts of sand and eight parts of hard broken stone ) using 40 mm gauge hand broken hard broken granite stone jelly complying with standard specifications in foundations and basement. 57 Brick work in CM 1:5 mix using country bricks ground moulded of size 23 x 11 x 7 Cm for the following including curing etc., complete complying with standard specifications. 58 Reinforcement Cement Concrete 1:1.5: 3 using 20 mm ISS HBG metal for all RCC item of works excluding cost of reinforcement and fabricating charges, centering and shuttering but icluding curing and providing fixtures like fan clamps in the RCC floor or roof slabs wherever necessary and bearing surfaces of walls, sides and bottom of the slabs, beams, etc., shall be finished smooth with cement mortar 1:3, 12mm thick and with kraft paper without claiming extra as directed by the departmental officers complete complying with standard specifications. 59 Steel - Fe 500 D: Supply, fabrication and placing of reinforcement steel of high yield strength ribbed bars of various diameters and grade conforming to IS 1786 for reinforced concrete work. The work includes recoiling, straightening, cutting, bending, fabricating, and placing in position, at all levels including lead and lift, according to drawings, specifications etc. complete and supply & use of 18G black annealed binding wire double fold to tie the bars in position and providing precast cement/ PVC cover blocks for main reinforcement to ensure specified cover and complete., including all labor charges etc as directed by departmental officers 60 Supplying and Erection centering for sides and soffiots including necessaary supports and strutting as directed by the departmental officers Lintels, Staircase waist slabs, Landing slabs, Landing beam, Portico beam etc.) 61 Providing and applying 10 mm thick Cement plaster in Cement mortar 1:3 ( One part of Cement and Three parts of Sand ), to finishing the exposed surfaces of R.C.C. items of works such as Roof (or) floor slabs, beams, and Sun shades etc.to correct plane and level including scaffolding, hacking of surface, chiselling the undulated surface wherever necessary and curing etc., all materials and labour complete in all respects including all lead, lift and descent and as directed by the Enineer in charge. This rate includes the cost of providing Cement Mortar beadings for sun shades, steps,landing slabs, elevation etc. complete complying with standard specifications. 62 Providing & applying 12 mm thick cement plaster in CM 1:5 (1 part of cement: 5 parts of sand) to walls internally in single coat at all levels to correct line and level including chicken wire mesh at all joints of brick and concrete surfaces with minimum overlap of 150 mm in all directions, scaffolding, rounding off or chambering of corners, offsets, fin/ bands, projections, etc. and cleaning of surface, raking out joints, roughening of surface,chiseling the undulated surface wherever necessary and curing, etc., all materials and labor complete in all respects including all lead, lift and descent andas directed. 63 Providing & applying 20 mm thick cement plaster in CM 1:4 (1 part of cement: 5 parts of sand) to walls externally in single coat at all levels to correct line and level includingscaffolding, rounding off or chambering of corners, offsets, fin/ bands, projections, etc. and cleaning of surface, raking out joints, roughening of surface,chiseling the undulated surface wherever necessary and curing, etc., all materials and labor complete in all respects including all lead, lift and descent andas directed. 64 Paving Floor with Best QualityDesign Ceramic ColouredTiles of size 305 mm x 305 m x 6 mm any approved colour and sizeshape and quality laid in Cement mortor 1 : 3 to 20 mm thick using M.Sand in all floors and the Top Pointed with the white cement 0.40 kg mixed with the same colouring Pigments etc complete 65 Providing granolithic floor finish of the following thickness with plain cement concrete 1:2:4 using 10 to 12 mm gauge hard broken stone jelly including laying, finishing and the top 66 Dadooing walls with colour designed Glazed Tiles of sizes 300 mm x 200 mm x 6 mm size of approved make and quality and colour set in cement mortor 1 : 2 ( one cement and two sand ) over 10 mm base layer plastering and pointing with white cement neatly as directed . 67 Distempering two coat with priming coat and two coat with OIL BOUND Distemper over Cement plastered surface, ceiling and other new surface including cleaning preparing the surface etc, complete. Rate for 10.00Sqm. 68 Supplying and painting the walls with one coat of wall primer and two coats of Exterior emulsion (apex or equivalent) as instructed by the departmental officers including preparation of surface curing, etc., complete in all floors complying with standard specifications (The colour and shade of the cement paint shall be got approve 69 Painting new iron works such as steel doors, windows, ventilators, window bars, balustrades etc., with two coats of best approved first quality and colour of synthetic enamel paint over the existing red oxide priming coat in all floors excluding cost of priming coat etc., complete complying with standard specification. (The make, quality and colour of paint should be got approved by the Executive Engineer before use on works.) 70 Provision for Doors(0.90x2.10m) 71 Provision for Windows(0.90x1.20m) 72 Light point(SD-21) 73 Fan point(SD-33) 74 Plug point(SD-37) 75 CFL 20watts light 76 Fan(SD-110) 77 32 Amps DPTC switch(SD-143) 78 Meter board(SD-125) 79 Service wire(SD-70) 80 Service pipe 25mm GI pipe 81 EB Service connection charges 82 GST Amount for providing Service to Government Contract Works for the above Construction Works. { GST Amount is the Total GST Amount for total overall quoted amount above this row in column BB for all works in this package}

Key Value

Document Fees
Refer document
INR 33340.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 33.34 Lakhs /-
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