
Tender For Providing Road Furniture On Various Roads Of Zone 07 . - Supplying And Fixing Of Molded Shank Raised Pavement Markers / CatS Eye Made Of Polycarbonate And Abs Moulded Body And Reflective Panels With Micro Prismatic Lens Capable Of Providing To, Aurangabad-Maharashtra

Municipal Corporation Aurangabad has published Tender For Providing Road Furniture On Various Roads Of Zone 07 . - Supplying And Fixing Of Molded Shank Raised Pavement Markers / CatS Eye Made Of Polycarbonate And Abs Moulded Body And Reflective Panels With Micro Prismatic Lens Capable Of Providing To. Submission Date for this Tender is 10-02-2025. Road furniture Tenders in Aurangabad Maharashtra. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Providing Road Furniture On Various Roads Of Zone 07 . - Supplying And Fixing Of Molded Shank Raised Pavement Markers / CatS Eye Made Of Polycarbonate And Abs Moulded Body And Reflective Panels With Micro Prismatic Lens Capable Of Providing To
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Tender Details

Tender For Providing Road Furniture On Various Roads Of Zone 07 . - Supplying and Fixing of Molded Shank Raised Pavement Markers / Cats Eye made of polycarbonate and ABS moulded body and reflective panels with micro prismatic lens capable of providing total internal reflection of the light entering the lens face and shall support a load of 16000 kg tested in accordance to ASTM D 4280 Type H and complying to Specifications of Category A of MORTH Circular No RW/NH/33023/10-97DO III Dt 11.06.1997. The height, width and length shall not exceed 50 mm, 100 mm and 102 +/- 2 mm and with minimum reflective area of 13 Sqcm on each side and the slope to the base shall be 35 +/- 5 degree. The strength of detachment of the integrated cylindrical shanks, (of diameter not less than 19 +/- 2 mm and height not less than 30+/- 2 mm) from the body is to be a minimum value of 500 Kg. Fixing will be by drilling holes on the road for the shanks to go inside, without nails and using epoxy resin based adhesive as per manufacturers recommendation and complete as directed by the engineer.The contractor shall submit a two year warrantyfor satisfactory field performance including stipulated retro-reflectance of the reflecting panel, to the Engineer. 2 Road Marking with Hot Applied Thermoplastic Compound with Reflectorizing Glass Beads on Bituminous Surface- Providing and laying of hot applied thermoplastic compound 2.5 mm thick including reflectorizing glass beads @ 250 gms per sqm area, thickness of 2.5 mm is exclusive of surface applied glass beads as per IRC:35 .The finished surface to be level, uniform and free from streaks andholes.complete. 3 Providing and fixing Mandatory/Regulatory sign boards in circularshape of 600 mm dia made out of ____mm aluminum sheetbonded with white retro reflective sheeting of Class B ( Type IV Highintensity micro-prismatic grade sheeting-HIP) having pressuresensitive/heat activated adhesive retoreflective specified back ground,border and back side retoreflctive symbols, letters, numerals, arrow asper IRC:67-2012 Table No 8.3 Supported with back support frame25mm x 25mm x 3mm, duly painted on back side with grey stoveenamel paint and supported on one no. of M. S. angle iron post ofsize 65 mm X 65 mm X 6 mm, 3.45 m long, duly painted with withflat oil paint having alternate black and white bands of 25 cm widthincluding G.I. fixtures etc; fixing the boards in M25 grade concreteblock of size 60cm X 60cm X 75cm including transportation etc;complete. Class B ( Type IV High intensity micro-prismatic gradesheeting-HIP) shall have 7 years writtenwarranty from themanufacturer and authorised distributor/convertor issued for fieldperformance including the screen printed areas and cut-out sheetingand cut-out durable transparent overlay film and this warrantycertificate in original should be submitted to the Engineer in chargeby the contractor/supplier. 4 ProvidingandLayingof 2ormore sets (6Nos. eachset)DualRibsPatternRumble Markingsonroadswithvehicularspeedsofmorethan50Km/hr laidasper thespacing recommendedforeachsetunderTable11.1andFig.11.2ofIRC35:2015usingPlastirib 2K, or equivalent 2 component coldplasticprofiledmaterial. EachDualRibpattern rumblemarkingshallhavewidthof500mm.Eachdual ribpatternrumblemarkingshall have2ribseachofWidthof100mmandheight20mm.Gapbetweentworibsshallbe 300mm.EachrumblemarkingshallbemadecompletewithdroponSoildPlusreflective glassbeads@300gm/ OneSquareMetrespreadthroughoutthesurfaceofmarking.The finishedsurfacetobelevelled,uniformandfreefromstreaksandholes, includingsurface cleaning and cost of all materials etc. complete

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 600 /-
INR 8500.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 8.44 Lakhs /-
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