Tender For Supply Of Items 1. Universal Testing Machine 200.00 2. High sensitivity dsDNA Assay Kit (Starter), with Fluorometer device 3.50 3. High volume floor model centrifuge 75.00 4. Light Fastness Tester (Colour Fastness to Artificial Light: Xenon Arc Fading Lamp Tester) 100.00 5. Insole starter kit with sensors, insoles, battery, coin cell, charger, coin cell and kit Portable insole Plantar Pressure Analyser with data analysing software kit 23.00 6. Multimode Microplate reader and fluorimeter 22.00 7. Reversible Hydraulic Sam Set Machine for leather making 20.00 8. Hydraulic Shaving Machine for leather making 25.00 9. Hydraulic Fleshing Machine for leather making 15.00 10. Long read DNA Sequencing Starter Kit 5.00 11. Wastewater Treatment Process Modelling Software- 8.85 12. Animal Behavioural Tracking System with Mazes 4.74 13. Manual hand spray booth cabinet with water curtains 10.00 14. Mass Spectrometer - MALDI TOF/TOF 350.00 15. Leather Hand Spray Booth 12.00 16. Pilot Scale Freeze dryer 85.00 17. Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC) 130.00 18. Automatic Force tensiometer with CMC Measurements & Adhesive Force Measurements 65.00 19. Handheld FTIR 42.00 20. X-Ray Photoelectron Spectrometer 800.00 21. Autoclave Machine upto 35 ltrs 2.00 22. Magnetic Stirrer with hot plate of 15 ltrs 1.00 23. Solids concentrator cum dryer 1.50 24. Electronic Weighing Scale brand with load capacity of 300 kg 0.12 25. 85 mm bore, Hand torch, Vernier Calipers, Thread forming with gearbox different size wheel, Glass Annealing Muffle furnace 12.80 26. Leather plating machine 25.00 27. Ultra low temperature laboratory deep freezer, -86 C 9.90 28. Automatic Force Tensiometer with CMC measurements & Adhesive force measurements 29. Deep Freezer (-40degC) 5.00 30. Lab Refrigerator (+4 degree C, temperature uniformity, real-time temperature display) 1.25 31. Stadiometer 5.86 32. 100KVA modular UPS with external 100KVA isolation transformer 30.00 33. 4 TB External HDD, camera tripod, etc 1.49 34. Video Conferencing Camera 3.00 35. CCTV Camera 5.00 36. UPS 0.17 37. 2 MP Dome Camera, etc 2.74 38. WAN Non PoE Ethernet LAN Port Router 0.30 39. Speaker set for desktop computer 0.05 40. Web Camera for desktop computer 0.07 41. 3 KVA Voltage Stabilizer 0.23 42. Router 0.30 43. Toggling board with clips 0.92 44. Height adjustable table 0.33 45. LaserJet printer 0.25 46. Laptop: Core i7 14th Gen & 32 GB RAM 1TB SSD NVMe Windows 11 pro 14 inch screen 3 years warranty 1.50 47. Mobile workstation - Core i7, 32GB RAM, 1TB SSD, Windows 11 Pro, 3 years Warranty 8.97 48. Water Dispenser (Hot, Cold & Normal, Top Load) with Cooling Cabinet 0.15 49. Laptop - Core i5, 14th gen, 32GB RAM, Win 11 pro 0.80 50. Analytical Balance 9.00 51. pH Meter 1.50 52. Kjeldhal Nitrogen estimation apparatus 5.00 53. Oven 2.00 54. Water Bath 0.50 55. Automated Soxhlet Extractor 10.00 56. Muffle furnace 7.00 57. Moisture Balance 3.00 58. Shaking water Bath 7.00 59. Steam Distillation 9.00 60. Hot Plates 0.50 61. Rota Vapor 9.00 62. Water Circulator- Chiller 10.00 63. Ultrasonicator 1.50 64. Hot plate with stirrer 0.50 65. Fume hood 9.00 66. Horizontal Shaker 4.00 67. Orbital Shaker 4.00 68. Centrifuge 10.00 69. Humidity Chamber 16.00 70. Offline SPE Chamber 1.10 71. Laboratory Type-I water purifier 9.00 72. Laboratory Type-II water purifier 10.00 73. Leather grinding mill 14.00 74. Leather Shrinkage Tester 75. Flexometer (12 station) 12.00 76. Penetrometer 12.00 77. Water Absorption, water vapor permeability Tester 12.00 78. Cutting Machine 25.00 79. Buffing machine 80. Drilling Press Machine 81. Heat activator 82. Split AC 2 ton 11.04 83. Precision Air Condition 80.00 84. 80KVA & 40KVA UPS 29.44 Equipment (through GTE) 85. Gas Chromatography with Mass Spectrometry Detector (GC-MS) 102.00 86. UV-Visible Spectrophotometer 15.00 87. Fourier Transformation Infrared Spectrometer with Attenuated Total Reflector (FTIR-ATR) 45.00 88. Gas Chromatography with Electron Capture Detector (GC-ECD) 40.00 89. Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) 150.00 90. Triple Quadrupole Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometer (LC-MSMS) 240.00 91. High-Performance Liquid Chromatography with Photodiode array detector (HPLC-PDA) 90.00 92. Ion Chromatography (IC) 90.00 Office Requirements 93. Desktop PCs 0.80 94. Photocopier 1.20 95. Printers 0.50 96. Scanner 0.50 97. Paper Shredder 0.33 98. Wall mounted fans 0.22 Other Laboratory requirement 99. Fire Alarms 11.00 100. Surveillance Camera 22.08 101. Cylinder Trolley 1.10 (ii) Equipment: Out of CSIR Funded Projects Sl.No. ITEM DESCRIPTION PROJECT NO Amount (in Lakh) 1. Flash Cutting Machine PPP240003 12 2. Skiving machine 1.5 3. Flat Bed Single needle Sewing machine 0.5 4. Post Bed Single needle Sewing Machine 0.75 5. Flat Bed Double Needle Sewing Machine 0.75 6. Post Bed Double Needle Machine 1.7 7. Zig Zag Sewing Machine 1 8. Toe Puff Fusing Machine 1 9. TPU Fusing machine 9 10. Sole Press 7.5 11. Chiller 12. Sole Stitching Machine 5 13. Fly knitting Machine with 3D, CAD System (Single Carriage) 15 14. Though feed Roller Ironing / Fusing Machine 8 15. Laser Cutting Machine 10 16. Vertical TPR Sole moulding Machine 10 17. PU Pouring machine 12 18. Storable Sewing Machine 1 19. Seam Rubbing machine 2.5 20. Pneumatic Hammering machine 0.9 21. Edge Trimming Machine 0.5 22. Brushing and Polishing 1 23. Counter Fusing Machine 2 24. UV Adhesive Activator 6.5 25. Moulds for TPR 9 26. Moulds for PU 9 27. Electrosynthesizer for organic transformations and electrochemical synthesis MMP035201 5.00 28. Automated extraction unit 50.00 29. UV Mini Cabinet 0.14 30. Pressure Reactor (Capacity: 20 L) 50.00 31. Distillation equipment 25.00 32. Tubular furnace 3.00 33. Sonicator, centrifuge, stirrer FIR030304 2.00 34. 600 MHz NMR Spectrometer CSPS-PEF 1200 Sr. No Name Category of Equipment/ Vehicle Item Quantity (Nos.) Project Number/ Code Approximate Cost (Rs. In Lakhs) 1 Weighing Balance 1 GAP 2403 0.24 2 Pre-Lasting and Lasting Machines for Prototype Making 1 GAP 2301 22.5 3 Full Shoe Machines for Prototype Making 1 20 4 Upper Closing Machines for Footwear Prototype Making 1 16.3 5 Full Shoe Assembly Machines for Prototype Making 1 22.5 6 Cutting and Pre-Closing Machines for Footwear Prototype Making 1 18.7 7 Network Attached Storage-Cloud Storage 8 TB R&D Consumables for closed loop systems (by equipment name eg. Kits for Illumina sequencer) 30 10 10 50 2 Chemicals (ex.- Name the different chemicals like Solvents, Biochemical/s, Biochemical kits & enzymes, Diagnostic kits, Sequencing, Oligonucleotides, etc.) 150 120 30 300 3 Other Consumables (ex- Insecticide, Raw Materials, Packing Material, Column, Syringes, Transcriptome and Metagenome Analysis, Metabolites analyses, Farm Consumables, TLC Plates, Filter papers, Planting materials, seeds, Chemical standards, Essential oils, Standard aroma molecules, Animal feed, Cell Lines, Agriculture accessories, etc.) 130 100 20 250 4 Glass wares (ex- name the different glass wares) 50 17 3 70 5 Plastic wares (ex- Name the different plastic wares) 8 6 1 15 6 Toner Cartridges. 18 2 20 7 Batteries, etc. 18 2 20 8 Gases (ex- tentative names) 105 5 120 9 Maintenance/AMC/repairing of existing equipment 55 40 5 100 10 Stationery items (ex- name a few) 25 6 1 32 11 IT / software-related Items (Name the items required during year) 20 5 5 30 12 Furniture (Name the items required during year) 89 1 10 100 13 Electric Items (Name the items required during year) Name of Equipment / Item 1. (-86) C ULT Deep Freezer 2. 1 KVA UPS 3. 10 KVA online UPS 4. 2 Ton Split AC 5. -20° to -80 ˚C freezer 6. 20kvA online UPS 3IN/1le out, 20kva online UPS 3IN/3out 7. 20KVA online UPS along with SMF-VRLA Batteries 8. 24MP Still DSLR APS format camera with 18-55 mm 9. 3D bio printer 10. 4 Probe Conductivity Analyser 11. 4 TB External HDD 12. Camera tripod 13. 65-inch Display interactive panel with CPU 14. Ahuja Wired Cardioid PGM-625 with PGB-48 15. Air conditioners 16. All in one Black and White Printer 17. All in one speaker phone 18. Analytical Semi-Micro Balance 19. Analytical ultracentrifuge 20. Asker C hardness Tester 21. Feed Ironing Machine 22. Attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared spectroscope (FTIR-ATR) with Accessories 23. AURO online UPS of rating 20 kva 24. Auto Pneumatic cutter press 25. Automated through feed roller ironing/fusing machine 26. Automatic Die less cutting machine 27. Bally flexing machine 28. Battery operated fork lift 29. Battery operated, single broom head, indoor and outdoor, mechanical road sweeper 30. Bell Knife Upper Skiving Machine& Twin Station Toe Puff Attaching Machine 31. Bench Type Industrial Oven 32. Benchtop pH/mV/ISE and EC/TDS/Salinity/Resistivity/ORP Meter 33. Benchtop Refrigerated Centrifuge 34. BET Surface Analyzer 35. Biodegradability Tester 36. Biological High-Resolution Atomic Force Microscopy 37. Biosafety Cabinet 38. Bomb Calorimeter 39. Bosch Coiled Wire Hot Air Gun 40. Brush Cutter (Hand Held) 41. Brushless AC Motor Vortes Mixers 42. BSL2 / BSL3 cabinets 43. Carbon coater (Evaporator) for grids 44. Carbon dioxide incubator 45. CESCORF Stainless Steel Anthropometer 46. Chairs for conference room 47. Chiller Machine for Shoes 48. Circular rubbing tester 49. CO2 Incubator - 180 Ltr 50. COD Digesting unit 51. Cold room 52. Colour fastness to light - Xenotester 53. Compressor 54. Computerized 3D Fly knit shoe upper flat knitting machine with single carriage 55. Conference Table 56. Contact mulling machine 57. Containerized security cabin 58. Containerized storage facility 59. Continuous centrifuge 60. Corded Brushed Electric Drill 500 Watt 61. Corded Small Angle Grinders, Power 220-240V AC,50/60 Hz 62. Counter Stiffener attaching machine with one set of mould 63. Crock meter 64. Customized RO Water Purifier - 50 LPH-1 65. Deep Freezer (-40C) 66. Deep Freezer (-80C) 67. Delasting machine, Brushing and Polishing machine, Pounding machine 68. DIN/Drum abrasion tester 69. DO (Dissolved Oxygen) Meter 70. Dragger pump with Tubes for monitoring of H2S, CO2, CH4, VOC, ammonia 71. Edge Trimming machine 72. Electric Kettle 73. Electronic Weighing Balance 74. Electrospray ionization Mass spectrometer (ESI-MS) 75. Executive table 76. Exhaust Fan, Motor pump, Ceiling fan 77. Experimental & Colour Matching drum 78. External Hard Disk - 1 TB 79. External Hard Disk - 2 TB 80. Fabrication of Reactor 81. Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography 82. Fire Extinguisher (6 kg) 83. Fish shredder coupled with pulveriser and pellet maker 84. Flame Photometer 85. Flame Proof, Full Glass, Distillation Equipment cum - Jacketed Reactor (25 Ltr) 86. Flash Chromatography 87. Flexing Index tester 88. Fluorescence microscope 89. Footwear Eyelet/Hook Clinching machine 90. Four Point Probe Meter 91. Fume Hood 92. GC with Volatile Fatty Acid (VFA), Volatile Long Chain Fatty Acid (LCFA), Pesticides and Biogas Analysing Detectors 93. Glass tables 94. Glove Box 95. GPU Server 96. Gradient PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) 97. Handheld pH Meter 98. Hard Top Loading Deep Freezer 99. Heat activating machine for sole bonding and adhesion testing 100. Heat resistance tester 101. Heat Setter, Sole Marking Machine 102. Heating Mantle (Digital Display) 103. High Speed Digital Homogenizer 104. High speed refrigerated centrifuge 105. High-end operating Microscope 106. Homogeniser 107. Horizontal Flame Tester Display Screen 108. Horizontal Laminar Air Flow Cabinets 109. Hot air oven 110. Hot knife 111. Hot/Cold Water Dispenser with Cooling Cabinet 112. HPLC-PDA - High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Photo Diode Array Detector 113. Humidity Chamber, Rotary Shaker, Multifunction printer 114. Hydraulic Fleshing machine for leather making 115. Hydraulic jack 116. Hydraulic Plating/embossing machine 117. Hydraulic Samming machine 118. Hydraulic Shaving machine for leather making 119. Hydrothermal Autoclave Reactor 120. Die cast aluminium microprocessor controlled magnetic stirrer 121. Stainless Steel Microprocessor Controlled Magnetic Stirrers 122. In situ Raman Spectro-electrochemistry 123. Industrial vacuum cleaner for HLS 124. Interactive Panel 125. IR Heat activator for sole and lasted upper 126. TKN analyser 127. Bio-Metric device 128. Laboratory Type II water purifier 129. Laboratory Incubators 130. Lace to eyelet abrasion tester 131. Lace to lace abrasion tester 132. Laminar air flow chamber/cabinet for PPE bio analysis and biodegradability testing 133. Laptop: Core i5 13th Gen & 16 GB RAM 134. Laser cutting machine for knitted uppers 135. Laser Projector with portable sound 136. Lawn mower 137. LCD Analytical Semi-Micro Balances 138. LCD Display Telephone Instrument Cordless 139. LC-MSMS (Liquid Chromatography - Mass Spectrometer (Tandem Mass Spectrometer)) 140. Leica Microsystems Stereo Microscope and LYZER Metallurgical Microscope 141. Light Microscope 142. Liquid Nitrogen generator 143. Luminescence confocal microscope with two photon excitations 144. Magnetic Stirrer (max capacity:5 I, accuracy: 2 rpm, body: SS, digital display) 145. Magnetic Stirrer-multi stirrer 146. Manual Spray Cabinet with Water Curtains 147. Meeting Table 148. Membrane flat sheet Casting machine with reactor 149. Metatarsal impact analyser for safety shoes 150. Microprocessor Portable Bio Gas Analyzer 151. Microwave Digestion Unit 152. Microwave Extraction cum Digestion System 153. Microwave reactor 154. Mincer - temperature controlled 155. Mini Desktop-Core i7 156. Modular furniture 157. MS Powder coated chemical oxygen demand digesting unit 158. Muffle furnace 159. Multi block PCR Machine 160. Multi-function Energy Meter, CT Coil 400/5A Class:1 161. Multi-Functional Machine MFM Photocopier 162. Multi meter 163. Multimeter water quality analyser 164. Multimode Microplate reader and fluorimeter 165. Multimode Plate Reader 166. Multi-parameter Analyser 167. Nano Differential Scanning Fluorimeter 168. Near Infrared Spectroscopy 169. Network switches – 48 port 170. Nitrogen Gas Generator - Pilot scale 171. Non-Refrigerated Centrifuge 172. Oil bath 173. Optimizers for record room 174. Overhead conveyor 175. Oxygen Gas Regulator 176. Ozone Generator 177. Pantone Products 178. Paper Shredding Machine 179. Peptide Synthesizer 180. Peristaltic Pump 181. pH meter (soil) 182. Phosphorescence Spectrophotometer 183. Photo catalytic Reactors 184. Photocopying machine 185. Pneumatic hammering machine 186. Pneumatic Sole Attaching Press 187. Polarimeter 188. Polypropylene sample drums (3 nos) Size: 1200 mm x 900 mm, etc 189. Portable Biogas Analyzer 190. Portable TSS meter 191. Potable water purification system with inbuilt water cooler with RO and UV filters 192. Precision Biometric device 193. Procurement and Installation of CCTV Camera 194. Procurement of Two Cylinder manifold with pigtail for CO227500, etc 195. Rapid Prototyping 3D Printer 196. Reciprocating Air Compressors-Electric Motor Driven 9.0 to 9.9 kg/cm2 197. Refrigerated Centrifuge with LCD display 198. Refrigerator-351-400L 199. Refrigerated Centrifuge with fixed angle 50mL Rotor 200. Replacement for UPS battery 201. Reversible Hydraulic Sam set Machine for leather making 202. Reversible leather setting machine 203. Revolving Chair-High Back 204. Revolving Chair-Mid Back 205. Rhinoceros Ver.8 is exclusively used in Product lifestyle industries for CAD 206. Rivotech Digital Reversion Oil Bath 207. Road Sweeper attachment to tractor rear-minimum 1800 mm width 208. Rotary evaporator 209. Roughing machine 210. Scanners 211. Sensor based Door locking system 212. Servers 213. Shaking water bath 214. High contrast display Analytical Semi-Micro Balances 215. Shock absorption Tester 216. Shoe repairing machine 217. Single needle post bed lockstitch unison feed sewing machine 218. Slip resistance tester 219. Slotted angle rack, Book case 220. Sludge moisture analyser 221. Small experimental drums 222. Sofas three-seater, two-seater and single seater 223. Soil test and fertilizer recommendation kit 224. Soil testing kit - sieve shaker 225. Sole Attaching Machine 226. Heel Crowning Machine 227. Chiller Machine 228. Solids concentrator cum dryer 229. Solvent purification system 230. TG-DTA apparatus 231. Spectrofluorometer 232. Speed Vac concentrator 233. Split Air Conditioner 234. SS Customized Chemical Reactor with Heating and Stirrer (80 lit capacity) 235. Steam Distillation 236. Stereo Microscope 237. Industrial Sewing Machine 600N 238. Supply and installation of 2 MP Dome Camera, etc 239. System for the evaluation of the Spatial- Temporal parameters 240. Die cast Aluminium Microprocessor Controlled Magnetic Stirrers 241. TDS Meter 242. Texture Analyzer 243. Thin film coater 244. Tissue Homogenizer 245. TKN Analyser 246. TOC Analyser 247. Toe Mulling, Heel Seat Mulling Machine 248. TPU Fusing Machine 249. Turbidity Meter 250. Twin station Hot and cold counter moulding machine 251. Twin station Toe puff attaching machine 252. Two Station Brushing and Polishing Machine 253. Ultra-Sonicator 254. Unbranded Dental Air Compressor 30L 255. UPS with at least half an hour back up 256. UV Chamber 257. UV-Vis Spectrophotometer 258. V R Glasses 259. Vacuum Desiccator 260. Vacuum pump, tank capacity 10 ltr 261. VC facility at AcSIR room 262. Vector Network Analyzer 263. Vehicle for transportation of material 264. Velcro Peel & Shear Rollers 265. Venetian blinds 266. Vertical Electrophoresis 267. Vertical Laminar Air Flow Cabinets 268. Veslic rubbing tester 269. Vibration Staking machine 270. VOC Analyser 271. VR Glass Specifications Display 272. Water Bath 5L Capacity 273. Water vapour permeability tester 274. Weighing balance (max capacity: 30kg, resolution: 1g, platform size: 300 mm X 300 mm) 275. WIFI 6 Router 276. WIFI access point 277. X band Electron Paramagnetic Resonance spectrometer 278. X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure (X-Ray Absorption Near Edge Structure & Extended X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure)- XAS (XANES & EXAFS) 279. Zig-zag & Sole Stitching Machine