
Tender For Rate Contract For Consumables, Lab. Materials/Treatment Samagri/Kits, Etc. (Group- B), dumka-Jharkhand

Health Department has published Tender For Rate Contract For Consumables, Lab. Materials/Treatment Samagri/Kits, Etc. (Group- B). Submission Date for this Tender is 19-02-2025. Laboratory Equipment Tenders in dumka Jharkhand. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Rate Contract For Consumables, Lab. Materials/Treatment Samagri/Kits, Etc. (Group- B)
Open Tender

Tender Details

Rate Contract For Consumables, Lab. Materials/Treatment Samagri/Kits, Etc. (Group- B) , List , Abd Grouping Kit 3X10 Ml Each (Tulip) , Adk Drain 28 No. , Adk Drain 32 No. , Airway Or Mouth Gag , Alcohal Swab Pouch 100 Pc. , Ambu Bag (Paediatric) , Ambu Bag Adult , Anti Ccp Elisa Test Kit , Aso Titre Test Kit 35 Test , B B Splint , B.P Blade (15 N0.) , B.P Blade 16 No. (Tringulor) , B.T Needle , Baby Warp Towel (03Ftx2ft) , Bandage Roll 4 (10 C.M X 3 Mtr.) 40 Tpi , Bandage Roll 6 (15 C.M X 3 Mtr.) 40 Tpi , Bandge Than 18Mtr X 90 Cm Asper Scheduled&C Rule 1945 ( 40 Tpi) , Betadinescrub 7.5% , Betadine (10%) , Betadine (5%) , Billurubin Test , Bleaching Powder Contains Not Less Than 30% W/W Of Available Chlorine (Asper I.P) , Blood Transfusion Set , Bongie (Adult) , Bovine Albumin , Bp Blade 11 No. , Bp Blade No.(100Pc.) 11No. , Bp Blade No. 22 (100Pc.) , Bp Blade No. 23 (100Pc.) , Bp Blade No. 24 (100Pc.) , Canula Faxator , Capilliary Tube , Catgut 3.0 (20 Mm) 1/2 Circle Round Bodied , Chemical Reagent For Glucose Test 4X250 Ml Each , Chest Drain 28 No. , Chest Drain 30 No. , Chest Drain 32 No. , Chest Support Rolls (Large) , Chest Support Rolls (Medium) , Chest Support Rolls (Small) , Chikunguniyaigg/1Gm Test , Chikunguniya I Gg/ 1Gm Test , Cholestrol Test (2X150 Ml Each) , Chromic Catgut No. 1 (40 Mm) With Needle Round Bodied , Chromic Catgut No. 1/0 (30 Mm) With Needle Round Bodied , Chromic Catgut No. 2 (45 Mm) With Needle Round Bodied , Chromic Catgut No. 2.0 With Needle (30 Mm) Round Bodied , Chromic Catgut No. 3-0 (70 Cm) , Chromic Catgut No. 6-0 (45 Cm) , Circulor Hemorrhoid Stapler , Corrugated Drain , Cotton 100 Gm Net , Cotton 400 Gm Net , Cotton Stitching Thread (50 Gm) , Cover Slip 100 Pc. , Creatnine Test (2X150 Ml Each) , Cut Sheet(Long) Cotton Cloth , Cut Sheet(Medium) Cotton Cloth , Cut Sheet(Small) Cotton Cloth , Cydex Solution , Dengue Ns1/1G G/Igm Test , Digital Thermometer , Disposable Baby Muscussucker , Disposable Gloves6.5 , Disposable Gloves7 , Disposable Gloves7.5 , Disposable Gloves 6 , Disposable Needle 23G , Disposable Needle 24G , Disposable Syringe 1 Ml (Insulin Needle) , Disposable Syringe 10 Ml , Disposable Syringe 20 Ml , Disposable Syringe 2Ml , Disposable Syringe 3 Ml , Disposable Syringe 5 Ml , Disposable Syringe 50 Ml , Distilled Water , E.T Tube 2 No. , E.T Tube 3 No. , E.T Tube 3.5 No. , E.T Tube 4 No. , E.T Tube 4.5 No. , E.T Tube 7 No.(High Volume & Low Pressure) , E.T Tube 7.5 No.(High Volume & Low Pressure) , Ecg 2 Fold Paper (For Bpl-9801 D) , Ecg Jelly , Edta Tube (Nv) , Elbow Length Gloves 6.5 , Elisa Hbsag Test Kit (96 Test) , Elisa Hcv Testkit (96 Test) , Elisa Hiv Test Kit (96 Test) 4G , Endomotor Files (Asorted)(21 Mm) , Endomotor Files (Asorted)(25 Mm) , Endotracheal Tube No. -5 , Endotracheal Tube No. -5.5 , Endotracheal Tube No. -6 , Endotracheal Tube No. -6.5 , Endotracheal Tube No. -7 , Endotracheal Tube No. -7.5 , Endotracheal Tube No. -8 , Esg Fixer (Easy) Tape (2 Inch/48 Mm) , Esr Fluid , Esr Vial , Eye Towel Cotton Cloth (Size 40X40) , Eye Wipes (Size- 20X15) , Filter Paper 100 Pc. , Flatus Tube (16,18,19,20 Nos.) , Flatus Tube (21,22,23,24,25 No.) , Flurescin Strip , Foley Catheter (8 No.) , Foley Catheter 10 No. , Foley Catheter 12 No. , Foley Catheter 14 No. , Foleys Cathaters Size 16 , Foleys Cathaters Size 18 , Foot Operated Dustbin-Blue (Approx. 12-15 Lit.) , Foot Operated Dustbin-Red (Approx. 12-15 Lit.) , Foot Operated Dustbin-Yellow (Approx. 12-15 Lit.) , Formaldehyde Solution , Formaline Liquid , Gatta Parcha (Gp) 4% Size(20 Mm) , Gatta Parcha (Gp) 4% Size (25 Mm) , Gaudge Than 18Mtrx90 Cm Asper Schedule D&C Rule 1945 (40 Tpi) , Gelco Sponge/Surgical , Glass Slide , Glucometer Lancet , Glucometer Test Strip (On Call Plus) , Glycerene , Glycine Irrigation 1.5 Solution , Gpp (100) , Graduated Measuring Cylinder Glass (1000Ml) , Gum Boots , Hand Board Coverfile With Lave , Hand Sanitizer, 70% Alcohal Based , Hand Sanitizer,70% Alcohal Based , Hand Sanitizer,70% Alcohal Based , Handy Plast (Round Shaped) , Handyplast(100 Pc.) , Harvesting Skin Graft With Dermato , Hb Test Strip (For Blood Bank) , Hbs Ag Rapid Test Kit Tulip (25 Test) , Hcv Test Kit Tulip (50 Test) , Helmed Blot , Hemocue Hb 301 Microcuvettes , Hiv Test Kit (50 Test) Qwlpro , Hydrogeon Paroxide (500 Ml.) , I.V.Set , I-Gel (3,4,5) , Intracath Canula 20G , Intracath Canula 22G , Intracath Canula 16G , Intracath Canula 18G , Intracath Canula 24G , Intracath Canula 26G. , Intracostal Drainage Tube 20 No. , Intracostal Drainage Tube 24 No. , Intracostal Drainage Tube 28 No. , Intracostal Drainage Tube 32 No. , Isoflurane (Bottle) , Jsb Stain A , Jsb Stain B , Leishman Stain , Leucoplast 2 (5 Mtr.) , Leucoplast 4 (5 Mtr.) , Leukopor 2.5 Cmx9.14 Cm , Lid Set (26 Packs) , Mackintosh Sheet (Ruber) , Macoy Blade 4 No. (For Laryngoscope) , Magnifying Glass (4 Inch-D) , Malaria Test Kit , Mattress For Hospitalfowler Bed (Material - Pu Foam) (Size-7X4) , Mattress For Hospital General Bed (3 Hitlon 1 Foam (Size 7X4) , Mattress For Hospital Semi Fowler Bed (Material -Foam 3-2 Fold (Size-7X4) , Mersilk No. 1 (60 Mm) Cutting Bodied , Mersilk No. 1.0 (45 Mm) Cutting Bodied , Mersilk No. 2.0 (45 Mm) Cutting Bodied , Mersilk No. 3.0 (16 Mm) Cutting Bodied , Mersilk No. 3.0 (26 Mm) Cutting Bodied , Mersilk No. 3.0 (26 Mm) Round Bodied , Methnol (Acetone Free) 500 Ml , Micropipette Tips For 5-50 ?Lmicropipette) , Micropore All Size (3 Mtr.) , Miniplate (Niti) For Plating Surgery , Mopping Bucket , Mount , Mouth Mirror , N.G. Tube (No. 0,1,2,3,4) , N.G. Tube 08 , N.G. Tube 10 , N/10 Hcl , N-95 Mask , Nasogestric Tube (Ryles Tube) No.18 , Nasogestric Tube (Ryles Tube) No.20 , Nasogestric Tube (Ryles Tube) No. 16 , Nebulisation Mask (Pedia) , Nebulization Mask (Adult) , Nylon Suture(10-0)(35 Cm) 3/8Circle 6Mm Double Arm , Nylus Suture (Monofilament Polyamide) (16 Mm)Cutting Bodied , Nylus Suture (Monofilament Polyamide) 2.0 No. (45 Mm) 3/8 Circle Cutting Bodied , Nylus Suture (Monofilament Polyamide) 3.0 No. (26 Mm)Cutting Bodied , O.T. Dress For Staffs , O2 Mask (Pedia) , Oropharyngeal Airway (Adult Size) , Ot Slipper (6,7 Nos.) , Ot Slipper 8 No. , Oxgeon Mask (Adult Size) , Oxygeon Pipe Set (Adult) , Oxygeon Pipe Set (Child) , Parafin Gauze (10 Cmx10cm) , Patient Dress For Ot , Patient Gown For Ot , Phenyl 5 Ltr. (White) , Plain (Red Stopper) Tube (5 Ml Size) , Plain Rubber Cathetersize 3 To 8 , Plaster Of Paris Bandage (Width 10 Cm.) , Plaster Of Paris Bandage (Width 15 Cm.) , Plastic Apron , Plastic Funnel (Medium Size) , Plastic Funnel (Small Size) , Plastic Poly Propylene Graduated Measuring Cylinder (1000Ml) , Pop 4 (Roll) (10 Cm X 2.7 M) , Pop 6 (Roll) (15 Cm X 2.7 M) , Pregnancy Test Kit (Rapid Card) , Prolene 1/0 (30 Mm) Round Bodied , Prolene 2/0 (30 Mm) Round Bodied , Prolene Mesh 12X15 , Prolene Mesh 6X4 , Prolene No 1 (40 Mm) Round Bodied , Proline No 3.0 (25 Mm) Round Bodied , Pure Cotton Hand Towael (16 Inchx24 Inch) , Rapid Test For Microfileria(05 Test) , Rbc Diluting Fluied 500 Ml , Rebreathing O2 Bag (2 Ltr.) , Rk 39 Testkala Azar Test (Leash Chek) , Roll Bandge 100% Cotton (Width 10 Cm., Length 5 M.) , Roll Bandge 100% Cotton (Width 15Cm., Length 5 M.) , Ryles Tube 2 No. , Ryles Tube 3 No. , Ryles Tube 4 No. , Ryles Tube 5 No. , Ryles Tube 6 No. , Ryles Tube 7 No. , Ryles Tube No. 12 , Ryles Tube No. 14 , Sahlis Graduated Hemoglobin(Hb) Dilution Tube -Square Type , Sahlis Hemoglobin (Hb) Dilution Tube (Square Type) , Sahlis Hemoglobin (Hb) Pipette , Sahlis Hemoglobin (Hb) Pipette , Sahlis Hemoglobin Meter Set , Salahs Reusable Needle 14 No. , Salahs Reusable Needle 16 No. , Salashs Reusable Needle 18 No. , Sargical Sprit - 100 Ml. Bottle , Scalpel Blade 18 No. , Scalpel Blade 24 No. , Scalpvein Set 20 G , Scalpvein Set 24 G , Schirmer Strip , Sgpt Test Kit 2X150 Ml Each , Silk Suture (4-0) , Single Blood Bag (Adult Size) , Single Blood Bag (Pediatric Size) , Single Use Sterile Safety Lancet (Size 28 G) , Skin Grafting Blade , Skin Stepler , Skin Traction , Slide (Glass) , Slide Staining Tray (Capacity- 25 Slides) , Slidedrainingtray/Rack (Capacity- 100 Slides) , Small Sized Towel 4X5 , Sodalime , Sodium Hypochlorite Solution 1% , Spinal Needle No- 25 Ga , Sterile Water 5 Ml , Sterile Wide Mouth Sample Collection Container With Screw Cap (100-150 Ml Capacity) , Sterile Wide Mouth Urine Collection Container With Screw Cap (50 Ml Capacity) , Stylets (Adult) , Suction Cannula , Suction Cannula , Suction Catheter , Surgeons Cap , Surgeons Dress , Surgeons Gown , Surgeons Mask , Surgeons Towel (One Meter) , Surgical Gloves 6 , Surgical Gloves 6.5 , Surgical Gloves 7 , Surgical Gloves 7.5 , Surgical Sperit , Synthetic Surgical Suture 6-0 , T Sh Test Kit (Elisa) , T3 Test Kit (Elisa) , T4 Test Kit(Elisa) , Telcum Powder , Test Tube (Glass) (12X75) , Test Tube (Plastic) (12X75) , Test Tube Stand/Rack With Approx 12-15 Test Tube For 5Ml Test Tube , Test Tube Stand/Rack With Approx 20 Test Tube Capacity For 5Ml Test Tube Capacity , Test Tube Stand/Rack With Approx 30 Test Tube Capacity For 5Ml Test Tube , Tetra Pak , Thermometer , Three Way Canula (Adult) , Tincture Iodine 1 Ltr. , Tissue Paper Roll , Tissue Paper Roll 2 Ply, 8.00 Count , Tissue Retrival Bag , Tourniquet , Traction Weight , Traction Weight , Triple Layer Mask , Trop I , Trop T , T-Tube No 14 , T-Tube No 16 , Tube Drain 30 No. , Tyhphoid Test Kit 1 Gg./Igm , Ultra Sound Gel Aqua Scan , Ultra Sound Gel Jar , Urea Test 2X150 Ml Each , Uric Acid Test (2X250 Ml Each ) , Urine Test Strip (Alb.+ Sug.) 100 Strip , Urobag , Vaccum Drain 10 No. , Vaccum Drain 14 No. , Vaccum Drain 16 No. , Variable Volume Micropipette (5-50 ?L Capacity) , Vdrl Test Kit (Syphilis) Device , Vicryl 1/0 (40 Mm) Round Bodied , Vicryl 2/0 (30 Mm) Round Bodied , Vicryl No 1 (40 Mm) Round Bodied , Vicryl No. 1 (40 Mm) Cutting Bidied , Vicryl No. 3.0(20 Mm) Round Bodied , Vicryl Suture(6-0)(45 Cm) 3/8 Circle Cutting , Virgin Silk 10 No. , Virgin Silk 8 No. , Virgin Silk 8-0 (3/8 Circle) , Wbc Fluid , Widal Kit 4X5 Ml , Wire Vectis , X-Ray Film 8X10 (150 Pc.) Digital , Yankaner Suction Set 20 No. , Zinc Iodine Lotion , Zinc Oxide Engemol Cement , Zinc Oxide Engenol (Powder/Liquid) 1Kg./Ltr.

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