
Tender For Procurement Material, balaghat-Madhya Pradesh

Directorate Of Health Services has published Tender For Procurement Material. Submission Date for this Tender is 20-02-2025. Medical Equipment Tenders in balaghat Madhya Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Procurement Material
Open Tender
Madhya Pradesh

Tender Details

Tender For Procurement Material , Procurement For Material , Aapos Vision Screening Kit , Abdominal Belt(32 Inch Each),Consumable , Abdominal Belt(34 Inch Each),Consumable , Abdominal Belt(36 Inch Each),Consumable , Abdominal Belt(38 Inch Each),Consumable , Abdominal Drain Set(28 No),Each , Abdominal Drain(Set 32 No),Each , Absolute Alcohol (Ethanol)Consumable , Absorable Surgical Suture Rb Needle Size No 1-0,30 Mm Length -70 Cm , 12 Foils Per Packet Polyglycolic Acid (Pga) , Absorbable (6-0) Braided Coated Polyglactin Aw Violet 8Mm 1/2 Circle Spatulated Micro Point Doublw Arm(45 , Absorbable Gelatine Sponge(Ip 80Mm X 50Mm X 10Mm),Consumable , Absorbable Surgical Suture Braided Polyglycolic Acid 3/8 Circle Reverse Cuttingg(12Mm 45 Cmspatulated , Absorbent Cotton Wool Ip 100 Grms (Each) Roll , Absorbent Cotton Wool Ip 50 Grms (Each) Roll , Absorbent Cotton Wool Ip 500 Grms (Each) Roll , Acetic Acid - Solution(3% 100 Ml Bottle) , Acetone Detection Kit(100 Gm),Powder , Acetone Solution(100 Ml),Bottle , Acid For Cleaning 1 Lit , Adhesive Plasters Usp 7.5 Cm X 10 Mts/Roll , Adhesive Plasters Usp(7.5 Cm X 5 Mts/Roll),Consumable , Adhesive Roll 1 Inch X 5 M / Roll , Adhesive Sterilization Indicator Tapes For Medical Purpose 50 , Adhesive Tape 7.5Cm X10(Mtr/Roll),Consumable , Air Freshner 250Ml , Albumin 200 Ml (4 X 50 Ml) , Alcohal Based Hand Sanitizer(500Ml Bottle With Dispenser) , Alcohol Based Hand Sanitizer Liquid Spray(500 Ml Bottle),Consumable , Alcohol Based Hand Sanitizer(1 Ltr. Bottle),Consumable , Alcohol Based Hand Sanitizer(50 Ml Bottle),Consumable , Aluminium/Bamboo Strick Of 8, 10, 12, 14 Long Inserted In The Pockets Of Thick Canvas, 3 (1 Pair Of Each Size Mentioned) , Ambu Bag (Silicon Type) Paediatrics Each 1400-1700 Ml With Oxygen Connecting Tube ,Should Be Supplied With A Carry , Ambu Bag / Adult Each -1700Ml, With Oxygen Connecting Tube ,Should Be Supplied With A Carry Pouch , Ambu Bag Should Be , Ambu Bag / Resuscitator Silicon 200-250 Ml Infant Size-Each, With Oxygen Connecting Tube ,Should Be Supplied With A Carry , Ammonium Sulphate (Analar (Gr/Ar) 500Gm , Anti Abd Grouping Serum 3X10mlconsumable , Artery Forcep Kocher, Straight Or Curved, S.S. 12.5Cm , Auditory Additon To The Multi-Sensory Room , Auto Cleanser For Cbc Machine(2 Liter),Consumable , Auto Dill Solution For Cbc Machine(20 Liter),Consumable , Auto Lyser Solution For Cbc Machine(500Ml),Consumable , Auto Pippets Fixed Volume(10 Micro Liters Each),Consumable , Auto Pippets Fixed Volume(1000 Micro Liters Each),Consumable , Auto Pippets Fixed Volume(20 Micro Liters Each),Consumable , Autoclave Electric H.P. (Horizontal) , Autoclave Electric H.P. (Vertical) , Automatic Water Distriller , B.B Silk (12 Foils/Pkt)(3/8 Rcut Needle 45 Mm Length 76 Cm, Size 2/0)),Consumable , B.B Silk Size-3/0 (12 Foils/Pkt)(3/8Cir Rcut Needle 26Mm Length 76 Cm),Needle , B.B Silk With 1/2 Cir Rb Needle 20 Mm Length At Least 75 Cm Non Absorbable Surgical Suture Usp Size 3- , B.B Silk With 1/2 Cir Rb Needle Size:1/0 20 Mm Length 75 Cm Non Absorbable Surgical Sutures Usp Surgical Material , B.B Silk With 1/2 Cir Rb Needle Size:2/0 30 Mm Length 75 Cm Surgical Material , B.B Silk With 1/2 Cir Rb Needle Size:4/0 20 Mm(Length At Least 75 Cm, 12 Foils Per Packet),Needle , B.B Silk With 1/2 Cir Rb Needle(Size:3/0 20 Mm Length 75 Cm),Consumable , B.B Silk With 1/2 Cir Rb/Cutting Needle 30 Mm Length 75 Cm Non Absorbable(Size 2-0, 12 Foils/Pkt),Consumable , B.B. Silk 6 Reels X 25 Mts Length 25 Mts. Black Braided Silk Without Needle In Reels Non Absorbable Surgical Sutures Usp , B.B. Silk 6 Reels X 25 Mts Length 25 Mts.Black Braided Silk Without Needle In Reels Non Absorbable Surgical Sutures Usp-, , B.B. Silk 6 Reels X 25 Mts Size:1/0(6 Reels Is Per Box Rate Should Be Quoted For 6 Reels),Surgical Material , B.B. Silk 6 Reels X 25 Mts(Size:3/0 Length 25 Mts),Consumable , B.P.Apparatus, Digitalisi Mark Diamon/Omeron /Ramson , Baby Diapers Small(10 Diaper Per Pkt),Consumable , Baby Oxygen Mask Set Of All Sizes , Baby Towal Medium Size , Bag For Carrying Kit/Material During Home Visit , Balance Board Rexene Coveted Cushioned Platform, Size 45Cm*60 Cm*15Cm High , Balance Boards , Ball Pool: The Dense Foam Padded Mini Ball Pool Is Soft, Safe And Perfect For Small Children. It Providers An Excellent , Ball Pool: The Dense Foam Padded Mini Ball Pool Is Soft, Safe And Perfect For Small Children. It Providers An Excellent , Balls Of Differnent Size Gaiters: , Bamboo Fibre Optic Slide Glow , Bandage Cloth Bleach Consumable , Bandage Than(1Mtrx20mtr),Consumable , Barium Chloride 10%(500 Ml Bottle),Consumable , Bayley-Iii Screening Test Complete Kit Includes; Manual, Stim Book, Picture Book Record Forms 25 Packs, , Bcg(1 Ml Each),Syrings , Bean Bags Including White One , Bed Pan Aluminum Male / Female 2 Pt. , Bed Pan Female S.S. With Cover , Bed Sidescreen (3 Fold / Panel ) Ovaerall Approx Size 1680 H X 2450 Mm , Bedside Locker With S.S.Top, 40Cm X 40Cm X 75Cm Machine Pressed , Black-Braided Silk With 1/2 Cir Cd Cutting Needle 16 Mm Length 75 Cm 3/0 (14 Foils/Pkt) , Black-Braided Silk With 1/2 Cir Cutting Needle 30Mm Length 75 Cm(1/0 12 Foils/Pkt),Consumable , Black-Braided Silk With 1/2 Cir Rb Needle 20 Mm Length 75 Cm 1/0 13 Foils/Pkt , Black-Braided Silk With 1/2 Cir Rb Needle 30 Mm Length 75 Cm 2/0 12 Foils/Pkt , Black-Braided Silk With 3/8 Cir Rb Needle 45 Mm Length 76 Cm 2/0 Reverse Cutting 12 Foils/Pkt , Blood Administrations Set , Blood Bag With Acd/Cpd Solution (Disposable Sterilised) With Needle(100 Ml),Bag , Blood Bag With Acd/Cpd Solution (Disposable Sterilised) With Needle(350 Ml),Bag , Blue Led Lights , Bmw Polybags Blue Colour(Sizes 28Kg (As Per Attached Specification)),Bag , Bmw Polybags Blue Colour(Sizes 45Kg (As Per Attached Specification)),Bag , Bmw Polybags Blue Colour(Sizes 5Kg (As Per Attached Specification)),Bag , Bmw Polybags Red Colour(Sizes 28 Kg (As Per Attached Specification)),Bag , Bmw Polybags Red Colour(Sizes 45 Kg (As Per Attached Specification)),Bag , Bmw Polybags Red Colour(Sizes 5Kg (As Per Attached Specification)),Bag , Bmw Polybags Yellow Colour(Sizes 28Kg (As Per Attached Specification)),Bag , Bmw Polybags Yellow Colour(Sizes 45Kg (As Per Attached Specification)),Bag , Bmw Polybags(18 Kg. (Attached Specification)),Consumable , Bmw Polybags(28 Kg. (Attached Specification)),Consumable , Bmw Polybags(45 Kg. (Attached Specification)),Consumable , Bolster Swing With Nylon Rope Or Straps With Hooks To Fit In The Swing Frame Size 25 Cm Diameter *90 Cm Long , Bolster Swing With Nylon Rope Or Straps With Hooks To Fit In The Swing Frame Size 25 Cm Diameter *90 Cm Long , Bolster: 2Ft Long, Diameter - 10 Inch , Bolster: 2Ft Long, Diameter - 8 Inch , Brush For Tactile Stimulation: , Bubble Tube , Cannula Fixer Set(Piece),Each , Capillary Tube(100 Pieces),Consumable , Catgut Chromic Size:2/0 Length 150 Cm , Catgut Chromic With 1/2 Cir Cutting Needle 12Mm(Length 70Cm No.3-0, 12 Foils Per Pakt),Consumable , Catgut Chromic With 1/2 Cir Rb Needle 30 Mm Length 70Cm No. 1 -0, 12 Foils Per Packet(Needle 30 Mm Length 70Cm No. 1 - , Catgut Chromic With 1/2 Cir Rb Needle 40 Mm Length 75Cm No. 1 Consumable , Catgut Chromic With 1/2 Cir Rb Needle 40 Mm Length 75Cm No. 2 Consumable(Each),Consumable , Cement Spatula (Plastic And Metal) , Cervical Collar , Cervical Collar/Each-Soft,(Medium Sized),Consumable , Chart For Vision Rehabilitation , Chest Binder (Sternal Corset) , Chetels Forcep 20Cm , Childhood Behavioral Checklist Cbcl , Childrens Trial Frame , Chirne Frame And Beater , Chlorhexidine 0.5 % Propanol 70 %, 100 Ml Hand Rub(100 Ml ),Consumable , Chromic (12 Foils/Pkt)(3/8 Rb Needle 30 Mm, Length 76 Cm, Size - 2/0),Needle , Chromic Catgut (12 Foils/Pkt)(Size:1/0 Length At Least 150 Cm),Consumable , Chromic Catgut , Round Body Needle No. 1.0 , Chromic Catgut Monofilament With 1/4 Circle Reverse Cutting Needle 6-0 ( 12 / Pkt ) , Chromic Catgut No 1.0 Round Dody, 40 Mm 12 Foils/Pkt , Chromic Catgut Suture (12 Foils/Pkt)(3/8 Cir R Cutting Needle 19 Mm Needle, Suture Length 76 Cm Size 4/0),Needle , Chromic Catgut Suture(3/8 Cir Rcutting Needle 16 Mm, Suture Length 76 Cm(5/0 12 Foils/Pkt)),Sutures , Chromic Size - 1, (12 Foils/Pkt)(1/2 Cir Rb Needle 40 Mm, Length 76 Cm),Needle , Chromic Size - 1, 12 Foils/Pkt(1/2 Cir Rb Needle 45 Mm, Length 100 Cm),Needle , Chromic Size - 2, 12 Foils/Pkt(1/2 Cir Rb Needle 45 Mm, Length 100 Cm),Needle , Chromic Size - 1/0 (12 Foils/Pkt)(3/8 Cir Rb Needle 40 Mm, Suture Length 76 Cm),Needle , Chromic With 1/2 Cirrb Needle Absorbable Surgical Suture (12 Foils/Pkt)(40 Mm Length 76 Cm Size:1/0 ,Surgical , Chromic With 1/2 Cir Rb Needle 20 Mm Length 76 Cm, 3-0 Usp, Absorbable Surgical Suture Surgical Material 12Foils/Box , Chromic With 1/2 Cir Rb Needle 30 Mm Length 76Cm, 2-0 Usp, Absorbable Surgical Suture Surgical Material(12 , Chromic With 1/2 Cir Rb Needle 40 Mm Length 76 Cm (With Needle) ) Absorbable Surgical Sutures Usp,(Size 1, 12 , Chromic With 1/2 Cir Rb Needle Size:1/0, 30 Mm Length 76Cm Absorbable Surgical Suture Surgical Material , Chromic With Cd Cutting Needle 12 Mm Length 70Cm Size:3/0 , Chromic With Cd Rb Needle 30 Mm Length 76 Cm Size:2/0(Absorbable Surgical Suture Surgical Usp, 12 , Chromic With Cd.Rb Needle Absorbable Surgical Suture (12 Foils/Pkt)(40 Mm Length 76 Cm Size:1/0),Surgical Material , Chromic With St Rb Needle (12 Foils/Pkt)(60 Mm Length 76 Cm Size:2/0),Consumable , Clinical Thermometer Digital Isi , Cloth Based Surgical Adhesive Tape Roll(1 Inch X 5 Mtr / Roll),Consumable , Cloth Based Surgical Adhesive Tape Roll(6 Inch X 10M / Roll),Consumable , Coated Polyster Braided With Cd White D(Needle 25 Mm (Curved Reverse Cutting Or Curved Round Body Or Taper Cut) , Coated Polyster With 1/2 Cirgreen Needle 17 Mm (Curved Reverse Cutting Or Curved Round Body Or Taper Cut) Size:2/0 , Coated Polyster With Cd Greenneedle 17 Mm (Curved Reverse Cutting Or Curved Round Body Or Taper Cut) Size:2/0 , Compleet Dental Instrument Set , Complete Absorbable Mesh Fixation Device With Minimum Strap Length 7Mm2point Fixation To Hold The Mesh And Device , Complete Delivery Kit-1Plastic Desposable Gown (Non Woven Plastic Laminated,Leak Proof)-2(4*4),(2).Disposable Goggles For , Composite Filling Instruments: 1 Kit Along With Consumable Consist , Composite Mesh Polypropylene And Polyglactine 910(10X15 Cm),Consumable , Composite Mesh Polypropylene And Polyglactine 910(15X15 Cm),Consumable , Composite Mesh Polypropylene And Polyglactine 910(6X11 Cm),Consumable , Conventional X-Ray Film 10X12(50 Sheet/Pack),Consumable , Conventional X-Ray Film 12X15(50 Sheet/Pack),Consumable , Conventional X-Ray Film 8X10(50 Sheet/Pack),Consumable , Cotton Crape Bandage 10Cm X 4M (Box Of 10 Bandages) Consumable , Cotton Crape Bandage 15Cm X 4M (Box Of 10 Bandages) Consumable , Cotton Delivery Belt , Cotton Towel (Turkish) Big Size , Cotton Towel Small Size , Cover Slip 18 X 18 Mm - 10Gm 100/Pkt , Cr System Cassette 10X12 , Cr System Cassette 14*17 , Cr System Cassette 8X10 , Cr System Film 10X12 (150 Film/Pkt) , Cr System Film 14X17 (150 Film/Pkt) , Cr System Film 8X10 (150 Film/Pkt) , Crash Cart With Six Drawer Modular System , Cut-Out Floor Table (2Ft*2Ft) , Delivary Instrument Set , Dental Electric Brushless Micromotor , Dental Imp;Ression Trays (Upper And Lower) 1 Set Each Along With Consumable (A) Impression Material Alginate Dust Free , Dental Ultrasonic Scaler (Complete Set): 1 Along With Consumable (Polishing Brush And Cup) , Dental X-Ray Film Size 31 X 41 Mm (150 Films / Pkt)(Size 31 X 41 Mm) , Denver Devlopmental Screening Test Ii (Ddst-Ii) , Developer Powder (13.5 Ltr) , Developer Powder (22.5 Ltr) , Developmental Screening Test (Dst) By Bharat Raj , Devlopmental Assessment For Indian Infants (Dassi) , Diagnostic Strips For Urine Sugar/Albmin Packing: 100 Strip/Pkt , Dialysis Starting Kit Disposable:A)Sterile Tray With Top(Disposable),Size Not Less Than 30X30cm B) Sterile Drape , Diapers Adult , Diapers Child , Dionised Water 5 Ltr Cane(Each),Consumable , Disinfectant Renaclean Cold Sterilant(5 Ltr Can),Consumable , Disinfectant Renasteril Hot Disinfectant (5 Ltr Can) , Disposable Appron Consumable , Disposable Circuit For Ventilator(As Per Specification),Surgical Material , Disposable Cresent Knife(2.2Mm),Consumable , Disposable Cup For Urine-Sputum 30Ml 80 To 90 Mm Diameter 100/Pkt , Disposable Kelleys Pad , Disposable Keratom Knife(2.8Mm),Consumable , Disposable Keratom Knife(3.2Mm),Consumable , Disposable Needles Is 10654:2002(23G),Needle , Disposable Needles Is(10654:2002 26 G),Needle , Disposable Needles(23 No),Needle , Disposable Needles(Is 10654:2002 22G),Surgical Material , Disposable Needles(Is 10654:2002 24G),Surgical Material , Disposable Needles(Is 10654:2002 26G X 1/2),Surgical Material , Disposable Plastic Appron(Full Size),Consumable , Disposable Pricking Lancet (Pkt Of 200 Units)(Packet),Consumable , Disposable Pricking Lancet 100 Units Consumable , Disposable Scalp Vein Set Size 22 No(Each),Consumable , Disposable Scalp Vein Set(Size 20 No),Consumable , Disposable Sharp Collection Containers(1.5 L),Consumable , Disposable Sideport Knife(Num),Consumable , Disposable Spinal Needle 18 No , Disposable Spinal Needle(22 No),Each , Disposable Spinal Needle(23 No),Each , Disposable Sterile Gloves 6 Inch / Pair(Pair),Surgical Material , Disposable Sterile Gloves 6.5 Inch / Pair , Disposable Sterile Gloves 7 Inch / Pair , Disposable Sterile Gloves 7.5 Inch / Pair , Disposable Sterile Hypodermic Syringe 10Ml(Each),Consumable , Disposable Surgeon Cap(Box Of 100 Caps),Consumable , Disposable Surgeon Gown , Disposable Syringe (For Vitamin K Inj)(1Ml With Needle 26G),Consumable , Disposable Syringe With Needle Cgs 1Cc With Mark 0-1Ml Consumable(-),Consumable , Disposable Syringe With Needle(1Ml Each),Syrings , Disposable Syringe With Needle(20Ml Each),Syrings , Disposable Syringe With Needle(2Ml Each),Syrings , Disposable Syringe With Needle(3Ml Each),Syrings , Disposable Syringe With Needle(5Ml Each),Needle , Disposable Syringe(50 Ml),Syrings , Disposable Three Layer Surgical Mask(As Per Attached Specification),Mask , Disposable Under Pad- Dimention Of Sheet 60*90 Cm(Inside)(Weight 80 Gm Unit),Consumable , Distilled Water 5 Litre(Each),Consumable , Draw Sheet (Each) One Side Linen And One Side Autoclavable Water Proof Sheet Size 58X36 (Each),Consumable , Dressing Drum Havys.S. 11 X 9 , Dressing Forcep 1X2 Teath , Dressing Trolley/ Instrument Trolly Made Ofstainless Steel Shelves Railingand Antistatic Coster30X16X 30 Fraim , Drug Trolley With Approx Size W490mm X D580mm X H1040mm With 4 Trays And Mounted On 100Mm Castors, , Dslexia Early Screening Test 4-6 Years (Dest) , Dust Bin, Foot Operated, Metal , Dusting Powder, 10 Gm ( Neomycin Sulphate 5 Mg, Baccitracin 250 Unit, Sulphacetamide Sodium 60 Mg) , Dyslexia Early Screening Test Junior (6-11 Year) , Ecg Jelly 250 Gms(Bottle),Jelly , Ecg Machine1. 12 Channel Ecg Machine 2.Should Have 12 Lead Simultaneous Acquisition 3. Unit Should Have Foldable Of , Ecg Paper (Chemical Coated)(80Mmx 20 Mtr Each),Consumable , Ecg Paper Computerizesd Triple Channel 20M , Ecg Paper(Chemical Coated) 50Mm X 30 Mtr. Roll , Ecg Paper(Chemical Coated)(50Mm*20 Mm Roll),Each , Ecg Paper(Wax Coated) 50Mm X 30 Mtr, Roll , Ecg Paper(Wax Coated) Heavy Quality 50Mm X 30 Mtr/ Roll , Ecg Paper(Wax Coated)(50Mm X 30 Mtr, Roll),Consumable , Ecg Roll Three Channel 20M , Edta K3 Vial Each , Egc Roll(66 Mm X 15 Mm),Consumable , Elecators Set Of 10 (Ten) , Electric Sterilizer S.S. With 2 Kw Heating Coil, 3 Core Flexible Cable With Cable Pin, Suitable Of 2 Kv , Electrolyte Concentrate(10 Litre/Pack),Consumable , Endotracheal Tube Internal Dia 2.5 Mm To 5 Mm , Endotracheal Tube Internal Dia 5.5Mm To 9.5Mm , Endotracheal Tube Internal With Radioopaque Line(Dia 2.5 Mm To 5 Mm, Each),Consumable , Endotracheal Tube, Soft Cuff Towards The Distal End Kink Resistant Inflation Tube Murphy Eye At Distal End With Polished , Endotracheal Tube,Soft Cuff Towards The Distal End Kink Resistant Inflation Tube Murphy Eye At Distal End With Polished , Endotracheal Tubes Size 5 Cuffed Should Have Low Pressure High Volume Cuff And Radio Opaque Blue(25 , Endotracheal Tubes Size 5.5 Cuffed Should Have Low Pressure High Volume Cuff And Radio Opaque Blue(25 Each),Combi , Endotracheal Tubes Size 6 Cuffed Should Have Low Pressure High Volume Cuff And Radio Opaque Blue(25 , Endotracheal Tubes Size 6.5 Cuffed Should Have Low Pressure High Volume Cuff And Radio Opaque Blue(25 , Endotracheal Tubes Size 7 Cuffed Should Have Low Pressure High Volume Cuff And Radio Opaque Blue(25 , Endotracheal Tubes Size 7.5 Cuffed Should Have Low Pressure High Volume Cuff And Radio Opaque Blue(25 , Endotracheal Tubes Size 8 Cuffed Should Have Low Pressure High Volume Cuff And Radio Opaque Blue(25 , Endotracheal Tubes Size 8.5 Cuffed Should Have Low Pressure High Volume Cuff And Radio Opaque Blue(25 , Endotracheal Tubes Size 9 Cuffed Should Have Low Pressure High Volume Cuff And Radio Opaque Blue(25 , Endotracheal Tubes Size 9.5 Cuffed Should Have Low Pressure High Volume Cuff Andradio Opaque Blue Line , Endotracheal Tubes Size 9.5 Cuffed Should Have Low Pressure High Volume Cuff And Radio Opaque Line(Size 9.5 , , Endotreheal Tube Size 3 Cuffed -Piece, Should Have Silicon Tube With Radio Opaque Blue Line , Endotreheal Tube Size 4 Cuffed -Piece, Should Have Silicon Tube With Radio Opaque Blue Line , Epeziatomy Scissores , Examination Light Mobile 220 -12 V Stand Model , Examination Table 183Cm X 51Cm X 75Cm With Ss Top , Expressions Test Game , Eye Speculum (Alfonso Infant Wire Speculum) , Feeding Tube (Catheter)(10 G, Each),Consumable , Fetal Heart Monitor Electronic` , Fiber Optic Shower Frame , Finger Tip Pulse Oxymeter , Fixation Stick , Floor Seat (Pelvic Strap): , Flow Regulator (Dial Flow)(Each),Consumable , Fogger Solution 5 Lit Cane Containing Of Hydrogen Peroxide(I.P-11.0% W/V And Silver Nitrate Dilute-0.01% , Foldable Iol Sterile Lens Pc+14D(Lens-2),Pc+16D(Lens- 3),Pc+18D(Lens-5),Pc+19D(Lens-5),Pc+19.5D(Lens- , Foleys Catheter Size 12-2 Way(10 Each),Consumable , Foleys Catheter Size 14-2 Way , Foleys Catheter Size 14-3 Way , Foleys Catheter Size 16-2 Way(11 Each),Consumable , Foleys Catheter Size 18- 2 Way , Foleys Catheter Size 20-2 Way(12 Each),Consumable , Foleys Catheter Size 22-2 Way(13 Each),Consumable , Foleys Catheter Size 24-2 Way(14 Each),Consumable , Foleys Urinary Catheter 2 Way Size 8 , Foleys Urinary Catheter 2 Way(Size 22 Each),Consumable , Foleys Urinary Catheter 3 Way Size 16 , Foleys Urinary Catheter 3 Way Size 18 , Foleys Urinary Catheter 3 Way Size 20 , Foleys Urinary Catheter 3 Way Size 22 , Foleys Urinary Catheter Pediatrics(Size 10),Each , Foleys Urinary Catheter Silkolatex 2 Way Sterile, Non Toxic Size 10 , Foleys Urinary Catheter Silkolatex 2 Way Sterile, Non Toxic Size 10 , Foleys Urinary Catheter Size 16 2 Way , Foleys Urinary Catheter(3 Way Size 12),Surgical Material , Food Trolley (Without Utensils) , Forcep Sponge Holding Ss 10 , Forcep StreilizerCheatle S.S. 25Cm , Forceps Dissecting , Plain, S.S 12.5Cm. , Forceps Dissecting , Tooth , S.S 12.5Cm. , Forceps Set For Extraction; 2 Set (1 Adult + 1 Paediatric) , Formaldehyde 40% (Conc. Formaline)(1 X 30 Lit),Consumable , Formaldehyde Solution(Analytical Grade 500Ml),Consumable , Fure Bakk-Mounted On The Roof , G.P Point 15-80 Assorted Set , Gauze Clothes 90Cmx20m , Gauze Sponge/Each(Size 3 X 3),Consumable , Gauze Swab/Pad , General Instrument Set Orthopaedic , General Purpose Hospital Cot, Sheet Top, Size 197Cm Long 90Cm Wide, 60Cm Height Pipe Gaze 18 Dia & Sheet Gaze 20 , Glass Slab , Glass Slide With Isi Mark-At Least 75Mm X 25 Mm- Thickness At Least 1.1Mm,Detail Specifications-I-With Smooth Edges, Without , Glass Test Tube 12 X 100 (Medium Size) Heavy Quality 100/Pkt(No.),Tube , Glass Test Tube 12 X 75(Small Size)(Heavy Quality 100/Pkt),Tube , Gloves Latex Autoclavable(8 No (Pair) Made Of Natural Latex Micro Rough Finish For Better Grip),Consumable , Glucometer Strip(1X50),Consumable , Glutaraldehyde Solution 2% In 5 Litre Can (2 Strips/Vials Per Each Can)(5 Litre Can),Consumable , Grating Paddles , Gynaecexamination Couch1.Size Of Couch – L1830mm X W 575Mm X H850mm 2.Frame Should Be Made Up Of Crca , H File Set Assorted 15-40, 45-80 (21Mm & 25 Mm) , H2so4 (Sulphuric Acid)(25% 500 Ml Bottle),Consumable , Harpic For Toilet Cleaning 300 Ml , Hbs Antigeng Kit Card(Pack Of 10 Card Test With 10 Dropper, 1 Buffer Solution, 10 Pricking Lancet And 10 Alcohol , Hcv Kit Card Test(25 Test / Kit),Digonstic , Head Circumference Tape-Non Stretchable Teflon Synthetic Material , Height Measuring Scale-Stadiometer , Height Measuring Stand , Hemoglobin Color Scale (Starter Kit) Components (1) Color Scale 01/Kit (2) Test Strip 1000/Kit (3) Printed Literature For , Hiv (Rapid)(Whole Blood Finger Prick Test Kit),Consumable , Household Disinfectants Or Disinfectant Fluids Phenolic Black 25 Lit , Household Disinfectants Or Disinfectant Fluids Phenolic Black 5 Lit , Household Disinfectants Or Disinfectant Fluids Phenolic Colored 1Lit , Household Disinfectants Or Disinfectant Fluids Phenolic Colored 5Lit , Household Disinfectants Or Disinfectant Fluids Phenolic White 25 Lit , Household Disinfectants Or Disinfectant Fluids Phenolic White 5Lit , Hub Cutter- Non Electric Lockable Safety Portable Box For Disposal Of Hypodemic Needles.Consumable , Hydrogen Peroxide 6% Solution (Who-Gmp Certification Exempted For This Item)(400 Ml ),Bottle , Hypodermic Syringe For Single Use 1Ml, Is : 10258(10 Ml Vial),Syrings , Hypodermic Syringe For Single Use 2Ml Bp/Bis(Without Needle),Syrings , Hypodermic Syringe For Single Use 5Ml Bp/Bis(Without Needle),Syrings , Hypodermic Syringe For Single Use(10Ml Bp/Bis (Without Needle)),Syrings , I V Cannula With Inj.Valve (Port)(Size 26G Each),Consumable , I.V Cannula Size With Injection Valve (Port)(18G),Consumable , I.V. Cannula With Injection Valve(20G),Consumable , I.V. Cannula With Injection Valve(Size 24 G),Consumable , Infant And Toddler Vep Or Visual Evoked Potential Testing Equipment , Infant Feeding Tube (Catheter) Size: 3G(No.),Consumable , Infant Feeding Tube (Catheter) Size: 4G , Infant Feeding Tube (Catheter) Size: 8G(Each),Consumable , Infant Feeding Tube Size: 6G , Infant Feeding Tube((Catheter) Size: 5G),Consumable , Infant Feeding Tube(10 G Each Piece, Each),Consumable , Infant Feeding Tube(7G Each Piece, Each),Consumable , Infant Mucus Extractor Sterile Pvc(Each),Surgical Material , Infantometer , Infeant Waight Macchine , Instrument Sterilant 10 Minute Sporicidal Sterilant Aldehyde Free Containing Sodium Perborate((810 Grm Packet)),Powder , Instrument Sterilizer Electrically Operated With Thermostat 12 X 8 X 6 , Instrument Tray With Cover S.S. 10 X 12 , Instrument Tray With Cover S.S. 11 X 17 , Instrument Tray With Cover S.S. 12 X 15 , Instrument Tray With Cover S.S. 18 X 12 , Instrument Tray With Cover S.S. 8 X 6 , Instrument Tray With Cover S.S. 9 X 6 , Instrument Wash 500Ml With Spray Pump [987837] , Insulin Syringe/ Each (Graduation Upto 100 Units) 30 G Needle, 40 Units/Ml(30 G Needle, 40 Units/Ml),Syrings , Interactive Ballpool , Intracath Cannula For Single Use (Intravascular Catheters) Bis(Gauze 22, Length 25),Consumable , Intravenous Setwith Airway And Needle(Children),Surgical Material , Intravenous Set With Airway And Needle((Adult)),Surgical Material , Isopropyl Alcohol (Propanol)(1 X 2.5 Lit),Consumable , Iv Cannula Size With Inj.Valve (Port)(18G ),Consumable , Iv Cannula Size With Inj.Valve (Port)(22G ),Consumable , Iv Cannula With Inj Valve(18G),Consumable , Iv Cannula With Inj Valve(20G),Consumable , Iv Stand With Wheels Ss Heavy , Jhadu , K File Set Assorted 15-40, 45-80 (21 Mm & 25 Mm) , Kaye-Wlaker (Height-48-64Cm Distance Between Hand Grips 34Cm, Frame Width 58-60Cm, Frame Length 69-83Cm, User , Kellys Pad Disposable , Kellys Pad( Rubber/Each),Consumable , Keratome 3.2 Keratome Round Stock 3.2Mm Full Handle Knives E.T.O. Sterile Angled Bevel Up 45 Deg( ),Consumable , Kharate Medium Size , Kidney Tray S.S. 10 , Kidney Tray S.S. 12 , Kidney Tray S.S. 6 , Kidney Tray S.S. 8 , Laryngoscope Set Of 2 Blades , Laryngoscope Set Of 3 Blades , Laryngoscope Set Of 4 Blades , Laryngoscope Set Of 5 Blades , Latex Based Baloon (Capacity 30-50 Ml) Foleys Urinary Catheter(3 Way Size 20),Consumable , Latex Based Baloon Capacity (3 Ml) Foleys Catheter(3 Way, Size - 12),Consumable , Latex Based Baloon Capacity (30-50Ml) Foleys Catheter(Size 14- 2 Way Each),Consumable , Latex Based Baloon Capacity (30-50Ml) Foleys Catheter(Size 14-3 Way),Consumable , Latex Based Baloon Capacity (30-50Ml) Foleys Catheter(Size 16- 2 Way Each),Consumable , Latex Based Baloon Capacity (30-50Ml) Foleys Catheter(Size 18- 2 Way, Each),Consumable , Latex Based Baloon Capacity (3Ml) Foleys Urinary Catheter Peadiatrics(2 Way Size 8, Each),Consumable , Latex Based Baloon Capacity (3Ml) Foleys Urinary Catheter Peadiatrics(Size 10 , Each),Consumable , Latex Examination Gloves (Large) (100/Pkt)(Packet),Consumable , Latex Examination Gloves (Medium)(100/Pkt)(Packet),Consumable , Latex Examination Gloves (Small) (100/Pkt)(Packet),Consumable , Lead Apron , Learns By Doing - Dvd For Interaction With A Vision Imaired Child , Led Bubble Tube , Led Mirror Ball , Liquid Hand Wash Solution With Dispenser Consumable(5 Lit),Consumable , Liquid Hand Wash Solution With Dispenser Consumable(500 Ml),Consumable , Liquid Paraffin 50Ml(Bottle ),Consumable , Liquid Paraffin(500 Ml, Bottle),Solution , Log Mar Charts , Looking Mirrors , Low Contrast Face Test, Double Sided , Lpt : Linguistic Profile Test , Lysol(5Ltr Jar),Solution [4630003] , Mackintosh Double Colour Water Proof Rubber Marked Isi Hospital Rubber Sheeting Is:4135-1974 Packing And Making : , Malaria Antigen, P Vivax, P Falciparum Rapid Diagnostics Bivalentt- Test Card (As Per Gio-Nvbdcp Specification) Pack , Mallet - Dental , Matress For Examination Table 2X6 Quair / Foam With Raxine Cover , Matrix Band And Retainer (Both No 1 & 8) 1 Set Along With Consumable (Matrix Band No 1 & 8) , Medicated Sticking Tape 100 Piece , Medicine Storage Rack 77X36X18, Four Shelves, Three Side Covered With Sheet 18 Gaze Weight 50 Kg & Avobe , Medigard Hand Scrub Bottle 500Ml , Mesuring Tape , Methyline Blue(100 Ml),Solution , Metresses 3X6 With Raxine Cover 4 Density , Micro Pipet 1000 Fix And Variable Each , Micro Pipette Tips 5-300Ul(100 Per Pack),Consumable , Micro Volume(Drip Set),Digonstic , Microtips (2-200 Ul) 1X1000(Each),Consumable , Mini Spining Fixation Globe , Mirror Ball Motor , Mirror Chime Bout , Moper Bigsize , Mortar And Pestel , Mouth Props (Adult + Pedpo) , Muac Tape , Mucous Extractor , Multipurpose Labelling(Tag),Consumable (Baby Identification) , Multipurpose Labelling(Tag),Consumable (Mother Identification) , Napthalene Balls 1 Kg , Nasal Prong(Each),Consumable , Near Vision Single Symbol Playing Cards , Nebulization Mask - Kit(Pediatrics),Consumable , Nebulizer Adult , Nebulizer Paediatric , Needle Syringe Destroyer Manual , Needle Syringe Destroyer, Electric , Nimhans Battery For Sld , Nitrus Oxide Cylinder Capicity 40 Cft , Non Foldable Iol Sterile Lens Pc+14D (2),Pc+16D (3),Pc+18D (5),Pc+19D (5),Pc+19.5D (5),Pc+20D (15),Pc+20.5D , Non-Latexpurplenitrilegloves(Asperattached Specification)(Medium),Consumable , Non-Rebreathing Mask(Oxygen Mask With Reservoir Bag),Consumable , Nursery Set Platform Slide , Nursery Set: Boat Shaped , Nylon Suture Spatulated Micropoint Reverse Cutting Needle, Double Armed Suture Size 9-0(12 Foils/Pkt),Sutures , Nylon Suture,Macrofilment Spatulated, Micropoint Double Armed Size 10-0(12 Foils/Pkt),Sutures , Ocluder Glasses , Operating Microscope , Operation Table (Hydraulic) , Operation Table Size Approx L 1830Mm X W 710Mm X Ht. Adjustable From 735Mm To 970Mm , Optic Fibers , Over Bed Table 10Cm X 45Cm X 95Cm , Oxygen Hood , Oxygen Mask , Oxygen Mask Paediatric(Standard Size),Mask , Oxygen Nasal Canula (Neonatal) 7 White Colour Tubing And Threaded Nut(25 Pcs/Pkt),Consumable , Oxygen Rotometer With Plastic Bottle Pipe & Oxygen Mask , Paediatric Drip Set(Set),Digonstic , Paper Adhesive Microporous Surgical Tape 3 Inch X 5 M / Roll (10 Roll/Pkt)(3 Inch X 5 M / Roll (10 Roll/Pkt)),Consumable , Paper Adhesive Plaster Microporous Surgical Tape 1 Inch X 9 M / Roll(1 Inch * 9 M/Roll (Iso 13485:2016)),Consumable , Paper Adhesive Plaster Microporous Surgical Tape 6 Inch X 10 M / Roll , Paper Adhesive Plaster Microporous Surgical Tape(2 Inch X 5M /Roll),Consumable , Paper Adhesive Plaster Microporous Surgical Tape(4 Inch X 9 M / Roll (Iso 13485:2016)),Consumable , Paper Adhesive Plaster Microporous Surgical Tape(6 Inch X 5M /Roll),Consumable , Ped Board: Laminated Square Board Having 10 Holes To Hold Smoothly Finshed Solid Plastic Pegs In Five Different Bright , Pediatric Trial Lens Set , Pencil Torch With Yellow Light , Personal Protection Kit(Kit),Consumable , Phenyl - As Per Schedule O (Grade 1) 10 Lt Jar(Isi Marked),Consumable , Piagets Sensori-Motor Intelligence Scale 0-2 Years Piagetian Congnitive Tasks , Pinspot And Mirror Ball , Pit And Fissure Sealant , Plain Vial With Screw Cap(12 X 75),Consumable , Plaster Of Paris Bandage 10 Cm X 2.7 Mtr / Roll(Roll),Bandage , Plaster Of Paris Bandage 15Cm X 2.7Mtr / Roll(Roll),Bandage , Plaster Of Paris Bandage Bp 10 Cm X 2.7 Mtr / Roll , Plaster Spatula - Straight And Curved , Plastic Glass With Rim Cut On One Side: Plastic Glass With On Side Of The Rim Is Cut To Accommodate Nose , Plastic Gloves(Large Size),Consumable , Plastic Long Grip Seal With Integrated Tag (Identification Tag) B , Plastic Long Grip Seal With Integrated Tag (Identification Tag) , Plastic Patient Draps , Plastic Spoon With Long Handle (For Babies) Long Handle Bright Color Spoon , Plateform Swing , Poc Kit For Syphilis (As Per Attached Specification)(10 Test Per Pack),Consumable , Pocha Medium , Polyamide Size - 1/0, 12 Foils/Pkt(3/8 R Cutting Needle 45 Mm, Length 70 Cm),Needle , Polyamide Size - 2/0, 12 Foils/Pkt(3/8 R Cutting Needle 45 Mm, Length 70 Cm),Needle , Polyamide Size - 8/0, 12 Foils/Pkt(3/8 Cir Micro Point Spatulated 6 Mm, Length 38 Cm),Consumable , Polyester Braided Coated With 1/2 Cir Cd White Dn 17 Mm Taped Cut 90 Cm 2/0 Size(12 Foils/Pkt),Consumable , Polyester Braided Coated With Cd White Dn 17 Mm Curved Rb 90Cm 2/0 (12 Foils/Pkt) , Polyester Braided Coated With Cd White Dn 17 Mm(Curved Rev Cut) Cut 90 Cm 2/0 (12 Foils/Pkt) , Polyester Braided Coated With Cd White Dn 25Mm(Curved Rb) 2-0 Length 90Cm (12 Foils/Pkt) , Polyethylene High Pressure Extension Tube(Length - 150Cm),Consumable , Polyethylene High Pressure Extension Tube, Length - 100Cm , Polyethylene High Pressure Extension Tube, Length - 200Cm , Polyglactin 30 Mm 1/2 Circle Round Body 90 Cm Size 1/0(12 Foils/ Pkt),Consumable , Polyglactin 40 Mm 1/2 Circle Round Body 90 Cm Size 1(12 Foils/ Pkt),Consumable , Polyglactin 8Mm 1/4 , Circle Spatulated Micro Point Double Needle(Length 45 Cm Size 6-0),Consumable , Polyglactin 910 Withtriclosan Coating1,1/2 Circle Reverse Cutting O.S(40 Mm,100Cm),Consumable , Polyglactin 910 Withtriclosan Coating1,1/2 Circle Round Body(40 Mm,100 Cm),Consumable , Polyglactin 910 Withtriclosan Coating1-0,1/2 Circle Reverse Cutting O.S(40 Mm,100 Cm),Consumable , Polyglactin 910 Withtriclosan Coating 1-0,1/2 Circle Round Body(40 Mm,100Cm),Consumable , Polyglactin 910 Withtriclosan Coating 2-0,1/2 Circle Round Body(30 Mm,100 Cm),Consumable , Polyglactin 910 Withtriclosan Coating(4-0,1/2 Circle Round Body,20 Mm,70 Cm),Consumable , Polyglactin 910 With Triclosan (Irgacre Mp) Coating 1, 1/2 Circle Reserve Cutting O.S(40 Mm 90 Cm),Consumable , Polyglactin 910 With Triclosan (Irgacre Mp) Coating 1, 1/2 Circle Round Body(40 Mm 90 Cm),Consumable , Polyglactin 910 With Triclosan (Irgacre Mp) Coating 1-0, 1/2 Circle Reserve Cutting O.S(40 Mm 90 Cm),Consumable , Polyglactin 910 With Triclosan (Irgacre Mp) Coating 1-0, 1/2 Circle Round Body(40 Mm 90 Cm),Consumable , Polyglactin 910 With Triclosan (Irgacre Mp) Coating 2-0, 1/2 Circle Round Body(30 Mm 90 Cm),Consumable , Polyglactin 910 With Triclosan (Irgacre Mp) Coating 3-0, 1/2 Circle Round Body(20 Mm 90 Cm),Consumable , Polyglactin 910 With Triclosan (Irgacre Mp) Coating 3-0, 3/8 Circle Reserve Cutting(26 Mm 70 Cm),Consumable , Polyglecaprone With 1/ 2 Cir Oval Rb Contrast Needle(26 Mm Length 70Cm- 3/0),Consumable , Polyglecaprone With 1/ 2 Cir Oval Rb Jb Needle(26 Mm Length 70 Cm- 2/0),Consumable , Polyglecaprone With 1/2 Cir Oval/Rb Needle 26 Mm Length 70 Cm Size 3/0(12 Foils/Pkt),Consumable , Polyglecaprone With Curved 5/0 Reverse Cutting Needle(16 Mm),Consumable , Polyglycolic Acid Absorbable Surgical Suture (12 Foils/Pkt)(1/2 Cir Rb Needle 20 Mm, Length 70 Cm Size - , Polyglycolic Acid Absorbable Surgical Suture (12 Foils/Pkt)(1/2 Cir Rb Needle 40 Mm, Length 90 Cm Size - , Polymaide Mono Filament (Nylon) With Cd Cut Needle 20 Mm Length 70 Cm Size 2/0 (12 Foils/Pkt) , Polypropylene And Polyglecaprone 25 Composite Partialy Absorbable Monofilament Mesh Of(Size 10 X 15 , Polypropylene And Polyglecaprone 25 Composite Partialy Absorbable Monofilament Mesh Of(Size 10X 15 , Polypropylene And Polyglecaprone 25 Composite Partialy Absorbable Monofilament Mesh Of(Size 15 X 15 , Polypropylene And Polyglecaprone 25 Composite Partialy Absorbable Monofilament Mesh Of(Size 6 X 11 Cm),Consumable , Polypropylene And Polyglecaprone 25 Composite Partialy Absorbable Monofilament Mesh Of(Size 6 X 11 Cm),Consumable , Polypropylene And Polyglecaprone 25 Composite Partialy Absorbable Monofilament Mesh Of(Size 7.6 X 15 , Polypropylene And Polyglecaprone 25 Composite Partialy Absorbable Monofilament Mesh Of(Size 7.6 X 15 , Polypropylene And Polyglecaprone 25 Composite Partialy Absorbable Monofilament Mesh(Size 15 X 15 Cm),Consumable , Polypropylene Monofilament Sterile Precut Cd Reverse(Cutting Needle 6-0),Consumable , Polypropylene Size - 1, (12 Foils/Pkt)(1/2 Cir Rb Needle 45 Mm, Length 90 Cm ),Needle , Polypropylene Size-2/0 (12 Foils/Pkt)(1/2 Cir Rb Needle 25Mm, Length 45 Cm),Needle , Postmartum Gloves , Postmartum Set , Postmortem Table, 187Cm X75cm X 75Cm , Pregnancy Test Card(10 Card Pack),Consumable , Probes-Straight , Prone Wedges Foam Filled Wedges Covered With Nylon, Fitted With Rexene Straps To Position The Child Big, Height- 14 Inch, , Prone Wedges Form Filled Wedges Covered With Nylon, Fitted With Rexene Straps To Position The Child Small-Height- 10 , Puja Bell (Clapper Bell): , Puls Oxymeter Isi Portable , Pyrethrum Extract 2%(25 Litre Drum)(As Per Specification Attached In Tender),Chemical , Radiant Warmer , 150 Bulb Blue Led Light Chain , 3-D Puzzle , Real Size Animal Toys , Receptive - Expressive Emergent Language Test - Third Edition (Reel-3) , Refrigerator 150 Lit , Restorative Filling And Carving Instruments Set; 1 Set Along With Consumable : (A) Gic Filling (15Gm Powder/8G Liquid), , Reuse Prevention Syringe-Sterile Single Use Reuse Prevention Syringe With Detachable Needles Compliance To Iso 7886:4 , Reuse Prevention Syringe-Sterile Single Use Reuse Prevention Syringe With Detachable Needles Compliance To Iso 7886:4 , Reuse Prevention Syringe-Sterile Single Use Reuse Prevention Syringe With Detachable Needles Compliance To Iso 7886:4 , Reuse Prevention Syringe-Sterile Single Use Reuse Prevention Syringe With Detachable Needles Compliance To Iso 7886:4 , Rhythmic Rocker , Rolled Bandage 10Cm , Rolled Bandage 15Cm , Rolled Bandage 5Cm , Rolled Bandage 7.5Cm , Roompurfumspry 200 Ml , Rop Speculum , Rope Ladder Swing , Rotating Drum , Rubber Bowls , Rubbergloves Vinyl/Rubber Gloves For Hospitals Cleaning Nitrile , Ryles Tube (Pvc) Size : Adult(18, Each),Tube , Ryles Tube (Pvc) Size : Adult: 16(Each),Consumable , Ryles Tube (Pvc) Size( Children: 10),Consumable , Ryles Tube (Pvc) Size(Children : 12),Tube , Ryles Tube(Size 14 Each Piece),Consumable , Safe Delivery Kit-1 Plastic Desposable Gown (Non Woven Plastic Laminated, Leak Proof)-2(4*4),(2) Disposable Goggles , Salt Testing Kit(As Per Attached Specification , Kit),Consumable , Sanitary Napkins(As Per Attached Specification/Pack Of 6 Pads),Consumable , Sanitizing Agent(50 Ml),Bottle , Scalp Vein Set(Size 24G, Disposable , Each),Consumable , Scissores Bandage Cutting Ss/Metal Long Size , Scissors Bandage Cuttings.S.15Cm , Scissors Dressing Ss St/Curvedno 5 , Scissors Dressing Ss St/Curvedno 6 , Scissors Dressing Ss St/Curvedno 7 , Scissors Dressing Ss St/Curvedno 8 , Scissors Dressing Straight Or Curved, Sharp Or Blunt, S.S. 12.5Cm. , Scissors Dressing Straight Or Curved, Sharp Or Blunt, S.S. 15Cm. , Scissors Dressing Straight Or Curved, Sharp Or Blunt, S.S. 20Cm. , Scissors Mayos , Straight Or Curved, S.S. 13.5Cm , Scissors Mayos , Straight Or Curved, S.S. 16Cm , Scissors Stitch Cuttings.S. , Scleral Depressor (Wire Vectis) , Seguin Form Board , Semi Fowler Bed, Product Should Be Ce Approved, Overall Size 2060Mm (L) X 1050Mm (B) X 590Mm (H) Should Be Made Uo , Shadowless Lamp Ceiling Typemajor Light Type-Ceiling Lights - 2 Domes*Intensity Control-4 Step Intensity Control*Focus , Shoulder Immoblizer , Sims Vaginal Spaculam , Size Of Cassette(10 Inch X 12 Inch),Consumable , Size Of Cassette(14 Inch X 17 Inch),Consumable , Size Of Cassette(8 Inch X 10 Inch),Consumable , Sliver Nitrate (1X25 Gm 25 Gm),Consumable , Small Rattles: , Small Roll-13 Inch Long, Diameter - 3Inch , Snellens Chart , Sodium Hypochlorite Solution 5%(500 Ml Bottle),Consumable , Soft Mattresses For Floor , Soft Play Kerbs , Soft Play Mirror Corner Set , Soft Toy , Solubility Test Kit (For Sickle Cell), 50 Test/Kit, As Per Attached Specification, Control Sample Is Not Mandatory Acessories , Sound Activated Light , Special Chair With Cut Out Tray (Tailor Made According To Need Of The Child) , Spectacle Ocluder , Spectacles For Old Person:-Durable Non Allergic Plastic(Frame With English Lenses In Case (As Per Tender , Spectacles For School Children:-Durable Non Allergic Plastic(Frame With English Lenses In Case),Consumable , Splints (Ankle Foot Orthosis) 1 Pair , Spouted Cups , Squeaky Toys: , Squeegee/Washer/Wiper/Mopper 201-300 Base Aluminium Ha , Stainless Steel Plates With High Rim: High Rim To Prevent Spilling Over Of Food , Stanford Binet (Indian Adaptation-Kulshreshta) , Steel Almirah 36X19x50 22Gage , Steel Almirah Full Size Glass Door , Steel Rack 60X30x15 , Sterilant Cold Disinfectant For Dialysis Containing Peracetic Acid Hydrogen Peroxide Acetic Acid(5 Ltr Can),Consumable , Sterilant Hot Disinfectant For Dialysis Containing 21% (Approx) Citric Acid, Malic Acid, Lactic Acid(5 Ltr , Sterile Disposable Insulin Syringe Each (Graduation Upto 100 Units) 30G Needle(40 Units/Ml (30 G Needle, , Sterile Hypodermic Syring With Needle 10 Ml , Sterile Hypodermic Syring With Needle 20 Ml , Sterile Hypodermic Syring With Needle(5 Ml),Syrings , Stethescope Litman Type Diamod , Stretcher Trolley With Lift Off1) Trolley 122Cm X 61Cm X 78Cm 2) Stretcher , Suction Apparatus Foot , Suction Tips (Matal) , Surface And Fogging Disinfectant Stabilised H202,10-11%W/V With Diluted Silver Nitrate Sol. 0.01%W/V(5 Litre Can),Each , Surface Disinfectant 10 Minute Aldehyde Free Disinfectant Containing Potassium Mono Per Sulphate Powder((5Kg , Surgical Blade Isi Marked, Size 15(100 Per Packet),Surgical Material , Surgical Blade Isi Marked, Size 22(100/Pkt),Surgical Material , Surgical Blade Isi Marked, Size 23(100/Pkt),Surgical Material , Surgical Blade Isi Marked, Size 24(100/Pkt),Surgical Material , Surgical Blade, Size 11 , Surgical Spirit(100Ml),Bottle , Sutures 6-0, Braided Coated Polyglycolic Acid / Polyglactin 910, Violet Absorbable Surgical Suture With Needle,1/4Th , Swab Stick With Tube-Sterile(70-80 Mm Length 10- 15 Mm Diameter), Unit 1(100/Pkt , Packet),Consumable , Sweeping Broom With Bamboo Strips , Symbol 13-Line Translucent Distance Chart (10 Feet/3 Meters) , Symbols Low Constrast 10M Flip Chart , Synethetic Absorbable Suture 1/0 With 1/2 Cir Rb Needle Size: 1/0 Length 90Cm , Synthetic Absorbable Suture 1 With 1/2 Circle Taper Cut Needle (H) Size :1 40Mm Length 90Cm Polyglycolic Acid (Pga) , Synthetic Absorbable Suture 2/0 With 1/2 Cir Rb Needle Size:2/0 30Mm Length 90Cm-Polyglycolic Acid (Pga) 12 Foils / , Synthetic Absorbable Suture 2/0 With 1/2 Cir Rb Needle Size:2/0 40Mm Length 90Cm-Polyglycolic Acid (Pga) , Synthetic Absorbable Suture 3/0 With 1/2 Cir Cutting Needle Size:3/0 36Mm Length 70Cm -Polyglycolic Acid(Pga) , Synthetic Absorbable Suture 3/0 With 1/2 Cir Cutting Needle(Size:3/0 36Mm Length 70Cm -Polyglycolic Acid(Pga) , Synthetic Absorbable Suture 3/0 With 1/2 Cir Rb Needle Size:3/0 20Mm Length 70Cm-Polyglycolic Acid (Pga) , Synthetic Absorbable Suture 3/0 With 1/2 Cir Rb Needle Size:3/0,40Mm Length 90Cm-Polyglycolic Acid (Pga) , Synthetic Absorbable Suture 3/0 With Cd Cutting Needle Size : 3/0 22Mm Length 45Cm - Polyglycolic Acid (Pga) (12 Foils , Synthetic Absorbable Suture 4/0 With 1/2 Cir Rb Needle Size:4/0 20Mm Length 70Cm -Poly Glycolic Acid (Pga) , Synthetic Absorbable Suture 4/0 With 1/2 Cir Rb Needle Size:4/0 20Mm Length 70Cm -Poly Glycolic Acid (Pga)(12 , Synthetic Absorbable Suture 4/0 With 3/8 Cir Cutting Needle Size:4/0 16Mm Length 45 Cm -Polyglycolic Acid (Pga) , Synthetic, Monofilament, Nonabsorbable Polyprolene Mesh 7.5 X 15 Cm( Each),Consumable , Syringe With Luer Lock Technology(10 Ml Syringe),Syrings , Syringe With Luer Lock Technology(5 Ml Syringe),Syrings , Test Chamber Sleeves (1 Set Consist Of 2 Pieces) Consumable , Test Tube 12 X 100 (Medicm Size) 100/Pkt , Test Tube 12 X 75100/Pkt (Small Size) 100/Pkt),Tube , Test Tube 15X125 , The Standard Bubble Tube , Theraputty: Gluten Free, Non-Toxic, Red, Yellow And Blue Colors:(3 Container) , Therapy Ball 45 Cm And A Pump For Inflation , Therapy Ball 65 Cm , Therapy Mats 6Ft *3Ft Length 6 Ft And Breadth 3Ft (Length 6 Ft And Breadth 3Ft, Thickness 4 Cm) , Thick Handle Bent Spoon Stainless Steel Bent Spoon, Padded Handle 3 , Thick Handle Bent Spoon Stainless Steel Bent Spoon, Padded Handle 3 , Toilet Brush , Topical Fluoride Varnish , Torch With Led Bulb Rechargeble , Tourniquet With Belt (Good Quality Pairs)(Each),Consumable , Trampoline , Triple Blood Bag (Sagm )(450 Ml),Consumable , Trolley For Oxygen Cylinder (Small) , Tunnel , Tweezers , Typhoid Test Card(An Immunochromatography Assay For The Rapid Visual Detection Of Typhoid Antibody Igg/Igm In Human , Tyre Tube Swing , Umbical Cord Clamps- Plastic Material (Box Of 100 Clamps)(Mfg By - Precious Life Care),Consumable , Umblical Cotton Tape Length 75Cm. , Urinary Drainage Bag (Paediatric)(100 Ml / Pc, Each),Consumable , Urinary Drainage Bag Cap With Non Return Valve (Eo Sterile)(2 Litre, Each),Consumable , Urine Container Size Of The Container Shall Be 30Ml Disposable(50 Per Pkt),Consumable , Urine Culture Pot 30 Ml. , Urine(Multi Stripe),Consumable , Urosticks(50/Pkt),Consumable , Usg Gel(250 Ml Bottle),Consumable , Utility Gloves(Large) 100 Per Box Consumable , Utility Gloves(Medium) 100 Per Box Consumable , Uv Jumbo Fibre Optic Side Glow , Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales , Vineland Social Maturity Scale , Viral Transport Media With Swabs (Detail Specifications) Vtm - : (50 Nos Vtm 2000 (3Ml Vial With 2 Regular Swabs) 2.1 Viral , Vision Testing Drum , Warm Sleeping Beg For Neonatal , Wash Basin Stand With Basin Single , Washing Pawder 1 Kg , Water Bath , Water Cooler Ss Body 200X400 Ltr 1Cooling Capacity At Rated Condition- 200 Litres/Hr , Weighing Scale, Adult Electronic , Weighing Scale, Child Electronic , Wheel Chair, Non Folding Overall Approx Size 67Cm(W)X 112Cm (D) 92Cm (H) Ms , Wooden Benches With Cushion And Rexence Cover (B) Bid (3Ft Long, Height 12 Height 12 Inches, Breath 8 Inches) , Wooden Benches With Cushion And Rexene Cover. (A) Small (3Ft Long, Height 8 Inch, Breath 6 Inches) , X-Ray Cassets(6.5X8.5),Consumable , X-Ray Cassets(8X10),Consumable (Fujifilm) , X-Ray Cassets(14X117,Consumable (Fujifilm) , X-Ray Film 14 X 17 Sheets/Pack (Fujifilm) , X-Ray Film 8 X 10 50 Sheets/Pack (Fujifilm) , X-Ray Film Fixer(Powder To Make 13.5 Liters- Pkt),Consumable , X-Ray Film Fixer(Powder To Make 9 Liters-Pkt),Consumable , X-Ray Hangers(10X12),Consumable , X-Ray Hangers(12X15),Consumable , X-Ray Hangers(6.5X8.5),Consumable , X-Ray Hangers(8X10),Consumable , Xro Catheter With Ptfe Material, I.V. Safety Cannula, With Luer-Lock(G-18),Consumable , Xro Catheter With Ptfe Material, I.V. Safety Cannula, With Luer-Lock(G-20),Consumable , Xro Catheter With Ptfe Material, I.V. Safety Cannula, With Luer-Lock(G-22),Consumable

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 1000 /-
INR 60000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 20 Lakhs /-
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