
Tender For Rate Contract For Consumables/Instrument Etc. For Orthopaedics Dept. (Group- E), dumka-Jharkhand

Health Department has published Tender For Rate Contract For Consumables/Instrument Etc. For Orthopaedics Dept. (Group- E). Submission Date for this Tender is 19-02-2025. Orthopedic equipment Tenders in dumka Jharkhand. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Rate Contract For Consumables/Instrument Etc. For Orthopaedics Dept. (Group- E)
Open Tender

Tender Details

Rate Contract For Consumables/Instrument Etc. For Orthopaedics Dept. (Group- E) , List , Allies Forceps Big , Allies Forceps Medium , Allies Forceps Small , Antigrade Proximal Femoral Nail Set, Ss , Artery Forceps Curved (Fine Tip) 4 (Mosquito)- , Artery Forceps Curved (Fine Tip) 6 Medium , Artery Forceps Curved (Fine Tip) 8Long , Artery Forceps Curved (Fine Tip) 9Long , Artery Forceps Straight 6 - , B.P. Handle No.3 , Bohler Brown Splint, Large , Bohler Brown Splint, Medium , Bohler Brown Splint, Small , Bohler Stirrup, Splint, Large , Bohler Stirrup, Splint, Medium , Bohler Stirrup, Splint, Small , Bone Awl Small , Bone Awllarge , Bone Cement Mixing Bowl With Spatula, Ss , Bone Cuttersingle Action Straight Medium , Bone Cutter Single Action Straight Big , Bone Gouge(Mastoid Goose) , Bone Holding Clamps (Ao Type) Big , Bone Holding Clamps (Ao Type) Medium , Bone Holding Clamps (Ao Type) Small , Bone Leverlarge , Bone Levermedium , Bone Leversmall , Bone Nibbler Single Action Curved Medium , Bone Nibbler Single Action Curved Small , Bone Nibbler Single Action Straight Medium , Bone Nibbler Single Action Straight Small , Bone Reduction Clampsarm , Bone Reduction Clampsfemur , Bone Reduction Clampsforearm , Bone Tap With T-Handle 3.5 Mm , Bone Tap With T-Handle 4.5 Mm , Bone Tap With T-Handle 6.5 Mm , Bonke Cuttersingle Action Straight Small , Cannulated Bone Tap 3.5 Mm Dia , Cannulated Bone Tap 4.5 Mm Dia , Cannulated Bone Tap 6.5 Mm Dia , Cannulated Drill Bit 2.7 Mm Dia, Ss , Cannulated Drill Bit 3.2 Mm Dia, Ss , Cannulated Drill Bit 3.5 Mm Dia, Ss , Cannulated Drill Bit 4.5 Mm Dia, Ss , Cannulated Drill Bit 5.0 Mm Dia, Ss , Cannulated Interlocking Nail Set, Ss , Cerclage Wire Tightener , Cerclage Wire With Eye, Dia, 1Mm, 1.25Mm, 1.5Mm L-280 To 600 Mm, Ss , Charley Retactor With Chain And Key Standard Size , Cobbss Spinal Elevator L-279Mm Blade Width-10Mm Should Be Us Fda And Ce Approved , Condylan Clamplarge , Condylan Clampmedium , Cramer Wire Splint : Width 10 Cm, L 100Cms , Cramer Wire Splint : Width 7.5 Cm, L 100Cms , Curette/ Surgical Scooplarge , Curette/ Surgical Scoopmedium , Dhs Instrumentation Set Form The Same Firm Supplying The Consumable Items Of Dhs , Double Hook Retractor (Blunt Tip) Standard Size , Drill Bit (Stainless Steel) 2.7Mm 2 Flute With Quick Couplingend , Drill Bit (Stainless Steel) 3.2Mm 2 Flute With Quick Couplingend , Drill Bit (Stainless Steel) 3.5Mm Extralong , Drill Bit (Stainless Steel) 3.5Mm Quick Couplingend , Drill Bit (Stainless Steel) 4.5Mm With Quick Couplingend , Elastic Nail, 2.0,2.5, 3Mm Dia., L-440Mm Titanium , Elastic Nail, 3.5-4.0 Mm Dia., L-440Mm Titanium , Hammerbig , Hammermedium , Humerus Inter Locking Nail Set, Ss , Implant Removal Setlarge , Implant Removal Setmedium , Implant Removal Setsmall , Inge Lamina Spreader Total Jaw Opening 32Mm, Length-159Mm , Intramedulary Interlocking Femoral Nail Set, Ss , Jamshedi Bjiopsy Needle 13G , Jamshedi Bjiopsy Needle 8G , K-Nail Extractor With 2 Hooks Standard Size , K-Nail Reamerssize-10 , K-Nail Reamerssize-11 , K-Nail Reamerssize-12 , K-Nail Reamerssize-13 , K-Nail Reamerssize-14 , K-Nail Reamerssize-8 , K-Nail Reamerssize-9 , Kuntcher Clover Leaf I/M Nail All Size , K-Wire, With Double Tip, Dia. 1.4Mm, 1.6Mm,1.8Mm, 2.0Mml-150-300Mm, Ss , K-Wire, With Double Tip, Dia. 2.5Mm, 3.0Mm, L-150Mm, 300Mm, Ss , K-Wire, With Threaded Tip, Dia. 1.25 Mm,1.6Mm, 2.5Mm, L-150-300Mm, Ss , K-Wire, With Trocar Tip, Dia. 1.4Mm, 1.6Mm,1.8Mm, 2.0Mml-280Mm, Ss , K-Wire, With Trocar Tip, Dia. 2.5Mm, 3.0Mm, L-150Mm, Ss , K-Wire, With Trocar Tip, Dia. 2.5Mm, 3.0Mm, L-280Mm, Ss , Long Bone Instrumention Setsamll , Mayo Scissors Cvd 6 3/4 Sttilette Edge , Mayo Scissors Str 5 1/2 Sttilette Edge , Mcdonald Blunt Dissector Standard Size , Nailinginstrumention Setlarge , Nailinginstrumention Setmedium , Nailinginstrumention Setsmall , Needle Holder (Blunt Tip)-Big , Needle Holder(Blunt Tip)-Medium , Needle Holder(Fine Tip)-Big , Needle Holder(Fine Tip)-Medium , Osteotome Metal Handle Straight & Curved 10Mm , Osteotome Metal Handle Straight & Curved 15Mm , Osteotome Metal Handle Straight & Curved 20Mm , Osteotome Metal Handle Straight & Curved 5Mm , Osteotome With Fibre Handle Straight 5Mm , Patella Holding Forcepsadult , Patella Holding Forcepspacdiatric , Periostram Elevatorsmall , Periostram Elevator Closedended-Adult , Periostram Elevator Large , Plate Holding Forcepsbig , Plate Holding Forcepsmedium , Plate Holding Forcepssmall , Retractor Hohmann Type (Poined)-24Mm , Retractor Hohmann Type Blunt Tip-24Mm , Retrograde Femoral Nail Set, Ss , S.S Bowlsmedium , S.S Drumsmedium , S.S Trays Medium , S.S Traysbig , S.S Wire16 G , S.S Wire18 G , S.S Wire20 G , S.S Wires: 16, 18,20,22,24 Gauge. , Scissors Curved (Suture Cutting)Big , Scissors Straight (Suture Cutting)-Medium , Scissors Straight (Suture Cutting)-Small , Screw Driver For Cannulaltedbig , Screw Driver For Cannulaltedsmall , Screw Driver Hexagonal 2.5Mm(For 3.5Mm) , Screw Driver Hexagonal 3.5Mm(For 4.5Mm Screws) , Screw Driver Non Canulated 2.0 Mm, Hexagonal , Screw Driver Non Canulated 3.5 Mm, Hexagonal , Screw Driver Non Canulated 3.5 Mm, Hexagonal , Screw Driver Non Canulated 4.5 Mm, Hexagonal , Screw Driver Non Canulated 4.5 Mm, Hexagonal , Screw Driver Non Canulated 7.0 Mm, Hexagonal , Self Retaining Retractor For Spine Surgery Big , Short Bone Instremention Setmedium , Single Hook Retractor (Blunt Tip)Standard Size , Skin Staple Remover Standard Size , Square Nail For Radius And Ulna 1.5, 2.0, 2.5Mm Dia., 17 Cms 30 Cms Length(1 Cm Increment) , Square Nail For Radius And Ulna 3Mm, 3.5Mm, Dia., 17 Cms 30 Cms Length(1 Cm Increment) , Steinman Pin Intorducer (T-Hndle)-Standard Size , Sterile C-Arm Cover (Pair). , Suction Tube 10Fr Curved Down , Suction Tube 10Fr Straight , Suction Tube 7Fr Curved Down , Suction Tube 7Fr Straight , Tendon Stripper Closedended-Adult , Tendon Stripper Open Ended-Adult , Thomas Splint (Well Padded Thigh Ring), Large , Thomas Splint (Well Padded Thigh Ring), Medium , Thomas Splint (Well Padded Thigh Ring), Small , Towel Clipsbig Size , Towel Clipssmall Size , Universal Bone Drill (Hand Drill) With Chuck And Key- Standard Size , Universal Hand Drill Machine Close Type With Chuck. , Wire Cutter (Front Cutter)-Standard Size

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INR 20000.0 /-
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