
Tender For Estimate For Construction Of Vrb Of Barhan Dy. At Ch- Km-15.668 - Dismentling Of Brick Masonary In Cement With Mechanicl And Mannual Means And Disposal Of Debris Witin A Distance Of 60M Or As Per Engineer-In -Charge. 2 Earthwork In Excavati, hathras-Uttar Pradesh

Irrigation Department has published Tender For Estimate For Construction Of Vrb Of Barhan Dy. At Ch- Km-15.668 - Dismentling Of Brick Masonary In Cement With Mechanicl And Mannual Means And Disposal Of Debris Witin A Distance Of 60M Or As Per Engineer-In -Charge. 2 Earthwork In Excavati. Submission Date for this Tender is 11-02-2025. Bridge Work Tenders in hathras Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Estimate For Construction Of Vrb Of Barhan Dy. At Ch- Km-15.668 - Dismentling Of Brick Masonary In Cement With Mechanicl And Mannual Means And Disposal Of Debris Witin A Distance Of 60M Or As Per Engineer-In -Charge. 2 Earthwork In Excavati
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh

Tender Details

Estimate For Construction Of Vrb Of Barhan Dy. At Ch- Km-15.668 - Dismentling of brick masonary in cement with mechanicl and mannual means and Disposal of debris witin a distance of 60m or as per engineer-in -charge. 2 Earthwork in excavation foundation in ordinary soil including all lead and lift with all cost of labour and T&P etc. 3 Providing & Laying C.C. M-15(1:2:4mix) with cement, coarse sand &10mm. to 20mm.Size stone grit.including cost of all material,labour,T&P complete. 4 Providing and Laying C.C. M-20(1:1.5:3mix) with cement, coarse sand &10mm. to 20mm.Size stone grit.including cost of all material,labour,T&P complete. 5 Providing and laying R.C.C 1:1:2 with coarse sand & aggregate of size 10 to 25 mm including mechanical mixing and all cost of material,labour and T&P etc. But excluding cost of steel reinforcement. 6 Centering and shuttering for R.C.C. work including all cost of material, labour and T&P etc. for completion of work 7 Centering and shuttering for C.C. work including all cost of material, labour and T&P etc. for completion of work 8 Steel reinforcement with bending, binding, cutting and placing of reinforcement including cost of binding wire with all cost of material, labour and T&P etc. for completion of work. 9 Earth work for making & removal of diversion & Bundha up to 100 m. including Cost of all labour and T&P etc as per instruction of Engineer-in-Charge . 10 Earth Work in Cutting/Filling in all type of soilincluding ramming & dressuing to the required level and slope and as per instruction of Engineer-in-Charge. 11 S/F 75 mm dia P V C Pipe for weep holes. 12 S/F Fixing Marble Name Plate of Size 300 x 200 x 25 mm including cost of all labour and T&P etc. Complete as per instruction of Engineer-in-Charge . 13 S/Fixing Marble B.M. Plate of Size 150 x 150 x 25 mm including cost of all labour and T&P etc. Complete as per instruction of Engineer-in-Charge . 14 Finishing walls (one coat ) with water proof cement paint of approved quality to give an even shade after thoroughly brushing the surface to remove all dirt including cost of all materials, labour T&P etc. complete required foe proper completion of work. 15 Finishing walls (Two coat ) with exterior emulsionpaint (Apex) of approved brand and manufacture and of required shade on undacrated wall surface to give even shade@ 1.25 ltr/10sqm including one coat of primer applied @ 0.75 ltr/sqm, including cost of all materials, labour T&P etc. complete required foe proper completion of work. 16 Making and fixing sign board at site of work as per instruction of Engineer-in-Charge . 17 S/F tarfelt on bed blockas per directon of engineer in charge . 18 Filling expansion Joint with joint with 20 mm thickTharmacoal as per directon of engineer in charge .

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 05-02-2025 DATE EXTENSION Date 11-02-2025

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 854 /-
INR 60900.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 30.43 Lakhs /-
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