
Tender For Renovation Of Temple Pond At Kovur, kovur-Tamil Nadu

Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority has published Tender For Renovation Of Temple Pond At Kovur. Submission Date for this Tender is 13-02-2025. Paver Blocking Tenders in kovur Tamil Nadu. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Renovation Of Temple Pond At Kovur
Open Tender
Tamil Nadu

Tender Details

Tender For Renovation Of Temple Pond At Kovur; 1 Civil Work 2 Earth work open well excavation complying with relevant clauses of T.N.D.S.S. Well sinking and with lead upto 10 metre in Hard stiff clay, stiff black coton soil, hard red earth, shales, murram, gravel, stoney earth and earth mixed with small size boulders and hard gravely soil -First depth of 2 metre 3 Removal of Excavated Excess Earth away from the site to 2K.M including loading and transportation charges etc, complete as per standard specification. 4 Cleaning The julifora jungle with uprooting 5 Earthwork excavation for foundation in hard stiff clay, stiff black cotton, hard red earth, shales murram, gravel, stoney earth and earth mixed with small size boulders SS.20B and Sand, silt or other loose soil, wetsand or silt not under water, light black cotton soil, sandy loam ordinary soil and to full depth as may be directed except in hardrock requiring blasting inclusive and levelling the site etc., complete - Open Earthwork Excxavation 6 Supply and filling in foundation with Filling M-Sand in layer of 15cm thick well water rammed to consolidation including cost and conveyance of Sand to site including labour charges etc., complete as per standard specification 7 Plain cement Concrete 1:4:8 using 40mm size ISS HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and labour charges and all incidential charges such as water providing etc., comlete as per standard specification 8 Supplying and erecting steel centering including necessary supports for plane surfaces for Reinforced Cement Concrete works such as column footings, column pedestals, plinth beams, grade beams, staircase steps, etc. which require only nominal strutting using mild steel sheets of size 90cm x 60cm and 10 BG stiffened with welded mild steel angles of size 25mm x 25mm x 3 mm for boarding, laid over silver oakjoists of size 10cm x 6.5cm spaced at about 75cm centre to centre or at suitable intervals etc. complete in all floors complying with standard specifcation - Plinth Beam 9 Up to 90cm 10 Up to 180cm 11 Column 12 Slab 13 Plain Cement Concrete 1:2:4 (one cement, two sand and four hard broken stone jelly) using 20mm size ISS HBG, including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and including for the mixing, laying and labour charges,complete as per standard specifications 14 Providing and laying in position Standardised Concrete Mix M-20 Grade in accordance with IS 456 - 2000 using 20mm and down graded hard broken granite stone jelly for all RCC items of works with minimum cement contenet of 325Kg/ cum and maximum water cement ratio of 0.55 including admixture (Plasticiser / super plasticiser) in recommended proportions as per IS 9103 to accelerate, related setting of concrete, improve workability without imparing strength and durability with about (5.0cum), 7730Kg of 20mm machine crushed stone jelly and with about (3.3 cum), 5156kg of 10 - 12mm machine crushed stone jelly and with about (4.79cum) 7670 kg of Crushed Stone Sand (M- Sand), but excluding cost of reinforcement grill and fabricating charges centering and shuttering but including laying, vibrating with mechanical vibrators, finishing, curing, etc and providing fixtures like fan clamps in the RCC floor / roof slabs wherever necessary without claiming extra cost etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers - 15 Providing and laying in position Standardised Concrete Mix M-30 Grade in accordance with IS 456 - 2000 using 20mm and down graded hard broken granite stone jelly for all RCC items of works with minimum cement contenet of 400Kg/ cum and maximum water cement ratio of 0.45 including admixture (Plasticiser / super plasticiser) in recommended proportions as per IS 9103 to accelerate, related setting of concrete, improve workability without imparing strength and durability with about (5.0cum), 7730Kg of 20mm machine crushed stone jelly and with about (3.3 cum), 5156kg of 10 - 12mm machine crushed stone jelly and with about (4.79cum) 7670 kg of Crushed Stone sand (M- Sand) but excluding cost of reinforcement grill and fabricating charges centering and shuttering but including laying, vibrating with mechanical vibrators, finishing, curing, etc and providing fixtures like fan clamps in the RCC floor / roof slabs wherever necessary without claiming extra cost etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers - The Coarse and Fine aggregates to be used should comply with the requiremnents of IS standards. 16 Suppling and fabricating and placing in position MS(or) R.T.S. bar for reinforcement to all RCC works as per the design given including cost ofsteel and binding wire also in all floors. 17 Plastering with cement mortar 1:5 (One part of Cement and Five part of Plastering Sand (P- Sand)) 12mm, thick in all floors including cost and conveyance of all materilas to site and labour charges etc,complete as per standard specifications 18 Painting two coats for Exterior surface with approved Exterior Plastic Emulsion paint approved quality and colour over a priming coat, including thorough scrapping, clean removal of dirt, etc complete and including necessary plaster of paris, putty, wherever required etc, complete as per standard specification. 19 Supply and fixing of M.S Grills with Doors and Windows with one coat of Red oxide with Primer including all costs such as welding,grinding and fabrication charges, cost and conveyance of all materials to site etc,complete as per standard specification. 20 Painting two coats with Ready Mixed Enamel Paint over the new iron works of approved quality and colour without priming coatincluding the cost all materials etc.,complete, in all floors. 21 Providing and laying, spreading and compacting graded stone aggregate to Wet mix macadam (WMM) specification including premixing the material with water at OMC in mechanical mix plant carriage to mixed material by tipper to site laying in uniform layers with paver in sub base/ base course on well prepared surface and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density complete as per clause 406 of MORTH specifications 22 Supplying and laying Rubberised interlocking Paver blockM40 grade Providing and laying of63mmthick high strength type conforming IS 15658-2006 of rubberized interlocking paver lock in size of minimum compressive strength of 40N/mm2 in uniform shape of approved make to be laid in flurring bone pattern with stone dust cushion below the uniform shap of approvednon skitting surface in the top and the rate including levelling the base preparation ofpavers as sub base, stone dust cushion 150mm thick layingout of pavement cut the pieces to fix the edge vibring the pavers,sweeping tranporting loading unloading of laying paver block as per standard specification,. 23 Supplying and fixing in position SFRC.Manhole covers of 90 X 90cm in size of best approved quality and as per standard specifications etc.,complete. 24 Rough stone Dry Packing for Aprons and revetments using rough stones and the cost shall inclusive all materials and labour charges etc complete 25 FRP DIE MAKING Project Name: PILLAR & TOP DESIGN Material: FRP 26 FRP PART Project Name: PILLAR - 24sq.ft (240cm x 23cm) Material: FRP 27 FRP PART Project Name: TOP DESIGN - 6 Sq.ft (50cm x 50cm) Material: FRP 28 Garden Bench model-kff-2001 4 feet,2 seater with enamel painted cast iron arm handle and seating and back with 9 wpc section size (75mmx20mmx1200) 29 Providing 3.5feet Penguin Fiber dustbin in various places on walking track with all necessary accessories etc., completye as directed by the departmental officers 30 Supply and Fixing of RCC pipe0.60cm dia including material nd labour charges etc., complete with standard specification. 31 Manufacturing, Supplying and Fixing of Stainless Steel Hand rails for staircase using 50mm dia 304L Grade Stainless Steel pipe of 1.60mm thick at required locations to a height of 900mm from finished floor level welded to 38mm dia Stainless Steel pipe post of 1.00mm thick as vertical at 900mm centre with 2 Nos. of 25mm dia intermediate horizontal stainless steel pipe of 1.60mm thick in between. The vertical pipe has to be welded to the 100 X 100 X 6mm MS base plate encased in the base concrete. The rate is inclusive of the charges for cutting, bending, welding, grinding, polishing, conveyance, electrical charges, etc. complete 32 ELECTRICAL WORKS 33 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Kesslec 40W Decorative Classic LED street lantern with a total Ht of the Pole shall be 4.0M, BIS certified withaluminairebodymadeofcastandspun aluminium,permanentlysealedopticalblock (IP66) with heat sink and polycarbonate protector (IK10) fitted with a VentPlug pressure equalisation unit, fixed onto a hinged spun aluminium frame, controlgearcompartment(IP44)accessedby loosening one screw for tool free opening and closing. Highly efficient temperature resistant lenses for asymmetric light distribution forprovidingexcellent photometrytooptimallycatertothe desired applications. Suitablefora galvanised painted oval shaped mounting bracket for Post Top version. Overallsystemefficiencyof120lm/Wat correlatedcolourtemperature(CCT)of3000K, colour rendering index (CRI) >70 and L70 rated lifetime of 50,000 hours. ElectricalClassI,ratedvoltage240Vac,Power Factor≥0.95,withBIScertifiedpotteddriver having internal surge protection of 4/4 kV and an additional surge protection device (SPD) of 10/10 kV (in both Common & Differential Modes). 34 The Decorative Column shall meet the following details: 4.0 metre height above the ground level made out of GI, tubular pole ‘T’ washed and primered. (ASTM A123, with minimum average GI coating of 65μm.), having two sections, bottom section of minimum 1000mm (L) x 140mm dia and the top section with minimum of 3000mm (L) x 76mm dia, in built junction looping box at bottom section with 32 A heavy duty 4 way connector for loop in & loop out. Design comply EN40 standard and basic wind speed 169kmph. The Embellishments are cast in iron and fitted to the column by grubs screw fitting. The embellishments shall be sealed to the column. The Pole Base plate should be with 250x250x12 mm. The column shall also be provided with flush door at the bottom with proper strengthening to the cut-out of the door opening.The Pole Shaft/pipe should be fabricated out of Steel tube of grade YST 210/240. Poles using pre galvanised tube or hot dip galvanised through double dip process is not acceptable. 35 The pole shaft and base plate shall be hot dip galvanized (7stage process) as per IS 2629 having minimum average DFT of 65 microns before the coating of epoxy primer. Complete pole & shall be treated with high quality epoxy zinc rich primer and thereafter coated with Polyurethane paint (marine grade) of minimum average DFT of 100 microns (Total pole thickness 165 micron).The pole shall have inbuilt junction box consist of connector for loop in loop out and provision for MCB. The pole shall be of composite’ construction designed to ‘wind load’ corresponding to a basic wind speed of 169kmph without any deformation or damage to the structure. CAT REF: 40WW WW LED & CHATSWORTH Pole 4.0M GI PU painted with Base Plate. 36 Supply and Laying of Cable 37 Supply and Laying of 4 x 16 sq.mm. PVC armoured LTUG cable in suitable size HDPE pipe in a trench to be excavated at a depth of 0.75 metre and refilling the earth to make good. 38 Supply and Laying of 3 1/2 x 35 sq.mm. PVC armoured LTUG cable in suitable size HDPE pipe in a trench to be excavated at a depth of 0.75 metre and refilling the earth to make good. 39 Brass Compression Gland 40 Supply and fixing of brass cable gland for 4x16sq.mm. PVC armoured LTUG cable with earth connection. 41 Supply and fixing of brass cable gland for 3-1/2 x 35 sq.mm. PVC armoured LTUG cable with earth connection 42 END Termination with Al Lugs 43 Supply and providing cable end termination of 3-1/2 x 25 sq.mm. PVC LTUG aluminium armoured cable with necessary aluminium cable sockets by crimping etc with electrical connection complete. 44 Supply and providing cable end termination of 3-1/2 x 35 sq.mm. PVC LTUG aluminium armoured cable with necessary aluminium cable sockets by crimping etc with electrical connection complete 45 Fabrication, supplying, installation and commissioning of outdoor double door cubical feeder pillar of suitable size with locking arrangement in front & back with rain cap cover suitable for 3 phase, 4 wire 415 volt 50Hz dust and vermin proof made with CRCA sheet duly compartmentalized. and 4 strips 100A capacity aluminium bus bar with colour coded heat shrinkable insulation PVC sleeve with i/c providing & fixing following switch gears & accessories therein complete with connections, inter connections with suitable size of aluminium strips / bars/ copper wires i/c powder coated with grey paint after 7 tank treatment, painting, two no’s earthing studs, suitable base frame fabricated with 50mmx 50mm x 5mm angle iron grouted in cement concrete so as to keep the feeder pillar 200mm above the ground level, cable allay and detachable gland plates at bottom, rubber gasket for doors with locking arrangement etc. complete as required.a) 63 Amp, 25kA, FP MCCB with spreader links, door interlock assembly & operating handle - 1 No (Incomer) b) 16Amps, DP 10kA DIN rail mounted MCB 46 Earthing as per the ISI specification with an earth electrode of 2.10 metre Class B GI pipe of dia not less than 40mm with copper earth plate of size 125mm x 50mm x 6mm with necessary funneling arrangements with necessary masonry work and with 38mm RCC cover slab for the brick masonry 47 Supply and Run of 1 of No.8 SWG copper wire for earth connection 48 Supply and fixing of TNEB meter board suitable for 32A Three phase service connection with 3 numbers 32A fuse unit (500V) 32A neutral link and earth link (1 x 1/8 copper flat) on TW plank of size 600mm x 450mm x 19mm with supporting TW reepers of 1 thick an either side with painting with suitable bolt and nuts for fixing the TW plank on wall with earth connection and inter connection with 7/20 PVC insulated copper wire from EB meter to fuse unit with 1 No 40 Amp 30 MA Four Pole RCD / RCCB (Higher End) with suitable necessary connection 49 CCTV CAMERA 50 Supply, Installation, Testing and commissioning of 32 channel 8 SATA NVR, with 6T Hard Disk Drive 4 nos, New logical and visualized GUI design Dual-OS design to ensure high reliability of system running, ANR technology to enhance the storage reliability when the network is disconnected,Configurable normal or hot spare working mode to constitute an N+1 hot spare system Video Input and Transmission, Connectable to the third-party network cameras Compression and Recording, H.265+ compression effectively reduces the storage space by upto 75%, Full channel recording at up to 12MP resolution HD Video Output  HDMI1 / VGA1 outputs provided  HDMI1 Video output at up to 4K ( 3840 × 2160 ) resolution Storage and Playback, Upto 16 SATA interfaces and 1 eSATA interface for HDD connection, Support upto 10TB capacity for each HDD, Smart search for efficient playback. and smart playback to improve the playback efficiency,Supports VCA search for fire/ship/temperature/temperature difference detection triggered video files, POS information overlay on live view and playback, POS triggered recording and alarm Network & Ethernet Access  Hik-Connect for easy network management, 2 Gigabit Ethernet network interfaces. (Make : Hikvision / Dahua / Sony ) 51 Supply of 8MP, Internet Protocol fixed BULLET CAMERA with following specification:●1/2.5 Progressive Scan CMOS, ● 3840 × 2160 @15 fps,2.8/4 mm fixed lens,01 lux @ (F1.2, AGC ON), 0.028 lux @(F2.0, AGC ON), 0 lux with IR, H.265+, H.265, H.264+, H.264, 2 Behavior analyses ( Line crossing detection, intrusion detection)● Face Detection ● 120dB WDR, ● BLC/3D DNR/ROI, IP67 complied●On-board Storage -Built-in micro SD/SDHC/SDXC card slot, up to 128 GB,● Shutter Speed 1/3 s to 1/100,000 s, ● 3-Axis Adjustment Pan: 0° to 360°, tilt: 0° to 100°, ● rotate: 0° to 360°, 2.8 mm, ● horizontal FOV: 102°, vertical FOV: 53°, diagonal FOV: 124°, ●Lens Mount M12 ● IR Range I5: up to 50 m, ● Image Settings Rotate mode, saturation, brightness, contrast, sharpness adjustable by client software or web browser, ● Power Consumption and Current-12 VDC, 0.7 A, max. 7.5W PoE: (802.3af, 36V to 57V), 0.3 A to 0.2 A, max. 9W● Camera out fitted with metal housing so as to prevent the lens from damages during physical abuse. (Make: Dahua/Panasonic) 52 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 55 smart LED TV with following specifications a) Full HD 1920 x1080 (4K monitor) b) IPS pannel c) Slim back light LED module d) 900 PMI e) Triple XD engine f) Dynamic scanning g) ANRh) True colour generatori) 8modes of picture j) picture wizardIII k) Real cinema 24P l) HDMI -3nos m) USB -3nos n) Built in LAN o) Magic remotep) Dimension 1242 x 724 x 55.1min(37). (Make: Sony/ LG /Samsung). 53 Supply and fixing of outdoor4X6PVC box with 102mm x 77mm x 102mm with all fixing accessories. 54 Supply and Clamping of CAT 6 armoured cable in suitable PVCPipe 1 thick on wall / ceiling with connected PVC accessories with clamps, saddles etc., complete. (Between ethernet switch to camera and radio modem) i. Application : Primary (Campus), Secondary (Riser), Tertiary(Horizontal)IEEE 802.3 : 10Base-T; 100Base-T; 1000Base-TIEEE 802.5 16 MB; ISDN; TPDDI; ATMii. Standards: ISO/IEC 11801 2nd ed.; IEC 61156-5 2nd EN 50173-1; EN 50288-6-1,EIA/TIA 568C.2, RoHS Compliant.Fire Rating: PVC : IEC 60332-1.iii. Conductor - Bare Copper Wireiv. Insulation - Polyethylenev. Twisting - 2 Cores to the pairvi. Cable lay up - 4 Core to the pair It has diameter of (23 AWG) 0.550 ± 0.015.Insulation : Polyethylene.GI wire of size is 0.90 ± 0.030mm. 55 Fixing and Termination of CAT 6 Cable RJ 45Jack Single Point(Point to Point) Crimping, Testing and arrangement charges. 56 Supply and fixing of 24 Port 2SFP with Module, PoE Giga Range Lan Switch.• 24Ports10/100/1000 Base-TPoE+ 4 x Combo Gigabit UTP or Gigabit SFP slots• Support IEEE 802.3af (PoE) and 802.3at (PoE+) Standard• Equipped with IEEE 802.3az Energy Efficient Ethernet (EEE) Complaint• SupportIEEE 802.1Q VLAN traffic segregation• Access Control List (ACL) feature to enhances network security• Auto Surveillance VLAN for easy integration with IP-based surveillance systems• Loopback detection (LBD) and broadcast storm control to avoid network downtime• Quality of Service (QOS) and bandwidth control to ensure smooth operation• Support Web-based GUI, Smart Console , Network Assistance Utility• Cable diagnostics function to help troubleshooting wiring problem including Optical Fiber Cable connecting network accessories. (Make: DLINK, NETGEAR,TPLINK) 57 Supply and Fixing of Rack with Accessories -Higher end 4 U Rack with LNS unit and fan extra for the above rack. 58 Supply and Instalatin for 1KVA UPS with Battery, Single Phase UPS (Single Phase In & Single Phase Out) Capacity - System with Battery - 2 Hours back up. 59 Supply, Erection of 6mLengthpole with base plate of size 300x300x12mm as per IS-875 with following specification. Pole Outter dia -76.10mm x 3.65mm Thick x 6 meter with foundation Charges. 60 GREENERIES 61 Supplying and Planting of ALSTONIAsapling of height 240 - 270 cm inpolythene bag of dia 30cm includingsupporting stack of 5 cm dia casurinapole of 10 feet height, including loadingand unloading charges, transportation,stacking of saplings at site, earth workexcavation of required size, planting ofsapling, refilling of excavated earth etc asdirected by the site in-charge. 62 Supplying and Planting of Pungam treesapling of height 240 - 270 cm inpolythene bag of dia 30cm includingsupporting stack of 5 cm dia casurinapole of 10 feet height, including loadingand unloading charges, transportation,stacking of saplings at site, earth workexcavation of required size, planting ofsapling, refilling of excavated earth etc asdirected by the site in-charge. 63 Planting of Hibiscus hawai foliage shrubvariety of height 30-45 cm in polythenebag of dia 20 cm including loading andunloading charges, transportation,stacking of saplings at site, earth workexcavation of required size, planting ofsapling, refilling of excavated earth etc asdirected by the site in-charge. 64 Supplying and Planting of Peltophorumtree sapling of height 240 - 270 cm inpolythene bag of dia 30cm includingsupporting stack of 5 cm dia casurina196 PD-895pole of 10 feet height, including loadingand unloading charges, transportation,stacking of saplings at site, earth workexcavation of required size, planting ofsapling, refilling of excavated earth etc asdirected by the site in-charge. 65 Supplying and Planting of Plumeria treesapling of height 240 - 270 cm inpolythene bag of dia 30cm includingsupporting stack of 5 cm dia casurinapole of 10 feet height, including loadingand unloading charges, transportation,stacking of saplings at site, earth workexcavation of required size, planting ofsapling, refilling of excavated earth etc asdirected by the site in-charge. 66 Supplying and Planting of Poovarasutree sapling of height 240 - 270 cm inpolythene bag of dia 30cm includingsupporting stack of 5 cm dia casurinapole of 10 feet height, including loadingand unloading charges, transportation,stacking of saplings at site, earth workexcavation of required size, planting ofsapling, refilling of excavated earth etc asdirected by the site in-charge. 67 Supplying and Planting of Albizia treesapling of height 240 - 270 cm inpolythene bag of dia 30cm includingsupporting stack of 5 cm dia casurinapole of 10 feet height, including loadingand unloading charges, transportation,stacking of saplings at site, earth workexcavation of required size, planting ofsapling, refilling of excavated earth etc asdirected by the site in-charge 68 Supplying and Planting of Saraca indicatree sapling of height 240 - 270 cm inpolythene bag of dia 30cm includingsupporting stack of 5 cm dia casurinapole of 10 feet height, including loadingand unloading charges, transportation,stacking of saplings at site, earth workexcavation of required size, planting ofsapling, refilling of excavated earth etc asdirected by the site in-charge. 69 Supplying and Planting of Shenbagamtree sapling of height 240 - 270 cm inpolythene bag of dia 30cm includingsupporting stack of 5 cm dia casurinapole of 10 feet height, including loadingand unloading charges, transportation,stacking of saplings at site, earth workexcavation of required size, planting ofsapling, refilling of excavated earth etc asdirected by the site in-charge. 70 Supplying and Planting of Syzygiumcumini tree sapling of height 240 - 270cm in polythene bag of dia 30cmincluding supporting stack of 5 cm diacasurina pole of 10 feet height, includingloading and unloading charges,transportation, stacking of saplings atsite, earth work excavation of requiredsize, planting of sapling, refilling ofexcavated earth etc as directed by thesite in-charge. 71 Planting of Aloe vera Herbal plantvariety of height 20-25 cm in polythenebag of dia 20 cm including loading andunloading charges, transportation,stacking of saplings at site, earth workexcavation of required size, planting ofsapling, refilling of excavated earth etc asdirected by the site in-charge. 72 STP ARRANGEMENTS 73 STP Arrangements 74 Air Injector 75 Water Fountain

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