Bids Are Invited For Repair and Overhauling Service - Pipe 6mm; HYDRAULIC SCREEN PRINTING MACHINE of Printing Machine; Yes; Buyer Premises , Repair and Overhauling Service - Pipe 8mm; HYDRAULIC SCREEN PRINTING MACHINE of Printing Machine; Yes; Buyer Premises , Repair and Overhauling Service - Nozzle; HYDRAULIC SCREEN PRINTING MACHINE of Printing Machine; Yes; Buyer Premises , Repair and Overhauling Service - Sensor; HYDRAULIC SCREEN PRINTING MACHINE of Printing Machine; Yes; Buyer Premises , Repair and Overhauling Service - HMI Repair; HYDRAULIC SCREEN PRINTING MACHINE of Printing Machine; Yes; Buyer Premises , Repair and Overhauling Service - HMI Software; HYDRAULIC SCREEN PRINTING MACHINE of Printing Machine; Yes; Buyer Premises , Repair and Overhauling Service - Pressure Box; HYDRAULIC SCREEN PRINTING MACHINE of Printing Machine; Yes; Buyer Premises , Repair and Overhauling Service - Labor and service charge; HYDRAULIC SCREEN PRINTING MACHINE of Printing Machine; Yes; Buyer Premises , Repair and Overhauling Service - Lock; THREAD SEWING MACHINE of Printing Press; Yes; Buyer Premises , Repair and Overhauling Service - Brush; THREAD SEWING MACHINE of Printing Press; Yes; Buyer Premises , Repair and Overhauling Service - Mirror; THREAD SEWING MACHINE of Printing Press; Yes; Buyer Premises , Repair and Overhauling Service - Bearing; THREAD SEWING MACHINE of Printing Press; Yes; Buyer Premises , Repair and Overhauling Service - Gear; THREAD SEWING MACHINE of Printing Press; Yes; Buyer Premises , Repair and Overhauling Service - Labor and service charge; THREAD SEWING MACHINE of Printing Press; No; Buyer Premises , Repair and Overhauling Service - Chimney Duct; CHIMNEY of Adm Mess; Yes; Buyer Premises , Repair and Overhauling Service - Chimney Cleaning; CHIMNEY of Adm Mess; Yes; Buyer Premises , Repair and Overhauling Service - Water Pump; CHIMNEY of Adm Mess; Yes; Buyer Premises , Repair and Overhauling Service - Belt for Motor; CHIMNEY of Adm Mess; Yes; Buyer Premises , Repair and Overhauling Service - Labor and service Charge; CHIMNEY of Adm Mess; Yes; Buyer Premises , Repair and Overhauling Service - Delta HMI; SUPERSHINE AUTOMATIC WASHING MACHINE of WASHERMAN SHOP; Yes; Buyer Premises , Repair and Overhauling Service - Delta PLC; SUPERSHINE AUTOMATIC WASHING MACHINE of WASHERMAN SHOP; Yes; Buyer Premises , Repair and Overhauling Service - 3 x MCB; SUPERSHINE AUTOMATIC WASHING MACHINE of WASHERMAN SHOP; Yes; Buyer Premises , Repair and Overhauling Service - 2 x unit Switch; SUPERSHINE AUTOMATIC WASHING MACHINE of WASHERMAN SHOP; Yes; Buyer Premises , Repair and Overhauling Service - Power Supply 12V; SUPERSHINE AUTOMATIC WASHING MACHINE of WASHERMAN SHOP; Yes; Buyer Premises , Repair and Overhauling Service - 5 x relay 5 pin; SUPERSHINE AUTOMATIC WASHING MACHINE of WASHERMAN SHOP; Yes; Buyer Premises , Repair and Overhauling Service - Wiring; SUPERSHINE AUTOMATIC WASHING MACHINE of WASHERMAN SHOP; Yes; Buyer Premises , Repair and Overhauling Service - Thimble; SUPERSHINE AUTOMATIC WASHING MACHINE of WASHERMAN SHOP; Yes; Buyer Premises , Repair and Overhauling Service - PLC Programming; SUPERSHINE AUTOMATIC WASHING MACHINE of WASHERMAN SHOP; Yes; Buyer Premises , Repair and Overhauling Service - WFD Programming; SUPERSHINE AUTOMATIC WASHING MACHINE of WASHERMAN SHOP; Yes; Buyer Premises , Repair and Overhauling Service - Drain Wall; SUPERSHINE AUTOMATIC WASHING MACHINE of WASHERMAN SHOP; Yes; Buyer Premises , Repair and Overhauling Service - Motor Servicing; SUPERSHINE AUTOMATIC WASHING MACHINE of WASHERMAN SHOP; Yes; Buyer Premises , Repair and Overhauling Service - 5 x Sensor; SUPERSHINE AUTOMATIC WASHING MACHINE of WASHERMAN SHOP; Yes; Buyer Premises , Repair and Overhauling Service - Automatic Water Wall; SUPERSHINE AUTOMATIC WASHING MACHINE of WASHERMAN SHOP; Yes; Buyer Premises , Repair and Overhauling Service - 3 x Three Phase Contractor; SUPERSHINE AUTOMATIC WASHING MACHINE of WASHERMAN SHOP; Yes; Buyer Premises , Repair and Overhauling Service - Labor and Service Charge; SUPERSHINE AUTOMATIC WASHING MACHINE of WASHERMAN SHOP; No; Buyer Premises , Repair and Overhauling Service - Tyre; REPAIR OF FOUR WHEEL TROLLEY OF FABRICATION; Yes; Buyer Premises , Repair and Overhauling Service - Barring; REPAIR OF FOUR WHEEL TROLLEY OF FABRICATION; Yes; Buyer Premises , Repair and Overhauling Service - Nut Bolt; REPAIR OF FOUR WHEEL TROLLEY OF FABRICATION; Yes; Buyer Premises , Repair and Overhauling Service - Labor and service Charge; REPAIR OF FOUR WHEEL TROLLEY OF FABRICATION; No; Buyer Premises , Repair and Overhauling Service - RO Membrane; REPAIR OF Kent RO OF ADM BRANCH; Yes; Buyer Premises , Repair and Overhauling Service - Sediment Filter; REPAIR OF Kent RO OF ADM BRANCH; Yes; Buyer Premises , Repair and Overhauling Service - Carbon Filter; REPAIR OF Kent RO OF ADM BRANCH; Yes; Buyer Premises